B4A Stringfunctions: Written by Margret

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The document outlines the different string manipulation functions available in the StringFunctions module in B4A including functions to encrypt, decrypt, trim, split, search and manipulate strings and dates.

The document outlines that StringFunctions contains functions to manipulate strings including functions to encrypt, decrypt, trim, split, search and manipulate substrings.

Functions like Mid, Left, Right, Trim, Upper, Lower, Proper etc are described which can be used to manipulate parts of strings.

B4A StringFunctions

Written by Margret
List of types:


AddSpaces (HowMany As Int) As String
AsciiCodes As String
At (YourString As String, SearchFor As String) As Int
CurrentWeek (MyDate As String) As Int
DayOfMonth (MyDate As String) As Int
Decrypt (YourText As String) As String
Empty (StringText As String) As Boolean
Encrypt (YourText As String) As String
FileExist (PathAndFileName As String) As Boolean
iif (Value1 As String, Value2 As String, Value3 As String) As String
Initialize As String
InString (YourString As String, SearchFor As String) As Long
IsEmpty (StringText As String) As Boolean
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
Len (StringText As String) As Long

Lower (StringText As String) As String

Ltrim (StringText As String) As String
MB (Message As String) As String
Mid (StringText As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
Month (MyDate As String) As Int
MonthName (MyDate As String) As String
NewDate (DatePassed As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String
NumOfDaysBetween (CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) As Int
Proper (StringText As String) As String
Right (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
RndChrGen (StringLength As Int, CharacterType As Int) As String
Rtrim (StringText As String) As String
SearchDate (Date1 As String, Date2 As String, DateRange As Int) As Boolea
Split (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As List
Split2 (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As String()
SplitGetWord (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String, GetEle
ment As Int) As String
Stuf (CurrentText As String, InsertInString As String, RemoveFromString As
String) As String
Today As String
Trim (Text As String) As String
Upper (StringText As String) As String
Val (StringText As String) As Double
ValidDate (ChkDate As String) As Boolean
WeekDay (MyDate As String) As String
WeekName (MyDate As String) As String

Year (MyDate As String) As String

Members description:
AddSpaces (HowMany As Int) As String
Returns a string of spaces. The number returned is set by HowMany.
AsciiCodes As String
Displays a MessageBox with all Characters and their ASCII codes.
At (YourString As String, SearchFor As String) As Int
Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.
CurrentWeek (MyDate As String) As Int
Returns the number of the current week, 1-52 from the date passed to MyDate.
DayOfMonth (MyDate As String) As Int
Returns the day of the month like 1-31, from the date passed to MyDate.
Decrypt (YourText As String) As String
Converts an encrypted string of text to readable format.
Empty (StringText As String) As Boolean
Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.
Encrypt (YourText As String) As String
Converts a string of text to simple encryption.
FileExist (PathAndFileName As String) As Boolean
Returns True if the filename passed does exist, otherwise returns False.
Be sure to include the path like:
If FileExist("/mnt/sdcard/mydata.dat") Then MsgBox("Yes", "The Answer")
iif (Value1 As String, Value2 As String, Value3 As String) As String
This is a single line if conditional test. If Value1 is true, Value2 is returned,
Value3 will be returned. Works with strings and booleans.
MsgBox(iif("Bob"="Jim", "They are the same", "They are not the same"), "The
MyBoolean = iif(FirstTime = True, StartMyService = True, StartMyService =

Initialize As String
Initializes the object for use.
InString (YourString As String, SearchFor As String) As Long
Returns the position of the SearchFor within YourString.
IsEmpty (StringText As String) As Boolean
Test to see if the string is empty and returns True if it is, otherwise returns False.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Left (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
Returns the Left portion of a string with the number of characters passed
in Length.
Len (StringText As String) As Long
Returns the length of the string.
Lower (StringText As String) As String
Returns the string converted to Lowercase characters.
Ltrim (StringText As String) As String
Returns a new string with the leading spaces removed.
MB (Message As String) As String
Same as MsgBox but only needs one parameter.
Mid (StringText As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
Returns the a new String for how ever many characters passed in Length from
a starting position passed in Start.
Mid(This is a long line of text, 5, 2)
In this example the function will Return: "is"
Month (MyDate As String) As Int
Returns the number of the current month 1-12 as Int type, from the date passed
to MyDate.
MonthName (MyDate As String) As String
Returns the Name the current month as a String like January, etc., from the date
passed to MyDate.
NewDate (DatePassed As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String

Returns a new date adding or subtracting HowManyDays. HowManyDays can be

positive or
negitive numbers.
NumOfDaysBetween (CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) A
s Int
Returns the numbers of days passed between the two dates passed.
Proper (StringText As String) As String
Returns the string in proper format.
MyText = "jim joe brown"
MyText = SF.Proper(Mytext)
This function will return: "Jim Joe Brown"
Right (StringText As String, Length As Long) As String
Returns the Right portion of a string with the number of characters passed
in Length.
RndChrGen (StringLength As Int, CharacterType As Int) As String
Returns a string of ramdom characters with a length specified by StringLength.
CharacterType tells
the function what type of characters to return.
CharacterType = 0 for Upper and Lower case
CharacterType = 1 for Upper case only
CharacterType = 2 for Lower case only
Rtrim (StringText As String) As String
Returns a new string with the trailing spaces removed.
SearchDate (Date1 As String, Date2 As String, DateRange As Int) As
Returns True if the Date1 and the Date2 are within x Days(DateRange) of each
Pass the dates as Strings.
SearchDate("03/01/2013", "02/15/2013", 30)
Split (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As List
Returns a LIST of items from the string split at the Delimiter.
Dim ANS As List
ANS = SF.Split("This is a test string.", " ")
Split2 (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String) As Strin

Returns an Array of items from the string split at the Delimiter.

Dim ANS() As String
ANS = SF.Split("This is a test string.", " ")
SplitGetWord (CurrentString As String, Split_At_Delimiter As String,
GetElement As Int) As String
Returns just the one element selected with GetElement from the string.
ANS = SF.SplitGetWord("This is a test string.", " ", 2)
In this example the function will Return: "test"
Stuf (CurrentText As String, InsertInString As String, RemoveFromS
tring As String) As String
Used to replace text in a string with new text.
MyText = "I will tell you that joe is a good friend!"
MyText = SF.Stuff(MyText, "Joe Brown", "joe")
This function will return: "I will tell you that Joe Brown is a good friend!"
Today As String
Returns the devices date.
Trim (Text As String) As String
Returns a new string will leading and trailing spaces removed.
Upper (StringText As String) As String
Returns the string converted to Uppercase characters.
Val (StringText As String) As Double
Returns the numerical value of a string. If the string contains now value it
returns 0.
ValidDate (ChkDate As String) As Boolean
Returns True if the date passed is a Valid date.
WeekDay (MyDate As String) As String
Returns the number of the day of the week 1-7 as a String, from the date
passed to MyDate.
WeekName (MyDate As String) As String
Returns the name of the day of the week like Sunday, Monday, etc., from the
date passed to MyDate.
Year (MyDate As String) As String

Returns the year of the date passed in MyDate.

SF.Year("01/01/2013") returns "2013"

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