Introduction To Loudspeakers and Enclosures

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Introduction to Loudspeakers

and Enclosures
D. G. Meyer
School of Electrical & Computer

How loudspeakers work
Speed of sound
How sound propagates
Sound pressure level (dB)
Summation of audio signals
Phase wheel
3D directivity balloons

How Loudspeakers Work

How Loudspeakers Are Made

The Waveform


= C/F
C is speed
of sound at


How Sound Propagates

Acoustic Decibel (dB SPL)

In acoustics, the ratios most commonly
encountered are changes in pressure level,
measured in dB-SPL:
dB-SPL = 20 log10(p/po) where po = 20 N/m2

As distance from a sound source doubles,

the dB-SPL decreases 6 dB (this is called
the inverse square law)
Adding/subtracting dB levels:
SPLa SPLb = 10 log10 [ 10 db-SPLa/10 10db-SPLb/10]

Doubling acoustic power corresponds to a

3 dB increase in SPL
Doubling perceived loudness corresponds to
a 10 dB increase in SPL





Electrical Power Requirement

When SPL goal at a given listening distance
known, also need:
Sensitivity rating of loudspeaker (typically spec
as 1m on-axis with input of 1 electrical watt)
Acoustic level change/attenuation between
loudspeaker and farthest listening position

Example: 90 dB program level at listening

distance of 32 m outdoors
Loudspeaker sensitivity measured as 110 dB
Acoustic level change = 20 log (32) 30 dB
Add 10 dB for peak (program level) headroom
SPL required at source is 90 + 30 + 10 = 130 dB
Need 20 dB above 1 watt, or 10 (20/10) = 100 W

Stable Summation Criteria

1. Must have matched origin
2. May contain unlimited multiple inputs
3. May arrive from different directions
4. Must have significant overlap duration

Summation Criteria: Matched Origin

Summed Signal
Signal 1
Signal 2

Summed Signal

Signal 1
Signal 2


Summation Criteria: Matched Origin

Summed Signal
Signal 1
Signal 2

Summed Signal

Signal 1
Signal 2


Summation Criteria: Multiple Input Signals

Summed Signal
Signal 1
Signal 2
Signal 3
Signal 4

Signal n


Summation Criteria: Input Signal Direction

Summation Criteria: Overlap Duration

Summed Signal



during overlap
Summed Signal



No addition/subtraction

Adding dB-SPL
Two acoustic sources a and b of relative phase angles a and b

dB-SPLa+b =
20 log10 [sqrt { (10dB-SPLa/20)2 + (10dB-SPLb/20)2
+ 2(10dB-SPLa/20) (10dB-SPLb/20)(cos(a-b))} ]

Adding dB-SPL Simplifications

If both sources are in phase and only the relative level varies (where
source a is 0 dB, simplifies to:

dB-SPLa+b = 20 log10 [1 + 10dB-SPLb/20 ]

If both sources are at 0 dB and phase angle a = 0 (i.e., same level,
only relative phase angle varies), simplifies to :

dB-SPLa+b = 20 log10 [ sqrt { 2 + 2cos(-b) } ]

Acoustic Addition & Subtraction: The Phase Wheel

two identical signals summed at same level

Acoustic Addition & Subtraction: Level vs. Phase

two identical signals summed at same level

Factors Affecting Response at

Summation Point
1.Level offset due to distance offset
(inverse square law)
2.Level offset due to polar response
(frequency dependent)
3.Phase offset due to path length

Summation: Response Ripple

1.Time offsets shift all frequencies by the
same amount of time
2.Time offsets shift all frequencies by a
different amount of phase
3.Result of summation with time offset
(of signals at same frequency) is response

Summation Zones Defined

Coupling zone
Sources within 1/3 wavelength (120)
Amount of addition ranges for 0 to 6 dB
depending on phase/level offset
Ripple is 3 dB
Most easily achieved at low frequencies due
to large wavelengths

Summation Zones Defined

Cancellation zone
Effects only subtractive
Phase offset 150 to 180
Ripple 50 dB

Summation Zones Defined

Combing Zone
Phase offset reaches point where subtraction
begins (> 120)
Less than 4 dB level difference
Characterized by addition at some
frequencies and dips at others
Ripple ranges from 6 dB to 50 dB
To be avoided highest form of variance over

Summation Zones Defined

Combining Zone
Level offset ranges from 4 dB to 10 dB
Semi-isolated state relative to sources, which
limits the magnitude of addition/cancellation
Ripple no more than 6 dB

Summation Zones Defined

Isolation Zone
10 dB or more of level offset
Relative interactions steadily reduced and
eventually become negligible
At large level offset, relative phase has
nominal effect
Ripple does not exceed 6 dB


Acoustic Addition and Subtraction: Level Offset Effects

Level Offset Effects

Max Ripple


Relative Phase=0 deg


Relative Phase=180 deg

L e v e l C h a n g e (d B )













Level Offset
Max Peak Height

Max Null Depth

Max Ripple








loudspeaker mounted in a rigid (undamped) pipe
3 feet in length, open at one end, observed onaxis from speaker end

3 feet

how does sound propagate at low frequencies?

3 feet

how does sound propagate at low frequencies?

3 feet

if operated at 150 Hz, how much phase shift
occurs as the wave traverses the pipe?

3 feet

if operated at 150 Hz, how much phase shift
occurs as the wave traverses the pipe?
wavelength = 7.53 feet; phase shift = (360x3)/7.53
= 143 degrees

3 feet

what will be level of combined signal at
observation point?

3 feet

what will be level of combined signal at
observation point? total round trip phase shift =
180+143+143=466 degrees (106 degrees net);
combined level will be 1.7 dB

3 feet

if frequency changed to 100 Hz, what will be
combined level? wavelength is 11.3 feet; phase
shift traversing pipe 96 degrees; round trip phase
shift is 371 degrees (nearly in phase); combined
level is +5.95 dB

3 feet

Coverage / Beamwidth

Common Representations of Loudspeaker Coverage

Coverage angle C< (H / V) = 6 dB Beamwidth

Polar pattern
Equal level (isobaric) contours (isobars)
Directivity factor (Q)
Directivity index (DI) = 10 log Q (also known as
front to back ratio)
Beamwidth vs. frequency
3D balloons


Example: Piston radiation into half-space (e.g., a cone-type

loudspeaker mounted in an infinite baffle

think of piston as
consisting of a large
number of very small
elements of size S

In general, want ka 3.83 for a cone radiator,

where k = 2f/c
Examples: For 12 woofer, want f 1378 Hz
For 4 midrange, want f 4134 Hz

central lobe only

pair of out-of-phase
side lobes

additional pair of
in-phase side lobes

Single 4-inch Loudspeaker

Single 4-inch Loudspeaker @ 500 Hz

Single 4-inch Loudspeaker @ 1000 Hz

Single 4-inch Loudspeaker @ 2000 Hz

Single 4-inch Loudspeaker @ 4000 Hz

32-Element Array of 4-inch Drivers

32-Element Array @ 500 Hz

32-Element Array @ 1000 Hz

32-Element Array @ 2000 Hz

32-Element Array @ 4000 Hz

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Home Stereo Multi-way System

Overview of enclosure types
Infinite baffle
Sealed box
Bass reflex (vented/ported)
Passive radiator
Horn (front and rear loaded)
Transmission line (labyrinth)
Tapered tube (damped pipe/waveguide)

Infinite Baffle

Sealed Box

Bass Reflex

Measurement of Loudspeaker Free-Air Resonance

Passive Radiator

Comment: primarily applicable to subwoofer design

Compound / Band-pass

Comment: primarily applicable to subwoofer design

Front-loaded Horn

Comment: primarily applicable to mid/high frequencies

Rear-loaded Horn

Comment: physically large!

Transmission Line / Labyrinth

Length of transmission line
has to be long enough to
provide at least 90 of
phase shift (1/4 of longest
wavelength of interest)
Phase shift (degrees) =
360 x L / (C/F)
where L is effective length
of labyrinth, C is speed of
sound, and F is frequency
of operation (note add
180 due to rear radiation)

Transmission Line / Labyrinth

Transmission line typically heavily
damped (stuffed with acoustic material) to
absorb energy from rear vibrating surface
(or limit radiation from vent to low
Labyrinth typically lined (with acoustic
absorption material) but otherwise
substantially open (radiation from vent
limited to low frequencies)

Damped Pipe
Pipe driven at one end and open at the
other will resonate at a frequency of
Fres = C / 4L, where C is the speed of
sound (1130 ft/sec at 72 F) and L is the
effective length of the pipe (Fres is called its
quarter-wavelength tuning frequency)
The effective (or acoustic) length of the
pipe may be longer than its physical length
Use of tapering and/or acoustic absorption
material can increase the effective length

Damped Pipe / Tapered Tube

Illustration from: G. L. Augspurger, Loudspeakers on Damped Pipes,

J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 48, pp. 424-436 (2000 May).

Bose AWR1 Waveguide

Illustration from: Fig. 4 of U.S. Patent 6,278,789

Bose WRII Waveguide

Illustration from: Fig. 6B of U.S. Patent 7,565,948

Bose WRII Waveguide

Illustration from: Fig. 9 of U.S. Patent 7,584,820

Viable enclosure types for project
sealed box
bass reflex / tuned port
transmission line / labyrinth
coupling chamber + (tapered) damped pipe

Materials supplied
half sheet (4x4) of 3/4 MDF (cut per your specs)
acoustic lining/stuffing material
PVC pipe and couplers (per your specs)
glue (carpenters yellow, PVC cleaner/cement)

Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, Vance Dickason (any edition)
U.S. Patent 3,523,589 High Compliance Speaker and Enclosure
U.S. Patent 4,655,315 Speaker System
U.S. Patent 5,821,471 Acoustic System
U.S. Patent 6,278,789 Frequency Selective Acoustic Waveguide
U.S. Patent 7,426,280 Electroacoustic Waveguide Transducing
U.S. Patent 7,565,948 Acoustic Waveguiding
M. J. King, Construction and Measurement of a Simple Test
Transmission Line, accessed from
G. L. Augspurger, Loudspeakers on Damped Pipes, J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
vol. 48, pp. 424-436 (2000 May).
L. J. S. Bradbury, The Use of Fibrous Materials in Loudspeaker
Enclosures, J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 24, pp. 162-170 (1976 April).

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