How To Write Research Proposal

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to Write Research Proposal

All Research Methodology Students are required to
submit a comprehensive research proposal. The
proposal should comprise the following elements: Field of Research
Topic of Research Proposal
Background or a brief literature review on the

research topic
Objective of Study
Explain the objective(s) that influence the research
Methodology of study
Explain the methods used in study such as library
research, lab work, field work, historical
documentary, interview, survey, evaluation and
analysis, etc.
Work schedule
Equipment required (where applicable)
Please give details on the estimated cost (where

Brief bibliography
The research proposal should contain between 1,500 2,000 words or about four (4) pages.

Malar Kandasamy
KGJ 140040
Field of Research : Cleaner Production
Tittle : Implementing Cleaner Production in Glove Manufacturing Facility.
Literature Review : Lately, the environmental consciousness has widen and
people has started taking it seriously. This includes the industries. It seems all
industrial organizations are working to lessen their impact on the environment.
What can the industrial glove manufacturing community do to make the
environment cleaner, greener and safer? Glove manufacturers are well known as
one of the industry with highest energy consumption which directly leads to a lot
of environmental impacts. Thus, implementing cleaner production may help in
reducing environmental impacts and directly would also reduce the overall cost of
Cleaner production aims to prevent pollution, reduce the use of energy, water
and material resources and minimize waste profitably, all without reducing
production capacity. It involves rethinking conventional methods to achieve
smarter products, product components, and production processes. While casting
operations are relatively clean, all casting operations have some potentially
harmful to the environment, the health of their employees and to generate
nuisance issues in the community. The direct costs of treating and disposing of
these wastes can be high and the trend is towards increasing costs for business
and for the community. The true cost may be much higher still when the social
costs of extracting virgin materials and creating large landfills is taken into
account. Treatment and disposal of waste generally only address the symptoms
of an inefficient process. Waste may be an indicator that you are losing money
unnecessarily. Cleaner Production aims to reduce waste and inefficiency at
Objective of Study : 1)
Methodology of Study :
Green research and development:

Develop green products. With millions of industrial gloves going into

landfills each year, the recent introduction of the first biodegradable
disposable nitrile glove is encouraging in the development of green
products. What is notable about this patent-pending innovation is that you
have a glove polymer nitrile that was not considered to be
biodegradable, and it has been engineered into a biodegradable product
that breaks down only when placed in a landfill.

Use recycled content in the product. Due to their large volumes, used
automobile tires are among the largest and most problematic sources of

waste at landfills. Innovative manufacturers are engineering gloves that

contain ground-up tires in the rough textured grip, which reduces the
number of tires in landfills.
Manufacturing practices:

Energy footprint. Glove manufacturers can reduce their energy footprint

through the design of new machines and the modification of existing
machines that lower energy consumption. At one U.S.-based glove
manufacturing facility, this type of practice has proven to dramatically
lower the amount of fuel used to power production lines.

Reduction of waste. The most forward-thinking glove manufacturers are

beginning to use reclamation machines for knitted glove products. This
improved process eliminates a huge amount of waste. At least one
manufacturer has brought all of its cut-resistant products under this
reclamation effort. Because of this effort, virtually all waste has been
eliminated during the manufacturing of its high-performance fiber cutresistant products.

Environmental discharge. Science is leading the way in going green

manufacturing processes where glove manufacturers are now using
chemistry systems that have lower environmental impact and lower
toxicity. Manufacturers are working to eliminate chemicals that are
considered dangerous to the environment.

Recyclable packaging. Follow the lead of consumer products where

recyclable packaging is an important feature. Even in the consumer world,
it is not a primary purchase motivator but is becoming increasingly
expected. Glove manufacturers can offer packaging made from 100
percent recycled material for inner dispensers and outer cases made from
100 percent post-consumer waste.

Green logistics. The entire supply change can be reverse-engineered

with the environment in mind. Global manufacturers are at an advantage
because they can shift production to local plants and facilities. The closer
the plant to the raw material or the end customer, the greater the cost
savings and the less impact freight and other transportation have on the

the following five simple steps to implement Cleaner Production in your

operation: Measure use of chemicals and consumables and measure the waste
generated; Identify causes of waste generation; Identify opportunities to
reduce waste; Evaluate the viable options; and Implement the best options and
review the improvements.

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