Advanced Fiber Modeler - Catia

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Proven and powerful fiber simulation for

CATIA V5 Composites Workbench (CD3/CPE/CPM)

Simulayt has now released its Proven Fiber Simulation
Advanced Fiber Modeler
High Accuracy and Resolution
(AFM) for the CATIA V5
Composites Workbench, Flexible Seed Point
which for the first time makes Seed Curve Constraint
Simu la yt’ s p rove n and Order of Drape Specification
powerful fiber simulation
(Sequential Areas)
technology available as a
fully integrated option Flexible Dart Handling
within CATIA V5. This means that users of CATIA Instantaneous Flat Pattern
V5 now have access to a unique Powerful Simulation Options
tool with proven advantages
Extensible Material Model
over competitors. Rapid
generation of accurate data
streamlines the entire
composites development
process of design, analysis
and manufacture. Robust draping simulation even on
complex surfaces
Simulates real-world manufacturing
The Layup Technology which operations
lies at the core of AFM is
already widely used by Allows rapid optimization of
composites engineers producibility
worldwide and so comes with Generates flat pattern, draped pattern
the benefit of 15 years’ of fiber and fiber orientations
simulation research, Specifies manufacturing procedure
development and experience.
AFM makes this proven and Ensures product quality
powerful technology accessible Simulayt develops the Layup
to CATIA V5 users. Technology which includes
advanced fiber simulation
capabilities. This technology has
been developed continuously since
1991 for the aerospace CATIA V5 Composites Design 3
composites industry, and is now Configuration (CD3)
used extensively in many other CATIA V5 HD2 + Composites
a p p l ic a t io n s u t i l i s in g f ib e r Engineering 2 product (CPE)
reinforcement. Simulayt is focused CATIA V5 HD2 + Composites
on meeting the evolving needs of Design for Manufacturing 2 (CPM)
the advanced composites

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Tel. +44 (0) 1483 476521 fax. +44 (0) 1483 475519

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Proven Fiber Simulation High Accuracy and Resolution

Real-world components incorporate awkward AFM analyses the surface topology in detail in order to
features like sharp corners, splits and rapid changes in provide accurate simulations without errors due to fiber
curvature. These requirements routinely trap fiber bridging. This Predictive Surface Topology (PST)
simulation tools that have not been developed with real approach yields important advantages on complex
geometry in mind. surfaces in particular.

The Simulayt simulation technology is routinely used to Independent benchmarks comparing AFM solutions to
analyse complex surfaces, particularly in the aerospace, other solutions have revealed that AFM generates more
helicopter and motorsport industries. These awkward accurate results than competing codes based on
surfaces continue to drive the development of Simulayt conventional technology. This advantage increases as
simulation solutions as composite structures become the curvature of the surface increases.
increasingly sophisticated.
AFM also resolves detail where the ply boundary is
For example, a typical Formula 1 monocoque contains jagged, as is often the case if many cuts need to be
over two thousand separate plies. These structures inserted to drape the ply. The resolution of edge
are designed in the space of two weeks, so product detail is independent of the draping step length.
performance is critical. This has driven our real-time
simulation and instantaneous flat pattern capabilities.

Order of Drape Specification

On the shop floor, plies are applied in stages to allow

accurate placement. AFM allows the user to specify
the order of draping over multiple regions to bring a
new level of accuracy to fiber simulation.

Flexible Dart Handling

The sophisticated algorithms allow the specification of

plies with darted boundaries. AFM accepts sharp ply Flexible Seed Point
boundaries without complaint so the user can specify
darts using the limit contour capabilities of CATIA V5.
Often, draping must begin at the edge of the ply.
Instantaneous Flat Pattern AFM allows users to define seed points at the ply
boundary to run simulations cleanly and effectively.

Simulayt’s proven technology generates cutter-ready Compatible with Layup Technology

flat patterns instantaneously. These can be displayed
on-screen to improve the interpretation of the
simulation results and aid process optimisation. Also,
AFM is based on Simulayt’s Layup Technology used
flat pattern update following geometry update is quick
by hundreds of engineers worldwide. Therefore the fiber
simulation in CATIA V5 Composites Workbench is
Powerful Simulation Options the same as the fiber simulation in other composites
solutions using the Layup Technology. This means
AFM includes optimized propagation types that yield that composites design, analysis and manufacturing
excellent results for commonly-used woven fabrics engineers can share a common solution within the
used for composites structures. The flexible environment with which they are familiar, promoting
architecture of the Producibity application in CATIA efficiency and product quality.
V5 Composites Workbench will allow ready extension
Fully Integrated in CATIA V5
of AFM for specialist applications like tow placement.

Extensible Material Model AFM is fully integrated into the Producibility panel of the
CATIA V5 Composites Workbench. AFM simply
extends the existing fiber simulation features of this
AFM supports extensible material models, including
product family to allow for advanced fiber simulation. All
disparate warp and weft lengths from the first release.
data are stored and handled directly by the producibility
Extended material models such as those needed for
application of the Composites Workbench, including:
Non-Crimp Fabrics (NCFs) exist in the underlying
technology and will be supported as required by users. User interface
Storage of input and output data
Seed Curve Constraint Thickness update of the simulation surface
Visualisation of the fiber paths
The seed curve capability allows warp, weft or bias 2D/3D and 3D/2D Transfer
directions to be constrained along a curve. This allows Display and storage of the flat pattern
accurate and realistic simulation of the application of
plies over surfaces such as C-section spars and oval Thus, a customers process can remain the same
window frames. These shapes are increasingly while reaping the benefits of more accurate and
common in primary aerospace structures. robust advanced fiber simulation.

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