Res 2235 Mechanism
Res 2235 Mechanism
Res 2235 Mechanism
United Nations
Security Council
Distr.: General
27 August 2015
Original: English
15-14410 (E)
The Joint Investigative Mechanism shall liaise and coordinate with the
Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, opposition groups and the international
community, as it deems necessary.
In paragraph 11 of resolution 2235 (2015), the Security Council requested the
Joint Investigative Mechanism to complete its first report within 90 days of the date
on which it commenced its full operation, and complete subsequent reports as
appropriate thereafter, and also requested the Mechanism to present its report(s) to
the Security Council and inform the Executive Council of the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Those reports shall be transmitted under cover by
the Secretary-General to the Security Council.
It should be noted that the operation of the Joint Investigative Mechanism
shall be separate from the operation of humanitarian work, which provides
indispensable life-saving support to innocent people suffering from the conflict, and
from the political process, which is seeking to bring about a diplomatic solution to
the conflict.
The Joint Investigative Mechanism may have a light footprint in the Syrian
Arab Republic, deploying only those personnel whose presence is necessary to the
performance of their functions. The United Nations shall support the Joint
Investigative Mechanism and fact-finding mission deployments primarily in the area
of logistics, security and liaison, with support for communications, administration
and possibly other areas, as may be required.
With respect to cooperation with all parties in the Syrian Arab Republic and
Member States, I note that the extremely challenging mandate and dangerous
situation inside the Syrian Arab Republic will impact the activities of the Joint
Investigative Mechanism. Success will therefore depend on the full cooperation of
all parties, including the Government and other parties in the Syrian Arab Republic.
The Joint Investigative Mechanism may establish contact with and receive
information from any parties in the Syrian Arab Republic.
The United Nations shall engage, in its areas of responsibilities, with
international and regional actors, and with the Security Council and other
stakeholders, in furtherance of the implementation of resolution 2235 (2015) and
related resolutions of the Council. The strong support of the Council and key
stakeholders will be essential to the success of the Joint Investigative Mechanism.
The Syrian Arab Republic and all parties in that country shall cooperate fully
with the Joint Investigative Mechanism and shall provide full access to all locations,
individuals and materials in the Syrian Arab Republic that the Mechanism deems
relevant to its investigation and where it determines that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that access is justified based on its assessment of the facts and
circumstances known to it at the time, including in areas within the Syrian territory
but outside the control of the Syrian Arab Republic.
With regard to cooperation with the Syrian Arab Republic and all parties in
that country, for territory both under and outside the control of the Syrian Arab
Republic, full access shall be granted to the Joint Investigative Mechanism and the
fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,
as necessary. In order for the Mechanism to accomplish its mandate, it would be
necessary for all parties to pause hostilities in the areas in which the Mechanism
requires access for the period of its presence in those areas. This shall apply to the
fact-finding mission, as appropriate.
The United Nations shall do its utmost and use all means available to it to
work with all parties to ensure compliance with these requirements, including
through the good offices of my Special Envoy for the Syrian Arab Republic.
In light of the exceedingly complex security challenges which may limit the
means at the disposal of the Joint Investigative Mechanism, the support of the
Security Council, Member States and other stakeholders with influence over parties
in the Syrian Arab Republic is essential in respect of facilitating the full compliance
of all parties in the Syrian Arab Republic with its requirements.
With regard to cooperation with neighbouring States, at the request of the Joint
Investigative Mechanism, neighbouring States may contribute support and
assistance in facilitating its activities by providing, inter alia, information, security
and protection for the Mechanism and its personnel, equipment and documents,
access to victims or witnesses taking refuge on their territories, and transportation
and logistical support to the activities of the Mechanism within their territories.
The role of other Member States will also be critical. All other Member States
are called upon to offer their full support to the work of the Joint Investigative
Mechanism. In paragraph 8 of resolution 2235 (2015), the Security Council called
on all other States to cooperate fully with the Mechanism and in particular to
provide it and the fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons with any relevant information that they may possess pertaining
to individuals, entities, groups or Governments who were perpetrators, organizers,
sponsors or otherwise involved in the use of chemicals as weapons, including
chlorine or any other toxic chemical in the Syrian Arab Republic.
The core staff of the Joint Investigative Mechanism shall be funded from the
regular budget. Additional expertise and activities shall be funded by voluntary
contributions as requirements continue to emerge. For that purpose, the SecretaryGeneral intends to establish a trust fund. The Mechanism shall make reports to
donors on the status of the trust fund.
In paragraph 10 of resolution 2235 (2015), the Security Council requested the
Secretary-General, in coordination with the Director-General of the Organization
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, to report to the Council and inform the
Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as
of the date the Joint Investigative Mechanism began its full operations and every
30 days thereafter on the progress made.
It is envisaged that the monthly progress reports shall be in respect of both
Security Council resolutions 2235 (2015) and 2118 (2013).
The Joint Investigative Mechanism shall complete its first report within
90 days of its commencement of full operations and complete subsequent reports as
appropriate thereafter. The Mechanism shall transmit the report or reports to the
Security Council under my cover letter and inform the Executive Council of the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
I would like to close by reiterating that the work of the Joint Investigative
Mechanism will be a challenging undertaking, and will require continued close
cooperation between the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and
the United Nations, and the support of the Security Council, Member States and key
I should be grateful if you would bring the present letter urgently to the
attention of the Security Council.