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Clinical paper
Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalente, Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Hospital de Santo Antnio, 4099-001 Porto, Portugal
Servico de Bioestatstica e Informtica Mdica, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Alameda Professor Hernni Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
CINTESIS (Centro de Investigaco em Tecnologias da Sade e Sistemas de Informaco em Sade), Servico de Bioestatstica e Informtica Mdica,
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Alameda Professor Hernni Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Trauma Audit and Research Network, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, Hope Hospital, Salford M6 8HD, United Kingdom
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 24 May 2009
Received in revised form
15 December 2009
Accepted 20 December 2009
Trauma centre
Trauma system
Life-threatening event
a b s t r a c t
Aim: The benet of a well organised trauma system is acknowledged but doubts remain concerning the
optimal pre-hospital trauma care model. We hypothesise that the treatment of life-threatening events
before arrival at trauma centre either pre-hospital or rst hospital may be more relevant to decreasing
mortality than shortening the time to trauma centre.
Methods: A cohort of 727 trauma patients with life-threatening events identied as airway, breathing, circulation or neurological disability requiring transfer to a trauma centre were studied. Data on
patients characteristics, trauma features, and mortality were taken from a trauma registry. Patients were
divided into 3 groups depending on the place of treatment of life-threatening events: pre-hospital, rst
hospital or trauma centre. Survival KaplanMeier curves and logistic regression were used to assess the
effect of place of treatment of life-threatening events on mortality.
Results: Patients from the pre-hospital and rst hospital groups had 20% and 27% mortality respectively,
compared to 38% among those whose life-threatening events were corrected only at the trauma centre.
Logistic regression showed that patients whose life-threatening events were corrected only at the trauma
centre had an odds of death 3.3 times greater than those from the pre-hospital group, adjusted for patient
and trauma characteristics and time to trauma centre.
Conclusion: In trauma patients requiring transfer to a trauma centre, pre-hospital interventions to treat
life-threatening events may signicantly decrease mortality when compared to similar interventions
performed later at the trauma centre.
2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The benet of a well organised trauma system with specialized trauma centres is fully acknowledged,14 but doubts
still remain concerning what could be considered as the optimal pre-hospital trauma care. Several authors have studied
the effect of pre-hospital advanced life support (ALS) in comparison with pre-hospital basic life support (BLS) approaches
on trauma mortality and other outcomes.59 However, there
are no large or controlled studies on that subject and the
controversy is far from being resolved. Even studies that
address the effect of specialized trauma teams and helicopters on trauma patients outcome showed conicting
Moreover, studies that compare pre-hospital ALS and BLS
approaches often have different denitions for ALS and BLS, study
only partial ALS attitudes or techniques instead of the whole concept and above all do not study and compare ALS and BLS in a
population of trauma patients with life-threatening events needing
Traumatic life-threatening events were dened in the medical
literature as events that endanger life and that should be corrected
during the primary survey of treatment of trauma patients. By
denition life-threatening events should be treated urgently. The
methodology to identify and treat life-threatening events is also
known as ABCD methodology and is taught in different trauma
courses around the world namely European Trauma Course14 and
Table 1
Patients variables according to mortality and place of treatment of life-threatening events.
Total (n = 727)
Case fatality
Dead (n = 204)
157 (22)
570 (78)
44 (21)
99 (19)
424 (81)
42 (21)
58 (28)
146 (72)
48 (21)
690 (95)
37 (5)
505 (97)
18 (3)
185 (91)
19 (9)
422 (58)
217 (30)
5 (1)
49 (7)
2 (0)
32 (4)
331 (63)
141 (27)
4 (1)
32 (6)
2 (0)
13 (3)
91 (44)
76 (37)
1 (1)
17 (8)
0 (0)
19 (9)
4.1 (0.9)
1.9 (0.7)
3.3 (1.0)
2.7 (1.1)
2.2 (0.9)
25 (1832)
5.9 (56.9)
0.69 (0.28)
Outcome n (%)
204 (28)
523 (72)
Life-threatening events
30 (4)
66 (9)
64 (9)
567 (78)
Qui-Square test.
Independent sample test.
KuskallWallis; IQR: inter-quartile range.
4.0 (0.9)
1.9 (0.7)
3.3 (1.0)
2.6 (1.1)
2.3 (0.9)
25 (1730)
5.9 (56.9)
0.75 (0.25)
25 (5)
49 (9)
47 (9)
402 (77)
4.7 (0.7)
1.8 (0.6)
3.5 (1.0)
2.8 (1.2)
2.2 (0.8)
25 (2534)
5.0 (45.9)
0.54 (0.29)
Pre-hospital (n = 49)
11 (22)
38 (78)
38 (19)
123 (21)
457 (79)
44 (21)
23 (24)
75 (77)
48 (22)
48 (98)
1 (3)
546 (94)
34 (6)
96 (98)
2 (2)
35 (71)
8 (6)
0 (0)
5 (10)
0 (0)
1 (2)
331 (57)
177 (31)
5 (1)
36 (6)
2 (0)
29 (5)
56 (57)
32 (33)
0 (0)
8 (8)
0 (0)
2 (2)
5 (3)
17 (8)
17 (8)
165 (81)
4.2 (0.9)
2.2 (0.8)
3.0 (1.1)
2.4 (0.5)
2.0 (0.7)
22 (1632)
5.9 (46.9)
0.71 (0.31)
4.2 (0.9)
1.8 (0.6)
3.3 (1.0)
2.5 (1.1)
2.2 (0.8)
25 (1829)
5.9 (56.9)
0.70 (0.27)
4.0 (1.1)
2.0 (0.8)
3.7 (0.9)
2.9 (1.7)
2.6 (1.0)
29 (2438)
5.9 (57.1)
0.6 (0.32)
10 (20)
39 (80)
157 (27)
423 (73)
37 (38)
61 (62)
0 (0)
2 (6)
3 (8)
31 (86)
12 (2)
37 (7)
13 (3)
426 (88)
4 (6)
12 (16)
22 (30)
35 (48)
Alive (n = 523)
Gender, n (%)
Age, mean (SD)
Table 2
Life-threatening events and treatments.
Life-threatening events
Airway (A) problem
Airway obstruction
Cervical spine injury
Oxygen and Basic airway manoeuvres
Tracheal intubation
Cervical collar
Breathing (B) problem
Pulmonary contusion
Massive Haemothorax
Tension Pneumothorax
Flail chest
Chest drain
Circulation (C) problem
Clinical signs of shock
Fluids + Vasoconstrictors
Disability (D) problem
GCS < 9
GCS > 8
Tracheal intubation
Referral to Neurosurgery
30 (4)
23 (77)
7 (23)
18 (60)
5 (16)
7 (24)
66 (9)
24 (37)
17 (25)
16 (25)
9 (13)
66 (100)
31 (47)
33 (49)
64 (9)
64 (100)
52 (81)
6 (8)
6 (8)
567 (78)
377 (66%)
190 (34%)
377 (66%)
567 (100)
similar except for age and ISS (patients who had life-threatening
events treated in the pre-hospital phase were younger and less
severely injured). Mortality rates differed across these 3 groups,
20% for patients with life-threatening events treated in the prehospital environment, 27% for those with events treated in rst
hospital and 38% for patients with life-threatening events solved
only in the trauma centre (p = 0.044).
Fig. 1 shows the survival curves for the 3 groups of patients.
Patients were more likely to survive when their life-threatening
events were corrected in the pre-hospital phase, corresponding to a
mortality reduction of almost 50% when compared to those patients
whose life-threatening events were corrected later in trauma
Fig. 1. Survival curves for patients with life-threatening events treated in prehospital, rst hospital or trauma centre. Length of stay is depicted in days.
Table 3
Regression analysis for mortality.
CI 95%
Type of trauma
C Statistic
Variables in the model: gender, age, ISS, RTS, type of trauma, place of treatment of
life-threatening events and time to trauma centre. Enter method was used.
by the World Health Organisation identies only one small randomised study that is in favour of the ALS and concludes on the
absence of evidence of the effectiveness of ALS in the pre-hospital
setting.12 However, different denitions for what is called ALS and
BLS, the study of partial ALS attitudes or techniques instead of the
all concept analyses, small study samples, studies not controlled
nor randomised and a retrospective methodology are probably
the main reasons for the difculty in showing a better relationship of ALS with outcome, along with differences between trauma
systems.13 The future of ALS pre-hospital trauma care depends on
nding the groups of patients who benet denitely from it. We
believe that this study contributes to this debate as it shows that
trauma patients transferred to a trauma centre benet from ALS in
the pre-hospital phase. Although studies comparing ALS with BLS
have been done before as far as we know the comparison was never
performed in a well-dened cohort where interventions were definitely needed to treat life-threatening events, as was the case in
this study. Our study is in accordance with recent papers showing benet of ALS in the pre-hospital environment9,22,23 and others
that show benet from pre-hospital ALS only in specic groups of
patients namely those with TBI.2427
A recent before-after controlled clinical trial study from
Canada28 shows an increase in mortality with ALS implementation. Comparison with our report is difcult as the Canadian study
compares ALS done by trained paramedics in urban scenarios.
In our study ALS means the presence of a doctor that identies
and corrects the life-threatening events that each patient had in
either rural or urban scenarios. Moreover they study only patients
admitted directly from the scene and we are studying transferred
Another important result is that this study strongly supports
the importance of the ABCD methodologya structured approach
to assess and treat life-threatening events in trauma patients. ABCD
methodology is currently taught in trauma courses like ATLS15
and European Trauma Course.29 This nding is in accordance with
other authors like Deakin who found that preventable pre-hospital
deaths were related to failure to deliver good solutions to A, B and
C life-threatening events at the scene.30
We also report that correcting life-threatening events pretrauma centre (pre-hospital and rst hospital) increases the total
time from the accident to trauma centre. The mean times we report
were very long mainly not only because we are analysing only
transferred trauma patients but also because the trauma system we
are analysing has hospitals that are more than three driving hours
away from the trauma centre. Several studies also found an increase
in total pre-hospital time spent if ALS was dispatched to trauma
patients.3133 Moreover some studies even reported a worse outcome if the time to trauma centre was prolonged.5,6 However in
our trauma system time from accident to trauma centre although
also higher did not make a measurable difference in the mortality
of severe trauma patients making us reject our second hypothesis.
This is in accordance with other European studies from Scotland
and Switzerland showing that long pre-hospital times were not
associated with worse outcome.7,23 We believe that the potential
disadvantage of spending more time pre-trauma centre might have
been diluted by the advantages of delivering good standards of
care in the pre-hospital environment or rst hospital correcting
life-threatening events prior to transfer to the trauma centre.
4.1. Study strengths and weaknesses
Our studys strengths lie in the well described cohort of patients;
the prospective evaluation of a single trauma system with all
patients transferred and afterwards treated in the same trauma
centre; the use of the TRISS methodology for severity analysis and
the use of a regression modelling to adjust mortality for case mix.34
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