Rotary Newsletter Mar 16 2010

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z F, F & F Returns to Campbell Park z

This month’s Fun Fitness & Fellowship walk will start at Campbell
Park at 8:30. This time we’ll head North toward San Jose. This will
be a perfect setting for a day-before-Spring walk in the woods.

Polio Plus Lights the World

! What do the leader with Rotary
Egyptian Pyramid of International. "People
Khafre, the Buenos Aires around the world will see Campbell Art
Obelisk and Chicago's these words and join
Wrigley Building have in
Rotary and its partners in
the historic effort to walk moves to
Each of these iconic eradicate polio from the
landmarks provided a dramatic face of the earth." May
backdrop for an The
equally dramatic illumination of !
message: End the pyramid is
P o l i o N o w. T h o s e particularly We’ll meet at Aqui’s bar
three words, symbolic
representing because on Campbell Ave. later this
Rotary's pledge to Egypt's long
rid the world of this history spans Spring for a stroll through
crippling childhood humanity's downtown artists’ studios. We’ll
disease, were struggle with
projected onto the disease. pick a local spot for dinner after
each structure this Ancient the walk. This event will give
week in celebration Egyptian
of the humanitarian artwork our club some visibility at this
service features the
organization's 105th earliest known depictions “tour-on-your-own” style art walk
a n n i v e r s a r y o n 2 3 F e b r u a r y. of people disabled by through 5-6 local galleries.
"By lighting these polio, and in 2006, Egypt
historic landmarks with and Niger became the Become part of the hottest small
Rotary's pledge to end most recent nations to be town in the Bay Area. More
polio, Rotary is saying to declared polio-free,
the world that we will leaving only four polio- details to come.
fight this disease to the endemic countries:
end," says Glenn E. Afghanistan, India,
Estess Sr., a senior Nigeria and Pakistan. 

Coming Events Mar. 27: Chamber of

Commerce “Citizen of the Year”
Mar. 20: Fun, Fitness & Dinner
Fellowship, 8:30 AM
Mar. 31-Apr. 2: ELC II @
Mar. 22: Board Mtng, 5:30 Asilomar
Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch?
Date Introducer Guest Presenter

3/16/2010 Janine Payton Ken Estep, Campbell Veterans Memorial Project

3/23/2010 TDB TBD, Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System

3/30/2010 TBD Erin Addison, Kid Authors from Campbell Elementary & Middle Schools

4/6/2010 Marv Bamburg Tom Kruse, Kruse Winery

4/13/2010 Adam Beck Gary Sipros, "Connect the Dots", The Financial Collapse


4/27/2009 Bill Ellington ELC 2 Returning Team

5/4/2010 Jason Baker Dan Furtado, National League of Cities

5/11/2010 Bill Mahan Seth Flagsberg, SCU Project Innocence

5/18/2010 Bettina or Judy Kathie Sheehy, Development Director, Silicon Valley FACES

5/25/2010 Bill Highley Rotary Future Vision Training/Certification

6/1/2010 TBA Steve Abbors, General Manager of the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space
District; Mt. Umunhum update

6/8/2010 John Shannon R. Allen Russell, Director of “Uncle Louie”, a locally produced full length film

6/15/2010 Dr. Sue Nancy Oliveira, Death Penalty Focus.

6/22/2010 TBD Adam Helweth, Social media for Business Use

Selected Area Make-up Meetings

Club Location Address

Monday 12:15 PM Milpitas Embassy Suites 901 E. Calaveras Blvd.

Tuesday 7:15 AM Santa Cruz Sunrise De La Vega Golf Course
401 Upper Park Rd.
Wednesday 7:15 AM Los Gatos Morning Los Gatos Lodge 50 Saratoga Ave.
Thursday 7:30 AM San Jose Sunrise Bay 101 Club 1801 Bering Dr.
Friday 12:15 PM San Jose North HP Pavillion 525 B Santa Clara St.

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