Memo Dept Public Works - Resp Oct 5 2014 MSP

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City of Cleveland

Michael E. Cox, Director

Department of Public Works



October 13, 2015


Joe Titan, Policy Analyst

Cleveland City Council


Michael E. Cox, Director

Department of Public Works


October 5, 2015 Committee Request for Information

Please see and distribute the attached information in response to requests

made during the October 5, 2015 Municipal Services and Properties
Committee Meeting.
Please contact me at 664-2485 or Kathleen L. Dorsey at 664-2558 with any
Thank you.


Kevin Kelley, President, Cleveland City Council

Ken Johnson, MSP Committee Chair, Cleveland City Council
Darnell Brown, Chief Operating Officer, City of Cleveland
Matthew Spronz, Director, Mayors Office of Capital Projects


Responses to Municipal Service and Properties Committee

October 5, 2015 Meeting


Crack Seal

Provide list of streets that have been crack sealed this year and what
remains to be done before the end of the year.
See: Attachment A - 2015 Maintenance Crack Sealing

Crack Seal

Provide a description of how we choose the streets to be crack sealed.

The list is derived from the completed curb-to-curb projects from
past local resurfacing programs. This years list of streets came
from the 2012- 14 local resurfacing programs. Once completed,
other past projects are assessed for maintenance sealing viability
(spot resurfacing/overlay projects).


What will be the criteria for selecting streets for the 2016 resurfacing
All streets City Wide are reviewed and prioritized on a worst to
first basis. That is, the entire City Transportation System is
modeled by the Pavement Management Process, and
resources/dollars are allocated by the Pavement Management
Process, such that, the maximum benefit to the entire City Wide
Transportation System can be achieved. This will mean that all
City Wards will receive different allocations of total dollars,
because the Pavement Management Process determines the
allocation of dollars on a City Wide Transportation Systems
needs basis. Streets that were considered but not completed in
2015 will be added to the initial list to be reviewed. The initial
group of streets will also include the worst streets identified in
the 2008 pavement management program. Each of the streets
under consideration will be inspected. That list will be
compared to projects already programed and will be reviewed by
utilities for anticipated maintenance activities.



What is the funding level for 2016 resurfacing program?

Currently anticipated to be $10,000,000


Map of the city with Districts, wards and subsections shown

See: Attachment B - Maps


Can we project when potholes will be serviced in specific areas?

In the spring of 2015, a GIS map was created and made available
on the City web site. The map shows what is complete, what is
underway and when we anticipate completing individual
residential subsections of the City. For those that do not have
access to the internet, they can call 311 or the Mayors Action
Center and a customer service representative can relay the
information from the web site.


Are we addressing potholes and snow and ice in alleys?

Potholes are being patched as we move through the City
patching the residential subsections in a systematic process. For
snow and ice, we provide service in the small alleys as we
provide service to the residential subsections in a systematic

Snow Removal

What is the systematic approach for snow removal?

Attached is the plan for providing service based on depth of
See: Attachment C Snow Removal Plan

Snow Removal

Is AVL going to be in place before winter?

AVL is scheduled to be active in November 2015.


Consider a high level discussion on aligning PW 6 districts with CPD 5

As it relates to the DOS, this issue does not take into account the
storage of equipment, materials, logistics, and efficiencies
needed to service the city effectively. Things such as travel time
for salt, patching and other Division of Street Maintenance
functions would suffer greatly by reducing districts.




Provide a list of streets that will not be automated when the final cart set
out is complete this fall.
It is anticipated that approximately 99% of the customers will
use carts once the final cart set out is complete this fall. The
very narrow alleys and one way streets will not allow for the
automated arm to service the carts. Those locations will be semiautomated utilizing a rear load packer with a tipper on the rear
of the truck. Enclosed is a list of anticipated semi-automated
See: Attachment D Semi-Automated Streets
Provide a definition of no-fault attendance policy
Enclosed is the new attendance policy.
See Attachment E City of Cleveland Attendance Policy

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