Kill Sheet Calculation Formulas Pressure & Gradient Formulas

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Kill Sheet Calculation Formulas

Pressure & Gradient Formulas

Fluid Gradientpsi/ft = Fluid Weightppg x 0.052

Kill Weight Fluidppg = (SIDPPpsi

0.052 TVDft) + Present Fluid Weightppg

Fluid Weightppg = Fluid Gradientpsi/ft 0.052

Hydrostatic Pressurepsi = Fluid Weightppg x 0.052 x TVDft

(FCP) Final Circulating Pressurepsi =

Formation Pressurepsi =
Well Hydrostatic Pressurepsi + SIDPPpsi
Capacity & Volume & Displacement Formulas
DP or DC Capacitybbls/ft = (IDin)2 1029.4
DP or DC Volumebbls = Capacitybbls/ft x MDft
Csg. or OH Capacitybbls/ft = (IDin)2


Csg. or OH Volumebbls = Capacitybbls/ft x MDft

(Kill Rate Pump Pressurepsi x Kill Weight Fluidppg) Present Fluid Weightppg
Strokes Surface to Bottom/Bit =
Drill String Volumebbls Pump Outputbbls/stk
Strokes Bottom/Bit to Surface = Annular Volumebbls Pump Outputbbls/stk
Total Strokes Surface to Surface =
(Drill String Volumebbls + Annular Volumebbls) Pump Outputbbls/stk
Strokes Bottom/Bit to Csg. Shoe =
Annular Volumebbls Bit to Csg. or Liner Shoe Pump Outputbbls/stk

Annular Capacitybbls/ft =
[(ID Csg. or OHin) - (OD Pipein) ]

(ICP) Initial Circulating Pressurepsi = SIDPPpsi + Kill Rate Pump Pressurepsi


Maximum Allowable Mud Weightppg (MAMW) =

0.052) +

Annular Volumebbls = Annular Capacitybbls/ft x MDft

(LOT Pressurepsi Csg. or Liner Shoe TVDft

DP or DC Displacementbbls/ft Used for Open Ended =

Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressurepsi (MAASP) =

[(ODin)2 - (IDin)2]


DP or DC Displacementbbls/ft Used for Closed Ended =



Tank Capacity & Volume Formulas

Total Volumebbls Rectangular Tank =

(Lengthft x Widthft x Heightft) 5.615

Capacity Rectangular Tankbbls/ft = Lengthft x Widthft x 0.178
Capacity Rectangular Tankbbls/in = Lengthft x Widthft x 0.0148
Pump Output & Rate Formulas
Circulating Ratebbls/min =

LOT Fluid Weightppg

(MAMWppg - Present Fluid Weightppg) x 0.052 x Csg. or Liner Shoe TVDft

Estimated Influx Lengthft = Influx Sizebbls Annular Capacitybbls/ft
Estimated Kick Densityppg =

Present Fluid Weightppg - [(SICPpsi - SIDPPpsi) (0.052 x Influx Lengthft)]

Pressure Loss or Gain per Barrelpsi/bbl =

(Fluid Gradientpsi/ft - 0.104psi/ft) Annular Capacitybbls/ft at top of hole

Miscellaneous Formulas

Barite Calculated Sacks per 100bbls =

1470 x [(Kill Weight Fluidppg - Present Fluid Weightppg) (35 - Kill Weight Fluidppg)]
Pit Volume Increase per 100bbls =

Pump Outputbbls/stk x Pump Speedstks/min

100 x [(Kill Weight Fluidppg - Present Fluid Weightppg) (35 - Kill Weight Fluidppg)]

Pump Output Triplexbbls/stk =

ECDppg = (Annular Pressure Losspsi

0.000243 x (Liner IDin)2 x Stroke Lengthin x Efficiency %

Pump Output Quintuplexbbls/stk =
0.000405 x (Liner IDin)2 x Stroke Lengthin x Efficiency %

Forcelbs = Pressurepsi x (0.7854 x Diameterin2)

Buoyancy Factor = (65.4 Fluid Weightppg) 65.4

Csg. = Casing
Cap. = Capacity
P = Change in pressure
Displ. = Displacement
LOT = Leak Off Test
OH = Open Hole
SIDPP = Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure
SICP = Shut In Casing Pressure

0.052 TVDft ) + Fluid Weightppg

Trip Calculation Formulas

Lengthft of Dry Pipe Pulled Before Fill-up for Desired Pressure Drop P =
[Ppsi x (Annular Cap.bbls/ft + DP Cap.bbls/ft)] (0.052 x Fluid Weightppg x DP Displ.bbls/ft)
Lengthft of Wet Pipe Pulled Before Fill-up for Desired Pressure Drop P =
Ppsi x Annular Cap.bbls/ft [(0.052 x Fluid Weightppg) x (DP Cap.bbls/ft + DP Displ.bbls/ft)]

1 .2 8 1 .784.4700 | wildwell. c om | A S U P ER IOR ENER G Y S ERV I C E S C O M PA N Y



1029.4 is a conversion factor used to convert volume in barrels to capacity in barrels per foot.
Where 1029.4 constant came from:


(bbls/ft) = x D2 (in2) (ft2/144 in2) (0.1784 bbls/ft3)

(bbls/ft) = D2 x
x (1/144) x (0.1784) (bbls/ft)
(bbls/ft) = D2 x 0.000971387083
(bbls/ft) =

ft3 = 7.48gal, if we have 1ppg fluid

1ppg = 7.48lbs or 7.48lbs ft3
7.48 lbs/144in2 = 0.0519444 0.052

( )(

1 ft3
= 0.052 gal/in2 ft
1728 in3

5.615 equals the cubic feet in one barrel.

1 ft

0.052 is a constant used for converting pounds per gallon into pressure per square inches per foot.
Where 0.052 constant came from:

1 ppg

1 ft

1 ft

0.104 is the gradient of 2.0ppg gas.

Where 0.104 came from:
Gas density 2.0ppg x 0.052 = 0.104

0.178 is a constant that converts cubic feet into bbls/ft.

Where 0.178 came from:
0.178 is the reciprocal of 5.615
1 5.615 = 0.17825 0.178

65.4 is used to convert the weight of steel in pounds

into pounds per gallon.
Where 65.4 came from:
Steel SG 7.85 x 8.33ppg = 65.3905 65.4

0.0148 is a constant that converts cubic ft into bbls/in.

Where 0.0148 came from:
0.178 12 inches = 0.0148

0.000243 is used to convert a triplex pump liner diameter inches and stroke length inches into barrels per
Where 0.000243 came from:

35 is the weight of one gallon of barite.

Where 35 came from:
Barite Specific Gravity (SG) 4.2 x 8.33ppg = 34.98 35

0.000405 is used to convert quintuplex pump liner

diameter inches and stroke length inches into
barrels per stroke.
Where 0.000405 came from:
(D2 1029.4) x (5 cyl. 12) = 0.0004047 0.000405

1470 is the weight of one barrel of barite.

Where 1470 came from:
Barite SG 4.2 x 8.33ppg x 42 = 1469.412 1470

0.7854 is a constant used to convert the diameter of a

circle (in inches) into square inches.
Where 0.7854 came from:
4 = 3.14159265 4 = 0.785398 0.7854

1 .2 8 1 .784.4700 | wildwell. c om | A S U P ER IOR ENER G Y S ERV I C E S C O M PA N Y


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