Ava Checklist Booklet

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Celebrating 50 years of championing safe anaesthesia

The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists



First Edition, 2014

The checklist and implementation manual were written by the AVA

with design and distribution support from Jurox Pty Limited


We wish to thank the Executive Committee of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA)
for their help and guidance throughout this process. We would also like to thank all the vets,
nurses and technicians that gave input during the development of this project.
Project Chair
Matthew McMillan BVM&S, DipEVCAA, MRCVS
Key Contributors
Paul Coppens DMV, DipECVAA
Peter Kronen DVM, Dr med vet, DipECVAA
Paul Macfarlane BVSc, CertVA, DipECVAA, MRCVS
Sam McMillan VTS(Anesthesia), DipAVN(Med) RVN
Daniel Pang BVSc, PhD, DipECVAA, DipACVAA
Special Thanks
To Jurox for their design and distribution support with these safety initiatives.



Maintaining patient safety and comfort should be viewed as the
primary function of any anaesthetic.
The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) has a fifty year history of promoting safe
anaesthesia in veterinary medicine. In 2013 at the spring meeting of the AVA in London, a
proposal was made to further this by developing a number of initiatives to improve anaesthetic
safety at all levels of veterinary medicine. The primary task was to produce safety checklists and
guideline documentation for key points within the anaesthetic process.
Anaesthesia can often be viewed as a means to end; a state enabling surgery, invasive medical
and/or diagnostic procedures to be undertaken. Unfortunately this outlook often fails to
recognise the importance of maintaining the safety and comfort of our patients during these
procedures. Is it good enough to have an alive and awake patient at the end of anaesthesia?
The AVA strongly believes that we should challenge this view and strive to ensure that each
patients anaesthetic is managed safely (by recognising and minimising risks and appropriately
managing complications) and that significant measures are taken to ensure patient comfort.
Maintaining safety and comfort are simple enough sentiments but anaesthesia is a complex
process involving many critical steps that need to be performed in a correct and timely manner.
Within a busy veterinary clinic there can be a tendency to try and over-simplify this complexity
which can lead to steps being missed and vital components of a safe anaesthetic process
being overlooked. Each of us has the responsibility to do as much as possible to ensure that our
patients are kept both safe and comfortable and therefore the AVA has developed a number of
recommended procedures and checklists to act as cognitive aids during the peri-anaesthetic
period to assist in achieving this goal.



The objectives of these recommended procedures and checklists are threefold:

To outline an appropriate manner and order in which to perform key procedures in the
anaesthetic process
To reinforce recognised safe practices by ensuring critical safety steps are performed before
moving between key points in the anaesthetic process
To improve teamwork and communication during the anaesthetic process

Adhering to these checklists will not guarantee safety. However they can be successful if the
culture of your practice is such that the patient is central to all of the systems and processes in



The Checklists: Background

..it is not the act of ticking off a checklist that reduces
complications, but performance of the actions it calls for
- Lucian Leape, 2014
A set of checklists has been devised that can be followed in almost all situations where
anaesthesia is being performed. The checklists are not designed to be a comprehensive list of
all steps in the anaesthetic process but rather a framework and set of tools to help ensure that
critical safety actions are performed. Each of the checks and steps have been included to reduce
the risk of significant avoidable harm that can occur during the anaesthetic process. Only those
considered inexpensive both in terms of time and finances have been included to ensure they
are achievable for all levels of veterinary practice. Running through the safety checklists we have
developed at the relevant times should ensure that none of the critical safety steps are missed.
All members of the veterinary team are responsible for the safety of the patient during an
anaesthetic, not just the veterinarian in overall charge of the case. In order to best ensure safety
each team member must be made aware of the critical safety points of the anaesthetic process
and any safety concerns regarding the patient and or procedure. Consequently the checklists
have been designed to facilitate the communication of essential safety information between
members of the veterinary team involved in the patients anaesthesia and the surgical/medical/
diagnostic procedure.
It is not the checklists themselves that are important; instead it is the ecient and eective
performance of the safety actions and communication outlined within them that are key to
improving safety. We therefore recognise that modifications may be required in individual
practices to allow them to be implemented eectively alongside other standard operating
procedures and protocols. It may be that the checklists will be more eectively implemented in
some institutions by applying them at dierent time points, or by adding or removing certain
items and we would encourage practitioners to tailor the checklist to their own institutions.
No checklist can be universal and implementation cannot guarantee safety. These checklists can
only be eective when used within a patient-centred approach to the anaesthetic process where
safety and comfort are the priority.



The Checklists: How to use them

In a small team of two or three people the checklists can be implemented as a team with no
single person in charge of its completion, however in larger teams it is recommended that a
single person be made responsible for running the checklists. Ideally it should be a member of
the veterinary team that will be present throughout the procedure such as the veterinary nurse
or technician assigned to monitor the case.
For the purposes of the checklists the anaesthetic process has been divided into three phases.
The checklists have been designed to fit between these phases, slotting into natural breaks in
work-flow to avoid major delays. The time points are:

immediately prior to induction of anaesthesia

immediately prior to the procedure beginning (e.g. before the first surgical incision is made)
immediately prior to recovering the patient

At each time point it should be confirmed that every check has been performed and that critical
safety and relevant patient information has been communicated between team members. Not
until all check points have been completed should the team move onto the next phase of the
anaesthetic process.
These checks can be easily integrated into normal practice work patterns without causing major
disruptions. The checks should be confirmed and communicated verbally to ensure each team
member is made aware of them.



The Pre-Induction Checklist

To reduce the potential for any error occurring, it is important not to rush into the induction of
anaesthesia. So, prior to the administration of any anaesthetic drugs, it should be ensured that
the following critical safety steps have been performed.

Patient NAME, owner CONSENT & PROCEDURE confirmed

It is vital to ensure that the team is aware of who the patient is, what procedure is planned for
the patient and that appropriate informed owner consent for the anaesthesia and procedure
has been obtained. The consequences of mistakes such as anaesthetising the wrong patient,
performing an incorrect procedure or anaesthetising a patient without proper informed consent
can be disastrous and every attempt should be made so these events never occur.

IV CANNULA placed & patent

It is the recommendation of the AVA that an intravenous cannula is placed for anaesthesia
in all patients where this is practicable. This facilitates drugs being given to eect, allows
additional intravenous drugs and fluid therapy to be administered appropriately throughout
the anaesthetic period and ensures immediate venous access should an emergency occur. The
placement of this cannula should be confirmed by flushing with saline or heparinised saline prior
to the injection of any drugs.

AIRWAY EQUIPMENT available & functioning

A patent airway is a critical component of a safe anaesthetic. Although endotracheal intubation
may not be necessary in all cases, the ability to place an endotracheal tube or other suitable
airway device is vital. A selection of tube types and sizes should be available for all patients
where intubation is possible. The patency of tubes and airway devices should be checked by
visually inspecting the tube lumen.



Other airway equipment, if available, should be checked ensuring that it functions appropriately.
In small animals useful airway equipment can include: local anaesthetic sprays, suitably sized
syringes to inflate endotracheal tube cus, laryngoscopes, suction devices, and potentially
malleable guide-wires or similar devices such as sti dog urinary catheters (which can be used
to insuate oxygen into the trachea and as guide-wires to place endotracheal tubes over in
dicult airways). In large animals useful airway equipment can include: mouth gags, a 50mL
syringe to inflate endotracheal tube cus, a flexible endoscope and non-irritant water based

Endotracheal tube CUFFS checked

Where endotracheal tubes have inflatable cus, these should be checked by inflating them and
ensuring that they do not deflate spontaneously. After checking, the cus should be deflated.
This ensures that the cu can be inflated in order to protect the airway and facilitate intermittent
positive pressure ventilation if it is required.


For the purpose of this document and the checklist the anaesthetic machine is considered to be
any device used to administer oxygen and/or anaesthetic gases to the patient. This could range
from a system as simple as an oxygen cylinder with a flowmeter to a full anaesthetic workstation
with integrated mechanical ventilator. It is essential to ensure that the machine is able to fulfill all
of its functions eectively.
A full anaesthetic machine check should be performed at the start of each day or session. A more
streamlined curtailed check should then be performed prior to each anaesthetic. See the AVAs
Recommended procedure for checking anaesthetic machines and equipment.

Adequate OXYGEN for proposed procedure

Although it may not be necessary to perform a full anaesthetic machine check before every
anaesthetic it is important to ensure that there is enough oxygen available to administer the
planned flow for the likely or potential duration of the proposed procedure.



BREATHING SYSTEM connected, leak free & APL VALVE OPEN

Ensure that there is a method to administer the oxygen to the patient and the ability to perform
manual intermittent positive pressure ventilation. This can be performed via an anaesthetic
breathing system with a reservoir bag or self-inflating bag (such as an AMBU-Bag) in small
animals and a large animal anaesthetic machine or demand valve in larger patients. The function
of these systems should be confirmed via a visual and manual check and through ensuring they
are leak free. Methods to leak test dierent anaesthetic breathing systems are described in the
AVAs Recommended procedure for checking anaesthetic machines and equipment.
A common error in anaesthesia at all levels is connecting a patient to a breathing system when
the adjustable pressure limiting (APL or pop-o ) valve has been left closed, this is especially
common during periods where many actions have to be performed in succession such as
induction. This can rapidly be fatal even with modern paediatric safety valves.

Person assigned to MONITOR patient

Things can go wrong even in what are considered to be routine or simple anaesthetics. It is
fundamental that a suitably trained person is assigned to monitor the patients physiological
parameters and depth of anaesthesia during anaesthesia. Nothing can replace properly trained
personnel in anaesthesia monitoring and the use of multi-parameter patient monitors should be
considered an aid and not a replacement for a person.
It is imperative to ensure that all personnel monitoring and involved in anaesthesia understand
the monitoring that is to be used, including any electronic monitoring available, and are able to
interpret the outputs produced accordingly.


Every anaesthetic, even the most straightforward, caries some risk and there are a number of
adverse events such as hypotension, hypoventilation, hypothermia and hypoxaemia that are
commonly encountered. However, there are a multitude of specific species, breed, disease



and procedural risks that should also be identified and planned for prior to anaesthesia. A
properly performed pre-anaesthetic assessment and plan (as outlined in the recommended
procedure for pre-anaesthetic case assessment) will highlight potential complications and
outline interventions that should be undertaken. It is paramount that the patient specific risks
and proposed interventions are communicated to the entire veterinary team involved with the
anaesthetic to facilitate early identification and allow prompt and appropriate action in a crisis.


Despite meticulous planning and implementation potentially fatal crises can occur during any
anaesthetic. Being able to perform basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, gain an emergency
airway, administer intermittent positive pressure ventilation and administer fluid therapy and
drugs should be considered a basic requirement for all situations.
The list of equipment below should be available when performing anaesthesia in order to allow
these fundamental procedures to be performed.

10 www.ava.eu.com


Endotracheal tubes (cuffs checked)
Airway aids (e.g. laryngoscope, urinary catheter, lidocaine spray, suction, guide-wire/stylet)
Self-inflating bag/anaesthetic breathing system suitable for IPPV
(or demand valve for equine anaesthetics)
Antagonists (e.g. atipamezole, naloxone/butorphanol)
Intravenous cannulae
Isotonic crystalloid solution
Fluid administration set
Drug charts and CPR algorithm (http://www.acvecc-recover.org/)

At this point the PRE-INDUCTION CHECKLIST is completed.




The Pre-procedure Checklist

Before the procedure begins it is recommended that the entire team take a short time out in
order to perform the Pre-Procedure Checklist. This ensures that each part of the process is in
place and that each team member is ready and aware of the current situation.

Patient NAME & PROCEDURE confirmed

At this point the name and specific procedure the patient is undergoing should be confirmed
again. While it may seem repetitive, ensuring all team members are aware of the basics of the
case is essential for ensuring that they are prepared for what is to follow and that the correct
procedure is performed on the correct patient.

DEPTH of anaesthesia appropriate

Prior to commencing the procedure it is imperative to ensure that the patients depth of
anaesthesia is appropriate. Problems in anaesthesia often occur around times where there is a
sudden change in stimulation level as seen when going from the preparation phase (i.e. clipping
and aseptic preparation) to making the first incision.


At this point any patient concerns that members of the team have should be communicated.
Eective communication between members of the veterinary team is a critical component of
maintaining safety during the peri-anaesthetic period. This builds from the RISKS identified &
COMMUNICATED check and opens a forum for members of the team to highlight any current
concerns that they have about the patient, anaesthetic or procedure. This also presents an
opportunity for these problems to be addressed and to ensure that an intervention plan is in
place and prepared for.
At this point the PRE-PROCEDURE TIME OUT CHECKLIST is completed.

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The Recovery Checklist

We only have a limited understanding of how many complications occur during recovery;
however we do know that the proportion of anaesthetic related deaths occurring during this
period is high, especially within the first 2-3 hours following extubation (Brodbelt et al, 2008).
From this, it would appear that this is an area of patient management that often fails in veterinary
anaesthesia. It is therefore vital that all requirements for the patients post-anaesthetic care are
carefully considered and properly communicated at this stage. Sta handovers at this point in
the process are common as dierent nurses / technicians and or veterinary surgeons are often
responsible for the recovery or ward areas as compared to the anaesthetic and procedure. Each
team member should be made aware of the patients condition and specific needs.


Airway, Breathing, Circulation (fluid balance), Body Temperature, Pain
Clear and concise communication of the patients current condition is paramount. This should
include: the procedure performed, any complications which occurred under anaesthesia,
current parameters including body temperature and any other key concerns regarding
potential complications for the recovery period (e.g. a compromised airway, breakthrough pain,
haemorrhage etc).


The monitoring and care plan for each patient will dier on an individual basis and an outline
of this plan should be communicated to those managing the recovery period. Clear guidelines
should be given as to what needs to be provided for the patient, which parameters should be
monitored and recorded and how often these should be done. Interventions should also be set
out so that all sta involved in the case are aware of what should be done if complications arise.
This can be as simple as knowing who to approach if a problem is encountered and at what
point they should be notified.





The provision of analgesia (drug, dose, time and route of administration) will have been recorded
on the anaesthetic monitoring chart but should also be clearly communicated to the person or
team responsible for recovery. Pain assessment plans (such as pain scoring methods) should be
outlined to help prevent too much or too little analgesia being provided to the patient. When
assessment is next due should be highlighted and a clear plan to manage breakthrough pain
should be discussed and recorded.

Person assigned to MONITOR patient

It is imperative that there is an individual assigned to monitor the patient during the recovery
period. Again this person should have suitable training and experience as the success of the
above planning and communication is completely dependent on the person assigned to
monitor and care for the patient.
At this point the RECOVERY CHECKLIST is completed.

14 www.ava.eu.com


Brodbelt, D.C., Blissitt, K.J., Hammond, R.A., Neath, P.J., Young, L.E., Pfeier, D.U., and Wood, J.N.L.
(2008). The risk of death: the Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Small Animal Fatalities.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 35, 365-373.



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