Reading Test 1bachillerato

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Surname __________________________ Name ________________ Date __________


Read the text and answer the questions that follow.





Today, many young people are computer addicts who love virtual games and Internet sites
like YouTube. However, theyre not the only ones. Many of their grandparents are now
discovering the benefits of the Internet world. Silver surfers, or Internet users over the age
of 65, can be found playing virtual poker or frequently visiting chat rooms. One silver-surfer
grandmother, aged 73, said that she loved playing bingo with people all
over the world because it was a great way to meet new friends. Her grandchildren call her
The most famous cybergran today is Queen Elizabeth II of England. Her grandson, Prince
William, received
a Nintendo game system as a Christmas present. His grandmother asked if she could join in.
She was so excited about playing virtual bowling that she wouldnt let her grandson have his
present back!
Although shes in her eighties, Queen Elizabeth is fond of high-tech gadgets and has always
looked for new
ways to communicate with people. In addition to owning an iPod for music and a BlackBerry
for e-mail, she
has learned to use the video web-sharing site, YouTube. In 2007, the Queen first used
YouTube to send out her yearly Christmas message to the British people. This was fifty years
after she had used television, a brand-new technology, in 1957, to give the first live TV
broadcast of her Christmas message.
The Queen understands that she must adapt to the 21st century if she wants to appeal to the
younger generation. On a personal level, she recently sent a text message birthday greeting to
her other grandson, Prince Harry.
The Queen, like other silver-surfer grandparents, may have found a good way to connect with
the young, hi-tech generation.
Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. Silver surfers are .
a. young people who watch videos on YouTube
b. the older generation that go bowling together
c. old people who enjoy using the Internet
2. Queen Elizabeth thinks .
a. that its fun to play virtual poker
b. that using new technology is a good idea
c. that young people are computer addicts

Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as
far as possible. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. Prince William couldnt ..................................................
because the Queen .......................................................
2. In 2007, the Queen used YouTube to .......................... .

Answer the questions. (2 x 4 = 8 points)

1. How did the Queen first use modern technology to send out her yearly Christmas message?
2. Why is it important for the Queen to be up to date on modern technology?

Surname __________________________ Name ________________ Date __________

Find words or expressions in the text that mean:

(5 x 1 = 5 points)
1. advantages (paragraph I)

2. very often (paragraph I)

3. small technical tools

(paragraph III)

4. become used to
new conditions (paragraph IV)

5. attract the attention of

(paragraph IV)

Write a composition (80-120 words) on the following topic: In your opinion, does the use of
modern technology bring people closer together or increase the distance between them?
Remember to check your work for mistakes. (25 points)

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