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Foxboro Control Software

Hardware Configuration
Users Guide

Rev E
May 6, 2011

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the Invensys Systems, Inc. No
copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the
information contained herein. Although every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the
information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys
Systems, Inc. The software described in this documentation is
furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software
may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these

2006-2011 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Invensys, ArchestrA, InFusion, Wonderware, I/A Series and the
Invensys logo are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


Before You Begin ..............................................vii
About This Book .................................................................................. vii
Revision Information............................................................................ vii
Reference Documents .......................................................................... vii
Foxboro Control Software-Specific Documentation ....................... viii
I/A Series-Specific Documentation ................................................. viii

CHAPTER 1: Constructing the Hardware

The Network View ................................................................................. 1
General ................................................................................................... 3
Equipment Units..................................................................................... 4
Creating Equipment Units .................................................................. 4
Renaming Equipment Units................................................................ 6
Deleting an Equipment Unit ............................................................... 6
Switches ................................................................................................. 7
Creating Switches ............................................................................... 7
Renaming Switches ............................................................................ 8
Deleting Switches ............................................................................... 9
Configuring Switches - Hardware ...................................................... 9
Configuring Switches - Ports............................................................ 10
Creating Workstations .......................................................................11
Renaming Workstations.................................................................... 12
Deleting a Workstation ..................................................................... 13
Configuring Workstations - Hardware.............................................. 13
Configuring Workstations - Software ............................................... 14
Configuring Workstations - Ports ..................................................... 16
Configuring Workstations - Peripherals ........................................... 17
Configuring Workstations - Switches............................................... 17
Controllers............................................................................................ 18
Creating Controllers ......................................................................... 18
Renaming Controllers....................................................................... 20
Deleting a Controller ........................................................................ 20
Configuring Controllers - Hardware................................................. 21
Configuring Controllers - Software .................................................. 22
Configuring Controllers - Switches .................................................. 23
Field Communication Modules (FCMs) .............................................. 23
Creating FCMs ................................................................................. 23
Renaming FCMs............................................................................... 24
Deleting FCMs ................................................................................. 25
Configuring FCMs - Hardware......................................................... 26
Configuring FCMs - Software .......................................................... 27
Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



Configuring FCMs - Switches...........................................................28

Intrinsically Safe Communication Modules (ISCMs) ..........................29
Creating ISCMs .................................................................................29
Renaming ISCM/ISCMRs.................................................................30
Deleting ISCM/ISCMRs ...................................................................32
Configuring ISCM/ISCMRs - Hardware...........................................32
Configuring ISCM/ISCMRs - Software............................................33
Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) ....................................................................34
Creating FBMs ..................................................................................34
Renaming FBMs................................................................................35
Deleting FBMs ..................................................................................36
Configuring FBMs - Hardware .........................................................37
Configuring FBMs - Software...........................................................38
Creating Devices ...............................................................................39
Renaming Devices.............................................................................40
Deleting Devices ...............................................................................41
Configuring Devices - Hardware.......................................................41

CHAPTER 2: Committing the Configuration...43

Validation ..............................................................................................43
Producing the Commit Diskette............................................................44
Processing the Reconcile Diskette ........................................................45

CHAPTER 3: Miscellaneous .............................47

Producing Hardware Configuration Reports.........................................47
Network Options ...................................................................................49
Network Options - Options ...............................................................49
Network Options - Install Status .......................................................50
Bulk Create ...........................................................................................51

APPENDIX A: Software Package

Attributes for OS6AW1 AW51 Operating System ............................53
Attributes for AADM6 Additional Display Managers ......................55
Attributes for AHIST6 AIM*Historian..............................................55
Attributes for ASMON6 System Monitor..........................................55
Attributes for OS7AW1 - AW70 Operating System .............................56
Attributes for OS1C70 - FCP270 Operating System ............................57
Attributes for OS1Z70 - ZCP270 Operating System ............................58
Attributes for AADM7 - Additional Display Managers .......................59
Attributes for AHIST7 - AIM*Historian ..............................................59
Attributes for AMSGM7 - Message Manager ......................................59

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


Attributes for ASMON7 - System Monitor.......................................... 60

Index ..................................................................63

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


Before You Begin

About This Book

The purpose of this document is to describe hardware configuration within the
Foxboro Control Software (FCS).
Hardware Configuration is an activity which precedes any other configuration
activity within Foxboro Control Software. Using Hardware Configuration, the
user is able to create and modify the hardware modules which define the
network topology for that particular configuration. For any specific piece of
hardware, the user can optionally specify values for a variety of software that
runs on that hardware, including the operating system itself.
Once Hardware Configuration is completed, the user performs a validation
process which validates the hardware as a legal configuration. If the validation
is successful, the user may proceed to produce a Commit diskette, which is
used during the Software Install process when installing I/A Series software.
Once installation is complete, the user can then reconcile the installation status
of all the software packages.
This document further describes this workflow, and provides the user with tips
and shortcuts which have been created to make the job of Hardware
Configuration easy and efficient.

Revision Information
For Revision E of this document, the following changes were made:
Entire Document

Updated product naming to support the Foxboro Control Software v3.0


Reference Documents
Since Foxboro Control Software software is based on the ArchestrA
architecture and incorporates several Wonderware products, much of the
documentation written by Wonderware is relevant. In addition, there are
documents that describe Foxboro Control Software-specific features. Below is
a list of documents that can provide additional information that is beyond the
scope of this document. These documents can be accessed from the Invensys
Operations Management Global Customer Support web site:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


Before You Begin

Foxboro Control Software-Specific

During Foxboro Control Software installation, the documents associated with
the software components being installed are also installed. These documents
can be viewed from the Start > Programs > Invensys > InFusion
Documentation menu.
For additional FCS information, refer to:

Foxboro Control Software Block Configurator Users Guide (B0750AH)

I/A Series-Specific Documentation

Most of these documents are available on the I/A Series Electronic
Documentation DVD. The latest revisions of each document are also available
through our Global Customer Support web site.
For additional information on I/A Series concepts, refer to:

The MESH Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ)

Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User's Guide (B0700AN)

The MESH Control Network System Planning and Sizing (B0700AX)

DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA)
100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ)
Control Processor 270 (CP270) Integrated Control Software Concepts

Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR)

Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines (B0700AV)
Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


Constructing the Hardware


This chapter describes how to add and set up hardware through Hardware

The Network View
Equipment Units
Field Communication Modules (FCMs)
Intrinsically Safe Communication Modules (ISCMs)
Fieldbus Modules (FBMs)

The Network View

The Foxboro Control Software (FCS) Configuration Tools Network View has
been provided to allow the user to view and interact with hardware
components during the configuration process.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-1.

Network View

The Network View is a tree control dedicated to the display of hardware

components. Control elements (that is, compounds and strategies) do not
appear within the Network View.
The Template Toolbox contains all the FCS Configuration Tools base
templates. The base templates specific to the FCS Configuration Tools
hardware components are found within the following nodes:

APACS_Migration - contains APACS migration module base templates

Invensys - contains the Equipment Unit base template

Devices - contains proxy devices to go with child ECB base templates

IA_FBMs - contains I/A Series FBM base templates
IA_Hardware - contains I/A Series Workstation, Controller and Switch
base templates

WDPF_Migration - The Equipment Unit base template is under InFusion

Support and the Westinghouse modules are under InFusion Modules.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Equipment Units have been created to model plant locations such as rack
storage units. Using Equipment Units, the user can organize their hardware
components into logical groupings that best model their specific configuration.
Equipment Units can contain other Equipment Units, forming what is
commonly referred to as a nesting relationship, or hierarchy. You can have up
to 10 levels of Equipment Units to describe a particular area of the plant.
Equipment Unit names do not have to be unique across the entire configuration
- they only have to be unique within the top-level Equipment Unit itself.
Only control processors (CPs) are required to be contained by an Equipment
Unit and every system must have at least one CP. Equipment Units can host
hardware components, such as workstations, controllers and switches, but this
is mostly for grouping and modeling. This hosting relationship is due to the
naming restrictions imposed by the I/A Series system - that is, the names of
each workstation, controller and switch has to be unique in the entire
There is no single Galaxy-level configurator or editor responsible for depicting
the entire configuration. Instead, you configure individual hardware
components, editing them individually as you build up the configuration.
The recommended workflow to create a new hardware configuration is:

Create the desired Equipment Unit hierarchy.


Within each Equipment Unit, add the desired hardware components:



For each controller, add the desired control components:



Validate the configuration


Commit the configuration, and perform an I/A Series system installation


Reconcile the configuration

An alternative to this workflow is:


Import an existing SysDef Export or IACC Export into a Bulk Data Object


Create the desired Equipment Unit hierarchy, and assign hardware

components to them within the Bulk Data Editor


Perform a bulk generation to create the hardware components


Validate the configuration


Commit the configuration, and perform an I/A Series installation


Reconcile the configuration.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Equipment Units
Creating Equipment Units
You have a variety of ways to create hardware-related objects within the
Network View. The Network View display consists of one default node, the
Unassigned Hardware node, and one or more Equipment Units. Each
Equipment Unit serves as the host for one or more other hardware objects
(such as controllers, workstations and switches), or container for other
equipment units. You may nest up to 10 levels of Equipment Units to help
customize your particular configuration.
To create a new Equipment Unit, you may:

Right-click on the $Equip_Unit base template located within the

Invensys toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New > Instance.
You are prohibited from making a derived template from $Equip_Unit you can only create instances. When this action is performed, the new
Equipment Unit appears as one of the top-level nodes within the Network
View. You may either leave it where it appears, or drag it to another
Equipment Unit to form a nested Equipment Unit structure.

You may also drag the $Equip_Unit base template into the Network View,
and drop it. When dropped, a new Equipment Unit instance is created as
one of the top-level nodes within the Network View. As before, you may
either leave it where it appears, or drag it to another Equipment Unit to
form a nested Equipment Unit structure.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of an Equipment Unit,

and select New > Equip Unit. This action displays a dialog allowing you
to select how many Equipment Units you wish to create, as shown in the
figure below.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-2.

Create Equipment Units

When created in this manner, all Equipment Units are contained by the
Equipment Unit from which the dialog was invoked. For example, if you
invoked the New > Equip Unit menu from EQUIP_UNIT_001, and
indicated that you wanted to create four new Equipment Units, you might end
up with the following:

Figure 1-3.

Contained Equipment Units

You may create up to nine levels of containment for any one Equipment Unit
(with a tenth level for its hosted station), as shown in the following example:

Figure 1-4.

Nested Equipment Units

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

An attempt to create an 11th level of nesting simply results in the new

Equipment Unit being added as another top-level node within the Network
View (that is, at the same level as EQUIP_UNIT_001 in Figure 1-4).
Equipment Units may be freely dragged and dropped onto other Equipment
Units in any order to form the configuration hierarchy specific for this

Renaming Equipment Units

To rename an Equipment Unit:

You may rename an Equipment Unit if created via the New > Instance
menu pick from the $Equip_Unit base template. The FCS Configuration
Tools place the Equipment Unit into Rename mode within the Network
View, at which time you may rename the Equipment Unit to better satisfy
your configuration requirements.

Figure 1-5.

Equipment Unit Rename Mode

You may right-click on an instance of an Equipment Unit, and select

Rename. If you are renaming a top-level Equipment Unit, the Equipment
Unit is immediately placed into Rename mode, as shown in Figure 1-5.
However, if you are renaming a contained Equipment Unit, you need to
select Rename Contained Name, to open the Rename Contained Name
dialog box as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6.

Rename Equipment Unit

Enter the new name, and click OK to complete the procedure.

Note The only restriction when naming an Equipment Unit is the one
imposed by ArchestrA system, which is that it must be 32-characters or less.
Since an Equipment Unit is not an I/A Series object, no restrictions dealing
with I/A Series naming standards apply.

Deleting an Equipment Unit

To delete an Equipment Unit:

Select the Equipment Unit, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the
Equipment Unit and select Delete.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


The Delete dialog box appears:

Figure 1-7.

Deleting an Equipment Unit


If the Equipment Unit selected is associated with other objects (for

example, hardware or other Equipment Units), then you are given an
indication in the Delete dialog box that the Equipment Unit cannot be
deleted (that is, there is no cascade delete capability).


Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to cancel the operation.

Creating Switches
To create a new switch, you may:

Right-click on the $IA_SWITCH base template located within the

IA_Hardware toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New >
Instance. You are prohibited from making a derived template from
$IA_SWITCH - you can only create instances. When this action is
performed, the new switch appears under the Unassigned Hardware node
within the Network View. You may then drag it to the desired Equipment
Unit in order to establish its location.

You may also drag the $SWITCH base template into the Network View
and drop it. When dropped, a new switch instance is created under the
Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. As before, you
may then drag it to the desired Equipment Unit to establish its location.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of an Equipment Unit,

and select New > Switch. This action displays the Bulk Create dialog box
allowing you to select how many switches you wish to create, as depicted

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-8.

Create Switches

When created in this manner, the switch(es) that get created are automatically
assigned to the Equipment Unit from which the Bulk Create dialog box was
Note Do not confuse the ArchestrA $Switch object in the Application toolset
with the I/A Series $IA_SWITCH in the IA_Hardware toolset.

Renaming Switches
To rename a switch:

You may rename a switch if created via the New > Instance menu pick
from the $IA_SWITCH base template. The FCS Configuration Tools
place the switch into Rename mode within the Network View, at which
time you may rename the switch to better satisfy your configuration
requirements. For an I/A Series switch, its name must reflect the letterbug
of the switch, and following the naming convention(s) imposed by the
I/A Series system for letterbugs.

Figure 1-9.

Switch in Rename Mode

You may right-click on an instance of a switch, and select Rename. The FCS
Configuration Tools place the switch into Rename mode within the Network
View, at which time you may rename the switch.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Deleting Switches
To delete a switch:

Select the switch, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the switch,
and select Delete.


The Delete dialog box appears, as shown in the following example:

Figure 1-10.

Deleting a Switch

The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is okay to delete

the selected switch(es). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to

Note If the switch being deleted is connected to a workstation, controller or

another switch, you have to reconfigure those objects manually in order to
establish connectivity to a new switch.

Configuring Switches - Hardware

You can edit a switch to configure the properties of that switch, or the hardware
that is associated with that switch.
To edit a switch:

Right-click on a switch and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit a switch by double-clicking on it within the
Network View.

When opened, the switch editor displays the Hardware tab page, as depicted

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-11.

Switch Hardware Tab Page

On this tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the switch

The Vendor of the switch (defaults to ENTERASYS)
The number of Ports on the switch (defaults to 8)
Configure a new IP address for the switch in the TCPIP field
Specify the Community strings for the switch
Select a System Monitor for the switch from a list of workstations that
have the System Monitor software package configured.

Configuring Switches - Ports

To configure the controllers, workstations and other switches that are
associated with a switch, click the Ports tab page, as shown in Figure 1-12:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-12.


Switch Ports Tab Page

On this tab page, all of the ports available for that switch are shown in a
column on the far left side of the page. To associate another hardware item
with this switch:

Choose the port that to which the hardware item is going to be associated.


Using the pull-down under the Connected Object column, select the item.


If the selected item is another switch, then you must also pick the port on
the other switch that you wish to connect to under the Connected
Object's Port column.

Creating Workstations
To create a new workstation, you may:

Right-click on the $AW70P base template located within the

IA_Hardware toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New >

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Note You are prohibited from making a derived template from $AW70P - you
can only create instances. When this action is performed, the new Workstation
appears under the Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. You
may then drag it to the desired Equipment Unit in order to establish its

You may also drag the $AW70P base template into the Network View and
drop it. When dropped, a new workstation instance is created under the
Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. As before, you
may then drag it to the desired Equipment Unit to establish its location.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of an Equipment Unit,

and select New > Workstation. This action displays the Bulk Create
dialog box allowing you to select how many workstations you wish to
create, as depicted below:

Figure 1-13.

Create Workstations

When created in this manner, the workstation(s) that get created are
automatically assigned to the Equipment Unit from which the Bulk Create
dialog box was invoked.

Renaming Workstations
To rename a workstation:

You may rename a workstation if created via the New > Instance menu
pick from the $AW70P base template. The FCS Configuration Tools place
the workstation into Rename mode within the Network View, at which
time you may rename the workstation to better satisfy your configuration
requirements. For an I/A Series workstation, its name must reflect the

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


letterbug of the workstation, and follow the naming convention(s)

imposed by the I/A Series system for letterbugs.

Figure 1-14.

Workstation in Rename Mode

You may right-click on an instance of a workstation and select Rename.

The FCS Configuration Tools place the workstation into Rename mode
within the Network View, at which time you may rename the workstation.

Deleting a Workstation
To delete a workstation:

Select the workstation, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the
workstation, and select Delete.
The Delete dialog box appears:

Figure 1-15.

Deleting a Workstation

The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is correct to delete

the selected workstation(s). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No
to cancel.

Note If the workstation being deleted is running System Monitor software,

then the hardware that it was previously responsible for monitoring needs to be
manually assigned to a new System Monitor.
Note If the workstation being deleted is running Compound Summary Access
(CSA) software, then the CSA software must be configured to run on another
workstation before the configuration can be validated.

Configuring Workstations - Hardware

You can edit a workstation to configure the software running on that
Workstation, or the peripherals that are associated with that workstation.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

To edit a workstation:

Right-click on a workstation and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit a Workstation by double-clicking on it within
the Network View.

When opened, the workstation editor displays the Hardware tab page, as
depicted below.

Figure 1-16.

Workstation Hardware Tab Page

On this tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the workstation.

Pick a new IP address for the workstation.
Specify a new FTMAC address for the workstation.
Select a System Monitor for the workstation from a list of workstations
that have the System Monitor software package configured.

Configuring Workstations - Software

To configure the software packages associated with a workstation, click the
Software tab page, as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-17.


Workstation Software Tab Page

When it is first displayed, the Software tab page displays the attributes for the
workstations operating system.
Within the Software tab page, you can:

Select a Required Software package to configure its attributes. Required

software is software which must run on the workstation, and is
automatically installed at installation time. You cannot remove it, and you
cannot uncheck a required software package. When you select one, the
attributes for that particular package appear in the editor pane.

Check an Optional Software package to have that software package

installed at installation time on the workstation. After checking the desired
optional software package, the attributes for that particular package appear
in the editor pane.

Note The software attributes that you can configure are specific to each
software package. Please refer to Appendix A, Software Package
Configuration for a list of all available software packages, and their attributes.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Configuring Workstations - Ports

To configure the parallel and serial ports associated with a workstation, click
the Ports tab page, as depicted below:

Figure 1-18.

Workstation Ports Tab Page

To configure parallel and serial ports for a workstation:

Configure two serial ports on the workstation by selecting the device type
from the pull-down list, then supplying the logical name of the port.
Provide an optional backup logical name, and select the proper baud rate
for the serial port. You can configure another four serial ports by
configuring a serial port expansion peripheral, SerPXP.

Configure a parallel port for the workstation by selecting the desired

parallel device type from the pull-down list, then supplying the logical
name of the port.

Note The logical names specified for ports on a workstation are available as
message destinations when configuring software packages. It is important to
note that the logical names are logical names of the port, not the peripheral
attached to that port. Logical names range from LP00-LP99, and TT00-TT99.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


Configuring Workstations - Peripherals

To configure the peripherals associated with a workstation, click the
Peripherals tab page, as depicted below:

Figure 1-19.

Workstation Peripherals Tab Page

To configure peripherals for a workstation:

Select the peripheral(s) to be associated with the workstation by selecting

the desired peripheral name and check box.

Configuring Workstations - Switches

To configure the switches associated with a workstation, click the Switches tab
page, as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-20.

Workstation Switches Tab Page

You can connect a workstation to one or two switches. For each switch, select
the switch letterbug from the pull-down provided, and the port number of the

Creating Controllers
To create a new controller, you may:

Right click on either the $FCP270 or the $ZCP270 base templates located
within the IA_Hardware Toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New
> Instance.

Note You are prohibited from making a derived template from either of the
controller base templates - you can only create instances. When this action is
performed, the new controller appears under the Unassigned Hardware node
within the Network View. You may then drag it to the desired Equipment Unit
in order to establish its location.

You may also drag either the $FCP270 or the $ZCP270 base templates
into the Network View, and drop it. When dropped, a new controller
instance is created under the Unassigned Hardware node within the

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


Network View. As before, you may then drag it to the desired Equipment
Unit to establish its location.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of an Equipment Unit,

and select New > Controller. This action displays the Bulk Create dialog
box allowing you to select the desired number of controllers you wish to
create, as depicted below:

Figure 1-21.

Create Controllers

According to this procedure, the controller(s) that get created are automatically
assigned to the Equipment Unit from which the Bulk Create dialog was
When an instance of a $FCP270 or $ZCP270 is created, the FCS Series
Configuration Tools also automatically create the following control-related

Station compound
Station block
ECB compound
Primary ECB

Please refer to the document Foxboro Control Software Block Configurator

Users Guide (B0750AH) for more detail on how these objects should be
accessed and configured.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Renaming Controllers
To rename a controller:
You may rename a controller if created via the New > Instance menu pick
from the $FCP270 or $ZCP270 base template. The FCS Configuration Tools
place the controller into Rename mode within the Network View, at which
time you may rename the controller to better satisfy your configuration
requirements. For an I/A Series controller, its name must reflect the letterbug
of the controller, and follow the naming convention(s) imposed by the
I/A Series system for letterbugs, and special naming restrictions for controllers

Figure 1-22.

Controller in Rename Mode

You may right-click on an instance of a controller, and select Rename. The

FCS Configuration Tools place the controller into Rename mode within the
Network View, at which time you may rename the controller.

Deleting a Controller
To delete a controller:

Select the controller, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the
controller and select Delete.

The Delete dialog box appears, as shown in this example:

Figure 1-23.

Deleting a Controller

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is correct to delete the
selected controller(s). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to cancel.
Note If the controller selected is associated with other objects (for example,
compounds, FCMs, ISCMs or FBMs), then you are given an indication in the
Delete dialog box that the controller cannot be deleted (that is, there is no
cascade delete capability). This does not apply to the Station and ECB
compounds, which are automatically deleted along with the controller.

Configuring Controllers - Hardware

You can edit a controller to configure the software running on that controller.
To edit a controller:

Right-click on the controller and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit a controller by double-clicking on it within the
Network View.

Note The last three tab pages for a controller deal with compound execution
order, I/O assignment, and providing the user with the ability to move ECBs
between compounds. These are discussed in Foxboro Control Software Block
Configurator Users Guide (B0750AH) and are not discussed further in this
When opened, the controller editor displays the Hardware tab page, as shown

Figure 1-24.

Controller Hardware Tab Page

On this tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the controller

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Select whether or not the controller is Fault Tolerant in the FT field

One of the following:

Specify a new IP address for the controller in the TCPIP field,

and specify a new FTMAC address for the controller.

Use the IP address in the TCPIP field and the FTMAC address
generated by the FCS Configuration Tools (all station types)


Select a Software Host for the controller (any workstation).

Select a System Monitor for the controller from a list of workstations that
have the System Monitor software package configured.

Configuring Controllers - Software

To configure the software associated with a controller, click the Software tab
page, as depicted below:

Figure 1-25.

Controllers - Software Tab Page

A controller typically only runs a single software package - its operating

system. On the Software tab page for a controller, you can configure the

The Description of the operating system

The software Install State of the operating system
The OM Scan Rate for this controller (defaults to 500 ms)

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


The Basic Proc Cycle (BPC) for this controller (defaults to 500 ms)
The logical names of up to two Message Managers associated with this
Controller in the Destination MM LN1 and Destination MM LN2 fields.
These names are selected from the pull-down, presenting a list of the
logical names given to all Message Manager workstation software
packages in the configuration.

Configuring Controllers - Switches

To configure the switches associated with a controller, click the Switches tab
page, as shown below:

Figure 1-26.

Controllers - Switches Tab Page

You can connect a controller to one or two switches. For each switch, select the
switch letterbug from the pull-down provided, and the port number of the

Field Communication Modules (FCMs)

Creating FCMs
To create a new FCM:

Right-click on either the $FCM100 or $FCM2 base template located

within the IA_FBMs toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New >

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Instance. You are prohibited from making a derived template from either
$FCM100 or $FCM2 - you can only create instances. When this action is
performed, the new FCM appears under the Unassigned Hardware node
within the Network View. You may then drag it to the desired controller or
parent FCM (for instances of $FCM100 and $FCM2 respectively) to
establish its location.

You may also drag the $FCM100 or the $FCM2 base template into the
Network View and drop it. When dropped, an FCM instance is created
under the Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. As
before, you may then drag it to the desired controller or parent FCM to
establish its location.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of a $ZCP270, and select

New > FCM. This action displays the Bulk Create dialog box allowing
you to select how many FCMs you wish to create, as depicted below:

Figure 1-27.

Create FCMs

When created in this manner, the FCM(s) that get created are automatically
assigned to the controller from which the Bulk Create dialog box was invoked.

Renaming FCMs
To rename an FCM:

If an FCM is located within the Unassigned Hardware node within the

Network View, you may go into Rename mode as part of the FCM
creation process, or you can right-click the FCM and select Rename.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-28.


Rename Uncontained FCM

In most cases, it does not make sense to rename an FCM when it is within
the Unassigned Hardware node, because you will only need to rename it
again when you assign it to a controller or parent FCM.

If an FCM is contained by a controller or a parent FCM, you may rightclick on that FCM, and select Rename Contained Name, at which time
you see the following dialog box:

Figure 1-29.

Rename Contained FCM

Supply the new name, and click OK to complete the procedure.

Note For an I/A Series FCM, its name must reflect the letterbug of the FCM,
and follow the naming convention(s) imposed by I/A Series system rules for
letterbugs, and special naming restrictions for FCMs themselves.
An I/A Series naming restriction states that the letterbug for an instance of an
$FCM100 associated with a ZCP270 must end in 00. This restriction must be
adhered to during renaming or an error results.

Deleting FCMs
To delete an FCM:

Select the FCM, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the FCM and
select Delete.

The Delete dialog box appears, as shown in the following example:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-30.

Deleting an FCM

The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is correct to delete the
selected FCM(s).
Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to cancel.
Note If the FCM selected is associated with other objects (for example, FBMs
or other FCMs), then you are given an indication in the Delete dialog box that
the FCM cannot be deleted (that is, there is no cascade delete capability).

Configuring FCMs - Hardware

You can edit an FCM to configure the properties of that FCM.
To edit an FCM:

Right-click on an FCM and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit an FCM by double-clicking on it within the
Network View.

When opened, the FCM editor displays the Hardware tab page, as depicted

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-31.


FCMs - Hardware Tab Page

On the Hardware tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the FCM

Specify whether or not the FCM is Redundant (D=dual, S=single)
Specify a new IP address for the FCM in the TCPIP field
Specify a new FTMAC address for the FCM

Configuring FCMs - Software

To configure the software associated with an FCM, click the Software tab
page, as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-32.

FCMs - Software Tab Page

Although an FCM typically only runs a single software package (its operating
system, or iom), the Software tab page is set up to allow you to pick from
multiple software packages, if they exist.
When first displayed, the Software tab page displays the attributes of the iom
software package currently selected for this FCM. You can typically specify:

The Description of the operating system

The Software Install State of the operating system.

Configuring FCMs - Switches

To configure the switches associated with an FCM, click the Switches tab
page, as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-33.


FCMs - Switches Tab Page

You can connect an FCM to one or two switches. For each switch, select the
switch letterbug from the pull-down provided, and the port number of the

Intrinsically Safe Communication Modules

Creating ISCMs
To create a new ISCM or redundant ISCM (ISCMR), you may:

Right-click on either the $ISCM or $ISCMR (Redundant) base template

located within the IA_FBMs toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select
New >Instance. You are prohibited from making a derived template from
either $ISCM or $ISCMR - you can only create instances. When this
action is performed, the new ISCM/ISCMR appears under the Unassigned
Hardware node within the Network View. You may then drag it to the
desired Controller or parent FCM to establish its location.

You may also drag the $ISCM or the $ISCMR base template into the
Network View and drop it. When dropped, an ISCM/ISCMR instance is
created under the Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View.
As before, you may then drag it to the desired Controller or parent FCM to
establish its location.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of a $FCP270 or an

instance of a $FCM100, and select New > FBM. This action displays the
Bulk Create dialog box allowing you to select how many ISCM/ISCMRs
you wish to create, as depicted below:

Figure 1-34.


When created in this manner, the created ISCM/ISCMR(s) are assigned to the
controller (or FCM100) from which the Bulk Create dialog box was invoked
Note You are not restricted from dropping multiple ISCMs/ISCMRs onto
FCM100s, although FCM100s only support one ISCM/ISCMR. This
restriction will be validated during the Hardware Validation process.

Renaming ISCM/ISCMRs
To rename an ISCM/ISCMR:

If an ISCM/ISCMR is located within the Unassigned Hardware node

within the Network View, you may go into Rename mode as part of the
ISCM/ISCMR creation process, or you can right-click on the
ISCM/ISCMR and select Rename.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-35.


Rename Uncontained ISCM/ISCMR

In most cases, it does not make sense to rename an ISCM/ISCMR when it

is within the Unassigned Hardware node, because you must rename it
again after assigning it to a Controller or parent FCM.

If an ISCM/ISCMR is contained by a controller or a parent FCM, you may

right click on that ISCM/ISCMR, and select Rename Contained Name,
to open the following dialog box:

Figure 1-36.

Rename Contained ISCM/ISCMR

Enter the new name, and click OK to complete the procedure.

Note For an I/A Series ISCM/ISCMR, its name must reflect the letterbug of
the ISCM/ISCMR, and follow the naming convention(s) imposed by I/A Series
system rules for letterbugs, and special naming restrictions for ISCM/ISCMRs
An I/A Series naming restriction states that the letterbug for an instance of an
$ISCM/$ISCMR should be as below.

If ISCM/ISCMR is associated with an FCP270, the first three letterbugs

for ISCM modules can be anything. The fourth letterbug character will
indicate the ISCM number determined by the rotary switch position from
0 to 9 and A to F. The fifth letterbug must be 'M' and the sixth letterbug
must be '1' for a single ISCM or 'A' for redundant ISCMs (ISCMRs).

If the ISCM/ISCMR is associated with an FCM100,first four letters

depend on the FCM100. The fifth letterbug must be 'M' and the sixth
letterbug must be '1' for a single ISCM or 'A' for redundant ISCMs

This restriction must be adhered to during renaming or an error results.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Deleting ISCM/ISCMRs
To delete an ISCM/ISCMR:

Select the ISCM/ISCMR, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the
ISCM/ISCMR and select Delete.

The Delete dialog box appears, as shown in the following example:

Figure 1-37.

Delete an ISCM/ISCMR

The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is correct to delete

the selected ISCM/ISCMR(s). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or
No to cancel.
Note If the ISCM/ISCMR selected is associated with other objects (For
example, FBM/ISIOs), then you are given an indication in the Delete dialog
box provides an indication that the ISCM/ISCMR cannot be deleted (that is,
there is no cascade delete capability).

Configuring ISCM/ISCMRs - Hardware

You can edit an ISCM/ISCMR to configure the properties of that

Right-click on an ISCM/ISCMR and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit an ISCM/ISCMR by double-clicking on it
within the Network View.
When opened, the ISCM/ISCMR editor displays the Hardware tab page,
as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-38.


ISCM/ISCMRs - Hardware Tab Page

On the Hardware tab page, you can configure the description of the

Configuring ISCM/ISCMRs - Software

To configure the software associated with an ISCM/ISCMR, click the Software
tab page, as depicted below:

Figure 1-39.

ISCM/ISCMRs - Software Tab Page

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Although an ISCM/ISCMR only runs a single software package (its operating

system, or iom) in a typical situation, the Software tab page is set up to allow
you to pick from multiple software packages, if they exist.
When first displayed, the Software tab page displays the attributes of the iom
software package currently selected for this ISCM/ISCMR. You can typically

The Description of the operating system

The software Install State of the operating system.

Fieldbus Modules (FBMs)

Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) and
Foxboro Control Software Scripting with Direct Access Users Guide
(B0750BM) for more information on upgrading 100 Series FBMs.

Creating FBMs
To create a new FBM, you may:

Right-click on any of the $FBMxxx base templates located within the

IA_FBMs toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New > Instance.
You are prohibited from making a derived template from either any FBM
base template - you can only create instances. When this action is
performed, the new FBM appears under the Unassigned Hardware node
within the Network View. You may then drag it to the desired controller or
parent FCM to establish its location.

You may also drag the $FBMxxx base template into the Network View
and drop it. When dropped, an FBM instance is created under the
Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. As before, you
may then drag it to the desired controller or parent FCM to establish its

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of a controller or FCM,

and select New > FBM. This action displays the Bulk Create dialog box
allowing you to select how many FBMs you wish to create, as depicted

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-40.


Create FBMs

When created in this manner, the FBM(s) that get created are automatically
assigned to the controller (or FCM100) from which the Bulk Create dialog box
was invoked. In this case, the default ECB for that FBM is also created
automatically, and stored in the associated controller's ECB compound.

Renaming FBMs
To rename an FBM:

If an FBM is located within the Unassigned Hardware node within the

Network View, you may go into Rename mode as part of the FBM
creation process, or you may right-click on the FBM and select Rename.

Figure 1-41.

Rename Uncontained FBM

In most cases, it does not make sense to rename an FBM when it is within
the Unassigned Hardware node, because you must rename it again when
you assign it to a controller or FCM.

If an FBM is contained by a Controller or a parent FCM, you may rightclick on that FBM and select Rename Contained Name to open the
following dialog box:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-42.

Rename Contained FBM

Enter the new name, and click OK to complete the procedure.

Note For an I/A Series FBM, its name must reflect the letterbug of the FBM,
and follow the naming convention(s) imposed by I/A Series system rules for
letterbugs, and special naming restrictions for FBMs themselves.
For most 200 Series FBMs, if you are renaming an FBM connected directly to
an FCP270, the only additional restriction is that the last two characters of the
letterbug must indicate the FBM's slot position within the baseplate.
For FBMs connected directly to an FCM100, there is another restriction stating
that the first four characters of the FBM must match the first four of the parent
FCM, followed by two characters indicating the FBM's slot position within the
When renaming APACS and Westinghouse migration FBMs, you should refer
to the appropriate I/A Series hardware user manual.

Deleting FBMs
To delete an FBM:

Select the FBM, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the FBM and
select Delete.

The Delete dialog box appears, as shown in the following example:

Figure 1-43.

Deleting an FBM

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is okay to delete the
selected FBM(s). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to cancel.
Note If the FBM selected is associated with other objects (For example,
devices), then you are given an indication in the Delete dialog box that the
FBM cannot be deleted (that is, there is no cascade delete capability).
Note When an FBM associated with a controller is deleted, its ECB is also
removed from whatever compound it is found in. For this reason, you cannot
delete an FBM if its ECB is deployed. You must undeploy the ECB first, then
delete the FBM.

Configuring FBMs - Hardware

You can edit an FBM to configure the properties of that FBM. To edit an FBM:

Right-click on an FBM and select Open (Ctrl+O)

Alternatively, you can edit an FBM by double-clicking on it within the
Network View

When opened, the FBM editor displays the Hardware tab page, as depicted

Figure 1-44.

FBMs - Hardware Tab Page

On the Hardware tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the FBM

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Configuring FBMs - Software

To configure the software associated with an FBM, click the Software tab
page, as depicted below:

Figure 1-45.

FBMs - Software Tab Page

Most FBMs typically only run a single software package (its operating system,
or iom). The Software tab page allows you to pick from multiple software
packages, when they exist (as shown in the example above).
When first displayed, the Software tab page displays the attributes of the iom
software package currently selected for this FBM. You can typically specify:

The Description of the operating system

The software Install State of the operating system

While the I/A Series system does not directly support specific devices, there
are a number of child ECBs that are used to communicate to devices. For this
release of the Foxboro Control Software, the child ECBs are created and linked
to proxy devices.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


Creating Devices
To create a new device:

Right-click on any of the $DEV_ECBxxx base templates located within

the devices toolset in the Template Toolbox, and select New > Instance.
You are prohibited from making a derived template from any Device base
template - you can only create instances. When this action is performed,
the new device appears under the Unassigned Hardware node within the
Network View. You may then drag it to the desired parent FBM to
establish its location.

You may also drag the $DEV_ECBxxx base template into the Network
View and drop it. When dropped, a device instance is created under the
Unassigned Hardware node within the Network View. As before, you
may then drag it to the desired parent FBM to establish its location.

Note The "B", "C", etc. style FBMs are represented without the letter, but for
that you can select the iom file that is associated with a particular version of
FBM. Certain FBMs have multiple subtypes. For example, there are two types
of FBMs205 FBM205 and FBM205b. In this, FBM205 and FBM205b use
the same iom files.

Alternatively, you may right-click on an instance of an appropriate FBM

(for example, an FBM228), and select New > Device. This action displays
the Bulk Create dialog box allowing you to select the desired number of
devices you wish to create, as depicted below:

Figure 1-46.

Create Devices

When created in this manner, the device(s) that get created are automatically
assigned to the FBM from which the Bulk Create dialog box was invoked. In

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

this case, the default ECB for that Device is also created automatically, and
stored in the associated controller's ECB compound.
Note Refer to the appendix titled "EEPROM Revision Levels" in the latest
version of the I/A Series Release Notes for new and modified FBMs and their
IOM file assignments and EEPROM revision levels. For example, refer to I/A
Series V8.6 Release Notes (B0700SD) shipped with I/A Series software for a
list of IOM files and revision levels for the V8.6 software release.

Renaming Devices
To rename a Device:
If a device is located within the Unassigned Hardware node within the
Network View, you may go into Rename mode as part of the device creation
process, or you can right-click on the device and select Rename.

Figure 1-47.

Rename Uncontained Device

In most cases, it does not make sense to rename a device when it is within the
Unassigned Hardware node, because it need to be renamed again when you
assign it to an FBM.

If a device is contained by an FBM, you may right-click on that device,

and select Rename Contained Name, at which time you see the following
dialog box:

Figure 1-48.

Rename Contained Device

Supply the new name, and click OK to complete the procedure.

Note Although a device is not actually deployed in the I/A Series system, its
ECB is. The name of the device's ECB is initially the same as the device name
itself, and if the device is renamed, the FCS Configuration Tools attempt to
keep the names synchronized. Although not required, it is good practice to
rename a device to something which would also be valid for an I/A Series ECB
block name.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration


Deleting Devices
To delete a device:

Select the device, and press the Delete key, or right-click on the device
and select Delete.


The Delete dialog box appears, for example:

Figure 1-49.

Deleting a Device

The FCS Configuration Tools indicate whether or not it is okay to delete

the selected device(s). Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to

Note When a device associated with a Controller is deleted, its ECB is also
removed from whatever compound it is found in. For this reason, you cannot
delete a device if its ECB is deployed. You must undeploy the ECB first, then
delete the device.

Configuring Devices - Hardware

You can edit a device to configure the properties of that device. To edit a

Right-click on a device and select Open (Ctrl+O).

Alternatively, you can edit a device by double-clicking on it within the
Network View.

When opened, the device editor displays the Hardware tab page, as depicted

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


1. Constructing the Hardware Configuration

Figure 1-50.

Devices - Hardware Tab Page

On the Hardware tab page, you can configure the following:

The Description of the Device.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



Committing the Configuration

When the network configuration is complete, you are now ready to complete
the process in preparation for actually installing the I/A Series system you
defined. This is a three-step process:

Validate the configuration, and fix any problems reported.


Produce a Commit Diskette to be used during I/A Series software



After the installation is complete, process the resulting Reconcile diskette

to update installation statuses.

Producing the Commit Diskette
Processing the Reconcile Diskette

To validate a configuration within the FCS Configuration Tools:

Select Network > Validate from ArchestrA IDE top-level menu.


Validation begins running automatically, displaying the results of the

validation in Output View, as depicted below:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


2. Committing the Configuration

Figure 2-1.

Validation Errors in Output View

Most errors and warnings are associated with a single object. For those
types of messages, you may double-click on the message, and the editor
for the associated object appears within the editor window, allowing quick
and easy access so that you can fix the problem.
Some errors and warnings are more general in nature, and may affect the
entire configuration (for example, if Compound Summary Access is not
configured). For those types of messages, perform the configuration
activity required to fix the issue.

Continue re-running validation and fixing problems reported until none

are found.

Producing the Commit Diskette

After validation has been run, and all errors and warnings are cleared, you are
now ready to produce a Commit diskette.
To generate a Commit diskette:

Select Network > Commit from the top-level menu.


If all validation checks have not been fixed, the Validation Checks dialog
box appears:

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

2. Committing the Configuration

Figure 2-2.


Commit Warning Dialog Box

Click Cancel to stop the Commit process so that you can re-run
Validation, or click OK to continue with the Commit process even though
everything is not clean.

The Commit process now prompts you to load the Media Distribution
Diskette, as shown below:

Figure 2-3.

Media Distribution Diskette Dialog Box

If you have a Media Distribution Diskette, insert it into the floppy drive at
this time and click OK. If you do not have one, click Ignore to continue.
This is not mandatory - it is simply a chance to allow you to provide an
updated listing of the latest software package media IDs to the system
before producing the Commit diskette.
The version of the 10091 diskette must match the Day 0 installation
version of your I/A Series system software.

You are then prompted to insert diskette(s) which will become the Commit
diskettes. Follow the prompts to complete the process.


Once the Commit diskette(s) have been prepared, proceed to the normal
I/A Series software installation process to actually install the system.

Processing the Reconcile Diskette

As a result of the I/A Series software installation process, you have one or
more Reconcile diskettes to process. These diskettes update the installation
status of all the software packages in the configuration. To start the Reconcile

Select Network > Reconcile from the top-level menu.


Follow the prompts for inserting the diskettes.


Continue inserting diskettes until the process is completed.

Reconcile needs to be run on each workstation to retrieve the software

installation status. Then, the entire configuration needs to be reconciled.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


2. Committing the Configuration

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E




This chapter describes the miscellaneous tools within Hardware Configuration.

Producing Hardware Configuration Reports
Network Options
Bulk Create

Producing Hardware Configuration Reports

A number of hardware-related reports are available from within the FCS
Configuration Tools.
To run these reports:

Select Network > Reports from the top-level menu.


Select the desired report from the Report pull down menu, as shown

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


3. Miscellaneous

Figure 3-1.

Hardware Configuration Reports

Once you have run the desired report, you may print it by selecting the
Print button on the Reporting Tool dialog box. Alternatively, you can save
the contents of the report into an XML file by selecting Save.

Note The amount of time it takes to generate a report is directly proportional

to the number of objects in the Galaxy, and the type of report you are
producing (Summary or Detail). You may need to allow up to several minutes
for the report to finish.
The reports that are available, and their contents are listed in the following
Report Name


Hardware Summary

Letterbug, host name, hardware type and

description of all stations, controllers, switches,
FCMs, ISCMs and FBMs in the configuration.

Hardware Detail

Letterbug, hardware type, hardware attribute name

and value for all stations, controllers and switches in
the configuration. Includes a listing of TCP/IP and
FTMAC addresses.

Peripheral Detail

Letterbug of owning workstation, and the peripheral

type, description and type of connection for each
peripheral for all workstations in the configuration.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

3. Miscellaneous


Report Name


Software Summary

Letterbug of the owning hardware, and the software

package name, description and install status for all
software on that workstation. Done for all stations,
controllers, switches, FCMs, ISCMs and FBMs in
the configuration. If applicable, the host name is

Software Detail

Letterbug of the owning hardware, software

package name, parameter name and parameter value
for all software in the entire configuration. If
applicable, the host name is provided.

System Monitor Detail Letterbug of all stations, controllers and switches in

the configuration, along with hardware type, the
name of the workstation that is monitoring that
hardware, and the system monitor logical name.
Software Host Detail

Letterbug of all hosted stations (controllers), along

with hardware type and the name of the hosting

Network Options
There are a few options that may be set for the entire Galaxy which are
hardware-related. To set these hardware options:

Select Network > Options from the top-level menu to view the
Network Options dialog box.


Select either the Options or the Install Status tab page to view or modify
your hardware options.

Network Options - Options

To set the configuration-wide options for hardware configuration:

Select the Options tab page in the Network Options dialog box, as shown

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


3. Miscellaneous

Figure 3-2.

Network Options - Options Tab Page


Using the Network Options tab page, you can set the first two octets of
the default TCP/IP address to be assigned to all hardware requiring a
TCP/IP address. The default values are 151.128.


You can set the default System Time - choose either UTC or IATIME.
The default value is UTC.

Network Options - Install Status

To set the Install Status of software packages within the Galaxy:

Select the Install Status tab page in the Network Options dialog box, as
shown below:

Figure 3-3.

Network Options - Install Status Tab Page

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

3. Miscellaneous



Using the Install Status tab page, you can reset the install status for all
software packages associated with a specific hardware component, or for
all software packages within the entire Galaxy.


To set the install status:


Select the Station Name from the pulldown provided, or select

Update All.


Select the Install State to the desired value from the pulldown

Bulk Create
To bulk create a hardware configuration:

Select Network > Bulk Create from the top level menu to view the
Bulk Create dialog box.

Figure 3-4.

Bulk Create Dialog Box


Select the hardware item(s) and the number of each item to create, and
click OK.


Clicking Cancel ends the bulk create process, and no hardware items are


Once you click OK, the bulk create process creates all of the items
specified in the Bulk Create dialog box. All hardware generated in this
manner is automatically assigned to the Unassigned Hardware node in the
Network View.


Once created, you may then drag the hardware items to their desired
locations within the Network View.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


3. Miscellaneous

Note While this is a quick way of creating several hardware items at the same
time, it does require that you drag and drop the new hardware items to their
proper location within the Network View, such as dragging a switch to an
equipment unit, etc. It is much more efficient to invoke the Bulk Create dialog
box from each parent item in the configuration, so that the new hardware items
get assigned to their proper location at the same time they are created.
Note Although the new 200 Series FBMs created to support upgrading 100
Series FBMs in an existing I/A Series system are available for Bulk Creation
and Bulk Generation, you cannot use the Bulk Creation operation to upgrade
100 Series FBMs to 200 Series FBMs. Direct Access software provides the
only automatic way to migrate 100 Series to 200 Series FBMs in a Galaxy.
Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) and
Foxboro Control Software Scripting with Direct Access Users Guide
(B0750BM) for more information on upgrading 100 Series FBMs.

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



Software Package

This appendix details the attributes for the software set up using the Hardware

Attributes for OS6AW1 AW51 Operating System
Attributes for AADM6 Additional Display Managers
Attributes for AHIST6 AIM*Historian
Attributes for ASMON6 System Monitor
Attributes for OS7AW1 - AW70 Operating System
Attributes for OS1C70 - FCP270 Operating System
Attributes for OS1Z70 - ZCP270 Operating System
Attributes for AADM7 - Additional Display Managers
Attributes for AHIST7 - AIM*Historian
Attributes for AMSGM7 - Message Manager
Attributes for ASMON7 - System Monitor

Attributes for OS6AW1 AW51 Operating








Specifies whether or not

this AW is a master
timekeeper (Y,N)

Backup for MTK


Specifies whether or not

this AW is a backup MTK

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


A. Software Package Configuration




GPS and/or Strobe GPS


Specifies whether or not

this AW has a GPS for
time synch (Y/N)


AP Logical Name


AP logical host name.

Initialized to the name of
the AW.


Network I,F Card



Specifies the type of

network card for the
station (1C=Single
Copper, 2C=Dual Copper,
1F=Single Fiber, 2F=Dual


Logical Host


Logical host letterbug.

Initialized to the name of
the AW.


Date Format


Date format (0=US,



WP Logical Name MSGLN

WP logical name


WP Message


WP message backup (must

be existing WP logical


Backup Logical
Name (for Serial
Port n)


Port n backup device (must

be existing message
destination) (n=1-2, unless
serial expansion port
configured, then n=1-6)


Baud Rate (for

Serial Port n)


Port n baud rate (1=19200,

2=9600, 3=5600, 4=4800,
5=1200, 6=600, 7=300).
n ranges from 1-6.


Logical Name (for PnLN

Serial Port n)

Port n logical name


Logical Name (for PP1LN

Parallel Port 1)

Parallel Port Logical Name



Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

A. Software Package Configuration


Attributes for AADM6 Additional Display




Num Addl
Display Mgrs




Number of additional
display managers (01-19).
Note values less than 10
must be preceded by zero
(example, 01, 02, etc.)

Attributes for AHIST6 AIM*Historian




Historian Database HSNAME Historian name must be

lowercase, 6 chars
(example, hist01)



Attributes for ASMON6 System Monitor




System Monitor


Historian Database SMHDB


Name of associated
Historian database. Must
be name of an instance of
an AIM* Historian. If no
configured, this should not
be specified.


Priority 1 Printer 0 PR1PR0

Priority 1 Printer 0 (must

be existing port logical


Priority 1 Printer 1 PR1PR1

Priority 1 Printer 1 (must

be existing port logical


Priority 2 Printer 0 PR2PR0

Priority 2 Printer 0 (must

be existing port logical




System Monitor name 6


Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


A. Software Package Configuration




Priority 2 Printer 1 PR2PR1

Priority 2 Printer 1 (must

be existing port logical


System Monitor


System Monitor WPs.

Must be comma-separated
list of up to 6 existing WP
logical names (example,
This defines which
workstations will have the
Equipment Change action.


Notification WPs


Notification WPs
Must be comma-separated
list of up to 6 existing WP
logical names (example,


This is not
maintained on the
WinForm, rather
each stations
WinForm specifies
what ASMON6
package monitors

Stations to monitor.
Must be comma-separated
list of up to 64 existing
stations and switches to be
monitored by this system
monitor (example,
0, etc.)



Attributes for OS7AW1 - AW70 Operating








Specifies whether or not

this AW is a master
timekeeper (Y,N)


Backup for MTK


Specifies whether or not

this AW is a backup MTK


GPS and/or Strobe GPS


Specifies whether or not

this AW has a GPS for
time synch (Y/N)


AP Logical Name

AP logical host name.

Initialized to the name of
the AW.


Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

A. Software Package Configuration







Logical Host


Logical host letterbug.

Initialized to the name of
the AW.


Date Format


Date format (0=US,



WP Logical Name MSGLN

WP logical name


WP Message


WP message backup (must

be existing WP logical


Backup Logical
Name (for Serial
Port n)


Port n backup device (must

be existing message
destination) (n=1-2, unless
serial expansion port
configured, then n=1-6)


Baud Rate (for

Serial Port n)


Port n baud rate (1=19200,

2=9600, 3=5600, 4=4800,
5=1200, 6=600, 7=300).
n ranges from 1-6.


Logical Name (for PnLN

Serial Port n)

Port n logical name


Logical Name (for PP1LN

Parallel Port 1)

Parallel Port Logical Name

Attributes for OS1C70 - FCP270 Operating






Basic Proc Cycle


Basic process cycle

(0.5=50 ms, 1=100 ms,
2=200 ms, 5=500 ms,
10=1 sec)


OM Scan Rate

OMSCAN Scan rate for OM (1=100

ms, 5=500 ms)

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


A. Software Package Configuration




Destination MM

MMHLN0 Logical name of primary

destination message
manager (must be existing
Message Manager logical


Destination MM

MMHLN1 Logical name of backup

destination message
manager (must be existing
Message Manager logical



Attributes for OS1Z70 - ZCP270 Operating






Basic Proc Cycle


Basic process cycle

(0.5=50 ms, 1=100 ms,
2=200 ms, 5=500 ms,
10=1 sec)


OM Scan Rate

OMSCAN Scan rate for OM (1=100

ms, 5=500 ms)


Destination MM

MMHLN0 Logical name of primary

destination message
manager (must be existing
Message Manager logical


Destination MM

MMHLN1 Logical name of backup

destination message
manager (must be existing
Message Manager logical

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

A. Software Package Configuration


Attributes for AADM7 - Additional Display




Number additional NDMRW

Display Mgrs


Number of additional
display managers (01-32).
Note values less than 10
must be preceded by zero
(example, 01, 02, etc.)

Attributes for AHIST7 - AIM*Historian




Historian Database HSNAME Historian name - must be

lowercase, 6 chars
(example, hist01)



Attributes for AMSGM7 - Message Manager




MM Logical Name MMLN

Message manager logical

name. Initialized to the
name of the AW.



Indicates whether message

manager is redundant




Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


A. Software Package Configuration







Backup MM
Logical Name


Backup message manager

logical name (must be the
logical name of an existing
Message Manager). Only
specified in redundant.

Associated MDS
Logical Names


Array of controller
letterbugs (FCP or
ZCP270s) that messages
go to from this Message
Must be comma-separated
list of letterbugs, up to 256
existing FCPs or ZCPs
, etc.
The same letterbug cannot
appear in the list of more
than one Message

Attributes for ASMON7 - System Monitor




System Monitor


Historian Database SMHDB


Name of associated
Historian database. Must
be name of an instance of
AHIST7. If no
configured, this should not
be specified.


Priority 1 Printer 0 PR1PR0

Priority 1 Printer 0 (must

be existing port logical
name or a workstation
logical name).


Priority 1 Printer 1 PR1PR1

Priority 1 Printer 1 (must

be existing port logical
name or a workstation
logical name)




System Monitor name - 6


Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

A. Software Package Configuration





Priority 2 Printer 0 PR2PR0

Priority 2 Printer 0 (must

be existing port logical
name or a workstation
logical name)


Priority 2 Printer 1 PR2PR1

Priority 2 Printer 1 (must

be existing port logical
name or a workstation
logical name)


System Monitor


System Monitor WPs.

Must be comma-separated
list of up to 6 existing WP
logical names (example,
This defines which
workstations will have the
Equipment Change action.


Notification WPs


Notification WPs
Must be comma-separated
list of up to 6 existing WP
logical names (example,


This is not
maintained on the
WinForm, rather
each station's
WinForm specifies
what ASMON7
package monitors

Stations to monitor.
Must be comma-separated
list of up to 64 existing
stations and switches to be
monitored by this system
monitor (for example,



Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


A. Software Package Configuration

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E


software set up 53

commit diskette
generate 44
configuration validation 43
create 18
delete 20
rename 20
controller configuration
hardware 21
software 22
switches 23
control-related objects 19

create 39
delete 41
rename 40
device configuration
hardware 41

Equipment Unit
create 4
delete 6
rename 6
Equipment Units 3

create 34
delete 36
rename 35
FBM configuration
hardware 37
software 38
FCM 23
create 23
delete 25
rename 24
FCM configuration
hardware 26
software 27
switches 28
FCS Configuration Tools base templates 2
Field Communication Modules 23
Fieldbus Modules 34

hardware configuration
reports 48

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



workflow 3

Intrinsically Safe Communication Modules 29
create 29
delete 32
rename 30
ISCM configuration
hardware 32
software 33

network options
install status 50
Network View 1

reconcile diskette
process 45
Rename mode 6
Hardware Detail 48
Hardware Summary 48
Peripheral Detail 48
Software Detail 49
Software Summary 49
System Monitor Detail 49
Revision information vii

software set up attributes 53
configure hardware 9
configure ports 10
create 7
delete 9
rename 8

Template Toolbox 2, 4

validate configuration 43
view hardware components 1

create 11
delete 13
rename 12
workstation configuration
hardware 13
peripherals 17
ports 16
software 14
switches 17

Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E



Foxboro Control Software Hardware Configuration Users Guide B0750BB Rev E

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