Introduction To Rock Physics
Introduction To Rock Physics
Introduction To Rock Physics
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Laboratory measurements
Ahmadov et al. (Confocal laser scanning and atomic-force
microscopy in estimation of elastic properties of organic-rich
Bazhenov Formation) demonstrate the use of AFM coupled with CLSM for visualization and identication of the
organic-rich shales and for nanoscale elastic-property measurements. Using these tools, the authors successfully image
the kerogen within the matrix of Bazhnov Formation and estimate the variation of Youngs modulus and shear and bulk
modulus of kerogen using a nanoindentation technique.
Lebedev et al. ("Direct laboratory observation of patchy
saturation and its eects on ultrasonic velocities) discuss
measurements of P-wave velocities and rock sample X-ray
computer tomography imaging to infer the distribution of
water saturation in rock samples. They show that, at low saturation, the velocity-saturation dependence can be described
by the Gassmann-Wood relationship. A transition behavior at
intermediate saturations depends on the uid patch arrangement and its size, and in turn is controlled by the injection
rate. For large uid injection rates, the transition from homogeneous to patchy saturation occurs at lower saturation.
In Digital rock physics: 3D imaging of core material and
correlations to acoustic and ow properties, Knackstedt et al.
combine digitized images from 3D X-ray microtomographic
imaging with numerical calculations to predict petrophysical
properties of core samples from reservoir sands and carbonate
samples. While the reservoir sand cores may be homogeneous,
the heterogeneous nature of carbonates requires probing oil
structures at ner scales (tens of nanometers to centimeters)
by methods that the authors describe.
Prasad et al. (Rock physics of the unconventional) stress
that improvement in exploration and monitoring would lead
to results directly related to material properties in situ, which
in turn become complex or unconventional. In the hope of
stimulating discussions on where the technology is headed
and what resources would be required to address such challenges, the authors discuss the challenging aspects related to
heavy oil and tar sands, organic-rich shales and oil shales, and
coals and gas hydrates, and suggest that their analysis techniques would need information usually not associated with
rock physics.
In Cracks in porous rocks: Tiny defects, strong eects,
Guguen et al. report measurements of mechanical behavior,
acoustic emission, and elastic wave velocities as a function of
applied stress for several rock samples in the laboratory. Very
dierent rocks, such as sandstones, marbles, and shales, show
very dierent acoustic signatures at rupture and have been
investigated using these methods. Sandstone compaction is
accompanied by the formation of microcracks and accordingly exhibits a clear drop in compressional and shear wave
velocity, together with an increase in VP/VS ratio (both in dry
and wet samples). In the case of shales, the variation in elastic
wave anisotropy is partly due to crack-like pores that are very
sensitive to mean pressure and to deviatoric stress.
Interpretation of borehole measurements
Smith et al. (Rock properties in low porosity/low permeability sandstones) focus on the microstructure of the pore
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space in low-porosity/low-permeability sandstones and its impact on velocity behavior. Using their core and petrographic
observations for tight quartz-rich sandstones, the authors interpret the high variability in compressional velocity and the
poor correlation to porosity in these rocks to be the result
of highly variable pore geometries and the presence of lowaspect ratio pores and microcracks. On the basis of dipole
sonic log data, it is concluded that these microcracks could
have preferential alignment, giving rise to velocity anisotropy
and a possible manifestation in anisotropic permeability and
perhaps resistivity.
In Lithology and uid dierentiation using rock physics
template, Chi and Han use rock physics templates derived
from log data in association with the elastic attributes derived
from seismic data to interpret reservoir properties accurately.
The authors generate the template by rst constructing dry
bulk moduli of the rock at zero porosity and determining
the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds and uid substitution using
Gassmanns equation. This rock physics template is then overlain on all crossplots of elastic attributes generated from seismic data in the area.
Xu and Payne (Modeling elastic properties in carbonate
rocks) present a rock physics model for carbonates that includes the eects of both rounded pores and microcracks.
The authors show that the pore uid in microcracks tends
to be unrelaxed, at least at ultrasonic frequencies, probably due to the low local permeability. A mixed-mode uid
substitution, assuming the microcracks are isolated while
the rest of the pores are perfectly connected, is also a good
match between calculated and measured P-wave velocities.
The authors also develop a fracture model that handles both
fracture anisotropy and shale anisotropy. Application of the
model to an East Texas well shows that the use of azimuthal
seismic anisotropy for fracture detection is most eective in
the case of a single set of fractures.
In Constrained rock physics modeling, Drge proposes
a strategy to evaluate numerous rock physics models in an efcient manner. The method nds the best prediction for each
model, which makes it easy to see which models are suited for
further modeling. The strategy is applied to a data set from the
North Sea Brent group. A selection of the rock physics models with optimal input parameters is further tested to evaluate
the ability to predict data outside the calibration data set.
Glover (What is the cementation exponent? A new interpretation) suggests an interpretation of the cementation
factor m appearing in Archies laws. Water and oil saturations
calculated with Archies equations are highly sensitive to the
value of the cementation exponent, and the new interpretation proposed by the author may help in understanding the
physical meaning of this parameter.
Deformational analysis
Hossain et al. (Elastic and nonelastic deformation of greensand) discuss the deformation of a greensand sample from
the North Sea using geotechnical compression testing, sonic
January 2009