Analysis Study About Service Quality Improvement of Pt. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi

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Vol. 1, No.3, 2012: 149-158


Aditya Nugroho Santoso and Leo Aldianto
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia



Growth of industrial garment is advancing rapidly

at this time. The stability of economic and political
make many new companies springing up. As a
company in the field of garment manufacturing
services, PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi
should be able to read customer characteristics and
analyze customer satisfaction level based on quality
of service This research assesses the response of
sample visitors with 130 respondents from their
business partner through analysis of customer
satisfaction of the attributes of the gap between
perceptions and expectations of our customers and
using importance -performance analysis. This study
how measure how far the difference between
expectation and perception of customers in PT.
Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi. This process is
analyzed by descriptive analysis. The conclusion of
this research is most of custo mer was not satisfied
with the performance of PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi and its performance does not
match with customers expectations. Service quality
attributes that are not in accordance with customer
expectation is reliability, responsiveness, empathy
and tangible. In reliability dimension, the customer
did not get the promised service, then in
responsiveness dimension, the company doesnt
have willingness to help customers, and last in
empathy dimension the company doesnt have the
customers best interest at heart.this research
recommends that PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi need to hire experienced employees,
provided service as promises, provides a solution if
there is a complaint, deliver product according
costumer order, willingness to help costumer
problem, gives the best service.

PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi had

loses the costumers because it has not had the
good service of quality standards. Most of
them complained that there was lack of good
response from the company in addressing their
concerns about poor product quality, especially
T -shirt sector and Screen Printing. The
company which has ever complained about
products and service was PT. T rakindoUtama..
Delays in product delivery to the consumer
often happen in this company. The causes are
lack of staff at the sewing and also many of
overwhelming order. Because of that, quality
of service is forgotten because of all
employees just focus on production to be done
PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi needs
to be managed efficiently and effectively to
improve its service quality.To measure the
buyer satisfaction on PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi, SERVQUAL is needed,
which measures the quality of service based on
five dimensions: Tangibles, Reliability,
Responsiveness, Assurance and empthy
Research Objective
The author aim toAnalyzing the customer
perception about PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi. Evaluate the relation between
customers perception and the real internal
situation in PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi.Know how to improve customer
perception on the quality of PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi. Giving recommendation to
PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi

Keywords : Service Quality, Gap Analysis between

Perception and Expectation, Importance
Performance Analysis


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

concerning their services based on the findings

in the research.The information of service
quality in PT . Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi can be a new strategy for comp any
to increase their sales by aiming a good service
to costumers, so customer can be loyal tot the

reliability, responsiveness, competence, access,

tangible, courtesy, security, understanding,
credibility and communication. These ten
dimensions were later simplifying into five
majors dimensions (SERVQUAL) which are
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangibles
and empathy.

Research Question

Parasuraman, (1990) has identified five

dimensions of service quality, namely:
1. Tangibles: Appearance of physical
facilities, equipment, personnel, and
communication materials.
2. Reliability: Ability to perform the
promised service dependably and
3. Responsiveness: Willingness to help
customers and provide prompt service.
4. Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of
employees and their ability to convey
trust and confidence.
5. Empathy:
attention the firm provides its

The main research question discussed in this

paper is: How are the customers perceptions
on service quality in PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi?What are the gaps in term
of service quality between the perception and
expectation in PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi? Which attribute of service quality in
PT. Putra Indonosa that needs to be improved?
What recommendations are most appropriate
for PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi in
order to improve their service quality?
Literature Review
Service quality is most often conceptualized as
the comparison of service expectations with
(Zeithaml&Bitner: 2003; Parasuramanet al:
1998). Expectations of the buyer believed to
play a role in determining the quality of service
and buyer satisfaction. Because of the
expectations of the buyer of a company will try
to provide different services than other
companies. In order to satisfy the buyer,
Parasuramanet al (1998) defines expectations
as the consumer desires or demands that
should be filled with service providers.
Expected services are divided into two
services, namely desired service and adequate
service. Desired service is a service that should
be accepted by the buyers, while the adequate
service is a minimum service that will be
received by the buyer. Desired areas of service
and adequate service are called as the zone of
tolerance. T he magnitude of this tolerance
region different for each person and is more
influenced by the level of fluctuating adequate
service (Parasuraman, et al, 1994)

Parasuraman (2004) revised the SERVQUAL

model items into 21-item scale that are covered
in 5 dimensions that customers can receive
fro m specific servicing company. The 5
dimensions were:
1. Providing services as promised
2. Dependability in handling customers
service problems
3. Performing services right the first time
4. Providing services at the promised
5. Keeping customers informed about
when services will be performed
6. Prompt service to customers
7. Willingness to help customers
8. Readiness to respond to customers
9. Employees who instill confidence in
10. Making customers feel safe in their
11. Employees who are consistently

Parasuraman defines the service quality as the

difference between expected service and
perceived service, Service Quality (Q) =
Perceived Service (P) Expected Service (E).
Parasuraman imply 10 factors that should be
considered in assessing service quality:


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

12. Employees who have the knowledge to

answer customer questions

positioned in a diagram, where the average of

performance score ( ) that is a position on line
X, while the attribute on line Y is the average
score of Importance Scale by customer to the
attribute (? ).

13. Giving customers individual attention
14. Employees who deal with customers in
a caring fashion
15. Having the customers best interest at
16. Employees who understand the needs
of their customers
17. Modern equipment
18. Visually appealing facilities
19. Employees who have a neat,
professional appearance
20. Visually
associated with the service
21. Convenient business hours

?? ?

? ??

and?? ?

? ??

?? = Weight average rate of

assessment of the
company performance
??= Weight average rate of
assessment of the
? = Number of respondent
Cartesian Diagram that used is a wake that is
divided into four sections bounded by two
perpendicular lines that intersect at the point
( ?? , ??).

The gaps model of service quality positions

key concepts in services marketing that
commences with the consumer and builds the
organizations tasks around requirements to
close the gap between costumer expectations
and perceptions ( Zeithaml&Bitner: 2003).

?? ?

? ???

? ???

?? = T he average of the weight average rate

?? = The average of the weight average rate
of important assesment that influence the
customer satisfaction in all factor.

Importance -performance analysis (IPA) was

introduced to study a customer satisfaction as
function of both expectations related to
importance and performance (Martilla and
James, 1977). IPA analyzes two dimensions of
product/service attributes:performance and
importance. Performance ratings gauge
whether an organization is better than, the
same as or worse than competitors for each
specific product or service attribute.
Importance ratings assess how important each
specific product or service attribute is. For
example, some attributes may provide a critical
advantage while others only need to meet
industry standards or are not considered at all.
As a result, attributes with varying levels of
importance have a varying level of impact on
meeting customer expectations.

Research Methodology
The method consists of literature study,
interview, questionnaire spreading, focus
groups discussion and observation. By using
this method, the author would combine all of
the steps to create data collection and
eventually draw the conclusion of this
research. The steps used in exploratory
research method may be referred to as key
variables. It helps the author to delve more
deeply the problem statement andhelp the
author to achieve the main objective of this

According to the result of importance analysis

and performance analysis, it will generate a
calculation about the importance scale and
performance scale from the product and
The weight of the companys
performance and the weight of the customers
importance will be average and will be
formulating to Cartesian Diagram. According
by J. Supranto (1997) Each attribute will be

The author obtained the variables from the

theories in service quality. The author acquired
the literature study from several books which
described the service qualitytheories. In this
research, theories used to define which
characteristics of service quality that can affect
to the gap between expectation and
perceptionat PT Putra Indonosa Garment


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

decision-making process. The data which

gathered from the conclusive research is in the
form of numbers that could be quantified and
summarized or also known as the quantitative
form. T he secondary data source is coming
fro m the data which are obtained from the
management of PT.Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi and also from focus group
discussion. Meanwhile, the primary data
source is coming from the processed data
which are obtained through the questionnaire.
Researcher spread questionnaires in order to
collect the main data and then finally get the
conclusion of this research. All questions in the
questionnaires were close-ended to avoid
answers that do not have the relevancy with the
context of the research. Researcher provided
the questionnaire in Bahasa Indonesia to
eliminate mistakes in understanding the
questions. All of the questionsin the form of
Likert Scale, a bipolar scaling method. The
measurement is based on positive or negative
response which answered by the respondents.
The answerin the form of seven points scale
(definitely dissatisfied definitely satisfied)as
a respond of each statement in the
questionnaire based on the theory of service
quality from literature study by Parasuraman.
In this questionnaire, researcherassociates the
characteristics of service quality with the
hypothesis which is made by the Parasuraman.

Konveksi. This study helped the author to

comprehend the basic principles of service
quality. It is very important for the author to
comprehending the theory; the author would be
able to recognize the factors which may affect
the customers gap analysis between
expectation and perception.
Another variable which helped the author to
acquire important information was conducting
the interview with Owner of PT. Putra
Indonosa Garment Konveksi, Mrs. Endang
Irawaty. The purpose of the interview was to
find out the actual the service quality in
Indononosa. Researcher also asked about
Indonosas image phenomenon and the aspects
that influenced customers buying decision and
gap analysis. From the authors point of view,
it is an important thing to know, since in
business, it is not an easy task to maintain
relationship with customers. PT. Putra
Indonosa needs to find another information to
specify more on their customer gap between
expectation and reality in their company.
The authorconducted research for a week in
order to recognize and to observe the target
market routines. The researcher must know all
about the customer of PT . Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi. Firstly, reseacher observed
the PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi
office in Cibinong,Bogor.. T he researcher
looked closely at the sales activity and asked
them their target market aim. Secondly,
researcher asked PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi customers about themselves, such as:
age, occupation and activity. Through those
steps the researcher has the idea of how people
can be the potential buyer of PT.Putra
Indonosa Garment Konveksi. This information
is to be used as the foundation for collecting
data. However, the place where the
questionnaires were spread would affect the
final result.

The researcher spread the questionnaires in

order to acquire the sample elements that have
been established in the previous sub chapter.
The previous sub chapter, which is exploratory
stage,used for discovering the area of sample
elements where the questionnaires have to be
spreaded by the researcher. T he questionnaires
were disseminated either in PT. Putra Indonosa
Garmant Konveksi offices, or other places.
The questionnaires that have been collected
will be processed into a form of data by using
SPSS software and Microsof Excel 2007.The
next stepdata analysis. The data analyses
whichconducted in this research aregap
analysis and Importance-performance analysis
This analysis compares the two aspects of
performance aspects and aspects of the
importance of consumer perception. The data
obtained was processed and incorporated into
the Cartesian diagram. The result can be seen
attribute a gap between performance and

The result would be the determining factor for

the author to choose the exact sampling
technique to use in this project. After the
exploratory research had been conducted; the
authorcontinues to collect data by doing
conclusive research. As we already knew, the
conclusive research is done to provide the
information which would be very useful in
order to reach the conclusion or for the


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

Finding and Analysis

2. Garment Indonosa can providea

complaint/problem. (statement2)
3. Indonosa Garment deliver product
according to your order. (statement 3)
4. Employees Indonosa Garment has a
willingness to help your problem.
5. Employees Indonosa Garment of
service and personal attention to your
character. (statement 13)
6. Garment Indonosa Employees who
deal withyour matter with the clothes
he was wearing. (statement 14)
7. Garment Indonosa employees perform
duties in providing services to you
with all my heart.(statement 15)
8. Garment Indonosa have enough
equipment to fulfill your ministry.
(statement 17)
9. Garment Indonosa facilities are
visually appealing.(statement 18)
10. Employees Indonosa Garment has a
appearance.(Butirpernyataan 19)
11. Products are supplied in accordance
with the Garment Indonosa services
provided to you. (statement 20)

By using the gap analysis, the researcher find

there are 5 dimension characteristics that
influence PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konvesis service quality to customers .


Average of Customer

There are one most significant gaps with

average of customer satisfaction gap that
showed is in Reliability ( -0,16). The point that
affect significantly is in Realibilitys question
of Providing services as promised (-0,41),
Responsivenesss question of Willingness to
help customers (-0,30) and Empathys question
of Having the customers best interest at heart
(-0,29). This three gap is really important to be
solve because people will not get attracted to
PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi if
costumer feels that lack of PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksis management, untrusted,
employees do not always help the customer
problem and employess wasnt serious in
dealing with consumers.

That mean slow performance due to the given

conditions has not been implemented in line
with expectations, but itis a priority that is
expected by the customer.
From the results ofthe mapping between
perception and expectation suggests that there
is somepoint declarationis in quadrant B as
1. Garment Indonosa provide services at
the promised time. (Statement 4)
2. Youtrust the information given about
when the service will be performed .
(Statement 5)
3. Garment Indonosa employees provide
prompt service to you. (Statement 6)
4. Garment Indonosa provide a sense of
security and comfort on every
transaction made.(Statement 10)
5. Employees
consistently polite to you. (Statement

From the results of the mapping between the

performances expectation shows that there is
some point declaration is in quadrant A as
1. Garment Indonosa provide services as
promised. (statement1)

It shows that the performance has been

successfully implemented as expected.


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

An element that is not expected and is not a

customer priority and carried out with
mediocrity by the company, by the matrixis in
quadrant C, which is the following item:

2. Indonosa Garment can providea solution if

there is a complaint/problem. (statement2)
Lack of experience in garment industry make
company confused when faced problem and so
many difficult question from costumer that
cannot be answered. The expected answer is
not in accordance with costumer thinks. For
example: The staffs are often not able to
answer customer questions via phone or email
about the products.

1. Indonosa Garment Employees shows

confidence in your service. (Statement
From the results ofthe mapping between
perception and expectation, it shows that there
is somepoint declaration is in quadrant D as

Garment deliver
according to your order. (statement 3)
Delay in delivery product to costumers make
their so unhappy. Complaints and threats from
costumers make company feel uncomfortable
at work. This delay is caused by the lack of a
sewer and delay in the purchase of clothing
materials. For example: Every customer wants
their product quickly finished, this also
resulted in the company is not focused on
working on a project.


1. Garment Indonosa Employees have

there a dinessto respond to your
request. (Statement 8)
2. Garment Indonosa employees have the
knowledge and ability to answer
anyquestion that you provide .
(Statement 12)
3. Garment Indonosa employees can
understand the intent and your
request.(Statement 16)
4. Garment Indonosa has business
transaction hour that makes you feel
safe and comfortable .(Statement 21)

4. Indonosa
Garment Employees has a
willingness to help your problem.
Caused by the number of orders and hectic
atmosphere in office, Indonosa staff sometimes
late in answering questions from email and
short message from customers. Costumer will
feel annoyed because their question is not
answered immediately. Prospective customers
with one that should be made in Indonosa
garment has canceled because their answers
are not answered quickly.

This quadrant indicates that the statements

above are the less expected aspects, but the
achievement of corporate performance is
carried over or has exceeded ustomer

Analysis for Quadrant A

Based on Importance -performance analysis in
Indonosa Garment Service Quality, the
attributes of service performance is lower than
the perception of customer is in quadrant A
which are:

5. Employees Indonosa Garment of service

and personal attention to your character.
(statement 13)
Indifferent attitude and cannot handle costumer
request made to the companies have negative
image. This behavior and experience is caused
by the lack of professionalism in work. For
example: PT. Matahari complained Indonosa
staffs were not polite to them and they could
not answer the questions about the products.

1. Indonosa Garment provides services as

promised. (statement1)
Based on questionnaire results and interviews
with owners, companies are not able to
maximize consumer demand for quality
because sewing and cutting are less good.
Demand of the product is one factor that can
make the quality doesntt become the priority
of the company. For example: PT.
TrakindoUtama complained about delay in
an event.
(EndangIrawaty, Managing director, 2012)

6. Indonosa Garment employees who deal

with your matter with the clothes he was
wearing. (statement 14)
Indonosa employees have less sensitive in
clothes and they also didnt dress neatly in the
face of costumer. This resulted to costumer
who dont feel served and made the company


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

have a bad image. For example: PT.

see Indonosa employees badly
wrinkled and dirty, the PT.
complained to company that the
rebuked them.


In mid of production, customer usually

complain and suggest indonosa garment to
clean up the appearance and confront the
customer with professionals. Unprofessional
attitude is due to the lack of education of the
customer facing staff or salesman and the lack
of experience in working. For example: PT.
Putra International see that Indonosa
employees wearing clothes that were wrinkled
and dirty, at the time the company was busy,
so the marketing staff helped into the factory.

7. Indonosa Garment employees perform

duties in providing services to you with a
vengeance.(statement 15)
Less neat appreance, late responding to request
and questions from customers and less
professionalism in the works, make costumer
who was worked with the company have think
again to make clothes in Indonosa Garment.
For example: Because the employee is not able
to answer questions via email and phone of
costumer, many distros that want to wark with
PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi, think
again to work with the company, some were
not ordered.

11.Products are supplied in accordance with

the Garment Indonosa services provided to
you. (statement 20)
Errors in stitching, late delivery of products or
the fault of the company make the costumer
get upset. Disperepancies with services
promise the company made the costumer to be
disappointed and no longer to make some
product in Indonosa Garment. For example:
PT. TrakindoUtama complained to the
company because the company delayed the
delivery of the clothes they ordered, then they
threatened to not pay the remaining payment.

8. Indonosa Garment has enough equipment to

fulfill your ministry. (statement 17)
Sewing equipment of Indonosa garment has
not had a full of completeness. So, some of
production process must be done by other
companies. Costumer usually picks the
company that has completed in sewing
equipment, because if the company threw the
production process to another causing a
costumer is not happy. For example: PT. Astra
International is not ordered because the
company could not make some item that
require sewing machine that is not owned by

Analysis For Quadrant B

Statements 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 are shows that
the performance has been successfully
implemented as expected. Management of PT.
Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi must
remain to providing services at the promised
time, keeping customers informed about when
services will be perfomed, prompt service to
customers, making customers feel safe in their
transactions and the employees who are
consistently courteous. PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi should continue to make
improvement in service quality dimension to
get more number of loyal customers.

9. Garment Indonosa facilities are visually

appealing.(statement 18)
Untidy environment Indonosa office and
workshop, narrow room and the lack of an
organized placement tool has scattered the
stuff make the Costumer do not like to see the
dirty place. They finaly decided to not make
the clothes in Indonosa Garment.
example: PT. Astra International see the
condition of PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi offices is very messy because the
company was very busy at the time with many
request, and they rebuked and suggested that
companies care about the conditions of
hygiene office

Reliability dimension of attributes in statement

4 and 5 indicates that performance has met
expectations PT . Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi from customer. Almost all the
customer like the performance of company to
provide services at the promised time and keep
costumers informed about when services will
be performed. Some customers request their
clothes hurriedly resolved as deadline is close,
then PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi
was able to resolve their request.

10.Employees Indonosa Garment has a neat

and professional appearance.(statement 19)


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

Afterward responsiveness dimension of

attributes in statement 6 indicates that
performance has met expectation PT . Putra
Indonosa Garment Konveksi from customer.
Promp service from company is becoming the
superior value for the company. Customers
happy if demand in making their uniforms
quickly done. After the clothes finished, the
company will deliver the clothes to the
customer or customers can takes its clothes
direcly to the company.

states that 95% of consumers are satisfied with

the services of good or service will never again
complain to the manufacturer and 90%
dissatisfied consumers will no longer use the
goods or service provided by the manufacturer.
According Gap Analysis Result Overall
customers were not satisfied with the quality of
services provided by PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi. This statement is proven
by the calculation of Gap Analysis by each
dimensions of SERVQUAL. First, The average
gap value of realibility dimension is -0,16.
responsiveness dimension is -0,11. Third, the
average gap value of assurance dimension is
0,01 . Fourth, the average gap value of
empathy dimension is -0,14 and last, the
average gap value of tangibles is -0,14.

Performance of statements 10 and 11 which in

assurance dimension of attributes , has met
expectation of customer of PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi. Almost all the customers
feel safe in their transaction because before the
project has run, both parties must make a
contract that protects them. Then, customer
feel privileged because the employees are very
polite to them.

According Importance performance analysis

(Figure 4.3) as assessed that company needed
improvement on SERVQUAL the attributes in
quadrant A. Improvement of service quality
than can done such as, provided service as
promised, provide a solution if there is a
complaint or problem, deliver product
according customers order, willingness to help
costumers problem., the employees give the
best service and personal attention to the
customer, the employees who deal with
customers matter about the clothes he was
wearing, the employees who perform duties in
providing services to the customer with best
interest at heart, provide the modern
equipment, employees should gave a neat and
professional appearance, and the company will
visually appealing materials associated with
the service.

Analysis for Quadrant C and D

Variable that exist in quadrant C shows the
dimensions are not expected and is not a
customer priority and carried out mediocre by
the company. Variable that exist in quadrant D
shows that there variables in quadrant are
considerd less expected or important by
customers but the achievement of corporate
From Importance performance Analysis, the
rest of quadrant C and Quadran D currently do
not require more attention because of an
existing attribute in the quadrant is not
considered important by customers for now.
The company must concentrate to fix the
attributes problem in Quadrant A to get more
number of loyal customers.

Below are the recommendations for the object

research from the authors after conducting
overall analysis:

Hire more professional employee.
The lack of employees knowledge its because
the company have a few employees who are
experts in the field of service. Most workers in
PT. Putra Indonosa Garments Konveksi do not
have experience in the garment service. PT.
Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi lack of
convection experienced tailors and marketing
staff, so the company should seek new

Based on the data analysis, researcher

concluded this final project.From analysis
results of customer satisfation and perceptions
on service quality in PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment konveksi assessed that the company
was having problems. Four of five dimension
of Service Quality reliability, responsiveness,
empathy and tangibles has negative score or
not satisfied with service from company.
According to Carr (Widyaningrum, 1997)


Santoso and Aldianto / Journal of Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3, 2012: 149-158

Provided service as promised

PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi should
be able to perform the promised service
dependably and accuratly. Pt. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi sometimes is not timely in
meeting the demand, because it conflicts with
other request, so the company now began to
make the production process timeline chart.
Tables timeline is to show when the product
out and into the material.

development of themselves and for the

customer, their will feel would be well served.
The employees who deal with customers
matter about the clothes he was wearing
The staff sometimes untidy and not
inappropriate to viewing, so Employees should
not be ignored by the clothes they were
wearing. Employees should look neat when
meeting with customers, because employees
who do not wear neat would bring a bad image
of the company.

Provide a solution if there is a complaint or

Costumer of PT . Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi is always complaining, because the
staff sometimes can not answer questions from
them, so PT. Putra Indonosa Garment konveksi
should be able to give a solution of the
problem from customer. Every costumer has
different problems on their orders, so the
companies must prepare standard operating
procedures (SOP) that can answer these

The employees who perform duties in

providing serv ices to the customer with best
interest at heart
Employees must be taught and given the
referrals for serve customers wholewheartdly.
It is intended that the customer to be
comfortable and confident in ordering the
product to the company, so that the company
that used to complain not to complain again.
Provide the modern equipment
Machines are now used by the company is still
small and not to sophisticated, so Companies
must constantly develop themselves to meet
the customers orders. One of the development
is the setting up of modern equipment.

Deliver product according customers order

PT. Putra Indonosa Garment Konveksi should
keep records of all orders from the customer.
Before the order to be started, then the
company must prepare a document containing
the specifications of a customer orders, then it
must be presented to the customer to be re examined.

Employees should gave a neat and

professional appearance
Companies need to make strict rules for the
employees about neat appearance. This rule in
order to customer do not restless when
employees are talking to them. Any employees
who violate the rules should be punished or not
allowed to handle the customer.

Willingness to help costumers problem

The employees who deal with costumer
sometimes reluctant to help a customer
problem, it is caused by fear and shame.
Employeesof PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi should be familiarized to serve
customer. Employees who can help the
customer problem, should be appreciated and

The company will visually appealing

materials associated with the service.
A condition of cleanliness and tidiness in the
office of PT. Putra Indonosa Garment
Konveksi is very bad. Then, the best company
in the eyes of costumer is a company that has a
clean office environment. So companies of
today have started to clearing and maintain
cleanliness of office. Companies also need to
adjusst the layout of stuff.

The employees give the best service and

personal attention to the customer
The prospective costumer ever not is buying,
because the employees of PT. Putra Indonosa
Garment Konveksi did not serve him whole
heartedly. So from now on, Employees must
give them the best service. Good service to the
customer will provide many benefits for the
company, he and his cusomers. The company
will have all the good image, the employee
would be beneficial for the character

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