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The document discusses filtration systems for gas turbines in tropical environments and highlights the importance of materials selection, drainage systems, and vane separators.

The main components discussed are high-efficiency filtration, dynamic water eliminators, and combining the two to form a system that provides high volume flow, efficiency, and low pressure loss.

Stainless steel grade 316 is commonly used as it has good corrosion resistance properties and is ductile and easily welded.

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Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines


FIG. A-48 Filters protected by a canopy. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

blasting. The lifetime maintenance cost of a painted carbon-steel structure vastly

outweighs the small extra premium that stainless steel affords for the initial
Newer Filtration Designs
Clearly, the most worrisome deficiency of the old systems was the combination of
poor water-handling ability either from rain or salt-related droplets and the
materials of construction.
Gas turbines that operate on warships also experience intermittent heavy-water
loadings. These are protected by vane separators, which are, in essence, a highefficiency weather louvre. The main differences are the close vane pitching, which
is 3 to 4 times closer than for weather louvres, the more intricate profile of the
vanes, and the integral drain system. These vanes have a high capacity and
efficiency and can easily cope with even the record rainfall rates mentioned
previously without the need for a weatherhood, thereby saving weight and expense.
Since droplets can develop on the filter stages due to humidity, a vane separator is
also necessary as the final stage to prevent the problems shown in Fig. A-51.
In addition, technology has improved, so that new, tougher filter materials
are now available that will allow filters to work at slightly higher velocities and so
reduce air-filter housing sizes with the associated reductions in capital and
shipping costs. These tough materials can withstand shot and grit blast without
damage. The higher velocities allow the systems to be designed such that droplets
will break off the filter stages but then be caught in the final-stage vane separator.


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-49

Drain valve. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

It is almost universally agreed that stainless steel is the most cost-effective longterm solution for construction of the air-inlet system. The premium between
stainless steel over painted carbon steel can now be as low as 20%, whereas there
are no further painting costs and the life is infinitely longer.
The grade of stainless steel is also important. It is recognized that the lower
grades, such as American Iron and Steel Institute AISI 304 and AISI 321, do not
have sufficient corrosion protection, particularly if the material is work hardened.
AISI 316 is the most popular choice since it has up to 18.5% chromium, a metal
whose presence helps to build up a passive protective film of oxide and prevents
corrosion. Together with 10 to 14% nickel content, the steel has an austenitic
structure that is very ductile and easily welded.
It also can have a low carbon content (below 0.03%) as well as a molybdenum
content of between 2.0 and 3%, which increases its resistance against pitting.
Indeed, one operator has paid a significant premium in both cost and delivery time
by insisting that the molybdenum content be no lower than 2.5%.
Not only are the filter housings now constructed in AISI 316 but also almost all
of the items such as vane separators, door locks, hinges, and instrumentation are
supplied in this same material. These inlet systems will give a long life, and they
look good as well. A typical system is shown in Figs. A-64 and A-65.

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-50


Salt penetration through filters. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

The attention to detail is now evident. Figure A-65 clearly shows the elaborate
drain systems that are now installed. In addition, the stainless-steel housings are
carefully segregated in the manufacturing shop to prevent any cross-contamination
from any other ferrous materials, which includes tooling.
Figure A-66 shows a Brunei 4 platform where five of the engines had been
retrofitted with this system.
In summary the main requirements of a filtration system in a tropical
environment are
1. Protection against tropical rainstorms by vane separators
2. The inclusion of an integrated drain system
3. The selection of AISI 316 stainless steel as the material of construction
4. Protection against droplet carryover by a final stage vane separator


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-51

Salt penetration through filters. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-52

Corrosion at silencer outlet. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-53

Water penetration through the inlet silencer. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-54

Corrosion in plenum. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)



Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-55

A detached plenum lining. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

5. Protection against insects with an insect screen

6. The use of dust extract systems only where essential
The Offshore Environment*
In Europe in the late 1960s, the only data generally available on the marine
environment was generated from that found on ships. Since at that time there was
considerable interest in using gas turbines as warship propulsion systems, several
attempts were made to define the environment at sea, with particular respect to
* Source: Altair Filters International Limited, UK. Adapted with permission.

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-56

A corroded inertia filter. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-57

A corroded weather louvre. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)



Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-58

Corrosion downstream of filters. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-59

Corrosion downstream of filters. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

Not only was it found difficult to produce consistent data, but other factors such
as ship speed, hull design, and height above water level had major effects. It became
apparent that predicting salt in air levels was as difficult as predicting weather

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-60


Corrosion debris in inlet duct. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

Since the gas turbine manufacturers had defined a total limit of the amount of
the contaminants that the turbines could tolerate, some definition of the
environment was essential to design filter systems that could meet these limits.
Many papers and conferences were held with little agreement, as can be seen in
Fig. A-67. However since the gas turbine industry is a conservative one, it adopted
the most pessimistic values as its standard, namely the National Gas Turbine
Establishment (NGTE) 30-knot aerosol (Table A-11). It was treated more as a test
standard rather than what its name implied. In the absence of any other data, this
was used to define the environment on offshore platforms, despite the fact that they
were much higher out of the water, and did not move around at 40 knots!
This then defined the salt in air concentration, but did not address any other
particulates. In hindsight, it now seems naive that the offshore environments were
originally considered to be clean with no other significant problems than salt. Many


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-61

A paint blister. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-62

A new filter housing awaiting installation. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

equipment specifications were written at that time saying the environment was
dust free.
In the early 1970s there was also a lively debate as to whether the salt in the air
was wet or dry. One argument was put forward that if the salt was wet it would

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-63


Corrosion on the new housing shown in FIG. A-62. (Source: Altair Filters International


FIG. A-64 A stainless-steel filter housing. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-65 A stainless-steel filter housing. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)



NGTE 30-knot Aerosol

Salt Content, ppm





Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines


FIG. A-66

Brunei shell petroleum Fairley 4 platform, showing five new filter housings. (Source:
Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-67 Airborne salt comparisons. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

require a further stage of vane separators as the final stage to prevent droplet
reentrainment from the filters. The opposing argument maintained that vane
separators were unnecessary and that a lower humidity resulted in evaporation of
the droplet, giving a smaller salt particle that required a higher degree of filtration.
Snow and insect swarms were largely ignored as a problem.


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

The Initial Filter Designs

The types of systems that were used on the first phase of the developments in the
North Sea fell into two categories: high-velocity systems where the design face
velocity was normally around 6 m/s, and lower velocity systems that operated at
2.5 m/s.
The low-velocity system was a similar system used on land-based installations,
and usually comprised a weather louvre, followed by a prefilter and a high-efficiency
bag or cartridge filter. Sometimes a demister stage was added and occasionally,
bleed extract inertials were supplied as a first stage.
The high-velocity system was attractive to packagers since it was lighter and
occupied a much smaller space. It was the system derived from shipboard use and
comprised a vane, coalescer, and vane system.
In general, both systems were housed in mild steel housings with a variety of
paint finishes. The weather louvres and vanes were normally constructed from a
marine grade aluminum alloy. The filter elements often had stainless steel or
galvanized frames.
Bypass doors were used to protect the engine against filter blockage.
The emphasis by package designers was to include a provision for a 3 or 4 stage
system often without regard for what those stages should comprise.
The Actual Offshore Environment
The actual offshore environment is in many ways different from that originally
Salt in air is present, although it is only a problem when the filtration system
leaks or is poorly designed. Horizontal rain can be a severe problem although sea
spray does not generally reach the deck levels even in severe storms.
Flare carbon and mud burning can be a significant problem if the flare stack is
badly positioned or if the wind changes direction. (See Fig. A-68.) Not only do the
filters block more quickly, but greasy deposits can cover the entire filter system,
making the washing of cleanable filters more difficult.
The relative humidity offshore was found to be almost always high enough to
ensure that salt was in its wet form. Some splendid work by Tatge, Gordon, and
Conkey concluded that salt would stay as supersaturated droplets unless the
relative humidity dropped below 45%. Further analysis of offshore humidities in
the North Sea showed that this is unlikely to happen (Table A-12).
Initially it was thought that the platforms were dust free, but this is far from the
Drilling cement, barytes, and many other dusts are blown around the rig as they
are used or moved. But the main problem has resulted from grit blasting. As the
platforms got older, repainting was found to be an accelerating requirement with
grit blasting a necessary prerequisite.



Monthly Average Relative Humidity, North Sea


Source: ASME Report 80-GT-174.



Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-68


Flare carbon can cause problems. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-69 Typical turbine damage. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

In order to be effective, grit is sharp and abrasive by design and can be

devastating if ingested into a gas turbine. (See Fig. A-69.) The quantities used can
seem enormous. On one platform it was found that over a 12-month period, 700
tons of grit blast had been used!
The Problems Encountered
In general, problems were slow to appear, typically taking three to five years after
start-up, but since a lot of equipment had been installed at about the same time,
the problems manifested themselves like an epidemic.
These problems could be categorized as follows:
1. Erosion of compressor blading
2. Short intervals between compressor cleaning
3. Frequent filter change-out
4. Turbine corrosion
5. Corrosion of the filters and housing


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-70 Typical leak caused by a missing cable gland. (Source: Altair Filters International


By far the most serious of these problems was the erosion of compressor blading
that was experienced almost simultaneously on many platforms. This occurred
about three to five years after start-up, as this was the time that repainting
programs were initiated. Grit blast found its way into the turbine intakes either
through leaking intakes, bypass doors, or through the media itself. (See Fig. A-70.)
Since the airborne levels were high, the air filters quickly blocked up, allowing the
bypass doors to open. As filter maintenance is not a high priority on production
platforms, considerable periods were spent with grit passing straight into the
turbine through open bypass doors. Even where maintenance standards were more
attentive, there were usually enough leaks in the intake housing and ducting to
ensure delivery of the grit to the turbine.
It often seemed contradictory that the system designers would spend a lot of time
specifying the filter system, but would pay little attention to ensuring the
airtightness of the ducting downstream.
Since the grit was sharp, it sometimes damaged the filter media itself, reducing
the system efficiency dramatically.
Bypass doors were a major problem. Early designs failed to take account of the
environment or the movement in the large structures of the filter housings. Very
few of those initial designs were airtight when shut, and it was not uncommon for
them to be blown open by the wind.
Turbine corrosion could almost always be traced to leaky ducting or operation
with open bypass doors. Very few systems gave turbine corrosion problems if the
ducting was airtight. The few installations that did give problems were usually the
result of low-velocity systems operating with poor aerodynamics, so that local high
velocities reentrained salt water droplets into the airstream and onward to the
engine. (See Fig. A-71.)
Rapid compressor fouling was usually the prelude to more serious problems later,
since it was usually caused by the combined problems of filter bypass.
Compressor cleaning almost once a week was fairly standard for systems with
those problems.
As time progressed the marine environment took its toll on the carbon steel and
severe corrosion was experienced on the intake housing and ducting. (See Fig.
A-72.) In some cases, corrosion debris was ingested into the turbine causing turbine
failure. This again was accelerated by poor design, which allowed dissimilar metals
to be put into contact, leading to galvanic corrosion.

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-71

Inertial filters showing severe corrosion. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-72

Severe duct corrosion. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)


Specification of a Typical Filter Used in the Offshore Environment*

Gas turbines are an ideal power source for driving compressors, pumps, and
generators. Since they are relatively small compared to their power output, they
can be used easily in remote locations such as jungles, deserts, and offshore
platforms. They are, however, very complex pieces of machinery, comprised of many
high-tolerance rotating parts.
The engineering is further complicated by the engine manufacturers need to
increase the turbine efficiency by increasing operating temperatures. In order to
overcome the material stresses associated with these higher temperatures, internal
cooling passages have been introduced into the engine. Typically, turbine blades are
now of hollow construction with cooling air blown through them, exiting through
tiny holes in the blade surface. These holes can be very small and are very
susceptible to blockage. The requirement for filtration of the gas turbine air is,
therefore, even more stringent than in the past. The need to filter the air to the gas
turbine is fourfold:

* Source: Altair Filters International Limited, UK. Adapted with permission.


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

To prevent erosion

To protect against fouling

To prevent particle fusion

To protect against corrosion


Erosion is caused by particles impacting and wearing away the metal surfaces. The
high speeds of the rotating blades collide with the airborne particles and produce
a quite large change in energy, which results in fragments of metal being blasted
out of the blade surface. Even particles as small as 10 mm in diameter can cause
severe erosion. The composition and shape of the particle can also significantly
affect the erosion rate. Blade profiles are so carefully designed that even minor
abrasions can alter the profiles to such an extent that engine performance is
affected. Erosion is an expensive problem since it causes permanent damage and
the affected parts will require replacing. It is proportional to concentration and in
severe duties, such as gas turbinepowered hovercraft operated in desert
conditions, engine life has been reduced to as little as 6 hours.

Engine fouling, by comparison, is normally only a temporary problem and is caused

by a buildup of contamination that adheres to the internal surfaces.
Again, deposition on blade surfaces can change profiles, with the resultant loss
in engine power and an increase in fuel consumption. Particles of 2 mm and less are
generally the major cause of fouling. Smoke, oil mist, and sea salt are common
The particles are attracted to the metal surfaces by a variety of forces, including
impaction, electrostatic, and capillary action. The composition of the particle, again,
is important in determining the rate of fouling. In marine environments, dry dust
particles are often coated in a layer of sea salt, which is viscous by nature and adds
to the fouling action. While fouling is basically a temporary problem, it can be
removed by various cleaning techniques. It is an irritant to the operator, as many
of these cleaning processes have to be conducted at reduced powers or with the
engine stopped. In the past, engines were cleaned by injecting a mild abrasive into
the engine to clean off the contamination when the engine was running. While the
most common material was a mixture of ground coconut shells, rice has been used
on some tropical engines. The practice of using online cleaning has now mostly been
abandoned since it tended to transfer large particles of debris into other areas of
the turbine, causing even more problems. There was also a view put forward that
it accelerated hot end corrosion. Modern cleaning methods use a detergent sprayed
into the engine on a cold cycle, leaving it to soak and then washing it off with clean
Particle fusion

Dry particles, which range in size from 2 to 10 mm, could, on old engine designs,
pass through the engine causing little or no damage. However, on the new
generation of hotter engines, these particles can cause problems if their fusion
temperature is lower than the turbine operating temperature, since they will melt
and stick to the hot-metal surfaces. This can cause severe problems since this
molten mass can block cooling passages and cause thermal fatigue. The affected
surface is permanently disfigured and will need replacement.

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines



The high temperatures of the gas turbine can also cause rapid acceleration of the
corrosion process. Even though the hot-metal surfaces are made of some of the most
sophisticated materials, corrosion can still be extremely rapid. Blade failures in as
little as 100 operating hours have been known, and failures within 2000 operating
hours are relatively common. Corrosion, however, can be completely prevented by
modern techniques, and yet it still occurs.
Normally, corrosion is produced by a salt, such as sodium or potassium, but lead
and vanadium are also common contributors. Since many gas turbines are based
either offshore or close to the sea, sea salt (sodium chloride) is the main offender.
In the cold parts of the engine it is the sodium chloride that does the damage,
whereas in the hot parts of the engine it is sodium sulfate (or sulfidization) that
creates most of the corrosion. Sodium sulfate is produced from the combination of
sulfur in the fuel and sodium chloride in the air.
It is important to recognize that the corrosion process is self-propagating, and,
once started, will continue even though the source problem has been cured.
The modern gas turbine therefore is a sensitive machine and needs to be protected
to provide an acceptable life cycle. For this reason, there are limits that are
recommended by the manufacturers in order to achieve this. There is not one
universal limit that is adopted by all manufacturers. Each has its own, which is
expressed in many different forms, either as an absolute limit or one that is time
dependent. However, all seem to work from the same premise.
Previously, it was often thought that providing a gas-turbine air-filter system was
well chosen; it could be used in almost any environment with equal effect. This has
proved to be a fallacy, as many operators have found at their cost.

The Problems Solved

Since engines appeared to be eroding at a fairly rapid rate, irrespective of which
type of filter system was fitted, an equally rapid response was required.
Phillips decided, after removing a GT22 engine from their Ekofisk Bravo
platform, that they would not operate the repaired engine until the filter system
was changed, even though the source of the problem had not been identified at that
An evaluation of all the likely contaminants was quickly undertaken, with large
quantities of various suspicious substances shipped back to the laboratory for
analysis and trial against the installed filter system in the wind tunnel. Grit blast
was confirmed as the source of erosion, and the installed filter system gave only a
28% protection.
Trials against other conventional filter medias proved negative, since the grit was
sharp and eventually cut its way through the media.
A new type of filter was required with a very strong media and a large capacity
to absorb the huge quantities of grit without blocking too quickly. The ability to
work at high velocity would also be an advantage.
This was achieved by using a bonded polyester fiber, which proved almost
impossible to tear. The strength of the polyester allowed the media to be operated
at higher velocities without fear of fiber loss, which can be a limitation with the
brittle glass fibers used in conventional filtration.
The old filter makers methods of packing in more media with the hope that the
increased area would reduce the media velocity has distinct limitations since the
extra area is not effectively used by the poor aerodynamics created. Instead a
careful aerodynamic design ensured a more even distribution throughout the filter,


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-73

Typical air filter on a platform. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

giving a relatively wide pocketed bag filter capable of those higher velocities and
giving protection against the problem contaminants. By having a relatively high
loft to the media, protection against filter blinding was ensured, with a resulting
longer life. Testing showed the new HV2 filter to be over 99% efficient against the
damaging grit blast.
A cleanable prefilter bag of similar but less dense media was also quickly
designed. This PB1 prefilter bag was unique in that it was designed to be tucked
inside the final filter bag and so only took a further 25-mm installation depth.
The new filters were installed into a new stainless steel housing protected front
and back by vane separators and delivered on Christmas Eve 1983, just three weeks
after the initial problems were investigated; a record for which all those involved
have a right to be proud of. (See Fig. A-73.)
Shell was the next platform operator to experience similar problems, firstly on
the Avon gas turbines on its Brent Delta platform. In these installations it was
possible to fit the HV2 filters in an access space between the existing filter stages.
Shell undertook a bold and very correct decision to weld up the troublesome bypass
doors, having first revised the alarm and trip levels for the intake depression
pressure switches. This system was carefully monitored for a period of nine months
before the remaining 23 Avons on the Brent platforms were similarly converted.
Comparison of two adjacent engines, one with the original system and one with a
retrofitted system showed that over a three-month period the performance of the
retrofitted engine was unchanged, while the other engine showed a steady increase
in exhaust temperature for a given power output amounting to 30C at the end of
the period. Also, the requirement to change out the filters was reduced from 350
hours to, in some cases, over two years.
On Shell Leman BK platform, a similar comparison of two Avons was
investigated, with an air sampling program constantly monitoring the quality of
the inlet air over a period of one month. This showed the modified installation to
be 1014 times more effective, in terms of particle penetration.
It is not surprising that Shell has now retrofitted 78 installations worldwide. In
total this design has been selected for 212 new and retrofitted gas turbine engines.
Filter systems that were an operational irritation every 15 days or so are now
forgotten to such a degree that on some platforms the filters have operated, without
replacement, for up to three years.

Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines


Compressor cleaning is operated on a planned maintenance approximately every

2000 hours.
The Systems of the Future
With so much experience gained with these retrofitted installations, new
installations are now designed taking account of the lessons learned.
Typically a new offshore system will comprise the following features:
1. A housing made entirely of 316 stainless steel
2. A weather hood or high-efficiency weather louvre constructed in 316 stainless
3. A prefilter and filter stage capable of high efficiency against grit blast and other
4. A final vane separator to protect against droplet reentrainment
5. No bypass doors
6. Pressure switches for alarm and shutdown
7. An integrated drain system
8. All materials capable of withstanding a marine environment, with an exclusion
of dissimilar metals, cardboard, and the like
9. A leak-free intake system
The argument for the high-velocity (6 m/s) system is now proven, with over 200
installations worldwide. The advantage of smaller size and lower weight will
become more important in the future, and may push the current designs even
The key components of the system* are:
High-efficiency filtration. (HerculesTM)
Dynamic water eliminator. High-efficiency separator ensures that salt carryover
problems are eliminated (HydraTM)
Hercules and Hydra combine to form System Aquila (Fig. A-74), providing the
following features:
High volume flow. Leading to a filter house with a 65% smaller face area than
traditional systems. This means a customer saves space and weight, which also
saves cost. (See Fig. A-75.)
High efficiency. High dust arrestance and salt removal efficiencies provide
excellent protection from erosion, corrosion, and fouling of turbine blades. (See
Fig A-76.)
Low pressure loss. A typical clean system pressure loss of only 45-mm H2O means
lower fuel consumption, higher output, and longer filter life for operators.
High-efficiency filtration

This feature has been aerodynamically designed to ensure that maximum

particulate efficiency is achieved with the minimum resistance to airflow. The
* Note: Trademarks are specific to the source for this section. Each manufacturer will have its own
equivalent terms and trademarks.


Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines

FIG. A-74 Filter with water eliminator. (Source: Altair Filters International Limited.)

FIG. A-75 Pressure loss versus volume flow rate filter characteristic. (Source: Altair Filters

International Limited.)

semirigid construction, together with the fact that each pocket is divided into
smaller segments by means of a semipermeable shelving system, ensures the best
possible profile throughout all operating conditions. This produces an extremely
uniform flow distribution, leading to improved dust-holding capacity and
eliminating the likelihood of localized dust breakthrough.

Air Pollution Control


FIG. A-76 Efficiency versus pressure loss filter characteristic. (Source: Altair Filters International


Dynamic water eliminator

This feature conducts water and salt removal. The vanes, which are constructed
from corrosion-resistant marine grade aluminum (other materials are available),
are produced with a profile that allows the maximum removal of salt and water,
yet produces an extremely low pressure loss. This optimal profile has been achieved
by the very latest design methods, and in particular by utilizing a Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow modeling system. Hydra also incorporates a unique and
novel method of separating water droplets from the air stream, and this has led to
improvements in bulk water removal compared with conventional methods.
Reference and Additional Reading
1. Tatge, R. B., Gordon, C. R., and Conkey, R. S., Gas Turbine Inlet Filtration in Marine Environments,
ASME Report 80-GT-174.

Typical Specifications for Range of Air Filters

This range includes panels and bags as well as high-efficiency, high-velocity systems
and air/water separators.
Filter holding frames are constructed in mild or stainless steel, designed to
provide quick and easy removal from upstream, downstream, or sides of ducting,
without the use of springs or clips of any kind. Filter housings, ducting, louvres,
dampers, and silencers can also be designed and fabricated, providing a total system

Air Pollution Control*

The main methods of combating and controlling air pollution include:

Electrostatic precipitators (for particulates)

Fabric filters (for dust and particulates)

Flue gas desulfurization (for SOx removal)

SCR DeNOx (for NOx removal)

Absorbers (for environmental toxins)

End-producthandling systems (for solid and liquid wastes)

Combined unit systems (for some or all of the previous items)

* Source: Alstom. Adapted with permission.

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