The race (vocabulary) : Bọcạpcạp Nguyễnthịhuệ
The race (vocabulary) : Bọcạpcạp Nguyễnthịhuệ
The race (vocabulary) : Bọcạpcạp Nguyễnthịhuệ
The race(vocabulary)
Hi. thiss the vocabulary lesson for the race.lets go thought the story slowly and talk about some
of the vocabulary(allright) .
the race, it5 oclock and Allen(Allen is the name) is riding his motorcycle in San Francisco he is
riding down van ness street( van ness is also a name)
and riding down some time say you know he is going upthe street or he is going down the
street,and some time that mean maybe going up a hill or down a hill,some time it mean northand
south ,you are going up the are goingnorth on street. Here its mean going up a hill van
ness street.And he come to the stoplight or traffic light,yellow and red.some time we say
stoplight.some we say stoplight.the same stoplight or traffic light .ok
a red Ferrari pull up next to him
ferrari is a name a is very fast car. pull up next to him,pull up next to someone ,if you
come next to them,you behind them and then you come next to them.Allen come to a toplight
and another car come from behind and then come stop next to him or next to them.we say pull up
next to a red Ferrari pull up next to Allen come from behind allen and stop next to him
the drivers wearingdark sun glasses
the driver of the Ferrari is wearing dark sun glasses
he look over at allen.allen look at him and realizes that the driver is Tom cruise
word verb look over ,to look over at,easy idea that you look toside not looking frontof.look over
not looking front .the driver turn head to side look at Allen.look over at someone And Allen look
at him and The lealized that the driver is Tom cruise.that right Tom cruise is driver of the
Ferrari .Tom side and look over at allen.
Tom sneers at allen
to sneer mean to mow your mouth and look kind of angry .it mean maybe only one sideof your
mouth go up but the right side doentmove.this is kids of half smile
Tom sneers at allen and he says when the light turn green lets race
Tom cruise want to race with allen.tom have a car and allen have his motorcycle.tom want to
Allen says allright,youre on youre on mean I agree with you or its mean I will do it.i agree
to do some thing.usually you re on use for acontrac for competension this story Allen
agree to race with Tom.he says youre on.
Then tom says I amgonna smoke you.sucka
Gonna mean going toin the future ,the future tense. Gonna smoke someone its mean to beat
them or win someone again.i am going to win and you are going to lose .and then sucka
Allen says you wish.iamgonna beat you and your sorry ass car
you wish you will win then allen says I gonna beat you and your sorry ass car.sorry ass also
mean cheap, slow quality not good..Allen says your car is nothing ,your car is bad,your car is
cheap, your car is slow s sorry ass,sorry ass car.allright
Allen and Tom wait at the light .they rev their engines
To rey engines, engines in the motorcycle.its power for a car or power the
motorcycle.rev(rum,rum,rum)make engines loud.Tom is revving engines of his car.Allen is
revving engines of his motorcycle
suddenly.the light turn green.Allen and Tom take off
to take off mean to start quickly, to go take off we use it for ,EX when someone is
stopnot move suddenly they start, suddenly they go we say take off .when the light turn green
Tom suddenly start and move his car.Allen take off his motorcycel..take off another meanning
also here meaning start suddenly
they zoom down van ness at top speed
zoom go very fast .down van ness at top speed
Tom cruise is winning.but suddenly blue and red light appeared behind Tom,its police
They pull him over
When you are driving and the police behind you.then you must go over to the side stop your
car.police pull himover,the police pull you over.pull over with the police mean the police stop
your car. in story Tom is going too fast the police come behind him pull Tom over Tom must stop
Allen zoom past Tom laughing ,he yellbetter luck next time!
Better luck next time We say it a lot ,Better luck next time mean you fell but hope next time you
will do bestter. Better luck next timeisn same good luck.what the diffirentBetter luck next time
we use after someone fell.after something bad happen we say oh Better luck next time.this time
you fell but next time you will success