Should We Donate Our Organs or Not
Should We Donate Our Organs or Not
Should We Donate Our Organs or Not
Organ donation is a hot topic in all countries and comes along with a lot of emotional and
moral questions . I think most people dont completely understand what organ donation
actually is and why it is so important. Also, most people, even medical professionals dont
care about organ donation until the time when they or a close family member or friend is
desperately in need of an organ transplantation. The main argument in favour of paid organ
donation would be that it would increase the number of available organs for donation, by
providing an incentive that the donor would consider as more useful to them than one of
their kidneys. In theory, this would result in the greatest amount of happiness for the
greatest number of people, so would be favoured by a utilitarian. The donors would benefit
from money that they need to lead a better life and the recipients would benefit from a new
organ that would hopefully save their life. However, looking at the situation from a
relativist approach, this argument is only valid as long as there is a significant increase in
donors coming forward, otherwise all the negative effects of the system would create more
of a problem than the gain from the insignificant raise in organs available. In fact, the
introduction of a paid organ donation system would be unlikely to significantly increase the
number of available kidneys in the indonesia, because most people would not give up a
body part for money. This is because it would be considered as potentially harmful and
dangerous to undergo such a procedure by the donor, as well as socially frowned upon to
sell body parts in the Indonesia, so any donor would most likely be shunned, and not many
people would be prepared to give up a precious and unique part of themselves for a sum of
money, no matter how much they needed that money. If anybody was willing to donate a
kidney, most probably as a result of personal experience (for example, a relative or friend
needing a transplant), they probably would have done so anyway without the money bonus,
so there would seem not much point in paying the donors. Most people can become an
organ donor. Many people choose to donate organs after their death. But someone can
donate certain organs, while he was still alive. These people are called "living donor." To
be a living donor, you must be in good health and physically fit, free from long-term
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illnesses such as diabetes or high blood pressure, free of mental health problems, and
between the ages of 18 and 60 years old.
Along with the progress and development of the times, the world is also experiencing its
development in various fields. One is the progress in the health sector which is a technique
of organ transplants. Organ transplantation is a medical technology for the replacement of
the patient's organs were not functioning organ of another individual. Until now research on
organ transplantation is still underway. Since the first successful transplantation of a kidney
from a donor form to patients with renal failure in 1954, developments in the field of
transplantation thrive. While organ transplantation is commonly done in Indonesia is the
removal of a tissue or organ between people, not between animals to humans, leading to the
notion that the transplant is the removal of all or part of organs from one body to another or
from one place to another in the same body. Transplantation is intended to replace a
damaged organ or does not function on the receiver. Currently in Indonesia, organ or tissue
transplants regulated in Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health. While its implementing regulations
stipulated in Government Regulation No. 18 of 1981 on the bodies of Clinical Surgery and
Surgical Anatomical corpse and Transplantation Network Equipment or the Human Body.
There are several reasons that Indonesia would reject organ transplants either from people
who are still healthy to dead people. It can be strengthened by the hadits Nabi SAW
Mematahkan tulang mayat seseorang adalah sama berdosa dan melanggarnya dengan
mematahkan tulang orang itu ketika ia masih hidup And in Indonesia there are also
supporting the implementation of organ transplant, because it is the same case with the help
of fellow human beings, especially the Muslims, as the word of Allah Dan saling tolong
menolonglah kamu dalam kebaikan dan taqwa dan janganlah kamu saling tolong monolong
dalam perbuatan dosa dan permusuhan (Qs.Al-Ma'ida 2). Thus, organ transplants are still
many disputed by the medical community or the theologians and many people.
Furthermore, in response to the idea that paid organ donation would encourage more people
to come forward to donate, people generally donate organs altruistically to do good to
society. If this motivation is taken away from them by paying donors, they will probably
not want to donate because they would no longer see it as a selfless act. Perhaps it would
be better if donation remained an altruistic act because one should have control over their
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own body, and it would be morally wrong to encourage people to remove their own organs
for money.
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be functioning. Organs are never medically taken unless there is no brain activity
whatsoever. This is confirmed before the process of organ donation begins. Some families
also may struggle with who receives the donated organs. There are stigmas that people
sometimes have against different races, religions, and ethnicities that may be found to be
bothersome. This social issue can even be enough to prevent people from choosing to be
organ donors at all because they cannot guarantee who would receive their organs should
something unforeseen happen
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receive the organ. With over 100,000 people in the United States alone waiting for a
transplant, there is a great need.
For those who have lost a loved one, organ transplants provide a sense of continuation of
those that have been prematurely lost. A donated heart continues pumping in the chest of
someone else, meaning a small piece of that loved one continues to survive and thrive, even
if they are not physically alive any more. This can provide an immense sense of comfort.
Some organs can be donated without a tragedy too. Portions of the liver, pancreas, lung,
and intestines can all be donated, as well as an entire kidney, with a minimal risk during the
surgery of complications. This often occurs on a family-to-family basis, but it is not
unheard of for strangers to donate organs to other strangers.
As with most arguments, there are always limitations that would undermine the discussion
if they arose. For example, if technology was developed so that stem cells could be grown
into kidneys or mechanical kidneys could be created and used, then the Indonesia would no
longer need to consider methods of increasing organ availability, like paid donation. If
there was no longer a need for more kidney donations then this argument would be invalid
also, either from cures being found to kidney diseases so that kidney transplants are not
needed, or from an alternative organ donation system being introduced so there are already
enough available organs. Not everyone can become an organ donor, so the choice isnt
always available to everyone. For those that can donate organs, however, the fact that up to
eight lives could be saved because of something you chose to do means that your gift of life
can continue to provide life, even if you are gone. Thats why so many people choose to
become organ donors.
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