Wolverine Tube HT Data Book
Wolverine Tube HT Data Book
Wolverine Tube HT Data Book
hi Ai ho Ao
Ao hi
Ai ho
In a large number of condensing applications in the process and refrigeration industries, especially where
water cooling is used, the value of hi/ho ranges from 2 to 5 or even 10. Since low- and medium-finned
Trufin have Ao/Ai values from about 3 to 7, these tubes are often found to afford substantial savings in
overall heat exchanger size and cost. In these applications the condensation takes place on the outside
(fins) of the tubes.
In other applications where air is used as the cooling medium, the air side heat transfer coefficients are
much lower than the condensing coefficients. High-fin Trufin is used in these cases with the condensing
taking place inside the tubes and the high outside area placed on the air side.