The Role of Productivity Improvement Tools and Techniques in The Textile Sector During Manufacturing

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Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Istanbul, Turkey, July 3 6, 2012

The Role of Productivity Improvement Tools and Techniques

in the Textile Sector during Manufacturing
Hussain Bux Marri and Ghulam Yasin Shaikh
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
Jamshoro -76062- Sindh, Pakistan
Globally, the manufacturing industries have incredible contribution in the global economic growth and it
has wide recognition in the area of poverty alleviation. The manufacturing sector is also considered as one
of the significant economic contributor in the Asian sub-continent since last 1900 century. This study
focuses on the leading industrial unit of metropolitan city of Karachi which is considered to be a HUB of
manufacturing industries and the indigenous manufacturing of Hyderabad. The work study and work
measurements tools generally provides the better output results and facilitates to the user to augment their
performance during the manufacturing operations. The research work highlights the implementation of
work study and motion study for productivity improvement methods during the manufacturing process. The
designed framework was implemented in the manufacturing units for the achievement of study objectives.
The report also shows that during the manufacturing operations where the applications of work study have
been used, and it was found that proper implementation of work study applications can provide more
productivity and quality production.

Time and motion study, Productivity, Indigenous Manufacturing

1. Introduction
Over the last several years, manufacturing industries have been great source of employment to the society
throughout the developing and development economics and the out put of these manufacturing industries
have rendered quality products to end-users too. In every manufacturing organization, the application of
various technologies developed and designed by the engineers also improved the integration of various
components such as, people relation, facility design, work study and methods study tool to made dramatic
changes in production. According to Azadivar,F and Wang,J (2000) in traditional manufacturing system
the focused was reducing the transportation cost but currently these needs are changed from cost to the
productivity . The modern manufacturing system also because primary tool for proper capacity utilization,
Adequate location and appropriate layout.

2. Application of Motion and Time study

The application of motions and time study are widely used not only manufacturing but in health science too
see Pizziferri,L et al (2004); and, are mainly concerned with the manpower involved in the manufacturing
units and every aspect of life for the e the performance of machines/human performance during the
production in terms of increasing productivity and reducing the cost of products.

3. History of Time and Motion Study

It is well known fact that in manufacturing business, the time and motion study started its journey in 1881
and kept on continue its innovation under by the Frederick. w. Taylor with the aim to minimize the time
factor and enhance productivity. Benefits of motion and Time study:
1. It helps, increase, production & productivity
2. It can reduce indirect and direct costs
3. It offers improvements in working condition
4. It helps in reducing the fatigue or danger
5. Proper utilization of costs & controls



It results in better work place layout with minimum movement of workers and machines.

4. Focus of Research
This research work focuses on the manufacturing industries based in the indigenous units of Karachi and
Hyderabad. The applications of work study are applied, during the study various tools and techniques were
employed to evaluate the human performance.
Micro motion study
The main purpose of micro motion study was to calculate the overall human activity and these activities are
further divided in to the small movements.

5. Time Study Plan

During the study, time study plan was developed in order to audit all manufacturing activities and it was
further classified in the flowing manner. The analysis of the operations required to produce an article in a
factory, with the aim of increasing efficiency. Each operation is studied minutely and analyzed in order to
eliminate unnecessary motions and thus reduce production time and raise output, which increases
productivity. The first effort at time study was made by Fredrick Winslow Taylor in the 1880s in his book
Scientific Management in order to create a management standard for evaluating individual employee
productivity. Early in the 20th century, Frank B. Gilbreth developed a more systematic and sophisticated
method of motion study for industry, taking into account the limits of human physical and mental capacity
and the importance of a good physical environment. Ghosh. A, Craig, C. (1984) states that facility location
is the source of improvement in performance improvement but it also supports future competition.
(i) Time Period Study.
(ii) Activities / Programs study.
(iii) Process reimbursable activity
How it Works in manufacturing sector
Observe processes performed at your workplace by your staff and record the time spent in each. Do not go
into lengthy details; simply stick into significant ones. Do this for at least a week so you have a clear idea
of what consumes how much time. Try not to judge any action during the course of your investigation;
concentrate only on who, what, when and how.
Facility layout
Every manufacturing unit regardless of their output needs proper allocation of the space so as to meet the
overall objectives of the company. The proper designing of facility location also provides significant output
to the user to improve their performance. For the efficiency enhancement of all the components of
manufacturing units, the organization should re evaluate the main components of the factory such as ,
transportation of goods, storage of input and and out put products and process of time all resources as
suggested by Seliger,G. According to Vazir,A.and Laporate G, (2004, states that adequate facility layout
addresses various issues related to the manufactured products and its placement, this was further supported
by ReVelle, C., (1987).
Get employees involved
You dont want your people to get the wrong idea. It will only breed tension and nervousness. Inform them
about why you are performing the experiment and assure them that there will be no job losses. This is the
best way to ensure an honest response from them. According to Schaufeli,; et al (2007), there is strong need
to develop the employee relationship with the demand of the job.
Break down the job into elements
Break the job down into short tasks with break points in between.
Prepare process charts
A picture demonstrates a worth of thousand words. Interpretation of these observations into a flowchart
reflects what you intend to offer. Starting with what, jot down when, where by whom and how much time
is consumed till the end of the process.


Take a good look at your diagram and analyze it in light of objectives.
Process of designing friendly work method
New product always undergoes from various processes and considerations to be capable for end users. It is
sometimes great opportunities for the designers to come up with best methods, this requires experiences
that provides new opportunities from improvements

Steps Taken During Method Study in Manufacturing Study

Select: The operation
Methods people
Record: Data of activities ( Motion ) No of participates
Examine: Evaluation
of data systems
Development: New methods that improve output
Installation: install best recommended methods
Maintenance: System methods

Figure 1: Framework proposed and implemented in industries.

The framework as mentioned in Figure 1, was implemented in the two manufacturing units and compared
the problems occurred during the process. The overall implementation of framework was implemented with
the assistance of the employees involved during the manufacturing cycle as

Conclusions and suggestions

This study was carried out in multi manufacturing environments so as to understand and evaluate the
overall progress of employees on one hand and the performance of the man-machine systems on the other.
The chart was only used in one of the assembly based environment. The source of getting involved in this
project was the group of final year students who undertook the assignment and finished the task under the
supervision of their teachers. During the study various tools of time and motion study methods were
employed for the results and these results were further compared with the other manufacturing /assembly
based companies, which results the following observations.
It was advised to the concerned department that the proper shift arrangement should me
overlapped as barrel of injection molding machine used to become cold during shift change.
(2) It was proposed that worker should be restricted not to leave the machine until other workers
replace him.



Worker should be provided all the facilities so that he could perform his responsibilities and
authorities in a appropriate manner.
(4) The machine operations may be monitored according to the prescribed manuals.
(5) Tools and working operating components should be arranged according to time and motion
study principles so that fatigue and stress may be minimized.
(6) The machines should be flexible enough to move from one place to an other easily
(7) The chain of worker should be arranged in order to provide easy flow of work.
(8) Chain of command should monitor all the manufacturing activities in order to avoid any
(9) Video cameras should be installed in order to monitor their manufacturing activities.
(10) The rewards should be offered to all the workers for their better performance annually



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pp. 176-188
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