First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
First Grade News: Curriculum Highlights
Curriculum Highlights
If youve not yet returned your childs portfolio to school, kindly do so.
Reading: What are some things you can do to improve your fluency?
Math: Have another game of Coin Grab.
Reading: How do different types of punctuation guide your fluency and expression? EG
What do you do when you see a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark?
Math: Go on a pattern hunt. Do patterns always occur in a straight line? Are there other
ways that make patterns? Make your own definition for what is a pattern.
Reading: How do speech marks guide your fluency and expression? What do they mean? How
do they change your reading?
Math: Play shop. Label a few items in your home with price tags in cents. Play purchasing
items giving the exact amount using 5s and 1s. * To extend use higher amounts and higher
denominations of coins/ only give a 50 cent coin and ask for change to be given for each
Poem Collection: Recite poems and songs to your family and friends. Please return the
folder to school on Monday.