Legal Studies Full Course Study Notes
Legal Studies Full Course Study Notes
Legal Studies Full Course Study Notes
- Further Rios sustainable development
- Increase health and sanitation targets for 10 years
-Decrease Greenhouse
Single most successful kofi annan. Was what Sparked Rio.
-Aus signed not ratified. Big players not taking part, cant enforce to non-compliers.
-Consessions = ineffective
Murphyores v Commonwealth
Section 51 of constitution = international agreements = environmental protection
-High court on board = institutions are aligning w/concerns
Homicide- unlawful killing (war and self defense is allowed)
1) Murder- deliberate or indifference to life
2) Manslaughter- killed but w/ defense
Involuntary- negligence
Voluntary- mitigating circumstances
Constructive- during crime
3) Infanticide- <12 months. Post-natal depression?
4) Death by reckless driving- Intention is overlooked by other factors
Assault- (threaten to) cause physical harm
Sexual assault- sexual contact w/out consent
Larceny- theft
Breaking and entering- illegal entrance for crime
Robbery- direct theft
White Collar- Business context. Eg. Tax evasion, computer crime, insider trading
Against state- sedition (hate) treason (bring down)
Public order offences- disrupting eg. Swear
Traffic offences- Traffic Act Small = fine and demerit. Large = court
Regulatory Offences- disobey protocol
Strict Liability- act = punishment (no mens rea)
Preliminary Offences- attempt, conspiracy (>2 people plan)
Ad hoc tribunal- Temporary courts for war crime. Now ICC is permanent
Extradition- Extradition Treaty. Crime in both nations. Transfer to jurisdiction where
crime was offended. Apply with court
Most common recreational drug. Increase respiratory disease and decrease
cognitive function.
1970s, USA removed all small penalties in 11 states and no change in usage
Decrease tobacco usage with ads
High costs of arrest
Medicinal Benefits (cancer)
Secondary crimes committed by those arrested for cannabis. Link?
Australian Law Reform Commission- Keep law w/society. Reports -> Feedback -> Fix
Report etc.
WHY? Value changes, new concepts (victim impact statements), failing existing laws,
international law, new technology.
DPP- Prosecute for community, independent from govt, investigate but not w/police
Zecevic v DPP
Subjective threat v objective reaction
Katarynski v R
Intoxication is included in subjective assessment of threat felt, but not for reaction to
R v Dudley and Stevens
Necessity not for murder
Toonen v Australia
Decriminalised homosexual acts in private. TAS law infringed on International
Convention on Civil and Political Rights
Yanner v Eaton
Customary rights to hunt crocodiles- override QLD laws
Dugan v Mirror Newspapers ltd.
right is lost = cant sue if committed offence punishable by death. No longer free from
defamation always, and equality before law.
Arbitrary law- power w/out reference to law
Influences on law- moral, political, social, economic, cultural
Customary law- indigenous. Mabo Case
Family law- Family Law Act Deal with marriage and divorce etc.
Common Law- case law
Distinguish case- find reason to not follow precedent
Civil Law- More inquisitorial. Written submissions, not argue.
Natural Justice- Fair treatment
Domestic law- Jurisdiction in entity that promulgates the law
International law- only govts.
Public Law- Operating of a govt. Constitutional, administrative, criminal
Private law- individuals
Contract- offer, accept, consideration
Tort- Civil wrong. Negligence, nuisance (hinder others to enjoy rights),
defamation (damage) and trespass
Property- ownership, use and disposal. Real (land and interests), Personal
(Goods, shares, copyright).
Customary- kinship (family), land, spirits, stories.
Civil BOP= Plaintiff
Civil SOP= Balance of probability (more likely right than wrong)
Criminal BOP= Prosecution (state)
Criminal SOP= Beyond reasonable doubt
Equity- court deal w/injustices in law
Equality- equal for all
Fairness- equal outcomes
*Equality is not Fairness
Human Rights- Fundamental (for all) and Inalienable (cant remove)
Darfur conflict- Military + Janjaweed v Sudan Liberation Movement. Because govt not
respond to natural disasters and feelings of non-arabic oppression.
LEGAL: UN= ineffective- Resolution 1556 ignored. Another 3 Rejected. STATE
SOVEREIGNTY. Also, EU not willing to donate troops, USA too thin spreading in Iraw
and Afghanistan
LEGAL: Regional Intergovernmental Organisations (RIGOs)= effective. African Union
= quick response and 7000 troops there today. BUT small size and lack of funds is
NONLEGAL: NGOs- Amnesty international = camps, reports to UN and Media =
attention and exposure. Recommendations. BUT NGOs not a sovereignty and
oppressive govt attack
East Timor Crisis- Stem from Indonesian invasion in 1975. West soldiers v Govt
because discriminated against for East Soldiers.
LEGAL: UN= effective- extend deadline of UNOTIL twice. Resolution 1704 = UNMIT
keeps Australia in charge = increased idea of regional focus. Security Council backed it.
LEGAL: Unilateral Govt Response= effective- spark others to come on board. Foreign
Minister Horta called for help and next day help arrived. Operation Astute. Withdrew
240 Soldiers from Solomon Islands and others backed those troops left there.
NONLEGAL: Media- not just sell papers, increase awareness and support.
Communication = quick response. John Howard inform us of balancing act = if dont go
and crisis worsens we bad, if we do go we bully.
World Order- address conflict. Post WW1 est League of nations- collapsed at start of
Conventional Warfare- Large number of troops. Organised
Standing Army- Permanent National army
Guerilla Warfare- part-time, independent, unorganized, hard to find and recognize. Hit
and run.
Nuclear Warfare- WW2= race for weapon that kills best and fastest. Treaties now to stop
Civil war- armed conflict in nation
Magna Carta (1215)- Limit king Johns power. No interference w/church, no taxes w/out
parliamentary consent, no prison w/out trial, cant deny rights of towns or rights to travel.
English Bill of Rights (1688)- James II expelled for increased parliament interference.
William II signed bill: Parliament function w/out royal interference. Shifted power from
monarchy to parliament.
Dec. of Independence of USA (1776)- Live life free from oppression. Stemmed out of
Britain trying to tax N.American colonies who had own character.
Constitution of USA (1787)- Separation of powers (no one branch w/greater power). No
arbitrary law change. Came after war of independence from British parliament.
US Bill of rights- 10 articles (1st 10 amendments to the constitution eg. Free from
unreasonable searches).
Dec. of the Rights of Man (1789)- Formed by common people in the 3rd estate of French
parliament when forming the national assembly. Freedoms and equality.
Basic law of Federal Republic of Germany (1949)- en of WW2. W.Germany protected
rights of its individuals.
Universal dec. of Human rights- Post WW2. 30 articles. Equality, freedom and
Arbitrary/absolute power- total power over citizens. Dissolved by Magna Carta.
Popular sovereignty- people = power through election
Natural law- derived from god/bible rules
Positive Law- made by the state. Precedence over natural law.
State sovereignty- Nation defined by boarders it can protect; rights ro govern itself, pave
own destiny, impose own controls.
The state sovereignty includes:
-political control
-security pursuit
Slavery = ancient tradition- no rights.
Natural rights (love thy neighbour) = question slavery.
Emancipation Act British govt. abolish slavery.
3rd amendment to US constitution also abolish slavery, but still oppression in the sthn.
States up until 1960s.
Slavery Convention as soon as possible = soft
A supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery less colonialism/apartheid
(African and Soviet Union states)
A.4 of UDHR
The right to vote.
The 1st partly-elected body in NSW = the legislative council (only extremely wealthy
men could vote).
Women right to vote in Federal election in 1902 (as opposed to 1928 in Britain).
Increased social mobility.
The need for children to work and provide for family = less education.
UN invests $ to relieve poverty.
Types of Rights
Customs- typical way to do things = law
Moral- immoral to kill = moral RIGHT to life. What is good.
Legal- instilled in law. Not always reflect society ie. In a dictatorship.
Domestic- Domestic law = that jurisdiction
International- universal rights for all humans. Cant grant or remove. Codified into
domestic for protection.
Civil and Political- Protect from oppressive govt.
International covenant on civil and political rights- life, freedom (expression etc.),
equality before law.
This est. International Human Rights Committee- monitor and read submissions from
Covenant on the:
Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women
Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
Rights of the Child (CROC)
Prevention and punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatments and punishments