Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal For Undergraduate and Master'S Degree Students
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal For Undergraduate and Master'S Degree Students
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal For Undergraduate and Master'S Degree Students
To file an appeal:
Complete Sections A, B, and C of this form.
Gather supporting documentation.
Meet with your adviser to develop an academic plan that will result in you meeting SAP standards.
Attach a copy of your plan to this appeal. Your adviser must complete Section D.
Sign Section E of this form.
Submit the completed form, with the required documentation, academic plan, and signatures.
Within 10 business days after your appeal is received, you will be notified by email as to whether your
appeal was approved or denied.
It is in your best interest to submit an appeal as soon as you receive your suspension notice. All appeals must
be submitted two weeks before the end of the semester for which you are seeking aid. If your appeal is not approved by the end of the fifth week of the term in which you have suspension status, your financial aid awards
will be canceled and their funds will be returned to their programs and awarded to other eligible financial aid
recipients. In that case, if your appeal is granted, your aid will be reinstated based on funds available at the
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University ID
Broomfield, James D
University email
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SECTION C. Explain what has changed that will allow you to meet SAP standards
Be specific in describing the actions you will take to improve your performance. Attach additional pages if necessary.
Step 1 What tool did you use to develop the academic plan for the student? Attach a copy of the plan to this appeal.
Graduation Planner
Other _______________________
If no, indicate by what term the student could reasonably be expected to attain minimum
GPA standards and what GPA will be required each term to meet standards by that time.
fall 20___
spring 20___
May/summer 20___
If student is filing a maxium time frame appeal, please provide the following information below.
Students degree program
Step 5 Please provide the following information regarding the students appeal.
Please add comments, indicate any concerns you have about plan viability, and recommend any action to assist the student with
academic success (e.g., referral to the University Learning Center, referral to Career Services, recommendation to reduce work
hours or change classes).
Adviser signature
University email