How To Write Research Proposal
How To Write Research Proposal
How To Write Research Proposal
research topic
Objective of Study
Explain the objective(s) that influence the research
Methodology of study
Explain the methods used in study such as library
research, lab work, field work, historical
documentary, interview, survey, evaluation and
analysis, etc.
Work schedule
Equipment required (where applicable)
Please give details on the estimated cost (where
Brief bibliography
The research proposal should contain between 1,500 2,000 words or about four (4) pages.
Malar Kandasamy
KGJ 140040
Field of Research : Cleaner Production
Tittle : Implementing Cleaner Production in Glove Manufacturing Facility.
Literature Review : Lately, the environmental consciousness has widen and
people has started taking it seriously. This includes the industries. It seems all
industrial organizations are working to lessen their impact on the environment.
What can the industrial glove manufacturing community do to make the
environment cleaner, greener and safer? Glove manufacturers are well known as
one of the industry with highest energy consumption which directly leads to a lot
of environmental impacts. Thus, implementing cleaner production may help in
reducing environmental impacts and directly would also reduce the overall cost of
Cleaner production aims to prevent pollution, reduce the use of energy, water
and material resources and minimize waste profitably, all without reducing
production capacity. It involves rethinking conventional methods to achieve
smarter products, product components, and production processes. While casting
operations are relatively clean, all casting operations have some potentially
harmful to the environment, the health of their employees and to generate
nuisance issues in the community. The direct costs of treating and disposing of
these wastes can be high and the trend is towards increasing costs for business
and for the community. The true cost may be much higher still when the social
costs of extracting virgin materials and creating large landfills is taken into
account. Treatment and disposal of waste generally only address the symptoms
of an inefficient process. Waste may be an indicator that you are losing money
unnecessarily. Cleaner Production aims to reduce waste and inefficiency at
Objective of Study : 1)
Methodology of Study :
Green research and development:
Use recycled content in the product. Due to their large volumes, used
automobile tires are among the largest and most problematic sources of