Green Campus

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reening the

Where Practice and Education

Go Hand in Hand

his project was funded by a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1
New England Environmental Assistance Team (NEEATeam). The NEEATeam provides secondary
schools, vocational schools, and technical colleges with information and training on how to comply
with environmental requirements, prevent pollution by minimizing waste, and implement strategies
for achieving safer, healthier learning environments.
The proposal was submitted by the Northeast Partnership for Environmental Technology
Education (NEPETE), through the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
and Environmental Training Center (NEIWPCC/NEIETC).
NEPETE is one of six regions that make up the national organization, PETE, a community/
technical college advocacy group whose role is to augment, facilitate, and broker academic, industrial, and governmental partnerships to ensure that community/technical college graduates meet the job
market demands of the region. NEPETE is comprised of approximately 150 community/technical
colleges in 14 Northeast states that offer, or wish to offer, full-time or continuing education in
environmental training. For a period of six years, NE PETE was operated by NEIWPCC under
contract to PETE.
NEIWPCC was established by an Act of Congress in 1947. Its member states include all of
New England and New York. The Commission has three broad functions: 1) coordinating interstate
water quality improvement efforts; 2) educating and training environmental professionals; and
3) communicating to the public on water quality issues. NEIETC is the training branch of

What is a Green Campus? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Why Should Your Campus Be a Green Campus? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
The Paybacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
The Student Ingredient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Room for Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
The Makings of a Successful Green Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Pilot Projects Provide the Green Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
How Do You Get Started? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Receive Five-Star Recognition for Your Green Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Gateway Community College (GCC) Campuses,
North Haven and Long Wharf, Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Southern Maine Technical College (SMTC),
South Portland, Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

What Is a Green Campus?

n addition to being learning centers, college and university campuses are self-contained
communities that are supported by vast systems of institutional and operational functions.
A GREEN CAMPUS is one that carries out these functions according to a system-wide culture of environmental sustainability, balancing function and design with existing and
foreseen resources.
A GREEN CAMPUS is a place where
environmentally responsible practice
and education go hand in hand and
where environmentally responsible
tenets are borne out by example.
THE GREEN CAMPUS institution is a
laboratory of self scrutiny, experimentation, and application. At its
best, it is a model environmental
community where operational functions, business practices, academic
programs, and people are interlinked, providing educational and
practical value to the institution,
the region, and the world.

An enduring environmental ethic will aim to preserve not

only the health and freedom of our species, but access to the
world in which the human spirit was born.
The Diversity of Life
E.O. Wilson

Why Should Your Campus Be a Green Campus?

s an institution of higher learning, the seeds of change that are sown on your campus will
grow and, ultimately, disperse far afield. The Green Campus concept offers your institution
the opportunity to take the lead in rethinking its environmental culture and developing new paradigms for solving problems that are local, national, and global in nature.
Greening the campus is about sweeping away wasteful inefficiencies and ushering in positive changes. Many of these changes address the daily, practical aspects of campus lifecorrect
disposal, handling, and storage of cleaning chemicals and materials associated with labs and
automotive shops; purchase of environmentally friendly supplies; effective recycling programs.
Other changes may require larger, big-picture investments.
Changes dont have to happen all at once. They can be approached through a manageable,
step-wise process in which changes are built into the institutional planning and budgeting
processes, with an eye toward continually improving the campus and implementing responsible

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

The Paybacks

reening initiatives are challenging and require determination and a long-term commitment
on the part of the entire campus community. These efforts, however, can yield significant
paybacks. Such paybacks include:
Environmental and economic sustainability. A system-wide culture of sustainability helps preserve and enhance what you value as an institution today, as well as for the future.
Reputation as a leader through example. Many colleges and universities fall far short of
making their mark as environmental leaders, because they fail to practice on the campus
what they preach in the classroom. Although colleges and universities offer courses in
environmental management, engineering, laws and regulations, and assessment, many
have failed to comply with environmental requirements or to take part in pollution prevention activities. As a result, some institutions have been assessed substantial fines by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Colleges and universities need to
examine their own organizations and implement on their own campuses what they and
the public expect industry to do.
Economic benefits. A routine, curriculum-based, environmental audit program that reveals
waste and inefficiency associated with campus activities, coupled with the identification
of environmentally friendly alternatives, can yield significant cost savings for your institution. Without paying outside contractors, you can discover stepsoften simple steps
that your institution can take to correct and improve environmental problems on campus.
By acting on the recommendations resulting from these audits, colleges and universities
can realize cost savings by reducing energy and water use, minimizing the campus waste
stream, improving systems reliability, and increasing the efficiency of heating/air conditioning systemsto name a few. In addition, you will improve your environmental compliance and thereby minimize your potential for liability, fines, and cleanup costs.
Real-life work experience for your students. Environmental audits and pollution prevention evaluations can be integrated into the curriculum, providing students with hands-on
investigative and problem-solving experience that they can take with them when they
enter the workforce. This experience not only makes your students more marketable, it
also provides them with the kinds of broad-thinking skills that allow them to succeed
and thrive once they are employed.
Improved quality of life on your campus.
A Green Campus is a cleaner, safer,
and healthier place to live and work.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

The Student Ingredient

hat better place than a college or university to ply the lesson with the practice? Yet, undergraduate and graduate programs are often caught up in theory and removed from the practical aspects of daily life. As a result, students risk losing sight of their connection to the world
in which they live.
The Green Campus program is your golden opportunity to develop an exciting new curriculum that encourages students to take the lead in creating positive change and, at the same
time, to gain invaluable, marketable skills. Your students, particularly those who hope to work in
the environmental field, are the key ingredient for a successful program.
Students can team up with faculty and experienced personnel from government agencies,
utilities, and private industry to conduct environmental evaluations of the campus. In the examples of pilot projects that took place at Gateway Community College and Southern Maine
Technical College (see pages 8-12), students coordinated meetings, gathered data, performed
audits, analyzed the results of the audits, wrote detailed technical reports of their findings, and
presented their findings and recommendations to both college administrators and US EPA personnel. They also became involved in developing campus-wide marketing strategies to promote
Green Campus initiatives.

There is a connection between knowledge organized in boxes,

minds that stay in boxes, and degraded and global imbalances.
Earth In Mind
David Orr

Room for Improvement

lmost any administrative or operational function on campus

influences the use of resources and the generation of waste to
some degree. There is room for environmental improvement in just
about any activity at which the investigative eye dares to aim its
sightsregulatory compliance, procurement, transportation, fleet
management, physical plant operation, grounds maintenance, food
services, waste management, social programs, laboratory practices,
materials management, and communication services.
Greening the campus calls for a thorough review of all administrative and operational functions from the standpoints of human
health and the environment. The following areas of concern factor
into many campus activities:
Pollution preventionsolid and hazardous waste
management/air emissions reduction/consumption minimization/maintenance regimens for equipment, ventilation, and other
infrastructure areas;
Hazardous materials management/purchasing/handling/disposal;

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Water quality/use/conservation;
Wastewater/stormwater management;
Air quality;
Energy use/conservation; and
Environmental management systems.

Improvements made in any of these areas serve as important lessons in environmental

accountability and responsibility. Some improvements involve solutions that are more obvious
and practical, some are required by regulation, others call for out-and-out ingenuity. The challenges are there for the taking.

The Makings of a Successful Green Campus

he impetus for a successful Green Campus must begin at the top and emanate throughout
the rest of the campus. Without a strong message of commitment and involvement from
both the president and the administration, well-intentioned initiatives may be too fragmented to
allow for campus-wide participation and too easily undermined by nay sayers and other obstacles.
Once the decision to become a Green Campus is made, then the real work begins. While
no two campuses are alike, and approaches to launching and maintaining a Green Campus will
differ from place to place, there are some basic ingredients that will help ensure success:
Establish a Green Campus Environmental Ethic Awareness campaign. Make it known campuswide that a new environmentally responsible way of doing business is in the offing.
Outreach and education from the beginning is important so that all members of the campus community are well versed and supportive of the initiative.
Set forth a Green Campus Mission and a Statement of Principles. Spell out your goals and the
basis for your strategic planning. Your goals should address such issues as pollution
prevention, waste minimization, regulatory compliance, energy conservation,
social/behavioral change, and the role of your institution as an environmental leader.
Establish a Green Campus organizational
structure and team to facilitate and coordinate your initiative and establish a strategic plan. Make sure the team is representative of the student body and
every campus department. Include all
relevant parties from the very beginning. The participation and input of
physical plant and maintenance personnel, as well as your chief
budget/financial officer is vitally
important to securing their cooperation. The backing of your college/university president is essential.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Develop a strategic plan. Be sure it includes policy and curriculum reforms that reflect
your stated green campus mission.
Create student teams to carry out specific tasks of the strategic plan. The teams should work
closely with faculty and administrative staff. If established as course work, these programs should be listed in the course syllabus with an explanation that this is a projectoriented course requiring considerable work outside the classroom. Be sure teams are
large enough so that Green Campus work does not overwhelm their other studies and
that students and faculty advisors are willing to make the necessary time commitments
to support the program. (There are, of course, other options, such as internships or classroom projects, for integrating Green Campus goals into school study programs.)
Establish public/private partnerships with personnel from federal, state, and local environmental
agencies, utilities, and the business community. These professionals can be invaluable
resources to help advance Green Campus efforts, serve as advisors to student teams, and
assist students in accessing information and performing environmental audits. Such partnerships may also lead to internships or future job opportunities for students.
Evaluate daily operations in terms of pollution prevention, waste stream management, and energy
efficiencyreducing, reusing, recycling, repairing wherever possible.
Implement business practices that are environmentally responsible, efficient, and in harmony with
your Green Campus goals. Address life cycle analysesbuying cheaper may sometimes
have serious environmental or financial (e.g., high disposal costs) drawbacks.
Adopt and implement an environmental management system that is similar to those being adopted
by progressive businesses and industries.
Determine and document short-term and long-term economic benefits. Dont forget to include
the benefits of environmental compliance and improved health and safety.
Secure a commitment up front from the people in charge that well-founded recommendations will
be acted upon once audits are completed.
Make the commitment to a long-term program of system-wide environmental reeducation and

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Pilot Projects Provide the Green Light

number of colleges and universities around the United States have begun to embrace the
Green Campus concept in various ways. George Washington University, for example,
embarked on an ambitious Green Campus program in 1995. The National Wildlife Federations
Campus Outreach Division has been assisting college students in educating themselves and their
schools on issues of sustainable development since 1990.
In New England, the Northeast Partnership for Environmental Technology Education
(NEPETE), the US EPA-Region 1 NEEATeam, and the New England Interstate Water Pollution
Control Commission joined forces in sponsoring pilot Green Campus Environmental Ethics
projects at two technical colleges in the regionGateway Community College in Connecticut
and Southern Maine Technical College.
Two-year community/technical colleges were chosen because they, in particular, are
involved with teaching, assessing, and communicating environmental mandates and technologies. However, they, like other colleges and universities, do not necessarily practice what they
preach. Goals for the New England projects included:
Testing out the Green Campus concept on a small scale,
Evaluating the effectiveness of having all levels of the learning institutions work together to identify and address environmental issues and improvement opportunities on their campuses,
Exposing students to real-life work experiences,
Initiating partnerships with government agencies and private companies through the process of
conducting environmental audits on campus,
Having students prepare recommendations as a result of the audits, and
Having the institution implement as many of the recommendations as possible.

The pilot projects took place during the 1997/98 academic

year, enough time to conclude that such programs could be of
enormous value and benefit to colleges and universities. (See the
project summaries on pages 8-12.) Many of the suggestions in
this paper reflect the lessons learned from these pilot projects.
PETE, as a national advocacy group, is using the results of these
pilot projects as a template to move the Green Campus concept
to a national level.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

How Do You Get Started?

If you wish to get started on a Green Campus program, contact the Partnership for
Environmental Technology Education (PETE) or the US EPA-Region 1 NEEATeam.
Greening the nations campuses is a priority for both organizations.
Kirk Laflin
2 Fort Road
South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: (207) 767-2539
Lee (MacMichael) Fiske
US EPA-Region 1 NEEATeam
1 Congress Street, Suite 1100 (SPN)
Boston , MA 02114-2023
Phone: (617) 918-1847
For More Information about Greening the Campus, go to the EPA-Region 1 Colleges and
Universities Web site at

Receive Five-Star Recognition for Your Green Campus

ETE has proposed to EPA headquarters the launching of a Five-Star program to recognize
colleges and universities that have made wide-spread progress in greening their campuses.
One star will be awarded to institutions that have implemented some reforms. Green Campuses
may use this recognition in marketing for prospective students.
Watch for further details. To find out more, contact PETE.
US EPA Region 1 is also considering launching a regional green campus awards/recognition program. Watch for details on the EPA Region 1 Web site.


Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Gateway Community College (GCC) Campuses

North Haven and Long Wharf, Connecticut
The benefits have been enormous. Not only have we reduced
our costs in the college, but students have actually gone on to
be employed on the strength of the skills they gained conducting this audit. Their work gave them real experience in dealing
with agencies, departments, utilities, and all kinds of data,
paperwork, and regulations. In turn, daily life on campus is
safer, cleaner, and healthier for all students, staff, and faculty.
Everyone gained a greater appreciation for these issues.
Wes Winterbottom
GCC Environmental and Toxicology Programs Coordinator

ith a mission to promote heightened awareness of environmentally sound practices in all of

its management operations and activities, GCC formed a Green Campus Initiative Team
consisting of Environmental Toxicology students, the GCC Environmental and Toxicology
Programs Coordinator, and Dean of Administration. Technical advisors to the project were from
NEPETE/NEIETC, US EPA-Region 1 NEEATeam, and the Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection (CT DEP).
The GCC team chose the following five areas of concern for which they would perform
audits: Pollution Prevention, Water Conservation, Wastewater, Energy, and Indoor Air Quality.
They also developed a timetable according to which they would schedule their efforts and evaluate the big picture. When the work was completed the students presented their findings to the
project sponsors and the colleges administration, faculty, and staff.


In this category the audit was conducted by three students, a technical advisor from CT DEP, the
Maintenance Superintendent, and the Maintenance Supervisor. They audited the automotive
department, bio-medical engineering department, chemical supply room, cafeteria/kitchen, maintenance storage area, printing/graphic arts area, recycling set up, underground oil tanks, and the
contracted cleaning service.
Recommendations included:
Ensure that recycled products picked up by the contract cleaning service remain separated and are
actually recycled rather than returned to the general waste stream. Spot checks were suggested.
Set up an easy-to-use system for posting reusable chemicals on the Internet.
Institute a routine maintenance program for checking the equalization tanks in the lab area.
Store acids and bases in proper containers on proper shelving, and segregate them appropriately.
Install a proper grease receptacle.
Use soy/vegetable-based, water-soluble inks in the printing lab.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Use an inside/outside collection system for the automotive departments oil and antifreeze
removal, and put in place a proper storage system for automotive fluids. Find out about procuring
environmentally safe solvents and fluids.
Develop a program for proper disposal (recycling) of fluorescent light bulbs.
Properly store oil and paint cans in the boiler room.
Green Campus Day - To maximize participation, this effort was combined with the annual
college picnic run by the student government.
Brochure - Designed to communicate information about the project and to generate campus interest.
Posters and signs - Contained information about the Green Campus Initiative, the mission
statement, and some suggestions for getting involved.
Recycling centers - Containers for plastic, glass, newspaper, and white paper were ordered
for the cafeteria areas. They were arranged in a special Recycle Center area. White
paper recycle containers were placed in every office, classroom, and library.
Environmental education in all GCC programs - In an effort to incorporate environmental
awareness training into all courses of study, the team initiated a project to encourage
staff and faculty to include at least one assignment per semester that pertains to the environment. They recommended four areas of environmental interest: new technology, pollution prevention, general environmental information, and environmental awareness.

Since completing the project, GCC has made a commitment to continue to investigate
ways to implement a Green Campus program through student participation. For more
information about the GCC Green Campus program, contact Wes Winterbottom at
(203) 234-3398.

GCC laboratory storeroom audit and inspection.

Students at GCC conduct an audit of a classroom



Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

Southern Maine Technical College (SMTC)

South Portland, Maine
The Green Campus project was very worthwhile both from the
perspective of the students and of the college. Students gained
real-world experience and provided a professional presentation
on the results of their investigations. The report prepared by
the students summarized areas where the Southern Maine
Technical College has made progress and detailed steps that
the college can follow to become a Green Campus. As an
added benefit, the students work highlighted areas where the
college can enjoy significant cost savings while improving
quality on campus.
Wayne Ross
President, Southern Maine Technical College

he kickoff meeting of the SMTC Green Campus pilot project was attended by the college
president, academic dean, the finance director, maintenance staff, and faculty members.
The support given to this project by all levels of the administration from the college president on
down gave the project higher visibility and credibility.
The core of the program was developed as part of a Pollution Control class taken by 21
students in the Environmental Technology program. The class was divided into six groups, each
of which focused on one topic area. The Green Campus team selected the following six areas of
concern: Water conservation, Stormwater Management and Wastewater Generation, Air Quality,
Energy Conservation, Solid Waste Management Practices, and Hazardous Waste and Special
Waste Practices. Students had the benefit of working with professionals from NEIETC/
NEPETE, the US EPA-Region 1 NEEATeam, Maine Department of Environmental Protection,
and Central Maine Power.

The project resulted in a comprehensive, professional reportprepared almost exclusively

by the studentsthat benchmarked environmental progress the college had made to that point
and outlined a series of recommendations for the college to follow to become a truly Green


SMTC students collect samples from a

campus stormwater discharge area.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand

The students had the opportunity to apply skills they had gained from their courses directly to
the project. A case in point is their development of a cost analysis for a recycling program. They
had been given an assignment earlier in the semester on developing just such an analysis. They
now had the opportunity to apply these skills by evaluating various options for the campus and,
in doing so, discovering areas where there could be significant cost savings for the college.
One student researched waste management contracts at other institutions and prepared a
draft bid document based on that research. In each of these cases, students were able to move
beyond simply fulfilling assignments to actually accomplishing tasks that were of value for the


The students audited two dormitories where electrical meters were separate from others on campus. An energy auditor from Central Maine Power was contacted and joined the students in performing a Level 1 Energy Audit. In one dormitory the thermostat for the entire floor was located
in one students room. The thermostat had been turned up to a high temperature and the windows were wide open, allowing considerable waste of energy. Many of the student rooms had
electrical appliances running while no one was present. Numerous other sources of energy waste
and inefficiency were noted.

Recommendations included:
Make minor modifications to the boiler room.
Replace single-paned windows with double-paned insulated glass or low E windows that allow
heat and energy into the building and reflect it back so it will not escape.
Retrofit light fixtures to low energy bulbs, especially where incandescent lights are in use.
Place motion detectors in lounges and hallways to ensure that light is turned off when an area is
not in use.
Place thermostats in each dormitory room (if practical), so students can regulate their own heat.
This step could also eliminate the use of portable electric heaters, which are a considerable energy
Conduct routine maintenance checks, and clean heater coils and diffusers.
Include information on energy conservation as part of student orientation in the beginning of the
school year.
Meter each building to facilitate
campus-wide energy use monitoring.

Students evaluate whether there is non-point

source pollution runoff.

Greening the Campus...Where Practice and Education Go Hand in Hand


Students who participated in the Green Campus project learned that real life does not always add
up to what the textbooks say. They learned that:
Locating data and coordinating meetings with on-campus personnel and outside agencies was a tougher job than expected;
The importance of clear, concise communication (verbal and written) was key to gaining
support during the initial phase and the reporting and recommendation phases of the
Determining the cost benefits and social impacts of their recommendations was difficult
to calculate; and
Implementing their recommendations was sometimes easier said than done.

When asked what they enjoyed the most about the project, students replied that it seemed
like the project was of value and had the support of the colleges administration. The fact that
the course culminated in a formal presentation by the students to an audience that included the
college president, finance director, and representatives from NE PETE and EPA was real-world
experience that is difficult to replicate in a classroom setting. Many students hoped that maybe
some day, what they did would make a difference in how the campus operated environmentally.
They agreed that their Green Campus experiences were a great introduction to the real-world
work place.
As a result of this project, SMTC launched a complete compliance audit and is
currently working on a fast track to correct deficiencies. For more information about
the SMTC Green Campus program or for a copy of the student report, contact
Eileen Johnson at (207) 767-9500.

SMTC students conduct samples to determine if the old stormwater discharge pipe is still operating.

A collaborative effort by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1, New England Interstate Water
Pollution Control Commission and Environmental Training Center (NEIWPCC/NEIETC) and
the Northeast Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (NEPETE)

EPA Region 1 College and University Web page: http: //

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