Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 185-195, 2010

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

14, 185195, 2010


H. Tiwari and M. V. Kartikeyan
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee 247667, India
AbstractIn this paper, a novel type of stacked microstrip patch
antenna is presented in which fractal shaped defects have been
excoriated from the patch surfaces. The antenna has been designed
for dual band operation at the WLAN 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequency
bands and size reduction for both the stacked patches is achieved
due to the use of fractal shaped defects. The antenna was simulated
using CST Microwave Studio 2010 and optimized using Particle Swarm
Optimization (inbuilt in CST). The fabricated antennas measurement
results were found to be in good agreement with the simulated results.

Microstrip antennas are very popular due to their properties, such as
low profile, low cost, conformability and ease of integration with active
devices. Because of the need to integrate these antennas in MMIC
circuits and also their use in other wireless communication applications
the size of these microstrip antennas should be as small as possible
without compromising on their performance. Many techniques which
have been used for antenna miniaturization, such as i) use of high
permittivity substrates [1], ii) applying resistive or reactive loading [2],
iii) increasing the electrical length of antenna [3], iv) use of notches and
short circuits on the patch antenna [4], v) use of magnetic substrates
etc. have been quoted in [5] and [6]. Various shapes of slots and slits
have been embedded on patch antennas to reduce their size. Recently a
microstrip antenna with Koch shaped fractal defects was presented [6]
in which 85% size reduction was achieved.
Corresponding author: M. V. Kartikeyan ([email protected]).


Tiwari and Kartikeyan

Various techniques also exist for dual banding of microstrip

antennas [79]. In this paper, a stacked microstrip patch antenna
with fractal shaped defects is presented for dual band operation.
The introduction of a stacked patch along with the dimensionalities
associated with multiple fractal defects provide us with a large number
of parameters to optimize the dual band behavior of the antenna. A
stacked patch antenna with U-slots for similar dual-band operation was
designed by the authors earlier [10]. In comparison, the antenna in this
paper obtains a size reduction of around 67% for both the patches.
The antenna configuration for the bottom/fed and top/parasitic
patches is shown in Figure 1. Four Koch shaped fractal defects are
symmetrically excoriated from both the top and bottom patch surfaces.
The substrate used has relative permittivity r = 3.38 and thickness
1.524 mm (60 mil). The antenna is fed via a probe in the bottom patch
at a distance of xo = 3.2 mm from the radiating edge (Figure 1(b)).
The gap between the two substrates is ha = 8 mm and the parasitic






Figure 1. (a) Stack antenna configuration. (b) & (c) The bottom and
top patches (with ha = 8 mm air gap between the substrates on which
they are etched).

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 2010


patch is etched on the bottom side of the upper substrate. The

size of the substrate used is 6 cm by 6 cm. The size of the bottom
patch is pl pw = 29.1 18.584 mm, and size of the top patch is
pl2 pw2 = 40.1 23.12 mm. For the symmetrical fractal shaped
defects on the bottom patch the length is f l = 21.3 mm and their
thickness is f t = 0.55 mm. The defects nearest to the centre are placed
at an offset of f o = 2.13 mm from the centre while defects on either
side of the centre are placed at a distance of f d = 3.55 mm from
each other. The corresponding dimensions for the parasitic patch are
f l2 = 26.5 mm, f t2 = 0.69 mm, f o2 = 2.65 mm and f d2 = 4.417 mm.
The stacked U-slot antenna in [10] had its lower and upper patches of
dimensions 41.9 39.9 mm and 53.4 53.4 mm respectively for dual
band operation at similar frequency bands. Hence, with the use of
fractal-slots size reduction of roughly 67% is obtained for both the
So initially the total number of dimensions for optimizing
the dual band performance of the antenna are 14, namely,
pl, pl2, pw, pw2, f l, f l2, f t, f t2, f o, f o2, f d, f d2, ha and xo. These were
the dimensions which were used in optimizing the antenna. For
optimization PSO algorithm inbuilt in CST Microwave Studio 2010
was used.
The simulated and fabricated return loss results are shown in Figures 2
and 3. The antenna covers the WLAN standards IEEE 802.11 b
(2.4 GHz band) and IEEE 82.11 a (5.8 GHz band). The simulated
bandwidth at the 2.4 GHz band is around 120 MHz and at the 5.8 GHz
band is around 160 MHz. After fabrication the return loss of the

Figure 2. The simulated return loss of the antenna.


Tiwari and Kartikeyan

Figure 3. The fabricated return loss of the antenna.


Figure 4. Effect of varying pl on the return loss pattern.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 2010



Figure 5. Effect of varying pl2 on the return loss pattern.

antenna was tested on HP Network Analyzer and the fabricated result
was found to be in good agreement with the simulated result.
After performing parametric variations and the optimization using
PSO the dimensions which were influencing the return loss of the
antenna most strongly were found to be pl, pl2, f l, f l2 and ha. The
results of varying these parameters on the return loss behavior of
the antenna are shown in the Figures 4 through 8. Varying the
bottom patch length pl influences both the resonant frequencies which
shows that it is the most important design parameter. The upper
patch length pl2 controls the level of the second resonance and the
position of the first resonance. Varying the length of the fractal defect
on the bottom patch f l has a significant influence on the deepness
of the second resonance. The length of the fractal defect on the
parasitic patch has a slight influence on the position of the second
resonance. The air gap between the two patches which controls the
electromagnetic coupling between them is responsible for the position
of the second resonance.


Tiwari and Kartikeyan


Figure 6. Effect of varying f l on the return loss pattern.


Figure 7. Effect of varying f l2 on the return loss pattern.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 2010



Figure 8. Effect of varying ha on the return loss pattern.

The current distributions for the lower and upper patches at the
2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands are shown in Figures 9 and 10. As in [6],
it can be seen that the current paths have been lengthened because of
the introduction of Koch-shaped fractal defects on both the patches
which leads to an increase in electrical length and hence a decrease in

Figure 9. Current distribution on bottom patch at 2.4 GHz and

5.8 GHz bands.


Tiwari and Kartikeyan

Figure 10. Current distribution on upper patch at 2.4 GHz and

5.8 GHz bands.

Figure 11.

The fabricated antenna being tested on a network

overall patch size.

The simulated antenna was fabricated and tested. Figure 11 shows the
antenna being tested on the network analyzer. The radiation pattern
of the antenna was measured in an anechoic chamber. Figures 12
through 15 show the simulated and measured radiation patterns of
the antenna in both the E-plane and the H-plane at the frequency
bands of 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The simulated and measured radiation
patterns in the following Figures 12 through 15 have been normalized
so that the maxima are set to 0 dB. Good agreement is found between
the simulated and measured values except in Figure 15. This may be
due to the fact that very low power levels are received by the antenna
at 5.8 GHz band in H-plane configuration as compared to the other 3
configurations (Figures 1214) so the measurement apparatus might be

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 2010


Figure 12. Simulated (solid)

and Measured (dash) E-plane
radiation pattern at 2.4 GHz.

Figure 13. Simulated (solid)

and Measured (dash) H-plane
radiation pattern at 2.4 GHz.

Figure 14. Simulated (solid)

and Measured (dash) E-plane
radiation pattern at 5.8 GHz.

Figure 15. Simulated (solid)

and Measured (dash) H-plane
radiation pattern at 5.8 GHz.

unable to verify the simulation result for this particular configuration

(H-plane at 5.8 GHz) due to possible presence of interference and noise.
The simulated and measured gain curves are also given for the
2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands in Figure 16. At the 2.4 GHz band the
maximum power was received by the antenna at the broadside direction
while at the 5.8 GHz band the maximum power was received at an angle


Tiwari and Kartikeyan

Figure 16. Simulated (solid) and Measured (dash) Gains at the 2.4
GHz and 5.8 GHz bands.
of 30 with respect to broadside in the E-plane. Consequently, gain
measurements are done for the two frequency bands in the directions of
their respective maxima using the substitution/gain-transfer technique
with the help of a standard horn antenna with calibrated gain. About
23 dB of difference in the simulated and measured gains is observed
which can be attributed to fabrication and measurement errors.
A novel stacked microstrip patch antenna was designed with fractal
shaped defects being excoriated from both the patch surfaces. It

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 14, 2010


resulted in longer current paths on the patches which led to a

size reduction of roughly 67% for both the patches in comparison
with a stacked U-slot antenna which was previously designed by
the authors. In addition the use of a stacked patch resulted in
additional design parameters which were used to optimize the dual
band performance of the antenna. The return loss of the antenna
indicates a 10 dB impedance bandwidth of 120 MHz at the 2.4 GHz
band and an impedance bandwidth of 160 MHz at the 5.8 GHz band.
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