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June 2005 Vol 13 No 6


The R1,6 billion Berg Water Project near

Franschhoek in the Western Cape will
provide almost 20 % more water to the
integrated Western Cape water system
by 2007. Here is a view of the Berg River
upstream from where the dam is being
constructed (see article on page 15)

The Orange River Project: From dream to reality (Part 1)

June 2005 Vol 13 No 6

Block 19, Thornhill Ofce Park,
Bekker Street, Vorna Valley, Midrand
Private Bag X200, Halfway House, 1685
Tel 011-805-5947/48, Fax 011-805-5971
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Sarie Moolman
[email protected]
Tel 012-804-2754, Cell 082-376-2652
Elsab Kearsley (chair), Irvin Luker (vice-chair),
Mike Deeks (president), Wally Burdzik, Johan de Koker,
Huibrecht Kop, Jeffrey Mahachi, Eben Rust,
Marco van Dijk, Sarie Moolman (editor), Barbara Spence
(advertising), Verelene de Koker (secretariat),
Dawie Botha (executive director) [email protected]
SA R525,00 (VAT included), International $110,00
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Tel 011-463-7940, Fax 011-463-7939
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The South African Institution of Civil Engineering
accepts no responsibility for any statements made or
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in particular the proprietors, the publishers and the
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statement or opinion published in this magazine.






ISSN 1021-2000



Water news from Shands

Disposal pipeline for northern KwaZulu-Natal 11
Water for the world: Why is it so difcult? 12

Major new sewage pumpstation near Ballito

Gauteng trafc a recipe for disaster!

TCTA: Sustainable bulk water

supply developers 15

Innovative engineering solutions at Sanral



Increased water supply to northern

Tshwane areas 18

Galaxy reservoirs reducing costs of service delivery

Ensuring that geomembranes are up to scratch
Simple yet effective underground pipe and manhole
sealing system
Major conferences at Afriwater
Water treatment chemicals
CMA updates cavity walls detailing
SA, Zim and Botswana formulate joint
research plans
Textbook lls vital tertiary need


Thousands will benet from Eastern

Cape groundwater nd 21
Water Competition 2005


Rustenburg displays progressive

municipal management 17

Managing a precious resource: Water



Rand Water signs MOU with Lilongwe Water

Flag Boshielo Dam raised by 5 m 26
Focus on Stemele Bosch Africa

Alternative ll materials for the scour

protection of underwater structures 28



Our own building!


Still wanted retired or available civil professionals!

Whos Who at Thornhill Ofce Park


Presidents Award for 2004 to John Lane

Diarise this!




Dawie Botha
Executive director, SAICE


Gauteng trafc
a recipe for disaster!

THE TOTAL ABSENCE of any information to, or communication with, Gauteng

commuters about their future is becoming
a matter of national concern. After all,
Gauteng is the so-called engine of South
Africa and in turn we are the engine of
Africa. But we are heading for disaster in
terms of transportation of people to and
from their places of work. We are probably
squandering BILLIONS of rand on wasted
and lost time, fuel and wear and tear on
vehicles alone. Where is the problem?
Nobody seems to have an answer and one
hears only vague nonsensical answers,
including no funds, no capacity, no staff,
no decision-making no nothing .
The interesting or maybe it should be
disturbing fact is that all of us and them,
whoever they are, are in the same boat.
Or are we drifting around in some kind
of paralysed stupor and strong belief that
somebody else will do something sometime
about the impending gridlock that looms
over the City of Gold and its neighbours?
So let me ask some questions
and make some observations.

Where are you?

Week mornings from 06h30 to 08h30

When it takes one-and-a-half hours
to travel from Roodepoort to Midrand
a total of 34 kilometres?
When it rains and it takes three
hours to travel that same distance?
When a mere bumper bashing attracts seven emergency vehicles with
nobody to rescue and the Western
Bypass is stationary for hours?

Late afternoons from 16h00 to 19h00

When it takes at least one hour to get from
Midrand to Roodepoort if one leaves between 17:00 and 18:00? By the way, forget
about how long it takes to get to Soweto!
When the taxis now use the emergency
lane and overtake on the left one
after the other, on many freeways? And
when the ordinary motorist now follows
that example, since that is becoming
a viable option for getting home?

When the Metro Police (Police nogal!)

switch on their ashing lights and use
the emergency lane to go where? No,
no, not an emergency, but HOME!!

And more questions

than answers
Why do we persist in calling our
clogged roads by esoteric names such
as freeway, by-pass and highway?
Why do we have to go to Europe
for efcient travel by bus,
train, light rail and tram?
Why do I hear some of my colleagues talking as if they were
blaming the motorist and the commuter for the current chaos?
Do we think that total lawlessness is
overtaking the streets and roads because the public are just being difcult,
like to take chances, or are just plain
ongehoorsaam or un-cooperative?

Let me try to understand

the situation: Are you ...
Still asleep when most of us
have to get to work?
In an ofce in Pretoria-Tshwane and living
comfortably in a plush nearby suburb?
In an academic heaven somewhere,
philosophising about non-existent mass
transit and using arguments such as:
Our unsophisticated public will not
be able to handle a left turn on red.
My, my, they are sophisticated enough
to look round for the Metro Police and
then overtake in emergency lanes, jump
red lights during the night, and creep
around corners. And by the way, they
are sophisticated enough to drive cars
worth anything from zero to R750 000.
Pulling your hair out hence
bald transportation engineers
such as John Sampson?
Too busy talking on your car phone
to notice what is happening outside
that steel, glass and plastic cocoon?

Escorted by unmarked cars with

sirens and ashing lights that
push everybody else aside?
Blind and deaf?
Retired and living in Knysna and dont
care anymore, relieved of the terrible
situation in Gauteng. Oh, sorry. I used
the wrong example especially if you
want to travel through that town in
December and experience the results of
non-decision-making forces that cause
the through (???) trafc to come to a halt
for hours and hours and kilometres?
Do not own a car, do not travel by
minibus taxi, do not go to work?
Arrogant and not in touch with your
fellow human beings and should be
recycled as a faulty trafc light and
then perhaps will be worth something in terms of being an observer
of fatal accidents and near misses?
Are these harsh comments? Of course! I
voiced my opinions and a number of possible solutions last year. So far I have heard
a whimper or two, support from some,
an arrogant remark or two from others,
but mostly deathly silence prevails.
We are implementing the rst round of
the SMART Award this year and I have to
wonder whether we will have to manufacture entries or push and shove and pull
to get submissions for sustainable and innovative solutions for our transportation woes.
And NO, tolling Gauteng will not work
without putting alternatives in place rst.
That would be the bell tolling for the nal
funeral of productivity, mobility and getting to work on time sometimes, somehow.
Penalising has never worked there must
be a carrot in front of the stick. A new door
must be open before you close the rst one.
So? I am dumbfounded! Am I really alone
in this crusade, a bit like Don Quixote trying
to wield the mighty pen against the mighty
engineer and his or her decision-maker employers?
We have to wake up magical
2010 is a mere 54 months away.

Text and Photographs

Will Alexander
[email protected]

PA R T 1


From dream to reality


Early attempts to reach the Orange
The early Dutch settlers heard about the
Grootte River from the local people. In 1659
Van Riebeeck despatched a party northwards. They discovered the Great Berg and
Olifants rivers. In 1681 Van der Stel sent a
party under Olaf Bergh, who failed to reach
it. In 1685 Van der Stel led a large expedition
himself. They found copper ore deposits
near Springbok before having to turn back.
In 1760 Jacobus Coetse crossed the river
at Goodhouse (from the Namaqua word Gudaos, meaning sheep path) and carried on
to Warmbad in southern Namibia.

Enter Colonel Gordon

Although of Scots extraction, Robert Jacob
Gordon was born in Gelderland, Holland, in
1743. His grandfather was mayor of Skiedan,
so that the Gordon family must have been
established in Holland for many years before
Roberts birth. Roberts father rose to the
rank of major general in the Scots Brigade of
the Dutch Army and Robert obtained a commission in the same unit. During a period
of long leave in 1773, Gordon visited South
Africa. He travelled extensively inland and
took such a liking to the country that he was

The Orange River rises in the high mountains of Lesotho. After

a long journey it eventually ows through the inhospitable
Richtersveld and into the Atlantic Ocean. For more than 75
years civil engineers struggled to devise plans for the large-scale
development of the river. This is their story starting with the
rst dreams in 1903 through to the announcement of the nal
plans in 1962. The next article will describe the fullment of
their dreams, ending with the completion of the project in 1978
anxious to return.
In June 1777 Gordon, now 34 years old,
returned to the Cape as a captain in the
garrison forces. In October he set out from
Cape Town, taking with him the young
English plant collector William Paterson.
After travelling through Swellendam into
the Little Karoo, Paterson was taken ill and
had to return home. Gordon, however,
continued. He crossed the Sneeuberge
near Graaff-Reinet and nally reached the
Orange River near Bethulie on 23 December
1777 (see map).
Gordon was accompanied by his
draftsman/artist, Johannes Schumacher.
Schumacher sketched a panorama of the


exit from the poort close to the site of the

present rail and road bridge across the
dam near Bethulie. They followed the river
eastwards until they reached the Caledon
River conuence, which Schumacher also
sketched. Gordon named the main river
downstream of the conuence the Orange
River after the House of Orange. He named
the main river upstream of the conuence
the Prince William V River and the tributary
the Princess Wilhelmiena River, after Prince
Williams wife. However, he must have kept
the discovery of the river to himself when
he returned to Cape Town, where he arrived
back in March 1778.


Governor van Plettenberg
Later that year Gordon accompanied
Governor van Plettenberg, who planted a
beacon near the Seacow River to mark the
northernmost boundary of the frontier.
Although this was further to the west than
the point where Gordon discovered the
Orange River, it must have been obvious
to Gordon that the party had crossed the
watershed dividing the south-owing
tributaries and the north-owing Seacow
River, and also that the Orange River
could not be far away (less than 50 km,
as we now know). Why did he not lead
the governor, who intended planting a
boundary beacon, to the more suitable
Orange River? Apparently he feared that
the governor would name the river after
himself. Gordon and the governor returned
to the Cape by different routes. On his way
back the governor called at Bahia Formosa
and changed its name to Plettenberg Bay.

Hendrik Jacob Wikar

In 1778 Wikar deserted the Dutch East India
Company and travelled northwards. He
reached the Orange River at Goodhouse,
where he settled. Towards the end of 1778
he set off on a 400 km long journey eastwards along the Orange River, turning back
about 100 km short of the present town
of Prieska. Paterson arrived at Goodhouse

soon after Wikar left and so he missed him.

Paterson returned to Cape Town. In April
1779 Wikar sent a letter to the governor
asking for a pardon. He received a favourable
reply and set off for Cape Town in June.

Gordon returns to the Orange River

In 1779 Gordon and Paterson journeyed
northwards once more, meeting the returning Wikar at Kamiesberg. Gordon
and Paterson veered to the northwest and
followed the coast until they reached the
mouth of the Orange River on 17 August
1779. They launched a small boat on the
river, raised the Dutch ag, and named
the river after the house of Orange for the
second time. On his map Gordon identied the name of the river as the Orange
River or Garieb. They retraced their steps
to Kamiesberg. Gordon turned northwards
to Goodhouse while Paterson returned

to Cape Town. From Goodhouse Gordon

followed the route eastwards along the
course of the Orange River that Wikar had
taken the previous year and, like Wikar,
he turned back just short of the present
Prieska. Gordon noted that the river had
the same size as the river at Bethulie, and
had the same general eastwest direction.
He was certain that this was the same river.
Gordon was promoted to command the
Dutch garrison in 1780. In 1795 Gordon
had the unpleasant task of surrendering the
Cape to the British. Some of his contemporaries accused him of treason, but apart
from his name Gordon had no connection
with Britain. The life of one of South Africas
greatest 18th-century explorers ended
tragically when he committed suicide.
South Africa also owes its ocks of
Merino sheep to Gordon. He saw these
strong-wooled sheep in the royal stud in
Spain and managed to obtain a ram and
some ewes which he sent to the Cape to
found South Africas wool industry.

The scramble for Africa

In the 1830s the Voortrekkers crossed the
Orange River and established the Transvaal
and Free State republics. There was no irrigation potential along this section of the
river. Missionaries, hunters and explorers
followed a route from Kuruman northwards
to central Africa to the west of the two Boer
republics. This route became known as the
Missionary Road. It crossed the Zambezi
River into Zambia at Kazangula at the
From letf to right:
Ancient paleoood deposits along the Orange River
Barren area near Goodhouse
The Orange River does not have a wide, fertile ood plain

conuence of the Chobe River where the

boundaries of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia
and Zimbabwe meet at a common point.
The Portuguese were the rst European
colonisers. They established themselves in
Angola on the west coast and Mozambique
on the east coast. Jesuit missionaries were
established in the vicinity of the Zambezi
River. Livingstone was aware of this,
but did not make contact with them so
that he could preserve his reputation of
being the rst European explorer in this
region. The German spheres of inuence
were in German South-West Africa and
Tanganyika. Count Caprivi established the
Caprivi Strip in an attempt to link them.
The British were interested in the region
BotswanaZimbabweZambia. This precipitated the 1890 Anglo-German treaty where
these two countries agreed to the boundaries dening their spheres of interest.
One of the common Anglo-German
boundaries was that along the Orange River.
The British discouraged the development by
the Germans in this region by denying them
the use of water from the Orange River.

The relevant portion of the comprehensive

1890 Anglo-German treaty was as follows:
In South West Africa the sphere in which
the exercise of the inuence is reserved to
Germany is bounded to the south by a line
commencing at the mouth of the Orange River,
and ascending the north bank to the intersection by the 20th degree of east longitude.
This is an onerous provision and was
the subject of a long-standing diplomatic
dispute between Germany and Britain that
extended to the two successor countries,
Namibia and South Africa. In 1991 agreement was reached by the government of
the independent Republic of Namibia and
the government of South Africa, xing
the boundary line as the middle of the
Orange River in accordance with international legal practice. A technical team was
established with the object of demarcating
the boundary line. Notwithstanding this
agreement, in November 2000 the South
African government made it known that
the countrys border along the Orange
River was not open to discussion and stated
that as far as the South African govern-

ment was concerned, the matter had been

laid to rest. This left the entire river, with
substantial water, riverine mineral rights
and grazing rights between the north bank
and the river channel, within South Africas
jurisdiction. The offshore border is also
affected since its position depends on the
location of the border at the river mouth.
This in turn has an impact on lucrative
offshore diamond mining and shing rights,
and those for oil and gas exploration.
The future development of the Orange
River along the common boundary will
pose a number of challenges to the present
and future generations of civil engineers
from the two countries. For more details
on the dispute read Lazarus Hangulas
book The international boundary of Namibia
published by Gamsberg Macmillan in
1993. A R Willcox provides an interesting
account of Gordons travels and other
historical material in his book Great River
the story of the Orange River published
by Drakensberg Publications in 1986.



Parliament voted 720 000 for the construction of two dams, namely Grassridge
Dam on the Great Brak River to serve the
upper Great Fish River valley and Lake
Arthur on the Tarka River to serve the
lower portions of the valley. Construction
commenced late in 1920 and both dams
were completed by the end of 1925.
The history of irrigation in the Sundays
River valley is similar to that of the Great
Fish River valley, except that the start was
made later and on a larger scale by private
companies of which there were four by
1913. Lake Mentz Dam was completed in
1922 and van Rynevelds Pass Dam in 1926.
Irrigators who had hoped that the
construction of the dams would effectively
stabilise the ow in the rivers and bring a
period of continued prosperity were soon to
be disillusioned. At the time the dams were
built, they were warned that the runoff from
the catchments would be inadequate for
the proper irrigation of the scheduled areas
a prediction which proved all too true.
The area of land scheduled under Lake
Mentz had to be reduced drastically from
17 000 ha to 9000 ha while the scheduled
area in the Great Fish River valley was
reduced from 22 000 ha to 18 000 ha. To
make matters worse, overgrazing resulted
in serious soil erosion in the catchment
areas of the dams and large volumes of sediment were soon being carried downstream
by the ood waters. Within a few years,
dams, diversion weirs and irrigation canals
had their capacities drastically reduced by
sediment deposits. The depression years of
the early 1930s and the crippling drought
of 1933 brought irrigators to near bank-

ruptcy. By 1934 all outstanding monies

owed by the irrigators to the state, totalling 2 350 000, had to be written off.
In his 1928/29 annual report to
Parliament, the Director of Irrigation
published his address at the Irrigation
Congress in Graaff-Reinet on 12 October
1928. The subject was Possibilities of
irrigation schemes from the Orange
River. His views were pessimistic.
My chief and great regret in presenting
this summary is that I cannot put forward
for the Orange (as apart from the Vaal), a
single scheme of any magnitude and of such
merit as to justify the great optimism which at

The need arises

In March 1925 the Middleton Surplus Lands
Committee issued a booklet urging settlers
to buy land along the Great Fish River.
it said, and quoted gures to show that
a married man can live quite comfortably for less than 8 per month including
wages on the keep of a house servant. The
cost of building a ve-roomed house was
250 and a local hotel had special terms
for prospective settlers 8/6d per day!
In 1948 the publicity committee of
the Great Fish River Irrigation Board issued a booklet predicting disaster in
the valley if the Orange-Fish diversion
project was not built soon. What lies
behind the story of promise turned to
tragedy in the short space of 20 years?
To understand the problem we must go
back to 1877, when there is the rst record
of irrigation water being pumped out of the
Great Fish River. In subsequent years the
individual owners continued to develop their
private schemes, but in 1909 the rst irrigation district was proclaimed. By 1917 there
were 12 irrigation board schemes in existence, but these all relied on ood diversion.
The oods were erratic and the irrigators continually agitated for the construction of the
storage dams to stabilise the ow in the river.
In 1919, as a result of this agitation,


Van Rynevelds Pass Dam rarely spilled

present prevails. Notwithstanding the disappointments of the past, the Department, so
far as lies within its power, will continue to
search for a big scheme, and to appreciate
any suggestions from any source which might
lead to a promising line of reconnaissance.
He provided details of the many projects
that his department had investigated,
including the possibility of diverting the
Orange River to the valleys of the rivers

even by todays standards this civil engineering feat is in world class and the
tunnel is far longer than any continuous
tunnel elsewhere in the world. However,
it was not the engineering problems but
the nancial ones which prevented the
plans from being put into practice.

Temporary relief

From top to bottom: Construction of Lake Mentz Dam, Lake

Mentz after raising, Lake Mentz empty despite raising
running southwards such as the Sundays
River. He reported that a tunnel about 80
km long from a point on the Orange River
between Norvalspont and Bethulie would
carry water to the Brak River tributary of the
Great Fish River. To reach the Sundays River
would be an even more difcult proposition.

Orange River diversion concept

The Orange River has its source in the
Drakensberg mountains of northern
Lesotho. After leaving Lesotho the river
ows south-westwards towards Venterstad
and then it swings away in a more northwesterly direction. By a fortune of geography, the southernmost reach of the
river coincides with the shortest distance
between it and the headwaters of the Great
Fish River to the south. Furthermore, the
Orange River has a at gradient and at
Venterstad it is still 1 200 m above sea level.
This combination of circumstances made
the diversion of water from the Orange River
into the steep but low-lying headwaters of
the Great Fish River, through an 82 km long
tunnel, an attractive proposition to the
engineers and irrigators in the late 1920s.
However, this was an imaginative
concept to propose in those days, because

While it was realised that the diversion of the

Orange River would provide the only permanent solution, temporary relief had to be
provided until it could eventually be implemented. Energetic anti-soil erosion measures
were taken in the catchment areas, but not
only would these take many years to become
effective, they would also reduce the runoff
even further. Dams built on rivers having
high sediment loads become wasting assets
as soon as they are built. To protect the valleys for the use of future generations, it was
essential to make use of the few remaining
storage sites only when driven thereto by
necessity. Thus it was that Lake Arthur was
raised in 1939 and 1945, Grassridge Dam in
1947, and Lake Mentz in 1936 and 1951.
However, by 1950 Lake Arthurs capacity
had been so reduced by sediment deposition
that it was no longer effective as a storage
dam. The new Commandodrift Dam was
built at the conuence of the Tarka and the
Vlekpoort rivers some 24 km upstream. At
the same time a system of tunnels and open
canals was built from Lake Arthur to serve
higher portions of the Great Fish River valley
and so relieve the load on Grassridge Dam.
In 1942 the Department of Irrigation
predicted that all possible storage sites
in the two valleys would be fully exploited within the following 50 years,
and thereafter the schemes would have
to revert back to ood irrigation.
By 1947 the preliminary planning
had reached an advanced stage and irrigators in both valleys were jubilant when
the Director of Irrigations report on the
proposed Orange-Fish-Sundays diversion
project was published. The proposal was
to build a barrage across the Orange River
on the farm Doornpoort some 10 km upstream of Venterstad. From the barrage the
water was to have been conveyed along
a canal to desilting works on the eastern
anks of the Brakspruit valley. These would
remove all the rolling sediment and part of
the suspended sediment before the water
entered the tunnel. On emerging from
the tunnel the water was to have been fed
into canals, further tunnels, and existing
river channels into Grassridge Dam, Van
Rynevelds Pass Dam and Lake Mentz.
The proposed tunnel capacity was
57 m3/s but the rst 17 m3/s of any ow in
the Orange River would have to be allowed
to pass through the barrage to the irrigation
schemes lower down the Orange River. The
sole purpose of a project was the diversion
of water out of the Orange River into the

headwaters of the Great Fish and Sundays

rivers. No storage dams on the Orange River
were proposed, thus prolonging the potential
lives of storage basins and giving the antisoil erosion measures a chance of reducing
the quantity of sediment entering the river.
The total estimated cost of the project
was R35 million, of which the estimated
cost of the tunnel alone was R20 million.
The proposal was almost brought to fruition,
but once again nancial difculties were
encountered. Sterling was devalued, and
the project went onto the shelf once more.
The irrigators reacted strongly:
The Directors report to the Minister on

Top: Lake Arthur Dam as built

Bottom: Lake Arthur spilling after rst raising
the Orange-Fish-Sundays diversion project is
a masterly statement of a highly imaginative
and daring conception. It should be read in full
by every publicist, economist, editor, politician,
in fact by every man and woman who think
and talk about things South African.
If there is so little faith in the nancial
stability of the Union of South Africa that it is
considered unsafe to embark on so expensive
an undertaking until times improve; if there
is so little faith in the degree of progress that
this country has reached that it is thought too
ambitious yet to consider so highly civilised
a form of agriculture, let the word go forth.
The Great Fish River irrigators accepted the
decision with regret but with a resignation.
Resignation, indeed, will be the operative word
for not many of them will stay to suffer the 50
year long death agony the Director foresees.
Only the diversion of the Orange
River into the valleys would save the Cape
Midlands from eventual bankruptcy and
ruin. It was only in 1962 that the nal approval of the project was announced.
To be continued in our next issue


Internal strategic perspectives

for Eastern and Western Cape

The Theewaterskloof Dam in the Riviersonderend River

provides urban water supplies to the Greater Cape Town area
and urban and agricultural water for use in the Berg River
catchment and demand centres along the West Coast. The
Riviersonderend River is the main tributary of the Breede River
Vineyards in the Slanghoek Valley, to the north-west of Worcester.
Irrigated agriculture is responsible for a large portion of the Breede
regions gross geographic product and is a major user of water

IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE more inclusive water

resource management which would address
the inequities of the past, the National Water
Act (36 of 1998) initiated an appropriate
process. It provided for the establishment
of 19 catchment management agencies that

would each manage water-related matters

within a dened area, called a water management area, in close cooperation with its
water users.
It was recognised that it would take several years to implement this ambitious plan
and that the Department of Water Affairs

and Forestry (DWAF) would need to document its existing management approach and
understanding with regard to a specic perspective on the management of water-related
matters. This could be used to guide interim
catchment management agencies until they
would be able to develop their own catchment management strategies. In early 2002
a programme of drafting a series of internal
strategic perspectives (ISPs) for each water
management area was initiated.
Ninham Shand, together with Tlou &
Matji, Jakoet & Associates, FST, and Umvoto
Africa, were appointed to capture relevant
history, situations, issues, problems, approaches and projects (existing and planned)
relating to the management of specic water
resources, and to assist DWAF in developing
appropriate strategies to manage water at a
water management area level. Physical and
manmade characteristics of the ISP areas were
documented, along with the water resources
perspective of the ISP areas and sub-areas, as
well as a range of strategies, grouped within
ten strategic areas. Each strategy sketches the
specic water situation and recommends a
strategic approach and implementation plan.
The ISPs are a major step forward for
water management in South Africa, and
are widely appreciated and accepted within
DWAF and water community.
The ISP areas addressed by the Ninham
Shand team are the Berg, Gouritz, Breede and
Olifants/Doorn water management areas in
the Western Cape, the Fish to Tsitsikamma
water management area (split into the
Tsitsikamma, Coega and Fish-Sundays ISPs)
and the Mzimvubu to Keiskamma water management area (split into the Amatole-Kei and
Mbashe-Mzimvubu ISPs) in the Eastern Cape.

Hex river hydrology model

THE HEXVALLEI, Drie Rivieren and
Worcester-East Irrigation Boards have appointed Ninham Shand to implement a
hydrological model to manage the ows of
the Hex River.
Highly intensive irrigation along the Hex
River and its tributaries in the De DoornsWorcester area has made the allocation of
water between the irrigators extremely difcult. By means of a computerised hydrology
model it will be possible to determine the
ows associated with an agreed level of water
use at selected points in the system. Recorded
ows at indicator sites will be used to account for the effect of the prevailing climate

on target ows. Differences between target

ows and actual ows will be reconciled on
a monthly basis. Decits will be corrected by
means of additional releases from upstream
dam(s). The proposed solution will assist
the water users of the Hex River Valley to
distribute the scarce water resources of the
region equitably.
It is envisaged that the model, which is
being implemented, will form the basis for
an agreement between the different parties.
Currently, the lack of agreement prevents
further development in the area. The construction of the Osplaas Dam is one such

Sesbek diversion in the Hex River

Kokstad drought relief

KwaZulu-Natal has suffered below-average
rainfall since 2001. By the end of 2003 the
situation was very serious, as the capacity of
the towns sole source of water, the Crystal
Springs Dam, was down to 10 %. An application for drought relief funding, drafted by
Ninham Shand in conjunction with ofcials
from the Greater Kokstad Municipality and
Sisonke District Municipality, was submitted
to DWAF and a sum of R4 million was granted
early in 2004 to the Water Services Authority
(Sisonke District Municipality) for Kokstad.
A drought relief task team was formed
and Ninham Shand Pietermaritzburg was appointed to manage the technical aspects of

implementing a multi-faceted programme to

both reduce water consumption and develop
additional sources of water.
The main source of relief centred on the
completion and commissioning of a new
pumping scheme. This had been initiated
early in 2003 as part of a larger bulk water
supply upgrading project, whereby water
is abstracted from the Mzintlava River and
pumped 5 km to the towns waterworks.
With the unregulated river rapidly drying
up, it was decided to construct a 6 m high
rollcrete dam on the river upstream of the
new pump station so that runoff from any
late seasonal rains could be captured and
then released down the river for the towns
use. With a catchment area of 860 km2, even
a small rainfall event would provide a signicant volume of water.

The rollcrete option was adopted as the

work could be fast-tracked and water could be
captured and stored from the early stages of
Construction started in May 2004 and
despite a very tight budget, sub-zero overnight
temperatures, two snowstorms, and a downpour that breached the cofferdam and overtopped the almost-complete rollcrete wall, the
dam was completed in September 2004.
By the time the river pumping scheme
was commissioned in May 2004, the Crystal
Springs Dam was down to only two weeks
supply of water. With the new 400 000 m3 rollcrete dam in place, there has been sufcient
captured water to release down the river for
pumping to the waterworks, thereby allowing
the older dam to slowly recover and ll up to
55 % capacity at the end of February 2005.


is under construction in Bahrain.
The power station is being
constructed for the Al-Ezzel
Power Company by Siemens, the
main contractor. Siemens have
subcontracted the construction
of the civil engineering components of the
cooling water system to NASS, a very experienced local contractor, who have appointed
Murray and Roberts Engineering Solutions,
assisted by Ninham Shand and Chris Michau,
to undertake the detailed design.
The cooling water system for the 954
MW Al-Ezzel power station will abstract a
sea water ow of 29,2 m3/s from one side of
the reclaimed peninsula and discharge it on
the other side. The reclaimed site comprises
coarse imported sea sand with occasional

lenses of soft clay overlying weathered in-situ

rock at a depth of about 8 m.
The intakes of the cooling water system
will comprise the sea water intake structure
and two 2 800 mm GRP pipes, buried at a
depth of 68 m, and discharging into the
cooling water pump station. The reinforced
concrete pump station will house four sets of
screens and pumps and will be 11 m deep x
25 m wide x 33 m long. Each pump set will
discharge into one of four 1 800 mm GRP
pressure pipes, which discharge into the condensers, from which another four
1 800 mm GRP pipes transport the water to
the reinforced concrete seal pit. The ow
from the seal pit will be conveyed to the
outlet structure in the sea by a 1 600 m long
twin-box reinforced concrete culvert, each
barrel being 3,1 m x 3,1 m.

Al-Ezzel power station

cooling water system

Al-Essel site of intake structure at high tide

Southern high-condence reserve determination studies

Directorate of DWAF is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the reserve requirements for the ecology and basic human
use are determined before license applications
are processed.
The Olifants/Doring and the Kromme/
Seekoei rivers are water-stressed catchments
which were selected for high-condence

reserve determinations. DWAF has appointed Ninham Shand to manage these two
technical studies on their behalf. Ninham
Shand is well placed to undertake this work,
as it requires technical knowledge of water
resource management, reserve determination methodologies and the ecology, strong
project management skills as well as knowledge of the DWAF procurement processes and


The primary purpose of the study is to
assist DWAF with the coordination of all the
activities required to achieve the objectives of
the technical reserve determination studies.
A secondary purpose is the transfer of project
management skills to historically disadvantaged individuals, or rms, by training them
in the day-to-day management and coordination of activities that will be undertaken by
the project management and technical teams.

Major new sewage

pumpstation near Ballito
B&A Group, have been appointed by Siza Water
Company to undertake the engineering services for a major new sewage pumpstation and
pipeline to provide efcient removal of sewage
at the Simbithi Eco-Estate, currently under construction near Ballito, north of Durban.
These services include the engineering
design and tender, working drawings and construction and installation stages for the civils,
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation
components of the project, says SBAs Morrell
Rosseau. This new sewage pumpstation, rising
main and trunk sewer will serve phases 1 to 4
of the Simbithi Eco-Estate development as well
as a further 730 units in the catchment area,
and ows from the Martinique and Santorini
pumpstations. Odour control chambers
have been installed in the pumpstation and
pumping line to efciently eliminate gases
emitted from sewage.
Sewage will be pumped from the new
Simbithi pumpstation to the existing Frasers
wastewater treatment works, which is also currently being augmented from its current 6 Ml/d
capacity to 12 Ml/d capacity, with SBA as the
Construction of the pumpstation, which is
nearing completion, commenced in July 2004
and is due for commissioning in May 2005.

Disposal pipeline for

northern KwaZulu-Natal
Stemele Bosch Africa to form a joint venture
in submitting a successful bid for the design
and construction monitoring phase of the new
Empangeni to Richards Bay Industrial Efuent
disposal pipeline. The primary objective of the
pipeline is to dispose of the efuent generated
at Ticor South Africas central processing complex in Empangeni via the existing Mhlathuze
Water marine outfall system in Richards Bay.
The project to extend the efuent disposal
system, which is owned and operated by
Mhlathuze Water, began in September 2002
when the Knight Pisold Stemele Bosch Africa

Joint Venture conducted a study for Ticor

which concluded that the Mhlathuze wastewater disposal system was the most appropriate
and cost-effective system to tap into, at an
estimated cost of R21,8 million for the 16,5 km
long pipeline.
The sewage and industrial wastewater from
the central processing complex of the Ticor factory is currently disposed of via the Empangeni
sewage treatment works, but it has now become
necessary to nd an alternative means of disposal for the industrial efuent component,
says Morrell Rosseau, Stemele Bosch Africa
director and a member of the project team.
This project has some interesting design and
construction challenges, because, apart from
the undulating topography, timber plantations and low-lying swampy areas adjacent
to Lake Nsezi through which the wastewater
is pumped, important issues like safety and
social and environmental considerations also
had to be taken into account. The team had to
deal with possible odour problems, proximity
to existing services, and contamination in the
unlikely event of a spillage.
The project comprises a 250 mm diameter
rising main some 4,5 km long between the
Ticor factory and a break pressure tank from
where it discharges into a 350 mm gravity main
12,0 km long to the head of the Mhlathuze
Water marine wastewater disposal pipeline adjacent to Mondi in Richards Bay. The pipelines
are sized to cater for the proposed future installation of two additional smelters at the Ticor
plant and future industrial development in the
Empangeni area.
Along the route of the pipelines, seven road
and rail crossings are necessary and these will
be facilitated via sub-surface pipe jacking. A
total of 33 air valves and 10 scour valves will be
installed along the pipe route.
The Knight Pisold and Stemele Bosch
Africa consulting practices are both well established companies with excellent transformation
credentials and representation in most of the
major centres in South Africa as well as having
international links.
Iain Watson
Knight Pisold Consulting
T 031-266-8072
Morrell Rosseau
Stemele Bosch Africa
T 031-207-2093

John Banyard, FREng FICE

5th Brunel International Lecture

Water for the world

Why is it so difcult?
In the 5th Brunel International Lecture, delivered at Rand Water, John Banyard of the UK Institution
of Civil Engineers attempted to set out the answer to the question Water for the world why is it so
difcult? In brief, he concluded that it is difcult because it is an exceedingly complex problem and one
which transcends engineering knowledge. To address these issues effectively requires a multidisciplinary
approach to be developed. The challenge for civil engineers is whether they will be relegated to a position
of provider of appropriate technical information and solutions or whether they can assimilate enough
understanding of all of the issues to enable them to continue to full the vision of the Founding Fathers of
the Institution of Civil Engineers, which is to continue directing the great sources of Power in Nature for
the use and convenience of man
BANYARD POINTED OUT that current estimates are that 1,1 billion
people on earth lack access to adequate water supplies and 2,4 billion
to appropriate sanitation.
Not surprisingly, he said, the problem is split between the developed world and the developing and transitional countries. The science
and technology of water supply and sanitation are well understood,
although there remains the challenge of deployment of these technologies for poorer countries.
The developed world has evolved systems of management
whereby fragmentation of water supply and sewage treatment provi-


sion is being replaced by a more regional approach. This may be

through reorganisation or by the private sector providing the impetus.
A further development has been the introduction of independent
regulators to control the activities of private operators and in some
cases even large public authorities (one example being Scotland).
The standard of treatment achieved in the developed world is extremely high with requirements to meet demanding standards set by
the European Union (EU) or the American Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), said Banyard. Additionally, current legislation such as
the EU Water Framework Directive will ensure that enhanced standards continue to be provided over the next 10 to 15 years.
However, in developed countries the wishes of environmentalists
to reverse centuries of environmental pollution are likely to carry a
high price, he said. To this has to be added the cost of simply maintaining the standard of infrastructure that society in the developed
world enjoys today.
Because all infrastructure has a nite life, it appears that over
the next 20 to 50 years there will have to be a signicant increase in
spending on replacement of existing infrastructure compared to the
level that is required today, Banyard cautioned.
It is interesting to speculate whether or not politicians and the
public will accept this increased spend on water against the competing
demands of transport, energy, education, etc, or whether a balance
will be drawn between the aspirations for ever higher environmental
standards and competing demands from other disciplines.
The developed world has constructed its infrastructure over a
period of over 150 years, and in doing so has been able to exploit the
internal economy to provide the nance necessary to fund the provision of infrastructure. The current models of privatisation that exist in
developed countries require the existence of a sophisticated nancial
market for their success. They are not readily exportable to developing
and transitional countries.
Further, private companies operating within the sophisticated
nancial markets have a nite limit to the extent of borrowing that
they can undertake. This alone means they are unlikely to be able to
bridge the nancing gap that currently exists between government
and institutional nance for developing countries and what is required
to meet the millennium development goals, he said.
The sophistication of infrastructure provision and the very high
standards in both medical and environmental terms demanded for potable water and sanitation in the developed countries contrast starkly
with the levels of current provision in the developing and transitional
countries. International effort has now moved from funding specic
water and sanitation projects within the developing countries to one
of seeking to reduce the level of poverty.


The challenge of water and sanitation has to be seen against this

background and is effectively a sub-set of the overall poverty equation.
In general, funding is provided to countries to support their attack
on poverty and it is for the countries themselves to decide whether
or not that funding is deployed to provide water and sanitation. One
result of this revision in policy is to reduce the prole of provision of
water and sanitation.
The problems to be faced in providing water and sanitation
to developing and transitional countries are many and varied. The
megaslums have proved too much of a challenge to many water based
charities in the past, although this is now changing.
Although there is much accord as to the basic principles that
need to be adopted, such as community involvement, and the need
to address water supply, sanitation and personal hygiene rather than
any one of the issues, there are also signicant differences between the
approaches adopted by various organisations. These seek to magnify
the complexity of the problem.
No one can say which is right and which is wrong. In all probability they will all have their place but none of them will provide a
universal model to be deployed, irrespective of geography and sociology, said Banyard.
Banyard reiterated that there is a vast gulf between the standards
of water supply and sanitation in the developed countries and those
that exist in the developing and transitional countries. This gulf exists
not only in terms of quality but also in terms of management approach, sophistication of nancing, even in terms of basic health education. It is not possible to simply transfer solutions from developed
countries and impose them on countries that are less fortunate. There
are fundamental issues that have to be addressed which have nothing
to do with engineering.
He concluded that if civil engineers, or indeed any other engineering professionals, are to make a full contribution to the provi-


The Millennium Development Goals are supported by the UN and have the following objectives:
Poverty: To halve, by 2015, the proportion of the worlds people whose income is less than
Hunger: To halve, by 2015, the proportion of the worlds people who suffer from hunger
Universal primary education: To ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere will be able to
complete a full course of primary schooling
Gender equality: Progress towards gender equality and the empowerment of women should
be demonstrated by ensuring that girls and boys have equal access to primary and secondary
Child mortality: To reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the death rate for children
under the age of ve years
Maternal mortality: To reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the rate of maternal
Major diseases: To halve, by 2015, halt, and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/Aids, the scourge
of malaria and other major diseases that affect humanity
Environmental sustainability: To stop the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and to
halve, by 2015, the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water
Within the Millennium Development Goals, there are a series of targets including water, sanitation
and water resource management, including the above aim pertaining to drinking water, and to
reduce by half the proportion of people not having access to hygienic sanitation facilities by 2015.

sion of water and sanitation in the developing world and thereby

assist in the reduction of poverty, it is essential that they gain the skills
and understanding to work with other professionals whose knowledge
and contribution is at least as important and valid towards the goal of
providing an overall solution as that of the purely technical experts.
Institution of Civil Engineers



Left: Overview of the Berg

Water Project near Franschhoek
in the Western Cape
Bottom: Outlet conduit:
Berg Water Project

AT FIRST GLANCE, it seems incredible

that a team of some 50 people can manage
the liability on the Lesotho Highlands
Water Project, fund and implement the
Berg Water Project in the Western Cape
and the new VRESAP pipeline construction in the Mpumalanga Highlands, while
providing treasury management services
to Umgeni Water. However, the TCTA has
attracted top talent to achieve all of this in

a multi-tasking team structure that takes

pride in the quality of its service delivery.
TCTA was created by the government
to implement the South African part of the
massive Lesotho Highlands Water Project
Phase 1: a 22 km tunnel from inside Lesotho
to the Ash River and outlet structures on the
Ash and Little Caledon rivers. Subsequently,
TCTA was tasked to undertake the liability management of the entire project.
Currently, the stock of debt
under management is R20 billion, repayable over the next
20 years. The Lesotho project
delivers a constant stream of
high-quality water to the Vaal
River system that supplies the
water needs of six provinces.
The initial notice of establishment of TCTA limited
its activities to the Lesotho
project. However, TCTAs
successful completion of
the tunnel project (on time,
within budget and at awardwinning standards), as well as
the success in designing and
implementing strategic liability
management practices, led the
government to widen its scope
of activities in March 2000.

Following a ministerial directive, TCTA

has been providing treasury management
services to Umgeni Water since July 2001.
The initial scope has evolved to include
the review of business plans, strategic objectives and core business focus areas to
ensure that the treasury model supports
their core business. The re-engineering
of Umgenis balance sheet and treasury
operations was successfully completed in
2004 and the initial intervention has been
transformed into a more strategic relationship based on a commercial contract.
IN MAY 2002 the Minister of Water Affairs
and Forestry authorised TCTA to implement
and fund the Berg Water Project (BWP) near
Franschhoek in the Western Cape. This
R1,6 billion project will provide almost 20
% more water to the integrated Western
Cape water system by 2007. TCTA, the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
and the City of Cape Town signed a unique
public-public partnership agreement that
guarantees water delivery to the city by
2007 and repayment of the costs over a 20year period. TCTAs funding strategy and
tariff setting models provide water pricing
stability to the city over the same period.
Owing to the tight time schedule and
the prevailing foundation conditions, a con15

Dam construction on the right bank of the Berg River. The diversion
channel is visible below left, behind the crane. The plinth is visible
between the cofferdam and the main embankment. The borrow area is
lled with water (right)
crete-faced rockll structure was selected for
the Berg River Dam. The main contractors
mobilised in June 2004 and have stayed on
schedule with the construction programme.
By mid-March 2005 the construction of the upstream cofferdam on the
right bank was nearing completion while
the construction of the 980 m long main
embankment was well under way on the
middle section of the ood plain on the
right bank. On completion the wall will
be 65 m high and 200 m wide at the base
narrowing to 10 m at the crest. The upstream face will have a concrete membrane,
while the downstream side will be seeded
with fynbos, to minimise visual impact.

All the haul roads have been completed and the aggregate crusher plant
is fully operational, as are the main and
standby batch plants. Aggregate and
rockll material is obtained on site.
Excavation for the plinth has reached
the design level in some sections and the
placement of backll has started. Meanwhile,
the installation of dam instrumentation has
started. Excavation for the river diversion
is complete and the concrete works have
begun. Concrete works on the dam include
an inlet channel that leads into a 70 m
high intake tower, and an outlet conduit
comprising a 5,2 m diameter tunnel. By the
end of September 2005 the Berg River will
be diverted through the conduit, which
will allow the embankment to straddle
the river. Excavation for the spillway and
the plunge pool is also in progress.
Good progress has been made in the
removal of plant material from the dam
basin; 20 % (114 ha) of the 570 ha has
already been cleared. At the same time,
Working for Water, a programme to remove
alien vegetation from river catchments, is
implementing the Assegaaibos project to
clear the former pine plantation from the
summits to the base of the valleys. TCTA
signed a R21 million contract to fund part
of the project over the next eight years.
In its endeavour to create opportunities

for small local contractors to participate in

the rst economy, TCTA divided the contractors housing contract for 80 houses into four
multiples of 20 units. Preference has been
given to local (Franschhoek and Dwars River
valley) black enterprises and to companies
that engage local black enterprises as joint
venture partners. Two local SMMEs were
awarded 20 houses each, while a BEE joint
venture is responsible for the other 40 units.
MEANWHILE, in November 2004 the
government mandated TCTA to implement and fund the R2,5 billion Vaal River
Eastern Sub-system Augmentation Project
(VRESAP). This 124 km water pipeline will
provide additional water from the Vaal
Dam to Eskom and Sasol on the Highveld of
Mpumalanga. This fast-tracked project is due
for completion in mid-2007. Construction
will start as soon as the environmental
approval process has been completed.
TCTA has not only built up a track
record for successful funding and project
implementation, but has also developed
no-surprise funding and water tarifng
models within appropriate risk frameworks
that make bulk water augmentation affordable to water boards and municipalities.
Clearly, when it comes to sustainable bulk
water resource development, TCTA has
expertise and skills to make it happen.

Rustenburg displays progressive

municipal management
BY 2001 RAPID GROWTH in and around
Rustenburg, caused mainly by increased
mining activities in the area, had led to the
local sewage purication works becoming
overloaded. The efuent released into the Hex
River had a detrimental impact on the rawwater quality of the Bospoort Dam, and since
the Bospoort water purication plant was unable to produce potable water of an acceptable
quality, the plant had to be closed down.
After calling for proposals, the
Rustenburg Local Municipality (RLM) appointed the Mati ya Vanhu Consortium,
consisting of Bigen Africa Consulting
Engineers, Absa and Magalies Water, as its
partners to solve the problem by the following means:
refurbishing and upgrading the existing Rustenburg sewage treatment
works from 22 to 42 Ml per day
upgrading and refurbishing the
Bospoort water purication works to
allow it to cope reliably with the water
quality in the dam
RLM did not have the nancial means
to fund the upgrade, so the consortium
proposed the formation of a business unit,

the Rustenburg Water Services Trust, to

implement the refurbishments. Through
the trust the project was fully ring-fenced
and the rights and obligations of all parties clearly spelt out. The legal status of the
trust is that of a municipal entity under
the Municipal Systems Act. Funding was
obtained from Absa Bank and the debt
is serviced by the following means:
selling efuent to the mines
as process water
selling potable water from the Bospoort
water purication plant to the RLM
at prevailing Rand Water tariffs
charging RLM a tariff for sewage treatment
The combined income stream is sufcient
to service all of the trusts debt as well as
its operational and maintenance requirements. Any surplus funds generated will
be allocated to the RLM to expand their
water services. An interesting fact is that
over the term of the agreements, the net
sewage treatment tariff payable by RLM is
envisaged to be substantially less than its
own forecasted operating and maintenance
costs of its sewage treatment works.
Magalies Water, as the third partner of

Trust members
Absa Bank, Bigen Africa Consulting Engineers, Magalies
Water, Rustenburg Local Municipality
Murray & Roberts Pty (Ltd)
Project value
R280 million
Completion dates
Rustenburg sewage treatment works
Phase 1: New 15 Ml /day activated sludge plant May 2006
Phase 2: Upgrading of existing 10 Ml /day activated sludge
plant to 15 Ml /day November 2006
Phase 3: Refurbishment of existing 12 Ml /day biolter plant
July 2007
Bospoort water purication works
Refurbishment of existing 12 Ml /day plant and pipeline to
Rustenburg February 2006

the team, will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all facilities. They
will also take over the existing municipal
water laboratory from RLM and incorporate
it into their larger operation centralised at
the Vaalkop water purication plant.
The three parties have, between them,
a wealth of experience gained during the
implementation of the R530 million Temba/
Roodeplaat project for the City of Tshwane
Metropolitan Municipality (see page 18).
The Rustenburg project, which recently
kicked off with the ofcial sod turning, is
a great boon to that area. The mines will

Bospoort Dam: Structural concrete commences for the GAC lters

New biological reactor excavation, the size of a football eld

benet from the reliable supply of industrial water, the economy will be stimulated
through new property development, the
community will enjoy better service delivery
and, most important, the environment will
be cleaned up.
It is a prime example of how innovative
engineering linked to progressive municipal
management and sound investment policies
can work together to solve water and sanitation problems for local authorities.

Increased water supply to

northern Tshwane areas


IN ORDER TO ERADICATE service delivery

backlogs and increase water supply to the
northern parts of the greater Tshwane area,
the Roodeplaat/Temba Water Services Trust
(RTWST) was established in 2003 as a municipal entity operated under the ownership
control of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan
Municipality (CTMM).

WBHO Construction (Pty) Ltd

Temba water scheme

In an agreement reached with the CTMM, the
RTWST would render bulk water supplies over
a period of 25 years to the Greater Temba/
Hammanskraal area and the municipal area
of Moretele Local Municipality. Potable water
would be supplied from the existing water
treatment plant at Temba, which would be
extended to double its capacity from 30 Ml
to 60 Ml per day although peak consumption already reached 68 Ml a day, with the
demand expected to grow substantially as
service levels improved. Under the approved
mechanism, the new Temba plant would
serve not only the residential demand but


would also supply water for industrial and

commercial purposes, leading to economic
development in the area.
The project included the feasibility,
design, construction, maintenance and nancing of the extended Temba water supply
scheme. After completion of the extensions,
additional raw water would be drawn from
the Leeukraal Dam in the Apies River under
licence from the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry.
Temba phase 5 extensions were completed and a taking over certicate issued
to the contractor on 15 March 2005 (two
weeks ahead of schedule). The newly commissioned plant was launched by the mayor
of CTMM to the Temba community during
Water Week.
Local communities have beneted
directly from the project in terms of job
creation. Much of the construction work
was labour intensive and local expertise and
labour were used to a great extent in the execution of the project.


Participating partners
Absa Bank nancial underwriter and project sponsor;
Bigen Africa Consulting Engineers design consultant and
project sponsor; City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
ownership control; Magalies Water operation and

Total capex
Temba R198 million; Roodeplaat R332 million
Completion dates
Temba 15 March 2005; Roodeplaat 31 August 2005

Roodeplaat water scheme

The Temba water supply project forms only
one portion of the overall RTWST plan to
address water shortages in the northern
parts of Tshwane. In addition, there is the
Roodeplaat water supply scheme which
will extract eutrophied water from the
Roodeplaat Dam, purify it and transfer it by
rising main to existing bulk reservoirs in the
CTMM area at Montana and Wonderboom.
The project entails the construction of a new
60 Ml /day treatment works which is due to
be implemented in August 2005. The total
capex for the Roodeplaat scheme will be
R332 million.

Text Sonya Olivier


Managing a precious resource

back 50 year and covers the technical, social and institutional
aspects of water and sanitation. The companys multidisciplinary
range of services in this regard is comprehensive, and includes surface and groundwater management, infrastructure provision, and
expertise in the area of water and sewage utility services. Adopting
an integrated approach, Africon harnesses its diverse skills base into
focused teams to address clients specic needs providing clients
with professional input for all project phases from planning to operations and maintenance.


Africon is involved in a wide range of water and sanitation-related
projects throughout South Africa, as well as beyond the countrys

New life for Limpopo

WATER AND SANITATION are among the most critical challenges

facing the African continent today. Whether it is due to water scarcity,
lack of infrastructure, organisational constraints or community-based
issues, there are severe backlogs in the provision of these basic services.
Africons expertise in the arena of water and sanitation dates

Food security and poverty alleviation are key issues on the South
African agenda today particularly so in the countrys remote and
often drought-stricken rural areas.
A recently launched initiative of the Provincial Department
of Agriculture to rehabilitate smallholder irrigation schemes in
Limpopo Province is set to contribute to rural development, generate
income, and help establish food production capacity in rural areas.
The total capital value of infrastructure to be rehabilitated as part of
the Revitalisation of Smallholder Irrigation Scheme (RESIS) project
amounts to R300 million.
To ensure long-term sustainability of this worthwhile venture,
the RESIS project also places considerable emphasis on improving
the skills and capacity of smallholders to manage these irrigation
schemes through continued training programmes.

Africon is responsible for

the design, documentation and
construction supervision for
the rehabilitation of 12 of these
schemes. Construction on four
of the irrigation schemes located
in the districts of Bohlabela and
Sekhukhune started in March

Water debt recovery

Africon, in consortium with
Leslie Madinga Associates,
Stewart Scott International and
SAB&T, is responsible for the
planning, implementation and
management of the national Department
of Water Affairs and Forestrys (DWAF)
Consolidated Outsourced Debt Collection
and Cost Recovery Implementation Project.
This project involves establishing the
amounts owed to the department for water
use as well as the development of a coordinated plan to recover all water-related debt
for the department. In addition, it aims to
establish the outsourcing of debt collection
functions (and cost recovery functions,
where required) in the nine regional ofces.
Finally, the project team is also involved in
facilitating capacity building to enable the
department and its regional ofces to take
over the revenue management once the required functions have been established and
rolled out successfully.
Says Africons Francois Stander: The
project success hinges largely on the buyin from other government role players as
well as the successful integration of a range
of multidisciplinary skills. The project is
scheduled for completion in June 2005.

Improved revenue improved service

Africon has developed an innovative solution for those local authorities experiencing
an ever-increasing backlog in payment for
services. Its improved payment strategy (IPS)
has been used at a number of local authorities, of which Buffalo City in the Eastern
Cape Province is the most recent.
Completed earlier this year, the project
was conducted in joint venture with Utility
Management Services (UMS), a local black
economic empowerment rm, and resulted
in streamlined debt management procedures, immediate cost recovery (a success
rate of 70 % in immediate collection from
defaulting debtors, as opposed to a lengthy
legal process to recover debt), an integrated
revenue enhancement strategy, and the revision of existing credit control and indigent
management policies.
Francois Stander explains: Africons
IPS model brings together the main aspects
of service delivery and sound business
practices to improve levels of payment and
ensure nancial stability. The model follows
a balanced score card approach, in which all
elements that are necessary for the success

of a utility service provider are assessed. The

end result is a clear strategy to improve payment levels in a focused and prioritised way.

Water planning
One of the greatest challenges facing the
water industry in South Africa today is that
of determining real needs and priorities, and
ensuring that the money goes where it is
needed most. DWAF is addressing this challenge by driving the initiative to develop
Water Services Planning and Management
Reference Frameworks for every province in
the country.
Africon, in conjunction with a number
of other industry partners, is involved in the
development of the rst-ever frameworks
for water services for the Gauteng and the
Northern Cape provinces. The ultimate objective of these reference frameworks would
be to provide complete databases and spatial
presentations of all information relevant to
the entire water business for each province.
By identifying actual needs and priorities,
these frameworks would ultimately guide
and assist DWAF, local government and
other sector role players in decision-making
around water issues.
Says Africons Johan Potgieter: DWAF
will use each framework document as a
benchmark against which all Water Service
Development Plans (WSDPs) for Water
Service Authorities (WSAs) and funding applications would be assessed. Potgieter explains: All metropolitan councils and local
municipalities in Gauteng are required by
legislation to develop a WSDP a document
that addresses all aspects of its water business and that is aligned with its Integrated
Development Plan (IDP).
Africon is also involved in the Water
Service Development Plan Support Project in
Gauteng, having been tasked with assisting
DWAFs regional ofce, as well as those local
authorities who are also WSAs, in establishing a planning culture, understanding
DWAFs processes and developing WSDPs for
these WSAs.
Danie Wium
Tel +27 12 427 2489
[email protected]

Taken during drilling: water is lifted from the borehole using compressed air to give a rst estimate on the yield of the borehole

Thousands will benet from

Eastern Cape groundwater nd
Modern satellite imagery has helped identify greater than expected groundwater
resources in the Emalahleni Local Municipal
area. Fifteen boreholes have been sunk, one
delivering an impressive 66 l per second
(airlift yield) capable of lling an averagesize swimming pool in only six minutes.
According to the project manager,
Johan du Plooy, senior hydrogeologist in
the East London ofce of SRK Consulting,
this nd at a depth of 75 m can deliver
90 000 l (yield test rate) in an hour and
beats all previous recorded water deliveries
from boreholes in the Eastern Cape. He
added that data is now being evaluated
to establish the anticipated yield from
the borehole over an extended period.
The borehole that has delivered record
results is about 2 km from the White Kei
River, which eventually merges with the
Swart Kei to ow into the Great Kei River.
The work being done by SRK Consulting
for the Chris Hani District Municipality
is part of the Emalahleni feasibility
study aimed at establishing surface and
groundwater resources in an area within
a boundary stretching roughly from
Queenstown to Lady Frere, then to Indwe,
Dordrecht and back to Queenstown. There
are about 123 000 rural residents living in
the area. SRK Consulting is responsible for
establishing groundwater resources, and
an assessment of surface water availability
is being done by an East London-based
consulting rm, Camdekon Engineers.
SRK Consulting is a South Africanfounded global group of consulting
engineers and scientists that provides
a comprehensive range of services

to natural resource industries.

Speaking from his ofce in
Queenstown, Mr Makaya Dungu, manager of the Water Services Authority,
Chris Hani District Municipality, said the
overall result of the assessment by SRK
Consulting had exceeded expectations.
He said the Emalahleni Local
Municipality was one of eight local
authorities within the Chris Hani
District Municipal Area, where there
were about 810 000 people of whom
324 000 were without potable water.
In pursuance of national government
policy to provide potable water and sanitation to all communities, the Chris Hani
District Municipal Water Services Authority
has already spent R33 million on improving
existing services. During the previous nancial year R116 million was allocated and
during the current year R136 million by the
national government for projects to provide
potable water and sanitation to communities
that do not enjoy these services, he said.
The area that has been assessed incorporates part of the former Transkei, one of the
areas with the greatest backlog. Now we are
in a position to look forward and make arrangements to provide services to meet RDP
standards, said Mr Dungu. The groundwater identied is of good quality, and if
we consider the borehole that is capable of
delivering 90 000 l per hour this alone will
meet the needs of 10 800 households, or
about 64 000 people.
Giving some detail of the nd, Du
Plooy said 15 boreholes were sunk in the
area, with a success rate of 86 %. Only
two boreholes were dry and others, apart


The photograph was taken during a test performed on

the borehole. The yield of the nal stage of the test was
45 l per second, with the water level drawn down to
46 m below surface, after six hours of pumping

Rotary air percussion drilling in progress at

the site where the nd was made

from the one that has exceeded all expectations, deliver up to 12 l per second.
He said that among the previous best
results in the Eastern Cape were a borehole
drilled about 10 km from the latest nd
that delivered an airlift yield of 38 l per
second. This was found during work done
for the Water Research Commission by SRK
Consulting. He added that the measurement was taken during rotary air percussion
drilling, using compressed air of about
21 bars, which provided an air lift delivery
of water to the surface when striking the
resource. In the latest nd the nal airlift
yield was greater than 60 l per second.

Another borehole, further north of the

present site, provided an airlift delivery of
about 40 l per second and one in the Tsolo
district, where SRK Consulting was also
involved in an assessment of groundwater
resources, delivered 30 l per second.
In the latest nd, the borehole was
yield tested in order to determine the
sustainable yield and this indicated an
initial constant delivery rate of 25 l per
second over a period of 72 hours.

Satellite imagery
Du Plooy explained that the borehole was
drilled on a target identied using modern

satellite imagery, highlighting rock deformations below the surface. Interpretation of

this information helped identify suitable
targets for drilling. The target included
two very prominent satellite lineaments
associated with dolerite intrusions. These
were then veried using the magnetic and
electromagnetic geophysical methods.
We are not sure that the borehole
will continue at 25 l per second. We now
have to evaluate the data to establish the
sustainable yield over a period of 20 years
or longer. We need to establish how much
water can be extracted constantly. Just
guessing this might be 1213 l per second
for long-term extraction, but we are still
busy with our evaluations, said Du Plooy.
He said the initial drilling had taken
about a day and a half, but work continued for about a week and a half to
increase the diameter of the hole and to
put in casings and formation stabilisers.
The project team included Johan du
Plooy (project manager and responsible
for GIS analysis); Japie Coetzer (principal
technician: geophysical investigation);
and Jaco Pretorius (technician: geophysical
investigation and drilling supervision),
all in the East London ofce of SRK
Consulting. The drilling contractor was B J
Cilliers Drilling and the testing contractor
Eastern Cape Water Contractors.

Water Competition 2005

Centenary Schools Water Competition in the past two years,
Rand Water will once again provide the main sponsorship this
year. The 2005 competition is up and running and we trust that
SAICEs branches will once again come to the party big time!

Technical Assistance

Lourens Human
or [email protected]
Marie Ashpole
The results of the regional nals should 011-805-5947, 082-870-9229
be submitted by Friday, 12 August 2005. or [email protected]

The nals will again be held at the SciBono Discovery Centre in Johannesburg
on Friday, 2 September 2005.

Over the past two years many SAICE branches really went to
a lot of trouble to get the schools in their region involved in
this worthwhile project. It also afforded them the opportunity
to speak to the learners about civil engineering and the role
it plays in infrastructure creation and maintenance in South
Africa. They were able to get maximum exposure for SAICE.
It is interesting to know that the competition was
actually used for team building by the Town Planners
Association of SA. It has also become part of some schools
Science curriculum and is used during open days.

Rand Water signs MOU

with Lilongwe Water Board
THE POLITICAL WILL and commitment from the South African government to support other African countries coupled with the amendment of the Water Services Act are opening opportunities for water
utilities to spread their wings outside South Africa. The Department
of Water Affairs is supporting and funding the process whereby South
African water utilities can twin with their counterparts throughout
the continent. The objective is to facilitate sharing of information and
expertise leading to fast-paced regional development.
According to Thabani Myeza, business development manager
at Rand Water, this process facilitated by the South African Water
Utilities Association (SAAWU) has resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Lilongwe Water Board
and Rand Water. This is one of the ve agreements signed by various
water boards, mainly in the East and Southern African Region.
Dr Simo Lushaba, CE of Rand Water, said: This is in line with
Rand Waters commitment to support the New Partnership for
Africas Development (Nepad) initiatives of development and partnership. Rand Water, as the largest water utility in Africa with more
than 100 years of experience, system has a lot to offer. The fact that
it is widely accepted that it benchmarks well and is nationally credible is a motivation for it to allow other partners to draw on its skills
and competencies. This is in the interest of Rand Water, South Africa
and Africa at large.
Critical for the success of this partnership is that, with all the
accolades that Rand Water has, we are not complacent. The objectives of the partnering are based on the concept of learning from
each other. While Lilongwe has challenges and lags behind in some
aspects, there are major lessons to learn from their experiences for
Rand Water as well, Dr Lushaba said.
At the signing ceremony the chairperson of the Lilongwe Board,
Mr Harry Mkandawire, pointed that both the board and the Malawian
government are excited about this initiative and fully support it.
Both parties agree that water is critical for the development of
our continent and the economy at large. And such partnership will
ensure the effective facilitation towards the achievement of the
United Nations Millennium Development Goals that commit countries to give the populations of their urban poor access to potable
water by year 2015.

SAICEs Water Division will again provide support where possible.
They can be approached for assistance in sourcing the equipment and
adjudication of the branch competitions. The winners of the branch
competitions will once again be invited to the national competition.
We are looking forward to another exciting competition! We really count on your assistance to make this the
huge success that it ought to be for the sake of the learners
and the future of the civil engineering profession!
A letter and entry forms were e-mailed to all branch chairmen.

While in the short term this is about information sharing, skills

transfer and expertise, the medium- to long-term plan is based on
specic areas of cooperation and will be project driven. These will
focus on improvements of various areas including reduction of water
losses, revenue management, policy issues, and peri-urban water
service delivery. It is all about creating an environment where communities benet and our organisations are sustainable in the future,
no matter what challenges we face, Mr Myeza concluded.


Focus on Stemele

THE B&A Groups water and waste water and

efuent treatment divisions, under Stemele
Bosch Africa (SBA), offer multidisciplinary
consulting engineering services throughout
sub-Saharan Africa. Munitech, another B&A
Group company, specialises in operations
and maintenance services in the same elds.
Specialist consulting services include investigations, planning and feasibility studies, design,
procurement, contract administration, construction monitoring and project management.
SBAs water division covers urban and
rural water distribution, water treatment, river
abstraction, dams, water services development
plans and water resource studies, hydrology and
ood control, as well as irrigation. The wastewater and efuent treatment division specialises
in wastewater and efuent treatment works,
pumps stations and pipelines; waste water reticulation, trunk sewers and rural sanitation.
The B&A Group is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the communities
that we serve and as part of this programme,
the company plays an important role in providing appropriate solutions for water and
sewage needs for millions of people in rural
and urban areas, says Max Stemele, managing
director of SBA, who also sits on the B&A
Group Board. The group has established a
highly experienced team to develop technologies, systems and expertise to assist local
government authorities to meet their service
delivery obligations.
A recent development for the B&A Group
has been the establishment of Alliance Water
Engineering (Pty) Ltd, a newly formed subsidiary company of Munitech (Pty) Ltd. This new
division has been awarded a major contract by
the Zululand District Municipality to manage,
maintain and operate water and wastewater
treatment works, as well as associated bulk
infrastructure, for a two-year period.

This contract provides a platform for the

newly established company to build a sound
reputation for service excellence and a base
from which to pursue opportunities in the
water services management sector, says Sean
Reilly, managing director of Alliance Water
Engineering. With the collective skills, experience and resources of Munitech and the
Alliance management team, the company is
well positioned to become a signicant factor
in the management contracting and PPP environment in the water services sector.
This ZDM contract, which is one of the
more substantial water sector management
contracts currently in South Africa, incorporates 14 water treatment works, 8 sewage
treatment works, associated bulk distribution
infrastructure and rural schemes encompassing
some 11 pump stations, 59 km of trunk mains
and 55 reservoirs.
The project incorporates a range of treatment works, in both type and capacity, from
small works serving rural hospitals, to substantial works of up to 30 Ml/day serving extensive
urban and rural areas. Responsibilities include
the maintenance and operation of bulk distribution infrastructure in the Simdlandgentsha
rural water supply scheme.
The B&A Group also provides local authorities with a full spectrum of resources and expertise to plan and implement water demand
management programmes. SBA focuses on analytical, planning and design related elements,
while Munitechs on-site and operational
inputs are critical for effective water demand
management planning.
These programmes incorporate all elements
of demand management, including situation
assessment, needs analysis, re-zoning, pressure
control, zone metering and monitoring, water
balance systems development and ow control.
They also involve consumer meter auditing,

Bosch Africa
meter systems specication, leak location
and repair, as well as consumer plumbing
and repair programmes.
We believe demand management programmes should be an integral part of the
operation of any water supply system and
should not be considered one-off projects
that are implemented only if resources are
available. The planning and implementation
of water demand management programmes,
that reduce the proportion of non-revenue
water, is a fundamental responsibility of
all water services authorities and providers.
These structured programmes signicantly
improve the viability of water supply systems
and reduce the cost of water to the consumer, at the same time conserving highly
stressed water resources.
The B&A Group, which has extensive
experience in the rehabilitation, upgrading,
operation and maintenance of municipal
water supply and sewer systems, has recently
been involved in water demand management programmes serving more than four
million people in districts that include

Umlazi, KwaMashu, Ntuzuma, Pinetown,

Kwamakhutha, Inanda and Mabopane.
Construction of eThekwini Water Services
bulk water supply project at the Valley of a
Thousand Hills, just outside Durban, is well
under way and is programmed to be completed by the end of 2005.
Stemele Bosch Africa is responsible for
the design of the bulk infrastructure required
to supply water to these remote rural areas,
including Mkhizwana, Maphepheteni and
Ekhukaneni, that do not presently have access to piped potable water supplies, says
Mohammed Vawda, a director of SBA.
A feasibility study for supplying water
to the area was undertaken by SBA on behalf
of the municipality and various options for
water supply, which included investigating
local sources from springs, streams and
boreholes, as well as piping in water from
external sources, were evaluated.
It is proposed that bulk water will be
piped into the area from two sources from
the raw water aqueduct from Nagle Dam
via a new water treatment plant in the west

and also by extending the existing Inanda/

Umzinyathi bulk water network from the
east. Owing to the difcult hilly and undulating terrain, several pumping stations and
numerous pressure zones will be needed for
the scheme.
The bulk water supply system will consist
of a 1,3 Ml/day water treatment works, 20
reservoirs ranging in capacity from 25 kl
to 650 kl, 11 pumping stations, and 83 km
of steel and MPVC bulk supply pipelines,
ranging in diameter from 75 to 250 mm.
The majority of the bulk water infrastructure is being constructed by eThekwini
Waters construction division, while the water
treatment works and pumping stations will
be put out to tender. The reticulation network
to consumers are being designed and constructed by eThekwini Water Services.
The bulk water supply project to the
value of approximately R35 million is being
jointly funded by the CMIP, DWAF and the
eThekwini Municipality.
Sid Turner
Operations Director
Stemele Bosch Africa (Pty) Limited
Sean Reilly
Managing Director
Munitech (Pty) Limited
T 031-207-2093

Text Andr Bester, Deputy Chief Engineer

Directorate: Civil Design, DWAF
Tel 012-336-8591, [email protected]

Flag Boshielo Dam raised by 5 m

The raising of the Flag Boshielo
Dam in the Olifants River
that is currently under way
on the border of Limpopo and
Mpumalanga provinces is one
element of an integrated water
resource development process
being coordinated by the
Department of Water Affairs
and Forestry (DWAF) within
the Olifants River catchment

The Flag Boshielo Dam in the Olifants River on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga
provinces is being raised to accommodate mining needs in the region



DWAF for the raising of the Flag Boshielo

Dam was strongly inuenced by the needs of
the sponsor and user of the additional water,
the Lebalelo Water Users Association, who
represent the mining interests in the region
with respect to water use issues. The primary
considerations for the establishment of the
design philosophy were identied as dam
safety deciencies, malicious vandalism
and potential sabotage as well as maximum
practical assurance of supply, implying that
the risk associated with all aspects of the
raising (including construction, operation
and maintenance) should be minimised.

Raising the supply level of the dam is

motivated primarily by the water needs of
existing and future mining developments in
the region. These mining activities already
contribute to the economic development
of the region, employ local labour, earn
foreign exchange and result in substantial
tax revenue. Part of the project also entails
the completion of a 1,2 km pipeline and
the refurbishment of a 5 km canal which
feeds into an irrigation system that is being
developed for emerging farmers in the
local communities. The pipeline and canal
will service 1 000 ha of irrigable land.
The existing 104 million m3 dam, with
a system yield of 56 million m3, was constructed in the mid-1980s for the former
Lebowa government. The composite structure comprises a 770 m left-ank earth
embankment, a 28 m high, 180 m long
uncontrolled roller-compacted concrete
ogee spillway with a roller bucket terminating structure, a 34 m high right-ank
concrete gravity wall, and a 200 m long
auxiliary spillway on the extreme right.
The spillway arrangement has a discharge
capacity of 7 400 m3 per second. At
present the installed capacity of the outlet
works at the dam is 6 m3 per second.
The design philosophy developed by


The raising of the full supply level of the
Flag Boshielo Dam by 5 m will increase the
storage capacity by 80 million m3 and the
system yield by 16 million m3 per annum.
Virtually maintenance-free rockll material with an impermeable zone and an
improved lter system will be used in the
raising of the embankment and to enhance
the stability of the existing embankment.
A low operational risk/cost xed raising
option with roller-compacted concrete was
the preferred choice for raising the main
spillway and concrete non-overspill crest.
The optimisation of the auxiliary
spillway has led to the nal design choice

of a four-phase 275 m long spillway with

a xed roller-compacted concrete sill. The
combined discharge capacity of the main
and auxiliary spillways is approximately
15 450 m3 per second. This is well above
the 11 000 m3 per second safety evaluation discharge (SED) of the dam, but the
additional capacity could be provided at a
minimal incremental cost. Provision had
been made in the existing outlet works
to increase the discharge capacity to approximately 18 m3 per second. This capacity
will be developed fully for environmental
purposes with the added benet of system
redundancy in the outlet works to ensure
a reliable water supply to all users.
In June 2003, the estimated construction cost of the raising, land purchase,
relocation of infrastructure and professional
fees was R234 million. Temporary work
for 180 unskilled workers from the local
communities has been created for the duration of the project. Site establishment by
the main contractor, DWAF Construction,
started in May 2004. According to the
latest construction programme, the raising
of the full supply level (FSL) is scheduled
for September 2005 so that impoundment
at the raised FSL can commence in the
summer rainfall season of 2005/06. It is
anticipated that construction will be completed by the end of March 2006.

Text Marco Pauselli

Technical manager, African Gabions
Photographs Saipem

Alternative ll materials for the scour

protection of underwater structures
Scour protection for underwater structures and pipelines, quay walls at harbours, and ports and cooling
tower outfalls have almost always been designed with riprap, comprising high quantities of rock boulders
of varying size diameters. The benets that some alternative materials offer in these applications, such
as stone-lled woven wire mesh gabions, have seldom been exploited to the full. We highlight the design
and construction of the recently completed work at the Port of Soyo, in Angola, where scour protection for
the expansion phase of the port was carried out using woven wire mesh gabion mattresses in conjunction
with sand-lled geotextile bags
SOYO IS LOCATED in north-west Angola,
on the south bank of the Congo River.
The Port of Soyo is situated on the petrochemical logistical supply base of Kwande.
In 2004 the current quay on the base was
expanded to allow for three additional
berths on the western section. The berths
were sized to accommodate supply of
Ulisse-type ships to the area. Saipem, who
was awarded the construction for the quay
extension, approached Maccaferri/African
Gabions early in 2004 for an alternative
solution to the riprap protection specied, as no rock was available on site and
had to be imported at great cost. The
ground at Soyo, situated just 12 m above
sea level and close to the river mouth,
consists mainly of ne sands that had

Dredging an installation of the steel sheet piles

Arial view of Port of Soyo


washed down the river over the centuries.

The extension necessitated the protection of some 7 000 m2 of seabed material at
the entrance and exit to the berth from the
currents generated during the manoeuvring
stage by the forces of the propeller and bow
thrusters of supply ships. The main function
of the protection in front of the quay was
to prevent the formation of a scour trench
which could cause structural failure of the
piled embankment.


The characteristics that were obtained for a
typical Ulisse-type supply vessel were as follows:
Max power, Pmax
5 300 kW
Power during manoeuvring
(25 % of Pmax), Pd
1 325 kW
Propeller diameter (ducted), Dp
3,5 m
Distance between propeller
centreline and bottom of ship
3,0 m
Minimum water depth below vessel 1,0 m
The geometry at the bottom of the seabed
was unknown but assumed horizontal, since
the extensions and retaining of the quay
walls was undertaken using hydraulic driving
sheet metal piles.
The design methodology adopted was
according to the Guidelines for the design
of armoured slopes under open piled quay
walls published in the proceedings of the
1997 Permanent International Association
of Navigation Congress (PIANC). The report
gives practical guidelines on design methods
in a simplied form for everyday use in a
commercial ofce, bearing in mind that
only rarely can a berth be designed for a
specic ship with known characteristics.

Pd 3
where c = 1,17
for a ducted propeller
1 325 3
= 1,17
= 5,57 m/s

U0 = c

{ }

Once the axial velocity of the propeller is

known, the seabed velocity Umax can be calculated from the graph below, provided Hp and
D0 are known.
Hp = 4 m
= 0,57 from the graph above
Hence Umax = 3,2 m/s





Step 2 Scour protection

Since the eventual solution would consist of
sand/cement-lled geotextile bags, the density
of the soil material was taken as 20 kN/m3.

Step 1 Scour velocity

D50 = 0,5 m mean stone size

(2 650 1 026)
D*50 = 0,5 x
1,58 x 1 026
= 0,5 m

In calculating the velocity at the bottom of

the seabed, the formula for the centreline jet
propeller velocity is as follows:

From the table, a boulder with

D50 = 0,5 m equates to a weight of 200 kg.



Rock sizes (density 2,6 t/m3 or 25,9 kN/m3)


sphere diameter (mm)

cube side

Size by sieve,
grizzly, or
visual inspection (mm)

1 kg




5 kg




10 kg




50 kg



100 kg




200 kg




300 kg




400 kg




500 kg




600 kg




700 kg




800 kg




900 kg









1 140


1 050


1 300

1 050

1 200


1 430

1 150

1 330


1 540

1 240

1 420


1 640

1 320

1 500


1 730

1 390

1 600


1 800

1 450

1 660

Source: Shore Protection Manual

The guideline provides for the

following grading of riprap:
0,5W0 to 2W0 = 100 kg to 400 kg boulders with a protection thickness of
1,5D50 to 1,8D50 = 0,75 m to 0,9 m
thick protection

Step 3 Substituting riprap

with woven wire mattresses and
geotextile bags
Tests undertaken at the Hydraulics
Laboratory, Engineering Research
Center, Colorado State University of
Fort Collins, showed that gabion mattresses were able to perform the same
function as a layer of loose riprap two
to three times thicker and that the
same performance could be attained
by the gabion mattress using rock
with lesser dimensions than those of
The ability of the mattress to resist
movement by the current relies on
its monolithic continuity to resist
displacement and not its mass. The
rocks inside the mattress are retained
by the woven mesh wire. In general,
when the velocity and shear stresses
reach a critical magnitude, the rocks
inside the mattress start to move in
the main ow direction. The gabion

mattress test results indicate that the

woven mesh improved the stability
of the lling rocks by doubling the
critical shear stress compared to that
for riprap alone.
Hence, the Shields parameter C*
for the gabion mattress ~ = 0,1, while
for the riprap C* ~ = 0,047.
These results showed that for protection of the seaoor, a 750 mm to
900 mm thick riprap protection layer
could be substituted with a 300 mm
thick mattress.
Since no rock was available on
site, geotextile bags lled with a mixture of ne granular sand stabiliaed
with a minimum of 6 % cement was
recommended. Each geotextile bag
measured 2 m long by 0,3 m high by
0,33 m wide, and in addition to providing temporary connement of the
sand during the lling operation, had
to withstand the high initial construction and installation stresses. The bags
were manufactured from a heavyduty,
non-woven geotextile with a minimum weight of 270 g/m2 and glazed
on the external face to enhance the
abrasion resistance characteristics and
minimise lament disentanglement
when subject to the scouring forces. A

total of 18 bags per 6 m x 2 m mattress were

used, reducing the risk of complete mattress
unit failure should one or more of the bags
be damaged during installation. Once placed
underwater, the sand/cement mixture would
solidify to form soilcrete.

Although every attempt was made to safeguard the wire from oxidation and corrosion,
namely the heavily galvanised coating plus
an additional 0,5 mm thick extruded PVC
coating, much of the success of the solution depended upon factors such as design,
construction and installation, and type of ll
If not given due attention early on in the
proposed solution, each of the these factors
may lead to eventual failure. Maccaferris
woven mesh has been certied by BBA
(British Board of Agrment) in certain cases
to provide an expected life of 60100 years,
depending on the type of application. if
the mesh is excessively damaged during
installation, the expected life will decrease,
but experience has shown that where the
environment integrates around the mesh,
the expected life is substantially increased.
This has been veried by samples taken from
project sites worldwide some 50 years after
A case in point is the project at Thesen
Island, in Knysna, where woven mesh gabion
and mattresses were utilised for the
17 km of bank stabilisation and protection.
Two years after installation, extensive marine
life had encrusted itself to the PVC-coated
wire. The wire in most places had been
completely integrated into the marine environment, negating any possible effects of


Some 584 Reno mattresses were supplied to
the Soyo project site, together with
43 000 m2 of geotextile and a lifting frame
complete with slings and hooks. In addition,
special formwork to facilitate lling and
closing of the geotextile bags was manufactured and delivered to the site. The formwork
consisted of a single or double separator,
which allowed for the lling of two or three
bags simultaneously. The entire operation
was carried out in two stages: stage 1 involved pre-lling all the mattresses required
for the protection works, while stage 2 dealt
with the installation of the mattresses under
The entire work area was pre-levelled
before the mattresses were unbundled and
folded out at and the formwork was positioned inside the mattresses. Panels of geotextile that had been pre-cut were positioned
inside the formwork before they weren lled
with sand that had been premixed with
cement to the correct ratio. The ll was compacted before folding over the overlap of the
geotextile and stapling closed. Stainless steel

Encrusting of marine life on the woven mesh wire

The mesh is completely integrated within the marine environment

Filling operation

Closing and stapling operation

staples with a pneumatic machine were used

for this operation.
Once the bags were lled and closed
(12 bags per mattress when using the single
divider and 18 bags per mattress when using
the double divider), the mattress lid was
positioned, laced, and tied to the base, and
all lacing wire was pulled taught and secured.
Mattresses were stocked for later installation.
Production rates achieved were in the order
of 2 m3 per man per day or 6,7 m2 per man
per day.
Where installation was adjacent to the
quay, installation of the mattresses to a
depth of 8 m was undertaken with the aid of
cranes. For protection further away, the mattresses were installed with the help of a Grue
LinkBelt crane secured on top of a barge.
Installation rates averaged 162 m2 per day
calculated on a 9 hour work day, with the
maximum achieved of 336 m2 per day.
Total time taken for the project was 81
days for the lling process and 36 days for
the installation.

less rock to position on site translates into

potential time saving on the project. If these
savings are passed to the client, more money
will be available for additional work that may
not necessarily have been budgeted for.


Soyo is not the rst quay protection projuect
undertaken with gabion mattress cages manufactured from woven wire mesh. Similar
projects were undertaken at Limassol in
Cyprus, Pemba Island in Tanzania, Port Louis
in Mauritius, Mahe in the Seychelles, and
Luanda in Angola, albeit with rockll instead
of sandlled geotextile bags. The concept
of utilising thinner protection layers where
circumstances dictate has tremendous economic implications. The additional cost of
gabions mattresses can be easily offset by the
savings realised in reduction in rock volumes,
and consequently cost of the rock; transportation of rock to site; and environmental cost
of rehabilitating borrow areas. In addition

Installation carried out by means of cranes and barge

Text Hennie Kotze and Alex van Niekerk

Senior project managers
SA National Roads Agency Ltd
Northern Region


Innovative engineering solutions

WORLDWIDE, funding to improve, expand
and maintain roads generally does not meet
the demand. South Africa is no different.
To manage this situation, different approaches can be followed. A standards-driven
approach implies that if one cannot achieve
the required standard, nothing should be
done. Another approach is to waive standards and do what is affordable. The rst
approach compromises the needs of the road
user, whereas the second approach may seriously compromise the road users safety and
the function of a specic road, for instance
mobility on freeways.
A balanced approach seems to be the
solution. Basic engineering principles, innovative thinking, and engineering judgement should be applied to achieve optimum
benets for both the road user and the
system. It necessitates the re-evaluation of
so-called standard engineering practices
and requires engineers to design and not
compile a solution to a specic engineering
problem. The South African National Roads
Agency Limited (Sanral) has since its inception in 1998 applied the principles of value
engineering and appropriate standards. This
has led to various innovative, although often
controversial engineering solutions being
applied. The following are brief overviews of
four of these solutions.


The 9 km section of the N1 between the
Brakfontein Interchange, where the N14 joins
the N1, and the Flying Saucer Interchange,
where the R21 intersects the N1, past
Centurion consisted of a two-lane dual carriageway freeway. The sections of the N1
to the south and north are three-lane dual
carriageways resulting in this section creating
a bottleneck effect that caused major congestion during the morning and afternoon peaks.
The congestion also resulted in a large
number of accidents some of which serious
and/or fatal. Sanral investigated the widening
of the road to a three-lane dual carriageway.
Although this was a viable option, it would
have meant that all the structures on this
section of road would have to be widened to
accommodate a cross-section of three 3,7 m
wide lanes, a 3 m wide outside shoulder, and
a 1 m wide inside shoulder. The estimated
cost of this project, including an overlay
on the road surface, would have been R55
million. This high cost was unacceptable to
Sanral and also unaffordable at that stage.
Sanral then decided to investigate other
alternatives. The most viable option was to

only widen the road pavement itself and

make optimal use of the existing width available on the structures. A cross-section of
three 3,4 m wide lanes, a 1,7 m wide outside
shoulder, and a 0,3 m wide inside shoulder
could be accommodated in this way (gure 1).

Figure 1 Proposed cross-section

To achieve the above cross-section the
pavement was widened by 1,2 m on the median side of both carriageways. No widening
of the bridge structures was required. Owing
to the skewness of some of the structures and
to create a wider inside shoulder at bridge balustrades, the lane markings were re-aligned
over the structures to provide for a minimum
of 1 m wide inside and outside shoulders.
Safety concerns, as a result of the narrower
lane and shoulder widths, were mitigated
through the implementation of a number of
safety measures. An outside shoulder with
a minimum width of 1,7 m was required to
allow emergency vehicles to reach incidents.
In ll conditions a 2,7 m wide paved area
was created for stranded vehicles by moving
guardrails further away from the road edge
and constructing a 1 m wide concrete strip between the roads surfaced edge and the guardrails. The speed limit on this section of the N1
was also reduced from 120 km/h to 100 km/h.
Improved law enforcement resulted in the
successes achieved with this particular project.

Details at structures

Upgraded road section

This design was implemented in 1999
with the construction cost, including the
overlay, being R22 million, less than half of
the cost for the conventional solution.
Since the implementation of this solution the crash and fatality rate for the road
section improved dramatically, bottlenecks at
the entrance points to the section were eliminated, and trafc throughput in the morning
peak hour increased from 5 900 vehicles
before the upgrading to 9 600 vehicles afterwards an increase of 62 %.



Details in ll conditions

Reduced speed limit


The very high right-turn movement from

Atterbury Road onto the N1 North, at the
western terminal of the interchange, had a
negative inuence on the operation of the
already congested interchange. The rightturn demand caused trafc backing up onto
the freeway as well as in Atterbury Road,
whereby the operation of other intersections
on Atterbury Road (away from the freeway)
were also negatively inuenced.
Sanral set out to nd a solution to the
problem. Various more conventional solutions were proposed, but all at a very high
cost. A left-turn free-ow loop on-ramp was
then considered. In order to reduce cost,
the loop had to t in between the existing
northbound off-ramp and the northbound
carriageway of the freeway. The solution was

Table 1 Actual improvements: western terminal

at Sanral
micro-simulated and proved to be together
with cross-sectional improvements at the
other approaches to the interchange nodes
the optimum solution, given budgetary
A 25 m radius loop was constructed, as
indicated in gure 3.
Various safety measures were introduced
to prevent accidents on this narrow loop,
such as providing a dedicated acceleration lane parallel to the through lanes on
the freeway, lighting on the on-ramp, and
COSBI-lines before the 25 m radius curve.
The total cost of the project was R2 million.
The tables in the next column indicate
the improvement in interchange capacity
that was achieved.

Increased turning volume from

Atterbury to N1 (vehicle/h)
(right turn)

After (loop)

% change




95 %




36 %

Stopped delay (sec/vehicle)

(right turn)

After (loop)

% change




40 %




54 %

Table 2 Actual improvements for interchange

Increased volumes (vehicle/h)
(right turn)

After (loop)

% change


11 125

13 370

20 %


11 300

12 785

13 %

Stopped delay (sec/vehicle)

(right turn)

After (loop)

% change




3 %




38 %

trafc backing up onto the freeway.

One of the most likely solutions to the
problem would be to signalise the terminal
intersections. Although this would have
solved the peak period trafc congestion and
turning hazards, it would have created unsafe situations during off-peak periods when
vehicles would have to wait at trafc signals
and motorists would be prone to possible
high-jackings or smash-and-grab attacks,
especially at night.
In 2003 Sanral investigated the conversion of the terminal intersections into trafc
circles. Sanral was satised with the benets
of the solution. Apart from reducing delays
at the interchange nodes, it also resolved the
queuing of vehicles on the off-ramp onto the
freeway. The trafc circles also had the added
advantage that free-ow conditions could be
maintained at all times. Both terminals were
converted into trafc circles with a 20 m
inside radius and two trafc lanes. Overhead
lighting and other safety measures such as
rumble strips, COSBI-lines and signage were
also provided. The total cost of the project
was R3 million.
The circles function well in peak hours
with very little congestion and no back-up of
vehicles from the off-ramps onto the freeway.



Figure 3

Trafc movements at the ramp terminals at

this interchange were one-way stop-controlled
at the off-ramps. During peak hours, throughtrafc movement on Hans Strijdom Road was
such that N4 trafc struggled to exit or enter
the off- and on-ramps, resulting in off-ramp

Acceleration lane

Lighting and COSBI-lines

Trafc circles on the Hans Strijdom Interchange


The most northern intersection on the N1

in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) was four-way
stop controlled. The intersection was prone
to accidents caused run-away heavy vehicles
approaching the town (and intersection)
from the north from a steep downhill
(mountain pass).
Sanral upgraded the two-lane single
carriageway road (N1) through Makhado
to a four-lane undivided road with at-grade
intersections. The intention was to provide
signalised control at the intersections.
Although an arrestor bed was constructed
at the foot of the mountain, approximately
1,7 km before the rst four-way intersection,
a fatal accident involving a run-away heavy
vehicle (presumably ignoring the arrestor
bed) and a bakkie occurred at this intersection. Sanral decided to re-evaluate safety
options at the intersection. After specialist
advice was considered, a solution was investigated to provide a trafc circle at this
Owing to limited funding, the topography
of the area and that all the bulk earthworks
and most of the layer works for the intersection were already completed, the circle had to
t inside the footprint of the intersection.
A circle accommodating two trafc lanes
and an inside radius of 5 m could be placed
inside the footprint of the new intersection.
Figure 4 on page 34 is a schematic layout of
the circle.
Although the circle would not stop runaway heavy vehicles, it has several benets:
It reduces the speed of all vehicles ap33

be prone to run-away vehicles colliding

with them while they waited to turn.
The circle was constructed and implemented
successfully at a marginal additional cost
compared to the original intersection cost.
Although motorists initially had to
go through a learning curve to be able to
negotiate the circle, the feedback from
residents of Makhado using the circle
has been overwhelmingly positive.

Figure 4 Intersection circle in Makhado


proaching the circle.

It places a responsibility on motorists approaching the circle to be on the look-out
for runaway vehicles (where a green trafc
signal gives the motorist the right to pass

through the intersection without consideration for vehicles approaching the red light).
It prevents, to a certain extent, the buildup of vehicles in right-turning lanes at signalised intersections. These vehicles could

These projects prove that by applying appropriate standards and value engineering, solutions to engineering problems can be found
and implemented which under normal circumstances (set standards and no risk taken)
would have been too costly.
Value engineering is not simply the application of reduced standards. It requires
innovative thinking from designers and
appropriate mitigation measures to address
possible safety risks.
The appropriate standards applied in
some of the examples above should also not
be perceived to be the new accepted standard
by Sanral. Although some of the solutions applied might be repeated elsewhere, Sanral will
always carefully consider the options available and endeavour to apply the highest appropriate standards on its road network.



THE SBS GROUP of companies has announced
the national launch of their Galaxy range of reservoirs, now available through their network of
approved distributors.
After seven years of research and technological pioneering into the South African water
storage market, Galaxy now boasts more than
120 successful installations throughout South
Africa, as well as in Lesotho, the Seychelles, the
Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola,
says Delayne Gray of SBS. The Galaxy has made
its mark and is poised to continue leading this
market sector.
The Galaxy is a prefabricated zincalume panel
reservoir with a ve-layer non-tear polypropylene

bre weave reinforced polyethylene/polyolen

Gray points out that what makes Galaxy an
international trend setter in steel panel reservoirs
with liners is their unparalleled ten-year non-leak
warranty offered with all reservoirs. In addition,
the Galaxy is always offered as a fully installed
product with a zincalume dome roof, lockable
access hatch and access ladder.
Use of zincalume high-tensile steel wall
panels assures a product which is aesthetically
pleasing, cost-effective and exceedingly durable
when compared to traditional construction
methods, says Gray.
The Galaxy is easily transported to any site

by means of an LDV and is easily installed on a

very basic sand pad site or concrete ring beam in
certain applications.
The speed of erection and simple commissioning procedure allows capacities of up to
300 kl to be completed in less than three days.
Capacities of 2,6 Ml take a mere 22 days to
The overall reduction in costs to rural water
storage projects are phenomenal, making the
delivery of services that much quicker and reducing the project management headaches for
both engineers and main contractors.
Owing to the modular design of the
Galaxy reservoir, consistency of quality can be
guaranteed every time, in all applications (rural,
agricultural and commercial). The ever-increasing
variables of poor workmanship, inefcient site
management and unreliability of raw material
supply are eliminated when using the Galaxy
reservoir, thus assuring the success of the most
crucial item of any water supply scheme, the reservoir, says Gray.
Galaxy distributors are still required for some
areas in Africa.

Delayne Gray 031-716-1820

[email protected]
Sharecall 086-048-2657
[email protected]

(Design, selection and installation of geomembranes) is important news to all involved in water
supply, waste disposal, and civil engineering
projects that involve geomembranes. Together
with SANS 1526 (Thermoplastics sheeting for use
as a geomembrane), there are now two standards that are essential reading for anyone involved
in using these extremely versatile liners.
A geomembrane is a factory-assembled
structure of synthetic or natural polymeric
materials, in the form of a sheet which acts
as a barrier. The barrier function is essentially
fullled by polymers. Geomembranes are used
in contact with soil and/or other materials in
geotechnical and civil engineering applications,
says Kelvin Legge, a geomembrane specialist at
the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Their extremely low permeability and resistance to chemical attack make geomembrane
use attractive in structures for environmental
protection, industrial use and social benet.
Geomembrane liners are thus used in conjunction with clay layers to line the bottom area of

landlls so as to prevent contaminants migrating

from landlls into the surrounding area and
polluting ground water. Geomembranes are
also used in engineering structures to contain
valuable materials such as in industrial processes
storage facilities and in heap leach mining applications. Geomembranes are also found in the
linings of ornamental ponds and water features
on golf courses, as well as in the water proong
of roofs, especially in car parks.
In brief, SANS 1526 and SANS 10409 address
quality of manufacture and the utilisation of geomembranes, respectively. These standards are
extremely valuable to the South African industry,
as they offer a mechanism of measuring performance against a minimum standard to protect
users against poor-quality products available on
the world market.
Most geomembranes are thin, black in
colour and their differences cannot readily be
seen, thus the range of tests and required results
give performance criteria to ensure longevity and
security. SANS 10409, a code of practice, offers
sound guidance on installation practices so as to
ensure that the physical construction of barrier
systems does not cause signicant deterioration in the geomembrane performance for its
particular application. The regulatory authority
for landlls has recently introduced the requirement that where geomembranes are used for
environmental protection in base liners, such
geomembranes are required to comply with the
SANS 1526 specication, says Legge.

Kelvin Legge, DWAF

Tel 012-336-8677
[email protected]
To purchase the standard(s)
Standards Sales T 012-428-6883


THE PROFILED SEAL rubberised bitumen sealing
strip from Proled Sealing Systems is specically
designed to be used to seal the joints between
concrete manhole rings.
The Proled Seal can be used where underground water would make the use of cement-based
mortars impractical, says Alan Brooks, MD of
Proled Sealing Systems. It will produce a much
stronger joint than conventional cements mortars
and is able to withstand shocks during the construction phase that would damage partially cured
mortar. In addition, these seals are easy to apply
and speed up manhole construction.
The strips are packaged in boxes of
30 units of 1 100 mm. Three lengths will

complete one joint on a 1,2 m diameter manhole.

The sealing strips are easy to apply using
unskilled labour. There are no messy and sticky
pastes, glues or putty to deal with. The strips bond
to concrete and virtually any other materials likely
to be encountered in the application, and can be
applied during inclement weather, says Alan. Initial
adhesion is low to enable any changes to be made
or misalignment of rings to be rectied. After about
12 hours the seal is watertight and will be broken
only with difculty.
According to Alan, the Proled Seals provide a
much stronger seal than cement mortars and are
much more cost-effective than alternative products.

Alan Brooks
T 011-608-2813
[email protected]

the largest water, waste and environmental technology exhibition of its kind in South Africa will

be held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 10

to 12 August 2005.
Worldwide, supplying clean water to individuals and companies is now a $400 billion per
annum industry 40 % the size of the oil sector
and one third larger than the global pharmaceutical industry. And in South Africa, of the estimated
45 million people currently living here, six million
still do not have access to this life-giving source and
nearly 16 million are without adequate sanitation.
With the pressure now on for the local water
and sanitation industry to meet targets for management, protection and delivery to all, and additional
emphasis now being placed on ensuring the
sustainability of our water resources to ensure the
continuing growth and prosperity of our people and
our country, Afriwater 2005 is perfectly placed to
confront the industrys challenges and some answers.
Running alongside this exhibition, international
conferences will be hosted to enable South African
and other African water practitioners to become
more closely aligned to rst world trends in water
and sanitation management.
The Diffuse Pollution Specialist Conference
is being hosted by the International Water
Associationn (IWA). The Diffuse Pollution Group of
IWA promotes research, disseminates information,
and supports the development of policy to understand and solve contamination of natural resources
by diffuse pollution sources. Spearheaded by the
IWA Chairman of Diffuse Pollution, Dr Ralph Heath,
and working in close collaboration with the Water
Institute of Southern Africa, the conference will
concentrate on international technologies, as well
as locally developed solutions, for measuring and
managing the worlds major pollution source.
The Management of Residues Emanating from
Water and Wastewater Treatment Conference will
focus on the sustainable management of all residues emanating from the treatment of water and
wastewater, that is, sludges emanating from the
treatment of potable water, domestic wastewater
and industrial efuents, and processes generating
concentrates and brines. The conference will focus
on both organic and inorganic residues emanating
from the treatment of water and wastewater (domestic and industrial). Themes include sustainable
management of residues emanating from water
and wastewater treatment; management aspects;
minimising water and wastewater residues; treat-


ment technologies; reuse/ nal disposal; sustainable management in developing countries; and
economical aspects.

Anne Biddlecombe on 011-254-4800
[email protected]

ROHM AND HAAS, a global speciality chemical
company, has appointed Chemt Industrial
Holdings and subsidiary companies as the exclusive
distributors for the companys range of industrial
water treatment chemicals in sub-Saharan Africa.
Rohm and Haas manufactures a wide range
of water soluble polymers under the Acumer,
Optidose, Orotan and Romax trademarks and
biocides under the Kathon and Klarix name. These
product ranges are designed to meet any requirement in diverse water treatment applications, including boilers, cooling circuits, surface treatment,
pulp and paper plants, and oilelds.
Acumer polymers are clear, thermally stable
scale inhibitors used for the control of calcium
carbonate, calcium sulphate and barium sulphate
scales in process and drinking water. They are also
designed to control oxalate scale in the sugar industry and silica-based scale.
The Optidose range consists of specially
marked Acumer polymers, which enable users to
determine the level of polymer available to control
scale formation, resulting in more cost-effective
treatment. The Orotan range is used as scale and
iron oxide dispersants in process water and tall oil
recovery aids in the pulp industry. Control of carbonate and sulphate scales and removal of residual
oil in water in oil eld applications are covered by
the Romax range.
Rohm and Haas also manufactures a wide
range of high-performance broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, based on the isothiazolone mole-


cule, under the Kathon and Klarix trademarks, says

Dr Craig Bosch of Chemt Fine Chemicals. This
chemistry is supported by a package of regulatory
approvals and environmental fate and toxicology
data, which was awarded the US Presidential Green
Chemistry Challenge Award for excellence in environmental achievement.
The Kathon range includes the copper-stabilised WT and copper-free CF mixed isothiazolones,
designed for water treatment and paper mill applications. Klarix 4000 was developed to control algal
and fungal growth in water treatment and paper
mill applications. The microbiocides are compatible
with most types of water treatment polymers and
produce no gelling, discolouration or odour. They
break down into non-toxic compounds and do not
contain or release formaldehyde. All these biocides
are FDA and BGVV compliant.
The water treatment product range is complemented by the extensive range of ion exchange
resins supplied by Rohm and Haas.
New to the range is a modular ion exchangebased water deionisation system Advanced
Amberpack ADI-60 that makes it even easier
for water management experts to provide a continuous ow of pure, deionised water for industrial
use in power, chemical, petrochemical, paper and
electronics industries.
Rohm and Haas, with over 50 years in water
treatment, has designed a self-contained, skidmounted deionisation system, which can be
delivered in a standard shipping container or trailer
and is easily plugged in on site. This deionisation
module, consisting of at head service vessels, a
regeneration system, a rinse recycle pump, PLC
automation and an optional membrane degasication system, is able to produce a continuous ow of
deionised water, with up to 98 % water yield.
The company estimates that application of this
water treatment system will enable the re-use of
121 million litres of wastewater a year, or roughly
enough water for 100 000 families for one day.

Craig Bosch
Chemt Fine Chemicals
T 011-918-1900


WALLY ARMSTRONG has been appointed
president of the CMA (Concrete Manufacturers
Association). He has had a long association with
the CMA, previously having
been vice-president of its PIPES
Division, a position he held since
2000. Under
his guidance
the division was
transformed into
one of the most
proactive and

progressive within the association.

Armstrong has spent 34 years in the pipe
industry, having worked for Armco and then, over
the past 21 years, for Rocla, where he rose to the
position of marketing director.
He was instrumental in assisting Rocla maintain its position as the market leader in concrete
piping and has played a major role in the development of the concrete pole industry in southern
Africa. He was also involved in the establishment
of the Rocla Academy for the transfer of skills to
emerging contractors.
In addition to his work with the CMA,
Amstrong runs a marketing consultancy.


THE Concrete Manufacturers Association (CMA)
has updated Volume 3 of its detailing manual on
concrete masonry, Cavity Walls. Volumes 1 and 2,
which have already been updated, cover single leaf
solid unit walls and single leaf hollow unit walls
CMA director John Cairns says Volume 3 is
aimed at providing engineers with guidelines on
the detailing of cavity walls of between 240 mm
and 290 mm wide.
Successful masonry depends on good designs
and material specications, sound construction
technique and an acceptable quality of workmanship. Good workmanship is in turn dependent on
access to accepted norms of local detailing practice and the use of materials which meet standards
laid down by the SABS, says Cairns.
Cairns stresses that the booklet should be read
in conjunction with the CMAs Masonry Manual,
as well as the
National Building
the National
Home Builders
Councils Home
Building Manual,
and all relevant
South African
Bureau of
Standards specications and codes
of practice.
The details
in the manual are intended as a guide only. Each
construction situation is unique and there are
many factors to be considered before a detail is nalised far too many for inclusion in this manual,
adds Cairns.
Items covered are sills, lintels, window frames,
door frames, suspended oors, roof trusses, roof
slabs, parapet walls, masonry bond patterns, joint
proles, and column intersections.

Order from Pam Zukor CMA

T 011-805-6742
[email protected]


RESEARCHERS AND research managers from South
Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana met in Zimbabwe
recently for the rst technical workshop of the
Regional Research Alliance (RRA). Participants
developed a short- to medium-term plan within
the three research focus areas of the RRA (water
and food security; energy; and construction and
Possible project areas include groundwater
and rainwater in southern Africa; innovative, alternative water treatment technologies; energy management; mapping energy resources; and building
codes, standards and specications.
South Africas CSIR leads the team that will
draw up research project plans in the eld of
water and food security. Zimbabwes Scientic
and Industrial Research and Development Centre
(SIRDC) manages the energy research team, while
the Botswana Technology Centre (BOTEC) takes
the lead in construction and infrastructure.
CSIR experts serve on all three teams Dr Joy
Leaner heads the water and food security team,
Mongameli Mehlwana is part of the energy team,
and Rudi Kuhn is involved in construction and
The RRA board will meet in June to review
progress of the teams and to discuss the strategic
direction of the alliance.


SINCE THE BEGINNING of this year, more than
1 500 copies of the Cement & Concrete Institutes
Fundamentals of Concrete textbook have been
distributed free of charge, mainly to previously
disadvantaged students at South African universities and technikons.
C&CI has been able to make the textbook
which normally sells for R110 each available
free of charge to needy students as a result of a
sponsorship by the Institutes members, which
include the major cement producers.
The textbook is aimed at undergraduate
students of engineering, building management,
quantity surveying, and architecture who has
concrete technology as a syllabus subject. The free
distribution of the textbook has been controlled by
lecturers at the tertiary educational institutions.
Fundamentals of Concrete covers the properties
of fresh and hardened concrete, mix proportions,
QC, construction practice, sand-cement mixes,
and appearance of concrete.

Universities and technikons requiring more

information about the C&CI service
should contact Jean Sharman on
T 011 315 0300, or [email protected]

The SAICE baobab

Thornhill 19! We have therefore chosen not the
quick-growing and shortlived thorn tree, but the
solid baobab to be the carrier of our building-donation bricks in the form of small plaques. We have
also chosen the precious metals that South Africa
is blessed with to represent the levels of donation.
And we have chosen the unique indigenous wire
art form for the tree.
A baobab can only be planted if there is hope
for and expectations of a future. Over many years,
it grows beautifully, albeit slowly, withstands the
most severe droughts, and becomes majestic. It
provides shelter, food and is a beautiful object in
the eye of the beholder. It is solid and grand in
stature; it is also a model of sustainability.
These characteristics are similar to those of
SAICE. Even if it grows slowly, it will become just as
magnicent as its brothers and sisters in the bushveld of South Africa.

Dawie Botha

Left: The baobab symbolically carrying the bricks donated by members

Left: SAICE by night

Below from top to bottom:
In the basement of the new building. Rumour has it
that Dawie painted the oor himself
Mike Deeks presenting the Hon Lemias Mashile, MP,
with SAICEs Foundation for the Future
At the rst Council meeting in the new building: Sam
Amod (president elect), Mike Deeks (president) and
Dawie Botha
Work in progress
Recipients of the Executive Directors Awards: Big
Branch Syd Turner, Durban; Medium Branch Geoff
Roberts, Algoa; Small Branch Hannes de Kock,
Upington; Division Chris Waygood, Environmental

SAICEs new National Ofce building

was ofcially opened on 13 April

Dawie Botha, executive director

of SAICE, stressing a point
while addressing members
at the opening ceremony

Taking possession of what is

theirs Dawie Botha, Allyson
Lawless and Mike Deeks,
2005 president of SAICE,
with Olaf Holtung of Barrow
Construction at the back



Still wanted

retired or available civil professionals!

SAICE, FUNDED BY CETA, has been carrying
out a major research campaign to determine
the number of engineers, technologists and
technicians who are operating in the civil
engineering eld.
In the past, the SAACE and SAFCEC
headcounts were normally regarded as being
representative of the industry, but civil staff
are to be found in all levels of government,
parastatals, the supply chain, mining and
industrial, academia, non-residential and
home building, etc.
Few sectors or companies do not complain of being short of experienced technical
staff. Equally, there are few companies that
escape the pleading letters from young students begging for vac work, experiential or
workplace training.
A call was made last month for additional
capacity among the ranks of the recently
retired and in small companies to offer their

services to mentor or, more correctly, knowledge coach young people, or assist with
initiating and managing projects.
Some 40 engineers have already offered
their services.
Making government departments aware
of the capacity available has created much
interest. We are now busy developing policies on how staff will be used. Each mentor
will be assigned two to four young graduates. They will be responsible for putting
graduates through their three-year workplace
training in preparation for ECSA registration,
and will also advise on the implementation
of the many projects which have not been
rolled out due to the lack of capacity.
This intervention is so vital that we
appeal to anyone with capacity and the
energy to tackle these challenges to submit
their abridged CVs to Allyson Lawless at
[email protected].

Making government
departments aware of the
capacity available has
created much interest. We
are now busy developing
policies on how staff will
be used. Each mentor
will be assigned two to
four young graduates

Whos Who at

Thornhill Ofce Park 19

Dawie Botha
Executive Director

Carla de Jager
Manager Education & Training

Lungelwa Lamani
E&T Ofcer: Courses

Dawn Hermanus
E&T Ofcer: Professional Registration

Angelene Aylward
E&T Ofcer: Bookshop

Memory Scheepers
Manager Administration (Membership etc)

Elsab Maree
Administration Ofcer

Fridah Mahlangu

Merriam Molefe

Joanne Laas

Debbie Griesel
Manager Finances

Daleen Coetzer
Bookkeeper Debtors

Magda Bruyns
Bookkeeper Creditors

Zina Girald Communication Ofcer

(Bridge Building, Awards, Website)

Marie Ashpole
Communication: Media Liaison

Verelene de Koker
Communication: Magazine and Journal



Presidents Award for 2004 to John Lane

Presidents Award for meritorius service to
SAICE and for signicant ongoing contributions to the civil engineering profession
John is a civil engineering graduate of

John Lane receiving the Presidents Award for 2004 from Faried Allie



Technical Report Writing

Obtaining Environmental
Authorization: A Strategy
Assertiveness and Conict
Resolution for Managers
Handling Projects in a
Consulting Engineers
X-Pert Proactive
Management and Planning
SAICE Wits/Pretoria
Afternoon Lecture Course
Negotiation Skills
Concrete Durability
(one day)
Catchment Management:
Rules of Engagement
Conference on Public
Participation in Developing
Catchment Management
Landll 2005 Conference

4th International
Conference on Unsaturated

the University of the Witwatersrand and has

been actively involved in the eld of structural engineering since the late 1940s. He
is currently 81 and is still just as active and
interested in the profession as he had been
during the eighties and nineties.
His career involved consulting, contracting, working for
the Portland Cement Institute in
southern Africa and the Concrete
Masonry Association (now Concrete
Manufacturers Association). Two of
his passions are cement and concrete masonry. He has worked tirelessly on technical committees to
further the science and technology
of concrete masonry and has
authored numerous publications
in this regard. Generations have
beneted from Johns effort and
inuence as he had participated at
many conferences and committees
and had lectured countless students

Deadline for submission of papers



45 July
1314 July
1112 August

Cape Town

Lungelwa Lamani*

114 July 2005


Lungelwa Lamani*

23 August 2005


Lungelwa Lamani*

45 August 2005

SAICE National Ofce

(New Building), Midrand

Lungelwa Lamani*

1518 August 2005


Lungelwa Lamani*

331 August 2005

728 September 2005

SAICE National Ofce

Lungelwa Lamani*

226 August 2005


Lungelwa Lamani*

13 September 2005

Contest Concrete
Technology Services, Durban

Antoinette Marais
T 031-700 9394
[email protected]

Misty Hills Country Hotel

Muldersdrift, Johannesburg

Carla de Jager
T 011-805-5947
F 011- 805-5971
[email protected]

Rob Roy Hotel, KwaZuluNatal

Lia Russell
T 031-717-2300
F 031-702-0435
[email protected]

Carefree Resort & Villas

Carefree, Arizona

Robert Silverstein
T 703-295-6234
[email protected] www.
Gerald (Jerry) Miller
[email protected]

1820 September 2005

Deadline for Abstracts

20 July 2005

2021 October 2005

25 April 2006

Abstracts 13 May 2005

Draft papers 15 Aug 2005

Lungelwa Lamani s details: T 011-805-5947, F 011-805-5971, [email protected]


on the subject. He still continues to lecture

at technicons and universities and actively
participates in the work of StanSA technical
committees and the development of technical
literature in his elds of interest. John has
played a major role in introducing quality
concrete masonry in South Africa.
John is a former deputy director,
Portland Cement Institute, Rhodesia
(Bulawayo)( 19591964), a director of
Portland Cement Institute Central Africa
(Bulawayo) (19651975), a deputy director
of Portland Cement Institute, South Africa
(19751985), and a director of Concrete
Masonry Associated (19851992).
He was formerly president of the
Rhodesian Institute of Engineers (now
Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers), the
chairman of the SAICE Structural Division
in 1983 and, for many years, the chairman
of the Joint Structural Divisions standing
committee on masonry. He was also a recipient of a fty-year IStructE service award.


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