FE BCE Unit Test Question Papers With Solution

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Gokhale Education Society's

R.H.Sapat College of Enfineering Studies, Management & Research- Nashik05

Subject- Basic Civil & Environmental Engineering
Time - 30 minutes
Unit Test Number - 1
Total Marks - 30
Name of Student:
Roll No.:
1. The bed profile of river, nala or lake is studied in__________surveying
a. City Surveying
b. Hydrological Surveying
c. Hydrographic Surveying
d. Topographic Surveying
2. A (G+25) storied building is to be constructed. Which type of the structure will you allow?
a. Load Bearing
b. Composite
c. Frame
d. Compound
3. Optimal use of various resources for proper planning of various activities is ensured in
a. Construction Engineering
b. Surveying
c. Town Planning
d. Project Management
4. __________ has lower design specifications than Major District Roads
a. National highways
b. State Highways
c. Major District Roads
d. Other District Roads
5. Distribution of water stored in the dam is done by constructing
a. Water tank
b. Spillway
c. Canal
d. Road
6. The geometric design specifications and design speed for__________is same.
a. National highways & Village Roads
b. State Highways & Village Roads
c. State Highways & Major District Roads
d. National Highways & State Highways
7. In_________behaviour of fluids is studied at the motion with considering pressure forces.
a. Fluid Dynamics
b. Fluid Kinematics
c. Fluid Kinetics
d. Fluid Statics
8. What is the width of narrow gauge?
a. 0.500m
b. 1.000m
c. 1.676m
d. 0.765m
9. Initial cost of rigid pavement is__________is that of flexible pavement.
a. More than
b. Less than
c. Same as
d. None of these
10. Stability analysis of the soil is studied in
a. Foundation Engineering
b. Engineering Geology
c. Geotechnical Engineering
d. Water Source Engineering
11. Presence of water table__________ultimate bearing capacity.
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Sometimes(a), Sometimes(b)
d. Can't Say
12. Valuation of property is required for
a. Finding out probable cost of construction
b. Finding out actual cost of project
c. Buying or Selling property
d. Preparing tender documents
13. Zoning and land reservations are studied in
a. Earthquake Engineering
b. Town Planning
c. Surveying
d. Environmental Engineering
14. Scrap value is about__________of its total coat of construction.
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%

15. Remote sensing is a modern technique of__________

a. Surveying
b. Landscaping
c. Irrigation
d. Town planning
16. The feeling of hand when immersed in cement should be
a. Cool
b. Warm
c. Hot
d. Very Hot
17. The standard size of brick is________cm.
a. 9 x 9 x 20
b. 9 x 9 x 9
c. 19 x 19 x 19
d. 19 x 9 x 9
18. Low Heat Cement is used in construction of
a. Dam
b. Pipes
c. Residential Building
d. Brick Masonary
19. P.C.C. is weak in_________
a. Tension
b. Compression
c. Bending
d. Torsion
20. Compressive strength of M30 concrete is_________
a. 10 N/mm2
b. 20 N/mm2
c. 30 N/mm2
d. 40 N/mm2
21. Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/m2, Factor of safety = 1.5, then what is the value of
ultimate bearing capacity?
a. 300 kN/m2
b. 450 kN/m2
c. 133.33 kN/m2
d. 150 kN/m2
22. Commonly available grades of steel in civil engineering are
a. Fe250, Fe415, Fe500
b. Fe250, Fe415, Fe550
c. Fe250, Fe450, Fe500
d. Fe250, Fe415, Fe515
23. The rock formed by cooling the molten lava is known as
a. Sedimentary rocks
b. Igneous rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks
d. None of these
24. The process of removing sharp corners of stone if requires is known as
a. Chiseling
b. Polishing
c. Dressing
d. Curing
25. A small depression is provided on the top of brick is known as
a. Mouse
b. Frog
c. Stretcher
d. Header
26. The correct use of building material is leads to
a. Strength
b. Efficiency
c. Economy
d. All of above
27. In which type of concrete, compressive stresses are induced before subjecting it to the
a. Reinforced cement concrete
b. Plain cement concrete
c. Pre stressed concrete
d. Lime concrete
28. What is the value of bearing capacity for black cotton soil as per I.S.1904-1961
a. 250 kN/m2
b. 200 kN/m2
c. 150 kN/m2
d. 100 kN/m2
29. For sloping roofs with slope greater than 10 degree, a minimum live load of_________is
a. 1.5 kN/m1
b. 2 kN/m2
c. 3.5 kN/m2
d. 4 kN/m2
30. Withdrawl of moisture from soil will result in
a. Twisting of soil
b. Tensile stresses of soil
c. Settlement of soil
d. All of above

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