Engineering Vol 56 1893-08-11
Engineering Vol 56 1893-08-11
Engineering Vol 56 1893-08-11
11, 1893.
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FJO. 10.
N G I N E E R I N G.
( I) From D erutiyah Canal-Kolobba h eadbasin .Ashmunin.
(2). From Nile-Abu Baqurah- basin Garnusi.
(3). From Nile- Sultani Uanal-b~.~=. il Sultani.
(4). From Ibrahimiyah Ca.nal-Kolussi Canalbasin Nuerah.
(5). From Nile - Salim Pa.cha Canal - basin
fixed by Colonel Western, from whose report we members meeting again in the Town Ball on the
extract the following :
following day, Wednesday, the 2nd inst., Dr. .Ander" '\Ve may assume that the basin escape will be opened son called on Mr. Aspinall, of H orwich, to ren ew
o~ October 22, or 19 days before November 10, the date the discussion.
laid down for the completion of the disc:harge. . . . .
Mr. Aspinall stated that he was surprised to hear
The beads at the time of opening will vary from .30
t? 4. 50 metres, and with those beads, less the rise of the what Mr. 'Vindsor Richards bad said in regard to
n ver eonsequen t on the discharge, the escape must be mild steel, especially in regard to the matter of
designed to pa!:is 100 to 150 cubic metres per day. . . . . case-hardening : he (Mr. Aspinall) had found
(6 ). From Nile - Magnunal Cc:~.nal and two Minimum spring level at site of work may be taken as at that mild s teel- and certainly basic steel- l\ould
branches- !Cosh eshah.
R . L. 19, and foundation line must be below this, or, say, case-harden exceedingly well. He had used steel
(7). From Nile-ope ning in Kosheshah bank at R. L. 18.5; flow line may then be placed at 20.5 or largely at the locomotive works at Borwich, and
above. Assuming this level of 20. 5, basin level at 26. 7,
and Nasri bridge- basin Kosheshah.
and river at its minimum 22.20, it will be manifestly had introduced basic steel for bvilers, and also for
Two other canals are projected to basins Deri in jud iciou~ to allow, on first opening, the fuJl depth for crank axles. So far it had given sat~faction, ar.d had
and El Qurn. The feeders 2, 3, and 5 pass under discharge of 26.7 - 20.5 = 6. 2 metres, in to a backwater of been used on locomoLives for a con sid erable mileage.
only 22.2- 20 5 + 1 (rise of river)= 2.7 metres. The Mr. Windsor Richards had aid that if a. piece of
the Ibrahimiyah Canal by syphons.
The average daily inflow into the Assiout- depth of opening must be divided into two, the first or steel were nicked it would break easily, and the
l{osheshah basins during the fifty days the basins upper series to be opened to discharge the volumes speaker would give an instance bearing on this
demanded of 100 and 150 millions, and the lower series to
are filling (from August 10 to September 29) is now be held as a reserve, and opened only to maintain the dis- p oint. It would be remembered that some time
56 million cubic metres, of which 6 millions are charges as the hea-d decreases, or water surfaces in basin ago t h e price of copper went up very much, and
diverted into the Fayum, and do not r eturn to the and river fall. The lower sluices will also be available he had to cast about to find a substitute for the
Nile. Part is disposed of by evaporation, and for filling the Kosheshah basin during the rise of the very costly material. At that time Mr . .Aspinall
river, the volume to be passed in being estimated at 400
part is left in hollows, but some 2000 million cubic million
cubic metres. From variou~ trial calculations the had brought before him some basic Hteel, which
metres are left to be discharged from the Kosheshah upper sluice gate has been fixed at 3 metres in dep h, or showed on test great elongation and reduction of
basin into the Nile, at a rate which may \'ary from from R. L. 26.7 to R . L. 23.7."
area. It seemed so good that he thought it would
100 to 150 millions per 24 hours, according to the
The escape (Figs. 5 to 9, on our two-page plate) be all right for firebox stays, but unfortunately it
exigencies of the crops, a low Nile requiring a more was built with 60 bays of 3 metres opening. Each had turned out badly, so that those steel stays had
rapid discharge than a high one. All the water opening has an upper and a lower sluice (Fig. 10, to be taken out and copper ones substituted.
finds its way into the Kosheshah basin, and about page 163), divided by a masonry sill. There is a Turning to another part of the paper, Mr. Aspinall
the midd.le of October this commences to rise door for each sluice, or two to each bay. The lower said, in regard to the comparison of the blast
rapidly until the discharge is commenced about the door slides in grooves; it weighs 1. 75 tons, and ca.n furnace with grain storage bins, that in a case at
20th. This was formerly effected by cutting the be raised 75 cent . (27! in.) without obstructing the Fleetwood which had come within his experience,
b1nk with a considerable amount of ceremony, and water-way of the upper gate. The upper door turns where the bins belonging to the Lancashire and
was r egarded as an important event, as the conse- on pivots, and, when released, falls into a horizontal Yorkshire R ailway Company were 10 ft. by 10 ft.,
quent rise of the river is required to raise the water position. It is usually held by hooks taking into eye- they had t he greatest difficulty in getting the
level in Lower Egypt high enough to reach the bolts built into the masonry. When made ready for grain out as it was required. In unloading the
more elevated land. Fig. 4, page 166, shows the release, the strain is taken by chains (Fig. 11, page ship t he good grain came out first, and, conseeff~ct at the barrage of the discharge of the basin. 166) secured by a clip link, and thehooksarereleased. quently, that went to the bottom of the bin,
In 1884 the usual course was followed, but in It is the work of only a few moments to knock off' the lighter chaffy matter coming last and being at
1835 the river burst through the bank into the t he link and let the door go. On the opening of the top. When, therefore, it was attempted to
hasin at the b eginning of August, at a time when the escape on October 17, 1891, all the sixty upper sample the grain by taking some from the bottom,
the provin ce was in the temporary charge of an gates were re1eased within a period of twenty a fair average was not obtained. This proved a
English officer who had lately joined the depart- minutes, and the operation could have been effected very serious difficulty until one of his staff suglnsnt, and while the inspector was away on leave. in half t he time, if it had not been prolonged to gested that vertical pipes should be run down ecah
There was no record of the bank having ever been enable the distinguished company prsent to shift bin, having square openings cut in it at intervals
accidentally breached b efore, and the nati\e their positions. The plan foll owed is to close the of about 6 ft. or 8 ft. By the use of this device they
authorities regarded it as of the highest importance upper openings and fix the gates before the river were able to get grain from different strata throughthat it should not be cut until the accustomed commences to rise. The lower gates are raised to out the bin, and that this was the fact had been
period. They urged its being closed at all costs, give an unobstructed passage for the inlet of river shown by experimenting with coloured grains conbut the engineer, after calculating the consequences water until the basin and the river come permanently tained in a model bin. Mr. Aspinal1, as bearing
of leaving it open, lined the sides and bottom with to one level. The bottom sluice gates are then closed, on the manner in which t he loose contents of a
dry rubble, and, having collected a considerable and the water rises in the basin. If the basin bin were supported by the sides, also instanced
amount of stone for use if required, let the waters should attain its required level before the proper the case in which sand was put in a glass tube, the
take their course. The waters in the basin rose date for discharge and be still filling, the lower end of which was closed by tissue paper, it being
successfully to the required level in spite of the gates are raised a little to enable the surplus to found that the paper would stand, however great
discharge into the Nile through the Lreach, and it flow off. When the time for a general discharge the h eight of tube ; also that a loose plug might
was not until the full inundation level was reached has come, all the upper gates are let go, under the rest on the top end of the sand, and a b!acksmith
that the sides of the cut gave way. Major Brown normal condition of affairs, and a. day or two later hammer on the plug, without bursting the paper.
Sir Lowthian Bell wished to add a few words on
tells us that the beneficial effect of the direct entry the lower sluices are fully raised to assist the
the eubject. Although Mr. A.spinall's experiments
of the Nile water through the breach to lands de- discharge.
prived of red water for, perhaps, fifteen years, was
In conclusion, we may add that Major Brown, appeared to confirm what Mr. Cocbrane had Eaid,
so marked that in 1886 the landowners petitioned the Director of Irrigation for the province, has in- Sir Lowthia.n dissented, if the r esults were to be
Government to leave the breach open, and repeat formed us that the deBign and execution of the applied fully to wbat took place in the blast furnace.
the act they had denounced the previous year as Kosheshah Escape were the work of the following: The laws as to t he composition and resolution of
folly. The breach was narrowed to 40 metres at Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. W cstern, C. M. G., made forces had to be carefully used, or they would not
He might, he
base, with a floor built in dry rubble and cheeks the general design, and was assisted in the design- always apply in blast furnaces.
similarly revetted at one t o one. The plan was ing and drawing of the ironwork and winches by said, direct attention t o a few facts bearing
successful, but for a few days b 3fore the basin Mr. A. G. Reid, C.M. G., M. Inst. C.E., of the Pun- upon the points. In coke bunkers they had a
ro3e to its full level a day and night struggle jaub Irrigation Service, who completed the designs parallelogram in section, with sides sloping towas carried on with ston es and sacks filled with and estimates when Colonel Weetern left Egypt. wards each other to the bottom, where there
earth to prevent the opening from widening out Mr. W. Marshall Hewatt, A.M.I.C.E., was resi- was a discharging opening of relatively small
too soon. The flow through the opening dug dent engin eer in charge of the work from beginning size. There was, however, no difficulty in getting
out a hole 27 metres below water surface, or to end. He was assisted by Mr. Mason in the out the coke. In the case, too, where the iron1 metre below mean sea level, the country sur erection of t he gates and sluices. The contractors stone was taken into the charging wagons, the disface at Kosheshah being about R.L. 24.00. In for the masonry were Messrs. Zuro and Patouna., a charge opened downwards and was closed by a
1887 the same arrangement was repeated, but, Greek firm, with whom was associated M. Garozzo, conical valve, and when this valve was opened the
in 1888, to avoid the risks encountered in 1886, who was practically their manager. The gates and ironstone ran out without difficulty. It would be
the fl oor of the cu ~ was very much raised, and ironwork, with the exception of the winches, were r emembered also that in former times it was usual
as soon as the river and the b1sin became the supplied by Messrs. Alien and Alderson, of Alex- for every blast furnace to be provided with a sma11
same level the breach was closed. This proved andria, and the winches by Messrs. A1lchin and crane, the object of which was to carry a very
heavy shovel which was used for the process called
to be a very fortunate arrangement, as the Nile Co ., of Cairo. The total cost was 62, 619l.
''scaffolding. " This ehovel was inserted into the furwas a low one, and no waste of basin water
nace, and by means of it lumps of material were
could be allowed.
F ortune had wonderfully favoured the irrigation THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL brought out at first cold, but ultimately almost in
a molten condition. It might, moreover, be regarded
officers in r eo-a.rd to this K osheshah breach, but it
IN our last. issue we gave an account of the first as probable that the fused materials in a blast furwas n ot to b; supposed that their luck would always
continue to be so propitious. It was so important day'ssittin~ at the summer meeting of the Institution nace acted as a lubricant and assisted in bringing
that the discharge of the basins should be under of Mechanical Engineers, which was held in Middles- the contents down.
Mr. Jeremiah Head, in replying to the discusfull control that in 1889 it was determined, the brough on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th inst., under
financial co~ditions b eing favourable, t o build the the presidency of Dr. Anderson, the President of sion, said that be would first thank the meeting for
masonry escape which forms the subj ect of Major the Institution. It will be remembered that on the the patient way in which his paper had been listened
to. There was, he said, n ot much to answer, as
BrJ wn's paper. In that yea:r, and also in 1890, no first day Mr. Head's paper on
the difi'erent speakers had largely replied to each
breach in the bank was perm1tted, and the entrance
other. It was necessary, however, to say something
of Nile water was restricted to an old four-arch
bridge in the Kosheshah bank. In 1891 the escape had been read, and at the time the meeting had to about the paragraph in which he had referred to the
was used for the fir~t time. Its dimensions were rise the discussion was not completed. On the form of blast furnace introduced by Messrs. How son
I I,
E N G I N E E R I N G.
evaporation was only 6 lb. of water per pound of
coal burnt.. lie would raise the question whether
economy. Im~ht not ~e very much increa ed by
Avaporattng 1n succeastve stages. 'Vhat was known
u the ".tripl~ e~et ., in the sugar industry depended
upon th1s pr1nc1ple, a~d very high evaporative results were 1n this way. 'Vhy should it
not be tried with salt l
1\lr. Cochrane said that the question of subsidence
was one of great importance to the district In
Staffordshire the removal of the 10-yard ~earn
of coal at a depth of 300 to 400 yards made itself
felt at the surface, and, therefore if dealing with
5~ ft . to 60 ft. of alt at 900 ft., 'the same result
mtght be expected to follow . It seemed that one
of two things must occur in time. Either the
ground .would fall slowly and piecemeal, or it
would g1 ve way. su~denly by t!1e breaking in of the
~oof of the cavtty, JUSt as a gtrder would give way
1f overloaded.
~ ir Lowthian Bell said that the giving way of
the surface was a subj ect which had caused much
alarm, and the matter had been discussed by the
Board of the . North.-Eastern Railway. He had,
therefore, advtsed h1s brother directors on the
~oard to send two skilful engineers to the Conttuent. to see what had been the experience abroad.
H~ d1d ,not, however, quite share Mr. Windsor
R1chards confidence, and he was not entirely
free fro~ . apprehension. '!here was not always
that stabthty at Nancy whiCh Mr. Richards had
found to distinguish the cathedral. At Nancy the
salt was mined , and in working, it was usual to
leave pillara in, so that the conditions existina
were dtfferent from those where brine was pumped~
E\en at Nancy, however, the water had percolated
through, and soften ed the shale which underlies
the salt, so that the pillars had sunk down through it.
As a r~sult, le) acres of land went down suddenly, and
the notse caused was so great that it was heard twelve
miles away. 'Vith regard to the evaporative results
and what ir Frederick Bramwell had said about
the evaporation of 6 lb. of water per pound of
coal, he would point out that coal was cheap, whilst
appliances for economi~ing it were dear ; besides
which there were other d.tfficulties in introducing
the system. In reply to the speaker who had asked
about using the company 's water, he would explain
that when they first started pumping it was found
that the surface water contained vegetable matter,
which made it unfit for evaporative purposes.
That, however, had been got rid of, and they could
now use the natural water. It was surprising how
a very small quantity of greasy matter would check
l\Ir. H eenan pointed out by aid of a diagram on
the blackboard that the salt being taken away in
circular holes, the rock would fall so as to form a
d ome-shaped r oof over the cavity, and n ot arches as
described in the paper, and, therefore, the surface
would not be likely to be affected. The case, he
said, was very different to coal.
Mr. D. IIalpin pointed out in regard to the proposed use of the "triple effet" that it would be too
costly to use with salt at lOl. to 12l. per ton.
Mr. Jeremiah Head thought that the subsidence
could never be sudden, a'! the cavity and borehole
would be fully charged with water. Before the surface could fall , water would have to be forced out,
and therefore until fountains were Rpurting np
hundreds of feet in all directions there need be no
l\lr. Pattison said that in Sardinia vast quantities of alt were made by evaporation of sea water
by the s un, so that no coal at all was used. 'Vhy
should that n ot be followed hero, in place of pumping and evaporating in pans l
1\lr. E. B. :rt-Iarten gave an instance of a brick
reservoir, for which he is responsible, and which
sank down every year, the subsidence being caused
hy salt workings some miles away. He also mentioned a town (Droitwich) in which a large area
had subsided, so that gas and water pipes were disarranged. 'Vith regard to the boring plant used in
sinking for salt, Mr. Iarten asked whether the
r ods were lowered by the crank arrangen1ent described in the paper, or whether they were allowed
a free fall.
1\lr. 'Vindsor Richards said that there was one
correction he would like to make. The author had
stated that "the knowledge of the existence of the
1\liddlcsbrough salt bed .came !Lbout by mel\~S of
operations undertnken w1th qmte another obJect.
In 1 39-62 lea rs. Bolckow, Yaughan, and Co.,
having b ored to a depth of 1200 ft. on the south
E N G I N E E R I N G.
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Fig. JJ.
H e had, however, stated that the
"chisel, " "stem, " "jars, " ''sinker bar, " and
" rope socket" comprised "a string of tools,''
altogether about 60 ft. long. They were connected
by taper screw joints. The jars were a pair of
links having a vertical play of 9 in., so that the
tools might be released if jammed. This was
effected by a number of rapid upward blows being
given, the play in the links allowing of a sudden
jar or blow, and in this way great power could be
brought to bear to loosen the tools. He should
have said that the "string of tools " formed one
tool when screwed together. The movement was a
rapid up-and. down motion, the crank of the engine
having a stroke of 2ft . gave a motion of 4 ft. to
the tools, so that each revolution of the crank
produced one blow of the tool. ~fr. Grigg had
purposely avoided r eference to uch a debatable
question as the influence of the elasticity of the
rope on the blow of the tool, as it would lead
to points which would tako too long to discuss.
The result, however, was that the tools were practically fa.lling freely, and were not controlled by
crank at the moment of the blow being struck,
and the rock was pounded sufficiently fine to be
brough t up by the sand pump. With regard to
the various modes of e,aporation, as he had stated,
thousands upon thou ands of pounds had been
spent upon all imaginable 'Chemes, and among the
rest the process of evaporation under vacuum had
been tried. A patent had been taken out, and a
company had been duly formed. The plant was
erected, and the vacuum obtained. But after
working a very short time the salt stuck to the
sides of the apparatus, so that evaporation was
stopped, as, indeed, any salt-maker would have
predicted had he been asked. The company persevered for a week, after which the system was a ban
doned. Eventually, however, the time will no
doubt again come r ound for another in ventor to
take out another patent and another company to be
formed. In America the aame idea had been put
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of the salt would tend to spread chiefly under theory would appear, like the dome itself, to r est
the superposed stratum of rock. The reasoning of on very uncertain foundations. R eference had
some was that this r ock when it fell in would form been made to the effect of the deleterious action
a natural arch, or, rather, as Mr. Heena.n had better of the vegetable matter in surface water, and
expressed it, a natural dome. We did not gather he could confirm what he had heard as to the
that Mr. Grigg himself put much confidence in r emarkable manner in which a film of greasy
these speculations-particularly as he pointed out . matter would prevent evaporation. It was n ot an
that the "domes " belonging to adjacent bore- : uncommon thing for men who were offended for
holes would in time overlap- and he gave an some reason to ''poison the pans, " as it was
instance of a large mass of rock which had fallen called. The operation consisted in just dropping
in the centre of a cavity, breaking the pipe which a little oil or slipping a little butter over the side
formed the bottom end of the borehole. This large I of the pan. The salt-maker might then stoke his
piece of rock had t o be bored through, so that it fire and burn his coal, but he would get very little
was certainly retained in the centre of the cavity, return in the shape of salt. Mr. Pattison had r eas it would be if the latter was of the trumpet ferred to the natural evaporation of brine in
form he had sketched. As was said, the dome Sardinia. Solar salt was well known in the trade,
and it had its place as a cheap material useful for
fishery and such purposes. It would not, h owever, take the place of manufactured salt for finer
purposes. Mr. Marten had r eferred to subsidence
in the Cheshire district, but it must be remembered
that the eastern and western districts were n ot
quite similar. In Cheshire they had natural springs
which would be carrying salt to the sea, whether
there were pumping or not. There t he amount
of salt extracted by the evaporating pans might be
a trifle compared to that which escaped by natural
means, and the foundations of the land were constantly being eroded by the springs. In Middlesbrough the conditions were different . It was only
the salt abstracted by the pumping which was taken
from the earth. He would r efer to a circumstance
in the economy of salt-making which would be of
interest. In l\iiddlesbrough they had much waste
h eat in the slag from the blast furnace, and if this
could be utilised it would be of universal advantage. Ideas had been formed of arresting some of
this waste heat t hat at present radiated into space
from the sides of slag tips, and experiments were in
progress which had afforded some promising results.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
whieh he met them was to offer to them every
opportunity to try their explosives themselves, and
if they could do better than the powder, he would
be only too glad. The petroleum engine was doing
good work as stated, but there were little difficulties in its use which he would prefer not to enlarge
upon. The gases had given a l ittle trouble, put
n othing very serious ; the engines had worked well
for three years. There was sometimes a little
difficulty in the electric firing of the gases in the
petroleum engine. A speaker had asked whether
t he gear in the electric drill was covered up. That,
he said, might easily be done if necessary. The
speed was 400 r evolutions a minute.
I I,
A pa.per entitled "Some Engineering Improvements in the River Tees,'' by Mr. George J.
Cla.rke, of Stockton, engineer t o the Tees Conservancy Commission, was nex~ read . Th e jurisdiction of the Tees Conservancy extends a distance of 25 miles from Tees Bay. At one time
there were no less than four different channels
of the river, between Middlesbrough and the
sea, and these channels were so t )rtuous, varying,
and uncertain, that formerly several of the leadA paper by Mr. A. L. Stea.venson, of Durham, ing lights were placed on rollers, so that they
comprising a "Description of the Electric Rock could be more easily moved, as the main channel
Drill Machinery in the Carlin H ow Ironstone shifted . The depth of water on the bar in 1863
Mines in Cleveland," was next read by Mr. Bache. was 3~ H. at low water of ordinary spring tides.
This paper we sha.ll print in full s hortly, together At the present time it is 20 ft. at low water and
with illustrations by which it was accompanied. 37 ft. at high water. The improvement has been
Mr. Steavenson has been connected with the pro- effected by means of training walls, dredging, and
gress of ironstone mining in Cleveland for the period breakwaters, descriptions of which the author
of forty years over which it has extended. In his proceeded t o give. Since 1854, about 29,000,000
paper h e dealt with the various methods of attack- tons of material have been removed by dredging.
ing the r ock ; eith er by hand-labour, by the hand- It is intended to construct a channel, having a l owratchet drill, the compres~ed air rotary drill, the water depth varying from 12 ft. at Stockton t o
hydraulic drill, or the petroleum engine ; and also 15 ft. at Middlesbor ough, the total length being
by the electric drill, which was more especially the about 12 miles. During the two years ending
subject of his paper. In comparing the results October, 1891. nearly 3, 700,000 tons were dredged
obtained with different drills, the conditions of the by a fleet of five double-ladder dredgers and one
seam of ironstone have to be considered, but, on the single-ladder dredger. There were bt3tween 40 and
whole, we gather that Mr. Stea.venson gives pre- 50 hopper barges, carrying 200 to 300 tons each,
and nine steam tugs. The shortest distance towed
ference to the electric drill.
The discussion on this paper was open ed by Mr. was about 10 miles, and th~ longest 31 miles. The
Heena.n, who r eferred to the subject of the use of greater part of the material consisted of stiff boulder
higher explosives. He asked the author the size clay, but no less than 302,000 tuns of rock were
of the drill, and was informed that it was 1i in. r emoved by one dredger alone without explosives.
The speaker then s uggested that it might be pos- The author gave a. description of the dredg~ rs used.
sible to use a drill making a i-in. h ole, and to As an indication of the development of the river,
supplant powder by some of the higher explo- it was stated that the largest cargo ehipped from
sives. He thought this would lighten the labour. Middlesbrough dock in 1864 was 708 tons ; in 1891
He was himself in want of drills for two mines the largest was 5000 tons ; while in 1892 a vessel
in p ositions where the carriage was very high- as with 6500 tons deadweight cargo left the river.
In the discussion which followed, Mr. J eremiah
much as 6d. p er lb., so that if higher explosives
Head was the first speaker.
He said no one
were used it would be a saving.
In his paper Mr. Steavenson had stated that he could help being impressed by t he importance
had introduced the petroleum engine of Messrs. of the work with which Mr. Clarke had dealt
Priestman, and a drill suited to its conditions. in his paper. A detail which very much inFive of these he said were then in use, and had terested him, as living on the coast in the neighdone good work. In the concluding part of his bourhood, was the placing a gas buoy to light
paper he had given the first cost of machinery for the Scars Reef. During the time he had lived
the various types of drilling, and also the work at Coatharo he had seen as many as six wrecks
done. The first cost of the petroleum engine was on the Scars at once, and he had seen Redcar Pier
375l., and it drilled eight holes an hour, and by it and Coatham Pier, one with two gaps and the other
100 to 130 tons of ironstone were got per shift. with one, through ships driving through them inside
With the electric drill the first cost was 350l. ; ten the Scars. Since the gas buoy had been put there,
holes were drilled per hour, and th e quantity of there had been no wrecks at all. These buoys had
ironstone CYOt per shift was 140 tons. Judging to have the gas full on night and day. It seemed
from the diagrams exhibited on the walls! the perhaps a wasteful thing to burn gas- carried
petroleum drilling e!lgine was. self -contained ; there a.t very great expense-in the day-time for
that is to say, the engme ~nd drtll were mount~d no purpose, but the varying length of days and
on one bedplate ; whilst In the case of the electric niCYhts during the progress of the seasons necesdrill the power was genera:ted at great~r or le~s sitated this, and if the gas were al ways burning
distance and conveyed by wires. Referrmg to this there was sure to be a light when it was needed.
fact a member asked what would be the cost of a The South Gare breakwater, for the protection of
com'plete plant of the. other systems. I t not the entrance to the river, the author had stated had
seem to him fair to Ignore the fact that In one taken twenty-four years t o build, and was made of
case the petroleum had silll:ply .to be taken to Portland cement concrete, upon a foundation of
the engine in buckets, whilst In others th~re slag, with slag hearting between the exterior walls
must be a more or less elaborate power-generatmg near the head. Nearly 5,000,000 tons of slag had
machine. The petroleum engiue was its own gas been used in its construction, the breakwater
plant. Another speaker asked if th~ exhaust.gases being upwards of two miles in ~ength. Mr. He~d
from the petroleum motor caused In conventenc~. said that it would only be possible to use slag In
He would like to know the speed of the electnc this way in a. district where there were many iron
works, so that it would be produced close by. The
d h
In r eplying to the discussion the a~thor sa\ t at works were costly, but they had converted a stream
h e had tried all .manner of explost!es,. but that which he remembered well could be walked acros~
powder still h eld the field. The obJectwn to the in the early fifties, into a. river that would carry a
use of the higher explosive~ was tha~ th~ugh they 6000-ton ship laden. It was said that tra~e follows ExcuRSIONS TO WoRKS EAST OF MIDDLESBROUGH.
would cut the stone, they d1d not ?ring It down ; the flag, and this harbour now sends ships to all
On the afternoon of the second day of the meetparts
the material was left standing 1n place.. He
ing, excursions wer e made to works east of Middles
had gentlemen constantly coming to h1m with 3:ll
brough. The m emhers who attended these excuran
kinds of n ew explosives to introduce. The war In
Auc. I I, I893.]
E N G I N E E R I N G.
sions were divided into two parties, who visited the visit the steel works were by n o means fully emworks in diff~rent order. The establishments ployed, but visitors had an opportun!t~ of seeing
examined were as follows : Messrs. Cochrane and rails rolled and fish-plates rolled and nntshed. The
Co. 's Ormesby Blast Furnaces, Messrs. 'Vilsons, South Bank Iron Works of this firm are immeP ease, and Co. 's Tees blast furnaces and foun- diately opposite the last- me ntioned works, ~nd
dries, the Cargo Fleet Iron Company's blast fur- comprise eight blast furnaces 78ft. to 79 ft .. htgh.
naces, including the Tees Scorim Brick Company's The output is about 600 tons of Cleveland ptg per
plant, the N ormanby Iron Works Company's furn ace per week.
The Clay-lane Iron Works are about half a mile
blast furnaces, the blast furnaces and steel
works of M essrs. B olckow, Vaughan, and Co., distant from Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co.'s property.
Limited, and the Clay-lane Iron Company's blast There are six blast furnaces 85ft. high and 25ft. in
furnaces. Of these various important works, the diameter of bosh. Two are being relined. The
demands upon our space will, we regret to say, output of the furnaces is from 450 to 600 tons per
allow us to speak but very briefly.
Messrs. week, Cleveland stone only being used.
On the evening of Wednesday the Institution
Cochrane and Co. 's works were first visited. Here
there are four blast furnaces, which are the dinner was held in the R oyal Exchange, Middleslargest in the district, measuring 90 ft. in height, brough, and passed off with great success, the caterwith a diameter at bosh of from 23 ft. to 29ft., the ing being very efficiently carried out, and the
hearth being 10 ft. The output from the three speeches unusually britf.
furnaces now at work is 2350 tons of pig iron per
week, all from local ores. There are here twelve ExcuRSIONS TO P oRT CLARENCE, TaoRNABY, AND
R()ot boilers heated by furnace gases. The works
Thursday, the 3rd inst., was wholly given up to exare lighted by electricity, the motive power being
obtained from a Parsons steam turbine running at cursivns, with which, however, we can deal but very
8000 revolutions per minute. Messra. W 1lsons, briefly. One party visited Messrs. Bell Brothers'
Pease, and Co.'s Iron Works were next in rotation. bla~t furnaces, where there are, on what is known
There are five blast furnaces, the highest being as the " old side," eight furnaces 80 ft. high by
85 ft. high, with 27 ft. diameter of bosh. There 17 ft. to 25 ft. diameter of bosh, and on t he
are in all 18 calcining kilns. The product is solely ''new side, four blast furnaces 80 ft. high by 23ft.
Cleveland pig. There are also extensive foundries diameter of bosh. The average output per furnare
where castings are made in large quantities. The per week is 500 tons of Cleveland pig. A notable
Oargo Fleet Iron Works have five blast fur- feature here is that the Le Chatelier pyrometer is
naces, 75 ft. high. One is now out of blast ; but in r egular use, so that the temperature of blast
the output of the four furnaces working is about can be readily known.
The Port CJarence Salt Works were the next
2000 tons of Cleveland pig per week. One-fourth
of the slag produced is converted into slag blocks feature in this programme. The method of WCirkfor paving by the Tees Scorire Brick Company. ing salt was fully described in Mr. Grigg's paper.
The plant owned by the latter company comprises The remainder of the excursion consisted of a visit
one rotating wheel fitted with 140 moulds, and 18 to 'l'hornaby- formerly known as South Stockton
kilns, each capable of h olding 1000 blocks. The - where the following works were d own for in
Normanby Iron vVorks are also at Cargo Fleet, spection : Cleveland Flour l\1ill, Messrs. Head,
and comprise three blast furnaces, each 75ft. high. Wrightson, and Co.'s Iron Works, the Union
The output of each furnace is about 600 tons per F oundry, and Messrs. 'Vhitwell and Co.'s Thornaby
week of h ematite pig made from Spanish ore. The Iron Works-all important establishments, which,
above wvrks comprised the first half of the excur- however, it is impossible for us to describe on the
sion for one party and the second half for the other present occasion.
The alternative excursion for Thursday morning
party, t he latter having first visited the following
started from Saltburn, aud various ironstone mines
estJ.blishments :
Messrs. Bolckow, V aughan and Co.'s Cleveland were visited. In the afternoon a trip was made to
Steel and Iron Works, South Bank, comprise eight the South Breakwater, which forms a part of
blast furnaces, three being out of blast, having the Tees Conservancy work, and was referred to in
been stopped a y ear or two ago, after having been Mr. Clarke's paper read the previous day. In the
over twenty years at work without being relined. evening there was a. fete held in the beautiful
Two of the furnooes in blast are 92 ft. and 95! ft. gardens of the Sal tburn estate.
Friday, the 4th inst., the last day of the meeting,
high by 20 ft. to 25 ft. 8 in. in diameter of bosh,
and 9ft. to 10 ft. hearth. The output averages over was, like the previous day, wholly given up to
600 tons of Cleveland pig per furnace per week. In excursions. Two ste3.mers, kindly provided by the
the hematite furnaces pig iron is made for the acid- Tees Conservancy, conveyed the members to Hartlelined converters, the bulk of the ore being rubio. pool, opportunity being afforded on the way down
The three furnaces smelting hematite ore are 72 ft. the river of seeing the improvement works in prohigh and 23 ft. to 24 ft. in diameter of bosh. Their gress. At Hartlepool, visits were paid to Messrs.
output is about 1000 tons of hematite pig per fur- T. Richa.rdson and Son's Marine Engine W orks, to
nace per week. The steel works* occupy an area of the Central Marine Engine 'York&, to Messrs.
60 acr~s, of which 20 are covered by roofing. When William Gray and Co.'s shipyards, to the West
in full operation they can produce 5500 tons of Hartlepool Steel and Iron~' orks, and to the British
finished steel per week, and find employment for Metal Expansion Works. The two works first
2500 men. A feature which attracted special atten- named are ad mirably equipped with modern plants
tion in these works was the mixing plant for desul- for the class of work turned out, the boiler shop
phurisation and homogenisation of pig iron by the machinery being in each case particularly fine, and
Massen~z process, which was in operation.
There including splendid hydraulic tools for Banging, &c.
are two mixer3, each capable of h olding 140 tons of Of the Central Marine Engine Works we p ublished
molten pig. Like those at the North-Eastern Steel a full account in vol. xliii. of E~GINEERING, page
W orks already referred to, they are mounted on trun- 270, while more recently (see pages 278 and 314 of
nions, and the molten metal is brought by locomo- our last volume) we described the later extensions
tives from the blast furnace, and, being poured in it of the establishment. On a future occasion we
at one end of the mixer, is run out at the other as hope to be able to deal in a similarly complete way
required. In the Bessemer shop are four 8-ton acid- with Messrs. Richardson's works. Of the interestlined converters. In the basic department there ing machinery at the British Metal Expansion
are six 15-ton converters, which are tipped by means Works, an illustrated account will be found on
of steam engines actuating worm-gearing. The other pages 100 and 102 of our fiftieth volume.
machinery is mostly hydraulic. The ingot heatin<Y
With these excursions, ended the summer meeting
furnaces comprise six of the vertical type, togethe~ of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for
with seven others of the older h orizontal pattern. The 1893. The gathering was an exceedingly successful
vertical furnaces are served by steam overhead one, in spite vf the showery weather, from which
travelling cranes, whilst the horizontal furnaces t~e excursion to the ironstone mines (made by carhave hydraulic appliances. The cogging and plate ~Iage) on Thursday suffered considerably, especially
mills are close by. One of the plate shears is cap- m the case of those members not in covered
able of cutting steel plates cvld up to 2! in. The vehicles. The arrangements made by the local
blades are 12 ft. long and 4 ft. 8 in. in the gap, committee, under Mr. Jeremiah Head, and the local
the stands b eing 9 ft. apart. They are steam secretaries, Mr. John Dennington, of Middlesdriven, and are said to be the largest in the world. brough, a.nd Mr. Th?mas Mudd, of Hartlepool ,
There. are seven 12-ton Ateel melting furnaces. were admirable; wh1lst Mr. Bache and his staff
There 1s also a steel foundry. At the time of the wor~ed with their usual vigoor, to the usual happy
.lfor an account of these works see ENGINEERING effect. In fact, the whole proceedings, so far as
vol. xxxvi., page 277.
' we are aware, passed without a. hitch.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
I I,
-to . . . . o o . .ooo
Fig. 1.
., ..
,,,,. r"- I
I~ 7''' ' .
'. .; ' I
.. .. ' .
" .... !!
.-t~)o ...
'' :
."" ..
I ,]
k.J. .
-- .
< ...
r :
~ ::
,, I
I '
Fig. 3.
lfllf l
' = 0-
:Ftg. 5.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
AuG. I I, I893.]
'""""" ....._
.___..........__ ,
Fig 2.
..:..: ....
.. .:
Fig. 3.
Fig .5
I F ia. 4 .
. ..
E N G I N E E R I N G.
133! ft .. the width being '72 ft.
The inner or
dock sill is 5 ft. above the outer sill, which has
3~ ft;, of water on it at average spring tides.
Ttmber jetties project into the river, and form a
trumpet-mouth entrance 340ft. wide. The river bank
was left un til the lock including the outer apron
was constructed and the walls sunk in open
trenches, the foundations of the lock b eing carried
60_ ft. b~lo w the l evel of the coping, and the 8-ft.
th1ck s1lls of all threa gates were carried 72 ft.
below coping. For the bottom 10 ft. of the side
walls concrete was used. The bottom courses of the
masonry wa!ls are laid at a dep th of 50 ft. below
the level of coping, between the outer and inner
sills, the level of the springing of the invert being
38 ft. below the coping level. Cornish granite,
Pennant rock, mountain limestone rubble, and
concrete made with Abertawe lime, sand and broken
stone were used. The invert is segmental, with a
versed sine of 8ft. forming the bottom, and is formed
of lime cement concrete, but the top layer oi 3 H.
is of P ortland cement concrete, the top coating of
6 in. being in the proportion of 1 t o 3, excepting
where the double grooves occurring before and behind each gate are formed in tooled stone. These
grooves are 4 ft. apart, and provide means of in
closing any gate within dams, if it sh ould be desirable. All the gates were partially fixed before
the river bank was remo"\'ed; and preparatory to
this a cofferdam was formed in t he outer grooves of
the outer gate, with cast-iron channels and sluices
in the inner face of the cofferdam for admitting
the water when the gates were finally completed
and the river bank excavated. There are two
wrought-iron gates of 40 ft. 2 in. high, weighing
400 tons, and one of 35 ft. 2 in. high, weighing
350 tons. They are double skinned, greenheart
timber b eing used for heel posts, mitres, and sill
pieces. The method adopted for opening and
closing the gates is the overg~te system.
The new, the South, D ock is 1500 ft. long, 350ft.
wide, and will, when excavations are completed,
have a deep-water area of 30 acres. The walls are
sloped 3 to 1 to the natural surface, a detail
which excited some discussion. Two timber jetties
are provided with hydraulic coal hoists to lift
20 tons. The cradles are raised by central telescopic
rams, giving an effective lift of 34ft., or 40ft. from
water level. Two additional hoists to be erected
will r aise wagons a greater height, and discharge
them into two hatch ways at the same time. There
is a connection 65ft. wide between this new dock
and the old North D ock, and the construction is
similar to that in the locks, while a swing bridge
120ft. long and 200 tons weight spans the connecting
channel. The wall of the old North D ock was left
until the junction side walls had been completed and
the swing bridge was in use. In the old wall there
were then drilled 46 2-in. holes, and 100 lb. of ammonite explosive inserted and fired by electricity.
The masonry was thus riven and broken up, and re
moved by divers using small charges of explosives.
The new masonry was not injured by the blasting.
Mr. Arthur C. Hurtzig, who opened the discussion, directed attention to this question, r emarking
that the new docks at Newport were the most recently constructed docks at an important centre,
and it would be interesting to know how the precedent of having vertical walls in the adjoining dock,
the Alexandra, had n ot been followed. He admitted that t he system of sloping sides with jetties
was suitable for loading coal, and was rightly
adopted at Cardiff, which was primarily a coal exportin g port, but they were not suited for import
trade. A vessel had to discharge rapidly and frequently from several hatches, and if moor ed against
a narrow jetty this was impossible. The use of
vertical walls might, therefore, prove to the disadvantage of Newport. Re mentioned several caees
where vertical quaywallswere preferred by shippers.
Mr. vV. T. Olive also agr eed t hat it was genera11y
better to make quay walls vertical instead of
battered, as more in accordance with the section of
a ship. He would like to know the r atio of length
of quay to water area in the L ondon docks, as he
was convinced from investigations in various harbours in America, Canada, and Buenos Ayres that
by the use of moles, or by adopting an oblong dock
with jetties at an angle of 45 deg. to the shore, 40 per
cent additional quay space could usually be obtained.
Mr. \Volff Barry was the next speaker, and had
arguments to adduce in favour of the abused slopir:g
wall and jetty system. He drew on the board a
plan of the method carried out at one of the docks
of Barry. A bout one-half is constructed w~th
vertical walls for import trade, and the other w1th
sloping waHs for coal export. .The coal loadi~g
crane was in the centre of the Jetty, and the sh1p
lay at an angle to the quay wall, touching only one
corner of the jetty, so that if it was moved ahead
or astern to change the hatch under the crane, it
overlapped conveniently with the ship at t he next
jetty. More coal hoists could t hus be placed on a
limited length of dock wall or dook quay. The experience of several years had proved the advant-age
of this arrangement. For import trade he agreed
with what Mr. Hurtzig had said.
Mr. Vernon Harcourt, after giving some reminiscences of his connection with the south dock of the
West India Dock- the first work with which he
was responsibly connected-said that pro?ably
financial considerations suggested the adoptwn of
sloping walls. Moreover, the system of jeUies had
already proved very suitable for the port. He was
somewhat surprised, however, that Mr. Smyth had
not made the sill of the new docks rather lower.
It was true, he said, that the river was rather
shallower than the sill of the lock, but he looked
forward to t he time when the Usk would be improved by the rem.oval of the exi~tin~ .shoals. He
agreed with Mr. Ohve as to the su1tab1hty of ~ole~,
and reviewed l. t lenath what had been done 1n thlB
country, in tl is direction, for the increase of
I I,
Works, Philadelphia..
United States Metallic
Metallic packing
Packing Company,
Messrs. W illiam Sellers
Injector ...
and Co., Philadelphia.
The Adams and WestHeadlight
lake Manufacturing
Compa.ny, Chicago.
American Brake ComDriving brake ...
. pany, St. Louis, Mo.
' Vest in g h o u s e Air
Tender and train brake
Pi ttsbuf'gh.
National Hollow Brake
Tender brake beams ...
The principal dimensions of this engine and tender
are contained in the subjoined Table :
127,000 lb.
101,000 ,
23 ft. 3 in.
12 , 6 ,
7 , 10 ,,
9 , 4~ ,
20 in.
Diameter of cylinders
24 ,
Stroke of piston
. ..
Horizontal thickness of piston over
piston bead and follower plate ...
Kind of piston packing
3~ in.
Diameter of piston-rod
. ..
Size of steam ports .. .
... 19 in. by 1! in.
exhaust ports ...
... 19 ,
5~ in.
Greatest travel of slide val ves
1 ,
Outside lap of slide valves .. .
.. .
.. .
t in.
Lead of slide valves in full stroke ...
E N G I N E E R I N G.
46 in.
25 sq. in.
Wh eel!J, c!c.:
d , '
{ H .P. ! in . negaInside lap of shde val ves
ti ve, L.P. n on e
H .P.
i in.
. f ull stro1{e {
L ead of slide va1ves m
P. H
. .
Diameter of dr1vmg wheels outside
of tyres
.. .
. ..
Diameter of truck wheels . ..
. ..
Size of driving-axle journals, diameter and length . . .
. .. 8 in. by 8! in.
Sizs of truck-axle journals . ..
. .. 5 ,
10 ,
main crankpin journals
... 5i ,
5~ ,
... 4 ,
3~ ,
: coupling-rod journals
L en'gth of driving springs, centre
2 in.
t o oen t re of hangers
. ..
Description of boiler ...
. ..
. . . . Wagon top
Inside diameter of smallest b01ler
ring .. .
. ..
. ..
. ..
60~ in.
Material of barrel of boiler . . .
TbickneEs of plates in barrel of ~
boiler .. .
. ..
. ..
.. .. . and 11 ,\ m.
Kind of horizontal seams ... Butt )Omte~, w1tl~
double covet'lng strtps
circumferential seams
... Single riveted
Jvl~teria.l of tubes
.. . Iron, No. 12 W. G.
Number of tubes
.. .
.. .
.. .
Diameter of tubes outside .. .
2;t m.
Distance between centres of tnbes. ..
2~ " .
L ength of tubes over tubeplates . .. 13 ft. 3!. m.
.Length d firebox inside
.. .
119~ m.
~t ,
Depth of firebox froru underside of
crown plate to bottom of mud ring
76~ "
\Vater spaces, sides, back, and front
of firebox
.. .
.. .
.. .
. .. 3, 3, and 4 in.
~Iaterial of outside shell of firebox ...
' Steel
Thickness of plates of outside shell
of firebox
.. .
~Ia.terial of inside of firebox ...
.. .
Thickness of plates in sides, back
:~ in.
end, and crown of fi rebox ...
.. .
:Material of firebox tube sheet
.. .
smokebox "
Thickness of front and back tubeThrow of upper end of reverse
plates .. .
. ..
. ..
.. .
. ..
~ in.
lever from full ~ear forward to full
Crown plate is stayed with . ..
... !A-~n. stay b?lts
gear backward, measured on the
Diameter and height of dome
... 32 m. by 2! m.
chord of the arc of its throw
45i in.
\Vorking steam pressure per square
Sectional area of opf\ning in each
inch .. .
.. .
.. .
.. .
.. .
160 lb.
steam pife connected with cyK ind of grate ...
... Rocking bars and ~d~op p1ate
linder .. .
. ..
.. .
.. . 19 G3 sq. in.
Width of bars ...
~ m.
WhOtls, d:c. :
openings between bars . . .
~ ,,
Diameter of driving wheels outside
Grate surface ...
.. .
28 sq . ft.
of tyres
. ..
.. .
6 ft. 6 in.
.. . 185 ,
H eating surface in firebox .. .
Diameter of truck wheels ...
4 ft.
of tubes
.. .
. .. 1822 ,
Size of driving axle journals, diaTotal heating surface...
.. .
.. . 2007 "
meter and length .. .
.. .
.. . 8! in. by 12 in.
Kind of blast nozzle .. .
. ..
. .. 6~ ,
10 ,
Size of truck axle journals .. .
Diameter of blast nozzles (three
Size of main crankpin journals ... 5~ ,
6 .,
sizes provided)
. .
... 3 in., 3\ in.,
Size of coupling rod journals
... :F. 5~ in. diam.
and 3i in.
by 4 in. long,
Smallest inside diameter of smoke
B. 6 in. diam.
18 in.
stack .. .
by 4 in. long
Height from top of rails to top of
L ength of driving springs, centre to
smoke stack .. .
. ..
.. . 14 ft. 3 in.
.. .
.. .
centre of hangers . ..
4 ft.
.. .
.. Extend ad, with
oa ,,
5i in.
Diameter of blast nozzles .
Smallest inside diameter of smoke18 ,
stack . ..
. ..
Height from top of ra.ils to top of 14 ft. 0.1 in.
Emkokbestack ...
... Sh~~t with register i~ front
33,800 lb.
Weight of tender empty (actual) ...
Weight of tender with fuel and
80,573 ,
water; full .. .
.. .
Number of wheels under tender .. .
36 in.
Diameter of tender wh eels .. .
... .
Size of journals of tender axles, diameter and length . ..
.. .
.. . 4~ in. hy 8 in.
Total wheel base of tender .. .
16 ftJ.
Distance from centre to centre of
truck wheelAof tender
. ..
.. .
5 ft. 4 in.
Water capacity of tank (in gallons
4000 gals,
of 231 cubic inches)...
.. .
6 tons.
Fuel capacity of tender
.. .
Engi ne and T ender.
T otal wheel base of engine and
... . .. 47 ft. 3 in.
tender ...
The car is ligh ted by Pintsch gas, and has seating
capacity for forty persons. Ventilation ie secured by
ventilators arranged above the windows. Generally
~peaking, the ca.r in its inside and outside finish is a
fine piece of work.
The platform car is a four-wheeled low-side timber
car with steel underframe, pressed steel axle guards,
and arm plates of a novel pattern. There are also
many minor parts of novel design. The total length
is 30ft., width 10ft., capacity 33,000 lb. To take
curves of small radius the car is prQvided with flexible
wheel bae, allowing the axle-boxes to mo\e i in.
to either side within the axle-guards, the weight of
the car reg ulating by the springs the right position of
the a xle on a straight track, The painting is of a red
brown colour.
The coal car is a four-wheel truck, entirely mad e of
steel, with the only exception of the floor, which is in
yellow pine. The sides are of pressed sheet
steel 13~ in. thick. On each side there is a double door,
which is locked by lever mechanism. The front of th e
car opens entire1y, swinging around pivots on the
top to the outside, allowing the coals to be discbar~ ed
at the front, as well as by side doors. The painting
is like the flat car, red brown.
THE FRENCH NA\Y. - The French ~Iinister of Marine
has ordered several t orpedo-boats from the St. Denis
Shipbuilding 'Vorks, belonging t o the Cail Company
and the Societe d es Chantiers de la Loire.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
E X P 0 S I T I 0 N.
Fiy . 1
~ ;.
Fig .8 .
F0 .5 .
oo JO~o
JJ% 11.
. -. . --.-
---/~ ---- ~
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.. t-......-......---+-+-+-+--.--..
- ~--.1~--------o-~ Z2'f,z
+-- ---
_J.._ , .
-. .... 0-+-.
.... . . . . . ...
j~ ..... . .......
I I,
E N G I N E E R I N G.
E X P 0 S I T I 0 N.
U.S.A .
- -
Peg. 8.
- ......
.. . . . . - Li ~fl:.:::..!IJ_ ', / ..
1-- ............. _____ ______ ;
--------- .
................. . ...... .... ... - - .. J
- - ~
............... -------
E N G I N E E R I N G.
new machine; but the mineo wners consider that this
would be likely to prevent the machine from obtaining
the best results, seeing that it is capable of getting more
stone than one filler can load up. The owners have,
however, offered to leave the whole system of working
these drills, and the rat~s of payment for the work to
an independent arbitrator, an offer which th e m~n's
agents h ave refused.
The men's representatives are
only willing to r efer the question of the undivided tonn age rate, which the two men they con tend should
share. The owners, h aving offered the opportunity for
a.n arbitration on all the points in dispute, do not see their
WAY to concede more.
marked a drop of ~d. per ton from the prev iou~ day. A
lot of 1000 tons wae done at 42s. 5d. this week. The tone
was quieter on account of the heavy and unex pected increase of 1~ 1 000 tons in the stocks of Cleveland iron.
Without busmess transpiring, Cleveland fell 1d. per ton,
while Cumberland hematite iron was marked l~d. per ton
dearer. The markeb was ijasy in tone in the afternoon,
but there was more disposition to do business, about 15,000
tons of Scotch iron being dealt in, quite the half of which
was taken by one operator. The cash price dropped to
42s. 2~d. per ton, but rallied a penny, closing sellers at
42s. 3~d., or 1~d. per ton down on the day. A 300-ton
lot of Bcotch was done at 42s. 3~d . per ton this week,
with 6d. forfeib in seller's option . Cleveland was weak,
dropping 3~d . per t on on the day ab 35s. 5d. per ton
seller~, but n othmg waRdone. Cumberland hematite iron
was quoted 3~d. per ton down on the day. The settlement prices at the close were-Scotch iron, 42d. 3d. per
ton; Cleveland, 33s. 4~d.; Cumber land and Middlesbrough
hematite iron, respectively, 45s. 3d. and 43s. 4~ d. per ton.
~Ionday was a blank on 'Change, that being Bank
Holiday, when there was no meeting of the iron "ring. "
A very firm feeling ruled in the warrant market on Tuesday forenoon. Scotch iron was then in demand, J:artly
on outside account, and 4000 tons were sold at from ! d. to
1~d. over F riday's cash figure. At the close of the market
41 per cent. wa.s offered to carry Scotch. The market
was firm in the afternoon, but th e greater portion of the
business was done on "plant " terms, 4000 tons changing
hands at from 42s. 2d. to 42 ~. 3d. next week with a.
"plant." About 3000 tons of out-and-out dealing took
place at from 42s. 4!d. to 42s. 4d. per ton cash. The settlement prices at the close were-Scotch iron, 42s. 3d. per
ton; ClE\veland, 35s. 6d.; Cumber land and Middlesbrough
hematite iron, respectively, 45s. 3d. and 43s. 4~d. per ton.
Ooly a quiet business was done in the pig iron market this
forenoon. Some 5000 or 6000 tons of Scotch iron were sold at
42s. 3i d and 42s. 4d. per ton cash, and at 42~. 6d. one
month, and 500 tons were sold at 42s. 3~d. n ext week
with a" plant. " For carrying over 4 per cent. was paid.
Cleveland iron was ~et per ton down in price. In the
afternoon the market was quiet. Cleveland was done at
35s. 4d. cash, or Hd. down from the forenoon. In Scotch
iron the dealings amounted to ~000or4000ton s, and the tone
was flat, 42s. 3~d. cash being done, with sellen:J at 42s. 4d.
at the last . The closing settlement prices were : Scotch
iron, 42s. 3d. per ton ; Cleveland, 35s. 4i d. ; Cumberland
and Middlesbrough hematite iron, respectively, 45s. 3d.
and 43s. 4 ~ d. per ton. The following are some of the
prices for N o. 1 special brands of makers' iron : Clyde,
47s. per ton; Gartsherrie, S ummerlee, and Calder,
48s. ; L angloan and Coltness, 53s. Gd. - the foregoing all shipped at Glasgow ; Glenga.rnock (sh ipped
at Ardrossan), 48s. 6d. ; Shotts {shipped at L eith),
51s. ; Carron (shipped at Grangemouth), 52s. 6d.
per ton. L1st week 's shipments of pig iron fro m all
Scotch ports amounted to 5688 tons, as compared with
6701 tons in the correspondi~g week of last year. They
included 100 t ons for the United S tates, 380 tons for
Canada, 110 tons for Routh Ameri ca, 180 tons for India,
148 tons for Australia, 380 tons for Italy, 185 tons for
Germany, 490 tons for H olland, 701 tons for Belgium,
smaller quantities for other countries, and 2379 tons
coastwise. There are now 67 blast furnaces in actual
operation, against 75 at this time last year. The stock
of pig iron in Messrs. Connal and Co.'s public warrant
stores stood at 336,372 tons yesterd ay afternoon, as compared with '335,305 tons yesterday .week, thus showin g a.n
increase ~or the past week amountmg to 1067 tons. Thts
is t he first time for very many weeks that there has been
any increase to the stock of warrants in store.
.. .
.. .
Seven 1\IIon t hs.
Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons.
... 19 28,895 155 243,295
45,460 228 362,130
... 19 27,310 100 126,529
... 29 42,914 222 326,561
28,476 189 265,524
I I,
Wick Harbour Works.-At a mee ting of the Wick Harbour Trustees on Monday th ere was submitted the report
to the Public W orks L oan Board on \Vick H arbour by Sir
Alexander Rendel, C. E. T be report speaks favourably
of the charact6r of the operations which have been
carried out by the aid of the loan of 50,000l. from the
L oan Board, and generally appro\'es of the work which
is further in contemplation, and the cost of which
is estimated at 16,000l. In a letter from the se:retary of
the L oan Board to the H arbour Trust ees, it is stated that
there does not appear to be any net revenue, after paying
the interest of the lo1n of 50,000l. , to meet any further
borrowing by the trustees. The secretary warns the
trustees tbat engineers' reports are obtained by a Board
only for their own information, and if borrowers act upon
any of the suggestions offered them, t hey do so on thei r
own risk and responsibility.
AuG. r r, 1893.]
steady inquiry for coke; foundry gua.lities have made
19s. to 20s. per ton, and furnace d1tto 17s. to 18s. p er
ton. Iron ore has been rather ea.sie~. T~e manufactured
iron and steel trades have shown httle unprovement; a.
few small orders for rails have, however, been secured.
L ondon and South-Western Railway.-Mr. E . Corke,
marine superintendent of the L ondon. and South-Western
Railway has resigned office through Illness. 1\Ir. Corke,
who had' been connected with the company for 35 years,
is succeeded by 1\tir. J . Dixon, who will also act as dock
superintendent at Southampton.
Rkymney R ailway.- The balance of net ~evenue for the
past halfyear is 41,512l. ; the sum ~eqUired to pay the
dividend on the preference stocks IS 19, 755l, a.nd the
balance remaining is accordingly 21, 757t. The dtreotors
recommend a d ividend of 7 per cent. per annum.upon the
ordinary stook, which will absorb 20,523l. , l ~avmg 1233~.
to be carried t o the next account. The capttal expendi ture during the half-year amounted ~o 20. 773l. On th e
Aber branch the works of construct1~n are now nea.rl.Y
completed. The principal work remaming to be done 1s
that connected. with the signalling apJ?Qratus and the
block t elegraph.
Devonpt>-rt. -The U ndaunted and th~ Hima.laya are in
basin at Keyham for ~be ~urpo~e of bemg refitted and repaired. The Warsptte IS bemg also ~verhauled and
repaired in No. 2 dock, Devonport; she 1s not expected
t o be ready for sea before the beginning of September.
Good progress is bein~ made with . the . Halcyon, the
Harrier and the Hussar. The Hermwne IS also ad vanoing a t the ?viutlton Cove slips, and she is ex.pected t o be
launched No vember 9.
Portsrru:tUth Docks. -The Works D epartment ha~ not
yet decided as to the aooept.a.nce of the tende~s sent lD by
six. or seven contractors des1rous of undertakmg the construction of new docks at P ortsmouth. There have been
two offers from local contractors, and it is considered probable that one of these will obtain the contract . The
present contract does not provide for the completion of
the docks, but the firm which obtains the preliminary
contract usually completes the whole of the work.
Gas at N ewport.-The directors of the Newport Ga s
Company have issued their report for the half-year end
ing June 30, 1893. They recommend the payment of the
usual di vidends and interest on the debenture st ock on
August 21. A n ew gasholder tank has been completed,
but not yet taken over, and the construction of the gas
bolder is progressing satisfactorily. The revenue from
gas consumed a:nd met er rentals exceeded ~hat of the corresponding penod by 556l. ; bu~, as at Card1ff: the de~and
for residual products has deohned? and the su~ rece1ved
on this a~ount was 456l. less than m the first stx months
of last year. The expenditure, however, owing principally to the reduction in the price of coal, amounted to
14 249l., against 15,006l., a decrease of 757l. The balance
of' profit was, therefore, 955l. more than at the close of
June, 1892.
Bristol Wagon Compani es.-The half-yearly meeting of
the Bristol and South vVa.les Railway Wagon Company,
Limited, was held at Brist ol on J.i' riday, Colonel Savile
presiding. The chairman, in moving the adoption 9f the
directors' report, said the board would pursue a pohcy of
caution in vte w of the great strike in the coal trade, and
in view also of the generally strained condi~i~n of financial
affairs. T he report was adopt ed, and a. d1 v1dend was declared at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum, with a bonus
of 1s. per share.-The annual meetin~ of the W estern
Wagon and Property Company, Limited, also held
at Bristol on Saturday, Mr. J. Bartlett pres1dmg. The
chairman stated that the company's works at Cardiff were
in a good condition, and that there was every prospect of
their being fully employed. H e trusted that the company
was within measurable distance of an increased dividend.
The report of the directors was adopted, and a di vidend
was declared at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum.
THE Corinth Canal was formally opened on August 5
by the King of Greece.
Work will shortly be commenced on the Trans- African
Telegraph, proposed by Mr. Cecil Rhodes. The contract ors for the fi rst portion of i t- viz., from Salisbury to
Tete--have justlefb Cape T own.
The Midland Railway officially announces th e expect ed
opening for g:oods traffic in the autumn of the D ore and
Chinley R a.1lway. This is a line cut at vast exP.ense
through the Peak, and intended to improve the facilities
of communication between Sheffield and Ma.nchester.
The U nited States Government recently call ed for bids
for a torpedo able to dive under the nets surrounding an
ironclad, explode a. torpedo undernea th, and get away uninjured. For such a boat they are pre,Pared to pay
200,000 do1s. Eight proposals have, 1t l S said, been
received, but as yet nothing ha.s been decided on .
During the past seven months-from January 1 to July
31 inclusive-10,129 persons have vi"i ted the Highgate
M useum of Sanitary Appliances, which shows that t.he
efforts of the sanitary authority in establishing this, the
first museum of its kind in thfJ country, have been appreciated by the public. The total number of visitors to the
museuru since it was opened by the Right Hon. the Lord
Mayor on the 8th of December last, amounts to 12,989, or
an average of 64 p&rsone per day.
The B oard of Trade are at present considering the best
method of examining ships' officers for colour blindness,
and contemplate the establishment of an entirely new
system of teets as soon as the necessary arrangem ents can
E N G I N E E R I N G.
be completed. Some change cer tainl y a neoess~ry,
as naming the colours appears to be pa~t of the examma.tion. Thus amongst tho~e wh~ have failed we no~e some
returned a.s having deecnbed pmk as r~d, though 1t must
be admitted that worse errore t han this were also made
at the same tim e.
A business meeting of the Incorporated Society of
Inspect ors of Weights and ~easures was held last afternoon at th e County Hall, Spnng Gardens. To day meet ings will be h eld in the same place at. 10.30 a m. and
2.30 p.m. At the fi rst of these, the Prestdent, !VIr. John
Button, will deliver an inaugnra.l addres~, and a paper
by Mr. J. W . Hildreth will be read and dtscussed ~s far
a s p ossible. In the afternoon Mr. R . D. ~I. Littler,
C. B , Q. C. , will deliver an address on the . ] oo~ and
Drugs Acts," and a. pa-per on the same subJect w.1ll be
read by Mr. W . Tyler. In th e evening the annual dmner
w ill be held in Anderton 's H otel, Flee~-street, at
7 p.m.
The Farmers' S upply Association of Scotland re~n.tly
offered a. prize of 1~l. 103. f~r t~e best ca.ttle-~e1ghmg
machine the r.aachmes bemg Judged by pomts, 100
being the maximum. Of this total25 were ~war~~d for
moderateness of price, 30 for strength and stm.phClty of
construction 15 for simplicity and ease of erect10n, 15 for
weighing pr~perties, such as sensi.ti.veness, &c. . and 15
for simplicity, suitability, and fa01l~ty o~ attachment of
a cage or pen for li \' 8 st ock. . The Judgmg ~as done by
two practical farmers, at?- en~meer, and an mspec~or of
weight$ and measures. F1ve firm s entered as compet1tors,
and the pri ze was fin~lly a warded to ~eesrs. He~uy
P ooley and Sons, of Ltverpool, wh.o obta.u~ed 98 pomts
out of the 100, their nearest competitor gettmg 83.
In Dingier's P olytechnisches Jou/rn~Z, th ere was recently
descri bed a. new form of apparatus I~ use at the Rora.l
R esearch L aboratory. Berlin, for testmg the comparatl ve
hardness of different materials. The substance to be
tested is prepared. with a sm l)~tb .or poli::-hed face! and
scratched with a. dtamond. T hts du~mond has a pomt as
nearly as possible conical, with an angle of 90 deg., and
is drawn over the substance to be tes~ed und er a cons~ant
pressure. The ha rdness is then estm.ated by the wtdth
of the scrat ch mad e which is measnred by a micrometer.
The following compa rative results were 9btaioed, and
are expressed in arbitrary units. which are n;1versely proportional t o the measured brea:dths of th~ hnes: L ead,
168 ; tin, 234 ; copper, 398 ; ztnc, 426 ; m ckel, 557 ; soft
steel, 765 ; glass, 1355; hard steel, 1375.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
Fig. 1.
Fig Z
~ -----
I 2ooo
--~-- --~
--------- ---------------------- - ~
- -- ------------ ~ --
------ ..,.
.......... ---------
Ftg .3
..----------------------------- --- -----
tf- -------- --- --- -------
~- ::l
- ~--;-~-~-=-:,....!.J.':.:..:.:..t:.::~~:..:c -~-~-~-~--;:-::;-;.:-:..:-:..:-:.:-:..:-:..:--=-F - =- -=--::..:-~
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--- I.
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- .. ................
- - ........ .
E N G I N E E R I N G.
r, 1893.]
E N G I N E E R I N G.
own side t hrough n eglect to display the private sig- unfortunately, when an occasion arises for the
nal, or how the same torpedo-boat put out of action application, the parties directly concerned are too
another cruiser of h er own side, the Melampus. often in a mood which savours of t he belligerent,
There were various breakdowns, but nothing with the result that even if no difficulties exist they
apparently of a very serious nature ; and her e we are readily created. It is true that the thousand
think the value of th ese annual manoouvres is well and one details are difficult of adjustment, and
shown. By then1 the ships are put t o a high test when there is little will there is less action. The
und~r service conditions- not trial trip conditions time was when a contest could be waged to a. bitter
-with the eye of the public upon them in the end without much loss. It is only in comparatively
shape of cer tain very observant newspaper corre- r ecent times that it has become necessary to employ
spondents, only too anxious for an incident to add several advocates, with large retaining fees and
colour to t heir descriptions. In this connection we refreshers, to present a case to the court in such
may notice another improvement which has been a way as to win a verdict, and the press of business
brought about by the introduction of naval in the courts tends not only t o increase the cost,
manoouvres. When they were first started the but invol ves a state of indecision which is not at all
repor ts that came through the daily press were conducive to the successful development or activity
sometimes absurd in the want of knowledge in of an establishment. M oreover, t he advance of
naval mat ters they displayed. The whole business science, particularly in its application to t he
was naturally an enigma to them, and correspon- mechanical industries, has r esulted in a great
dents were dependent on what they were t old, variety of technical points being involved in diswhich was often not without a strong flavour of putes. However learned the barristers and Queen 's
wardroom jokes at th e expense of the innocent . counsel and judges may be, they can scarcely be
No one is, h owever , mor e apt at gaining informa- said to have acquired sufficient skill within the
tion than the j ournalist, and the best n ewspaper precincts of t he law courts or in Parliament to
correspondents n ow send admirable accounts of the enable th em to weigh aright the subtle q uestions
proceedings, while some go so far as t o criticise t he underlying a dispute between a cont ractor and a
course taken by the admirals, or else patronise t hem client, and which may involve for its settlement a
with qualified praise. It must b e altogether a novel knowledge, say, of thermodynamics. The j udges
sensation to these great potentates to find them- have themsel ves r ecognised their inability in t he
selves either picked to pieces or patted on t he back , matter, and occasionally invite the co-operation of
To return, however, to the proceedings of the scientists of high standing to assist them in their
fleets. U nder the rules laid down, vessels put out decisions, as, for instance, in the case of t he question
of action were able to become fit for ser vice again of infringement of patent in connection with the
after twenty-four hours in port, so that the two Edison incandescent lamp. That being so, one
fleets, which had been battering each other so can t h e mor e r eadily appreciate the advantages of
fiercely in the Irish Sea a fe w days previously, arbi tr ation. Again, Parliament has admitted t he
came together again in the neighbourhood of H oly- advantages, and in many private Bills the principle
head on the morning of August 4. The Blue fleet is recognised by t he appoint ment of arbiters for
was up Lo i ts full strength of 160 points, and it settling disputes r egarding the value of property to
would therefore r equire a fleet of 180 points to de- be compulsorily purchased for railways and other
feat it. The R ed fleet, although including 28 vessels public works.
As we have already pointed out, the difficulty in
was nine points short of the required number, so
there was nothing but another indecisive action to a mor e extensive application is in the arrangement
look forward to. There was, h owever, a chance of preliminaries, and every one interested in the
for the Blues that some of the ships of the enemy point will welcome the constitution of the L ondon
before them might be sunk by having been pre- Chamber of Arbitration, for voluntary references
viously torpedoed, and , indeed, the R ed flagship, to arbitration, and for the arbitration of cases
the R oyal Sovereign, was claimd to have been so referr ed by courts of law or the judges.
destroyed; but in any case it would never do for Chamher may not be legally recognised, but the
British ships to come in the face of an enemy with- fact that it is organised by the Corporation of t he
out burning powder, so at it the two fleets went. I t City of London and the Ch9.mber of Commerce is of
was all over by ten o'oclock, in time for the com- itself sufficient to insure complete confidence in the
batants to enjoy a somewhat late breakfast. What arrangements. E ach year a list of arbitrators is to
was the result of this second great fleet action can be prepared, the n ominations being by the Corporation, the Chamber, and'' such other commercial
only be decided by the umpires.
There can never be finality in sham figh ting; in associations and institutions as may be from time
the present case, especially, we do not thin~ that to time determined, " and the first list gives the
either side could be a warded the palm of victory, names of about 1800 gentlemen under their probut if there is a choice to be given, we think the fessions, w bile r eference is made to the ~' special
Blues might claim i t. After the two ~lue fleets knowledge" possessed. Much depends on t he
j oined, which they were enabled to do owmg to the status of the arbitrators insuring universal con fortunate-for them- intervention of a two hours' fiden ce, and certainly t here is a large body from
fog, the task of the Red~ became practica:lly a!>- i~1- whieh arbitrators and umpires may be chosen. A
possibility. Of course, 1n r eal war a d1spanty In large number of them are well known in t heir proforces would soon be caused by the action of shot fessions ; but it must be said also that in many
and shell torpedo, or ram, for it would hardly be cases names of eminent men are missing. The
that the' chances of battle would be distributed Institutions of Civil Engineera, of Mechanical
with an exactly equal hand. In sham fighting, Engineers, of Naval Architects, the Iron and
h owever, one ship is as good as ~nother, so long .as Steel Institute, the Chemical Society, &c., were,
she keeps blazing away, and so It must necessanly we believe, approached, and requested to nomibe. I t is n ot, however, for these reasons that nate arbitrators; but we do not think with
naval manreuvres should be decried; and we n eed with any definite result. Prominent members of
here only repeat the statement we have so often these well-known organisations are included ; but
made, that the money spent on them is. the best the profession generally might have more r eadily
recognised the value of t he arbitrators' status if it
laid out in the service of all voted by Parliament .
There is one bit of practice that stands out from was announced that their institution had been
the r est and which is of more especial inter est t o parties to t he selection. .The r ules of the ins~itu
our r ead'ers. The torpedo gunboats are said- as a tions would, however, In few cases we thmk,
rule-to have been complete failures, more trouble allow of this being done ; b ut any case there
than they wer e worth, appar ently. They f~iled t o should not be much difficulty in litigants findcatch t he t orpedo-boats, and wer e continually ing ''good and true men " in the list.. The
breaking down. I t is our opi!lion that has approval of. t he Court of. Common Council . havbeen too much of t he big cruiser element In the ing been gtven, the arbitrators are appomted
design and execution of these vessels . .The to:p~do for a year, and it would appear that only t hose who
boat has b een a special growth, having a distinct are thus acknowledged can be chosen by litigants.
origin, and having been cul~i vated by men who As to the qualifications, nominees must be British
have devoted t hemselves to It from th.e first. To subJects, and must have been established in busineEs
put the business 1nto the hands ? f big vessel demay be ship-captains, ,~bile. t he Corpor~tion r~servc
th e engines of an Atlan tic liner to fi t a steam launch. unlimited powers, whiCh Insures the mcluswn of
men in the provinces. Of course insolvency, or
felony, or misdemeanour, disqualify. Attendance
on cases, even when chosen, is voluntary.
Presuming that a . clause has been inserted in a
THE principles of arbitration are almost universally accepted, the ad va.ntages recognised ; but contract to the effect that all disputes which may
II ,
Auc. r 1, 1893.]
E N G I N E E R I N G.
closing the doors. The conning-tower is made of the closing apparatus for the mag~zine, thi.s is meter. The fresh-water distillers and evaporators
two rolled steel plates 12 in. thick, another plate worked by pouring water down a pipe, provided for domestic purposes have a combined capacity of
On 540 gallons of fresh water per hour.
protecting the entrance. Each of the two con- for the purpose, from the deck above.
It is satisfactory to find that the Than1es can
ning-tower plates weighs 25 tons. On the poop, aft the back of the valve or shutter there is a rack,
of the chart-house, there is a steel-plated torpedo- and into this a pinion gears. The pinion is actuated still turn out warships of the highest class. In
director tower, which is of oval section. On the by a lever, to the end of which is fixed a float, the naval engines the metropolitan river still hol~s
main deck there are four search-light towers ; float resting in a chamber. \hen it is desired to her own, but for big war vessels the London dtsthese are so arranged that they can be entirely close the door from above, so as t o shut off the trict-once so great a centre of iron shipbuildingclosed by watertight doors, so as t o isolate them opening in the bulkhead necessary for the passage has now to depend on the Thames Iron Works
from the deck, and thus prevent water entering of air, water is poured down the pipe from above alone, there being no other establishment which
the ship. The armament consists of two 9. 2-in. and falls into the float chamber. This causes the at present builds large craft of this nature,
22-ton breechloading guns, one on the poop and float to rise, and, as it rises, it works the pinion, so although in the smaller vessels of the Navy the
the other on the forecastle. These are mounted starting the shutter or watertight door, which then firms of Thornycroft and Yarrow put the London
on the central pivot system, the arc of fire being falls the rest of its travel by its own gravity. In district in the foremost position. The existence of
240 deg.; the ammunition is brought up t hrough the steering compartment aft is kept a small the Thames Iron Works is really a matter of
the mounting. There are ten 6-in. quick-firing portable hand fan, which is placed on a carriage on national importance, it being highly desirable that
guns, throwing 100-lb. projectiles.
Five are wheels. There are two of these fans, and t hey are yards capable of building large warships should be
mounted on each side. There are eight 6-pounder used for ventilating any small compartments. The distributed over the country . . Were it left to comquick-firing guns and eight 3-pounder quick-firing coal bunkers have a system of ventilation of their mercial considerations alone, doubtless the building
guns. In addition to these there are two 9-pounder own, pipes being carried from them into the funnel of big ships would leave the southern part of the
field guns, and five .45-in. N ordenfeldt guns. This casing, so that the circulat ion of air depends on the kingdom in favour of the north, but for strategical
makes thirty-five guns in all. There are also four natural draught, due to the heat given off by the purposes it is n ecessary that there should not be
14-in. torpedo guns, two being fitted below water funnel. All openings in the protected deck are concent-ration of building yards in any one part of
forward, and two above water aft. The under- sheltered by double cofferdams, and the armoured the kingdom. Within recent times the 'l,hames
water torpedoes are fired from the conning-tower, hatches, with which the openings are fitted, are Iron Works has built the Benbow, Sans Pa.reil,
and those aft from the director-tower. There are, balanced so that they can be easily opened from the Blenheim, the Grafton, and the Theseus ;
whilst it will be remembered that our very first
for the torpedo service, three Brotherhood air below.
The ground tackle consists of three 92- cwt. ironclad, the Warrior, was launched from the
compressors, which work to 1700 lb. pressure
to the square inch. The steering engine is anchors, by Brown, Lennox, and Co. , whilst there famous slips at the mouth of Bow Creek. Another
placed aft, below the protective deck. Arrange- are smaller anchors of the ordinary Admiralty vessel which will become historical, although still
ments have been made for alternate methods pattern. The windlass and capstans are by in active serYice, was constructed at this yard.
of working the rudder. The gear can be changed Harfield, and are suitable for 2! -in. cables. They The Himalaya, we are reminded, has just comfrom steam to hand gear in the usual way, but can be worked by steam or hand. The windlass pleted her fortieth year of service, having been
should the main steering screw of the gear become will work a cable at each of the two hawsepipes at launched at Blackwall on May 28, 1853. She
damaged, the connecting-rods of the crosshea.d on once. The starboard and port cables can be veered was built for the P. and 0. Company, but the
the rudder can be disconnected and attached to and hauled at the same time, and the windlass and vessel proved a most valuable accession to our
tackles provided for the purpose. These can be capstan will work together or independently. There national resources at a time when they were put to
worked either by the hand wheels or by the steering is a hand-power capstan on the quarterdeck. There some strain. The length of the Himalaya is 340ft.
engine, the falls being led over a barrel. Should are fifteen boats, the largest being a 56-ft. vidette between perpendiculars, her breadth 46ft. , and
the engine be disabled, or the hand wheel break boat, a class of vessel that has taken the place of her depth to the top of the keel 34 ft. 4 in. ; the
down, the rudder can be actuated by the tackles the old second-class torpedo-boat with advantage, load draught is 20 ft. 6 in. The displacement is
direct, eye-bolts for luff tackles being placed in being a much more useful although a heavier craft. 43~2 tons. The engines are of 2600 horse-power,
the bulkheads. In all there are five distinct methods There are two steam winches for handling the and were constructed by the historic firm of Penn.
of steering, so that as long as the rudder itself boats. The vessels of the Theseus class are .titted Thespeedis13. 9 knots. These figures seem moderate
holds good, there are four alternatives if the main with two pole masts, and are lightly rigged as for e- enough in the present day, but those of our readers
gearing is out of order. The steam gear will put and aft schooners. The chief use of the masts, who can carry their recollection so far back will
the rudder from hard-a-port to hard-a-starboard in however, is for signal purposes, and to act as crano remember how ambitious a step was then considered
thirty seconds with the ship going at full speed. posts, there being a large iron derrick on the main- to be em bodied in the design of the Himalaya, and
There is the usual helm indicator on the mast, of mast for boat-hoisting purposes. F or the supply it was thought that the P. and 0. directors had
which we have heard so much lately in regard to of electric light there are three Siemens dynamm~, altogether overstepped the limits of prudence.
the Victoria disaster. This, as most of our readers each capable of giving a steady current of 400 Commencing with the Himalaya, no less, we are
doubtlesFJ know, consists of a continuous wire amperes. They run at 320 revolutions a minute, told, than sixty-five vessels have been built by the
rope, which winds over a barrel attached to the and are actuated by Brotherhood engines, coupled Thames Iron \Vorks for the British Admiralty,
steering gear. Half-way up the mast, attached to direct. The current is 80 volts at terminals.
The total displacement of them is 113,243 tons.
the r ope, is a flag on one side, and on the other
The propelling machinery is by Maudslays, each Sixty-eight vessels have also been built by this
there is a cone. As these ascend or descend, set of engines being placed in a separate engine- firm for foreign Governments, with a total disother vessels are able to tell whether the vessel's room as usual. 'fhey are of the ordinary inverted, placement of 75,000 tons. These are all naval
helm is port or starboard. In action the steering vertical, three-cylinder, triple-compound type. The vessels, but in addition to them 696 ships have been
can be done either from the hand-steering compart- cylinders are40 in., 59 in., and 88 in. in diameter, constructed for the mercantile marine.
ment below, or from a protected position forward. the stroke being 51 in. Ordinary double-ported
An ingenious arrangement has been introduced slide valves are used, actuated by eccentrica in the
for ventilating openings to t he magazines. In conse- usual way, solid bar link motions being used. The THE AWARDS lVIUDDLE IN CHI CAGO.
quence of the hygroscopic properties of the n ew cylinders are supported in front by cast-steel
SINCE writing last week on the troubles and
powder, it is desirable that places wher,e it is columns, each engine of the set being indepenstowed should be well ventilated. At the same dent of the other, so that each cylinder has its vexations that beset the experts who reported
time openings into magazines are not desirable, on separate bedplate. The cylinders are, however, themselves in Chicago t owards the middle of July
account of danger in case of fire.
In order to stayed to each other and to the engine-room bulk- and placed their services at the disposal of th~
meet the case, a ventilating box, having a valve heads. The main and auxiliary steam pipes are of Exp?sition a?thorities to judge exhibit~, we have
which can be easily closed, is placed on the maga- copper, and are bound with wire. The shafting is rece1ved copies of the Chicctgo T1-ibttne dated
zine. This box is connected with the ventilating of hollow forged steel. The crankshafts are in July 25, which fully confirm t he vi~ws we
trunk, and, under ordinary circumstances, the air- three pieces, and interchangeable. Each set of expressed, as will be seen from the following
way is open. There is, however, a ball which will engines has a gun-metal air p~1mp, 33 in. in dia- ex.tracts:
form a valve to close the airway. A pipe leads meter, worked by t he low-pressure piston. There
." In John Boyd Thaoher, acting chairman of the Comfrom the upper deck down to this b ox, and, on an are two brass condensers, having 13,500 square mittee of Awards, the Oolumbian Exposition ha.s its evil
alarm of fire, it would be the duty of certain per- feet of cooling surface, the steam passing through g~n~us. If Mr. _T hacher manages to hold the fort, the
sons to at once pour water down this pipe. This the tubes. For circulating water there are four U mted Sta.t~s w11l be able to show the nations of the
water, entering the box, on the bottom of which centrifugal pumps, each capable of delivering 1000 ea.r~h. the cur~o~ts spectacle ~fa World's Ji'air without competltlv.e exhibits. Dr. Rwhter, who succeeded Privy
t he ball rests, would cause t he latter to be floated tons of water per hour. The usual interchangeable Councillor
Wermuth as executive commissioner of the
up until it assumed a position closing the airway, so system of suction and delivery is adopted, so as to G;erma.n ~overnment, said yesterday that if ~lr. Thacher
that there would be no danger of sparks being draw either from the bilge or from the sea, and to d1d not. mst~ntl~ ab~ndon his policy of red tape and
carried into the magazine by the ventilating cur- deliver into either condenser, as required . For the ?bs_truct10n m d1rectmg the business of the awards
r ent. Domestic ventilation in this ship, as in all auxiliary engines there are two horizontal brass JUries~ he would. feel obliged to withdraw Germany's
of her class, is very perfect; the main ventilation surface condensers, having a cooling surface of ma.gmficent exhibits from competition. The German
jurors who reached Chica~o more than a. week ago pretrunk is square in section, and is carried from end 1~00 square feet. There are, for aJl purposes, eight pared
to plunge a.t once mto their duties on the a~ards
to end beneath the protective deck, going right s1ngle-ended boilers, each 16 ft. 2 in. in diameter ~uri~s, ~ave_ not yet been permitted to begin their work.
inbo the fore peak and into the rudder compart- and 9ft. 10 in. long, having four corrugated steel Th~1r t1_m~ IS valuable, and their stay in Chicago is necesment aft. Its cross-sectional area amidships is furnaces of 3 ft. 7 in. mean diameter. The aggre- sarily llm1ted. They say that, under Mr. Thacher's
300 square inches, the dimensions being 30 in. by gate tube surface in all the boilers is 21,4.00 square system, they do not believe the awards juries can be
10 in. It tapers at the ends to a sectional area of feet, aud the fire-grate surface 855 square feet. through their work by next Christmas.
"Dr. Richter said yesterday : 'Mr. Thacher's
50 square inches. The branch pipes t o the various The working pressure is 155 lb. to the square inch. method
is impractical in every sense, and contrary to
compartments are circular in section. There are The desig ned coal bunker capacity is 1000 tons t~e . c:ustom at all for_mer ~xpositiOJ?S. For example,
two 5-ft. ventilating fans for this trunk. 'Vhere although, we believe, there is room for more tha~ exh1 b1tor X, an Amencan Jeweller, IS to have one juror
the trunk passes through bulkheads there is a this quantity. The usual closed stokehold arrange- for necklaces, one for brooches, one for table-spoons one
device for closing a slide door of the nature of a ~ent for forced draught is fitted, there being for tea-spo_ons, &c. This system will never do.
drag the ~ury_ work oub ~ntil the ~nd of the Fair, and
sluice valve in construction. As in the case of e1ght forced-draught fans, each 5 ft. 6 in. in dia- even
then It w1ll not be :fimshed, for if, when these single
E N G I N E E R I N G.
1893 .
N 0 T E S.
of these separate spirals are fixed independently to xii., page 67, was of a totally different build.
the flanges. The t ension at which the wire is The attention of the Gramme people has been
wound on is about 1!- tons per square inch.
called to the inaccurate character of the information conveyed by the printed card hanging from
Some time back (ENGINEERING, May 26, 1893) ~he comm~tator of the machine ; a simple adjective
we refArred to an unfortunate accident to the Is all that Is necessary to prevent misapprehension.
Marie H enriette, a new paddle steamer, built by
the Societe Cockerill, of Hoboken, near Antwerp,
The returns of Lloyd's Register for the quarter
for the Belgian Government, and destined for the ended March a1, 1893, show that a total of 293
Ostend- Dover service. On running her trial one steam and sailing vessels, with an aggregate tonnage
of her wheels collapsed, bringing the trial to an of 181, 582 tons, were lost in that period. Of this
abrupt conclusion. Since then the necessary re- to~~l 216 ~essels, with _a tonnage of 99,282, were
pairs have been made, and last Saturday the boat saihng ships, the remainder being steam tonnage.
was again run over the measured course on the The merchant marine of Great Britain would from
Clyde, this time without mishap, and attained a tbe~e returns appear to be considerably better
m ean speed of 22.2 knots. The runs were as equipped than that of other nations, as in only one
instance is the percentage of tonnage lost to tonnage
owned less than in the case of Great Britain, and in
mm. sec.
this instance, that of H olland, the total tonnage
36 5
owned is but 442,071 tons, which is too small an
I I.
::l8 1
amount to allow of a fair average being deduced
I I I.
35 51
37 54
from the returns of one quarter only. But of a total
The steam pressure was 7. 8 atmospheres, and the of 6227 steamships, with a gross tonnaO'e of
revolutions 53 per minute. The considerable dif- 9,028,258 tons, Great Britain lost 31 vessels, :ggreference in the respective runs is largely due to the gating 43,454 tons, a percentage of .50 on the total
very unfavourable weather, which almost led to the number owned, and of .48 on the tonnage. The
postponement of the trials till a more favourable only other large owners of Rteam tonnage, viz.,
occasion. The mean speed attained is fractionally Germany, France, the United States, and the
better than that of the sister boat Leopold I I., British Colonies, lost a much larger percentage than
built by Messrs. Deany, of Dumbarton, the trials this, France being by far the worst, as her losses
of which were described in our issue of April14 were 1. 3 per cent. of the vessels owned, and 1.15
last. The mean of the four runs in that case of her tonnage. The most fruitful source of loss
was 22.16 knots, so that Messrs. Denny have has, as usual, been wreck, which was accountable
now lost the palm of speed, which has- tem- for t he destruction of no less than 40 vessels out of
porarily, let us h ope-crossed to the Continent. a total of 77. Collisions were responsible for the
Perhaps a still better gauge of the capacities of the loss of 14 vessels, whilst 7 foundered. Coming to
new boat than the official trial is the record of a sailing t onnage, one is struck by the large number
preliminary private trial made at the end of her of boats belonging to the British Colonies included
voyage from Antwerp, after a run of 55 hours. In in the losses under this h ead. Out of a total of
this case the boat attained a speed of 21.964 knots, 1678 vessels, with a tonnage of 708,149, t he British
the fuel being briquettes, and the engines and Colonies lost 36 ships, aggregating 14,528 tons, a
boilers being naturally not in their best trim. The percentage of 2.14 as compared with the total
speed attained in the official trial entitles the number owned, and of 2.05 as compared with the
builders to a premium of 4000l. over and above the total tonnage. Out of nearly double the number of
contract price. We shall shortly publish full par- ships, the United Kingdom lost only 29, or . 93 per
cent of the total number owned, and . 54 of the
ticulars and illustrations of this remarkable boat.
the sailing fleet of the United Kingdom is much
The Electricity Building contains four machines lar~er than that ~f other nations, being 816 tons, as
which are of special interest to the student of
dynamo-electric machinery. They are interesting, 482 t~~s in that of Norway, the two largest owners
saihng tonnage after Great Britain. In our
not because of any novelty, but precisely on
account of their antiquity. We may call them colonies, who come fourth on the list, the averaCYe
antique, though built scarcely twenty years ago.
But those twenty years form an epoch in the deof the finest sailing ships in t he world belong to that
velopment of electrotechnics.
The machines in country. As in the case of t he steamers, wrecks
question had their day of usefulness and honour; were accountable for far the greatest proportion of
at t he Columbian Exposition they are valuable as the total lost, vjz,, 117 out of 216. Thirty boats
showing, by way of contrast with their successors in were abandoned at sea, 21 were r eported missing,
the electric field, how rapid and substantial has and 8 were lost by collision and 7 by burning.
been the progress- effected since the Centennial
Exposition of 1876. One of this historical colCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.
lection is called the "First Dynamo, " as it claims
This important undertaking is making steady
to be the first machine constructed and practi- progress ~ot only in the development of its system,
cally operated in the United States. It was built but also m the amount of revenue which it acquires
by Mr. Wallace in 1873, and exhibited by him year by year. The gross receipts last year were
at the Centennial. It is of the magneto type. 21,409,352 dols., as compared with 20,241,096 dols.
A Recond member of this group is called the in 1891, 16,552,529 dols. in 1890, and 15,369,138
"Anthony Gramme" dynamo. It was constructed dols. in 1889. The working expenses last year
by the Department of Physics of Cornell U ni- were _12,989,004 dols., as compared with 12,231,436
versity, in 1874, from designs made by and under dols. In 1891, 10,252,828 dols. in 1890, and 9 241 302
the supervision of Professor William A. Anthony. dols. in 1889. It follows that the net re~enu~ of
For some time it was used in lecture experiments the company last year was 8,420,347 dols., as comin lieu of a large Grove battery. It was shown at pared with 8,009,660 dols. in 1891, 6,299, 700 dols.
the Philadelphia Exhibition , where it attracted in 1890, and 6,127,136 dols. in 1889. The Canasome attention. Since that time, it was used to dian Pacific was guaranteed a minimum dividend
light up the college campus, and latterly has been of 3 per cent. per annum for ten years by the
turned to account as a motor in the machine shops ~anadian Government. This guarantee was given
of the university. Its capacity is estimated at 4.4 In August, 1883, and it accordingly expires in
kilowatts, or 6 horse-power. The third was christened August, 1893. The success which has attended
the "Centennial" dynamo. It was built in 1875 by the undertaking is reflected in the fact that, quite
Mr. Wallace at Ansonia, and used at Philadelphia irrespective of the Government guarantee, the
to feed lights in the Machinery Hall during the system earned in 1892 rather more than 5 per cent.
whole period of the Exhibition. The fourth and upon its ordinary stock, while an available surplus
last bears the classical name of the " Telemachon., has been accumulated, amounting to rather more
It is said to be the first dynamo made in the than two years' ordinary stock dividends at fi per
United States with an armature built up with cent. per annum. It takes 3,250, 000 dols. per
laminated iron plates. It was fitted up in the Ma- annum t o pay 5 per cent. per annum upon the
chinery Hall at Philadelphia, where it was used in ordinary stock, and the surplus at the close of 1892
experiments illustrating the transmission of power. stood at 6,923,531 dols. Considering that the
In another part of the Electricity Building we company's lines traverse what were ten years since
found a small Gramme machine which claims to be little more t han wilderness districts, and which are
the first of its kind. This must be a mistake, as the even now but thinly inhabited, this must be re
original Gramme described in ENGINEERING, vol. garded as a remarkable result. It is to some
AuG. I I, I893.]
A Text-Book of Coal-Mining, for the Use of Colliery
Managers and others. By H ERBERT W. H uGHES.
London: Charles Griffin and Co., Limited, 1892.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
sible," Mr. Hughes ventures to give one. It is
that coal " is a solid stratified substance capable of
undergoing combustion in contact with oxygen, n ot
containing sufficient earthy impurities t o prevent
its being applied as a source of heat in furnaces and
fireplaces, and varying in colour from brown to
black., Excellent chapters then follow on the
search for coal, breaking gr ound, sinking and
tubbing shafts, prelim~nary underground. op~ra
tions, methods of workm~ coal, haulage, winding,
pumping, ventilation, lighting, surface works, an.d
the preparation of coal for the market. In this
portion we get not only clear descriptions of machinery and methods, but very many interesting part iculars and practical hints and suggestions from
Mr. Hughes's own experience.
In discussing the various methods of boring, the
author somewhat severely criticises the diamond
drill, which he considers quite useless for soft
strata like coal, because it breaks off the core and
grinds it to powder, its indication s being "scarcely
better than those of ordinary boring. " We do n ot
think this objection will apply to the later methods
of diamond drilling, and there can be no doubt this
method has an enormous ad vantage over all others
in the extraction of a core which enables an almost
complete section of the strata passed through to be
built up. We believe it is a mistake to describe
the Sperenberg bore-hole as one made with rigid
rods, this method having been used for the first
1000 ft., and a rope used to finish the hole.
In the section on contracts for breaking ground
Mr. Hughes gives an interesting instance of the
application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes. In one of the collieries under his charge
numerous intrusions of basaltic rocks are met with.
"A sample of every intrusion is kept, and labelled
with the price per yard paid for driving through it,
and in addition a. microscopical section is cut from
the specimen. When other intrusions are met
with, a piece is broken from each of them, and a
section cut and carefully compared with other
pieces and sections, of which the price is known.
From this comparison the price to be paid to the
workmen is found."
The author ably discusses the transmission of
power for breaking ground, and concludes that only
compressed air and electricity are admissible for
this purpose, steam and water being objectionable
in the workings, and wire ropes inapplicable. He
is very hopeful that electricity will supersede cornpressed air both for power drills and coal-cutting
machinery, the facility with which power can be
carried about by this medium, and the small cost
of up-keep, placing it far ahead of all other systems.
The risks of explosion by sparking at the motors
are, in his opinion, very much less t han are usually
supposed, and can be practically overcome by good
ventilation and the use of proper safeguards. The
great desideratum is an efficient alternating current
A part from the diminished risk to life from falls,
Mr. Hughes shows that the use of coal-cutting
machinery is more efficient and more economical
than hand work. The yield of round coal is 20 per
cent. greater, and t he total cost of coal-getting is
reduced by about 1s. per ton in a. 3-ft. seam, and
1s. 6d. per ton in a seam 18 in. thick. Discussing
the proposed prohibition of blasting, Mr. Hughes
insists that with careful supervision and good
ventilation accidents can be prevented, while loss of
life may be entirely avoided by firing all shots
simultaneously by electricity from t he surface when
all workmen are out of the pit. As to the economy
of blasting there seems very little doubt ; two
months' work at Podmore Hall Colliery, one with
and one without powder, showed that the quantity
was 24l per cent. less without powder, while the
total increase of cost was 1s. 2!d. per ton.
On sinking and tubbing shafts the author is particulal'ly clear, but he might with advantage have
given a fuller account of Triger's method of sinking through quicksands and water-bearing strata..
In dealing with t he driving of main roads in preliminary operations, we get another excellent
example of the original matter Mr. Hughes has
introduced into his book. An experiment made in
1888 clearly demonstrates the advantage of the
introduction of soft material as packing between
brick arches and the superincumbent strata.. Two
successive lengths of 7-ft. arch were built, one
18 in. thick packed with a foot of sand, and the
other not less than 18 in., but made solid ; the
latter was crushed, and had to be taken out in a.
year ; the former is still in, and does not show a
crack. The packing seems to distribute the pressure and prevent local crushing.
On haulage Mr. Hughes can speak '!Ith pecuhar
authority, since he has every s~stem In actual use
in t he various collieries under h1s charge. H e says
the one which stands pre-eminent is undoubtedly
th~ slow-moving endless rope w~t~ tubs attach.ed. at
regular intervals, the cost of this~ some colher1es
being as low as 0.2d. per ton per mile. But out of
main roads horses are absolutely necessary, and
the arrangements for stabling, feeding, &c., are
fully and carefully given by Mr. H~ghes. . .
The chapters on winding, pumptng, venti~ahon,
li()'hting surface works, and the preparatiOn of
c~a.l fo~ the market, fully maintain the high
standard set in the early portion of the book, and
leave very little to be desired.
The only serious defect we notice throughout
the book is the omission of full particulars of the
precautions to be taken in approaching known or
probable pent-up water in old workings. So many
serious accidents have occurred through neglect of
these that the necessary information should have
been' given, and we hope it will be included in
future editions of this excellent text-book. The
value of the book would be still further enhanced
to the student if a supplemental chapter on t he
practical working of the Mines Regulations Acts
were added.
The book is of an eminently practical character.
The mining student will find theoretical considerations clearly and accurately dealt with ; but to him
and to the practical miner its chief value will be
that in it the details of general colliery work have
been fully described, on the ground that
"collieries are more often made remunerative
by perfection in small matters than by bold
strokes of engineering."
T he P-ractical Brass andIron Founder's G1J.ide. By J AMES
LARKJN. London : E. and F. N. Spon. 1892.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
copper-zinc series of alloys, in which the atomic
weights now in use are adopted.
The work ef Pouillet forms the ba~is o f the
author's remarks upon the electrical conductivity
of metals, and one looks in vain for even Mattheisen's results. Further on in the book we read
that "steel and wrought iron cannot properly be
fused by h eat,, a statement that was only true
before the ad vent of regenerative and of petroleum
furnaces. In another part of the work, h owever,
we discover some of the late Mr. A. L. Holley's
remarks about the production of steel castings !
Again, the best way of obtaining pure copper,
''where extreme purity is an object," is said to be
by precipitation upon iron from a nitric acid solution, whilst the method of electrolysis empl oying
a sulphate of copper solution is not mentioned,
although it is so widely adopted. It is not stated,
m oreover, that the precipitated copper requires
further metallurgical treatment before it can be
Towards the end of the book we read, with
reference to experiments upon the strength of cast
iron, that ''the most recent and reliable are those
of Mr. E. Hodgkinson, the English experimenter. "
This is somewhat too much behind date to be
allowed to pass without protest.
Foundry practice is very scantily treated ; a
chapter is given upon b ell-founding, and another
on bronzes, though in the latter phosphor bronze
is spoken of with as mu ch as 4 per cent. of phosphorus ! One looks in vain for the proper treatment of such subjects as loam or of greensand
moulding, or, indeed, of practical ironfounding at
However, there is some good and useful matter in
the b ook, but it needs much better arrangement, and
to be brought up to date. At present one has not
to go b eyond the catalogue of Messr s. Span in
order to find b etter books upon the subject, and
there are many other3 publish ed both in America
and in this country.
11, 1893.
6. Elgar, Professor
Great Britain
7. Haarman, H on. A.
8. Grosser, :M ajor
9. Hudson, Robert
New South Wales 80-81
10. Littrow, Hermann
V on
11. Oldrini, Professor
80 8182
12. Thrupp, G. H.
Great Britain
13. Barandon.
tain C.
14. Ulbricht, Dr.
15. Unge, Capt. W.
J. A. B erly's Universal E lectrical Director y. L ondon: 16. Mer~va_go, Captam D.
H. Alabaster, G::ttehouse, and Co., 22, PaternosterDomestic.
row, E . C. [Price 4s.]
80-81-82 84
This directory, which is in its twelfth year of pub- l. Clements, W. L.
lication, is well-defined in its sub-title-a complete 2. French, ]ford. L.
3. Goss, Professor W.
record of all the industries directly or indirectly
F. M.
connected with electricity and magnetism, and the 4. Gibbs, George
names and addresses of manufacturers in Great 5. H err, E. M.
Riverside, Ill .
Huntsville, Ala.
Britain, India, the Colonies, America, the Con- 6. Hooper, Dr. W. P.
Detroit, Mich.
tinent, &c.
The proof of necessity for the 7. J ohneon, Hugh
publication is its bulk ; it extends to 784 pages. 9. J aques, W. H.
South Bethlehem, 85-86
With it is given a list of electric lighting stations in
Great Britain, from which we gather that about 10. Little, Lieut. \V.
Newport, R . l .
forty stations are now in operation, twelve of which
Cleveland, 0.
are in London. Several other stations are in course 11. Loree, L. F .
James N.
South Boston, 1'Iass. 80-8182
of erection ; but the list is not complete, as the 13. Miller, Irvine
works now nearing completion at Manchester, and 14. McLear, Henry C.
Wilmiogton, Del. 83
in progr ess at other parts, are not included. New- 15. Paine, Charles M.
U nited S tates
Hoboken, N. J .
castle still stands lowest for charges-4! d. per unit. 16. Stevens, Colonel
Edwin \V.
Gal way, which is favoured with a water fa ll from a
17. Sbaw, Colonel C. B.
Indianapolis, lnd. 83
lake giving 13ft. head, convenient for generating 18.
V ogo, A. S.
Pennsy 1vania
power, has the current at 5d. per unit, against 19. W all, E. R .
80-81 82-84
5s. 9d. per 1000 cubic feet of gas, but no other town 20. Williams, L . \ V.
Oak Cliff, T ex.
appears to be so favourably assisted by natu re. Judges' Committcefor Section I .-Groups 80, 81, 82, 84:
M ost of the districts charge 7d. This table gives
Railroads, Cable a ,ul Electric Railroads, Street L occnwtion, cf.c., and other Forms of T ransportation GeneraUy.
m ost suggestive information, and altogether the
directory, in view of the extensive adoption of
Chairman, R obert Hudson; Vice-Chairman, L. F.
L oree ; Secretary, Alex. Oldrini.
electrici ty for many purposes, is most serviceable.
Barattoni, C. A.
. ..
. ..
Borries, H err von
.. .
. ..
<.+er many.
Clements, W . L.
H eat. By ~1ARK R . W RIGHT. London and New York:
Goss, Prof. Wm. F. M.
. ..
L ongmans, Green, and Co. [Price 4s. Gd.]
Gibbs, Geo.
. ..
. ..
. ..
L abour - Savimg MachinerJt.
H err, E. M . . ..
. ..
. ..
With illustrations. L ondon : Kegan Paul, Trench,
Haarman, H on. A. . ..
. ..
Triibner, and Co., Limited. [Price 2s. Gd.]
Hudson~,.. Robert
New South Wales.
Captain Enderis, First W est A frican R egiment. By
Kirby, John ...
. ..
. ..
ARCHER P. CROUCH. Two Volumes. L ondon : W. H.
.. .
Unitd States.
La.uder, James N .
Alien and Co., Limited. [Price 21s.J
Littrow, Hermann von
. ..
Gas Holders with or without Guide-Framing. A diEcussion
Loree, L. F.
.. .
U nited States.
Oldrini, Prof. Alex. . . .
.. .
Ita.l y.
L ondun : vValter King.
Paine, Cha.s. 1\[.
. ..
New J ersey.
A coustics, Sound (Ad1:anced). By \VILLIAM L EES, M .A.
Ulbricht, Dr. ...
\Vith 58 illustrations. Enlarged ed-ition. London and
V ogb, A. S.
. ..
. ..
Gla ~gow : \Villiam Collins, Sons, and Co., Limited.
'Vall, E. B.
. ..
. ..
Ozl)ne: Its Commereial Production ani its A pplication s.
By E.\HLE ANDREOLI. London : H., Gate
Railways-&ction I . -Special Committee (ConsultitJ ).
house, nnd Co.
Loco- Passe~ger Frei~ht PermaM ise.
Sir Francis Ronalds, F.R.ll., and H is W ork in Connection
EqmpEqutp- nent Brakes. and
with Electric Telegraphy in 1816. By JOHN SnfE. mott ves.
ment. \Vays.
London : Simpkin, ~1arshall, Hamilton, Kent, and
Co., Liruited. LPrice I s.]
Littrow Hudson
Loree Borries BaratElectric L -ight Fitting. By JOHN \V. URQUHART. Wtth
numerous illustrations. Seoond Edition, revised, with Borries Barattoni Barattoni Haar- H err Littrow
large additions. London: Crosby L ockwood and Son.
L cs M otewrs d. Gaz et et P et1ou en 1892. Par .M. GusTAVE H err
Hudson Paine Goes Oldrini
RrcBA RD. Paris : V ve. Ch. Du nod.
H err Gibbs
P roceedings of South Sta.ffordshi1e Institute of I 1on and Vogb
(Dr. Ulbricht) Vogt
Steel W orks Manage1s. Session 1891-92. Brierl~y Hill : Gibbs
(St. Rail
Ford and Ad disou.
Steamships and their Ma cltint'I'Y from First to L ast. By
J. W. C. H ALDANE. With many plates and other
illustration. L vndon: E . and F. N. S pon ; New
M eetings.
York: Hpon and Chamberlain.
Mondays at 11 a. m. Wednesdays at 11 a. m. F ridays
Practical Su?"Veying. By GEORGE W. U. ILL, Assoc.
A. Otnm~I, Secretary.
Memo. Inst. C.E. With four litho~aphic plates and at 11 a.m.
about 350 illustrations. Third Edttion, revised and Judges' Committee for Section !I.-Group 8~ : Ca1riages,
Cars, Sleds, &c. , Vehicle& Generally.
enlarged. L ondon : Crosby Lockwood and Son.
Chairman, Hugb J ohnson; Secretary, G. H . Thrupp.
... United States.
J U D GES AT THE COLUMBIAN EXPOSI- French, Ferd. L. ... Carriages
... Carriages
WE publish below a list of the gentlemen who have Johnson,
. .. Bicycles
consented to act as judges in Department G of the Miller,
McLear, H enrJ7 C.... Carriages
. ..
World's Fair, . Chica~o. This department d.eals with Shaw,
Col. C. B. . . . Wagons
.. .
transportation m all 1ts, and comprtses seven
.. .
groups-viz., 8~ to 86. Group ; 30, 81, ?2, and 8! have Williams, L. W. . .. Harness
. .. Carriages
.. . Great Britain.
reference to ra1lroads, oable and electnc tramways, and Thrupp, G. H.
. . . Japan.
other forms of transportation generally. Group 83 com- Akyama, Hirota . . . Carriages
prises carriages and other vehicles; whilst groups 85 and J 'udgei$' Comm ittee for Section III.-Groups 85-86: Ve~ stls,
86 have to do with the mercantile and naval marmes. The
Boats, cf:c., Marine and Wat er Tran spo?tation Gene
following are the names :
rally, Naral Wctrja?e and Coast Defmce.
Chairman, Captain Concas y Palau, Spain; Secretary,
Lieutenant W. MoCarty Little, U nited States.
Browne, Captain Orde . .. Great Britain
Trcmsportaticm, c(c. -Fo1eign.
Bara.ndon, Captain C. ... Germany
Classification by Groups.
Concas y Palau, V. 1\II. . .. Spain
1. Akyama, Hirota
Elgar, Professor Francis... Great Britain
2. Browne, Captain
Great Britain
Groser, Major
. ..
... Germany
Little, Lieut. W. McCarty U nited Statfs Navy
Si g.
3. Barattoni,
Stevens, Colonel Edwin '\V. U nited States
C. A.
J aques, W. H. . ..
4. Borries, Herr von
U nge, Captain W.
. .. Sweden
5. Concas y Palau,
Mertvago, Captain D. . . . Russia (86 only)
V. M.
I I,
E N G I N E E R I N G.
SIR,-I write to askyou to use your powerful influence
in a matter which is, I think, of great importance to the
whole of the profes&ion, and particularly to those members
of it who are practising abroad.
e are all accustomed
to look upon such works as your journal, and the Min utes
of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, as
sources of information upon the latest developments of
engineering practice. Such works are not supposed to
take the place of text books; they are intended for the
use of those who are E-xpected to be t olerably familia r
with the subjects treated of, but for this very reason
it is absolutely essential that all desrriptions of new
works or new methods should be perfectly clear as regards
detail. General descriptions alone are of very little use,
except as matters of history, while incorrect or inaccurate descriptions do more harm than good.
There is one subject really of first-class importance, on
which an immense amount ha!=! been written, and yet regarding which I do not hesitate to say it is quite impossible to tell, from the records published, what is the
practice of the engineers of the present day in charge of
large works, or even to tell whether there is any uniformity of practice a.t all. I refer to the making of cement
concrete. I wish to make it quite clear that I am not
asking for general statements as t o how such concrete
should be made. Like most other engineers, I a.m under
the impression that I know that already, but what I ask
is that you should again, as you have done before, urge
upon engineers who are givmg accounts of '\\< Orks executed under their charge the importance of giving clear
statements on this subject, so that one may compare his
own practice with th at of others, and, if advisable,
modify it.
One great fault is that E-ngineers, in describing works,
give specifications of their concrete instead of descriptions
of it. For instance, in the last volume of the Minutes,
vol. cxi., page 63, the concrete used in a very important
work is described as " 1 part of Portland cement to 2 of
sharp sand. 2! of w h instone metal, and 3! of coarse
gravel." This might do very well for a specification, if
the metal and gravel are known to the contractor, or it
might be a sufficient description for Webster's Dictionary,
but as a record of modern practice it is quite useless.
There is no indication here (not as far as I can find in the
paper) of what space was occupied by the met al and
gravel mixed. If approximately uniform in size, it is just
possible they might measure nearly 6 parts; or, again, if
judiciously sized, they might only measure 5 parts. There
is no indication of whether the metal and gravel contained
any material that would rank as sand, so that there are
no means of guessing at the amount or quali~ of the
mortar resulting from mixing the materials. Nor, most
important of all, is there any statement as to the volume
of mterstices or voids in the aggregates of metal and gravel
when mixed. lb is certain that the greater the bulk of
the m ixture the greater would be the percentage of voids,
It is within the bounds of possibility that the voids were
anything between 1~ and 3 measures. They probably did
not approach either limit, but no one can tell whether
they were above or below the mean of three, viz., 2-i measures. ~ ow the mortar resulting from 2 parts sand and 1
cement, when set, will measure about 2~ parts, and it is
consequently impossible to tell whether the concrete was
solid or nob. I have no wish, and I have no right, to ~ay
that the concrete was honeycombed, nor is there any law
against an engineer using such concrete if he likes, but I
think we might ask him to tell us what h e does use.
Of all t he m aterials employed for making concr etE>,
air is certainly the cheapest and most abundant,
and if it really is as efficamous as Portland cement, an
immense saving may be offeoted in future works. From
the discussion on the paper it appears that som9 of the
members believed that this concrete was not solid, and
that certain difficulties which arose were attributable to
this cause, but while, as I have pointed out, it is quite
possible that this was the caee, on the other hand, it is
equally possible that the metal and gravel measured, say,
5~ parts with 35 per cent. voids, say 2 parts, in which case
the mortar would fill the voids with! part to spare for separating the stones. This is rather less than I should like
to employ, but perhaps it might do, and what we want to
have is distinct information on these details. If we have
this, then after the lapse of some yeara, when the lasting
properties of the concrete have been determined, our
knowledge of the subject will have advanced.
I will give another instance of inaccurate description.
At page 112 of the volume cited above, an engineer is
giving a. description of how be arrived at the weight of a
cubic foot of concrete (it not having apparently occurred to
him till after the dock was finished and opened to break off a.
piece and weigh it). The description is given thus: "He
t ook 7! parts of broken steelslag which weighed 19.35lb.;
2~ parts of sand, all lost in the interstices, 8. 75 lb.; 1 part
dry cement, 2.67lb. When that was mixed and measured
in the dry st ate it measured 33 cubio feet. and when made
into concrete 22 cubic feet. H e assumed that ultimately
the water evaporated from it. He bad simply taken the
dry weight, and that came out at 132 lb. per cubic foot. "
In the first place, the weights of materials added up
come to 30.77 lb., and if these measured 33 ft., or even
22 ft., they would have made better s tuffing for a life belt
than for a. dock wall. As, however, theauthor says in another
place that his measures contained 3 cubic feet, and as he
states that the slag measured 26 cubic feet to the ton,
which would give 1935 lb. or thereabouts for 7! measures (or 22! cubic feet), it is probable that the decimal
point should in each case be omitted. His next statement,
that the materials mixed dry measured 33 cubic feet, is
somewhat astonishing, particularly after be has said
that the sand was " lost in the interstices."
probably meant measured separately. His next statement, that the concrete measured 22 cubic feet when the
slag measured 22!, can only be accepted on the assul!!p
tion that his figures are approximate. Itl would be m teresting to know the author's ~ound for assuming that
all the water evaporat es, and hkewise to know by what
rule of arithmet1o be obtains 132 lb. instead of about
140 lb., which is the result of dividing 3077 by 22, but I
shall not attempt t"O get to the bottom of this. Assuming, however, that when the author say 19.35 he means
1935, that when he says mixed be means unmixed, and
that when he says 22 be means about 22, his description
seems to be somewhat fuller than usual, but be tells us
something more about this cement on page 77, where be
says, "The concrete consisted of 10 parts of this furnace
slag, broken up into pieces of 2! cubic inches, t o 1 part
of cement, the fine material resultin~ from the crushing
taking the part of sand. To ascertam the shrinkage of
the dry material after being deposited as concrete, the
author made the following trial. The materials were
mixed dry in the following proportions : 7! measures of
broken slag, 2! of sand, and 1 of cement, making 11 altogether, each measure containing 3 cubic feet. When these
were made into concrete they formed a block of 22 cubic
feet." Now does this mean that he took 10 parts of furnace
slag as it came from the crusher, or that he took 7!
parts and mixed them with 2~ parts of sand (which, of
course, would simply give 7~ parts and n ot 10)? I hardly
like to hazard the suggestion, but it looks as if he made
his concrete on the former plan and his experiment on
the latter. His statement regarding the experiment is
clear, while as to the concrete he says furth er on : " The
first Ion of concrete was put in near the lock pit in the
south wall a nd up t!o thelE:~vel of the dock floor, ga.u~ed as
stated above, but as it did not appear satisfactory, It was
subsequently made as follows : A measure containing
1t cubic yards was filled with the broken slag as it)eft
the crusher, and to this was added ! th measure of sand
and 3 cwt. of Portland cement. This mix~re, which
consists of about 8 parts of the aggregate to 1 of the
matrix, was used throughout the work excepting for the
face concret e." As this is clear, I will n ot quarrel with
the form. Taking cement at 90 lb. per cubic foot, this
gives 8. 7 parts of slag, 1. 7 parts of sand, and 1 of cement,
and as the sand would n ot add to the bulk, this may be
called, though not very accurately, "about 8 parts of the
aggregate to 1 of the matrix," though the words "aggregate" and "matrix" are, unfortunately, not used by all en
gineers in the same sense. But what I specially wish to call
attention t o is the fact that this concret e, accordino to the
description, is a poorer concrete than that described in the
experiment, but it is stated to have been a better concrete
than that first used in the work, henco either the author
deliberat ely experiments with a composition different
from tha t he was using, or else his ex~lanations, even
when apparently clear, are absolutely umntelligible.
I will give only one other instance. On page 88 a.
speaker in the discussion, referring to the shrinkage of
bulk, remarks that at the Madras Harbour Works "'the
shrinkage was very nearly the same. The proportions
used were 10.28 cubic feet of stone, 4.16 cubic feet of sand,
and 1. 66 cubic feet of cement, m aking: 16.10 cu hie feet
altogether; 42 of those charges went to make a block of
18 cubic yards. The total amount of dry material was
776 ft., but mixed as concrete it became 464 cubic feet."
Now a speaker in a discussion is not called upon t o bA as
precise as the author of a paper, but the above contains
some puzzling statements. The measures given add up
16.10 as stated, but if this be multiplied by 42 we get 676,
and not 776. This may be a misprint, but how about
18 cubic yards makin~ 464 cubic feet ? There does not
seem room for a misprmt, nor can the idea be entertained
that the stat ements are approximate, as 464ft. are very
little more than 17 cubic yards. It is not worth while to
try to explain the above. The Madras Harbour Works
form an mteresting and instructive subject of study, but
I do not wish t o discuss qualities of concrete, I merely
wish to call attention to the exceedingly inaccurate and
incomplete descriptions of concrete to which we are
treated in plaCE:s where we are entitled to look for something very much better; and while I admit that the
papers on graving docks given in the volume referred to,
with the discussion on them, ara full of interesting and
valuable information, on this one point - viz., the
present practice regarding the composition of cement
concrete, there i3 no information that can be called
n ew, nor that adds anything to the information to be
found in text-bookst or in the special papers on concrete which, interestmg as they are, are, as a rule, somewhat too theoretical, and the authors, after describing
what they consider good concrete, are not in a position
to say. as Mr. Kyle says of Colombo, "I have seen
over 200,000 tons of this concrete used, and after twelve
years I have never seen the slightest sign of disinte~ra
tion." W e want the composition of concrete in var1ous
work~ accurately tabulated in a uniform manner, so
that we, or our successors, after time has bad a. fair
chan ce of testing the work, may know what to follow and
what to avoid. I do not know that I can suggest anything new as to form, but what I would like would be
something like the following :
afterwards filled up with cement grout passed down
through a tube.
To show there is no novelty in this, so far as I ~m concerned, ~Ir. Shield will fi nd references t o and descriptions
o! my ~ethod of construction in the following publicat10ns, vtz. :
1. :Minutes of the Insti~ution. of Civil Engineers, vol.
x xv., page 127. In the dtscuss1on on that paper in Sess~on 1865-6, .I . there described my system of constructlOn as cons1stmg of a concrete base on which concrete
blooks were placed, their face joints caulk ed, and the
blocks cemented together by Portland cement grout.
2. R eport in March , 1869, to the G reenock Harbour
Trust ees on the construction of the north-west pier at
Garvel Park, ad vising the adoption of a concrete levelled
bade with a blockwork superstructure on top.
3. Patent specification of mine, dated October 5, 1881,
for the construction of marine works, where a levelled
concrete base is used in connection with various forms of
4. ~Iinutes Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. lxxxvii. ,
page 65. This is a paper I contributed to the Ins titution,
wherein levelled concrete bases and various forms of
superstructure are de,gcribed and shown.
5. Lectures delivered in March, 1889, to the Royal
Engineers at Chatbam, and afterwards republished in
E~GINEERING on October 10 and 31, N ovember 21, and
D ec('mber 28, of 1890, describing a number of works, including several of my own, amongst which were the Jersey
Harbour \Vorks, comprising the Hermitage Breakwater,
executed 1887-89, which was the first application on a.
large scale of the syst em of grouted monohthic work from
the bottom of the sea to coping level.
6. ENGINEERING of May 20 and 27, 1892, where the
system of repairing and strengthening the under-water
portion of the older portion of the H ermitage Breakwater,
constructed under Sir John Coode, is described and
In the Hermitage Brea.k?water the foundation bed was
formed of rubble and shingle, which, after being levelled
off, was grouted with neat cement grout passed down
through a pipe, and formed m agnificent concrete.
Prior to this I had abandoned the system of passing
fresh made concrete through water, either for levelling of
foundations or other work, owing to the unreliable results
Mr. Shield is apparently following one of my methods
of forming a levelled concrete base under water, but I
have abandon ed this particular method, and can assurE'
him that if he would adopt my other method of a grouted
rubble base as used at Jersey, be would find that better
work in every respect would be obtained.
\Vith regard to the caulking of the face join ts of blocks
and then groutin~ the blocks into a monolithic mass, I
think Peterhead 1s the first work of any importance to
follow up what I did at Jersey, and I was certainly
gratified to learn from your issue of September 16, 1892,
that such excellent results were there obtained from my
grouting method, as ib shows that the grouting is being
p roperly carried out, and wherever this is done, not only
will there be satisfaction to all concerned, but likewise
much more economical and stronger work will be
It would appear from what is now being done ab
Peterhead that the time has ab last come when monolithic
breakwaters from foundation to cope will be constructed
in exposed positions, instead of piles of rubble or loose
blocks or oomposite arrangements with a concrete capping, followed by repeated tales of failure during or after
construc tion.
I am, yours truly,
3, Victoriastreet, Westminster, S.W., August 5, 1893.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
presenta.ti ves ab local committ ees in the several countries
of Europe. This organisation dispenses with any n ecessity, at t he close of one meeting, of fixing the time and place
of the next meeting; and it leaves a con venient lat1tude
as to the interval between the meetings, which it is considered might, with advantage, b e from four to six years.
It, moreover, provides a permanent authority in Paris to
whom suggestions and proposals relating to the 1-laritime
Congress can be submitted at any time, and also representatives, and in some cases local committees, in the
principal m aritime countries of Europe, who should form
centres of information on maritime subjects, a nd might
very materially aid an organising commit t ee in obtaining papers, information, a nd other assistance for a meeting of the congress.
The International Congresses on Inland N aviga.tion,
which are at present held biennially, possess no permanent
organisation; but after the termination of a congress,
the management devolves upon the organising committee
of t he followin~ congress, as soon as it is constituted, in
the country whtch has given an invitation to the members
at the ~revious congress. These Congresses on Inland
NavigatlOn are considered by many persons to follow one
another t oo closely for a permanent arrangement; and if,
at the termination of a congress, no in vitation should be
forthcoming, there would be danger of t he congresses
coming to an end. A permanent organisation, accordingly, appears to offer a better prospect of continuity
than an arrangement for holding congresses at fixed
intervals of two years.
The subjects appertaining to the t wo congresses are
9.uite distinct, as indicated by the titles "Inland" and
'Maritime;" and though the.Congresses on Inland Navigation encroach somewhat, in section 4, on the domain of
maritime works by including estuaries amon gst their
subjects, which constitut e a sort of borderland, any chan ce
of interference has been avoided in the L ondon meeting
of the Maritime Congress by omitting estuary works
from the questions considered. Nevertheless, a sufficient
number of persons are in terested in both maritime works
and inland navigation to render it inexpedient to
hold the two congresses in the same year ; and this
consideration, and the frequency of the Congresses
on Inland Navigation, have led to the suggestion that
these congresses should be united . The Paris P ermanent
Commission, however, considers that there is ample difference of scope and variety of subjects to occupy the
attention of two congresses, that the org anisation of the
Maritime Congress offers too definite advantages to be
lightly Ret aside, and that there would be ser-ious dan~er
of maritime subjects not receiving adequate consideration
if merged with inland navigation, which already embraces
a. wide range of commercial and engineering problems.
The intel'eats of both t hese congresses would probably
be best consulted by extending the interval between
the Congresses on Inland Navigation to about four years,
and thereby enabling a meeting of the Maritime Congress to be occasionally held in the interval, without
necessitating the holding of these congresses in three
consecutive years.
I remain, yours faithfully,
British Mem her of the Paris Permanent Commission.
6, Ql!een Anne's-gate, W esbminster, S. \ V.,
August 8, 1893.
I I,
E N G I N E E R I N G.
On the present page, in }'ig. 1, is shown diagramma tically the a rra ngement of eng ine used
for the experiments we are about t o describe. The
engine was fitted up in the machine shop at Messrs.
Yarrow's works, b eing supported in the middle
by a short block of wood. At each end were indiarubber discs as shown. It will be seen tha.t the engine
was, therefore, free to oscillate endwise, in seesaw
fashion, so far as the elasticity of the discs would allow.
The engino is, as sta.ted , of 1600 horse-power, a.nd is
of the three -cylinder, tri-compound type, with three
cranks. In the paper before referred to, Mr. Ya.rrow
makes t he following statements with regard to this type
of engine : "Triple-expansion engines with three
cra nkq, although pa rti.l.lly balanced when a.t rest,
THE question of steamship vibration is now attracting a good deal of attention in a very unpleasant
manner. To obtain the high speeds d emanded by
t ra,ellers _in the present rushing age, engineers and
na.,:a.l a rchttects ha ve been b ot_h compelled t o lighten
tbetr structures. In the shtp's hull this has been
d one by the in t roduction of st eel in place of iron the
scantling has bren reduced, and th e consequence' has
been a lig hter and more elas tic s tructure.
engineer on his p 3.rt has incr easecl th e number of
rev?lution~, and t~ o u gh r eciprocatin g par ts in the
~ngm ~s h=tve Lecn lightened, the j H caused by h ringtn 0a to res t a nJ star in 0rr ao
0 'in t he moviua
0 1)1rt s is a
/ "'
Fig . 1.
../""' . ..........._ I
o,,,,,., ,.,.,
- LA
Jitr A
Pig 2.
Ba lo no
A ft tr tnd .
w' 'ghts
8 a lan ct
Vtrt1 ca~
Fig . 4 .
~ ~=
~-- ~
Forward tnd
no l fitttd.
Forward md .
fllt t d
fittt d
Vtrttc al m otton ~
wt t ghts fiUtd
m ot io n ~;
Fig. S.
Fig . 3 .
,. ...
Forward rnd .
Fiif . 7.
Afftr trt d
Aftu tnd
Balana wnghls
not f itltd
A fltr tnd
Bolanet wtghtl nqt fiUtd
Forward M d
Fig. 8.
,u, 6
Vtrllcol mott Jn ,.
Vtr/ICal mot1M t Y,
3 J) '
E N G I N E E R I N G.
further alleged against the firm that for the particular work they paid lower than the current rates
of wages in the district. The latter, it was contended, was in dirct violation of the resolution of the
House of Commons in February, 1891, an<.l cons2quently deserved censure by the House. ~1r. 'Voods
had been in communication with the Financial
Secretary to the Treasury on the subject for some
time, but, as he could get no satisfactory reply,
be brought the matter before the House. The most
serious allegation made was that of discharg:ng a
number of men for belonging to a union, which
by law they have a perfect right to do, and intimidating a. number of others to give up the union
rather than sacrifice their employment. It appears
that Sir John Hihbert, the Financial Secretary, was
not able to deny the allegation generally, but he said
that the firm had hitherto been a "non union house,"
and the men who were discharged were agitating
among the men to compel the firm to make it a union
house. The Committee of the House of Commons
decided that the contracts should be revised so that
such undue pressure should not again be brought to
bear upon the men. One or two members thought
that this action might go further than was intended,
but it was explained that it wa.s only intended to preserve the right of joining or not joining a union, and
that firms would not be compelled to give preference
to union men. On this understanding the motion was
withdrawn, and the discussion terminated, but with
the evident feeling that (,he resolution of 1891 must
be observed.
A large number of British delegates travelled by
th e London, Cha.tha m, and Dover Railway en 1oule to
Zurich to attend the International Congress held this
week. Nearly all the labour members were obliged to
abandon their intention of being present at the
Congress, in consequence of their Parl!amentary duties
a.t1d because of the coal strike. Some members of t he
Lond( n County Council were, howeYer, able to be
present, and a few of the chief officers of some of the
larger unions. The Amalgamated Society of Engineers were represented by Mr. John Anderson, the
general secretary, and others ; but the larger proportion of the delegates really represented the Social
Democratic Federation, the Fabian Society, and other
bodies more political than industrial. This fact will
doubtless give zest to the proceedings, as the political
element is more congenial to Continental delegate~,
as the labour unions are not so completely industrial
on the Continent as in the United Kingdom. But
some of them admit that more rapid progres'3 is made
with English methods than they are able to attain.
The Trades Union Parliamentary Committee ha,e
issued their final notice for the Congress to be held in
the Ulster Hall, Belfast, during the first week in eptember. So far, it appears, the number of delegates
appointed falls short of recent years, but many societiE-s
postpone their final selections and arrangements till the
last moment. But it is not anticipated that the number
present will equal those of the last three years. The
programme of the committee will be a very moderate
one; but theresolutionssentinalready extend to ei,ehtyfour, and many others are expected by the date of the
opening of the Congress. :M any of the resolutions are
political in their character, as, for example, manhood
suffrage, triennial Parliaments, all elections t o be on
one day, payment of members and of all official expenses, the second ballot, &c. Then there are anumber of rsolutions of a socialistic character, such as
the nationalisation of all lands and minerals, the State
acquisition of all railways and other means of transit,
complete control of the liquor trafficbythe ratepayers,
free compulsory education, reform of the Poor Law
syst em. Then there are resolutions for the aboliticn
of the House of Lords, and all other hereditary offices,
and for the election by the people of all magistrates,
and the payment of jurymen of lOa. per day. The
labour programme is also pretty wide and full : an
eight-hours day for all trades and occupations, further
factory inspection, contract labour, amendment of the
laws of conspiracy, of t he Factory Acts, boiler inspection, court of criminal appeal, old age pensions, labour
representation, Labour Day, unemployed, federation of
labour, Government contracts, accidents and coroners'
juries, calling out of the military. weights, measureP,
coinage, merchandise marks, employers' liahility, seamen's grievancet~, boards of arbitration, &c. These
quoted are the chief subjects only ; there are many
others, social, political, and industrial. It is obvious
that full discuss:on will be out of the question for all
of them, indeed, for even a few of them, inasmuch as
half an hour for each s ubject would occupy over eight
hours each day for five days in the week.
AuG. r r, r893.]
Messrs. Tupper and Co., L imited. The Commissioners
were Mr. H oward Smith and Mr. .J. H. Hallett. Mr.
Gough appeared for the B oard of Trade, and 1Ir. Shakespear, solicitor, of Oldbury, for Me~srs . Tupper; while
Mr. Young, m anaging director of the Scottish Boiler
Insur.~once Company, who had insured th e boiler, represented tha t company, and was accompanied by Mr.
~Iunro, th e chief engineer.
'rhe boiler was of the plain cylindrical egg-ended
externally-tired class, 33 ft. long by 6 ft. in diameter, the
pressure at which it w~s worked being 30 lb. to 38 lb. It
bad formerl y b 3en used at a colliery, and was bought
secondba.nd in 1882 by Mr. Onions, who was then in possession of the R egent Iron W orks. At that time it had a
flue tube running through it from end t o end. It was extensively repaired before being pub to work in its new
position, hub the flue tube was left in, and the boiler was
thus at thab time fired internally. At a later period the
tube was removed, but when or by whom could not be
ascertained. The boiler had changed hands before being
purchased by Mr. Onions, and its age was therefore unknown. Mr. Onions gave up the w0rks in 1886, previous
to whi ch further repairs had been mad e. li'rom 188G to
1888 the works stood idle, a.nd in the la tter year they were
taken over by the Albi on Iron Works Company, now
known as Messr.s. Tupper and Co., Limited. Some of the
r~ pairs , which had at some time or other been made, consisted of the introduction of two longitudinal plates
running along the bottom for the length of three belts of
On the evening of 1\'Iay 1 the boiler exploded, ripping
at one of the longitudinal seams attaching the lastmentioned repair plates, and being torn into three principal frag-mentQ, 1'he back end was blown 170 yards, and
the other parts 20or 30 yards in d ifferent directions. No
lives were lost, and only one p erson was injured. The
CJ.use of the explosion was a long seam rip wh ich had
evidently exi3ted for a considerable time, and had probably developed from f racture~ started when the repairs
were executed. ]\{any boilers of this olass have burst from
a. similar cau-se, and the fact that these flaws are di fficult
to det ect renders the use of this description of boiler
somewha t a ma tter of risk.
In opening the proceedings, Mr. Gough gave particulars as to the con t r uotion and history of the boiler, and
stated tha t it was ab the time of the explosion insured
with the Scottish Company, alonf) with other boilers at
the works, the amount of the poltcy being lOOOl. on the
group of twelva boiler3. WiLh regard to the posi tion of
the tnsurance company in relation to the owner, Mr.
Gougb said th ~t the company, so fa r from regarding
their inspection and th eir pohoy as a guarantee of the
safety of the boiler, would state that they examined the
boiler only to ascerta in if it were in such a condition as
t o constitute a fair risk. Having described the circumstances attending the explosion, and stated that the cause
would probably be found to have been a seam rip, as
above explained, Mr. Go u~h proc:eeded to call witnesses.
Mr. Enocb Thompson, ot the firm of Thompson Brothers,
boilermakers, Bilston, gave evidence to th e effect that he
sold the boiler to Mr. Onions after repairing ib in 1882.
H e bought it from a Mr. Foley, and had then no idea of
its age. Before buying it he made an examination, and,
being satisfied, completed th e purchase, the price being
31l. 10.3. rrhe boiler had then an internal tiue tube
running through it. After buying it he repaired it
th oroughly, putting three best best plates into the tube
and seven best plates into the shell, as well as one best
plate into the front end. He then tested it to 80 lb. on
the square inch.
By Mr. Shakespear: After the repairs be considered it
a thoroughly good secondband boiler, and suitable for a
pressure of 40 lb. The price pa id to him for it by Mr.
Onion~ was 75l. 16~. Gd.
By Mr. Commissioner Smith: H e made no calculations
to ascertain the pressure for wbich the boiler was suitable. H e knew in the ordinary way of trad e what it would
stand, and test ed it by water t o twice the pressure at
whi ch he thought it ought to work.
Mr. Onions, now manager for Messrs. Davis Brothers
and Co., Bilston, gave evidence as to his t enancy of the
works up to 1886. After he had had the boiler about
two years, the internal tube was remov ed, and the boles
in the end blanked up. He could not remember who
made th ese !l.lterations, nor the exact date. He insured
the bJilers with the English and Scottish Company, who,
he believed, had since amalgamated with the Scottish
Company. He had no engineering knowledge himself, but
the boilers, after insvection, were always reported to him
as being in fair cond1tion.
B enjamin Gettings, boilermaker, Bradley, deposed to
effecting certain repairs to the boiler about eighteen
months before Mr. Onions gave up the works in 1886.
Mr. Adams, secretary to Messrs. Tupper, gave d etails
a..<1 to the insurance of th e boilers, and stated that tha
annual premium was 12t., a.nd the pressure stipulated in
the policy, 40 11..>. M eE-srs. Tupper employed J ames Higgs
as their engineer. \Vitness was not able to say definitely
what object the firm had in insuring.
Mr. Shakespear, interposing, said he might explain
that Messrs. Tupper's object was twofold- first, in
order to obtain an extra insp ection, although they con
sidered th eir own quite sat1sfactory; and, secondly, on
purely commercial grounds, to obtain compensation in the
event of an explo&ion.
Mr. Adamr, continuing his evidence, said that on
receipt of the insurance company's reports they were
h anded t o Mr. Higgs, who would give them attention. In
1889 to 1891 th e insurance company requested facilities
for prop~r in ~pecti on, but the time was not convenient, as
the works were in operation, and if an inspection bad
been made they would have had to be stopped.
J a.mes lligg--, engineer in lVIessrs, Tupper's employ for
E N G I N E E R I N G.
twenty-five years, said he ha~ not. ser ved . ti~e to
angineering, but had had ex pen ence m exammm~ hollers.
H e described the repairs made to the exploded bml~r. lie
knew that there were plates at tha back end wtth the
longitudinal seams in line for a considerable length, ~nd
the points of the ri vets in those seams were on the outstde.
He went to the works when M essrs. Tupper took them
over, and the boiler was then fired by waste gases from a
puddling furnace. In 1890 t hat furnace was removed a.nd
the boiler turned into a hand -fired one. It was fed w1tb
canal water, and the safety valve blew o!f ab 40 lb. 'Ihr~e
weeks before the explo ion some al terattons were made 1n
th e brick work flues, so that one side could be fired from a
paddling furnace at one end, and the other side b~ hand
at the other end. Prior to making these al terat10ns he
looked searchin gly for seam rips. He did this becau se he
had found a seam rip in one of the other boilers. He saw
some leakage at a couple of edge cracks over the fire at
the handfired end, but there were no signs of leakage at
the other end, where the long seams were. H e sounded
the plates with a hammer, and found no defects. H e also
made a careful examination internally. The boiler was
cleaned every three weeks, and th en he always went
inside to examine. H e last did so on April 24, a week
before the explosion; on which date he also examined it
externally, and saw some leakage at an edge crack at tbe
second ring seam from the furnace end. He then considered the boiler was all right. The long seams in line
did not rest on the brickwork; he could see them, and
there was no sign of leakage. He thought the cause of
the explosion was a flaw ori~inating at the long seams referred to, for he found evtdence of a seam rip having
eAisted at that part. The rip was between th e lap of the
two plates, but he could not g-ive its length. If the boiler
bad been t ested by hydrauhc pressure the defect would,
he thought have been discovered.
By Mr. s'hakespear: The long seams were plainly to be
seen. He considered such seams safe at 40 lb. pressure .
B e had always received in~tructions to do anyt~ing that
was necessary without sparmg ex pense.. The firmg of ~he
boilers from both ends would, he considered, be an 1m
provement, by distributing the heat more evenly. .
By Mr. Young : He would not say that of a certamty the
seam rip would have been discovered by a hydraulic t est.
Mr. Young, managin~ direct or of th e Scottish Cornpany, stated that th ey msured the boiler on October 10,
1888, but it had not been examined. The first inspection
was made under steam on November 22, 1888, and the
first "thorough " was obtained on July 6, 1889, on which
occasion the external flues had not been cleaned. Later
in th e year 1889 there was another " thorough " examination, and again the flues were not cleaned, though they
were entered by the inspector. The last "thorough" was
made on December 26, 1892, but on that date, as before,
the flues were not prepared. Mr. Young produced letters
and reports which showed th a t frequent requests for
thor~mgh inspections. had been mad~ by company. On
Apr1l 5, 189iS, the b01ler was exammed mternally, and,
as far as seen, was in fair order. The policy was not a
guarantee of the safety of the boiler. H e would not say
that the examinations were satisfactory, inasmuch as the
flues had not been cleaned , but they were sufficient to
satisfy the company that the ri sk was a fair insurance
risk to continue.
By Mr. S bakespear : H e would not say the boiler was
all right; he would only say that it was fit to be insur ed.
By Mr. Smith: Some insurance offices issued a certificate of safety in addition to tb e policy of insurance, but
his firm did not do so unless in exceptional cases. On
the examinations made in this instance by the inspectors,
his company would not have issued such a certificate.
By Mr. Sbakespear: The exceptional cases referred t o
were those in which they exarr. ined the Loiler during construction, saw it tested, and examined it afterwards. In
such cases they issued a certificate. M essrs. 'l'upper had
not asked for a certificate, and, if they had, his company
would have said that with a boiler of such an age and
constru ction, it would be impossible to grant it.
Mr. Munro, engineer to the in E~urance company, gave
evidence oriefly as to th e bursting pressure of the boiler,
which he esti mated at 208 lb.
Alfred Higgs, engine driver, said that on the night of
the explosion the boiler was hand-fired only. The steam
pressure was about 38 lb.
Mr. J ames Cauld well, inspector to the insurance company, said he examined the boiler in D ecember, 1892. The
preparation was not satisfactory, but he had enough scale
removed to satisfy himself as t o its condition. In his
opinion the condition was good and the boiler safe.
By Mr. Szr:ith: H e scraped the longitudinal seam
which had since failed, but saw no leakage. H e did not
have the scale removed from the other side of it. Even
if the scale had been removed the seam rip could not have
been seen. The scale on the water side might stop a lt:akage. He was not now sure whether he had the scale
removed or not; possibly he had. Witness suggested
that the fracture had been started bv the use of the drift
at the time the seam was bei ng riveted.
By Mr. Young: The fracture being in the outer overlap, no inspection could have deteC'ted it.
By Mr. Smith: It mighb have been detect ed by a.n
hydraulic test .
Mr. S hort, inspector, gave evidence as to an internal
examination he made on April3 last. He saw no evidence
of a seam rip.
Mr. Henry vVoodthorpe, EngineAr-Surveyor to the
Board of Trade, said he had examined the boiler since it
burst, and gave a full description of its general construction a~d equipme~b. .T he cause of the ex plosion was a
seam r~p at a longttudma.l seam, where two repair plates
extendmg across three belts of plating had been put in
the bottom of the shell. So far as he was able to judge
the repair plates had been laid the wrong way of th~
E N G I N E E R I N G.
en~roach as little as p ossible on the dock; twenty-six the.present direction seems the most favourable for na" i
catssons were sunk from June, 1886, to t h e end of Decem bel', 1~89. The a verage t ime r equi red for each, from
the e reot10n of the cofferdam to the comple tion of the
m~sonry, was 46 days; i t was r educed to 29 days for on e
catsson and rose to 95 for araother.
Average Time.
days hours
Erect in~ cofferdams
.. .
Concretmg the girders .. .
Masonry for ballast
.. .
Towing to site and sinking
Sinking with compressed ai r ...
Completion of masonry .. .
R emoving cofferdams .. .
The n ew pier will be found ed at - 5.00 m etres, except
the last .100 ~etres, where mud is found , and where the
foundation w~ll be at -8. 00. The foundations a re of
concrete, .carried out by means of caissons sunk by com
p~es~ed atr. A t th e outer end of the pier for 350 metres the
pier 1s t o be of open timber work from the level of + 2.00
metres upwa:rds, t o a void silt 'being deposited, which
wou!d n ecessi tate the use of buck et dredgers in place of
suot10n dredgers. The net 250 m etres length is solid
and the shore end is mad e with a pitched slope of 1 i~
10. T he ground level descends from +5.00 to - 1.00
metres. The caissons, thirty-eight in number are 20
~o 22 metres in length; thirty-one of them are' already
m ~lac~. They are built on the beach and drawn to
thet r s1tes on a temporary ~ailway, at low water, except
those for the outer end, which are built in the harbour
to,~ed ?ut, and sunk by admitting water into them. Tb~
fi lh ng m of con crete is done by ~ide work, as also enough
masor;try .to enable ~m pressed a1r to be safely introduced.
The smkmg of the catsson proceeds afterwards in the usual
wa~, as t~e masonry ad yance~. The greatest liability to
ac01d~nt IS when t?e c~tsson ts at its fu1l depth and the
~or~mg chamber ts bemg filled with concrete. During
smkm g th ~ masonry is kept about up to half-tide level.
The. material~ are brou~ht u p on a metregauge railway
earned by a t1mber stagmg. The caissons du ring rough
weather are only sunk at low water, but in fin e weather at
a ny stat~ of t~e tide. T.he exca?ation is very easy, the
sand bemg s1phoned direc tJy over i nto the sea. The
:Ag . .f.~l
Fig. 6.
-,:;r,./'J 8 .
I I,
t N G I N E t R I N G.
This would be sufficient to absorb most of the hematite,
basic, spiegel, and other special dig-irons which were
then produced : the remainder, an the ex<'ess of Cleveland u on proper, having to be sent away for utilisation
Having given this brief sketch of the origin of the iron
and steel industries of Cleveland, and of the position to
which they bad attained ab the time of your last visit,
and having indicated in general terms how and where
they have increased or diminished up to the present time,
I propose to ask your attention to a few of the chief improvements which have taken place in appliances and
processes since 1871.
I ronstone Minin g.-In Cleveland ironstone mining, one
of the principal improvements that have been effected
during th~ last t~enty years ~s in the mode of drilling
the holes mto wh10b the explos1ves are placed for blasting
the stone. In 1871 these holes were made by the use of
jumpers driven by men working singly or in couples.
The average quantity of stone so obtained was from 4 to
6 tons per ma.n per eight hours, including drilling,
blasting, breaking, and filling, and the cost varied from
10d. to 1s. per ton.
Drills.-The machine drills new in use are of four kinds,
namely :
1. 1'be hydraulic turbine drill, devised by Mr. A. L.
Steavenson, and in use at the Lumpsey mine near Saltburn, belon~ing to Messrs. Bell Brothers.
2. The dnll driven by the Priestman petroleum engine.
This also was first introduced by Mr. A. L. Steavenson
and is to be seen at the same mine.
~. The pneumatic drill, perfected by Mr. William
Walker of Saltburn, and applied ab the North Skelton
and other mines.
4. The electric drill,_ ~ecently adapted and used at the
Carlin How mine by lVlr. A. L. Steavenson.
The principle adopted in all these four cases is that of
rapidly rotating an auger-shaped drill 1fixed in an adjustable frame, and supported upon a bog1e which is capable
of being advanced towards the working face and withdrawn, as found necessary. The hydraulic turbine drill
is driven by water ab a pressure of 140 lb. per square
inch, obtained from a feeder tubbed back in the shafb
and brou~hb to the machine by suitable piping. Forth~
pneumatto drill, air at a pressure of 55 lb. per square inch
IS similarly brought from a reservoir and compressors at
the surface.
Whatever be the motor, the rapidity of drilling depends
* Paper read before the Institution of Mechanical on the amounb of power applied and the energy and expertness of t he men in pushing forward the work. The
t British Iron Trade Association Reporb, 1883, page hydraulic drill has the advantage that the requisite
E N G I N E E R I N G.
H owson, of the Newport Iron Works. In furnaces made
of ~he ordinary shape they point out that the whole
w~tght of the charge rests upon the inverted conical surfa.~e of the bosh and upon the hearth, the consequence
bemg tha.~ the charge. becomes tighly packed
a._t the reg!on where It IS 1n a. semi-fused or plastic condit Lon. Thts causes difficulty in forcing the blast through
and dela.;y in the proces~ of reduction. The remedy they
p ropose ts. to alter the mterna.l form in such a way that
the shall be sustained in the upper part of the
f~rnace, _where they are a.s yet in a solid and open condit10n ; whtle lower down the internal form will be such
that the charge shall be able to descend more freely than
at present, and shall thus become more permeable to the
blast: One of the Newport furnaces working on Cleveland tr~nstone has been altered on this principle with the
result that a.n increase in output of from 30 to 50 per cent.
ha~ been obtained, tc:>get~er with a higher average g rade
of tron and som e sa.vmg m coke.
_ The average output of pig iron per furnace per week
lD the _ d1strict during the year 1891, including
h emat1te, baste, &c., was 548 tons.* The consumption of
coke per ton of pig iron has fallen from 23 cwt. to 20 cwt.
and even b elow for Cleveland, and to 19 cwt. t and below
for h ematite, where good ore and fuel are used; though
probably it still remains at the higher figure where the
conditions are less favourable.
It is alleged by some authorities on blast furnace
management that neither the Cleveland ironstone nor the
Du~ham C')ke are so p~re as they used to be. This is
behaved to be partly owmg to the exhaustion to an appreciable exte?t of the best mineral beds, and the consequent admixture of less pure materials. It is not infrequently asserted that, whatever advantage in blast
furnace economy has been obtained by improved appliances and processes, has been to a great extent neutralised
by deterioration in the quality of the minerals supplied.
H ot Blast Stoves.-The increased average output per
furnace working on Cleveland ironstone and the lessened
consumption of fuel-where the best qualities are usedseem to be largely due to the higher t emperature of blast
rend ered posRible by the adoption of fi rebrick instead of
pipe stoves. In 1871 the only firebrick stoves in the district were those devised by the late 11r. Edwa.rd A .
Cowper, p:.\st-president, at the works of M essrs. Cochrane
and Co., who, acting under the advice of Mr. Charles
Coohrane, past-president, led the way in this great improvement; those at the works of :l\i1essrs. Willia.m Whitwell and Co., of Thornaby, who adopted their own particular type in 1869 ; and those at Consett, which, being
erected under the sup~rvision of the late Mr. Thomas
Whitwe11, wera of the same kind. At the present time
firebrick stoves are almost universal, there being only two
works without them. At first they were made 28ft. high
by 22ft. in diameter, and two were thought sufficient for
one furnace. Now they are made 60 ft . to 80 ft. high by
22ft. to 26 ft. in diameter; and three, four, or even five
are worked to a furnace. The t emperature of the blast
has risen from an average of 850 deg. Fahr. t o about
1450 deg. ; and the pressure from a.n average of
3~ lb. per square inch to 51 lb. in Cleveland and 6! lb. in
h ematite furnaces, and even higher.
Blowing En(Jines.-At your last visit, a paper was read
by the late Mr. Alfred C. Hill on the compound surfacecondensing blast engin es (Proceedings, 1871, page 175),
which bad th en recently been erected to hi s designs by
Messrs. Kttson and Co. at the Lackenby Iron Works.
These engines are still in operation ; but until quite
lately there has been little extension of fuel-saving expedients as applied to blowing engines since that time.
This is probably owing to the circumstance that all
neoossary steam can usually be obtained from the combustion of the furnace gases, at all events when Cleveland ironstone is bein~ smelted. The favourite blowing
engine in the district 1s still the inverted non-condensing
type, which has the ad vantage of great simplicity and
compactness. Wherever b9matite came to be substituted for local ores, the furn ace gases were found to be of
much poorer quality, owing mainly to their dilution by
the steam from the water mechanically and chemically
combined in that class of ore. Consequently wh ere
hema.tite ore is smelted, steam must now be economised,
if it be desired to a void the use of extra fuel at the
boilers. Inasmuch also as all feed water used in T eeside
works is pumped from the river at Darlington, and paid
for by meter a.t 3d. per 1000 gallons, the saving of water
as far a.s possible is a. consideration, a.s well as the saving
of fuel.
The methods which have been recently adopted for
economising in blast engines are three-namely, feedb eating, condensing, and compounding. A very complete example of all three methods is afforded by the new
plant at M essrs. and Co.'s works. Three noncondensing blast engines exhaust into one common main.
From this, steam is taken by a fourth engine, which exhausts into a. surface-condenser. The circulating water
for the condenser is drawn from and returned to the
river. From the exhaust main a portion of the remaining
steam passes into a series of Berryma.n evaporator condensers in which it is condensed, and becomes again
availabie as feed water. In its condensation it gives up
its latent beat to the circulating water, which is from the
Darlington mains; and from this it distils a sufficient
quantity of feed water to make up all waste. The exhaust steam however, would soon heat up the circulating water' to its own temJ?era.ture of about 212 deg.
Fahr.z and further condensat10n would thereupon cease,
"Were 1t not for another expedient. The space above
the circulating water is connected by a pipe with another tained. The engines are indeed used as air meters as well
B~rryman condenser, cooled by ri ver water, and beyond as _air-pumps. Each one is provided with a governor
th1s w~th an air pump. Thus the Da.rlington ci rculating whwh keeps it approximately at a uniform speed how~
water lS under a vacuum, and consequently evaporates at ever much the resistance may vary. An ingenious ~entri
a correspondingly low t emperature; it is therefore able fugal_sp~ed- recorder by Mr. Edward Brown, of Phila~o condense steam at atmospheric pressure and to become delph1a.? 1s employed as a check, and has since been intro1tself gradually distilled. In this way, out of the 75,000 duced nere by M essrs. William \Vhitwell and Co.
gallons per 24 hours evaporated by the boilers, only 12,500 Cleveland engineers, as a whole, are still unconvinced that
gallons,_ or say one-sixth of the total, has to be supplied separate blowing il; better for their circumstances than
and patd for anew. The feed water thus obtained is blowing into and drawing out of one common main but
forced through a. series of Edmist on filters to free it from nev~rtheless arrangements have in some cases been :nade
grease and other impurities, then through another Berry- to give the power of separate blowing as in America. At
man b eater, utilising the remainder of the s team from one w<?rks a. special.furnace has been built to use Spanish
th e exhaust main, and so into the boilers. The pressure bemattte on the hnes of the most recent A merican
in the exhaust main varies from 2 lb. or 3 lb. below to practice; but sufficient experience has not so far been
2lb. or 3 lb. above the atmosphere. The t emperature of obtained for enabling deduction s t o be made. The lining
the feed a s it enters the pumps is 110 deg., and of a. Cleve_land furnace lasts any time from six years* if
on hematite, up t o 18 and even 20 years if on Cleveas io enters the boilers 210 deg. Fahr.
One of M essrs. Cochrane and Co.'s furnaces
Another application of compounding and condensing to land.
blast engines 1s that recently carried out at Sir B. Samuel- which has just been re-lined, las ted 18 years, and served
san and Co.'s works by Mr. Tom Westgarth, under the for 500,000 ton_s of pi~ i~on . . The American highly-forced
direction of Messrs. Hawdon and H owson. Ot four non- furnaces reqmre re-hnmg m two or three years, t whi ch
con_densi ng bl,owing engines of usual construction, one re- '!'o~ld scarcely admit of such a. production as this per untoucued; a second has bad a. jet conden s~r and hnmg.
(To be ccmtinued.)
air pump fitted; the third and fourth have been comp_ou!lded by the addition of extra. cyli nders, and have had
stmtla.r condensers added. The condensing water is
NEw LIGHTHOUSE.-A new lighthouse has just been
separately pumped from and returned t o the river, a.
water tower intervening. The amount of economy ob- completed at Punta. M edia.nos, on the Atlantic coa..c;t of
tained has not yet been accurately determined; but Mr. Argent~na.. The height is about 210ft., and th e hei~ht
W estga.rth claims that one boiler in six has been dis- of the hgbt some 8 ft. less above the ordinary level of the
pensed with, without diminishing tho output of pig iron sea at high water. The light is a first -class st eady
and wi~ho?t using any fuel specially for _evaporation. At white light. It is visible 21 miles from the' whole of
the Skmmngrove Iron Works two blowmg engines work the sea horizon. The optical syst em is of the Brobner
together, forming one compound jet-cond ensing engine, type, with eigh t lenses; the lamps fill automatically
but th~: can be used separately if necessary. :M essrs. (Denecbong syst em), with concentric wicks (Bourtel's
Y'f Wh_ttwell and Co. a. si!Dple jet-condensing blow- system).
--mg engme; and there 1s one With a M orton's ejector-conJAP~NESE RAIL,YAYS.-Tbe G?vernment of Japan has
denser a.t the Cargo Fleet Iron Works. All others in the
plans m band for the construct10n of fourteen new raildistrict are simple non-condensing engines.
B oilers.-As regards blast-furnace boilers, in 1871 they ways. _At presen~ the ra.ilw~ys of Japan comprise some
were almost exclusi \-ely of the plain cylindrical type, 15oq miles, of whtch 894 miles belong to various com80 ft. long by 4 ft. to 5 ft. in diamet er, and rigidly sup- pa.mes. These lines, it is stat~d, will be tak?.n over by
ported. These were found t o strain themselves at every th e State._ Forme~ly th e l~nes were built by British conchange of temperature, and to be far from safe. In some tractors With maJ.&tel supplted from the U nited Kingdom;
cases th ey were cut in two in the middle of their length, but _now the J a_panese Governm ent and Japanese comand connected by a short pipe. In others they were hung pames have t~eu own Japanese engineers, and a. great
on volute springs on the plan suggested by the author. * p ~ rt of the railway 'f!lateriel and rolling st ock can be furThe elephant type first introduced by Mr. Charles W ood m sbed from the national shops at Shinbasi.
was substituted at the T ees Iron Works, and also to some
CHEAP ELECTRIC P OWER. - The Berliner Elektriextent a.t the Tbornaby Works, with good results. The
H owa.rd boilers at the Lackenby Works were found un- citats:v~rke haye rec~ntly reduc:ed their charge for
safe, and others of the L ancashire type were substituted. electrtCity for mdustnal purposes to 20 pfnnig (zt d.)
M essrs. and Co. still work R oot's boiler!!, and per 1000 watt-hours. An economical motor uses about
have done so for 18 years; but their me has not extended 800 to 900 watts pe.r borse-powey, according to size, so a
further_. Only the purest water .can be used; they are horse-power hour w1ll only codt 16 to 18 pfennig (2d. to
As, however full load can
expensive to k eep up, and reqmre extra attention on 2i d-) when fully loaded.
account of the fluctuations due t o the small body of water o~l y be reckoned upon. d uring about haif the workinj:!
contained in the tubes. They also require some coal to ti~e~ and. as. t~e capacity of the motor is fairly constant
w1thm this hmtt, the average price for a nominal horse~e always burning as a_wick _for k eeping alight the entermg gases. The favourtte boiler for furnace plants is now power hour will be 9 to 10 pfennig (1{rd. to l i d.).
the three-flued Beeley boiler, which is a. simple, compact,
NEw FRENCH CR?ISER. - A new cruiser, the largest in
and efficient steam-raiser. In boilers of all kinds the
material use.d, the mode of constru~tion and mounting, the Fren~b Navy, 1s ordered to be built at La Seyne,
and the fittmgs have been greatly Improved during the after d ~Igns by M. Lega~e., the constructor of the Spanish
battleship Pelayo, the Chihan armoured cruiser Captain
las t 20 years.
Comparison with American Blast-Furnaces.- On the Prat, and other celebrated modern vessels. S he will be
occasion of the visit of the members of the Iron and Steel name~ the D'.Entr~casteaux, after t~e famous navigator
Institute to America. in 1890, most en~in eers and iron- ~ho d1ed durmg h1s search for La P erouse and as she is
mastera from this di.:strict were deeply tmpressed by the mt~nded for service as flagship i,n distant s~as. ;he will be
enoriD;ous outp~ts obtained pe~ furnace at som e of the sheathed and coppered. Her displacement will be 8114
Amencan smAltmg works. This was found to be due in tons; her length at the water-line, 393 ft. 6 in. ; her exa. large measure to the use of exceedingly rich ores; but treme ~readtb, 5~ ft. 5 in. ; and her extreme draught,
that did not altogether account for the observed results. 29 f~. 6 m . . She will ~ave. two vertical triple-expansion
Mr. James Gayley, one of Mr. Carnegie's managers, has engmes, wtth five cyhndrtcal boilers developing in all
since published the performance of the Ed6'ar 1~homs on 14,000 horse-power, and giving a speed of 19 knots. The
furn ace "I " during J anua.ry, 1892. t This furnace is norn;al bunker capacity is t o be 650 tons, but it will be
90 ft. high by 21 ft. bosh and 12 ft. hearth, and has ~oss1ble to ca:rry 1000 tons of. coal. The prot ection cona. capacity of about 23,000 cubic feet. The make during Sist s of a ~.9- m. steel deck, w1th, above it, a great number
the month was 12,706 tons, the a9erage yield of the of .cellular compartments for coal and stores, the whole
ore 61 per cent., the fuel consumption 1700 lb. or about bt:nng covered by another st eel deck f in. thick. The
15 cwt. per t on of pig-iron, the bes t week's work 3005 whol~ of the h.ull below the protection is occupied by the
tons, the best day 's work 511 tons, the temperature of mac~mery, boilers, punkers, and magazines. Each of the
blast 1200 deg-. Fabr., and the pressure 10! lb. per beavter guns has Its own separate ammunition hoist.
square inch. The volume of air delivered by the blow- These! and al~o a.l l the a~xiliary m~c~inery, steering
!ng engine_was 27,000 cubic feet p er minute, which g~ar, mternal.hghtmg, loadmg and trammg engines, &c.,
w11l be electncal. The armament will consist of two
I S 1175 cubic feet per 1000 cubic feet capacity, or from
3 to 4! tim es what is usual in Cleveland. As regards 9.4-in. guns. of 4~ cali~res; twelve 5. 5-in. quick-firing,
the ad vantage obtained by richer ore, that is clearly un- t~elve 1.85-m. qutck-firmg, and four 1.45-in. quick-firing,
w1th two submerged and five above-water torpedo tubes here, if_ local ores only are used. ~s regards
d1fference m practwe, the most noteworthy thmg is the two of t~ e latter being in the bows. Each of the 9.4-i n:
enorlll:ously greater qu~ntity of air passed through the guns will occupy a closed turret covered with 9.8-in.
Amencan furnace th_an IS customary _her~, and the higher steel. Four o_f the 5.~-in. quick-firing g uns will be on th e
pressure of blast whwh has t o be ma.mtamed for enabling b~hmd 2.8- In. hardened st eel shields, and the
it to penetrate the charge. The circumstance that the r~m.ammg _eight upon the main deck in sponsons behind
maximum American output exceeds the Cleveland maxi- stmilar shields. The smaller guns will be distributed
mum in about the same proportion as the air passed over the superstructure and in the t ops of whi ch there
through per 1000 cubic feet of capacity, seams in some will be three-or, rather, a three-decked' one-on each of
the two military masts. Within the masts there will be
measure t o explain these wonderful results.
Although the American practice of ft)rcing furnaces the usual staircases and fighting position~ and there will
with the consequent rapid des truction of linings, has not be also a. heavily-armoured conning tower.' The D 'Entrefound favour generally in Cleveland, s till it has raised cas teaux, which is estimated to cost 620,000l., will be
much discussion, and indicated various lines of progress somewhat larger than our new first-clasR cruisers of the
for the future. In America great stress is laid upon Edgar and Cr.escent classes, b~lt a little smaller than those
the Blenh_eim type. Sh~ will also be exceeded in size
large blowing power, and upon blowing every furnace of
by the Russian crmser Rurtk, than whi ch however she
from a separate engine or engines, independently of any will
be. a knob faster. In si z~ she wili most n~arly
others. The quantity of air entering a furnace is regu- a.pproxuna.te
o the new American cruiser New York
lated by the number of revolutions per minute which the Another ship tof
the class is to be laid down presently.
engines make, without regard to the blast pressure ob* Proceedings Cleveland Institution of Engineers,
* British Iron Trade Association, Bulletin No. 23,
* I ron and Steel Institute J ournal, 1871, p ut 1, page 64. 1890-91, page 180.
1893, pages J and 3.
t Cleveland Institution of Engineers, Proceedings + Iron and Coal Trades R eview, Octob~r 28, 189?, t Proceedings Cleveland Institution of Engineers,
page 570.
I 1890-91, page 177.
1890-91, page 182.
E N G I N E E R I N G.
Auc. r r, r893.]
1!J8. ]
-.. 1
[3 Figs. ]
r-- - - -
11 b """'
r'Lfi z
- '
-- __
r -
1---rl~ . -
- .-
the signal is in p osition. After the train has passed, the signal
man r eturoe hie lever , thereby moving the p1voted arm I? ~nd
ateppd pull ~y r3 on the shaft A of the lathe. The el.ectromotor withdrawing the signal di sc~arged, and by means of a. B~1drn.g
E is carried on a lever a rm pivoted at 0 , and the heanngs of the bolt throwing it otf the lever mto any r ~ceptacle f rom wh1ch 1t
s haft Z a re in a pair of lever arms H, p1 voted ~t 0~, so t~at the c an be ultimately recovered and u sed agam 1f not e xploded. Upon
weight of the electromotor and the arm carrymg 1t strama the the compl etion of the movement, the pivoted arm has r eturned to
band s Rand RI, t h e r elative strains on each being determined by its backward p osition , and is ready to enter the n ext socket
t he angular position of t he arms H. By means of a t readle l ev~ r fitting upon the next forward movement. (.&ccepted Jur1e 28, 1893)
hl con nected to the a r ms H, the latter can be moved on thetr
pivot 01 so as to b ring the two stepped pulleys ,.~, ,.s nearer to
one another tbue facilitating the shifting of Rl from one pair of
19,239. J. Miller, London. Steam Pumps, &c.
steps to another to alter tht> speed of the mac hine. (.Accepted
(1 Fig.] Oc tober 26, 1892.-This io,ention r.elates to reoiprocat
June 28, 1893).
iog engines with automatic vahe g ear, dn,en by steam, &c.
10139. F. Jackson, Raiaonville, F. Atklnson and The steam pn.sses from the supply pipe 0 into the valve box v
w. 'Baldwin Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, U.S.A. t hroug h a po.r t f to tb.e underside of the p_iston B. The . r od
Converting Reciprocating into Rotary Motion. (5 s r emain s s tat1ooa.ry unt1l the collar R comes mto contact w1th a
Figs.] May 20, 1893.- Thia invention refers to means to~ co~ shoulder S2. The motion th~ reby imparted to the rod s raises
verting reciprocating into rotary movement. The dev1ce t8 the lever C and the auxiliary c hamber H to a posi t ion beyond tbe
supported upon a frame A, in wbich the double c rankshaft B dead point. The pressure in tbe cylinder li then dri ves the
is jouroalled the power being transmitted by the wheel C from link D attac hed to the rod 11, and also the lever C upwa rds, until
this shaft to the mac hine to be driven. T he two frames D, DI a re
pivoted upon the pins E at opposite sides of t h e c ranks, and
the e ngine exhaus t pipe C is introduced, eo.
firs t
th~t when
tbe exhaust is driven into the first pipe, the balance IS d1st u r bed
and the ai r r ushes from the second pipe into the first to keep up
the balance. (A. ocepted J une 28, 1S93).
.Ftg .1.
Rg 1
. 2.
s uppleme ntary shaft gearing directly with those on. the spindle,
an intermediate wheel is mounted m movable beannve, and the
large wbe2l on this supplementary shaft ia made to gear with the
intermediate wheel, while the smaller wheel at the other end of
the ~h a ft is made to gt-ar with a toothed wh eel mounted in ad
justable bear ings, the shaft of this latter wheel extending t~rou~b
its bear ings to car ry another toothed wheel on tbe other s1de, m
which position it is sit\)ated for ~earing with a toothed wheel
attacbed to the faceplate, whic h ts thereby r otated. (.& cce.pttd
JuM 21, 1893).
.4tl. ....
Eg 1.
I~ Z
~ )
R N G I N F: E R I N G.
stack D. Upon the bottom of the inter io r of th e smoke box t he
chamber R is mounted a nd communicates with th e exhaust t>ipe
by a constan tly open tube c, this cbamb!r bt>ing divided m to
two com partments, each of wbiob commun icates wit h t he exh aust
passages of one of the engine cylinders by t h e exhaust pipe Part
of t he steam is intercepted near t he base of t he pipe by t he
chamber Rand its pipe c tapping t he exhaust pipe at t hat point.
This chamber bei n~ located in the smokebox a nd h eat ed by the
products of combustion entering t he latter , prevents condensa
tion of t he steam in t he chamber, a nd as soon as the pipe B is sufficiently relieved from p ressure of t he direct exhaust, the steam
in t he chamber R escapes by its own pressur e into the p ipe Band
follows t he preceding por tion of the exhaust steam tb rou~h the
pi pe to t he smokestack D, and thus produces nearly a contmuous
ex haust. (.Accepted June 21, 1893).
15,031. J. c. Walker and J . E. Stephensou,
Shipley, Yorks. Operati~g .upo~ Fibrous Materl~l.
.Fig. z.
Fig .1.
Fig .2.
- - - - - - _ _ .., _
------ ------- -
- - - - - - &...
11, 1892.-This invention r elates to rag eng ines tor making pulp
for manufaoturin~ paper, &c., and consists in adding a circ ulating mix ing and stripping roller immediately behind the tearing
roller in order to prevent the latter from becoming choked. T be
. 2.
., .
.rt.g. 1
949. J. Mlll.s, Manchester, aud J. E . Mills, HeySmoke-Consumer and Fuel-Economiser, wood, ~a.ncs . Steam Boilers. [4 Figs.) Jan uary 16,
18~3.-~hls m venttOn relates to water -tube steam boilers.
bo1~er ~s made with either an open br ick lined fu r nace or a
oyhnd n cal water cased fur nace, steam d rums, and inclined water -
Fig .Z.
. .........
shaft C. Each crank is linked to a block B working in guides G
an~ having attached to it a piston P working in ao air cylinder
which has lateral apertures about t he middle of its length. The
cylinder. A ~s fr ee t o slide in the guides G, and has jointed to its
end a p1ckmg-tool T, the holder of which is h eld up by side
springs. (.Accepted June 28, 1893).
GREAT NoRTHERN TELEGRAPH CoMPANY.-The number of tel egrams ~orwarded by t h is company in the first
five month s of t h1s year was 750,492, as co~ared with
698,541 in. t h e correspon ding period of 1892. The reven ue
~llected m t h e fi r s t five months of this year was 108, OOOl.
1n rou~d figu! es, as compar ed with 104,800l. in t h e corre
apondmg pen od of 1892.