Functionof Form Plate Tessellation Farshid Moussavi

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Ds ed Folded Plates Folded plates distribute loads along the surfaces of a plate and along the seams bet the folds, across three dimensions, producing structures composed of surface and lin Folded plates can be made of steel-reinforced concrete, steel plate, or both, in conjunc! Seances ae ag Lae ee eee ree Ot er ee ane, Bec eor chr Folded plates built of steel-reinforced concrete or stee! direct the loads along their Oe eee eum aes eee kano eee ey Dr eee eee aR ann) Pe eee ee en ee en ee tc ete ee ee ee cere COPS Cee Cea sia ce oe SOC eee eee rt eae eae nn Increasing the depth of their folds similarly increases resistance to bending moments, w Dene eee ee ee ee ngs Ee ewe eee ei ean nce is similar to structural catenaries, arches or domes, ere ere aCe ny See ae ete ee ae cacao ete eee horizontal or vertical forms. Horizontal tessellation can occur in both of the subsystems, introducing flexibility prima) Deemer ae is capable of dis oo} rd eet Pee ou snd Pec ee eee eee Se Re Ree ee eeu ee ee Cee eee Ree eo een ek Cres Ss SS. SS, SSS SS , WSs SS SS Soa Lif ee \ Vertical Tessellation Sees Folded Plates 7 | The base unit of a folded plate is assembled from a thin steel reinforced-concrete of surface that is bent to increase its strength and allow it to span ike a beam. Folded the primary bending stresses across their inclined section with peak stress at the of the folds. The depth of the plate's folds is proportional to its resistance to bending. can be made of reinforced concrete or steel but they can also be made of a mixture of and lightweight terracotta tiles, in order to reduce the overall weight, or a lightweight mixture of concrete and fibreglass. Scored laminated timber sheets can also be used, a much lower weight-to-span ratio. This distribution of load through the depth of the Concrete or steel section embeds the folded plate with an affective property of pleating arching that remains consistent within any space it defines. Folded plates add diffusion dominate the acoustical affective property of their macro-geometry, which can be f or specular (flat). Concrete or steel folded plates are flexible in several ways: Profile: Folded plates can tessellate horizontally and vertically along horizontal or of growth to produce structures which are horizontal (sheds) or vertical towers and ‘The protogeometry of folded plates can be flexible in the location ofthe apexes ofthe ranging from spanning two supporting walls, toa basic three-sided “portal” section, 1 folded nave section. ‘Scale: The rate and scale of the folds can vary, changing the overall subdivision ofthe Depth: The depth ofthe folds can also vary according to the scale and rate of ‘overall plate, The deeper the folds, the more structural depth they gain, thus the more thoy offer to bending moments. Affect: When the base unit i intertwined with external desires, or when it develops ‘external factor, its affective properties are multiplied. As a result, adaition to. a folded plate can transmit other optical affects, including flatness, slanting, wrapping, corrugation, tubulaity, asymmetry, and pinching, The acoustical affects are clffusion ovnllbe rete slose foe support nthe plano thea sySTEM Folded Plate Risa he sect oa bean whet sining Horizontal / Folded Plate gs0 AFFECT Horizontality, Plating, Axiality, Diffusior TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM 383 Horizontal / Folded Plate Vaulting, Pleating, Tapering, Differentiation, Diffusion” JOMN'S ABBEY | M.BREUER,PL.NERM — COLLEGEVILLE (HN), USA Teereettrg Arn eee as” ht mgr” a4: AFFECT Vaulting, Pointedness, Pleating, Diffusion” TESSELLATON/ SYSTEM | 388 Horizontal if Folded Plate AAA AR Prcteathadhs ihe teeth che th dhe dh Bethe, TESSELLATION / SYSTEM Horizontal / Folded Plate Te dng rena Teyana ieee toate erate aioe ston 7 a 388 AFFECT TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM | 388 Pleating, Vaulting, Asymmetry, Bending, Diffusion” Horizontal / Folded Plate TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM 96 Horizontal / Folded Plate Pleating, Branching, Vaulting, Bi-axiality, Diffusion” if Repeats oad ergata ponmetee ¥H |, PAT rugaton it aatrmeted by the agains AFFECT en Diamonding, Openness, Specularity TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM - 36 Horizontal / Folded Plate eens saaeraeeeteas \ trefled utace sae /-Tasampaegias , ~ / REE. N/a th exon axon ot fede late bare ant, ste cet spans between supporting cua wich aco sao wih he fda voduna ng, Ts coembloge SS —— 66 AFFECT TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM - 96% Diamonding, Vaulting, Twisting, Specularity” Horizontal / Folded Plate Vertical / Folded Plate TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM 971 ater crowing rte tet pocorn ne toward the op. Te am aFecr TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM = 37 Pleating, Twisting, Verti iffusi i ; Fe . I / Folded Plate ostwtng pean and cat ‘ertealy ested pace ayy ono fide lan fed tf nh fm of twa ed poy 1p ad he Baton, bt naroworeward We contr This saseage ation epi atat ee TESSELLATION / SYSTEM 5 Vertical / h / Rats . | | a7e | arrec TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM 37 Vertical / Folded Plate Pleating, Rotundity, Asymmetry, Diffusion’, Focusing” ‘AFFECT Pleating, Rotundity, Fanning, Diffusion’, Focusing” TESSELLATION /SYSTEM 381 Vertical / Folded Plate Te ide stcesitunes —/ ee. eect pee are, Shgcenteer =, ‘omg. ound andar, sy erica tenance ar tue chee cet afr The sla an egree randy aera ound ne pan: etchn gcan ne he gence ane eam eae tenants an optical sot ol plone sd aga AsFECT Pleating, Rotundity, Fanning, Diffusion’, Focusing” TESSELLATION/SYSTEM © 383 | / Folded Plate a AS™ a iE es * “KK ANT 1206 {om bartenting an sist ‘oning, ound daring ee rote nur abd ioe plan eh ints onse a tenis Aa fares Sues Some mT socenbige Fane on opel tes ot aing an a ping, SYSTEM | 385 Folded Plate and Truss The base unit of a stee! truss folded plate is composed of steel truss members triangulated. to form a sif, stable lattice. Ste! truss folded plates direct the bending through the top and bottom chords ofthe russ while shear stresses are directed through the diagonal elements, The combination of the individual elements, even if they are individually under-dimensioned, er ‘structural strength. The distribution of loads through steel plate produces a portal form with the in the upper part ofthe section and the folded plate inthe lower. Ths distribution of loads along the surface and lines ofthe folded plate and steel truss embeds the plate and truss folded plate an optical affective property of pleating and diamonding that remains consistent within any it defines. A plate and truss folded plate adds diffusion to modity or dominate the acou of is macro-geometry, which can be focusing (curved) or specular (at) ede pate surace Plates and truss folded plates are flexible in several ways: Profile: The protogeometry of steel plates with truss folded plates allows them to be flexible in similar fashion to the concrete folded plate, by varying the location ofthe apexes ofthe fold ranging from spanning two supporting walls, to a basic three-sided “portal” section, to a highly folded nave section. Steel plates with truss folded plates can tessellate horizontally and concentrically along hori or vertical axis of growth to produce structures which are horizontal (sheds) or vertical towers and domes. Scale: The rate and scale of the folds can vary, changing the overall subdivision ofthe section, Depth: The depth ofthe folds can also vary according to the scale and rate of subdivision of Coverall plate. The deeper the folds, the more structural depth they gain, thus the more structural depth is available for the truss. Affect: The affective property of steol plates with truss folded plates can be multiplied when bbase unit imbricates or intertwinos with external factors, such as asymmetries that respond 10 the physical constraints ofthe site, environmental considerations, programmatic concerns, ett. As a result n addition to pleating and diamonding, a structure built of steel plates with truss plates can transmit other optical affects, including arching, differentiation, cantilevering, ay ap flatness, branching, fluicity, vaulting, twisting, non-directionality, horizontal, folding, fanning, ” symmetry, slanting, tubulaiy. The acoustical affect is diffusion. oe eo aegis ae tn na, patecercortaray re taynmahmrcettn een etree TESSELLATION/ SYSTEM | 387 Horizontal / Folded Plate and Truss COLORADO SPRINGS, USA = 1962 392 TESSELLATION/SYSTEM | 38% Pleating, Arching, Differentiation, Horizontality, Asymmetricality, Di Horizontal / Folded Plate and Truss, and Girder con YOROHAMA.JAPAN 2002 Nagata ACOUSTICS ing harry ermal te te rein of ln rd on lid pt et which cae ma calow arches sparng gtceay i

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