Visual Cryptography in Biometrics Passport

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
483 487


Visual Cryptography in Biometrics Passport

Dhara Trivedi 1

Computer Science
Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
[email protected]

Dr, Jigar Patel 2


Computer Science
Kalol Institute of Management
Kalol, Gujarat, India
[email protected]

Abstract Every human being is unique in their nature such as traits and physical symptoms so computer science is using the biometric for
perfect identification within large database. Visual cryptography scheme is a cryptographic technique, which allows visual information e.g.
printed text, handwritten notes, and picture to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption can be performed by the human visual system,
without the aid of computers. Biometric passport is a smart card technology product created by use of biometric data and computer chip for
authenticate identification of citizen of particular country. Current passport has certain shortcoming. In this method it is proposed to convert scan
images of retina, fingerprint and face in secret image and meaningful shares by use of visual cryptography. In this method with use of Visual
Cryptography three biometrics i.e. retina image, fingerprint image and face image encrypted in two meaningful shares when these two share
stacking on one another fingerprint image revealed and that can be verified with on the spot live fingerprint image for perfect identification
Keywords- Biometric, Biometric-passport, Visual Cryptography



Government certifies the identity of citizen in Passport. As

the anti social activity is become burning problem for the
world in this millennium. Some governments have started to
switch over on e-Passport and certain other countries including
India are in process to issue e-Passport in near future. In ePassport smart card technology with biometrics and digital
signature is used. In this e-Passport human biometrics such as
face image, fingerprint and Iris image utilize for identity so it
is recognize as a biometric passport. The unique information
of the person is store in a computer chip that is kept in
passport with help of reader and the chip particular person can
be identified in the safe manner. Current e-Passport
shortcomings are Data may be migrated with advance
technology, Obtain personal information by unethical hacking,
Cloning and Cracking, Expensive for passport holder, Costly
for the government.
With use of biological science and computer science
identification of human by the traits has been used in emerging
field of technology that is called biometric. Biometric is based
on unique and sustainable physical characteristics face
recognize, fingerprint, iris image, DNA, Palm print, retinal
image, body odor etc. In these scheme main three biometric
identifiers has been used as they are unique to individual and
give more accurate in verification when used simultaneously.
Face Recognize is verifying or identifying person from digital
image. Fingerprint is an impression of human finger. It is most
useful tool in investigation for perfect identification. Human
retina is a natural pattern of blood vessels located at back
portion of the eye. Each person retina is unique even identical
twins have different pattern of retina. Retina remain
unchanged from birth to death, so retina is a most precise and
reliable biometric.

Visual cryptography is introduced first in 1994 by Naor

and Shamir. Visual cryptography scheme is a cryptographic
technique, which allows visual information (e.g. printed text,
handwritten notes, and picture) to be encrypted in such a way
the decryption become mechanical process that does not
require computer. Naor and Shamir illustrated visual secret
sharing scheme, where an image divide into n shares so that
particular person stack all n shares could decrypt the image,
while stacking time any n-1 shares could not reveal any
information about original image. There are various measures
on which performance of visual cryptography scheme
depends, such as pixel expansion, contrast, security, accuracy,
computational complexity, share generated is meaningful or
meaningless, type of secret images (either binary or color) and
number of secret images (either single or multiple) encrypted
by the scheme. Visual cryptography scheme eliminates
complex computation problem in decryption process and the
secret images can be restored by stacking operation. This
property makes visual cryptography especially useful for the
low computation load requirement.
In the proposed method main weightage is on the security of
the passport with the use of latest finding of biometrics and
VC. This way we can reduce the cost of passport to the nations
and the citizens. In the highly populated developing country
like India, it is utmost required to the cut expenditure to issue
more than 10 million passports per annum.
The paper is scheduled as under section II Related work,
section III Methodology and Section IV Conclusion.


Naor and Shamirs [1] proposed encoding scheme to

share a binary image into two shares Share1 and Share2. If
pixel is white one of the above two rows of Table 1 is chosen

IJRITCC | March 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
483 487

to generate Share1 and Share2. Similarly If pixel is black one
of the below two rows of Table 1 is chosen to generate Share1
and Share2. Here each share pixel p is encoded into two white
and two black pixels each share alone gives no clue about the
pixel p whether it is white or black. Secret image is shown
only when both shares are superimposed.
The transparencies consist of randomly located white and
black pixels. When stacking these transparencies together the
secret message, e.g. an image or a text, is revealed. The
decryption is executed by the human visual system and only
the ownership of all transparencies can reveal the secret.
Above figure illustrates the abstract work flow of encrypting
and decrypting information by means of visual cryptography.
Table1. Naor and Shamirs scheme for encoding a binary pixel into two shares

[12, 6, 2, 4], or add color to the image [11, 13].

There have been many paper published related to
visual cryptography. Many of them related to black and white
visual cryptography and some color visual cryptography with
different techniques.
In Zhou [3] method, Halftone visual cryptography is
a kind of visual secret sharing scheme, which can decode a
secret image by overlapping multiple binary share images.
Visual cryptography secret sharing scheme can be used in the
application with access control. By applying blue noise
halftoning theory into the constructions mechanism of
conventional visual cryptograph, visually pleasing halftone
share caring significant data can be obtained. It can be used in
a various visual secret sharing application such as
watermarking, electronic cash, bank account operated by
multiple users.
Threshold array are used to generate halftone share images
from an input images. By using multiple threshold array in
[16] halftoning method of VC, high speed processing with
more extensibility can be achieved.

Fig.2: Color Decomposition and halftoning

Fig.1: Visual cryptography

Visual cryptography is a perfectly secure

encryption mechanism, and the decryption process is done by
the human visual system. The cipher text is a printed page, and
the key is a printed transparency of the same size. When the
two are stacked and aligned together the plain text is revealed.
Knowing just one of these two shares does not reveal any new
information about the plaintext. This encryption scheme can
be also considered as 2-out-of-2 secret sharing scheme (the
two shares being the cipher text and the key), and it can be
generalized to a k out of n secret sharing scheme. There has
been considerable interest in visual cryptography, including
suggestions, which improve the contrast of the resulting image

In [5] use of three methods for Visual Cryptography. Color

Visual Cryptography, the Halftone Technology and color
decomposition see fig 2. He defines three different technique
on based of their algorithms and experiment and got their
method for color and black & white VC. They construct ccolor (k,n) threshold scheme for any number of colors c and
any number of k 2 k n.
This [7] method modification and extension of black and
white VSS scheme. The colored VSS scheme using
transparency as the shadow material which is easily recognize
by human eye sight.
Superimposing many pixel of same color might result
become more dark but [8] proposed method reconstruction
secret pixel exact same color. They prove c color(n,n)
threshold scheme are optimal with respect to pixel expansion.
This [10] method is very simple and efficient. This
proposed method depend on two thing Error diffusion and VIP
Synchronization, Its generate colorful meaningful share and
high quality decrypted share. First they construct EVC scheme
with VIP Synchronization and error diffusion for visual
quality improvement. VIPs synchronization the position pixels

IJRITCC | March 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
483 487

that carry original image across the color channel so pixel
value as same before and after encryption. And error diffusion
is used to construct the share such that noise introduced by
preset pixel are diffused away neighbors when encrypt.
Other proposed method generated meaningless shares so
attacker can easily reveal secret image.
In [15] method they generated meaningful shares. First
authors did color halftone transfer use of color decomposition
and then extract pixel from color halftone image in fig 2. For
they use two cover image and a secret image. They apply
coding table on those images and create shares see in fig 3. For
encoding procedure two coding table applied as a CCT for
cover image coding table and SCT for

and retina image can be successfully used for robust

identification method. When we apply Visual Cryptography
on the biometrics to obtain two meaningful shares, it becomes
easy to store the shares in the database and passport.
image 1



Store share
1 Passport
Share 2 in
t Database

Cipher image
Eye retina
Fig.5: Encryption Process

Store share 1
in Passport

Share 2 in

share 1
share 2

Secret image
reveal as

Fig.6: Decryption Process

Fig.3: Encoding Procedure

Fig.4: Decoding Procedure

secret coding table. SCT works in same as Hous second

method [5]. Whenever two share stack together secret Image
revealed in decoding procedure see fig 4.
They use color halftone transformation and pixel extraction
to get clear image.



During the process of registration and issuing of passport

along with identification documents persons unique biometrics
that is retina, fingerprint and face image be obtain to create EPassport after applying Visual Cryptography.
Three Unique biometrics, human face image, fingerprint

In Encryption method of VC secret image as a fingerprint

and cover images retina and face image. These cover images
encrypted as two meaningful shares. From those shares, share
1 face image assign to passport as a user image and share 2
retina image save in government database for future
verification (shown in fig 5).
At the point of authentication when share 1 and share 2
stacks then revealed fingerprint image (secret image) in
decryption process (shown in fig 6).
Passport is a tool of identification for international use given
by particular country. Passport is useful document for
international mobility.
In this system citizen opens the website drafted for passport
related work, sign up a new account on the site. This account
can be any time login after sign up is completed with email,
password and confirm password fields.
On the site after login user can get two options :
Registration for passport and Application Status. User click on
Registration link to open the Application form. Fill up the
basic personal information such as Name, Birth date Address,
Mobile, Education Qualification, Details of Identification etc
in the form. When all required data furnished, after clicked on
submit all details store in USER_DETAIL table and user get
Registration No. After process period over when the person
login the account and click on Application Status link, he can
get interview Time, Date and Venue for further process to
complete the formality the passport.
At the time of admin login four links: Request List,
Verification, Passport Process and Identification. When admin

IJRITCC | March 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
483 487

clicks on Request List he will get all the request application
with complete user details information with compile serially
indicating time and date of registration. After authority clears
the application one by one on merit, the short listed applicants
will be allotted the date, time and venue for next round of
passport process. On the schedule time when the applicant
approaches authority verify identification documents with
original. After verification of user documents admin go to
Verification link and enter user Registration No. On base of
Registration No admin get user all details. Admin take user
Retina scan and compare with government RETINA table.
Human retina is unique. If applicant retina differs with the
database of all other retina then application will be clear and in
other case its becomes clear that particular applicant had
already obtain passport in the past and in that case legal
remedy will take its on course of action. After process of user
verification admin will go to next step of passport creation.
For that admin click on Passport Process link with use of
sophisticated hardware face image and fingerprint will taken
under supervision of compliant authority and saved for further
use when admin click on Create Share. When click on Create
Share button that time Visual Cryptography applied on three
biometric and it create two meaningful shares. From those two
shares share 1 as face image will stamp on hard copy of
passport when its generate and share 2 as retina image store in
RETINA table for future use.
In the end passport is created in the system and applicant
hard copy also prepared for delivery to user. Now user view in
Passport Status of his passport is ready for collection. At this
stage all the relevant information of this passport will be
available for on ward verification at database and passport
verification center of various airports and countries embassy.
Whenever identification of passport holder is required at
admin level Identification option is selected for process. In
that Enter Passport No, Current Fingerprint image, Passport
Photo scan image which is share 1 and get Retina image from
RETINA table which is share 2 and then after click on Identify
button. When admin click on Identify button that time share 1
and share 2 stack and Fingerprint image will revealed that
compare with Current Fingerprint image. If both fingerprint
images matches then its revealed that user passport
identification perfect otherwise it is rejected.

Send Registration No
Set status of user passport
Else if VERIFICATION clicked then
Enter registration no
Enter user retina scan
Click on verify button
If Compare user retina with Retina database then
User had already obtain
Else if
Applicant clear
End if
Add Retina in table
Else if PASSPORT PROCESS clicked then
Enter registration no
Enter Face image
Enter Fingerprint
Add user biometrics
Click on Create Share button
Create two shares share 1 face image and share 2 retina scan
Store Share 1 and share 2 in database
Share 1 for hard copy of passport
Share 2 for Identification in future
Else if IDENTIFICATION clicked then
Enter Passport no
Enter current fingerprint scan
Scan share 1 from passport
Get share 2 from Database
Stack share 1 and share 2 revealed secret image fingerprints
Compare click button
If compare current fingerprint and revealed fingerprint then
Passport identification perfect
Else if
User Rejected
End if
End if
Above IDENTIFICATION procedure will apply in all Embassies and airport.

Today in information edge, when world is becoming
global village and security aspect is more important to isolate
anti social elements, it is required to find out innovative
methods for foolproof E-Passport. As retina is sustainable
unique biometric, it is very useful for perfect identification of
a particular passport holder with use of Visual Cryptography.
We can explore methods with more research in other card also.

A. Algorithms
If USER LOGIN link clicked then
Enter user name and password
Else if Sign up user clicked
Enter email id as username, password and confirm password
Else if REGISTRATION link clicked then
Enter User details
Passport progress
End if
If ADMIN LOGIN link clicked then
Enter user name and password
Else if REQUEST DETAIL clicked then
View Requested User list
Edit user details
Delete user details

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IJRITCC | March 2014, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 2 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
483 487

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