Piketty's Inequality Story in Six Charts - The New Yorker

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MARCH 26, 2014

Pikettys Inequality Story in Six Charts


In this weeks magazine

currentPage=all), Ive got a lengthy piece about Capital in the Twenty-first Century, a
new book about rising inequality by Thomas Piketty, a French economist, that is
sparking a lot of comment and debate. (Brad DeLong has a useful summary
(http://equitablegrowth.org/2014/03/25/2366/dialogue-ten-so-far-worthwhile-reviewsof-and-reflections-on-thomas-pikettys-capital-in-the-twenty-first-century-wednesdayfocus-march-26-2014)of some early reviews.) Ill go further into that discussion in future
posts, but first I thought it might be useful to portray the gist of Pikettys story in a series
of charts.
The charts arent merely illustrative: they are an essential part of Pikettys contribution.
Fifteen or twenty years ago, debates about inequality tended to be cast in terms of clever
but complicated statistics, such as the Gini coefficient
and the Theil entropy index
(http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/2288/1/Theil,_Inequality_and_the_Structure_of_Income_Distribution.pdf )
which attempted to reduce the entire income distribution to a single number. One thing
that Piketty and his colleagues Emmanuel Saez and Anthony Atkinson have done is to
popularize the use of simple charts that are easier to understand. In particular, they
present pictures showing the shares of over-all income and wealth taken by various
groups over time, including the top decile of the income distribution and the top
percentile (respectively, the top ten per cent and those we call the one per cent).
The Piketty group didnt invent this way of looking at things. Other economists, such as
Ed Wolff, of New York University, and Jared Bernstein and Larry Mishel, the creators of
the invaluable State of Working America (http://www.stateofworkingamerica.org/)
series, have long used similar charts and tables in their publications. But partly by using
new sources of data, such as individual tax records, and partly by expanding the research
to other countries, Piketty and his colleagues have deployed their charts to reshape the
entire inequality debate.

For a long time, that debate was almost entirely focussed on what was happening to
median incomes. That inevitably led to discussions of globalization, skill-biased technical
change, and policies focussed on education and retraining. Now, thanks to Piketty et al.,
the remarkable gains of those at the very top cant be avoided. And this means that the
issues of politics and redistribution cant be avoided either.
The first chart is a simple one, and it concerns the United States alone. It tracks the share
of over-all income taken by the top ten per cent of households from 1910 to 2010.
Broadly speaking, its centered on a U shape. Inequality climbed steeply in the Roaring
Twenties, and then fell sharply in the decade and a half following the Great Crash of
October, 1929. From the mid-forties to the mid-seventies, it stayed pretty stable, and
then it took off, eventually topping the 1928 level in 2007. (The chart shows the share of
the top decile falling back a bit after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2008. New figures for
2012 (http://elsa.berkeley.edu/%7Esaez/saez-UStopincomes-2012.pdf ) from Saez,
which came out too late to be included in Pikettys book, show the line hitting another
new high, of more than fifty per cent.)
The second chart shows the share of income taken
by the one per cent over the same period, and the
teal line, which includes income of all kinds, has the
same U shape. (Once again, the 2012 figures, which
arent included, show another step up.) The top
percentile hasnt taken such a large share of over-all
income since 1928. Interestingly, the recent rise in its
share is a bit less dramatic when the analysis is
confined to wage income. The difference between
the bottom line (wage income) and the top line (total income) is accounted for by
income from capitaldividends, interest payments, and capital gains. Because they own a
lot of wealth, the one-per-centers receive a lot of their income in this form.
Chart Three expands the analysis to what Piketty
calls other Anglo-Saxon countries Australia,
Canada, and the United Kingdomand it confirms
that rising inequality is a global phenomenon. Since
1980, the share of over-all income going to the one
per cent has risen sharply in those three nations, too.
However, the United States still comes out as the
winner of the inequality race. Thats perhaps not too
surprising: we tend to think of the United States as a
very unequal country, but its worth noting that this perception wasnt always accurate.
The chart shows that, ninety years ago, the United States and Canada had roughly the
same amount of inequality, according to this measure, while the United Kingdom was a
markedly less equitable place. Today, though, the U.S. has few challengers. Even in terms

of income generated by work, Piketty notes, the level of inequality in the United States is
probably higher than in any other society at any time in the past, anywhere in the
Chart Four shows whats been happening in six
developing countries: Argentina, China, Colombia,
India, Indonesia, and South Africa. Once again, we
see the familiar U shape: during the past few
decades, more and more income has been
accumulating at the top. In most of these countries,
however, the share taken by the one per cent is quite
a bit lower than it is in the United States. The one
exception is Colombia, where the figures are broadly
comparable. (Compare Chart Four to Chart Two.) It barely needs noting that Argentina,
Indonesia, and South Africa are highly stratified and grossly inequitable nations. But,
according to this measure, anyway, they have less inequality than the United States does.
Despite the recent growth of a big-spending nouveau-riche class, the same is true of
The fifth chart switches the attention from income
to wealth, and it takes a long-term perspective. For
much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the
class-bound societies of Western Europe were
dominated by a landed and monied elite that owned
much of the land and the wealth. The United States
had rich and poor, too, but the wealth was still spread
around a bit more widely. In 1910, for example, the
one per cent in Europe owned about sixty-five per
cent of all wealth; in the United States, the figure
was forty-five per cent.
In recent decades, the roles have been reversed. The U.S. monied elite has outstripped its
counterpart on the other side of the Atlantic, and wealth has become even more
concentrated in the United States than it is in Europe. In 2010, the American one per
cent owned about a third of all the wealth: the European one per cent owned about a
quarter. Citing figures like these, Piketty warns that the New World may be on the verge
of becoming the Old Europe of the twenty-first centurys globalized economy.
The last chart is a bit different. It concerns Pikettys theory that capitalism has a central
contradiction: when the rate of return on capital exceeds the rate of economic growth,
inequality tends to rise. (Thats because profits and other types of income from capital
tend to grow faster than wage income, which is what most people rely on.) The purple
line shows Pikettys estimate of the rate of return on capital at the world level going back

to antiquity and forward to 2100. The yellow line

shows his estimate of the global growth rate over the
same period.
The important point to note is this: setting aside the
period from the late nineteenth century to the early
twenty-first century, which is roughly what we would
call modernity, the growth rate has been below the
rate of return, implying steadily rising inequality. The
twentieth century, far from representing normality,
was a historic exception that is unlikely to be repeated, Piketty argues. In the coming
decades, he says, the growth rate will most likely fall back below the rate of return, and
the consequences for the long-term dynamics of the wealth distribution are potentially
Pikettys projection is only guesswork, of course. (In
my magazine piece, I suggest a couple of ways it
could be turn out to be wrong.) But its based on
some serious arguments, and its got a lot of people
talking. Just like the rest of the book.
Charts adapted from the originals in Thomas Pikettys
Capital in the Twenty-first Century.

John Cassidy has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1995. He also
writes a column about politics, economics, and more,
(http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy) for newyorker.com.

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