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Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2005. 36:31944

doi: 10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.36.102003.152614
c 2005 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
First published online as a Review in Advance on August 17, 2005


of the Science?
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2005.36:319-344. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by CAPES on 02/14/06. For personal use only.

Monica G. Turner
Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706;
email: [email protected]

Key Words

disturbance, fragmentation, spatial heterogeneity, spatial pattern,

Abstract Landscape ecology focuses on the reciprocal interactions between spatial pattern and ecological processes, and it is well integrated with ecology. The field
has grown rapidly over the past 15 years. The persistent influence of land-use history
and natural disturbance on contemporary ecosystems has become apparent. Development of pattern metrics has largely stabilized, and they are widely used to relate
landscape pattern to ecological responses. Analyses conducted at multiple scales have
demonstrated the importance of landscape pattern for many taxa, and spatially mediated interspecific interactions are receiving increased attention. Disturbance remains
prominent in landscape studies, and current research is addressing disturbance interactions. Integration of ecosystem and landscape ecology remains challenging but should
enhance understanding of landscape function. Landscape ecology should continue to
refine knowledge of when spatial heterogeneity is fundamentally important, rigorously
test the generality of its concepts, and develop a more mechanistic understanding of
the relationships between pattern and process.

Scientists have observed and described heterogeneity (complexity or variability in
a system property of interest in space and time) (Li & Reynolds 1995) in ecological
systems for a very long time. However, an explicit focus on understanding spatial
heterogeneityrevealing its myriad abiotic and biotic causes and its ecological
consequencesemerged in the 1980s as landscape ecology developed and spatial
data and analysis methods became more widely available. Since then, progress in
landscape ecology has been substantial and rapid, and its concepts and methods are
now widely used in many branches of ecology. Landscape ecological approaches
are not limited to land, but are also applied in aquatic and marine ecosystems (e.g.,
Bell et al. 1999, Ward et al. 2002). Research in landscape ecology has enhanced
understanding of the causes and consequences of spatial heterogeneity and how
they vary with scale and has influenced management of both natural and humandominated landscapes.


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Most generally, a landscape is an area that is spatially heterogeneous in at least

one factor of interest (Turner et al. 2001). This flexible definition is applicable
across scales and adaptable to different systems. Landscape ecology, a term coined
by the German biogeographer Carl Troll and elaborated in 1950 (Troll 1950), arose
from the European traditions of regional geography and vegetation science and
was motivated by the new perspective offered by aerial photography. Landscape
ecology has since been defined in various ways (Pickett & Cadenasso 1995, Risser
et al. 1984, Turner 1989, Turner et al. 2001, Urban et al. 1987), but common
to all definitions is a focus on understanding the reciprocal interactions between
spatial heterogeneity and ecological processes. Nonetheless, landscape ecology
has developed with two distinct approaches that, although not mutually exclusive,
have led to some confusion about its scope. Landscape ecology often emphasizes
large areas or regions and includes humans and their activities, which reflects a
strong European tradition. The focus of landscape ecology is more anthropocentric
in Europe and aligned closely with land planning (e.g., Bastian 2001, Opdam et al.
2002). However, landscape ecology also encompasses the causes and consequences
of spatial pattern at variable spatial scales defined by the organism or process of
interest, which reflects traditions in North America and Australia. Thus, streambeds
may be considered landscapes for stream invertebrates (Palmer et al. 2000), and
spatial heterogeneity in soils may be characterized at very fine scales relevant to
individual plants or even microbes. These diversities in approach and tradition are
both contrasting and complimentary (Wu & Hobbs 2002) and an inherent part of
the field.
The rapid development of landscape ecology in the past two decades suggests
that a review of the field is timely, albeit daunting. The number of landscape
ecology articles published each year has increased exponentially since the early
1990s (Turner 2005). Reviews have been published for particular areas of landscape
ecology, such as quantitative analyses of spatial pattern (e.g., Gustafson 1998,
Haines-Young & Chopping 1996, Hargis et al. 1998, Li & Reynolds 1995) and
disturbance dynamics (e.g., Foster et al. 1998, Perry 2002), and several synthetic
articles have catalyzed progress (e.g., Pickett & Cadenasso 1995, Wiens 1999, Wu
& Hobbs 2002). An edited volume of early foundation papers in landscape ecology
provides access to the intellectual foundations of the field and lists the numerous
books on landscape ecology published in the past decade (Wiens et al. 2005). Here, I
emphasize developments in landscape ecology since my 1989 review (Turner 1989)
and use a similar organization for context and comparison. My focus is primarily on
contributions of landscape ecology to basic ecological understanding rather than
to land management. I identify general concepts, highlight contemporary areas of
inquiry, and suggest future research directions.
Several general themes are implicit throughout this review. First, understanding
scale (Levin 1992, Wiens 1989) has been and remains closely aligned with landscape ecology. As ecology moved to broader scales and embraced heterogeneity, an
understanding of the profound effects of grain, extent, and level of organization on
analyses was crucial. Second, landscape ecology addresses both basic and applied

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questions and moves easily between these realms; indeed, the demand for landscape science in resource management has been quite high (Liu & Taylor 2002).
Third, the use of multiple approaches, including historical or remotely sensed data,
field measurements, experimental model systems, and simulation modeling, is the
norm in landscape studies; the interplay of models and data has been characteristic
of the field.


Landscape patterns result from complex relationships among multiple factors,
many of which are well known. The abiotic template includes climate, which
strongly controls biogeographic patterns, and landform, which produces patterns
of physical relief and soil development (e.g., Parker & Bendix 1996). Biotic
interactionssuch as competition, herbivory, and predationand the role of keystone species or ecosystem engineers are played out on the abiotic template and
influence species assemblages. Disturbance and succession are key drivers of spatial and temporal heterogeneity; many disturbances have a strong climate forcing
and may interact with landform. Finally, the ways in which humans use the land
are key drivers of landscape pattern (Riitters et al. 2002). These causes have been
well described for many systems, yet explaining and predicting landscape patterns remains surprisingly difficult. Current questions focus on understanding landscape legacies and multiple drivers and their interactions, and on forecasting future

Landscape Legacies
What aspects of current landscape patterns are explained by past land use or disturbance, and for how long do such influences persist? All landscapes have a
history. Paleoecologists have elucidated long-term changes in the biota, but the
rise of environmental history (e.g., Cronon 1983, Russell 1997) and recognition
that history might explain contemporary patterns emerged more recently (e.g.,
Foster 1992, but see also Wells et al. 1976). In areas of northeastern France deforested during the Roman occupation and farmed during 50 to 250 AD, species
richness and plant communities still varied2000 years laterwith the intensity
of former agriculture (Dupouey et al. 2002). In central Massachusetts, historical
land use predicted forest overstory composition well in 1992, even though other
major natural disturbances occurred after land use ceased (Motzkin et al. 1999).
The persistent influence of land-use history in explaining the vegetation and biogeochemical characteristics of contemporary ecosystems has become increasingly
apparent (Compton & Boone 2000, Foster 2002, Goodale & Aber 2001).
Natural disturbances can also leave legacies that persist for decades to centuries.
For example, stand-replacing fire is the dominant disturbance in the coniferous
forest landscape of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Using a chronosequence

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approach, Kashian et al. (2005a,b) found detectable effects of historic fires on

stand density and growth rate for nearly two centuries following those fires. In
tropical forests of Puerto Rico, current vegetation patterns were influenced by
both historical land use and hurricanes (Foster et al. 1999). Thus, the legacies of
land use and disturbance can be remarkably persistent, and integrating this history
with current understanding remains an important goal. We must consider the future
legacies of todays landscape patterns: What variables will be most affected, and
for how long? Enhanced understanding of long-term landscape development is
important for both explaining the present and looking to the future.

Multiple Drivers and Their Interactions

Understanding the relative importance of different factors (and their roles at multiple scales) in producing landscape patterns is another important challenge. Most
studies have focused on a dominant driver rather than on the multiple drivers that
together generate spatial pattern; interactions among the varied drivers remain
poorly understood, in part because they are difficult to study. Urban et al. (2002)
addressed landscape patterns of vegetation in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National
Park, California. These authors recognized explicitly that spatial autocorrelation
in ecological data, coupled with strong patterns of correlation among environmental factors (such as the gradients governed by elevation), makes the varied agents
that produce vegetation patterns difficult to disentangle.
A number of studies have related landscape patterns to variable sets that include both biophysical and socioeconomic factors or their surrogates. Interactions
between land ownership and landscape position have emerged as strong determinants of land-cover patterns and changes (Mladenoff et al. 1993, Spies et al. 1994,
Wear & Bolstad 1998). Black et al. (2003) assessed the role of several economic,
demographic, cultural, climatic, topographic, and geologic factors in forest spatialpattern changes (from the 1930s to the 1990s) across an 800,000-km2 area in the
interior northwest United States. Their results nicely illustrated how social-system
factors are imposed on biophysical factors to generate pattern change in the study of
landscape. Furthermore, the scales of response and explanatory variables often did
not correspond; broad-scale factors related to land-ownership systems, economic
market structures, and cultural-value systems appeared in all significant models,
regardless of the response scale, and biophysical parameters related to growing
conditions at the site moderated or exacerbated changes (Black et al. 2003).

Future Landscape Patterns

Forecasting future landscape patterns remains a challenging task in which the
suite of drivers of landscape pattern and their interactions must be considered. The
exploration of alternative scenarios and their ecological implications is particularly
important in applied landscape ecology (e.g., White et al. 1997). Empirical models
that use a set of independent variables to explain past land-use changes have been
informative, although extrapolation of those models to the future is problematic.

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A widely used approach is based on logistic regression in which the likelihood of

a particular land-cover transition is estimated and simulated into the future (Wear
et al. 1996, Wear & Bolstad 1998). Because the transition probabilities in these
models can be influenced by many factors (e.g., elevation, distance to roads or
market center, population density, and patch size), they potentially have better
predictive power than simple Markov models when run in a spatial framework.
Spatially explicit simulation models are the primary tools for exploring plausible future landscape patterns and processes. For example, interactions among
fire, windthrow, forest harvesting, and tree-species dynamics were explored for
a 500,000-ha heterogeneous landscape of the upper Midwest United States, by
use of the spatially explicit, stochastic model LANDIS (He & Mladenoff 1999).
Costanza et al. (2002) developed a spatially explicit, process-based model of the
2352-km2 Patuxent River watershed in Maryland. The model addressed the effects
of both the magnitude and spatial patterns of human settlements and agricultural
practices on hydrology, plant productivity, and nutrient cycling in the landscape.
Such broad-scale, spatially explicit models highlight the complex nature of landscape responses. Balancing the trade-offs between the simplicity of general models
and the complexity of more realistic spatial models remains a challenge.


Landscape Metrics
The quantification of spatial heterogeneity is necessary to elucidate relationships
between ecological processes and spatial patterns; thus, the measurement, analysis,
and interpretation of spatial patterns receive much attention in landscape ecology.
A wide array of metrics for landscape composition (what and how much is present,
such as the number and amount of different habitat types) and configuration (how
those classes are arranged spatially) were developed for categorical data. Excellent software packages are readily available; FRAGSTATS (McGarigal & Marks
1995) is used most widely. Some metrics have also been integrated into existing
geographic information system (GIS) software (e.g., Patch Analyst in Arc/View).
Importantly, spatial pattern analysis is a tool rather than a goal of its own, and
the objectives or questions driving any analysis must be specified a priori; this
specification must include the qualities of pattern to be represented and why.
A variety of issues associated with interpreting pattern metrics are now well
understood by practitioners (Gustafson 1998, Haines-Young & Chopping 1996,
Li & Wu 2004, Turner et al. 2001). For example, different results are obtained
by analyzing different classifications of the same data (Gustafson 1998) or using
different patch-definition rules. Many metrics are sensitive to changes in the grain
size (spatial resolution) of the data or the extent (area) of the study landscape (e.g.,
Wickham & Riitters 1995), and numerous correlations occur among landscapepattern indices (Cain et al. 1997, Riitters et al. 1995). Composition, particularly
the proportions of cover types on the landscape, influences the values of many

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metrics (Gardner et al. 1987, Gustafson & Parker 1992, Tischendorf 2001). No
single metric can adequately capture the pattern on a given landscape, and several suggestions have been made for a meaningful set of metrics that minimize
redundancy while capturing the desired qualities (Riitters et al. 1995). Comparisons made among landscapes, with different data types or through time must now
routinely account for these known complexities.
Despite numerous calls for improved linkages, the relationship between processes that create patterns and the patterns themselves still is not readily apparent.
Krummel et al. (1987) suggested that simple, rectilinear shapes of forest patches
indicated human influences in shaping landscape patterns. Numerous authors have
shown that dispersed clear-cuts in forested landscapes produce distinctive landscape patterns with high patch and edge densities and small patch areas (e.g., Spies
et al. 1994). The habitat loss and fragmentation associated with human land use in
many regions is also well described in landscape ecology and conservation biology
(e.g., Heilman et al. 2002, Riitters et al. 2000, Saunders et al. 1991). Nonetheless,
no general framework exists that permits a particular spatial pattern to be linked
to specific generating factors. Current research is developing a more rigorous statistical interpretation of spatial pattern analysis that rekindles the attempt to link
processes with patterns and addresses several persistent challenges.
Building upon the tradition of neutral landscape models (Gardner et al. 1987,
With & King 1997), Fortin et al. (2003) explored the spatial realization of simple
stochastic processes on a landscape and interpreted the resulting patterns using
landscape metrics. Landscape patterns were generated by independent variation of
two parameters: one that represents composition (the amount of a given habitat) and
one that represents configuration (its arrangement, represented here by the amount
of spatial autocorrelation) of a single habitat type. Inspection of the pair-wise
scatterplots between seven landscape metrics revealed that many relationships were
not linear, and several were not even monotonic (Figure 1). Thus, the expectation
of linear relationships among landscape metrics that has been implicit in most
previous studies may be misleading.
The statistical properties and behavior of many pattern metrics remain poorly
understood. Because the distributions of landscape metrics are not known, expected values and variances are not available for statistical comparisons to be
made among multiple observations of a particular metric (Li & Wu 2004, Remmel
& Csillag 2003, Turner et al. 2001). Remmel & Csillig (2003) used the approach of
Fortin et al. (2003) to develop neutral landscape models based on composition and
configuration. They generated confidence intervals for landscape metric values by
collecting their empirical distribution over a series of landscapes that were simulated using values of the two parameters estimated from the observed landscape. If
the confidence intervals between two landscapes overlap, then the landscapes do
not differ for the given metric (Figure 2). This approach lends much greater rigor
to studies that seek to identify differences among landscapes or to detect changes
through time in a given landscape. As the authors conclude, testing whether two
landscape metrics differ significantly should become a standard approach.

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Figure 1 Scatter plots of seven landscape metrics derived from 1000 simulated binary landscapes with high autocorrelation. Abbreviations: NP, number of patches; PD, patch density;
ED, edge density; LSI, landscape shape index; AWMSI, area-weighted mean shape index;
MSIEI, modified Simplsons evenness index; CONTAG, contagion. The relationships are
not monotonic and suggest that relationships among landscape metrics may be nonlinear.
Reproduced with permission from Fortin et al. (2003).

Despite their limitations, landscape metrics remain widely used and useful.
Mapped distributions of metric values (rather than the original categorical data
from which they were derived) can also offer new perspectives on spatial variation
across regions (Riitters et al. 2000). For example, replicate locations that share
some qualities of spatial pattern are often difficult to identify; mapped distributions
of metrics can be used to stratify sites for empirical study appropriately when some
aspect of landscape pattern is an independent variable. Mapped patterns may also
identify higher-order information not easily discernible from tabular summaries
(Riitters et al. 2000).

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Figure 2 The 99% statistical confidence intervals for measures of patch density (PD) and
landscape shape index (LSI) for four landscapes (AD) near Prince George, British Columbia,
Canada. Solid circles are actual values measured from each landscape, and confidence intervals are derived from 100 realized simulations. PD did not differ significantly among the
landscapes, but LSI discriminated landscapes. Reproduced with permission from Remmel &
Csillag (2003).

Spatial Statistics
Methods that treat continuous rather than discrete variation in space are receiving
increased attention; the landscape metrics described above use categorical data,
but spatial heterogeneity may also be continuous. Spatial statistics (Rossi et al.
1992) use the continuous distribution of a quantity of interest and do not require
categorization. To illustrate the distinction, forest cover could be represented categorically (as forest or nonforest) or continuously (by tree density). Ecosystem
process rates (e.g., net ecosystem production, nitrogen or carbon mineralization,
and respiration) also vary continuously and, thus, may be especially amenable to
analysis using spatial statistics. These methods do not depend on patch definitions
or boundaries; however, additional assumptions, such as stationarity of variance
in the data or isotropy, may apply.
Spatial statistics are applied somewhat less in landscape ecology than are the
methods based on discrete space, but they serve several important purposes. First,
the spatial structure (i.e., autocorrelation) of a variable might be quantified using
spatial statistics so that sampling or data analyses can avoid locations that are
spatially autocorrelated or build that structure into the study. Second, variability

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and the scale of spatial structure can serve as the response of interest, and spatial
statistics offers efficient sampling designs to assess this (e.g., Burrows et al. 2002).
However, such studies are still far from routine. Pastor et al. (1998) tested three
geostatistical models of the spatial distribution of available browse, annual browse
consumption, conifer basal area, and soil-nitrogen availability on Isle Royale,
Michigan. Their results suggested that dynamic interactions between moose foraging and plant communities produce characteristic spatial patterns of vegetation
and soil properties. For the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, Wang
et al. (2002) examined the spatial correlations of soil properties and environmental factors to better understand the controls on biogeochemical processes within
ecosystems. They hypothesized varying degrees of spatial structure in soil organic
carbon, soil moisture, and soil bulk density along gradients of elevation, slope,
and aspect. Cross-correlograms indicated that soil organic carbon was correlated
positively with elevation at separation distances less than 3000 m and negatively at
separation distances greater than 6000 m. Fraterrigo et al. (2005) also used spatial
structure as a response variable; they hypothesized and detected a change in the
spatial structure of soil nutrients with historic land use. Results of such analyses
may elucidate mechanisms that underpin observed patterns or suggest relationships
between environmental heterogeneity and process rates of interest. Nonetheless,
use of spatial statistics as responses in ecological studies still presents some challenges. For example, interpretation of semivariograms calculated for replicated
spatial units is not straightforward and neither is comparison of results from different models (e.g., spherical, sinusoidal, and exponential).
Spatial statistics also offer methods for interpolating spatial patterns from point
data. Kriging and cokriging, which includes environmental covariates, are used to
predict values in locations where measurements have not been made. However,
when Bolstad et al. (1998) compared methods for predicting vegetation patterns
throughout a basin, they found that multiple regression may be stronger than cokriging if the relationships between predictor and response variables are understood.
Because the data in landscape studies are almost always spatial, spatial statistics
can and should be used in conjunction with classical statistics, such as regression
and analysis of variance, to determine and correct for spatial autocorrelation of errors (residuals). Statistical software packages have incorporated methods to detect
and correctly model the spatial covariance structure of data, and ecological studies
are beginning to implement these methods (e.g., Schwartz et al. 2003). The assumption of independent errors is important in classical statistics, and failure to account
for spatial autocorrelation may lead to false conclusions (Lichstein et al. 2002).


Populations exist in spatially heterogeneous environments, and the review by
Wiens (1976) may mark the beginning of a landscape approach to population
dynamics. How interactions within and among populations create spatial patterns

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in species distributions is well developed within population ecology. For example, competition and predator-prey dynamics may produce spatial patterns in the
distribution of organisms even when the underlying environment is homogeneous
(Durrett & Levin 1994). How organisms create spatial patterns through spatially
explicit feeding relationships and physical alterations of the environment, along
with how populations respond to complex patterns and actual landscapes, is addressed in landscape ecology. Considerable overlap occurs with metapopulation
biology (Hanski & Gilpin 1997) in questions and approaches.

Effects of Organisms on Landscape Heterogeneity

Although the response of organisms to landscape heterogeneity dominates research
on organism-landscape interactions, the role of the biota in creating heterogeneity
has also been recognized. Ecosystem engineers (Jones et al. 1997) are noted as
key sources of heterogeneity in a variety of systems. For example, bison (Bison
bison) drive heterogeneity patterns within the North American prairie (Knapp et al.
1999). The nightly feeding forays of hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius) create a maze of trails and canals that are movement corridors for water as well as many
other species (Naiman and Rogers 1997). Despite these key examples, the role of
organisms as sources of spatial heterogeneity has been somewhat understudied in
landscape ecology.

Effects of Landscape Heterogeneity on Organisms

Landscape ecologists emphasize how organisms use resources that are spatially
heterogeneous and how they live, reproduce, disperse, and interact in landscape
mosaics. The context for much of this work has been to understand how altered
landscape patterns affect the distribution, persistence, and abundance of species,
often in the face of land management controversies [e.g., Northern Spotted Owls
(Strix occidentalis caurina) (Murphy & Noon 1992)]. Effects of habitat loss and
fragmentation have received much attention (e.g., Andren 1994, Fahrig 2003, Haila
2002, Saunders et al. 1991).
Much has been learned from studies that have evaluated factors that explain
variation in the presence or abundance or organisms in the landscape. Patch size
has a strong effect on edge and interior species but is negligible for generalist
species (Bender et al. 1998). However, local habitat conditions may be inadequate
to explain species presence or abundance; a significant effect of boundary shape
or characteristics of the surrounding landscapeusually referred to as landscape
context (Mazerolle & Villard 1999)may be present. For example, empirical studies of butterfly taxa in landscapes with naturally isolated meadows demonstrated
that the matrix that surrounds patches could influence their effective isolation
(Ricketts 2001). In an experiment that controlled for patch area, Tewksbury et al.
(2002) found that pollination and seed dispersal, two key plantanimal interactions, were facilitated by the presence of corridors that connect habitat patches.
Murphy & Lovett-Doust (2004) argue for an integration of metapopulation and

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landscape-ecological approaches for understanding regional dynamics in plants,

emphasizing notions of connectivity and context to describe components of variability in the landscape from a species-specific perspective.
Analyses conducted at multiple scales have demonstrated the importance of
landscape context for a wide range of taxa (e.g., Lindenmayer et al. 1999, Pearson
et al. 1995, Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2002, Stoner & Joern 2004), although the influence may be less if the focal habitat is abundant and well connected (e.g., Miller
et al. 2004a). Many studies have also demonstrated that habitat connectivity is scale
dependent; that is, whether a given pattern of habitat is connected depends on the
mobility of the species and the pattern of the habitat (Goodwin & Fahrig 2002, Vos
et al. 2001). Organisms may respond to multivariate habitat heterogeneity at multiple scales, and identification of the factors and scales that best explain variation in
the presence or abundance of organisms remains a key goal in landscape ecology.
Disentangling the effects of landscape composition (what and how much is
there) and landscape configuration (how is it spatially arranged) on populations is
an important area of current research (Fahrig 1997, McGarigal & Cushman 2002).
In their review of 134 published fragmentation studies, McGarigal & Cushman
(2002) concluded that the ecological mechanisms and effects of habitat fragmentation on populations remain poorly understood. Evidence is mounting for a primary
effect of composition and secondary effect of configuration. Field studies of forestbreeding birds conducted in 94 landscapes of 10 10 km each found a consistent
positive relationship between forest cover and the distribution of forest-breeding
birds but weaker and variable effects of forest fragmentation (Trzcinski et al. 1999).
In a study of the incidence of herbaceous species in deciduous forests of south
Sweden, Dupre & Ehrlen (2002) found that habitat quality was more important
than habitat configuration. Moreover, the importance of habitat configuration varied with life history; species that were habitat specialists and clonal perennials that
produced fewer seeds were more likely to be affected negatively by patch isolation.
Animal-dispersed species were more negatively affected by small stand size than
were species dispersed by other mechanisms (Dupre & Ehrlen 2002).
Simulation studies also suggest that changes in landscape composition are likely
to have a greater effect on population persistence than are changes in landscape configuration. Fahrig & Nuttle (2005) hypothesize that landscape configuration will be
important only if configuration has a large effect on among-patch movements and
among-patch movements have a large effect on population survival. Results of a
modeling study by Flather & Bevers (2002) found that, over a broad range of habitat
amounts and arrangements, population size was largely determined by the abundance of habitat. However, habitat configuration became important in landscapes
with low habitat abundance, in which dispersal mortality became important. King
& With (2002) obtained similar results in which spatial pattern was important for
poorly dispersed species that occurred in landscapes with low habitat abundance.
Landscape ecology has also focused attention on developing more sophisticated
habitat assessments for the distribution of biota. One approach maintains the simple
categorization of suitable versus unsuitable habitat but reassesses the landscape for

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different taxa using rules and scales appropriate for each species or functional group
(e.g., Addicott et al. 1987, Pearson et al. 1999). Knight & Morris (1996) used evolutionary theories to document how density-dependent habitat selection and habitat
variation could be applied to identify habitats in landscapes. Statistical methods
such as resource-selection functions (Manly et al. 2002) that are based on logistic
regression provide multivariate and continuous assessments of habitat selection by
different taxa that can be evaluated across a range of scales. These analyses employ
a used versus available design and are frequently conducted across multiple scales
(e.g., Boyce et al. 2003). Studies of this sort clearly demonstrate that the same landscape may look very different to different species and underscore the importance
of an organism-centered view of landscape heterogeneity (Wiens 1989).
Recent studies identify important situations in which the patch-based framework simply does not apply and suggest the need for a broader conceptual
framework of spatial pattern. For example, the dendritic metapopulations that characterize fish and other species constrained to disperse within river-creek systems
are not well represented by either a linear or a two-dimensional representation
of spatial structure and metapopulation dynamics (Fagan 2002). Fagan (2002)
combined a simple geometric model with a metapopulation model and empirical
data to explore the consequences of dendritic landscapes. Depending on dispersal
details, the connectivity patterns of dendritic landscapes could either enhance or
reduce metapopulation persistence compared with linear systems. Furthermore,
the specific location of fragmentation events becomes especially important in the
dendritic systems.
A recent call for the integration of landscape ecology and population genetics
(Manel et al. 2003) suggests opportunities for new insights about how geographical
and environmental features structure genetic variation and for reconstruction of
the spatial movements and spread of populations. In particular, landscape genetics
may yield new insights regarding the spread of invasive species and native species,
such as top predators, that are recovering from earlier extirpation and dispersing in
heterogeneous landscapes (Lucchini et al. 2002, Reuness et al. 2003) or responding
to landscape change (e.g., Keyghobadi et al. 1999).
The spatial implications of trophic cascades suggest important effects of spatial heterogeneity on species interactions. In fragmented forests of the Pacific
Northwest, elevated densities of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in clear-cuts
were associated with reduced recruitment of trillium (Trillium ovatum) because of
increased seed predation (Tallmon et al. 2003). In a sophisticated study of predatorprey dynamics, With et al. (2002) determined how landscape structure affected the
ability of two species of ladybird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to track aphid
populations in experimental landscapes that differed in the abundance and fragmentation of red clover (Trifolium pratense). A compelling finding from this study
was that thresholds in landscape structure can be perpetuated across trophic levels,
producing similar thresholds in the distribution of pest populations and suggesting
a mechanistic link between individual movements and population-level phenomena that affect predator-prey interactions in fragmented landscapes. The effects of

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predator-herbivore-plant relationships on spatial variability in plant communities

is also intriguing. Top predators may influence their herbivore prey populations
numerically, by reducing population size, or behaviorally, by influencing patterns
of habitat use. When spatially variable, these top-down effects may ultimately
influence the landscape vegetation patterns (Schmitz et al. 2000).
More broadly, need exists for addressing community dynamics in heterogeneous
landscapes. Opdam et al. (2003) noted that a major gap in studies of population
persistence in heterogeneous landscapes is the lack of methods to transfer studies
on single species to generalized knowledge about the relation between landscape
pattern and biodiversity. Most studies have indeed focused on single species, or
perhaps functional groups, yet understanding species assemblages, especially in
changing landscapes, bears further study.


Studies of disturbance and succession continue to generate new understanding
about the interactions between ecological processes and landscape pattern. A disturbance is any relatively discrete event in time that disrupts ecosystem, community, or population structure and changes resources, substrate availability, or the
physical environment (Pickett & White 1985). Disturbances often result in open
space and, through their gradients of severity, introduce complex spatial heterogeneity. Furthermore, the occurrence or effects of disturbance may depend on the
systems state before the disturbance occurred. Thus, disturbances are particularly
interesting in landscape ecology because they both respond to and create spatial
heterogeneity at multiple scales.
Enhanced understanding of landscape disturbance dynamics underlies the important conceptual shift that recognized dynamic equilibria and nonequilibrium
systems in ecology (Perry 2002, Turner et al. 1993, Wu & Loucks 1995). Indeed,
Wu & Loucks (1995) argued that the past inability to incorporate heterogeneity
and multiple scales into quantitative expressions of stability led, in part, to the
failure of the classical equilibrium paradigm in ecology. From a nonequilibrium
perspective, stochastic events such as disturbance alter system state and trajectory
and are integral to the system. Equilibrium is but one of several outcomes, and
it may be apparent only at certain scales (Turner et al. 1993). Empirical studies
of several landscapes found marked fluctuations in landscape composition (e.g.,
Baker 1989), particularly when disturbances were large and infrequent (Moritz
1997, Turner et al. 1993). The steady-state mosaic, in which sites are in different
stages of succession but the landscape proportions of successional stages remain
constant, was found to apply only in some cases.

Effects of Disturbance on Landscape Heterogeneity

Disturbances produce a mosaic of disturbed versus undisturbed areas and complex
spatial variation in severities within disturbed areas. Foster et al. (1998) used several

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examples from large, infrequent disturbances to illustrate the diverse spatial patterns that can result. Single-disturbance types have been reasonably well studied,
but less is known about interacting disturbances or whole disturbance regimes;
this feature is an important thrust of current research. Paine et al. (1998) suggested
that particular co-occurrences or sequences of different disturbances could produce ecological surprises or qualitative shifts in the system state. For example,
the composition of the southern boreal forest changed substantially in a century
in response to climate-driven changes in fire frequency, forest fragmentation, and
logging. They suggest that understanding the ecological synergisms among disturbances is basic to future environmental management (Paine et al. 1998).
Studies designed to understand the combined contingent effects of multiple
disturbances are promising. Interactions between fire and spruce-beetle (Dendroctonus rupennis) outbreaks over more than a century were studied in a 2800-km2
landscape by Bebi et al. (2003). Results showed that fire history had the greatest effect on stand susceptibility to spruce-beetle outbreak. Radeloff et al. (2000)
also found that interactions between disturbances, here jack pinebudworm defoliation and salvage logging, substantially changed landscape heterogeneity in the
pine barrens of northwest Wisconsin, and they hypothesized that the presettlement
landscape patterns were shaped by interactions between insect defoliators and fire.
Changing disturbance regimes is another important area of current research.
Because disturbances are such important agents of pattern formation in landscapes,
changes in their frequency, intensity, or extent may well alter landscape structure.
However, how much do disturbance regimes need to shift before landscape patterns
are altered qualitatively? The answer is not known, yet it assumes increasing
importance in the context of global change. Many disturbances, such as fires,
floods, and hurricanes, have a strong climate forcing, and development pressure is
increasing in many disturbance-prone sites (e.g., Hansen et al. 2002). How altered
landscapes will themselves influence disturbance regimes is not known.
Landscape management often relies, either implicitly or explicitly, on an understanding of disturbance regimes. Management may attempt to mimic spatial
and temporal patterns of disturbance or seek to maintain or return a landscape
to its historic range of variability (HRV) (Landres et al. 1999). Considerable discussion has occurred about the use of the timing and spatial patterns of natural
disturbances as a model for human activities (e.g., Attiwill 1994). This approach
implicitly assumes that ecological processes will be better maintained in this way,
and current management of the Ontario Crown Lands, Canda, offers an excellent
example of implementing these concepts at a broad scale (Perera et al. 2000).

Effect of Landscape Heterogeneity on Disturbance

Assessment of the role of landscape heterogeneity on the spread of disturbance
was identified at an early workshop as one of the key questions in landscape
ecology (Risser et al. 1984) and was the theme of the first U.S. landscape ecology
symposium. A number of studies have now documented significant influences

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of landscape heterogeneity on the spread or effects of disturbances. Effects of

hurricanes, wind events, and fires can vary with spatial location on the landscape;
researchers have frequently found a strong influence of landform on these effects.
For example, the severity of hurricanes on vegetation varies with the exposure of
the sites (Boose et al. 1994). In vast, relatively unlogged forests of coastal Alaska,
Kramer et al. (2001) documented a spatially predictable windthrow gradient that
contrasted sharply with the prior emphasis on gap-phase disturbances in these
forests. In the southern Appalachian Mountains, changes in land use and land
cover are often concentrated at the low to mid elevation, sheltered positions near
streams that coincide with species-rich cove hardwood forests (Turner et al. 2003,
Wear & Bolstad 1998). Thus, landscape position can influence susceptibility to
disturbance and, hence, the spatial heterogeneity of disturbance severity.
Jules et al. (2002) investigated the role of heterogeneity in governing the spread
of an invasive disease (a fatal root pathogen, Phytophthora lateralis) on a patchily
distributed conifer, Port Orford cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). Their study
showed that cedar populations along creeks crossed by roads were more likely
to be infected than were those on creeks without road crossings; furthermore,
the pathogen spread farther if it was vectored along roads. Studies have shown a
strong influence of patch size and juxtaposition on incidence of Lyme disease by
alteration of the community composition of vertebrate hosts and the abundance
of larval ticks (Ixodes scapularis) (Allan et al. 2003). Indeed, the integration of
landscape ecology and epidemiology may offer new approaches for understanding
emerging infectious diseases and the effects of global change on vector-borne
diseases (Kitron 1998).
In general, landscape position influences disturbance when the disturbance has a
distinct directionality or locational specificity such that some locations are exposed
more than others. However, the disturbance also must be of moderate intensity such
that it can respond to gradients in the landscapefor example, fires burning under
extreme conditions may show little variation in effects with landscape position
(Moritz 1997). Accordingly, no predictable effect of landscape position is seen
when the disturbance has no directionality, such as the smaller gap-forming downbursts in the upper midwestern United States (Frelich & Lorimer 1991) or when
intensity is extremely high (Moritz 1997).


The interface of ecosystem and landscape ecology is less developed than are the
previous research areas, despite a tradition in Eastern Europe (e.g., Ryszkowski
et al. 1999) and stronger connections during the early development of landscape
ecology in North America. Ecosystem ecology has largely considered fluxes of
matter and energy in the absence of a spatial context, and landscape ecology has had
less focus on ecosystem processes. Recent studies suggest that spatial variability

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in some ecosystem processes may be of similar magnitude to temporal variation

(e.g., Burrows et al. 2002, Turner et al. 2004), and efforts to explain and predict
such variation are increasing. The importance of transfers among patches, which
represent losses from donor ecosystems and subsidies to recipient ecosystems, for
the long-term sustainability of ecosystems is also now acknowledged (Chapin et al.
2002, Reiners & Driese 2004). The patterns, causes, and consequences of spatial
heterogeneity for ecosystem function are recognized as a current research frontier
in both landscape ecology and ecosystem ecology (Lovett et al. 2005).
Progress has been made in the effort to recognize and explain spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem process rates that are either measured or simulated at many
points. The role of landscape position has been elucidated (Soranno et al. 1999),
and regional variation in a variety of stocks and processes (soil organic matter or
carbon, denitrification, and net nitrogen mineralization rates) has been explored
(e.g., Burke et al. 2002, Groffman et al. 1992). For example, the relationship between soil nitrogen mineralization and both biotic and abiotic factors was analyzed
and mapped for the midwestern Great Lakes region of the United States (Fan et al.
1998). In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, spatial patterns of aboveground
net primary production were predicted by elevation and cover type (Hansen et al.
Broad conceptual frameworks have considered the conditions under which spatial pattern, or particular aspects of spatial pattern, should influence a lateral flux.
Wiens et al. (1985) proposed a framework for lateral fluxes that included the factors that determine boundary locations, how boundaries affect the movement of
materials over an area, and how imbalances in these transfers in space can affect
landscape configuration. Weller et al. (1998) explored how and why different riparian buffer configurations would vary in their ability to intercept nutrient fluxes
that move from a source ecosystem to an aquatic system. Loreau et al. (2003)
developed a metaecosystem framework by extending metapopulation models to
represent fluxes of matter or energy. Simulation models ranging from simple representations (e.g., Gardner et al. 1992) to complex, process-based spatial models
(e.g., Costanza et al. 2002) have also been employed to identify the aspects of
spatial configuration that could enhance or retard a lateral flux. Strayer et al.
(2003b) proposed a useful conceptualization of model complexity relative to inclusion of spatial and temporal heterogeneity. However, a general understanding
of lateral fluxes in landscape mosaics has remained elusive, despite promising
conceptual frameworks developed for semiarid systems (e.g., Tongway & Ludwig
Many empirical studies have taken a comparative approach using integrative
measurements, such as nutrient concentrations in aquatic ecosystems, as indicators
of how spatial heterogeneity influences the end result of lateral fluxes (Strayer et al.
2003a). Most of these studies focus on nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus,
related to surface water quality (e.g., Jordan et al. 1997, Soranno et al. 1996).
Variation in topography, the amount of impervious surfaces (e.g., pavement), and
the extent of agricultural and urban land uses have all been related to the concentration or loading of nutrients in waters. For example, landscape heterogeneity

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explained from 65% to 86% of the variation in nitrogen yields to streams in the
U.S. Mid-Atlantic region (Jones et al. 2001). However, the particular aspects of
spatial heterogeneity that are significant or the spatial scales over which that influence is most important have varied among studies (Gergel et al. 2002). The lack of
consistency among the comparative studies may arise, in part, from the absence of
mechanistic understanding about how materials actually flow horizontally across
heterogeneous landscapes.


Landscape ecology is now well integrated with the ecological sciences. Consideration of spatial heterogeneity, which requires a conscious decision about whether
and how to include it, has become the norm. Reasonable consensus about the approaches for quantifying landscape structure exists, but general relationships between generative processes and resulting patterns remain elusive. However, there
is now an extensive library of empirical studies that explore ecological responses
to landscape patterns. The multiple approaches suggested at the close of my 1989
article have in fact been widely applied in landscape studies.
Applications represent an important test of new conceptual frameworks and
knowledge, and the demand for applied landscape ecology remains high (Liu
& Taylor 2002). Networks of conservation areas based on the understanding of
multispecies responses to landscape mosaics are providing a basis for long-term
landscape planning in Europe (e.g., Bruinderink et al. 2003). In Ontario, Canada,
legislation mandating that Crown forests be managed to keep landscape patterns
consistent with long-term norms emerged directly from new understanding of landscape heterogeneity and disturbance (Perera et al. 2000). Forest-harvest strategies
now incorporate consideration of the spatial landscape dynamics and the effects on
a variety of species (Boutin & Herbert 2002). Predictions of invasive species (With
2002) and water quality (Strayer et al. 2003a) require consideration of landscape
Spatial extrapolation offers another mechanism for rigorous testing of the relationships between spatial patterns and processes (Miller et al. 2004b). Whether
based on empirical observation or simulation modeling, the prediction of pattern
(and the associated uncertainties) followed by testing with independent data or
through cross validation offers a powerful way to evaluate current understanding.
Understanding of the causes and effects of spatial heterogeneity will be enhanced
by closely examining the conditions under which spatial extrapolation fails or succeeds (Miller et al. 2004b). Scaling remains challenging, despite numerous calls
for progress during the past 15 years. However, scaling rules that integrate the scale
dependency of patterns and processes in ways that organisms scale their responses
to these patterns and processes are promising (Ludwig et al. 2000).
Where are the key directions for future research in landscape ecology? Interaction is a key theme related to several current research areas: interactions
among multiple drivers that generate spatial patterns, particularly biophysical and

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socioeconomic factors; interactions among different kinds and scales of disturbances; and interactions among trophic levels in landscape mosaics. Landscape
ecology should lead the next generation of studies taking a more comprehensive
look at ecological dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes. A compelling need for
expanding the temporal horizon of landscape studies also exists. Paleoecological
studies provide critical context for understanding landscape dynamics, and historical dynamics shape current landscapes and may constrain future responses.
Contemporary land-use patterns are creating future legacies, yet these potential
legacies remain poorly understood.
Enhanced understanding of the ecological importance of spatial nonlinearities
and thresholds remains an important research challenge. If important nonlinearities
or thresholds are present among interacting variables, then landscape patterns
may be even more difficult to predict, and unexpected changes in the state of an
ecosystem or landscape may ensue (Frelich & Reich 1999, Groffman et al. 2005).
Critical thresholds in spatial pattern have been suggested from theoretical and
empirical studies, but a prediction of when a system is nearing a threshold is still
difficult to make (Groffman et al. 2005).
Much remains to be learned about ecosystem processes in heterogeneous landscapes. The successful integration of ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology
should produce a much more complete understanding of landscape function than
has been developed to date. A landscape perspective still offers a prime opportunity for linking populations and ecosystem processes and services (Lundberg &
Moberg 2003); organisms exist in heterogeneous space, and they use, transform,
and transport matter and energy. Augustine & Frank (2001) demonstrated an influence of grazers on the distribution of soil nitrogen properties at every spatial
scale from individual plants to landscapes. Seagle (2003) hypothesized that the
juxtaposition of land uses with different forage-nutrient concentrations interacts
nonlinearly with deer behavior to effect nutrient transport of sufficient magnitude to alter ecosystem nutrient budgets. Herbivore-mediated changes in forest
composition have been shown to have important implications for patterns of nutrient cycling (Pastor et al. 1998, 1999). Studies have also identified the role of
piscivores in the transportation of nutrients derived from aquatic ecosystems to
terrestrial ecosystems through their foraging patterns (e.g., Naiman et al. 2002).
Considering habitat use and movement patterns of species in a spatial context
provides a wealth of opportunities to enhance the linkage between species and
ecosystems and enhance functional understanding of landscape mosaics.
In conclusion, landscape ecology has matured. As noted by Wiens (1999), the
discipline draws strength from the distinctiveness of its approachits emphasis
on spatial patterns and relationships, scaling, heterogeneity, boundaries, and flows
of energy and materials in space. The themes of landscape ecologyreciprocal interactions between pattern and process, heterogeneity, scaling, critical thresholds,
and boundaries and flowshave enriched the discipline of ecology. Landscape
ecology should continue to refine knowledge of when spatial heterogeneity is fundamentally important in ecology (and, thus, the inverse, when it can be ignored),

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rigorously test the generality of its conceptual frameworks, and focus on developing a more mechanistic understanding of the reciprocal relationships between
pattern and process.

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I sincerely thank Dean Anderson, James Forrester, Jennifer Fraterrigo, David
Mladenoff, Dan Tinker, and John Wiens for constructive reviews of this manuscript.
The ideas presented in this article have emerged from many collaborations and research projects, and I gratefully acknowledge my colleagues and laboratory group.
This manuscript would not have been possible without research support from the
National Science Foundation (Ecology, Ecosystems, Biocomplexity, and Longterm Ecological Research Programs), U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (STAR Program), National Geographic Society,
and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics is online at
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October 13, 2005


Annual Reviews


Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics

Volume 36, 2005

Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2005.36:319-344. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

by CAPES on 02/14/06. For personal use only.

Larry J. Leamy and Christian Peter Klingenberg


EVIDENCE, Carol Goodwillie, Susan Kalisz, and Christopher G. Eckert
EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF POALES, H. Peter Linder and Paula J. Rudall
PROCESSES, Donald L. DeAngelis and Wolf M. Mooij
VERTEBRATES, M. Denise Dearing, William J. Foley, and Stuart McLean
ECOSYSTEMS, Stephan Hattenschwiler, Alexei V. Tiunov, and Stefan Scheu
Lawrence J. Weider, James J. Elser, Teresa J. Crease, Mariana Mateos,
James B. Cotner, and Therese A. Markow


SOILS, Kristy U. Brady, Arthur R. Kruckeberg, and H.D. Bradshaw Jr.
CONSERVATION? Diane S. Srivastava and Mark Vellend
Monica G. Turner






Bernhard Stadler and Anthony F.G. Dixon



October 13, 2005



Annual Reviews




IMMUNOPATHOLOGY, Andrea L. Graham, Judith E. Allen,
and Andrew F. Read



Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 2005.36:319-344. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

by CAPES on 02/14/06. For personal use only.

J. Timothy Wootton and Mark Emmerson


PROCESS, Tiffany M. Knight, Janette A. Steets, Jana C. Vamosi,
Susan J. Mazer, Martin Burd, Diane R. Campbell, Michele R. Dudash,
Mark O. Johnston, Randall J. Mitchell, and Tia-Lynn Ashman




Jeffrey R. Stevens, Fiery A. Cushman, and Marc D. Hauser


CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, John J. Wiens and Catherine H. Graham
PHYLOGENOMICS, Herve Philippe, Frederic Delsuc, Henner Brinkmann,
and Nicolas Lartillot



Nicole M. Gerardo, Duur K. Aanen, Diana L. Six, and Ted R. Schultz


REVISITED, Thomas M. Lewinsohn, Vojtech Novotny, and Yves Basset
PHYLOGENETIC IMPLICATIONS, J. William O. Ballard and David M. Rand
RESTORATION IMPLICATIONS, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Hunter S. Lenihan,
Alan C. Trimble, Kimberly W. Heiman, Fiorenza Micheli, James E. Byers,
and Matthew C. Kay



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