Exploring The Life of Christ
Exploring The Life of Christ
Exploring The Life of Christ
A 13-Week Adventure
in the NIV Discovery Study Bible
Through this 13-week course your group members will:
Read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John
Trace the life of Jesus Christ from his birth to his death and resurrection
Grow closer to God as they come to better know and respond to his Son
During the week before the first group session, group members will complete the Assignments in one or
two of the Study Centers built into the NIV Discovery Study Bible and record their discoveries in a notebook. During the group session, you will ensure that your group members understand the significance of
what they have studied and help them grasp contributions to their personal relationship with the Lord.
Lesson Plans
Each lesson plan for Exploring the Life of Christ states specific goals for that group session and suggests
a variety of activities that will help you reach those goals. The group sessions will usually include five segments: Introduce, Inform, Interact, Internalize and Inspire.
You will choose
from several activities that will get
the group session
You will provide
input (such as a
mini-lecture or
chalkboard illustration) that will bring
the significance of
the Bible passages
into clear focus.
You will actively
involve your group
members in probing the passages
they have studied.
Each lesson plan
gives you several
activities to choose
You will provide
your group members with an opportunity to explore
their own experiences and personalize the truths
studied. (This is
an optional section
that may be used
for groups that
meet for longer
than one hour.)
You will encourage
personal application of the truths
studied and motivate your group
members for the
following weeks
fresh discoveries
in Gods Word.
Getting Started
Six weeks before the first group session, tell your group members about the exciting opportunity they have
to explore Gods Word by using the unique NIV Discovery Study Bible. Determine how many NIV Discovery
Study Bibles you will need to order.
Two weeks before the first group session, distribute the NIV Discovery Study Bibles and inexpensive
loose-leaf or spiral-bound notebooks. Ask your group members to read the Introduction to the Gospels
(page 1241 in the NIV Discovery Study Bible), the Introductions to Matthew, Mark and John, and the Landmark Jesus Christ at Matthew 1. They should also complete the Assignments in Study Centers 71 and 94
in preparation for the first group session. Encourage them to use their notebooks to record their discoveries,
thoughts and any questions they may have.
Eight weeks before the first group session, begin promoting the NIV Discovery Study Bible and the Exploring the Life of Christ elective. Encourage potential group members to sign up immediately.
Five weeks before the first group session, order NIV Discovery Study Bibles for those who have signed
up. You may also wish to order additional Bibles for late enrollees.
Two weeks before the first group session, distribute the NIV Discovery Study Bibles and inexpensive
loose-leaf or spiral-bound notebooks. Ask your group members to read the Introduction to the Gospels
(page 1241 in the NIV Discovery Study Bible), the Introductions to Matthew, Mark and John and the Landmark Jesus Christ at Matthew 1 in preparation for the first group session. They should also complete
Assignments 12 in Study Center 71 and Assignments 13 in Study Center 94. Encourage them to use
their notebooks to record their discoveries, thoughts and any questions they may have.
A 13-Week Overview
The NIV Discovery Study Bible contains 20 built-in Study Centers to be used in conjunction with this
Exploring the Life of Christ course. You will cover the 20 Study Centers in 13 group sessions. Your group
members will complete selected Study Center Assignments before the group sessions. Using this process
they will read through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John and explore key passages that are essential
for gaining an understanding of the life Jesus lived on earth. The following chart provides an overview of
the course.
71, 94
Mt 12; Jn 12
Mt 34; Mk 1
Mt 57
74, 95
Mt 810; Mk 23; 5; Jn 35
Proof Positive
Mt 1115; Mk 4; 67
Conflicting Expectations
Jn 69
Jesus Claims
Mt 1620; Mk 89
Jn 1014
Mt 2123; Mk 1112
Mt 2425; Mk 13
Jn 1416
81, 102
Jn 17
Praying for Me
71, 94
Read the Introduction to the Gospels (page 1241 in the NIV Discovery Study Bible).
Read the Landmark Jesus Christ at Matthew 1.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 71 and 94.
Complete Assignments 12 in Study Center 71 and Assignments 13 in Study Center 94.
Develop your own lesson plan by selecting from the options below.
Pray daily for your group members.
If your group members do not know you or each other, take a few minutes to have them exchange first
names and share their reasons for taking this course.
Option 1
Express Opinions. Opinions differ on how people should regard Jesus. Was he a great religious teacher, like
Buddha or Muhammad? Was he a typical first-century Jewish rabbi later deified by his followers? Was he a
son of God in the sense that he was advanced spiritually beyond others? Was he God come as a human
being? Ask your group members to list various opinions of Jesus held by people today. Point out that we
need to establish how the Bible regards Jesus, for the Bible contains the only authentic first-century documents that tell Jesus life story.
Option 2
List. Divide into teams of five or six persons. In exactly four minutes, have each team list everything they
can about the life of Christ. Then let each team report to the group the three things on their list that they
feel are most important.
Promise your group members that through this study they will discover new things about Jesusparticularly those things that will have an impact on their lives as Christians.
Mini-Lecture. When studying the life of Christ, you must first establish who it is that is being studied. We
know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary, a young Jewish woman married to a poor carpenter
named Joseph. But the Gospels take great care to identify Jesus as a unique person. Matthews Gospel
presents Jesus as the subject of Old Testament prophecies concerning a coming king who is destined to
rule an everlasting kingdom. Johns Gospel presents Jesus as the Creator and states that although he was
an authentic human being, he was also, at the same time, God the Son, who existed as God from before
the creation of the universe. These twin truths are central if we are to understand Jesus and his life. Jesus
is the Messiahthe Savior Kingof the Old Testament, and Jesus is God come among us as a human being.
Option 1
Team Bible Study. Divide the group into teams of five or six persons. Give each team one of the following
Team(s) 1: Trace the Repeated Theme Davidic covenant (beginning in the side column
at 2Sa 7:1112), taking notes on what the king from Davids family line is to
accomplish (see Assignment 1 in Study Center 71). Group members may use
any notes they compiled while completing Assignment 1.
Team(s) 2: Identify who the predicted child in Isaiah 7:149:7 is to be (see Assignment 2
in Study Center 71). Group members may use any notes they compiled while
completing Assignment 2.
Team(s) 3: Explain what John is saying about Jesus in John 1:15,1013 (see Assignment
2 in Study Center 94). What does this tell us about the identity of Jesus?
Group members may use any notes they compiled while completing Assignment 2.
Have teams report to the group. Be ready to supplement their reports with any significant information
they may overlook.
Option 2
Quiz. Give the following quiz based on the Self-Tests for Study Centers 71 and 94 (located in the back
of the NIV Discovery Study Bible).
Role-Play. Divide the group into four teams. Assign each team one of the following Scripture passages: John
1:3542; 1:4351; 2:111; 2:1225. Group members are to imagine they are witnesses to the scenes
described and choose a single descriptive word to sum up their impression of Jesus based on what is
described (see Assignment 3 in Study Center 94).
You should then describe each situation one at a time and have the group members assigned that
scene share the term they chose to describe their impression of Jesus.
Impressions. Have your group members select a single descriptive term to sum up the impression of Jesus
that they believe each of the Gospel writers wished to convey. List the terms they suggest on the chalkboard.
Point out that Jesus is all these things and more. Promise your group members that they will gain
a better understanding of Jesus and all that his coming means for them as they complete this course.
Your group members should read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 72 and complete
Assignments 13. They should also read the book of Mark as they would read a newspaper. They should
record in their notebooks any impressions of Jesus they think the original readers of Mark might have
Review the Introduction to the Gospels (page 1241 in the NIV Discovery Study Bible).
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 72.
Read Mark in one sitting, recording impressions of Jesus.
Complete Assignments 13 in Study Center 72.
Develop your own lesson plan by selecting from the options below.
Call group members several days before the group session to assign reports (see Option 1 of Inform).
Pray daily for your group members.
Option 1
Impressions. Ask your group members to share the impressions of Jesus they believe the original readers
of Mark might have had.
Option 2
Mini-Lecture. The Gospels report Jesus birth and thenexcept for a few glimpses (Lk 2)the next time we
see Jesus, he is approximately 30 years old and ready to launch a public ministry. Although several second
and third-century writings include supposed stories of Jesus childhood, we have no eyewitness reports in
any of the authentic Gospels. We can, however, speculate about his early life based on what we know of
first-century culture.
For example, as the oldest boy in the family, Jesus almost certainly followed the trade of Joseph the
carpenter. It is also likely that Jesus plied this trade at Sepphoris, which was just a short walk from Nazareth.
Sepphoris was probably the largest city in Galilee during Jesus young adult years, as it was being rebuilt by
Herod Antipas to serve as his capital. Many of Jesus parables show familiarity with the lifestyles of the then
rich and famousa familiarity he would have gained in that bustling, cosmopolitan capital city.
But it was not until John the Baptist began calling Israel to repentance and announcing the approach
of the kingdom of God that the Gospels take up the story of Jesus once again.
Option 1
Reports. Have group members do outside research (using a Bible dictionary or Bible encyclopedia) on what
the world was like when Jesus began his ministry. Ask one group member to report on the Roman Empire,
another on the religious elite in Judea, and another on economic and social conditions in the Holy Land.
Each group member should be told to give a brief report (approximately three or four minutes) on his or
her findings.
Option 2
Review. Turn with your group members to the Introduction to the Gospels (page 1241 in the NIV Discovery
Study Bible). Focus on (1) the Roman domination, (2) the Jewish homeland, (3) the religious elite, (4) the
common people, and (5) institutions. After reading each section together, discuss what impact each aspect
of the first-century world might have had on those who heard the ministry of Jesus. What expectations
might these conditions have created? Would these conditions have made the people more or less receptive
to Jesus?
Option 1
Group Bible Study. As a group, work through the passages listed in Assignment 2 in Study Center 72 and
discuss the questions raised there.
Option 2
Team Bible Study. When Jesus began to preach, his message was the same as that of John the Baptist:
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near (Matthew 3:2; 4:17). As a group, check the various definitions
of kingdom in the Key Words Dictionary (located in the back of the NIV Discovery Study Bible). Point out
that when John and Jesus preached this message, it created specific expectations based on the words of
the Old Testament prophets.
Divide into teams of five or six persons. Each team is to trace the Repeated Theme Messianic king
(beginning in the side column at Isa 9:7). Each team is to define the expectations of the Jewish audiences
of John or Jesus based on these prophecies. Group members may use the notes they compiled while completing Assignment 1 in Study Center 72, but they should recheck each passage in the group session. Then
have each team give a brief report to the group.
Share. Invite group members to volunteer any comparisons they saw between Jesus temptations and
temptations they have experienced (see Assignment 5 in Study Center 72).
Option 1
Preview. Point out that the Jewish people of Jesus day had clear expectations concerning the Messiah and
what he would accomplish. Matthew 12 makes it clear that Jesus, as a descendant of David, was qualified
to occupy Messiahs throne. At his baptism Jesus was even acclaimed by God as his Son. John the Baptist
recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah, and Jesus began to echo Johns message that the kingdom was
near. But as we will begin to see in Lesson 3, Jesus later made it clear that the kingdom about which he
spoke had aspects of which his fellow Jews had never dreamed.
Option 2
Pray. Close in prayer, asking that your group members understand and respond to the study of the first
major section of Jesus teaching.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 73 and complete Assignments 14.
Option 1
Share. Divide into mini-teams of three persons. Team members should briefly tell each other what their
fathers were/are like. As a group, discuss the question, How has our experience with our human fathers
shaped our perception of God the Father?
Option 2
Review. Look again at the definitions of kingdom in the Key Words Dictionary (page 1710 in the NIV Discovery Study Bible). Discuss the following questions: Which expression of Gods kingdom is in view in
Jesus Sermon on the Mount? In what ways is the Sermon on the Mount valuable to believers today?
Option 1
Mini-Lecture. Last week we studied Jesus appearance, which was announced by John the Baptist, who proclaimed, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near (Matthew 3:2). We looked into the Old Testament,
found vivid descriptions of the Messianic kingdom predicted by the prophets, and came to understand the
expectations of the people of Jesus day. This week we hear the Messiah himself speaking about his kingdom, and we discover that what he has to say violates those expectations.
Option 2
Team Bible Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Team members are to put themselves in the
place of first-century Jews and look at the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:112). Each team should answer the following question: In what ways do these blessed are statements fail to fitor even violatewhat the Jews
expected their Messiah to announce? Have the teams report their insights to the group.
Option 3
Group Bible Study. As King, Jesus is concerned with the attitudes and values of those who consider themselves citizens of his kingdom. Compare the blessed are statements of Matthew 5 with the woe statements of Matthew 23 and describe the attitudes and values that are appropriate to citizens of Jesus
kingdom (see Assignment 2 in Study Center 73).
Option 1
Mini-Lecture. Talk your group through Matthew 5:1745. Be sure your group members understand what
Jesus was saying. First, Jesus intended to explain the true meaning of the law. Second, while the law deals
with behavior, righteousness is a matter of the human heart, which must be transformed from within. See
the Closer Look Fulfilling the Law at Matthew 5:17.
Option 2
Team Bible Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Each team is to carefully study Matthew 6 and
list ways that understanding God as our heavenly Father and relating to him as Father can make a difference in our lives. Group members may refer to notes made while completing Assignment 4 in Study Center
73, but they should work through this passage together in search of additional insights. Have the teams
report to the group.
Option 3
Quiz. Give a quiz based on the Self-Test for Study Center 73 (located in the back of the NIV Discovery Study
Bible). Then talk through the answers together, letting group members correct their own papers.
This activity is valuable because it confirms how much your group members have learned, fixes
key points in their minds and motivates them to complete the Assignments before coming to the group
Petition. Have each group member write a prayer that asks God the Father to help him or her develop one
of the qualities addressed in the Beatitudes. Then have group members pair up, exchange prayers and pray
for each other.
The Lords Prayer. Repeat the Lords Prayer together, pausing after each phrase to let one or more volunteers offer a word of thanks related to the petition. For instance:
Our Father
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 74 and 95. Complete Assignments 12 in
Study Center 74 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 95. In Lesson 3 we studied the principles of living
that Jesus laid down for citizens of his kingdom. In Lesson 4 we will learn of his right and authority to
establish those principles. Ask your group members to read the assigned chapters in Matthew, Mark and
John. Encourage them to be aware of the reactions of various persons to the proof Jesus offered of his
74, 95
Proof Positive
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 74 and 95.
Complete Assignments 12 in Study Center 74 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 95.
Develop your own lesson plan by selecting from the options below.
Pray daily for your group members.
Mini-Lecture. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid down principles for living as citizens of his kingdom.
The following chapters in Matthew and the early chapters in Mark record miracles that demonstrated Jesus
authority (his right) to establish kingdom principles and standards. As Nicodemus admitted, even the Jewish
ruling council recognized that Jesus miracles proved he was a teacher who [had] come from God. For no
one could perform the miraculous signs [he did] if God were not with him (Jn 3:2).
Despite the compelling evidence of the miracles, the religious elite rejected Jesus and his message, and
the majority remained unconvinced. The miracles produced awe and wonderbut they did not produce
saving faith.
Note: You may wish to review the qualifications of a prophet specified in Deuteronomy 18. By performing his miracles, Jesus met the decisive test and should have been recognized by all as a prophet who
spoke with Gods authority.
Option 1
Compare. Divide into mini-teams of three persons. Team members are to discuss the chart of miracles they
developed for Assignment 2 in Study Center 74, giving particular attention to the reactions to Jesus miracles and any observations concerning the reactions.
Option 2
Discuss. Based on the chart of miracles each group member developed for Assignment 2 in Study Center 74,
discuss the following questions: What did Jesus miracles reveal about him? What responses did the miracles
stimulate? What does this suggest about the value and the limitations of miracles in reaching people?
Introduce Matthew 11:2123 and Romans 10:17 into the discussion, and let your group members consider what each one suggests.
Option 3
Team Bible Study. While Jesus performed authenticating miracles before great crowds, he also spoke with
individuals. Johns Gospel relates conversations with a religious leader named Nicodemus and with a
Samaritan woman. It then relates two healings Jesus performed and the two very different reactions they
Draw a four-celled chart on the chalkboard. Place half of the group in mini-teams of three to compare
and contrast the stories of Nicodemus and the woman. Place the other half of the group in mini-teams of
three to compare and contrast the two miracles and the reactions to them.
Have each team report to the group. Fill in the chalkboard chart with their insights.
Option 1
Reports. Your group members underlined references to the following subjects in John 35: eternal life, condemnation and belief in Jesus (see Assignment 1 in Study Center 95). Ask volunteers to read sentences
they wrote that sum up the connection between these three subjects.
Option 2
Talk-Through. Turn together to the Landmark Eternal Life at John 3. Discuss the article with your group
members, making sure they understand this vital doctrine. Then read John 10:730; Romans 5:911;
6:110; 8:111. Discuss what each passage adds to our understanding of this vital Bible truth (see Assignment 2 in Study Center 95).
Option 3
Team Bible Study. Divide the group into mini-teams of three persons. Have each mini-team read John
5:1647 and answer the questions from Assignment 3 in Study Center 95.
Encourage. Remind your group members that it doesnt take miracles to bring a person to faith in Christ. It
is the Word of God that produces faith (Ro 10:17), and any of us can share the Word with those who desperately need eternal life. Ask each group member to pray silently for a person they know who needs to
hear the gospel.
Share. Ask volunteers to recite the two verses they memorized from John 35 that would be helpful in presenting the gospel to a non-Christian (see Assignment 4 in Study Center 95). After reciting the chosen verses, have the volunteers explain why they chose the verses they did.
Close in prayer, asking God to lead your group members to persons who will be responsive to their
sharing of the gospel.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 7576 and complete Assignments 14 in Study
Center 75 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 76. Tell your group members to be prepared for a quiz.
1 0
Conflicting Expectations
Option 1
Recall. Have your group members recall everything they can about the Messianic kingdom as described by
the Old Testament prophets. You may want to review the Repeated Theme Messianic king (beginning in
the side column at Isa 9:7). Have your group members suggest possible implications of the prophets vision
for the ministry of Jesus.
Option 2
Quiz. Give the following quiz, which is drawn from the Self-Tests for Study Centers 7576. Then discuss the
answers with the group.
1. What Old Testament passage did Jesus paraphrase to resolve Johns doubts?
Why did he use that passage?
2. What was the reason for Jesus Sabbath controversies with the Pharisees?
3. How did Jesus answer the charge that he cast out demons by Satans power?
4. Name the three expressions of Gods kingdom found in Scripture.
5. In which kingdom is Gods rule active, invisible and experienced only by
its citizens?
Option 3
Q & A. Give your group members the opportunity to raise questions about anything they have read in
preparation for this group session. If possible, let other group members answer the questions raised.
Option 1
Report. Your group members have looked closely at the Pharisees (see Assignment 2 in Study Center 75
and Assignment 4 in Study Center 76). Ask your group members to report everything they noted about this
influential group of men. List their insights on the chalkboard.
When the list is complete, point out that in the Gospels the Pharisees frequently represented the
nations religious leaders. Their opposition to, and rejection of, Jesus represented the official position of the
nation. This is why we see in these chapters a shift in Jesus focus. His invitation to the nation to accept him
as the Messiah changed to invitations to individuals to accept him (see Assignment 1 in Study Center 75).
1 1
Option 2
Talk-Through. The kingdom of heaven is an important concept in the Gospels. The term occurs 32 times
in Matthew, and the parallel expression kingdom of God is found 52 times in the four Gospels. It is
important to understand these terms and their significance.
Have your group members turn to the Landmark The Kingdom of Heaven at Matthew 13. Read and
discuss it together to be sure that your group members understand this important concept.
Option 1
Mini-Lecture. Remind your group members that the Jewish people had specific expectations concerning the
Messiah and the kingdom they expected him to establish. As Jesus continued to minister but failed to meet
the peoples expectations, confusion arose. Even John the Baptist wondered about Jesus, and it was only
when Jesus reminded John of the nature of the miracles he performedmiracles that Isaiah 35 makes clear
were to be authenticating signs performed only by the Messiahthat Johns doubts were put to rest.
Following the official rejection of Jesus by the Pharisees, which represented the nations rejection,
Jesus began to speak about the kingdom of heaven in parables. These parables were intended not to make
truths more clear, but to veil truths from those who refused to believe (see Matthew 13:1015). The parables were intended to be understood by those who did believe in Jesus. Each of these parables reveals
something about the form of Gods kingdom that Jesus was to establish after his death and resurrection.
Option 2
Chart Study. Duplicate and distribute Parables of the Kingdom (the chart located at the end of this lesson
plan). Work through the chart together, comparing the expected form of the kingdom and the unexpected
shape of what was to come first.
Discuss. Look at Matthew 12:2237. Invite your group members to share what they would say to a person
who is worried about committing the unforgivable sin.
Brainstorm. After working through Parables of the Kingdom (see Option 2 of Inform), ask your group
members to brainstorm implications of the unexpected form of the kingdom. What implications are there
for the church? For individual believers? Let volunteers close in prayer.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 9697. Do Assignments 14 in Study Center
96 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 97. Point out that, unlike the other Gospels, Johns Gospel
does not follow a chronological order. John 69 will help your group members understand more about
Jesus teachings and why the Pharisees (the representatives of the nation) rejected and hated him.
1 2
1. Sower
Mt 13:39, 1823
2. Wheat/Tares
Mt 13:2430, 3743
3. Mustard seed
Mt 13:3132
4. Leaven
Mt 13:33
5. Hidden treasure
Mt 13:44
6. Priceless pearl
Mt 13:4546
7. Dragnet
Mt 13:4750
1 3
Jesus Claims
Mini-Lecture. Matthew presents Jesus as Israels promised Messiah-King in his Gospel, and he relates incidents and teachings of Christ that demonstrate his claim. Johns concern is to present Jesus as God the
Son, and he selects other incidents and teachings to highlight his assertion. Both writers present an authentic Jesus. To gain a full picture of Christs life and teachings, we need to look at both the Gospel of Matthew
and the Gospel of John.
As we saw in Lessons 5, the Jewish people had definite expectations concerning what the promised
Messiah would do. As Jesus began his teaching and miracle-working, the people were enthusiastic, because
they expected Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom immediately. As Jesus spoke of an unexpected form of
Gods kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount and in his kingdom parables, it became increasingly clear that
Jesus was not meeting the peoples expectations; therefore, his support began to decline. The religious
leaders had always been hostile, for they saw Jesus as a threat to their position and power. But when the
support of the common people began to decline, the opposition of the religious elite became more open.
Christ was still held in great regard, but the people were uncertain about his identity.
Yet the real issue was Jesus identity. The question was not, Where is the promised kingdom? but Will
we put our trust in Jesus? This is the question that Jesus himself posed as he presented himself in Johns
Gospel as the bread of life and the light of the world. There is no doubt from Johns account of Christs life
that Jesus presented himself as God the Son. And there is no doubt that his claims were understood by the
religious leaders and the people. The simple truth was that Israel could not have the kingdom without
acknowledging and believing in the King. It is clear from John 69 that Israel would not acknowledge the
King for who he was or believe in him.
Option 1
Respond. Give your group members an opportunity to respond to your mini-lecture. Ask volunteers to summarize some of the personal claims of Jesus recorded in John 69. How did various groups of people
respond to Jesus claims about himself?
Option 2
Team Bible Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Be certain to have at least four teams. Assign
each team one chapter from John 69. From their assigned chapter, each team should identify Jesus
claims about himself and characterize the responses to those claims. Have the teams report their findings
to the group.
1 4
Option 3
Group Bible Study. As a group, work through John 8:1258, making lists of Jesus claims and the Pharisees
claims. How clear was Jesus presentation of himself as God the Son? How strong was the evidence that
Jesus claims were true and that the Pharisees claims were false?
Option 4
Bible Talk-Through. Talk through John 69 with your group members, inviting comments and making your
own comments on each section. You can structure your talk-through by writing the following questions on
the chalkboard and using them to analyze each section: What claims did Jesus make? What was the appropriate response to his claims? How did various people respond?
Option 1
React. Ask your group members to react to the following statement from Assignment 3 in Study Center 97:
Human beings are either members of Gods family or members of Satans family; there is no other option.
Option 2
Invite. Invite anyone who would like to chat with you about their personal response to Jesus to contact you
sometime after the group session.
Option 1
Apply. Review the significance of Jesus identification of himself as I AM (see the Landmark The Revelation of Gods Name at Exodus 3). Look together at the I am claims of Jesus (see Assignment 3 in Study
Center 96). Let volunteers share their ideas of how Jesus, as revealed in the I am statements, can meet
our needs today.
Option 2
Summarize. Point out that people today often have expectations of how God ought to act in their personal
lives or in the world. Yet the basic issue remains: Who is Jesus? Do we acknowledge him as God the Son
and place our trust in him? When we do, we discover that our expectations can be set aside as we permit
him to be Lord and to do what he knows is best in our lives.
Close in prayer, expressing your own trust in Jesus.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 7778 and complete Assignments 14 in
Study Center 77 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 78. Let your group members know that you may
give them a quiz during the next group session.
1 5
Mini-Lecture. In our last two studies we saw growing resistance to Jesus as he presented himself to his
people as the Messiah of the Old Testament and as God the Son. In this study we come to the theological
turning point in Jesus ministry. When the disciples report that the people honor Jesus as a prophet but do
not recognize him as the Christ (the Messiah), Jesus speaks of the cross for the first time. From this time
forward, Jesus teaching focuses less on citizenship in his kingdom and more on how those who choose
to believe in him are to live as his disciples.
Quiz. Distribute copies of the quiz (located below). After your group members take the quiz, review
Matthew 1620 by talking through the answers.
Alternatively, let volunteers suggest answers, and supplement their answers when necessary. For
instance, in discussing question 2 (Peters confession of faith), bring up Christs response (You are Peter,
and on this rock I will build my church [Mt 16:18]), and invite opinions on what Jesus meant. Note that
answers to many of the quiz questions are provided in the Culture Clues and other features in these
1 6
2. Who did Peter, speaking for the disciples, say Jesus was?
4. What does it mean to deny oneself, take up ones cross and follow Jesus?
6. What characteristics of a little child are a model for those entering Jesus kingdom?
7. What do we learn about forgiveness from the parable of the lost sheep?
8. What do we learn about forgiveness from instructions concerning the brother who sins
against us?
9. What do we learn about forgiveness from the parable of the unmerciful servant?
10. Why was the issue of divorce chosen to demonstrate the false thinking of the Pharisees that keeping the law is the way to achieve spiritual greatness?
11. How does the story of the rich young man demonstrate the false thinking that living a
good life is the way to achieve spiritual greatness?
12. How does the story of the workers in the vineyard demonstrate the false thinking that
working harder than others is the way to achieve greatness?
13. How has Jesus himself demonstrated the true pathway to greatness?
1 7
Group Bible Study. Look together at Matthew 16:1324. Have your group members identify the turning
points in this brief passage. They are: (1) the people reject Jesus claims to be the Christ, the Son of the living God; (2) the disciples affirm Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God; (3) Jesus introduces a new theme, his
church, which he will build; (4) Jesus tells his disciples of his coming death and resurrection; and (5) Jesus
explains what is involved in discipleship. Be prepared to answer any questions that may arise during this
Option 1
Brainstorm. Have the group brainstorm qualities of a disciple of Jesus. List your group members suggestions on the chalkboard. Then work together to create a checklist of the most important qualities of a disciple. Have your group members copy the checklist and use it as a motivator for becoming better followers
of Jesus.
Option 2
Chart Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Have each team look at Matthew 20:2526. Have
each team create a chart that compares and contrasts secular and kingdom concepts of greatness (see
Assignment 4 in Study Center 78). After the chart is complete, have each team develop a checklist of the
most important qualities of a disciple. Have your group members copy the checklist and use it as a motivator for becoming better followers of Jesus.
Option 1
Share. Jesus emphasized forgiveness as a key to keeping his little ones sensitive to him and to others.
Encourage your group members to share how forgiveness or lack of forgiveness from others has impacted
their lives. Close with a time of prayer, thanking God for the forgiveness we have in Jesus and asking that
our hearts will be sensitive to others.
Option 2
Mini-Message. Invite a group member who is well regarded by the group to give a mini-message on the
cost and benefits of discipleship and the cost and consequences of failing to live as a disciple (see Assignment 4 in Study Center 77). He or she can close in prayer.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 9899. Complete Assignment 15 in Study
Center 98 and Assignments 14 in Study Center 99.
1 8
Option 1
Brainstorm. After washing his disciples feet, Jesus said, I have set you an example (Jn 13:15). In what
other ways has Jesus set us an example in John 1014? List your group members suggestions on the
Option 2
Mini-Lecture. John 1014 relate events after the turning point that was explored in the last group session.
Jesus continued to press his claim as the only source of eternal life, and he demonstrated his power over
death by the raising of Lazarus. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem initiated the last week of Jesus life, and
although Christ continued to speak to the people, Johns Gospel reports a very special, private ministry to
his disciples. In Christs public teaching and private ministry, he sets an example for disciples of every age
and he shares promises that go to the heart of our empowerment to live daily as his disciples.
Outline. Place the following outline of John 1014 on the chalkboard. Talk through each section of the outline, asking your group members to briefly sum up the content and significance of each section. You may
also want to entertain questions as you work through these chapters with them.
John 1014
A. The Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
1. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:118)
2. Reactions to the Good Shepherd message (Jn 10:1942)
B. The raising of Lazarus (Jn 11)
1. Lazarus sickens and dies (Jn 11:137)
2. Jesus raises Lazarus (Jn 11:3844)
3. Reactions to the raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:4557)
C. Jesus enters Jerusalem (Jn 12)
1. Jesus is acclaimed by the crowds (Jn 12:119)
2. Jesus predicts his death (Jn 12:2036)
3. Jesus is officially rejected but is believed in by individuals (Jn 12:3750)
1 9
Option 1
React. List the following principles on the board. Have your group members react to each one, identifying
the passage or event from which each principle is drawn (see bracketed references). Group members
should then try to identify ways each principle might be worked out in the life of a follower of Jesus today.
1. Disciples, like Jesus, are to give themselves for his sheep. [Jn 10:1415]
2. Disciples, like Jesus, can expect opposition from hostile individuals.
[Jn 10:3133]
3. Disciples, like Jesus, are to be sensitive to the pain others experience. [Jn 11:35]
4. Disciples, like Jesus, are to focus on eternal, rather than temporal, values.
[Jn 12:25]
5. Disciples, like Jesus, are not to judge but are to present the good news of
salvation. [Jn 12:4748]
Option 2
Deduce. Give your group members the bracketed verses identified in Option 1 of Interact. Divide into miniteams of three persons. Have each mini-team draw discipleship principles from the verses. Come together
and list the principles on the board. Have your group members identify ways each principle might be
worked out in the life of a follower of Jesus today.
Option 1
Team Bible Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Team members are to compare the promises
recorded in John 14 (see Assignment 4 in Study Center 99). They are then to discuss the privileges and
responsibilities of disciples that are implied in these promises. Each team should report their insights to the
Option 2
Mini-Lecture. Summarize the principles of discipleship that can be drawn from Jesus example given in
these chapters (see Options 12 of Interact). Then summarize the promises in John 14, reminding your
group members that Christ provides the spiritual resources we need to live a life of discipleship. Close in
prayer, asking that you and your group members might each be faithful disciples of Jesus.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 79. Complete Assignments 15 in Study Center
79. Let your group members know that next week they will look at Jesus last week on earth from a different perspective. This lesson (Jn 1014) looked at events with a focus on the disciples. Next weeks
lesson (Mt 2123; Mk 1112) will shift our focus to Christs confrontations with those who rejected and
opposed him.
2 0
Mini-Lecture. Read Zechariah 9:917 aloud. Jesus fulfillment of this prophecy and his pointed parables
against the Pharisees and other religious elite led to a flurry of desperate attempts by the Pharisees and
Sadducees to discredit Christ in the eyes of the people. But those attempts backfired, discrediting the religious leaders rather than Christ.
Option 1
Group Bible Study. Work through Matthew 2223, summing up in one sentence each of the three parables
and the four riddle-challenges described there. Make sure your group members understand the point of
each parable and challenge (see Assignment 3 in Study Center 79).
Option 2
Team Bible Study. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Have each team compare the sentences they
wrote for Assignment 3 in Study Center 79. Have each team give a brief report and raise any questions that
were not answered in their team discussion.
Report. Have group members report on what they discovered when they contrasted Jesus condemnation
of the Pharisees in Matthew 23 with Jesus blessed are statements in Matthew 5 (see Assignment 4 in
Study Center 79). List their discoveries on the chalkboard.
Apply. Discuss pharisaic attitudes and behaviors to which Christians are vulnerable. How do these show up
in our lives? How do we guard against them? Review the principles of discipleship drawn from Jesus example in last weeks lesson (see Option 1 of Interact in Lesson 8). What protection from Pharisaism might living by these principles provide?
2 1
Option 1
Quiz. Give a quiz (located below) to help your group members see how much they have learned. Talk
through the answers with the group. Then encourage your group members to begin reviewing the Exploring
the Life of Christ lessons during the coming week.
As a review aid, distribute the course overview and suggest that your group members review the material by making a list of key events or teachings covered in each Study Center.
1. The authentic Jesus is both:
2. The person who prepared the way for Jesus was: _________________________________
3. The two events that took place just before Jesus began his public ministry were:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
4. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus fulfilled the law by ___________________________
5. Jesus proved his right to teach with authority by __________________________________
Answer key:
1. Israels Messiah and God the Son (or, the Son of God)
2. John the Baptist
3. Jesus was baptized and Jesus was tempted by Satan
4. Showing that the law called for inner transformation, not just behavioral conformity
5. Performing miracles
Option 2
Encourage. Distribute the course overview (located at the end of this lesson). Suggest that your group
members review the material by making a list of key events or teachings covered in each Study Center.
Option 3
Pray. Give your group members a few minutes to meditate on the contrasts between the Pharisees attitudes and behaviors and the blessed are statements of Matthew 5.
In closing, let volunteers offer spontaneous prayers.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 80. Complete Assignments 13 in Study Center
80. Encourage your group members to begin a review of earlier lessons. This would be a good week for
your group members to choose another Exploring course using the NIV Discovery Study Bible.
2 2
Exploring the Life of Christ
71, 94
Mt 12; Jn 12
Mt 34; Mk 1
Mt 57
74, 95
Mt 810; Mk 23; 5; Jn 35
Proof Positive
Mt 1115; Mk 4; 67
Conflicting Expectations
Jn 69
Jesus Claims
Mt 1620; Mk 89
Jn 1014
Mt 2123; Mk 1112
Mt 2425; Mk 13
Jn 1416
81, 102
Jn 17
Praying for Me
2 3
Option 1
React. Ask your group members their reactions to Jesus teachings about the future. What is the major
impression they gained from reading Matthew 2425 and Mark 13?
Option 2
Quiz. Ask your group members to jot down answers to the three questions Jesus was asked: (1) When will
the temple be destroyed? (2) What will be the sign of the end of the age? (3) What will be the sign of
Jesus return? Also ask, What are Jesus followers to do until Christ returns? Rather than give the answers,
give the mini-lecture in Option 1 of Inform (below).
Option 1
Mini-Lecture. When Jesus told his disciples of the coming destruction of the Jerusalem temple (Mt 24:2),
his stunned followers asked him three questions: (1) When will this happen? (2) What will be the sign of
your coming? (3) What will be the sign of the end of the age? To understand Matthew 24 we need to note
that Jesus answered these questions in reverse order.
First, Jesus identified the sign marking the end of the age. It will not be wars or famines or earthquakes
but the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel (Mt 24:15). This sign
is to be followed immediately by great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until nowand
never to be equaled again (Mt 24:21). While the abomination is spoken of only in Daniel, a time of
great distress is a frequent theme of the Old Testament prophets who wrote of the day of the LORD or
that day.
Second, Jesus identified the sign of his coming. That sign will appear in the sky (Mt 24:30) and be
visible to all nations, as he will return with power and great glory (Mt 24:30). Jesus emphasized that no
one knows the date for his return, and he went on to urge his followers to watch (Mt 24:42).
Third, Jesus did not answer his disciples question about when the temple would be destroyed. But that
question is answered in history. In A.D. 70, some 40 years after Jesus crucifixion, a Roman army under Titus
put down a Jewish rebellion and razed both Jerusalem and the temple.
2 4
As we continue our study, it is important to look more closely at Jesus teaching about the future to
understand the questions Jesus was answering and to identify which verses in Matthew 24 are responses
to which question.
Option 2
Illustrated Lecture. The key to understanding Jesus answer about the sign that marks the end of the age is
the prophecy in Daniel to which Jesus referred. You may wish to give an overview of Daniels prophecies
and even provide a handout concerning the critical prophecy of the 70 weeks. If so, you can present the
following material.
605538 B.C.
538331 B.C.
331146 B.C.
146 B.C.
Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream of a great statue (Da 2) and Daniels vision of
strange beasts (Da 7) and of a ram and goat (Da 8) concern successive Gentile empires that dominated
the Near East from Daniels time to the Messiahs appearance. The prophecies have been fulfilled in such
detail that those who reject the possibility of predictive prophecy have been forced to argue that Daniel was
written around 100 B.C. rather than its actual date in the fifth century B.C.
Illustrate by referring to the prophecies concerning Greece (Da 8:58). After the death of Alexander the
Great (the goat with one horn of Da 8:58), his empire was divided into four sections by his four generals,
Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus and Ptolemy (the four horns of Da 8:8,22).
While it is clear that these prophecies have been fulfilled, the predictions that after these kingdoms
there would be another empire that would be destroyed, but not by human power (Da 8:25), and that
an everlasting kingdom would be established by Godthese prophecies have not yet been fulfilled.
Have your group members look at the chart Daniels 70th Week at Daniel 9 in the NIV Discovery
Study Bible. Point out the language of Daniel 9:26 that predicts that the Messiah will be cut off (die) at
the end of the 69th week of years.
You may wish to duplicate the following article as a handout for your group members.
2 5
2 6
Option 1
Group Bible Study. Assign each student one of the passages in the Repeated Themes Day of the Lord
(beginning in the side column at Isa 13:613) and That day1 (beginning in the side column at Isa
3:1826). Have each group member read his or her assigned passage aloud. List on the chalkboard the key
words or phrases that describe each prophets picture of the future. These should be left on the chalkboard
for your group members to refer to.
Option 2
Compare. Divide into teams of five or six persons. Each team will look through one of the Gospel passages
containing Jesus predictions concerning the future. Have each team identify parallels between Jesus teachings and the teachings of the Old Testament prophets (see Assignment 2 in Study Center 80). Assign the
following passages:
Team(s) 1: Matthew 24:142
Team(s) 2: Mark 13
Team(s) 3: Luke 21:528
When the teams are finished, have them report to the group. Then discuss the following question:
What is the significance of these teachings?
Respond. Point out that in view of the future Jesus has described, we are to watch (Mt 24:42) until he
comes. Ask your group members to select one verse from Matthew 24:4351 that defines what is involved
in watching. Let volunteers share the verse they chose and tell how Christians watch today.
Summarize. Jesus applied his teaching on the future by challenging us to watch (Mt 24:42). This is not a
passive term, but an active one. We are to be constantly aware that Christ may come at any time. In view of
his coming, we are to focus always on serving him and others. (Select several verses from Matthew 24 to
illustrate as you give this summary.)
Close in prayer, asking that we might take Jesus words to heart and be active in his service, aware that
he may return for us at any time.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 99100. Complete Assignment 5 in Study Center 99 and Assignments 13 in Study Center 100. Continue your review of earlier lessons.
2 7
To familiarize group members with the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit
To better understand the life and ministry of a follower of Jesus
To appropriate the resources Jesus provides for his followers
Option 1
Brainstorm. Ask your group members to volunteer information about the Holy Spirit. List what the information on the chalkboard. Leave the list on the chalkboard for future reference.
Option 2
Share. Ask volunteers to share anything in these chapters that seems especially important to them personally. Listen, but dont comment on anything they suggest at this point.
Option 1
Review. In tracing the life of Jesus, we have seen him identified as the Messiah and as God the Son. John
the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus ministry, and Jesus himself was prepared spiritually by overcoming
Satans temptations. The focus of Jesus early preaching was repentance and the kingdom of heaven. Jesus
laid out principles for kingdom living in the Sermon on the Mount, and he proved his right to introduce his
radical teachings by performing miracles that authenticated him and his authority. But Jesus did not meet
the expectations of the Jewish people, because they were looking for the earthly kingdom described by the
Old Testament prophets. They would not accept the unexpected form of the kingdom that Jesus described.
After several years of preaching, teaching and healing, it became clear that the Jewish people would
not accept Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God. The religious leaders were increasingly hostile, and the
people, who honored Jesus as a great prophet, still did not accept him for who he was. At this turning
point, Jesus began to speak to his disciples about his coming death and resurrection. And increasingly Jesus
instructed his disciples in private about the life of servanthood they were to live after he was gone.As his
life on earth neared its end, Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time. There he confronted his enemies,
who were now determined to kill him. During his last week on earth, he gave his disciples the glimpse of
the future we looked at last week in Lesson 10. He also shared with them a last supper in which he
encouraged them, giving them wonderful promises and describing some of the resources he would provide
to enable them to live victoriously as his followers.
It is these resources that we look at this week in Jesus Last Supper discourse.
2 8
Option 2
Landmark Study. The key resource Jesus has provided for us is the person of the Holy Spirit. Talk through
the Landmark The Holy Spirit at John 14. Have your group members look up and talk about key passages
referred to there. This option is one you will want to consider if your group members know little about who
the Holy Spirit is or what he does.
Option 1
Team Bible Study. In Jesus Last Supper discourse, he identified three vital resources for victorious Christian
living. List these on the chalkboard: (1) the Holy Spirit, (2) the union of Christ, and (3) prayer. Then divide
the group into teams of five or six persons. Have each team study one of these resources (see below).
Each team should report its findings to the group.
Team(s) 1: Identify references to the Holy Spirit in John 1416, and follow up on discoveries made while completing Assignment 5 in Study Center 99.
Team(s) 2: Identify principles in John 15:117 concerning our union with Christ. List reasons to support the conclusion that Jesus is speaking here of fruitfulness, not
salvation (see Assignment 1 in Study Center 100).
Team(s) 3: Identify prayer promises and principles in John 16:1733 (see Assignment 3
in Study Center 100).
Option 2
Focus. Depending on your evaluation of the needs of your group members, you may wish to work together
on one of the three issues noted in Option 1 (above) and simply give a summary of the other two issues.
Option 1
Reprise. Review the list of information about the Holy Spirit that was created at the beginning of group session (see Option 1 of Introduce). Let your group members add any new items of information they have
become aware of during this group session. Then discuss the following questions: What aspect or work of
the Holy Spirit is most important to you personally? What difference has he or can he make in your daily
life? Close in prayer, thanking God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Option 2
Pray. Review the prayer promises found in John 16:1733. Invite group members to share things they have
prayed for that they are confident were offered in Jesus name. Share prayer requests and pray about
them in pairs.
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 81 and 102. Complete Assignments 13 in
Study Center 81 and Assignments 13 in Study Center 102. Continue to review previous lessons.
2 9
81, 102
familiarize group members with the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus
understand the saving purpose of Jesus death
express thanks to God for his gift of salvation through Jesus
review previous lessons together
Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Centers 81 and 102.
Complete Assignments 13 in Study Center 81 and Assignments 13 in Study Center 102.
Review the content of Lessons 16 by using the quiz in Lesson 9 (after Option 1 of Inspire).
Develop your own lesson plan by selecting from the options below.
Pray daily for your group members.
Option 1
Mini-Lecture. Almost a third of each Gospel is given to descriptions of the last week of Jesus life on earth.
That week culminated in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Understanding the significance of his death
and appropriating the gift won on the cross for us is the most import thing any human being can do.
Invite group members to comment on the significance of Jesus death as developed in the Landmark
The Crucifixion of Jesus at Matthew 27 (see Assignment 2 in Study Center 81).
Option 2
Group Bible Study. Talk through the Landmark The Crucifixion of Jesus at Matthew 27. Have individuals
look up verses referred to there and use them to help describe the significance of Jesus death. List on the
chalkboard aspects of the gift that God gives us in Jesus.
Preview. Go over the contributions Isaiah 53 makes to our understanding of Jesus death. Either do this
in a mini-lecture or let your group members relate what they discovered while completing Assignment 3
in Study Center 81.
Invite. You may wish to invite your group members to make a decision for Christ if they have not already
done so. One approach to this invitation is to build on Johns description of Jesus trial before Pilate (Jn
18:119). Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but he let himself be manipulated to the extent that he authorized Jesus crucifixion but then washed his hands of the affair, declaring himself not responsible.
The fact is, however, that every person (including Pilate) who saw Jesus and the cross was responsible.
And that is still true today. The crucifixion was a decisive act by God that demands that each of us make a
decision for or against the Savior. The choice to delayto stand on the sidelinesis a choice against the
Savior and a rejection of the gift of salvation that God offers to us today.
Encourage group members who have not yet made a decision to trust the crucified Savior to make that
choice today and let someone know he or she has made that choice. A group member can do this by raising
a hand while you pray, by letting you know after the group session, or in any other way he or she wishes.
3 0
Take time for prayer, thanking God for the gift he gives us in Jesus and praying for any group members
in your group who have not yet made a decision for Christ.
Review. List the titles of Lessons 16 and their corresponding Scripture references on the chalkboard (see
Course Overview at the end of Lesson 9 of this Leaders Guide). Have your group members suggest what
persons, events, teachings, etc. should be listed for each lesson. As your group members make their suggestions, be sure to raise the question of the significance of the events or persons in the unfolding of Jesus
Note: As an alternative, you may wish to conduct the review at the beginning of the group session.
If so, follow the review with activities suggested in Introduce and Inform (above).
Option 1
Plan a Party. Ask your group members to bring various food items for a party next group session to celebrate what you have learned during this course.
Option 2
Preview. Tell your group members to be prepared for a brief review of Lessons 712 next group session.
Using this option, have the party for next session be a surprise party and bring the food and drink yourself.
Review Lessons 712. Read the Background and Mastery Keys in Study Center 101. Complete Assignments 14 in Study Center 101 and Assignment 4 in Study Center 102.
3 1
Praying for Me
Preview. Let your group members know your plan for this group session: a brief review, a time of sharing,
a short message, and refreshments.
Review. For the review, list the titles of Lessons 712 and their corresponding Scripture references on the
chalkboard (see Course Overview at the end of Lesson 9 of this Leaders Guide). Have your group members suggest what persons, events, teachings, etc. should be listed for each lesson. As your group members
make their suggestions, be sure to raise the question of the significance of the events or persons in the
unfolding story of Jesus life.
Share. Invite volunteers to share anything special that God has taught them through this study of the life
of Christ.
Mini-Message. Develop a brief message on Jesus high priestly prayer in John 17. Highlight the importance
of glorifying God by doing his will and the specific requests Jesus made for his disciples (then and now).
Encourage your group members to remember that the life of Christ didnt end. Jesus still lives and is interceding for us.
Party! Conclude this study with a time of refreshments. Enjoy each others company.
3 2