CHY102 Outline F2015
CHY102 Outline F2015
CHY102 Outline F2015
KHE 326B
JOR 1232
VIC 701
Ext. 2260
Ext. 3387
Ext. 6552
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
NOTE: if you purchase Mastering Chemistry directly from the publishers website, you will be prompted to
choose the correct textbook for your registration. The correct textbook is Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
Canadian Edition by Nivaldo J. Tro, Travis Fridgen, and Lawton Shaw. Pearson, 2014. ISBN: 9780135115213.
(Do NOT choose Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd edition. That is the wrong textbook.) The correct
textbook looks like this (even though the textbook at the Ryerson bookstore has a different cover):
Conduct scientific experiments and analyzes as well as interpret the obtained results (1a)
Develop analytical and numerical expressions in various problems (1b)
Apply mathematics to evaluate expressions, and find potential solutions (1b)
Understand problem statements and identify objectives (2a)
Recognize engineering systems, variables, and parameters (2a)
The numbers listed in parentheses refer to graduate attributes required by the Canadian Engineering
Accreditation Board. For more information see:
Course Policies
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and/or cheating are unacceptable. Details of the Student Code of Academic
Conduct are provided at
Access Centre: Students with existing Access Centre accommodations should meet with their instructor at the
beginning of the course. Students who register with the Access Center during the semester must speak to their
instructor as soon as their needs are identified.
Calculator Policy: You may use any non-programmable, non-communicable calculator. You may not use your
phone or any communicable device as your calculator. If you are caught using your phone or any other
communicable device during tests or exams (even if you are only using it for the calculator function), this will
constitute academic misconduct within the Ryerson Student Code of Academic Conduct (Policy 60). Any
breach of the student academic code of conduct during assessments will result in a grade of zero for the entire
component of the course where the misconduct is detected. Further penalties may be applied at the discretion of
the instructor and/or course coordinator.
Course Civility and Electronics Policy:
Any successful learning experience requires mutual respect on the part of the student and the instructor. Neither
instructor nor student should be subject to behavior that is rude, disruptive, intimidating, or demeaning. The
instructor has primary responsibility for and control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic
integrity. Student conduct which disrupts the learning process shall not be tolerated and may lead to
disciplinary action and/or removal from class.
Instructor responsibilities: Start and end class on time; Treat all students with courtesy and respect; Be open to
constructive input from students in the course; Ensure that opportunities to participate are enjoyed equally by all
students in the course.
Student responsibilities: Come to class (and return from any scheduled breaks) on time, and refrain from
packing up belongings before class ends; Turn off all electronic devices, programs and apps that might create a
disruption in class; Be quiet and give full respectful attention while either instructor or another student is
speaking; When speaking, use courteous, respectful language and keep comments and questions relevant to the
topic at hand.
Details of the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct are provided at
Course Management Policy: Every effort will be made to manage the course as outlined in the course outline.
Any changes will be announced in-class and on the course D2L site before implementation. Refer to for complete details.
E-Mail Policy: All electronic communication must be through your Ryerson email account or the D2L course
management system. Any e-mail sent from another source will not receive a response and will be deleted as
there is no way for the instructor to confirm the identity of the sender.
All emails must contain an appropriate subject line, including the course code (CHY102). The body of the
email must contain your name, student number, course number and section, if applicable. The email must have
text with complete sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar. Overall, it should have a professional tone.
Failure to have any of the aforementioned criteria may result in the instructor not responding to the message.
The instructor will attempt to respond to email within 24 hours, not including weekends, holidays, or periods
where the university is closed.
Students are required to check their e-mail accounts regularly. It is the students responsibility to
contact their instructor and/or the course coordinator (via e-mail) to request academic consideration as soon as
circumstances arise that are likely to affect academic performance.
Missed Tests/Exams/Laboratories/Assignments: Students are responsible for writing tests/exams on the days
specified. If a student anticipates missing a deadline for an assignment, test or an examination because of
illness, compassionate reasons, or any other issue, he/she must:
1. Contact their instructor immediately by email or phone.
2. Submit a medical certificate (see for the certificate) AND an
Academic Consideration form (see
3. Submit the documents to the First Year and Common Engineering Office (ENG 377) within three (3)
business days of the missed evaluation period. (Note: If you are not a first year student you should
submit your documents to your program department office).
4. Ensure that all medical certificates and other documents are date-stamped by office staff. If the
documentation is acceptable, a make-up test/examination may be scheduled. Consult with the instructor
regarding the availability of make-up tests. Failure to comply with these procedures will result in a
score of zero for the evaluation in question. Additional details regarding missed final exams can be
found in the University Examination Policy:
5. Medical certificates must be submitted to the FYCEO and accepted by the instructor before a make-up
test is written.
Students that are unable to attend a make-up test due to medical reasons must contact their instructor
immediately and submit suitable documentation to the FYCEO. Failure to follow these instructions will result
in a grade of zero (0) for the test.
Religious Observance Policy: If a student needs accommodation because of religious observance, he/she must
submit a formal request to the instructor within the first two weeks of the class or for a final examination
within 5 working days of the posting of the examination schedule.
Withdrawal from the course: Students who wish to officially withdraw from this course with no academic
penalty must do so by Friday, November 20, 2015.
Lecture topics
Chemical Equilibrium
15, 16
Chemical Kinetics
Feedback: The exercises from the Mastering Chemistry system are designed to provide feedback to the user.
Late Penalty: Unless otherwise stated, the late penalty for tutorial assignments will be a deduction of 10% per
day up to a maximum of 50%. Students will have until the last day of classes to complete the assignments.
Technical Difficulties: If you encounter difficulties when registering for or using Mastering Chemistry contact
technical support through Do not contact your instructor regarding
technical difficulties.
Participation grade
1. Learning Catalytics is for the students use only. Impersonating someone by using his or her account or
having someone impersonate you by using your account constitutes a misrepresentation of personal
identity or performance and is considered academic misconduct within the Ryerson Student Code of
Academic Conduct (Policy 60). Any breach of the student academic code of conduct during
assessments will result in a grade of zero for the entire component of the course where the misconduct is
detected. Further penalties may be applied at the discretion of the instructor and/or course coordinator.
2. Students are responsible for bringing their own device: any WiFi-enabled computer, tablet, or phone will
work. If you do not own such a device, you can borrow a laptop from the Ryerson library
3. Students are responsible for checking their participation grades periodically to ensure that they are
correct. Your grade is available in the Mastering Chemistry gradebook.
Technical Difficulties: If you encounter difficulties when registering for or using Learning Catalytics, contact
technical support through Do not contact your instructor regarding
technical difficulties.