Paper - Project Guidelines
Paper - Project Guidelines
Paper - Project Guidelines
• 4 pages
o Lengthy quotations from primary sources will not count
towards the page requirement.
o Papers less than 4 FULL pages will not be read and will receive a
o Do NOT write more than six pages.
o Works cited page is not counted towards the total page count
• 1.5 spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font
• Header in upper right hand corner should include last name and
page number
o This needs to be done in the “header” NOT the body of the
• A minimum of three resources
o You may use primary texts from class, but at least two of your
secondary resources should be obtained on your own.
• MLA citations and formatting (Visit this site for help on this)
• Standard essay format
o Your paper should be well organized with an introduction,
thesis, supporting details and a conclusion.
• Spelling and grammar will be considered in your grade
• Essays will be assessed on quality of research, analysis and the
meeting of requirements
• You should not simply list a history of an event or idea, but also
make some effort at analyzing the importance of your topic within
Roman culture.
• Hard copies only will be turned in on April 6 during lecture.
Creative Project:
• You may choose any medium that you’d like including the creation
of a short play, film, original song, painting, skit, etc.
• You may work in groups for this option (with the exception of
paintings or photography – those are individual only projects); the
maximum number of members in a group is FOUR
o You may work with students within your discussion section or
in another section. All members and participants completing
substantial work on the project must be students in CAMS
• While the form of your project is entirely up to you, you are still
bound to some research responsibilities
o minimum of four resources
You may use primary texts from class, but at least two of
your secondary resources should be obtained on your
• For group projects, each member must write a one page explanation
of their contribution to the project.
• These projects will be assessed using the following guide:
o Creativity
o Inclusion of research
o Factual accuracy
o Adherence to guidelines
• Projects that are especially good may be shown to the larger lecture.
Audiovisual projects may be posted to Ning.
• Specific requirements for various types of creative projects.
o Dramatic presentations
Must be filmed and submitted on dvd or youtube link. (See
Nicole McClure if you have questions regarding this)
You must submit a printed script of your play in addition to
the filmed performance.
You may use actors that are not members of CAMS 1102,
but this must be their only participation in the project (ie.
They did not help in the writing, editing, production, etc.)
Works cited page
o Films
Films may be submitted on dvd or youtube
Works cited page
o Artwork (photography, sculpture, painting or other craft)
All artwork MUST be the original work of the student. This
is not able to be completed as a group.
A 1-2 page explanation of your work should accompany
the actual painting or photograph.
Works cited page
o Websites
A brief summary of your site (what is the overall theme of
the site) including the URL must be submitted by the
Works cited page
o Original music
The music must be recorded on cd or provided digitally in
an easily accessible place.
A 1-2 page explanation of your work should accompany
the actual recording
Works Cited page
o Other
Please see your section leader or Prof. Noussia for any
required documentation for a type of project not listed