Week 1 Introduction
Week 1 Introduction
Week 1 Introduction
Leighton Wilks
HROD 493
Fall 2011
Leighton Wilks
SH 460
[email protected]
Area of focus
Something interesting?
The Course
Perhaps the most useful course of your degree!
Negotiation is both an art and a science
Will discuss material but you must decide what works
best for you
Never be a good musician by studying music
Class is experiential
We will negotiate, debrief, discuss
Participation is a must (be on time, prep for negotiation)
Dont be afraid to push your comfort zone
Remember this isnt real!
The Textbook
Essentials of Negotiation
Canadian Edition
A fee of $35.00 is required
to cover copyright
Not open to negotiation
Cash only
Class Participation (10% - 1.25% per negotiation)
Individual Assignment (30%)
Self-appraisal paper (10 pages max)
Due on December 8th
Group Project (20%)
Multimedia project & analysis paper (10 pages max)
Groups of 4-5
Paper December 8th
Midterm Exam (20%)
In class on October 20th
Final Exam (20%)
Scheduled by registrar
Admin Stuff
Office hours
Mondays (13:30 14:30)
SH 460
Or by appointment email is best!
PPT presentations will be posted on Friday prior to class
No need to read chapters or PPT prior to class
Unless otherwise stated
Negotiation - decision-making situations in which
two or more interdependent parties attempt to
reach agreement
All of us negotiate, almost daily
Many small negotiations, few large negotiations
Skills apply to the boardroom, personal relationships
her own
To resolve a problem or dispute between the parties
Characteristics of a Negotiation
Two or more parties
Conflict of interest
Negotiation Exercises
Present the opportunity to:
Practice and assess your negotiation behavior in a safe
Examine the behaviors of others and see how they react
to you
Get feedback on your interaction with others
Experiment with various negotiating strategies
Compare the success of your strategy to those used by
Understand that there is no cookbook solution
I will wait to discuss my negotiation in the
I will be honest and forthcoming in the
Class discussion stays in class
And I mean the basics
Negotiation Characteristics
Successful negotiation involves:
Management of tangibles
Terms of Agreement
Resolution of intangibles
Need to win or beat the other party
Need to look important or tough
Need to appear fair and honorable
Need to defend an important position
In negotiation, parties need each other to achieve
their preferred outcomes or objectives
This mutual dependency is called
Interdependent parties are characterized by interlocking
Having interdependent goals does not mean that
Distributive Negotiation
Also known as fixed pie, zero
sum, win-lose
One persons gain is the others
Directly conflicting interests
Each person is trying to maximize
Distributive Negotiation
Total Value
Integrative Negotiation
Also known as non-
zero-sum or win-win
Finding ways to
increase the amount of
pie on the table
Finding solutions that
are of value to both
Value creation (and
Integrative Negotiation
Total Value
Chapter 1
Need to look good
Need to look strong
Need to look fair
Mutual Adjustment
Continues throughout the negotiation as both parties
Two Dilemmas in
Mutual Adjustment
Dilemma of honesty
how much of the truth to tell the other party?
Too much and they can take advantage of you
Too little and you may not identify integrative opportunities
Too little a may result in a lack of trust by the other negotiator
Dilemma of trust
How much negotiators should believe what the other party
tells them
Too much and the other party may take advantage of you
Too little and you will have difficulty reaching an agreement
Two Dilemmas in
Mutual Adjustment
Most integrative solutions will be
identified when both parties are
honest about their needs (interests)
and establish trust!
Concession Making
When one party agrees to make a change in his/her
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
Having a BATNA gives you tremendous power!!!
Counterparts perceptions of your BATNA is very
A good negotiator will establish a BATNA prior to the
A good negotiator will do everything possible to improve
his/her BATNA
A good negotiator will walk away from the negotiation
based on his/her BATNA
Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk
Putting it Together
Buying a house
Q: Was this a distributive or integrative negotiation?
This is a very important slide!