Usa Mexico Migration

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With reference to named examples,

discuss the extent to which migration

brings benefits to both the point of origin
and the host destination.

Level: International Baccalaureate

Subject: Geography
Word count: 658

With reference to named examples, discuss the extent to which

migration brings benefits to both the point of origin and the host
Migration is defined as the movement of people from one location to another
location, either voluntarily or forced. An example of migration is the movement of
Mexicans from Mexico to USA. This is a form of voluntary migration and more
often than not is illegal as Mexicans choose to cross over from Mexico to the state
of California in the U.S.A., without a legal visa from the U.S. U.S. has used various
methods to protect the 2000 km border between US and Mexico. Over 57% of all
illegal immigrants in the US are Mexican. This is a major cause of concern for the
US as this results in exploitation of this labour and the presence of an informal
economy which may assist in harmful activities such as terrorism and drug
cartels. According to Lees migration model, there are a large number of factors
i.e. push, pull and neutral factors that affect movement of people from one
location to another.
Push factors are factors that encourage to people to leave the origin. In the case
of Mexico, a large number of people were inclined to leave Mexico , due to poor
work conditions and low paid jobs with a weekly wage of $60 ( a sixth of that of
the USs). With over 1800 people per doctor in Mexico, the standard of healthcare
is very poor and not easily accessible in remote locations. Due to Mexicos open
market economy, this leads to exorbitant prices for health care which ties in with
Mexicans being inclined to leave Mexico as they dont have the wages necessary
to pay the relatively high healthcare costs when compared to income. Many
immigrants also take families in hope of providing their children with a better
education with adult literacy rate at a mere 55% in Mexico.
Pull factors are factors that encourage migrants to enter the destination country.
The U.S.A has incomes over 6 times those of Mexicos which went remitted back
to the origin country i.e. Mexico results in massive changes in the standard of
living of family members back in Mexico. Better medical and educational facilities
are available for people who legally immigrate to U.S.A.
The origin countries have some benefits when a certain sector of the population
emigrates to other countries. It is in Mexicos interest when Mexicans emigrate to
the USA as it results in remittances of $6 billion every year. This helps improve
standard of living and helps provide education and healthcare for the families of

the economically active that migrate to the USA. But these advantages are only to
a certain extent. There are also social disadvantages of family not being able to
meet. Also, Mexicos GDP is affected as those migrants will not assist in producing
goods and services for Mexicos economy.
The destination also gains a variety of advantages through migration. The U.S.
receives a gain in GDP as the migrant works help produce goods and services for
them. Migrants also assist in taking up unwanted jobs by Americans. Although,
there are limitations to the advantages as well, large amounts of money are sent
out of the country in the form of remittances. The unaccounted migrants which
cross the border cause social problems as they spread discontent in the American
public as they perceive that their jobs are being taken away. They also cause
political problems as they dont pay tax and can assist in terrorist activities with
no knowledge of their presence as they are illegal.
In comparison, both the origin and the destination country have their advantages
and disadvantages but U.S.A. seems to have a greater benefit as their growth is
sustainable i.e. if a Mexican builds a road, that road is likely to stay for a long time
unlike the remittances sent to Mexico, which are unsustainable as they will
eventually run out.

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