Sheep Nuitrition
Sheep Nuitrition
Sheep Nuitrition
Edited by
CABI Publishing
in association with
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3. Food Choice
J.M. Forbes and R.W. Mayes
There are over 1 billion sheep in the world, with almost one-third of these
located in China, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The global
production of wool (2.3 million t) and sheep meat (7.6 million t) tends to
be concentrated in these countries. However, the developing countries of
the world also have substantial populations of sheep and it is these which
contribute the bulk of the worlds sheep milk production (8.2 million t).
Regardless of country or production system, a feature common to most of
the worlds sheep is that they rely very substantially, at times exclusively, on
pasture, sown or natural, as their source of nutrients.
Advances in nutrition science in the last half of the 20th century have
helped us to define the processes of ruminant digestion and the nutrient
requirements of the sheep. We know that short-chain (volatile) fatty acids,
not glucose, are the product of ruminant carbohydrate digestion, and we
can quantify the processes involved. With the current rapid advances in
cellular genetics, we are increasingly able to define which rumen
microorganisms are responsible for which processes. We have quantified
much about the processes of protein breakdown in the rumen and the
incorporation of the resultant ammonia into microbial protein. Together,
these processes of fibre digestion and microbial protein production are the
processes which allow ruminants to survive on low-quality roughages.
Challenges remain in quantifying the importance of the synchrony of these
processes under grazing conditions and in defining how we might breed
pasture plants that achieve better synchrony.
Perhaps an even greater challenge is that the reliance of the worlds
sheep on pasture as their source of nutrients places a major constraint on
our capacity to specify their daily intake of nutrients, especially in more
extensive grazing systems. This, in turn, constrains our ability to predict
absorption of nutrients, their interaction with body reserves of nutrients,
and ultimately the way in which the grazing sheep partitions its nutrient
supply between the processes of maintenance, production and
reproduction. Reliance upon pasture also means that the grazing sheep is
at the mercy of any nutrient deficiency or toxicity present in the pasture
and, as it consumes pasture, can also consume a raft of parasites that
hinder health and production.
These are not just academic issues, but issues of major economic
importance. Sheep producers in developed countries increasingly face
declining terms of trade, that is, reduced returns in the face of increasing
costs. A worldwide reaction to this has been to seek to produce highervalue wool, meat and dairy products, while also reducing the cost and the
environmental risks of sheep production systems. At the same time,
increasing per capita incomes in both developed and especially developing
nations are already increasing the demand for more and better meat and
fibre products. In developing nations, this is manifest as increased demand
for meat and for better-quality meat, while, in developed nations, there is
increasing demand for meat products better attuned to consumer
demands for a healthy diet.
There is no doubt that issues such as these will be addressed by
developing sheep genotypes better suited to new production systems,
either by introducing new genotypes or by breeding within existing
genotypes. Equally, there is no doubt that challenges remain for the science
of nutrition. For example, in grazing systems, in which it is so difficult to
define the nutrients actually consumed by sheep, how might we combine
improved understanding of nutrient supply and of the mechanisms of
growth at the cellular level to produce sheep meats with a nutrient
composition, especially a lipid content and composition, more suited to
human dietary goals? Similarly, how might we manipulate the diet of the
grazing sheep to ensure the cheaper production of heavier fleeces with
finer fibre diameters, to improve the incomes of wool producers?
In assembling this book, our target reader has been the senior
undergraduate or postgraduate student in animal science, the very
population which, as animal nutrition professionals, will have to face and
give advice to producers about the nutritional challenges facing sheep
production systems in the future. As editors, we in turn challenged our
chapter authors to produce 16 chapters that placed their respective facets
of sheep nutrition in the context of the nutritional challenges faced by the
grazing sheep. We thank all our contributors for so admirably achieving
this, and hope that the resultant text will prove interesting and stimulating
to students and practitioners of sheep nutrition science worldwide.
M. Freer and H. Dove
CSIRO Plant Industry
Herbage, the primary food for sheep, belongs to the group of feeds
described as roughages. Roughages, in contrast to concentrates, are
derived from the leaves and stems of pasture and crop plants and their dry
matter (DM) contains a significant amount of cellulose (> 180 g kg1). As
herbage is grazed or cut from maturing and regrowing plants, the composition of the feed and, with it, the ability of the feed to supply nutrients to
the animal are in a continual state of change. For example, a young growing pasture may support weight gains in excess of 300 g day1 in young
lambs, whereas a mature pasture may fail to maintain the weight of an
adult sheep. This highlights the importance of establishing a robust system
for defining the value of herbage for animal production, understanding
how this value changes with the growth of the herbage and the needs of
the animal and developing rapid methods for predicting changes that are
occurring in the field.
Availability of nutrients
In specifying the NV of a feed it is necessary to quantify the losses of
energy and nutrients in excreta and to determine the amounts that
remain available for productive purposes. The major and most variable
losses are in the faeces (F), with the proportion of, for example, DM not
excreted being termed digestibility (D). The losses can vary from less
than 200 g kg1 of the DM in young leafy herbage (D > 0.8) to more
than 600 g kg1 in dead stemmy pasture (D < 0.4). Since D, even within
one forage, is so variable, tables of reference data, such as those compiled by the National Research Council (NRC, 1985), are of limited
value and measurements or estimates are required for each forage.
Depending on the measurements made, the digestible fraction may be
calculated as digestible DM (DDM), digestible organic matter in the DM
(DOMD) or digestible energy (DE) (see Fig. 1.1). It may also be useful to
have information on the rate at which the DM, fibre or protein is
digested in the rumen and procedures to obtain this information are
discussed below.
Energy in methane
Energy in urine
Fetal growth
Wool growth
Milk production
Weight gain
Energy losses in urine (U) and methane (CH4) produced during fermentation in the rumen are smaller and less variable than F, and together
are generally about 19% of the DE. The remainder of the feed energy, GE
minus (F + U + CH4), is the metabolizable energy (ME). Based on the
results of many animal-feeding trials, equations for predicting ME from
DE, DDM or DOMD are given in NRC (1985) and by the Standing
Committee on Agriculture (SCA, 1990). Values of M/D in herbage commonly range from > 12 MJ kg1 in very young material to c. 5 MJ kg1 in
dead stemmy pasture residues.
The efficiency with which the sheep uses absorbed ME for its maintenance or for productive purposes is directly related to the M/D value of the
herbage (see Annison et al., Chapter 5, this volume). Metabolizable energy
is used with different efficiencies for maintenance, milk production and
weight gain and so the net energy (NE) value of herbage DM (Fig. 1.1) will
be different for each purpose. These efficiency values, km, kl and kg, respectively, are predicted in the various feeding systems from M/D (e.g. SCA,
1990) and typical values are shown in Table 1.1.
Availability of CP in herbage is determined not only by its apparent
digestibility in the whole alimentary tract but, more importantly, by the
proportion that is degraded to simpler N compounds in the rumen. This
proportion is high in young herbage, as most of the protein-rich cell contents are soluble and are released during initial chewing by the sheep. This
fraction, rumen-degradable protein (RDP), is available to the rumen
microbes for the synthesis of microbial CP (MCP) (see Annison et al.,
Chapter 5, this volume); RDP not captured by the microbes is almost
entirely lost to the animal as urea in the urine. True protein comprises part
of the MCP and part of the relatively smaller amount of undegraded
dietary protein (UDP) flowing from the abomasum. It is digested in and
the amino acids are absorbed from the small intestine. The digestible portion of true protein (6080% of the MCP and up to 85% of the UDP)
makes up the protein available to the animal, usually referred to as metabolizable protein (MP). The primary protein limitation in mature herbage is
usually an inadequate supply of RDP for efficient rumen function, whereas
with young herbage it is occasionally the supply of UDP that may restrict
animal performance.
The quality and efficiency with which the absorbed protein is used
depends on the extent to which the proportions of individual amino acids
in the MP meet the requirements of the sheep. As most of the MP derived
from herbage is in the form of MCP, which has suboptimal proportions of
methionine and lysine for wool growth and weight gain, respectively,
changes to the plants protein composition can have little effect on productivity unless the changes affect the UDP fraction. There is current interest
in modifying herbage legumes, either through the inclusion of moderate
levels of condensed tannins to reduce protein degradation (Waghorn et al.,
1999) or through genetic manipulation to increase the content of slowly
degraded proteins rich in specific amino acids (Tabe et al., 1993).
Plant maturity
Advancing plant maturity is associated with a lowering of NV by virtue of a
decrease in leafiness and an increase in the stem : leaf ratio, changes in the
composition of the cell wall (Akin et al., 1977) and a loss of cell contents
with maturity (Ballard et al., 1990). Typical values in maturing herbage are
shown in Table 1.1.
The loss of cell contents during maturation is a major factor contributing to the decline in NV. This material, comprising water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), proteins and lipids, is often assumed to be completely
digestible by ruminants. However, the D of NDS, a measure of cell contents, can also decline. Ballard et al. (1990) reported a decline from
0.800.95 D of NDS in young Lolium rigidum (annual ryegrass) leaves to
about 0.45 in senescent leaves. In contrast, the digestibility of NDS in the
stem segment did not change from about 0.900.95.
Table 1.1. Typical values for the components of NV in the DM of mixed pasture herbage as it matures
from young leafy material, stage 1, to mature stemmy flowering herbage, stage 4 (data from MAFF,
1990; equations from SCA, 1990).
km = 0.02M + 0.5
kl = 0.02M + 0.4
kg = (0.3L + 0.9) [0.043M + 0.01(15.4 M)((/40)sin(2D/365) 1.00)]
where M is ME/DM; L is the proportion of legume in the herbage; D is the day of the year; is the latitude
(+ in north; in south). The estimates of kg have been made for midsummer at 40S, with a value of 0.3
for L.
include increases in ADF of stems from 400 to 500 g kg1 and in NDF from
700 to 840 g kg1 (Dabo et al., 1988). Both cellulose and hemicellulose
decrease in digestibility with plant maturation, and this decrease is closely
linked to the degree of lignification. Cellulose, the predominant wall polysaccharide, has been shown to decrease from 0.83 digestibility at the
youngest stage in sorghum to 0.37 at the milk-ripe stage of grain maturity
(Goto et al., 1991). Lignin is deposited in cell walls with the formation of
the secondary wall and confers high resistance to digestion. Stems have a
higher percentage of lignin than leaves and, as plants mature, the
leaf : stem ratio decreases and hence the proportion of lignified tissue in
the total biomass increases. For example, this is reflected in a decline in the
D of whole Bothriochloa plants, with advancing maturity, from 0.65 to 0.45
(Dabo et al., 1987).
The overall effect of these changes is a characteristic pattern of decline
in D (Fig. 1.2) and CP content during the growing season.
Genetic variation
Plants have adapted to specific environments through evolution and those
that have evolved under grazing have developed protective mechanisms
against predatory attack (whether it be animal or insect). Some of these
mechanisms include lignification, cutinization, silicification, secondary compounds, such as phenols and alkaloids, and prostrate growth architecture.
Fortunately, there is naturally occurring genetic variation that enables
plant breeders to select and breed superior lines, whether they be superior in disease or pest resistance, agronomic traits or NV. However, care
must be taken that selection for high yield, quality or disease or pest resistance does not inadvertently select against NV. This has led some plant
breeders to include more intensive nutritive evaluation as part of their
genetic engineering (Tabe et al., 1993) and conventional breeding programmes (Ehlke et al., 1986).
The photosynthetic mechanism typical of a plant species can also influence NV. C3 and C4 plant species are so called because their products of
photosynthesis are, respectively, either three-carbon compounds (temperate grasses and dicotyledons) or four-carbon compounds (mostly tropical
grasses). C4 plants are photosynthetically more efficient, and they tend to
exhibit high DM accumulations that are often of lower NV (Minson, 1990)
than C3 plants. C4 grasses have lower levels of non-structural carbohydrate, leading to decreased efficiency of microbial protein production in
ruminants (Poppi et al., 1999). In addition, the range of cell-wall content,
measured as NDF, in C4 leaves is higher 240 to 520 g kg1 than that
found in C3 leaves 230 to 400 g kg1 (Ford et al., 1979).
In general, legumes are higher in protein and lower in cell-wall content
than grasses. However, the most significant difference is that, for a given D,
the voluntary intake of legumes by ruminants can be 30% higher than that
for grasses (Freer and Jones, 1984) and the digested material is used more
A. Temperate species
Approx. time of first
emergence of inflorescence
Days after first measurement
80 Legumes
B. Tropical species
Age in days
Temperate species. Spring growths; dates of first measurements varied between species and
between localities.
Lolium perenne var. S23 (ryegrass)
Phleum pratense var. S48 (timothy)
Festuca arundinacea var. S170 (tall fescue)
Dactylis glomerata var. S37 (cocksfoot or orchard grass)
Trifolium repens var. S100 (white clover)
Trifolium pratense var. Ultuna (red clover)
Medicago sativa var. Dupuits (lucerne or alfalfa)
Tropical species.
Sorghum almum
Cenchrus ciliaris var. Molopo (Buffel grass)
Chloris gayana var. Callide (Rhodes grass)
Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu grass)
Digitaria decumbens (Pangola grass)
Phaseolus atropurpureus var. Siratro
Glycine javanica var. Cooper
Fig. 1.2. Changes in digestibility of herbage from temperate and tropical species with
increasing maturity (from Corbett, 1969).
efficiently by the sheep for weight gain. Table 1.2 shows typical differences
in animal performance on grasses and legumes when compared relative to
a base value of 100 for perennial ryegrass.
The difference in intake can be attributed in part to the shorter retention time in the rumen of the legume compared with the grass diet. The
shorter retention time is due to more rapid breakdown of legume forage to
particles of a size and effective density that allow them to be passed out of
the rumen. This leads to a proportionately greater supply of undigested
organic matter and protein for postruminal digestion from legume diets
when compared with grass diets (Moseley, 1981). The ease of reduction of
particle size is reflected in their biomechanical properties. Henry et al.
(1997) reported that the intrinsic shear strength of grass leaves was 3868
times that of legume leaves.
Temperature and light are probably the most important environmental
factors that affect NV, both directly and indirectly. The temperature under
which plants are grown has a direct effect on the concentration of chemical
constituents, with genotype then determining exactly how different species
change with increasing temperatures. Higher temperatures usually promote the accumulation of structural material (i.e. cell-wall material) and
also more rapid metabolic activity, which decreases the pool size of cell contents. For example, Ford et al. (1979) reported that the cell-wall content of
C3 grasses increased and that of C4 grasses decreased when the day/night
temperature regime increased from 21/13C to 32/24C. More recently,
Henry et al. (2000) showed that, when vegetative pasture species were
grown in temperatures between 14 and 34C, the lignin, cellulose and
hemicellulose content of Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) increased
markedly with increasing temperature and this was associated with a lower
in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD) (Fig. 1.3). However, in a C4 grass,
Thinopyrum ponticum (tall couch grass), these constituents did not change
with temperature. This genotypeenvironment interaction has been noted
in numerous studies.
As a result of photosynthesis, there is diurnal variation in WSC levels,
which rise to a peak during daylight hours (see Ciavarella et al., 2000). This
implies that makers of conserved fodder could capture the accumulation of
WSC during the day by harvesting forage in the afternoon rather than in
the morning. A further advantage is that ruminants prefer afternoon-cut
hay compared with morning-cut hay (Fisher et al., 1999), presumably
because of the higher content of WSC (Ciavarella et al., 2000).
Possibly the greatest effect of temperature and light on NV is their role
in vernalization and photoperiodism, which changes the plant from vegetative to reproductive stages of development. The effect of changing maturity on NV is stronger than the effects of environment per se.
Once a plant has senesced and it is either standing dry feed or a conserved fodder, environment can still have a significant impact on NV. Rain
can leach soluble matter from dry feed, while prolonged exposure to sunlight can bleach the material, causing a loss of carotenoids and vitamin A
activity (see Lee et al., Chapter 13, this volume). In hay, these risks are
greatly increased before baling, due to the volume of material in a
windrow exposed to weather; mechanical losses, which are mainly of leaf
rather than stem, can also seriously reduce the NV of the final product.
When considering the environment in which forages are grown, it is
also pertinent to consider the effects of soil type and moisture availability.
Plants grown on different soils have different mineral nutrients available to
them, which will influence both their growth and their composition.
Different species vary in their genetic capacity to take up minerals and in
their own requirements for growth, and the availability of soil minerals will
be affected by fertilizer and other management decisions. It is important to
note that mineral status adequate for plant growth is not necessarily adequate for animal growth or, alternatively, the uptake of minerals by the
plant can be potentially toxic (see Lee et al., Chapter 13, this volume).
In grazed systems, the timing, frequency and intensity of grazing can all
influence the botanical composition of the sward, the morphology and
phenology of the plants present, the NV of the regrowth and the spatial
heterogeneity of quality. Low stocking rates allow the grazing animal to be
selective about what it consumes. This increases the variability across the
paddock (patchiness), such that some patches tend to be grazed regularly;
these maintain higher NV than ungrazed patches. High stocking rates
force the animal to be less selective and to graze the sward to a lower residual height but result in the regrowth of material of more uniformly high
(a) 32
Cellulose (% DM)
Hemicellulose (% DM)
Lignin (% DM)
In vitro dry-matter
Temperature (day/night) (C)
Fig. 1.3. Effect of temperature at which plants are grown on (a) percentage cellulose, (b) percentage
hemicellulose, (c) percentage lignin and (d) in vitro dry-matter digestibility of leaf blades of six pasture
grasses: Dactylis glomerata (dg), Festuca arundinacea (fa), Lolium multiflorum (lm), Lolium perenne
(lp), Phalaris aquatica (pa), Thinopyrum ponticum (tp). T. ponticum is the only C4 grass.
Plate 1.1. Sheep grazing cereal stubble in late summer near Canberra, Australia. Several of
the animals are wearing equipment to permit total collection of faeces, as part of a study to
assess the nutritive value of the cereal residues and summer-growing species. (Photo
courtesy of J.B. Coombe, CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra.)
Total collection
The usual method for direct measurement of D is a total-collection trial, in
which animals are constrained and the entire amounts of feed eaten and
faeces voided are weighed and analysed. The difference is assumed to be
digested. Strictly speaking, the measurements are of apparent D since
allowance is not made for faecal material not derived from the feed.
Because of the variability that exists in D between animals given the same
feed, three to six animals per feed are required to obtain a reliable estimate. As measurements must be made over 710 days, after a 1014-day
period of adaptation to the feed, tests with sheep are laborious and costly
and require a large amount of herbage for the evaluation.
The D of a forage falls as the level of intake increases, because of the
reduced time of retention of the feed in the gut. Therefore, when collecting data for calibrating in vitro or other indirect estimates of D, intake is
usually standardized at a maintenance level of feeding. Minson (1990)
showed that variability in the D of a forage was greater as its D decreased;
a standard deviation of 0.02 at a D above 0.650 increased to 0.05 at a D
of 0.50. This variability is important when trying to set acceptance criteria
for methods to predict NV.
When feeds such as concentrates are given with forages, the D of the
diet is not necessarily the weighted average of the diet components,
because of associative effects (see Dove, Chapter 6, this volume). A forage
should be fed as the sole dietary component to determine its NV, especially
when collecting data from a group of forages for the calibration of indirect
assay methods.
Marker techniques
When D estimates of diet consumed by grazing animals are desired, totalcollection trials are difficult, so indirect methods, such as the use of
markers, are suggested. This can be done either by the dosing of animals
with markers to estimate both faecal output and intake (and thus D) or by
employing markers that are part of the herbage. Marker-based techniques
have a long history (see Dove and Mayes, 1991) and a recent development
within this category has been the use of the hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) of
plant wax, together with dosed synthetic alkanes, as markers to estimate
diet selection, intake and digestibility (see Forbes and Mayes, Chapter 3,
this volume).
methods for predicting NV, which included bioassays, chemical and structural characteristics and instrument-based methods, such as near-infrared
reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. For a method to find routine use among practitioners, producers
and consulting nutritionists, it must be rapid, accurate and inexpensive.
Accuracy is a description of how close to the actual value the predicted
value is; precision is a measure of how repeatable a predicted value is.
Robustness refers to whether a prediction equation accurately predicts
samples not included in the calibration database. There are two steps
involved in predicting NV: (i) selection of a reference forage sample database with known NV on which to base predictive relationships; and (ii)
development and evaluation of prediction equations.
Database selection
Selection of an appropriate sample database with high-quality reference
data is probably the most important part of the prediction process. The forage samples must have been fed in animal trials using standardized techniques to establish their known reference NV. The number of samples
needed depends on the expected use of the equations, the importance of
interfering matrix effects (i.e. environmental conditions) and the variability
about the samples. For limited inference (i.e. research-plot samples), 100
samples may be sufficient to initiate calibration; 40 is a bare minimum. For
predicting unknowns, such as producer samples, the database should probably have 500 or more samples produced under a diverse array of matrix
effects. Variation in NV and in the forage characteristics used for regression
are essential to develop a relationship, and the calibration-sample database
should be selected to contain as much variability as possible in structural
factors, such as plant species, time, climate and geographical location.
(Martens and Jensen, 1982), have been proposed to predict NV. These
procedures share many of the shortcomings of multiple regression equations but appear to be more robust and tend to reduce the effects of autocorrelation between variables and overfitting, the phenomenon that occurs
when too many independent variables are included in an equation, such
that prediction accuracy is compromised rather than enhanced.
After an equation is developed, it must be validated, a procedure that
requires using the equation to predict NV of samples that are unknown to
the calibration data set. Proper validation was seldom practised prior to the
use of NIRS. Since empirical equations (normally used for predicting NV)
are valid only for the population of samples from which the calibration
database was taken, that database must encompass the matrix of factors
that influence either the dependent (NV) or independent (chemistry or
near-infrared (NIR) spectra) variables. For herbage, these factors include
season, maturity, species and location. When an equation is used to predict
a group of unknown samples, it should be validated with a small number
(1020) of those samples to ensure that they are within the bounds of the
calibration database, i.e. reference population. This is a difficult problem
for predicting in vivo D and intake.
One method to validate an equation for NV using a structured database is to use the structure in a round-robin technique (or ring test).
Here, each of the factors that may influence NV (e.g. season) is validated in
turn. In one example, four groups of grass silages (for a detailed description see Barber et al., 1990) were fed to animals at three locations:
Group 1 (pre-1980, n = 28) at the Agricultural Development and
Advisory Service (ADAS), UK.
Group 2 (post-1980, n = 72) at ADAS.
Group 3 (n = 43) at the Rowett Research Institute, Scotland.
Group 4 (n = 27) at the North of Scotland Agricultural College
When in vivo measurements of organic-matter digestibility (OMD)
were regressed on values predicted from NIR spectra, the r2 and standard
error (SE) were 0.79 and 30 g kg1, respectively (Fig. 1.4a). Only 4% of the
samples were outside the acceptable (residual > 2 standard deviations (SD)
or 10% of the mean OMD value) range. However, if the round-robin technique was used and the calibration repeated four times using three
groups for calibration, with the fourth group reserved for validation
(external), then the relationship between reference and predicted OMD
was more diverse. The r2 and SE were 0.50 and 42 g kg1, respectively.
Furthermore, 25% of the samples were unacceptably predicted (> 2 SD).
Part of the samples from ADAS post-1980 (below the unity line) and the
Rowett Institute (above the unity line) were required in the calibration
database for an acceptable calibration equation. However, both the ADAS
pre-1980 and NOSCA samples could be well predicted using the other
samples for calibration. Monitoring is required to test equations on any
new population before it is used for predictions.
In vivo OM digestibility (%)
NIRS predicted in vivo OM digestibility (%)
Fig. 1.4. The relationship between in vivo OMD of grass silages and that predicted using
NIRS. Data points represent mean OMD from six sheep fed at: ADAS before 1980 (); ADAS
after 1980 (); NOSCA (); and Rowett (). Unity line (Y = X) ( ______), or two SD of the
mean (.......) (samples inside are acceptable, those outside are unacceptable). (a) Shows the
values predicted from a single regression equation derived from all the samples; (b) shows
the values predicted for each group of samples, from a regression equation based on the
other three groups (external validation).
Chemical procedures
Van Soest (1994) and Minson (1990) have provided comprehensive reviews of
the use of chemistry to predict NV. Three general conclusions can be drawn
from their studies: (i) no single chemical constituent can be used to predict NV
over a wide range of forage types; (ii) multiple regression equations including
several chemical constituents improve but do not completely resolve this problem (Weiss, 1993); and (iii) empirical relationships in general are limited in their
ability to predict across a wide range of forages (Mertens, 1973; Weiss, 1993).
Crude fibre in the Weende system of analysis has often been used as
an index of NV, but the accuracy and precision of values predicted with
this rough measure of cell walls are poor. As well as the uncertainties in
the CF values obtained, the D of the cell-wall portion of forage plants
varies between plant species and plant parts. For such reasons, a summative system based on digestible cell wall and cell contents was proposed
(Van Soest, 1967). Cell contents are, under most circumstances, largely
digestible (though see Ballard et al., 1990) and the digestible cell-wall
material may be estimated as part of the in vitro procedure of Tilley and
Terry (1963), described below. Alternatively, the D of cell walls may be
estimated from the lignin content, a less accurate procedure (Weiss, 1993;
Van Soest, 1994).
In one of many examples of the use of chemical analyses, Moore et al.
(1996) developed equations based on multiple forage constituents (CP,
ADF, NDF and all possible interactions and quadratics) to predict intake
and D. These equations satisfactorily fitted hay samples in their extensive
database but, when applied to another database of D by sheep (Mertens,
1973), the same equations did not predict D well. Removing the effects of
laboratory by covariance improved the fit. Also, recalculating the equations using the same independent variables but based on the Mertens
(1973) database indicated a reasonable relationship between chemistry and
NV. This demonstrates two problems with developing equations from published data. The equations are largely limited to the sample population on
which they were built, and differences in methods among laboratories for
measuring NV contribute significant variation.
Biological procedures
Three bioassay techniques have been developed, with several variations of
each, depending on the specific aim of the prediction: (i) in vitro D using
rumen microorganisms; (ii) in vitro D using an enzyme preparation; and
(iii) the in situ or nylon-bag technique.
In vitro procedures using rumen microorganisms
A major development since the early 1960s has been the two-stage in vitro
system, consisting of 48 h incubation with rumen fluid followed by 24 h
incubation of the residue in acidpepsin solution (Tilley and Terry, 1963).
The procedure has been generally accepted but suffers from a number of
limitations (for a discussion of sources of errors, see Mertens, 1973). For
instance, the constant 48 h incubation time does not account for variation
in residence time caused by differences in level of intake, nor does the procedure account for differences between forages in the role that mastication
plays in their digestion. Recent innovations include using freshly macerated herbage rather than dried, ground plant material (Barrell et al., 2000)
to mimic grazed herbage more closely.
Fig. 1.5. Typical curves fitted to data for the proportional disappearance of herbage dry
matter incubated in the rumen of sheep. Data points represent chopped samples of either
forage-rape leaf () or stem () material, and are the means of six separate determinations
(Dove and McCormack, 1986). The curves fitted to the data are of the form:
p = a b(1 exp(ct))
where p is the proportion of the constituent that disappears in time t; a is the proportion that
disappears immediately; (a b) is the potential disappearance of the constituent; and c is
the rate of disappearance per unit time. Values for the coefficients a, b and c are given in the
original reference.
tinely. Cone et al. (1999) compared several variations of the in vitro with in situ
procedures and found differences in absolute values for rate parameters but
observed reasonable relationships among the techniques. Simple correlation
coefficients ranged from 0.55 to 0.97 among rate parameters for Lolium
perenne (perennial ryegrass) measured as either regrowth or silage samples.
Physical procedures
Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Norris et al. (1976) were the first to report the use of NIRS to estimate
chemical composition and NV of forages. The NIR spectral region (a part
of the electromagnetic region) exists between the visible red and the midinfrared (~10002500 nm). As monochromatic light interacts with the
molecular structure of herbage the vibrational energy of groups of atoms
(for example CH, NH) absorbs energy at wavelengths that harmonize
with its vibrational frequency. The fingerprint of these absorptions is complex and consists of harmonic overtones and combination bands from the
primary absorptions in the far and mid-infrared. The signal information is
therefore ambiguous and must be teased out with statistical procedures.
The combination of chemistry, physics and statistics has developed into the
field known as chemometrics. Multiple regression was the earliest statistical
method used, but more recently principal-components and PLS regression
(Martens and Jensen, 1982) have gained wide acceptance.
Due to the simple sample preparation (dry and grind), non-destructive
analysis, speed and ability to estimate many attributes, NIRS has found
rapid acceptance. However, as it predicts NV only indirectly, the need to
maintain a sample database with accurate reference values for NV has
been a deterrent to uptake of the NIRS approach; the same requirement
exists for other predictive methods, such as forage chemistry.
NIRS is most routinely used to predict chemical composition.
Frequently, the chemical composition predicted by NIRS is later used in separate equations to predict NV and intake. However, it has been demonstrated that NIRS can also be used to predict intake directly (Coleman et al.,
1995) and NV (Barber et al., 1990) without the use of two different steps.
This avoids the problem that, when two prediction equations are used to
predict a single value (NV), the errors about each equation are compounded. The results of some studies that have reported prediction of in
vivo D from NIRS, in vitro D (rumen fluid or pepsincellulase) estimates or a
number of chemical fractions modified ADF or acetyl bromide lignin are
compiled in Table 1.3. In most cases, NIRS was as accurate (small bias) and
precise (high r2 and small SE of prediction) as in vitro or chemical procedures.
Coleman et al. (1995) advocated the use of faecal indices based on
NIRS to estimate NV. When used together with markers such as alkanes,
these faecal indices have the capability to greatly extend the number of
animals and pastures that may be studied in an experiment.
Tensile or shear strength
Low voluntary intake by ruminants can be attributed in part to the resistance of
the forage to breakdown during chewing and consequent long retention times
in the rumen (Balch and Campling, 1962). This resistance to breakdown has
been attributed to the physical strength of the material (i.e. the force or energy
required to fracture the material) (Mackinnon et al., 1988). The strength of
plant material has been measured either as the energy or force required to fracture (e.g. grind or shear) a mass of plant material or to fracture individual plant
parts. Fracture can be measured in shear (using cutting or punch-and-die apparatus), tension (breaking specimens by longitudinal pull) or compression, or by
grinding (which is likely to be a mixture of fracture processes).
Table 1.3. Relative precision and accuracy for prediction of in vivo digestibility from NIRS and various
conventional laboratory methods: in vitro estimates of dry-matter or organic-matter digestibility using
rumen fluid (IVDMD and IVOMD, respectively), or using pepsincellulase (PC); or measurements of
acetyl bromide lignin (ABLIG), modified acid-detergent fibre (MADF) or neutral-detergent cellulase
digestibility (NDC).
Forage type
and measure Method
OMD (g kg1) IVOMD
0.71 30 0.67
0.84 30 0.76
In leaves of grasses, shear strength is only weakly correlated with tensile strength (r = 0.47) (Henry et al., 1996b), making the choice of which
character to measure (and perhaps breed for) critical. The biological basis
of this weak, negative relationship is unclear, but it is pertinent to remember that tensile fracture will occur at the weakest point, whereas shear fracture is usually orientated directly across the structural components.
The choice of which biomechanical character to measure will be influenced by both the ease and rapidity of measurement (here, the shear
methods are superior) and the relationship to animal performance. It has
been suggested that tensile strength may be important during prehension
of leaves (Vincent, 1990), whereas shear strength may be important in
chewing (Mackinnon et al., 1988), although strong evidence for these contentions is lacking. The only published data on a relation between tensile
strength and animal performance appear to be those of Voigt et al. (1970),
who reported no relationship between the leaf tensile strength of weeping
lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) and palatability (defined as a plant characteristic that determined whether and to what degree feed was attractive to
animals). In contrast, shear strength has been shown to be negatively correlated with rate of DM consumption (Mackinnon et al., 1988) and total
voluntary intake (Baker et al., 1992) by sheep.
Nutritive value of herbage is variable because of variation in plant genetics,
the rate and degree of plant development, environmental conditions
under which it is grown and management practices. In general, NV
declines with maturity, is lower in tropical and subtropical forages than in
temperate forages and is lower in plants grown under high temperatures.
It is best assessed using animal trials, but these are laborious, expensive
and time-consuming. Moreover, NV of grazed herbage cannot be assessed
directly and can only be crudely estimated, using indirect techniques.
Consequently, there is a need for accurate, rapid and inexpensive techniques to estimate or predict NV. Chemical composition, mechanical resistance, bioassays and instrument-based methods have all been proposed,
each with advantages and limitations. The method based on NIRS shows
great promise and offers the speed necessary for routine analytical laboratories. The limitations of predictive methods are the requirement of a large
database of samples with known NV, along with information for prediction
(herbage chemistry, physical constraints or spectra).
AFRC (1993) Energy and Protein Requirements for Ruminants. An advisory manual prepared by the AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients, CAB
International, Wallingford, UK, 159 pp.
Akin, D.E., Robinson, E.L., Barton, F.E. and Himmelsbach, D.S. (1977) Changes
with maturity in anatomy, histochemistry, chemistry and tissue digestibility of
bermudagrass plant parts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 25,
Baker, S.K., Klein, L., Minson, D.J. and Purser, D.B. (1992) Voluntary intake and
the energy required to shear or comminute dry, mature subterranean clovers.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 17, 74.
Baker, S.K., Klein, L., de Boer, E.S. and Purser, D.B. (1993) Genotypes of dry,
mature subterranean clover differ in shear energy. In: Proceedings of the XVII
International Grasslands Congress, New Zealand. New Zealand Grassland
Association, Palmerston North, pp. 592593.
Balch, C.C. and Campling, R.C. (1962) Regulation of voluntary food intake in
ruminants. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews 32, 669686.
Ballard, R.A., Simpson, R.J. and Pearce, G.R. (1990) Losses of the digestible components of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin) during senescence.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 41, 719731.
Barber, G.D., Givens, D.I., Kridis, M.S., Offer, N.W. and Murray, I. (1990)
Prediction of the organic matter digestibility of grass silage. Animal Feed Science
and Technology 28, 115128.
Barrell, L.G., Burke, J.L., Waghorn, G.C., Attwood, G.T. and Brookes, I.M. (2000)
Preparation of fresh forages for incubation and prediction of nutritive value.
Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 60, 914.
Ciavarella, T.A., Dove, H., Leury, B.J. and Simpson, R.J. (2000) Diet selection by
sheep grazing Phalaris aquatica L. pastures of differing water-soluble carbohydrate content. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 51, 757764.
Coleman, S.W., Stuth, J.W. and Holloway, J.W. (1995) Prediction of intake by nearinfrared spectroscopic analysis of fecal samples. In: Owens, F.N., Gill, D.,
Lusby, K. and McCollum, T. (eds) Symposium: Intake by Feedlot Cattle. Oklahoma
Agricultural Experiment Station P-942, Stillwater, Oklahoma, pp. 145155.
Coleman, S.W., Lippke, H. and Gill, M. (1999) Estimating the nutritive potential of
forages. In: Jung, H.G. and Fahey, G.C. (eds) Nutritional Ecology of Herbivores:
Proceedings of the V International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores.
American Society of Animal Science, Savoy, Illinois, pp. 647695.
Cone, J.W., van Gelder, A.H., Soliman, I.A, de Visser, H. and van Vuuren, A.M.
(1999) Different techniques to study rumen fermentation characteristics of
maturing grass and grass silage. Journal of Dairy Science 82, 957966.
Corbett, J.L. (1969) The nutritional value of grassland herbage. In: Cuthbertson,
D.P. (ed.) International Encyclopaedia of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 17(2). Pergamon
Press, Oxford, pp. 593644.
Dabo, S.M., Taliaferro, C.M., Coleman, S.W., Horn, F.P. and Claypool, P.L. (1987)
Yield and digestibility of old world bluestem grasses as affected by cultivar,
plant part and maturity. Journal of Range Management 40, 1015.
Dabo, S.M., Taliaferro, C.M., Coleman, S.W., Horn, F.P. and Claypool, P.L. (1988)
Chemical composition of old world bluestem grasses as affected by cultivar and
maturity. Journal of Range Management 41, 4048.
Dove, H. and McCormack, H.A. (1986) Estimation of the ruminal degradation of
forage rape after incubation in nylon bags in the rumen of sheep. Grass and
Forage Science 41, 129136.
Dove, H. and Mayes, R.W. (1991) The use of plant wax alkanes as marker substances in studies of the nutrition of herbivores: a review. Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 42, 913952.
Herbage obtained by grazing provides the major source of nutrients for most
of the worlds sheep. However, the intake of herbage generally falls well short
of the amount they need to express their genetic potential for production.
Major constraints to pasture consumption can be related to: (i) the
amounts and spatial distribution of the components of the pasture biomass; (ii) the chemical and physical properties of the herbage; and (iii)
environmental attributes associated with climate, disease and sheep behaviour. Intakes commensurate with the achievement of high levels of production may be reached for only short periods of the year on the highestquality temperate pastures. Such pastures generally contain appreciable
quantities of legume leaf and provide herbage that is low in fibre, high in
protein and readily broken down by chewing (comminution). These conditions rarely occur on tropical pastures.
Grazing ruminants, relative to omnivores, need very high feed intakes
to achieve maximum production. These high intakes are necessary because
the gross energy value of herbage is relatively low. In addition, 1560% of
this energy is lost via the faeces, up to 18% of the energy released during
ruminal fermentation is lost as heat and combustible gases and the nutrient
energy absorbed is inefficiently used in body-tissue synthesis, with more
than half being lost as heat (see also Coleman and Henry, Chapter 1, this
volume). Moreover, significant energy costs are incurred in grazing and
ruminating and this energy also appears as heat.
It follows that the capacity of the sheeps gastrointestinal tract to cope
with the ingestion of pasture and the resulting digesta could be expected
to be involved in the constraint on intake. Furthermore, it might be
expected that, with high-quality pasture, limitations on the ability to dissipate heat could act as an intake constraint at times of high production,
such as during rapid lamb growth and at peak lactation.
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
R.H. Weston
Recent publications have comprehensively covered some areas relating to pasture intake constraints (Kennedy and Doyle, 1993; Ungar,
1996; Wilson and Kennedy, 1996; Pittroff and Kothmann, 1999; Hinch et
al., 2003). In this chapter, the emphasis will be on developing a conceptual scheme for forage intake constraint. However, it would be fair to say
that a general consensus remains to be achieved about many aspects of
intake regulation.
In the discussion that follows it will be assumed that the animals are
healthy and that no deficiencies of minerals or vitamins exist. The terms
intake constraint or intake regulation, as used here, refer to a longerterm situation (> 23 days), as distinct from individual meals or grazing
periods. Optimal diet, as used here, refers to a palatable diet adequate
with respect to essential nutrients and sufficiently digestible for its physical characteristics not to act to constrain intake; typically such a diet
would be a ground and pelleted mixture containing lucerne hay
(Medicago sativa) and concentrates (1 : 1) providing appropriate amounts
of essential nutrients. The term rumen refers here to the reticulo-rumen,
and metabolic body weight (MW) is equal to body weight (BW) expressed
in kg0.75. In estimating the quantity of protein apparently digested in the
intestines, it has been assumed that 80% of crude protein (CP) (nonammonia nitrogen 6.25) entering the intestines is in the form of protein with an apparent digestibility of 0.74. Unless stated otherwise, the
adult sheep referred to here has a BW of 50 kg (MW 18.8) and the
weaner lamb a BW of 25 kg (MW 11.2).
Capacity to use
Low palatability
Herbage acquisition
Environmental stresses, etc.
Fig. 2.1. Conceptual scheme for pasture-intake regulation. CNS, central nervous system.
R.H. Weston
Estimated net energy intake per unit MW (kJ day1)
Fig. 2.2. The relationship between the quantity of digesta organic matter (OM) in the rumen
per unit metabolic weight (MW) and the estimated intake of net energy per unit MW. The data
are from studies with weaner lambs: (i) fed various forage diets () (Weston, 1996); or (ii) fed
a basal forage diet and given varying quantities of a nutrient solution per abomasum ()
(Gherardi and Black, 1989).
Capacity to use energy
Under optimal conditions the sheep appears to limit feed intake in relation
to its capacity to dispose of energy via the pathways of oxidation and synthesis (Weston, 1996). We can think of this capacity as being equal to the
sum of the energy needs for: (i) maintenance; (ii) sustaining growth or
energy accretion at a rate consistent with a particular genetic programme;
and (iii) reproduction activities. In the forage-fed sheep, a change in its
capacity to dispose of energy, due for example to an alteration in its physiological state, will change the energy deficit and hence the magnitude of
the hunger signal(s) (see Fig. 2.1) and the constraint on forage intake.
Differences in the sheeps potential to use energy are to be expected at
different stages of growth and development. In crossbred sheep kept
under optimal conditions the demand for energy per unit BW declined
progressively with age and daily metabolizable energy (ME) intake per unit
R.H. Weston
The rumen has been identified as the compartment in the alimentary tract
associated with constraint on forage intake. This constraint relates to the rate
of clearance of particulate OM, as effected by digestion and by transfer to the
omasum. Since the digestion rate of fibre is usually less than 0.08 h1 (i.e. 8%
of the fibre pool digested per hour), feed particles need to be retained in the
rumen for a significant time period to permit adequate fibre digestion.
Direct relationships between forage intake and the clearance rate of OM
from the rumen (Fig. 2.3) indicate that the clearance rate can act as an
Fig. 2.3. Relationships between the voluntary consumption of forage organic matter (OM)
per unit metabolic weight (MW) and the rate of clearance of OM from the rumen. The values
are calculated from data obtained in separate studies: (i) with adult sheep () by Rees and
Little (1980) (r = 0.91), Poppi et al. (1981) (r = 0.94), Thornton and Minson (1972) (r = 0.95),
Laredo and Minson (1973) (r = 0.90), Laredo and Minson (1975) (r = 0.90) and Thornton and
Minson (1973) (r = 0.67); and (ii) with weaner lambs () by Weston (1996) (r = 0.94).
Fig. 2.4. Relationships between the quantity of digesta organic matter (OM) in the rumen per
unit of metabolic weight (MW) and the voluntary consumption of forage OM per unit MW. The
values were calculated from the data of Laredo and Minson (1973) (), Poppi et al. (1981)
() and Weston (1996) ().
R.H. Weston
Forage shear energy (kJ m2)
Fig. 2.5. The relationships between (a) time spent chewing and forage shear energy for
adult sheep, and (b) time spent chewing rumination boluses and forage comminution energy
for weaner lambs. The values are from unpublished data of D.A. Henry or from studies
referred to in Weston (1996).
R.H. Weston
of forage fibre is the accessibility of the fibre polysaccharides to the microbiota and their enzymes. Decrease in particle size enhances the accessibility
of substrate per unit particle weight. Again, the highly branched nature of
some of the cell-wall polymers limits access of the enzymes to susceptible
bonds. Further, lignin forms a barrier to the accessibility of the cell-wall
polysaccharides due to its linkage with hemicellulose.
Nitrogenous substances
Amounts of essential amino acids and ammonium ions inadequate for the
sheeps body-tissue requirements or a deficiency of ammonium ions for
the rumen microbiota result in constraint on herbage intake. The general
form of the relationship between amino acid availability at the tissue level
(represented by protein digested in the intestine) and the intake of an
optimal diet is indicated in Fig. 2.6. Decrease in protein availability below
a threshold level results in feed-intake decrease and accordingly decrease
in digestible OM intake. The level of protein needed with a forage diet is
less than that required with the optimal diet (Fig. 2.6). With the forage
diet, physical factors constrain energy intake to a lower level and hence
the level of production is lower; accordingly, less protein or essential
amino acid is required per unit net energy for maximum forage intake to
be achieved.
The intake of mature and senescent pasture herbage and other lowquality herbages can be limited by a deficiency of available nitrogenous
substances. Data from a range of studies indicate that constraint on intake
often prevails when the herbage contains less than 100120 g CP kg1
digestible OM. However, threshold values for adequacy could be expected
to vary with the presence of various plant secondary metabolites. For
example, tannins may, on the one hand, reduce the release of ammonia for
the microbiota and, on the other hand, reduce plant protein degradation
in the rumen and hence increase essential amino acid absorption.
R.H. Weston
Optimal diet
Forage diet
Fig. 2.6. The relationship between the consumption of digestible organic matter (OM) per
unit metabolic weight (MW) and the quantity of protein apparently digested in the intestines,
calculated as described in the text, for weaner sheep fed an optimal diet (BW c. 25 kg) or fed
a forage diet (BW c. 37 kg). The data are from Weston (1971, 1973).
digestible OM. Similarly, Dove and Milne (1994) found that with autumn
vs. summer herbage of high N content and the same digestibility (0.88),
microbial protein production per kg digestible OM was much higher in
summer. Their data imply that this was a response to higher water-soluble
carbohydrate (WSC) content in the summer herbage. However, further
research is needed to define the optimum conditions of WSC content and
protein availability per unit useful energy needed for the expression of
maximum intake.
Most medium- and high-quality herbages probably meet the protein
requirements for the expression of maximum feed intake in late pregnancy and lactation. Herbage diets provide more digested protein per unit
digestible OM in late pregnancy and possibly in lactation than in the nonpregnant, non-lactating state, due to more rapid digesta clearance from
the rumen.
In addition to ammonia, the rumen microbial population appears to
need sources of the branched-chain fatty acids 2-methyl-butyrate, isobutyrate and isovalerate to digest fibre at the maximum rate. These compounds are derived mainly from dietary proteins; hence a deficiency is
possible with herbages of low protein content or having proteins resistant
to proteolysis in the rumen.
Minor nutrients
Some 18 chemical elements are required by sheep in addition to C, H, O
and N. Deficiencies constraining feed intake by the grazing sheep are considered possible with only nine of these, namely, Na, Mg, Cu, Zn, Co, Se, P,
I and S. With sheep at pasture, the sources of these elements are the
herbage consumed, the drinking-water and soil and dust, either attached
to the herbage eaten or directly ingested during grazing at ground level.
The relationship between the concentration of available elements in
herbage and herbage intake is in most cases asymptotic up to levels where
excess of the element is toxic. The threshold value for maximum intake
obviously varies with the sheeps physiological state, being higher for producing animals. It will also be modulated by the degree of intake constraint
and accordingly the energy availability that applies after deficiency of the
element is remedied.
Accurate prediction of the intake constraint due to mineral inadequacy
is generally not possible, because of the limitations of data on the sheeps
requirements and the concentrations and availabilities of the elements in
the ingesta. Again, the levels of available body reserves may affect the time
needed for an intake response. Also, the requirement for the expression of
maximum intake is often less than that needed for all body functions.
Published estimates of the sheeps requirements (e.g. Underwood and
Suttle, 1999) provide an initial reference source in assessing element adequacies, but note that published values are usually expressed on a feed DM
basis rather than on more appropriate bases, such as net energy or ME.
R.H. Weston
The maximum constraints to feed intake due to deficiencies of essential elements could be expected to occur with Co and I. These elements are
not required by plants; hence the concentrations therein will reflect soil
status and may theoretically be zero in herbage that is otherwise of good
quality. Very approximate estimates of the extent of intake constraints in
the production situation can be made from the increases in growth rate
that occur when the deficiencies are remedied. Data for penned sheep
were summarized by Minson (1990) and show that remedying the deficiency in forages increased daily growth rate by 2367 g with Na, 10110 g
with Co, 474 g with Se and 21142 g with P. The herbage-intake enhancement corresponding to some of these increases could be relatively large.
For example, with a medium-quality herbage (OM digestibility 0.65), some
250 g more feed OM would be needed daily for the 25 kg weaner lamb to
increase the daily rate of body gain by 100 g. However, in the case of P,
responses in grazing sheep have not been reported.
Impaired microbial digestion in the rumen due to herbage deficiencies
of the chemical elements being discussed here has been shown only with
respect to Mg and S. The microbiota require S in the synthesis of the Samino acids and of biotin and thiamine. Remedying S deficiency in forages
has been shown to increase OM intake (018 g day1 unit1 MW), OM
digestibility (47 units), digestible OM intake (412 g day1 unit1 MW) and
the quantity of CP entering the intestines per unit feed intake (13%) and its
S-amino acid content (17%) (Weston et al., 1988). It seems likely that the
constraint on forage intake with S deficiency results initially from an
impairment of the metabolism of the rumen microbiota rather than from
body metabolic needs. It is pertinent that the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in forages reduces the availability of S to the microbiota, due to the
formation of thiocyanate.
Grazing sheep can experience a wide range of climate conditions that could
influence their herbage intakes. The thermal environment is of major significance in this respect, with either hot or cold conditions prevailing seasonally in many locations. The sheep, like other mammals, has to maintain
its body temperature within narrow limits and this maintenance of thermal
balance is affected by the many factors that contribute to heat input and
heat dissipation, as discussed by Corbett and Ball (Chapter 7, this volume).
Heat input under most conditions is mainly affected by metabolic heat
production and solar radiation. Metabolic heat input increases markedly
with increase in forage quality and is higher at pasture than with indoor
feeding, as eating time is longer and more locomotion heat is generated;
solar heat input is dependent on solar elevation (Table 2.1) and accordingly
varies with latitude and time of day. The ability to dissipate this heat load
and thus reduce the potential constraint on grazing behaviour depends on
the ambient temperature, humidity, air movement, etc.
Solar elevation 10
input (W)
on the energy costs of eating and walking (SCA, 1990) and using an efficiency of energy use of
0.73 in (i) and 0.65 in (ii). It is assumed that the additional times spent eating in (i) and (ii) were 7 h and
6 h, respectively, and that the corresponding additional walking activities were 3.0 km horizontal and 5.0
km horizontal + 0.2 km vertical, respectively.
bBased on solar heat inputs (Blaxter, 1989), assuming body-surface area to be 1.32 m2 and that the solar
beam is incident on one-half of the surface area.
OMD, organic matter digestibility; OMI, organic matter intake.
R.H. Weston
Temperature (C)
Fig. 2.7. The relationship between digestible dry matter (DM) intake and environmental
temperature in weaner lambs fed an optimal diet. The data are from Ames and Brink (1977).
Palatability in the present context is defined as the capacity of herbage to
provide stimuli to the senses of sight, smell, taste and touch; it does not
include the capacity to provide post-ingestive stimuli that could influence
herbage acceptance. Both the chemical and physical properties of the
herbage are relevant.
Various indoor studies indicate that pasture constraint due to low
palatability might be expected given appropriate pasture conditions, as discussed by Weston (1996). For example, low palatability as an intake constraint was suggested in studies with mature Trifolium subterraneum forage
and with a straw forage having a high resistance to structural degradation.
Observed increases in the amount of digesta in the rumen, due to the
enhanced intakes of some coarse forages following grinding and pelleting,
may indicate constraint due to high resistance of the herbage to breakdown by ingestive mastication. Limited data suggest that constraint due to
these physical properties may be greater in weaner lambs than in adults.
Data from short-term preference tests can indicate palatability differences between herbages, but this information is usually of little value as a
guide to intake constraint over a significant time period. Sheep become
accustomed to particular tastes and odours and hunger lowers sensory
thresholds. However, palatability can be so low that herbage is rejected
even when no other feed is available.
Although preference tests are generally of little relevance in the context of intake constraint, the consistent finding of selection against herbage
with a lower proportion of WSC in the cell-content fraction may be significant (e.g. Ciavarella et al., 2000). In studies of several days duration, lower
intakes (Hight et al., 1964; Leury et al., 1999) and lower preference (Leury
et al., 1999) have been observed for herbages with a lower WSC content.
The intake effects observed may be more than would be expected by the
accompanying differences in forage fibre content and OM digestibility, and
a component of palatability may be involved.
Herbage Acquisition
The sheep at pasture, like its counterpart fed indoors, has a certain capacity to use energy, which in turn generates hunger signals. Accordingly, it is
to be expected that the sheep will graze so that the extent and duration of
hunger are minimized. Further, it could be expected that the animal will
R.H. Weston
attempt to graze for the shortest time possible because the energy expenditure in eating is related to time rather than to ingested mass, and predation hazards decrease with decreased exposure time.
In general, sheep have low grazing activity at night, begin grazing at
dawn, rest in the middle of the day and graze again in the afternoon, with
grazing activity usually being high towards dusk. The morning grazing probably accommodates the hunger developed overnight and the activity late in
the day could reflect anticipation of the need to minimize hunger at night.
During grazing the sheep has to seek, prehend, sever, masticate and
then swallow the resulting food bolus. This grazing has to be done within a
finite time period, as the animal needs time for other activities, including
ruminating, resting and walking to and from water and camp areas. The
most common constraints on intake, apart from those discussed earlier, are
likely to be: (i) limitation of the amount of pasture present per unit area
and the structure of the sward, which in turn constrain the amount of feed
that can be prehended in the time available for grazing; (ii) physiological
responses by the ingestion apparatus to the high workload involved on
sparse pastures; and (iii) an untoward response to prehension difficulties
on sparse pastures.
The feed-intake response to increasing pasture herbage mass is generally an increase, either linear or curvilinear, until a threshold value is
reached, beyond which intake fails to respond to further pasture-mass
increase. Accordingly, intake constraint progressively increases as the mass
declines below the threshold level. With continuous grazing, threshold values reported by Hodgson (1977) for mixed clover/grass pastures grazed by
adult sheep have a mean value (after rejecting one statistical outlier) of
1960 236 kg DM ha1. With strip-grazing, threshold pasture-mass values
with weaner lambs, in terms of daily herbage allowance, have been
reported as c. 200 g OM kg1 BW for mixed grass/clover swards and c. 140
g kg1 BW for predominantly clover swards. Comparable threshold values
have also been found for lactating ewes.
Much of the variation in the threshold values, as given above, can probably be explained by variation in sward structure (Allden and Whittaker, 1970).
Where grazing time is limited, the amount of feed the sheep can obtain in a
bite can be an important determinant of feed intake. The bite size is determined by bite depth, herbage bulk density in the grazed zone and the area of
sward covered by the bite, with all being affected by the sward structure. For a
pasture with 1500 kg DM ha1, the average herbage height may be 45 cm,
but this value will vary, being lower for more prostrate herbage cultivars or
higher as plants become more widely spaced in drier environments. Bite
depth increases with increase in sward height (see Ungar, 1996), the value
with a ryegrass sward increasing from c. 3 cm for a leaf length of 5 cm to c. 7
cm for a leaf length of 15 cm. The area of the bite can vary appreciably, being
equal to about the mouth area with short swards (89 cm2 in adult sheep), but
much higher for longer swards from which sheep can gather more leaves into
the mouth. Leaf length has direct effects on all three variables and it may be
the best single measure for use in predicting bite mass.
Data from studies by Penning et al. (1991) show some of the relationships between variables pertinent to pasture-intake constraint (Fig. 2.8).
With sward heights of 6 cm and above, daily herbage intake and rate of
intake were constant. In this range, bite frequency decreased with increased
bite size, indicating that intake rate was affected by the rate of formation of
the bolus for swallowing. It is significant that, at the higher values of sward
height, the animals could have easily consumed more feed each day simply
by extending the time spent grazing. With the 3 cm high sward, bite frequency and the time spent grazing were greater than in the taller swards,
but these changes did not compensate for the decreased bite mass; hence
both intake rate and daily herbage intake declined appreciably.
Grazing time
Bite mass
Bite frequency
Intake rate
Fig. 2.8. Relationships between sward height and grazing time, bite mass, organic matter
(OM) intake per unit metabolic weight (MW), bite frequency and OM intake rate for lactating
sheep (c. 77 kg BW) grazing spring pasture in which herbage mass was directly related to
sward height. The data are from Penning et al. (1991).
R.H. Weston
Three response zones are likely to prevail with respect to herbageaccessibility levels and the sheeps grazing behaviour. First, at high accessibility levels, such as with sward heights of 9 cm and 12 cm in Fig. 2.8 (mass
> 4800 kg DM ha1), sheep eat to maintain an intake that meets requirements for minimizing hunger by adjusting bite rate in relation to bite size.
Secondly, as herbage accessibility declines and bite mass decreases, sheep
increase time spent grazing and bite rate in a compensatory manner and
are able to maintain the daily herbage intake. Thirdly, in the low herbageaccessibility zone bite rate increases, but bite mass and grazing time limitations constrain daily intake.
At high herbage-accessibility levels with high-quality pasture, it is likely
that acquisition constraints on intake do not apply, with the quantity of pasture consumed being determined, as with indoor feeding, by the factors
indicated in Fig. 2.1. Similarly, the intake advantage of clovers over grasses
at these high mass levels with green leafy material is likely to be due to the
faster digesta clearance from the rumen rather than any acquisition constraint. However, at lower accessibility levels, a faster rate of intake due to
larger bite mass and lower resistance to bolus formation would also contribute significantly to the clover advantage.
With medium- and low-quality pastures, appreciable scope for selection would generally prevail (see Forbes and Mayes, Chapter 3, and
OReagain and McMeniman, Chapter 12, this volume). Such selection adds
complexity to the nature of the relationships influencing constraint on
intake. The need to travel to water under dry rangeland conditions will
also modulate grazing patterns. Daily walking distances by sheep of up to
25 km have been recorded and sheep having to walk to water have been
found to reduce grazing time on the day of walking and increase it on the
following day (Hinch et al., 2003).
Sheep are capable of grazing for 1314 h daily and can accommodate
8.5 h grazing in a single 9.5 h period. However, observations of sheep grazing sparse pastures do not always show long grazing times, values of 79 h
sometimes being observed. Why grazing time is not an intake constraint in
these situations is not understood. The duration of grazing seems too short
for muscular fatigue to be implicated. Alternatively, difficulty associated
with prehension of the herbage may be involved. Grazing at or near
ground level with very short pasture must involve some abrasion of the lips
and other parts of the mouth, which in turn could possibly provide
inhibitory sensory feedback.
Allden, W.G. and Whittaker, I.A.McD. (1970) The determinants of herbage intake
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Kennedy, P.M. and Doyle, P.T. (1993) Particle-size reduction by ruminants effects
of cell wall composition and structure. In: Jung, H.-J.G., Buxton, D.R.,
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American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 348376.
Laredo, M.A. and Minson, D.J. (1973) The voluntary intake, digestibility and retention time by sheep of leaf and stem fractions of five grasses. Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 24, 875888.
Laredo, M.A. and Minson, D.J. (1975) Intake of grass leaf and stem by sheep.
British Journal of Nutrition 33, 159170.
Leury, B.J., Siever-Kelly, C., Gatford, K.L., Simpson, R.J. and Dove, H. (1999)
Spray-topping annual grass pasture with glyphosate to delay loss of feeding
R.H. Weston
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Lloyd Davies, H. (1962) Intake studies in sheep involving high fluid intake.
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Animal Behaviour Science 52, 6577.
Penning, P.D., Parsons, A.J., Orr, R.T. and Treacher, T.T. (1991) Intake and behaviour responses by sheep to changes in sward characteristics under continuous
stocking. Grass and Forage Science 46, 1528.
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Food Choice
This chapter addresses the ability of sheep to make nutritionally wise
choices when presented with more than one food. We first consider how
sheep identify different foods and then review diet selection when individuals are offered two foods under controlled conditions; then we cover the
outdoor grazing situation. Space does not permit extensive citation in support of the concepts presented here, but discussion of results from many
earlier studies can be found in Forbes (1995).
There is ample evidence that animals of many species, including
ruminants, are capable of making choices between different foods that
provide a more balanced diet than would be obtained by eating at random. While sheep are not usually considered as being endowed with
much intelligence, there is no doubt that they can make nutritionally wise
selection, given appropriate circumstances. The simplest hypothesis of
food choice would be that animals eat at random, in which case it might
be expected that they would eat equal amounts (weights? volumes?) of
each of the foods on offer. It will become clear from the examples given
below that this is rarely the case.
If they do not eat at random, then it might be expected that the
palatability of each food would determine the proportion eaten. Thus, a
food with a sweet flavour would be expected to be preferred to one with a
bitter taste. However, palatability is not simply a function of the chemical
and physical properties of a food but it also depends on the animals nutritional history; for example, a bitter food that an animal has had a chance
to learn is nutritionally well balanced will be more palatable than a sweet
one that it has learned to be nutritionally imbalanced, e.g. toxic. Thus an
animals choice between foods is likely to be influenced by its nutrient
requirements as well as characteristics of the foods.
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
Detection of Food
Clearly, in order to make choices between foods, sheep must be able to differentiate between them by sight, smell, taste or other sensory characteristics.
The sense of vision allows animals to detect food at a considerable distance.
Smell is also a sense that allows identification of distant food sources and
some species have very sensitive noses. Once food has been identified it may
be taken into the mouth and this is when the sense of taste comes into play.
As well as taste, food in the mouth also has characteristic physical properties,
e.g. texture. Once the food has been fully identified by all the senses, then
the animal has to decide whether to swallow it. If the combination of sensory
properties has not been experienced before, the animal will proceed cautiously (neophobia); if it has previously experienced unpleasant consequences of eating food with this set of sensory properties, it is likely to reject
this food (unless very hungry); otherwise it will proceed to eat.
Sheep are probably colour-blind but can discriminate between objects of
different hue due to brightness. This might be important for grass, as
brightness is proportional to protein content of perennial ryegrass at any
given stage of development.
Sheep can see food in front of them very clearly and can make quite
complex discrimination between shapes. They can be trained to associate
non-food objects with food, but this association only develops for foods that
the animals have found previously to have pleasant consequences when
eaten, not those that have caused discomfort after eating.
Temporary covering of the eyes does not interfere with the preference for
herbage species by grazing sheep, suggesting that they use smell, taste and
tactile stimuli to a great extent to discriminate between different plant species.
It is usually difficult to differentiate between animals appreciation of
smell (from volatile components of the food) and taste (from soluble com-
Food Choice
ponents) as, once the food enters the mouth, both can be sensed
(flavour). Removal of the sense of smell by surgical removal of the olfactory bulbs did not affect daily intake of a complete pelleted food or meal
pattern, even though it was clear that the sheep had olfactory deficits
(McLaughlin et al., 1974). Feeding was less intense, however, with more
re-entries into the feeder during meals. An extreme case of smell affecting choice was when sheep were given two bins of food, one tainted with
odours of the faeces of a carnivore, and took 95% of their intake from the
uncontaminated pellets (Pfister et al., 1990). The animals went as far
away as possible from the tainted bins and there was no evidence of
habituation to this smell.
Sheep have a well-developed sense of taste and are sensitive to bitter,
sour, salty and sweet solutions. Animals are born with (innate) taste preferences and aversions, which can be modified by experience of food. It
can be difficult, therefore, to differentiate responses to taste and the postingestive consequences of eating, as the normal type of two-choice preference test confounds the sensory impressions of the foods or liquids
offered with post-ingestive factors. By using sheep with oesophageal fistulas, Chapman and Grovum (1982) were able to determine the
responses of sheep to only the taste of various additions of sodium chloride or urea to hay, without the confounding effect of learning about the
metabolic consequences of eating foods with those tastes. Thus, while salt
(sodium chloride) solutions of low concentration (22 g l1) became aversive if sheep were allowed to swallow them into the rumen, due presumably to the post-absorptive effects of sodium ions, they preferred hay
containing up to 200 g kg1 of sodium chloride. However, care must be
taken in the interpretation of results from oesophageal-fistulated sheep,
as they invariably lose a lot of saliva through the fistula and become
sodium-deficient. Their preference for a higher concentration of sodium
chloride than intact sheep might therefore be due to their higher
requirement to maintain body levels of sodium.
The short-term nature of flavour aversions is demonstrated by the
observation that sheep, which initially strongly discriminated against
quinine-treated hay, after a few days ate equal amounts of treated and
untreated hay (Jones and Forbes, 1984). They had learned by sampling
small amounts of the quinine-flavoured food that there were no harmful
consequences from eating it. Palatability effects are not important in
determining the level at which a single food is eaten after the first few
days, even though they can have marked effects on the relative intakes
when two foods are on offer. However, if a particular flavour of food
becomes associated in the minds of sheep with unpleasant consequences,
then they avoid food with that flavour.
Food Choice
Fig. 3.1. Preference ratios of sheep for food of the flavour associated with doses of 3 g (solid
bars), 6 g (dotted), 9 g (vertical) or 12 g (horizontal) sulphur given intraruminally (Hills et al., 1999).
access to food with a novel flavour, eventually led to wether sheep preferring
that flavour over another with which the food was flavoured for a short time
after gavage of water (Arsenos et al., 2000). The basal diet was relatively low
in protein so that it was expected that the gavaged protein (casein) would
alleviate a deficiency and the sheep would prefer the flavour associated with
the administered protein. This in fact occurred with low to medium doses
(8.75 g and 17.5 g), supporting the hypothesis. However, higher doses (35 g
and 52.5 g) led to significant aversion towards the flavour associated with the
supplementary protein. It was proposed that this was due to an oversupply
of protein and a measured excess of ammonia in rumen fluid; concentrations were 280, 332, 533 and 699 mg l1 for the four treatments, i.e. a big
increase between the 17.5 g (preferred) and the 35 g (aversive) doses.
These results illustrate a continuum of flavour preferences and aversions created by different amounts of the same nutrient source, which is
due, not to the specific nature of the flavour (the same flavour could be
preferred or aversive depending on which dose of casein it was paired
with), but to the associations between the sensory properties of the food
and the metabolic consequences of eating food with that flavour.
It can be seen from these examples how nutritional wisdom can
occur, i.e. selecting a mixture of foods that most closely meets the animals
nutrient requirements. However, it is unclear to what extent the animal is
choosing in order to supply its body with nutrients as compared with seeking optimal conditions in its rumen.
tions in rumen pH and an absence of rumination. Which is the more aversive the low and fluctuating pH or the absence of rumination is unclear.
To investigate an appetite for fibre, sheep were given a food free of
long fibre for 7 days, which reduced rumination to zero (Campion and
Leek, 1997). When polyethylene fibre, chopped into 10 mm lengths, was
offered, sheep ingested 35 g day1 and rumination was stimulated. In
another experiment, sheep were fed on hay and did not select any of the
polyethylene fibre, but on switching to the pelleted diet they commenced
eating the fibre within 24 h. Surprisingly, when offered a choice between
short (3 mm) and long (15 mm) polyethylene fibre, the sheep showed a significant preference for the short. This did not evoke much rumination but
the long fibre was quite difficult for the sheep to eat. Finally, when the
rumen wall was tickled with a polyethylene fibre pompom introduced
via the rumen fistula, voluntary intake of polyethylene fibre was reduced,
suggesting that the selection of inert fibre may be a response to a need for
physical stimulation of the rumen mechanoreceptors. This does not rule
out an additional response to avoid extremes of pH or osmolality as well.
Excessive acid production by the rapid fermentation of concentrate
food can be prevented by including a buffer (sodium bicarbonate) in the
diet. Such inclusion allowed sheep to eat voluntarily a higher proportion of
high-energy food, given in choice with a low-energy food, as it alleviated
the low pH post-feeding condition associated particularly with the highenergy food (Cooper et al., 1996).
Physiological state
So far we have dealt with situations in which animals can manipulate the
nutrient supply by choosing appropriate amounts and ratios of food. The
animals nutrient requirements often vary over time as well, such as during
growth, pregnancy and lactation. It has been observed that growing lambs
offered high- and low-protein foods chose a diet well matched to their
requirements for growth and, even when one of the foods required up to
30 responses to obtain a reinforcement, the lambs responded accordingly,
to maintain this balanced diet (Hou et al., 1991).
Pregnant ewes selected a significantly greater proportion of a food of
high crude protein (CP) concentration than non-pregnant ewes, reflecting
their enhanced demand for protein (Cooper et al., 1994). Thus, diet selection is not only driven by the composition of the foods on offer, but also by
the requirements of the animal, which change in a systematic manner with
growth and reproductive cycles.
Food Choice
Food Choice
Fig. 3.2. External factors that may directly and indirectly affect the dietary choices and intake
of grazing or browsing sheep.
Food Choice
Constraints on intake and diet selection that are external to the animal
The constraints limiting intake are often more closely related to the characteristics of the vegetation on offer, environmental factors and other influences external to the animal than to physiological constraints.
Ease of harvesting
Daily intake can be considered as the product of the short-term intake
rate while feeding and the time spent grazing or browsing (see Weston,
Chapter 2, this volume). The short-term intake rate, being largely influenced by the type and quantity of vegetation available as a food, is often
the major constraint limiting daily intake. On single-species swards,
daily intake increases in an asymptotic fashion as herbage mass per unit
area increases. This relationship has been defined as the functional
response. At low herbage availabilities, which lead to submaximal
intakes, it is likely that the short-term rate of intake has been limited
because material is more difficult to harvest; the amount of herbage consumed in each bite declines as sward height decreases (Hodgson, 1986).
The process of obtaining food under free-ranging conditions involves
numerous steps, any one or more affecting the ease by which that food
item is obtained. These steps include finding the food, moving to the
food, harvesting (biting, nibbling, stripping leaves from twigs, etc.),
manipulating the material in the mouth (mastication, adding saliva,
Food Choice
by the amount of time available to exhibit feeding behaviour. Thus, any other
activity that a sheep carries out that displaces feeding behaviour could influence the dietary choices made by the animal. Such activities include behavioural responses to other sheep and the effects that predators and sheepdogs
have in prompting flocking behaviour and cessation of grazing activity. The
presence of other sheep may also initiate foraging behaviour and thus affect
intake and diet composition. It is likely that synchrony between sheep in
starting and finishing feeding bouts is the result of one animal copying
anothers activity; such effects have been described as facilitation.
Seeking to attain minimal total discomfort (MTD)
Very rarely will a single sheep be offered a single food that provides a mixture of nutrients that exactly balances its needs, whether it is indoors or
outdoors. Even when two foods are available or two species of herbage and
the animal can balance both its energy supply and that of another nutrient,
additional nutrients are not likely to be supplied in optimal quantities.
Thus, there is a dilemma if one food has a higher concentration of energy
than another, but also has a higher concentration of a toxin.
Wang and Provenza (1997) observed that lambs preferred barley to
lucerne pellets in the absence of added toxin (LiCl), but, when LiCl was
added to the barley in increasing amounts, the preference for barley became
an aversion. Natural toxins have similar effects: tannin added to previously
preferred food high in readily available carbohydrate reduced lambs preference, but, when PEG was given, their aversion to the higher-energy foods
was significantly less than without the PEG supplement (Titus et al., 2000).
These are very simple, two-dimensional examples of the sort of tradeoffs sheep have to make on a daily or hourly basis. There is an optimum
rate of supply for each nutrient for an animal in a given physiological
state. Exceed that and a surfeit or even a toxicity develops; fail to meet it
and the animal is faced with a deficiency of that nutrient. Only when the
surfeit or deficiency becomes severe will the animal be unable to cope, but
the fact that it can, by adjusting its metabolism, manage mild departures
from optimal nutrition does not mean that no discomfort is being generated. As has been shown above, the greater the deviation from optimal
supply of a nutrient, the more the sheep becomes averse to that food,
even though it can cope if that is the only food on offer. It may cope by
eating less to avoid too much toxin or by eating more to increase the supply of a limiting nutrient.
All this brings us to the concept of minimal total discomfort (MTD)
(Forbes, 1999; Forbes and Provenza, 2000): discomfort because a departure from optimal supply of a nutrient is avoided if possible; total
because the discomforts from numerous sources (nutrient imbalance,
social stress, etc.) are postulated to be added together by the central ner-
Food Choice
Relative discomfort
Intake (kg DM
Fig. 3.3. Calculated relative discomforts due to ME (dotted), NDF (dashed) and grazing time
(dotdash), and the total of these (solid), plotted against daily intake of DM for the conditions
described in the text, with an eating rate of 1.5 g DM min1. The predicted level of intake,
1.0 kg day1, is at the point of minimal total discomfort (Forbes, 2001).
actions with other sheep, risk of predation and inclement weather, our
example will build on the single-food situation outlined in the previous
section. A sheep with the same specifications as above is grazing an area in
which there are two types of herbage. One contains 10 MJ ME kg1 DM
and 600 g NDF kg1 and can be harvested at 1 g DM min1. The other is of
poorer nutritional value, with 9 MJ ME kg1 and 650 g NDF kg1, but can
be harvested at a faster rate due to its greater height.
The model was run for rates of eating forage 2 ranging from 1.0 to 2.4
g DM min1 and the output is shown in Fig. 3.4. When the rates at which
the two forages are eaten were similar, then only forage 1 was chosen, as
this has the higher energy and lower fibre levels. As the rate of eating forage
2 increases, the proportion of forage 1 chosen declines rapidly and the total
daily intake increases, because eating forage 2 becomes less time-consuming. However, when the rate of eating forage 2 becomes greater than 1.6 g
min1, there is sufficient time available for the sheep to be able to eat a little
of forage 1, which gives a higher yield of energy and less fibre per unit of
DM than forage 2. With the increase in ease of harvesting forage 2 comes a
reduction in discomfort as the animals energy supply comes closer to optimal and it is only exceeding its desired grazing time by a small margin.
Note that it is not being claimed that the predictions of this model of
choice between herbage types with different characteristics are quantitatively
realistic. The purpose of presenting this example is to illustrate how a simple
theory of control of intake and diet selection can come up with some complex predictions when several factors are taken into account simultaneously.
There is still a great deal to be done in developing this theory, in particular
in specifying the relative weights to be placed on the discomfort generated
by over- and undersupply of the many resources provided by food(s).
Food Choice
Fig. 3.4. Calculated total intake (kg DM day1, solid line); proportion of food 1 (kg kg1 total
intake, dotdash); time grazing (h day1/10, short dashes); and total discomfort (arbitrary
units, long dashes) for grazing sheep with a choice between two types of herbage (see text
for details), plotted against the rate at which the poorer-quality herbage can be harvested.
We have based our discussion of diet selection on the premise that sheep,
like other animals, learn to associate the sensory properties of a food with
the metabolic and other internal consequences of eating that food. They
have to trade off the various beneficial and harmful consequences in order
to achieve what we term MTD. In controlled conditions, with few competing
factors, this process works relatively well and the results of diet-selection
experiments can usually be interpreted in a sensible manner. However, in
the grazing situation, the number of factors capable of inducing discomfort
are greater and prediction of how a sheep or a flock will behave becomes
more difficult.
If we accept MTD as a reasonable working hypothesis, then we face the
challenge of how best to weight the various factors involved in the control
of intake and selection. By a series of experiments investigating the importance sheep attach to pairs of factors, it should be possible to build up a
matrix of relative weightings that can be applied to MTD calculations. For
example, Sibbald et al. (2000) monitored sheep for the trade-offs between
herbage height and distance from their social group, in determining their
grazing behaviour, thereby providing information relevant to MTD calculations. However, they found large differences between individuals in their
willingness to graze further from their group in order to harvest a taller
sward on which they could achieve a high rate of eating. This highlights
the fact that there will always be a significant proportion of variation in
behaviour between individuals that cannot be predicted from a knowledge
of their physiological state and the composition of the food(s) on offer.
Arsenos, G. and Kyriazakis, I. (1999) The continuum between preferences and
aversions for flavoured foods in sheep conditioned by administration of casein
doses. Animal Science 68, 605616.
Arsenos, G., Hills, J. and Kyriazakis, I. (2000) Conditioned feeding responses in
sheep towards flavoured foods associated with casein administration: the role
of long delay learning. Animal Science 70, 157169.
Campion, D.P. and Leek, B.F. (1997) Investigation of a fibre appetite in sheep fed
a long fibre-free diet. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 52, 7986.
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In 1843, Gruby and Delafond claimed to be the first to describe living animalcules in the rumen (four species) and horse caecum (seven species),
since Leeuwenhoeks observations in 1685 of three species in frog faeces.
However, the importance of intestinal bacteria in digestion dates from 1913,
when Osborne and Mendel noted coprophagy in rats kept for a long time
on purified diets. The role of bacteria in the fermentation of plant materials
became well known in 1863 as a result of the genius of Pasteur. It was
inferred by Zuntz in 1879 that rumen microbes fermented fibre anaerobically and thus formed acids and gas. He postulated that the acidic fermentation products were absorbed and oxidized by the host. By 1940, the time
was ripe for a more widespread appreciation of rumen microbial activities
and an animal physiology unit was set up at Cambridge. This group, under
the leadership of Sir Joseph Barcroft, recognized that fermentation was the
basic mechanism involved and demonstrated quantitatively the uptake of
short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) across the rumen wall into circulating blood.
As a result of these and many other investigations on rumen function, it
is now firmly established that the ruminant animal and the rumen microbial
population exist in a reciprocally beneficial relationship, termed mutualism,
in which plant material consumed by the mammalian host is digested and
fermented by the rumen microbes to form chiefly SCFA, carbon dioxide
and methane. The gases are voided by the ruminant and the acids absorbed
and oxidized. The microbes provide the host not only with a source of
energy, but also with proteins, vitamins and other nutrients essential for cell
maintenance and production. Favourable conditions provided by the host
permit the growth of large numbers of diverse microbes. The microbial
population in the rumen and other gut compartments, such as the caecum
and colon, is thus characterized by high density, wide diversity and the com CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
plexity of interactions that occur. Hungate (1960) was the first to study
rumen microbial ecology and described the steps required to provide a
complete ecological description and analysis of any complex ecosystem.
First, the numbers and types of organisms present must be described,
involving enumeration, identification and classification. Secondly, their
activities must be measured. Finally, the extent to which these activities are
performed in the environment must be determined, involving quantitative
measurements of the entire complex as well as the component parts.
Interested readers are referred to a number of books and references
therein that provide detailed descriptions and information on topics
covered in brief in the following chapter. Chronologically these are R.E.
Hungates (1966) classic book The Rumen and its Microbes, Microbial
Ecology of the Gut (Clarke and Bauchop, 1977), The Rumen Microbial
Ecosystem (Hobson and Stewart, 1997) and Gastrointestinal Microbiology
(Mackie et al., 1997).
physical and chemical conditions in the intestinal tract, and also of diet
composition. The microbial environment in the rumen has been closely
defined and, allowing for variation in the quality and quantity of feed
ingested, serves as a model for other gut ecosystems. A summary of the
chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics is provided in
Mackie et al. (2001).
Dietary factors
One of the chief factors influencing rumen fermentation is the variation in
feed composition. Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy
for rumen microbes. The types of carbohydrates most common in forages
are soluble carbohydrates, starch and the insoluble cell-wall components of
plants. Sugars and other soluble carbohydrates, which may constitute 30%
of the dry matter in forage, are rapidly metabolized. However, too much
readily fermentable carbohydrate in the diet can lower the digestibility of
fibre. Starch is digested rapidly in the rumen but more slowly than sugars.
Increased acidity and higher proportions of propionate often accompany
increased fermentation rates, although in some cases butyrate is increased.
The rumen protozoa are at an advantage in the microbial competition for
starch in the rumen and rapidly engulf large numbers of starch granules,
removing them from the available fermentation pool. Various feed treatments, such as grinding and pelleting, affect the rates at which bacteria
and protozoa attack starch. Heat treatment of grains also influences fermentation rate and the acetate : propionate ratio. Plant cell-wall material,
with the exception of pectin, is fermented slowly, resulting in high proportions of acetate. Microbial digestion of the major plant cell-wall components is a complex enzymatic process, mediated by the combined activities
of bacteria, fungi and, maybe, protozoa. The lignin content of herbage
varies between 4 and 12% and, in general, the higher the lignin content
the lower the digestibility.
Protein breakdown in the rumen is correlated with solubility.
Production of short-branched (isobutyric, isovaleric and 2-methyl butyric
acid) and straight-chain (valeric acid) SCFA, which are required for the
growth of cellulolytic bacteria from deamination of amino acids, is important in poor-quality diets. Fats added to diets limit the digestibility of forage fibre. Addition of fats has been shown to reduce methane production.
Other important examples of the effects of variation in feed composition
are comparisons between legume and grass forages and between hay and
concentrate diets, which influence the composition and activities of the
rumen microbial population. Digestion in the rumen is discussed in more
detail by Annison et al. (Chapter 5, this volume).
The quantity of feed consumed can also play a major role in the activities of the rumen microbiota. Two examples of this factor are lactic acidosis
(see below) as a result of grain overfeeding and the influence of feeding
level (up to three times the maintenance level during lactation) on the
activities of rumen bacteria and protozoa.
The use of feed additives has been an area of active research for many
years. The most important and widely used feed additives in ruminant
diets are ionophore antibiotics, but feed enzymes, probiotics (live microbial
feed supplements), buffering agents, methane inhibitors and many other
additives are used in a variety of feeding situations. Details are provided in
the section on manipulation of rumen fermentation and the review of
Nagaraja et al. (1997).
The microbial community inhabiting the rumen is represented by all major
groups of microbes. This complex, mixed microbial culture, which comprises
strictly anaerobic bacteria, ciliate and flagellate protozoa, anaerobic chytridiomycete fungi and bacteriophages, can be considered the most metabolically
adaptable and rapidly renewable organ of the body, which plays a vital role
in the normal nutritional, physiological and protective functions of the ruminant animal. The rumen, the most intensively studied gut ecosystem, contains large numbers of bacteria (up to 1011 viable cells ml1, comprising 200
phenotypically different species), ciliate protozoa (104106 ml1 spread over
25 genera), anaerobic fungi (zoospore population densities of 103105 ml1,
divided into five genera) and bacteriophages (107109 particles ml1).
However, despite this vast amount of knowledge, the basic prerequisites for
ecological studies namely, enumeration and identification of all community
members have tremendous limitations. The two major problems faced by
microbial ecologists studying the gastrointestinal ecosystem are the inevitable
bias introduced by techniques based on enumeration and characterization
from cultures and the lack of a phylogenetically based classification scheme.
It is estimated that 10% or less of the total viable bacteria in the rumen of
forage-fed animals can be cultivated. Modern molecular ecology techniques
based on sequence comparisons of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) can be used
to overcome these limitations and advance our understanding of the ecology,
diversity, structurefunction and evolutionary relationships in the rumen
and other gastrointestinal compartments (Mackie et al., 1997). This approach
is likely to provide not simply increased understanding but a complete
description of the gut ecosystem for the first time.
Microbial interactions
Microorganisms are most often studied in pure culture, which provides
detailed knowledge regarding their growth and metabolism. However, these
studies fail to take into account that microbes live in communities and the fundamental importance of the influence that they have on each other. Only with
a knowledge of both the properties of individual species and populations and
the interactions that occur between them will it be possible to gain some
understanding of the structure and function of complex microbial communities. The rumen provides many examples of competitive and non-competitive
The Microbiota
The rumen ecosystem comprises a complex of dense microbial communities
of bacteria, archaea, ciliate protozoa, anaerobic fungi and bacteriophages
(summarized in Table 4.1). The fermentation effected by this complex microbiota is responsible for the conversion of plant feedstuffs to compounds that
can be utilized by the animal. Hence, the fermentations and interactions of
Table 4.1. Summary of primary metabolic activities attributable to typical and predominant examples of
the ruminal microbiota.
Microbial grouping
Products of metabolism
Fibrobacter succinogenes
Ruminococcus spp.
Prevotella ruminicola
Streptococcus bovis
Megasphaera elsdenii
Clostridium aminophilum
Archaea (methanogens)
Ciliate protozoa
Isotrichidae (six species)
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens
Selenomonas ruminantium
Large-sized genera of
Entodiniomorphidae (38
Entodinium (17 species)
Chytridiomycete fungi
(five genera)
the microbes are central to ruminant digestion and nutrition. At birth, the
digestive tract of ruminants, in common with other mammals, is devoid of
bacteria. Colonization begins during and shortly after birth and is via the oral
route. Establishment of the microbial communities requires contact with an
adult animal, usually the mother, and the rumen environment must be suitable for the microbes to establish a population (Hobson and Stewart, 1997).
Bacteria are the most numerous and important of the microbes in the
rumen. They are present at densities of up to 1011 cells ml1 (Hungate,
1966) and are capable of undertaking all the necessary biochemical transformations to convert plant material into products of nutritional value to
the host ruminant. The bacteria are, in the main, obligate anaerobes.
Classic microscopic observation and culturing techniques have revealed a
great diversity in terms of size, shape and form of bacteria living in the
rumen (Hungate, 1966; Hobson and Stewart, 1997). Both Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria occur and range in diameter from less than
0.1 m (mycoplasmas) to greater than 50 m (Oscillospira). Shapes include
cocci, rods, crescents and spirals. These cells can also be motile or not and
vary greatly in growth habit, ranging from single cells to duplex cells, short
chains, long chains, clumps, tetrad groupings and large sheetlike structures. The diversity of rumen bacteria in terms of size, shape and growth
habit is well illustrated by Ogimoto and Imai (1981).
Prior to the advent of molecular biology and the use of DNA sequencing as a taxonomic tool, the differentiation between bacterial taxa was
largely based on a combination of morphological and biochemical characteristics (Hungate, 1966; Hobson and Stewart, 1997) and could be applied
only to culturable bacteria. On this basis, 200 or so species of culturable
bacteria were known to be present in the rumen, with some 20 species
occurring at densities above 107 cells ml1 of rumen fluid; about 30 species
are regarded as normal rumen inhabitants (Bryant, 1959).
The bacterial species present and their relative densities within the
rumen ecosystem fluctuate markedly in response to feed composition and
dietary changes. Hungate (1966) found that the rumen bacteria of animals
on hay or forage rations are composed mainly of Gram-negative organisms,
while animals on grain diets have increased numbers of Gram-positive
organisms. The common culturable bacteria are often grouped within
functional substrate-utilizing groups. Cellulose, the most stable structural
polysaccharide in plants, is degraded by only a few species of rumen bacteria: Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, R. albus and some
strains of B. fibrisolvens. These species are very important, as a lack of
breakdown of cellulose will impede access of other bacteria to their
required substrates. The hemicelluloses, glucomannans and pectins are
also degraded by the cellulolytic bacteria, but a larger number of non-cellulolytic bacteria are able to ferment these substrates. The predominant culturable species involved are Prevotella ruminicola, Eubacterium ruminantium
and B. fibrisolvens. Lachnospira multiparus and S. bovis are pectinolytic.
Common starch degraders are P. ruminicola, Ruminobacter amylophilus,
Selenomonas ruminantium, Succinomonas amylophilus and S. bovis. Many of the
rumen bacteria also utilize the fermentation products of other bacteria
(e.g. lactate utilization by Megasphaera elsdenii), intermediate metabolic substrates, proteins and lipids.
With the advent of molecular biological techniques, based on DNA
sequencing, it became possible to elucidate bacteria that had not been cultured
and to determine genetic similarity between bacteria. These techniques have
dramatically increased our knowledge of the diversity and complexity of ruminal bacterial communities in two major directions: (i) the uncultured diversity
of bacteria present in ruminal contents; and (ii) the genetic diversity within culturable bacterial assemblages previously thought to constitute a species.
Recent phylogenetic analyses of cloned 16S rRNA genes of rumen bacteria indicate the degree of uncultured bacterial diversity present in the
rumen. Whitford et al. (1998) examined 84 cloned sequences from dairy
cattle and deduced that 53 represented novel species and genera of bacteria. A recent study in cattle using direct retrieval of 16S rDNA sequences in
a culture-independent manner showed that only 6% (ten of 161) of
sequences could be identified directly by comparison with the sequence
database (Tajima et al., 1999). In general, results show high diversity, large
proportions of operational taxonomic units represented by single clones
and large proportions of clones distantly related to deposited sequences
and so far uncultivated.
In addition to the discovery of many novel bacterial 16S rDNA sequences,
considerable genetic diversity has been found within cultivable species. Of the
common cultivable species, P. ruminicola (Wood et al., 1998), B. fibrisolvens
(Forster et al., 1997), F. succinogenes (Ogata et al., 1997) and the genus
Ruminococcus (Krause et al., 1999a) have been found to be genetically heterogeneous, comprising a variety of genetically distinct species and even genera.
It would appear that considerably more work will be required if we are
to obtain a complete understanding of the bacteria that inhabit the rumen
in the future.
The major group of organisms inhabiting the rumen within the domain
Archaea are the methanogens. In the rumen, methanogens synthesize
methane mainly from CO2 and H2 (Hobson and Stewart, 1997). A variety
of species have been cultured and these belong to three distinct families,
Methanobacteriaceae, Methanomicrobiaceae and Methanoplanaceae. It
was concluded that Methanobrevibacter ruminantium and Methanosarcina isolates were likely to be the most significant contributors to ruminal
methanogenesis, based on archaea that can be cultured.
Concerns over global warming and the release of greenhouse gases,
such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere have created
renewed interest in ruminal methanogens. Ruminal methanogenesis is a
significant source of atmospheric methane, particularly in Australia, New
Zealand and many developing nations. In Australia, for example, it is estimated that methane from enteric fermentation in ruminants accounts for
12% of total greenhouse gas emissions while in New Zealand this figure is
46%. A number of studies using culture-independent, DNA sequencebased techniques have investigated the ruminal archaea (Lloyd et al., 1996;
Lin et al., 1997; Tokura et al., 1999). Lin et al. (1997) found that the
archaea, while functionally a very significant section of the rumen microbiota, were numerically inferior to the bacteria and eucarya, accounting for
0.53% of total microbes. They also noted a ruminant host preference for
ruminal methanogens, with Methanobacteriales predominating in cattle
and goats while Methanomicrobiales were predominant in sheep.
Not all methanogens occur freely in the rumen liquor. Ciliate protozoa provide a habitat for up to 20% of rumen methanogens. These
methanogens can exist as endosymbionts or attached to the pellicle. Lloyd
et al. (1996), using fluorescent in situ hybridization, were able to determine
rates of colonization by bacteria and archaea in a range of ciliate protozoal
species within the sheep rumen. In general, fewer Isotrichidae contained
endosymbionts than Entodiniomorphidae and less than 3% of Daytricha
ruminantium contained endosymbionts. Polyplastron multivesiculatum contained many bacteria but no archaea. Many larger Entodiniomorphidae,
with the exception of Eudiplodinium maggii, contained both bacteria and
archaea. Another study investigating the archaea of ciliate protozoans in
the sheep rumen (Tokura et al., 1999) found that DNA sequences with
similarities to Methanobrevibacter smithii predominated, while M. ruminantium appeared to be absent.
Protozoans, particularly the ciliates, are the largest and most conspicuous of the rumen microbiota. They are obligate anaerobes, motile,
eucaryotic microbes and were first discovered as early as 1843. Both ciliate and flagellate protozoans occur in the rumen, although in recent
times some microbes that had been thought to be flagellate protozoa
were subsequently identified as the zoospore stage in the life cycle of
ruminal chytridiomycete fungi (covered in the section following). The
ciliates are regarded as the more numerous and important of the two.
Ruminal ciliates belong to a range of subclasses, orders and families
within the class Kinetofragminophorea (Dehority, 1993). However, those
likely to be encountered in the ovine rumen will almost certainly belong
to either the family Isotrichidae (order Trichostomatida) or family
Ophryoscolecidae (order Entodiniomorphida). The protozoans of the
family Ophryoscolecidae are the major rumen ciliates, with more than
100 described species.
Entodiniomorphid protozoa are described and assigned to a taxon on
the basis of morphological characteristics. Basically, the major characters
are the number of ciliary zones (one or two) on an otherwise naked and
rigid pellicle, the size and shape of the macronucleus and where it is positioned in relation to the micronucleus, number and position of vacuoles,
number and position of skeletal plates and presence or absence of caudal
spines (Fig. 4.1). Numerous descriptions, which include detailed line
drawings and photographs, of the genera and species within this family
are available (Ogimoto and Imai, 1981; Hobson and Stewart, 1997).
Although many of the Ophryoscolecidae are well described and documented, there is still considerable debate on the taxonomy of these protozoans, particularly at the species level, largely due to the variable nature
of key characters, such as caudal spines.
Contractile vacuole
Boundary layer
Cytoproct (rectum)
Caudal spine
Fig. 4.1. Line drawing of typical entodiniomorph protozoan from the rumen, Entodinium
caudatum, with caudal spine (mean length width, 35 m 28 m). Features of cell
morphology useful for taxonomic purposes are included.
Chytridiomycete fungi are the major fungal inhabitants of the gastrointestinal
tract of herbivores. These organisms are obligate anaerobes, saprotrophic on
ingested feedstuffs, and may contribute significantly to the ability of the animal to utilize plant material through the digestion and fermentation of plant
structural polysaccharides. They are only found inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of herbivores, and are believed to have evolved from aquatic
Chytridiomycetes (Hobson and Stewart, 1997). They were first recorded from
the rumen, but until comparatively recently were confused with flagellate
protozoa. Orpin (1974) examined the diurnal fluctuations in numbers of
these flagellates, and was successful in cultivating the organisms and unravelling the life cycle to show the resemblances to aquatic chytridiomycetes.
Currently, the gut-inhabiting Chytridiomycetes comprise five genera
within the family Neocallimastigaceae in the order Neocallimastigales. The first
organism to be formally described was Neocallimastix frontalis, a species with
polyflagellate zoospores and a monocentric thallus. Two other genera of
monocentric fungi are morphologically distinct from Neocallimastix.
Piromyces has a similar rhizoidal and sporangial development to
Neocallimastix but is characterized by uniflagellate zoospores. Caecomyces also
has uniflagellate zoospores but has a rhizoidal development quite distinct
from the other monocentric genera. The normal rhizoidal system is absent
and appears to have been replaced by a bulbous type of rhizoid, comprising up to seven spherical bodies (Hobson and Stewart, 1997).
Recently, in addition to the fungi with monocentric thalli, fungi possessing
more than one sporangium per thallus (polycentric thalli) were isolated from
ruminants. Two genera, Orpinomyces and Anaeromyces, are currently recognized.
Species of Orpinomyces are characterized by an extensive rhizoidal system with
numerous sporangia and polyflagellate zoospores. Anaeromyces are characterized by monoflagellate zoospores and ellipsoidal to fusiform sporangia.
Comparative sequence analysis of 18S-like rRNA genes from the rumen
chytrids has shown that they form a cohesive group that are more closely
related to the true fungi than to other eukaryotes (Li and Heath, 1993).
Isozymes have also been used to identify the relationships between 23 anaerobic rumen fungi and seven aerobic chytrids. The anaerobic rumen fungi
formed a monophyletic group that was distinct from the aerobic chytrids.
Mature thallus
Zoospore release
Zoospores crowded
around sporangium
Septum formed
Nuclear division
Swelling of stalk tip
Nuclei migrate
towards tip of stalk
Fig. 4.2. Diagram showing the life cycle of the monocentric anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix
commonly found in the rumen. Resting sporangia are not included in the diagram but are
most probably responsible for survival in the environment outside the intestinal tract.
A further stage in the life cycle of the anaerobic chytrids has been postulated (Davies et al., 1993): a survival stage (cyst or resistant zoosporangium)
that is tolerant of oxygen. It was found that survival rates were much higher
in samples of fungal populations taken from postgastric regions of the alimentary tract, particularly from the large intestine and faeces, rather than
samples taken from pregastric regions. Viable organisms were cultured
from faeces up to 252 days after storage at ambient room temperature.
Large numbers of bacterial viruses bacteriophages are present in the
rumen. Bacteriophages are obligate pathogens of bacteria and are ubiquitous in the rumen ecosystem. Bacteriophages lyse their bacterial hosts
within the rumen and are a factor involved in protein recycling within the
rumen, a process identified as reducing the efficiency of feed utilization.
However, their presence may not be entirely detrimental to the ecosystem
and it has been argued (Swain et al., 1996) that bacteriophages may also be
involved in the maintenance of a balanced ecosystem and may play a role
in recycling limiting nutrients within the rumen.
Early reports provided detailed accounts of the numbers and morphological diversity of bacteriophages observed in the rumen. More than 109
bacteriophage particles ml1 of ruminal contents and between 26 and 40
morphologically distinct types, within more than 20 morphologically different bacteria, have been reported. Bacteriophages have been classified
into three viral families (Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae). Most
recently, in an effort to enable the accurate and reproducible enumeration
of bacteriophages in the rumen, Klieve and Swain (1993) developed a
DNA-based method of enumeration, which confirmed phage densities of
1091010 particles ml1 of rumen fluid.
Both classic lytic bacteriophages and temperate bacteriophages occur
in the rumen. The former infect and then lyse bacteria, whereas the latter
infect bacteria and either lyse the cells or integrate their DNA into the bacterial chromosome. Thereafter these bacteriophages exist from one generation to another as an integral part of the bacteria. Many of the
bacteriophages that have been isolated on rumen bacteria are lytic to their
hosts, but temperate bacteriophages have been recorded from several
rumen bacterial species. Klieve et al. (1989) concluded that temperate bacteriophages were widespread among the rumen bacteria and reported that
25% of culturable rumen bacterial isolates contain temperate bacteriophages that could be induced to enter vegetative growth and lyse the host
with mitomycin C. As not all bacteriophages respond to a single inducing
agent, the true numbers of temperate bacteriophages in rumen bacteria is
likely to be much greater than 25%.
In addition to high numbers and diversity, the bacteriophage populations in the rumen have been found to be highly dynamic. Swain et al.
(1996) found that no two animals had identical bacteriophage populations,
even when penned together and consuming the same ration. This suggested that considerable individual diversity in bacteriophage populations
occurred between animals. Despite these individual differences, total bacteriophage DNA was similar for animals within groups and varied between
groups of animals, suggesting that nutritional and environmental factors
may influence overall phage activity in the rumen. In sheep fed once daily,
a distinct diurnal variation in the bacteriophage population was observed
(Swain et al., 1996). In a survey of the total bacteriophage numbers present
in the rumen contents of beef cattle, dairy cattle and sheep offered diets of
fresh forage, dry forage or grain, with and without a variety of supplements (Klieve et al., 1998), animals on dry feed had 3050% fewer bacteriophages than those on green pasture; animals in feedlots had fewer again
(10% of those at pasture). This trend appeared to be unaffected by animal
species or the feeding of supplements. These authors concluded that the
extent of bacteriophage activity could be influenced by diet, suggesting
that, if the factors involved could be found, it might be possible to reduce
bacteriophage-mediated bacterial lysis through dietary manipulation.
Although considerable progress towards a better understanding of bacteriophages in the rumen has been made in recent times, our knowledge
of their interactions with bacterial populations, the factors controlling population dynamics and their impact on animal nutrition remains limited.
External factors,
e.g. period of fasting,
stress from transport,
High-starch diet
S. bovis has a competitive advantage, rapidly
increasing in population density.
Lactobacilli increase in
population density
Acute lactic
to allow time for the resident populations of bacteria that utilize lactic acid
and others that ferment starch to keep up with the growth of S. bovis and
to prevent acidosis from occurring. Alternative preventive biocontrol measures have been suggested and these include the inoculation of ruminants
probiotically with lactate-utilizing bacteria, such as M. elsdenii and S. ruminantium, and alternative starch-degrading bacteria, and the control of the
growth of S. bovis with antibiotics or bacteriophages (Owens et al., 1998).
Table 4.2. Microbial detoxification mechanisms in the rumen (referenced in Hobson and Stewart, 1997;
Mackie et al., 1997).
Nitrogenous compounds
Non-protein amino acids
Ring cleavage of 3,4-dihydroxypyridine
Diaminobutyric acid
Modification not determined
Oxalyldiaminopropionic acid
Aliphatic nitro compounds
3-nitro-1-propionic acid
Reduction of the nitro group and
deamination to -alanine
Reduction to 3-amino-1-propanol
Reduction of nitrate to nitrite
Reduction of nitrite to ammonia
Hydrolysable tannin
(e.g. gallate)
Ester hydrolysis
Ring cleavage
Glycoside hydrolysis
Heterocyclic ring cleavage
Formononetin, daidzein,
genistein, biochanin,
Microorganisms involved
Synergistes jonesii
Unidentified isolates
Megasphaera elsdenii,
Coprococcus spp.,
Selenomonas spp.
Selenomonas spp.
No isolates identified
Streptococcus spp.
Streptococcus bovis,
Syntrophoccus bovis,
Coprococcus spp.
Selenomonas spp.,
Butyrivibrio spp.
Peptococcus spp.,
Butyrivibrio spp.
Tannin tolerance
Streptococcus bovis,
Clostridium spp.,
Prevotella ruminicola,
Heterocyclic ring cleavage
No isolates identified
Metabolized to formate
Oxalobacter formigenes
T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin
Microorganisms involved
Isovaleryl de-esterification
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens
Future Directions
The use of molecular ecology techniques will revolutionize our approach
to microbial ecology in the gastrointestinal tract and will provide not simply increased understanding, but a complete description of the gut
ecosystem. Rather than replacing the classical culture-based system, the
new molecular techniques can be used in combination with the classical
approach to improve cultivation, speciation and evaluation of biodiversity. Development and application of these procedures and techniques
will result in greater insight into the community structure and activity of
gut microbial communities, in relation to functional interactions between
different bacteria and spatial and temporal relationships between different microbes and between microbes and feed particles, as well as between
the indigenous microbes and the host animal. This will link the distribution and identity of microbes in their natural environment with their
genetic potential and in situ activities. This is the ultimate goal of the
microbial ecologist.
Future developments in rumen microbial ecology, diversity and metabolism will be greatly influenced by the application of genomics the mapping and sequencing of genomes and analysis of gene and genome function
especially the tools of comparative and functional genomics. At present,
genome sequencing of two major rumen fibre-degrading bacteria (F. succinogenes S85 and R. albus 8) is being carried out by the North American
Consortium for Genomics of Fibrolytic Rumen Bacteria. Despite these anticipated advances, animal agriculture is under increasing pressure and public
scrutiny to make animal production and animal products safe and sustainable. This will drive future developments in: (i) eliminating the use of
growth-promoting antibiotics; (ii) the strategic application of probiotics to
enhance adaptation and control ruminal disorders; (iii) reducing shedding
and carcass contamination by food-borne pathogens using preharvest technologies and strategies; and (iv) controlling the transmission of neurological
spongiform encephalopathies by regulating by-product feeding.
Bryant, M.P. (1959) Bacterial species in the rumen. Bacteriological Reviews 23,
Clarke, R.T.J. and Bauchop, T. (1977) Microbial Ecology of the Gut. Academic Press,
New York, 410 pp.
Krause, D.O., Bunch, R.J., Dalrymple, B.D., Gobius, K.S., Smith, W.J., Xue, G.-P.
and McSweeney, C.S. (2001b) In vitro and in vivo characterization of Butyrivibrio
fibrisolvens H17c containing a xylanase construct derived from Neocallimastix
patriciarum. Journal of Applied Microbiology 90, 388396.
Li, J. and Heath, I.B. (1993) Chytridiomycetous gut fungi, oft overlooked contributors to herbivore digestion. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 39, 10031013.
Lin, C., Raskin, L. and Stahl, D.A. (1997) Microbial community structure in gastrointestinal tracts of domestic animals: comparative analyses using rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 22, 281294.
Lloyd, D., Williams, A.G., Amann, R., Hayes, A.J., Durrant, L. and Ralphs, J.R.
(1996) Intracellular prokaryotes in rumen ciliate protozoa: detection by confocal laser scanning microscopy after in situ hybridisation with fluorescent 16S
rRNA probes. European Journal of Protistology 32, 523531.
Mackie, R.I., White, B.A. and Isaacson, R.E. (1997) Gastrointestinal Microbiology, Vols
1 (658 pp.) and 2 (680 pp.). Chapman & Hall, New York.
Mackie, R.I., McSweeney, C.S. and Aminov, R.I. (2001) Rumen. In: Encyclopedia of
Life Sciences. MacMillan Reference, London. (
McSweeney, C.S., Dalrymple, B.P., Gobius, K.S., Kennedy, P.M., Krause, D.O.,
Mackie, R.I. and Xue, G.-P. (1999) The application of rumen biotechnology to
improve the nutritive value of fibrous feedstuffs: pre- and post-ingestion.
Livestock Production Science 59, 265283.
Nagaraja, T.G., Newbold, C.J. and Wallace, R.J. (1997) Manipulation of rumen fermentation. In: Hobson, P.N. and Stewart, C.S. (eds) The Rumen Microbial
Ecosystem. Chapman & Hall, New York, pp. 523632.
Ogata, K., Aminov, R.I., Nagamine, T., Sugiura, M., Tajima, K., Mitsumori, M.,
Sekizaki, T., Kudo, H., Minato, H. and Benno, Y. (1997) Construction of a
Fibrobacter succinogenes genomic map and demonstration of diversity at the
genomic level. Current Microbiology 35, 2227.
Ogimoto, K. and Imai, S. (1981) Atlas of Rumen Microbiology. Japan Scientific
Societies Press, Tokyo, 230 pp.
Orpin, C.G. (1974) The rumen flagellate Callimastix frontalis: does sequestration
occur? Journal of General Microbiology 84, 395398.
Owens, F.N., Secrist, D.S., Hill, W.J. and Gill, D.R. (1998) Acidosis in cattle: a
review. Journal of Animal Science 76, 275286.
Swain, R.A., Nolan, J.V. and Klieve, A.V. (1996) Natural variability and diurnal
fluctuations within the bacteriophage population of the rumen. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 62, 994997.
Tajima, K., Aminov, R.I., Nagamine, T., Ogata, K., Nakamura, M. and Benno, Y.
(1999) Molecular bacterial diversity of the rumen as determined by sequence
analysis of 16S rDNA libraries. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 27, 159169.
Tokura, M., Chagan, I., Ushida, K. and Kojima, Y. (1999) Phylogenetic study of
methanogens associated with rumen ciliates. Current Microbiology 39, 123128.
Whitford, M.F., Forster, R.J., Beard, C.E., Gong, J. and Teather, R.M. (1998)
Phylogenetic analysis of rumen bacteria by comparative sequence analysis of
cloned 16S rRNA genes. Anaerobe 4, 153163.
Wood, J., Scott, K.P., Avgustin, G., Newbold, C.J. and Flint, H.J. (1998) Estimation
of the relative abundance of different Bacteroides and Prevotella ribotypes in gut
samples by restriction enzyme profiling of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene
sequences. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64, 36833689.
Wright, A.D.G. (1999) Analysis of intraspecific sequence variation among eight isolates of the rumen symbiont, Isotricha prostoma (Ciliophora), from two continents. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 46, 445446.
In sheep and other ruminants, the exposure of ingested food to the metabolic activities of ruminal bacteria, protozoa and fungi (see Mackie et al.,
Chapter 4, this volume) has profound implications for the digestion and
metabolism of food.
Plant carbohydrates, usually the major sources of energy in ruminant
diets, are largely fermented to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). These consist
mainly of acetate, propionate and butyrate and are readily absorbed from
the rumen and metabolized in tissues to support maintenance and production. The degradation of -linked glucose polymers (cellulose and hemicellulose) from plant cell walls is of obvious nutritional benefit, since these
materials are not hydrolysed by the endogenous enzymes of the host animal. In contrast, the ready fermentation of starch and other -linked
glucose polymers, which are potential sources of glucose if they reach the
small intestine (SI), implies that only small amounts of glucose are
absorbed from the SI (see p. 106).
Complex dietary lipids are rapidly hydrolysed in the rumen by bacterial lipases, with the production of free fatty acids. These are largely unsaturated and undergo extensive biohydrogenation, which accounts for the
relative hardness of ruminant carcass fat, and for the difficulty in changing
the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids of carcass fat and milk fat by
dietary manipulation.
The fate of dietary protein in the rumen is a further striking example
of the impact of rumen microorganisms on digestion and metabolism.
Whereas in non-ruminants the quality of dietary protein largely depends
on its amino acid(s) (AA) composition and digestibility, in ruminants
dietary protein is substantially, but rarely completely, degraded by microbial activity, with the formation of ammonia. Part of this ammonia,
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
together with peptides and free AA produced during its formation, are
utilized by ruminal microorganisms for protein synthesis, the energy for
cell growth being provided by the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter. The remainder of the ammonia produced in the rumen is absorbed,
and a varying proportion returned to the rumen as urea in saliva. This
urea is rapidly broken down to ammonia to become available as a nitrogen source for autotrophic microorganisms. These processes mean that
the AA reaching the SI are largely provided by undegraded food protein
and microbial protein (see p. 108). The postruminal digestion of protein
and, indeed, the utilization of absorbed AA in tissues are qualitatively similar in ruminants and non-ruminants.
The integration of ruminal and tissue metabolism in the utilization of
feed by sheep is summarized in Fig. 5.1.
Fig. 5.1. A summary of the digestion and metabolism of feed components into simpler
intermediates and oxidation or resynthesis of the latter into materials in animal products. The
top box represents fermentation in the rumen and hind-gut, and digestion and absorption of
simpler products from the gut; the lower box represents metabolism of absorbed short- and
long-chain fatty acids, glucose and amino acids in host tissues where oxygen is present.
CHO, carbohydrate; NPN, non-protein nitrogen; LCFA, long-chain fatty acids; Ac, acetate;
Bu, butyrate; Pr, propionate; UDP, undegraded dietary protein; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate.
Carbohydrate digestion
Plant carbohydrates can be loosely grouped into storage carbohydrates and
polysaccharides, which form part of the cell-wall structure (Table 5.1).
Structural polysaccharides can be either covalently linked or not linked to
lignin. The former group, which include cellulose and hemicellulose, are
insoluble and only partially digested in the rumen. The latter group
(pectins, -glucans) are readily fermented in the rumen but, like cellulose
and hemicellulose, do not give rise to lactic acid. Their fermentation is
inhibited by low pH.
Insoluble structural polysaccharides
Cellulose is the major structural component of the forage cell wall. Its
close physical and, to a lesser extent, chemical association with other cellwall components (Table 5.1) results in a complex and heterogeneous
structure, which makes chemical analysis a formidable task. Indeed, the
difficulty in defining the composition of forages has bedevilled attempts to
predict their nutritive value from their composition, as perceptively discussed by Van Soest (1994).
The microbial degradation of complex polysaccharides in the rumen is
accomplished by the cooperative efforts of a range of cellulolytic and noncellulolytic microorganisms (Flint and Forsberg, 1995). Synergy between
consortia of microorganisms, involving sequential hydrolysis and endproduct utilization, has been demonstrated in studies using co-cultures of
cellulolytic fungi or bacteria and non-cellulolytic species. Plant materials
entering the rumen are rapidly colonized with bacteria and fungi, and
close contact of microorganism and substrate facilitates the ready uptake by
microflora of the products released by enzymic activity.
Insoluble structural
14-glucan in intimate
association with hemicellulose,
lignin, cutin and silica
Heterogeneous mixture; common
factor is xylan core polymer
linked to arabinose and uronic
Rumen digestion
involves the combined
effects of a range of
cellulolytic and noncellulolytic organisms
Soluble in acid and
Classified chemically by
solubility in hot neutral
solutions of EDTA
Low in grasses, high in
lupins and some cereals
(oats, barley); limited
solubility in water,
forming viscous gums
Soluble structural
Degree of branching
determines ease of
gelatinization and
Major storage
carbohydrates of grasses
Contribute to storage
polymer synthesis
The nutritional significance of cellulose utilization has led to an interest in the genetic modification of rumen microorganisms to enhance cellulose fermentation (Russell and Wilson, 1988). A major problem with the
enhancement of cellulase/hemicellulase activity in specific organisms is that,
as outlined above, the degradation of complex polysaccharides in the
rumen involves a consortium of microorganisms. In the short term, the
modification of cellulolytic bacteria to improve their tolerance of lower
rumen pH may be a more achievable objective (Russell and Wilson, 1988).
The digestibility of cellulose-rich fibrous feeds can be increased by
treatment with alkaline reagents to rupture lignincarbohydrate bonds
(Van Soest, 1994). Sodium hydroxide has been used extensively, but in
developing countries, where vast amounts of straw are fed to ruminants,
ammonia is the preferred alkaline source. Ensiling straw with urea at high
moisture levels provides an attractive, low-cost means of treatment. The
liberated ammonia, in addition to its role in delignification, contributes to
rumen ammonia, which is often a rate-limiting nutrient for microbial
growth in forage-fed animals (Preston and Leng, 1987).
to pyruvate almost exclusively by the EmbdenMeyerhof glycolytic pathway. The formation of both acetate and butyrate involves acetyl-coenzyme
A (CoA), while propionate production occurs mainly via succinate,
although an alternate pathway involving acrylate has been identified. The
reductive capacity generated by the conversion of hexose to acetate and
butyrate is largely channelled into the formation of propionate from pyruvate and the reduction of CO2 to methane (Fig. 5.2).
Absorption and metabolism of SCFA in the rumen wall
There is convincing evidence that SCFA transport from the rumen is
primarily a passive permeation process, with a linear relationship
between concentration and net absorption. Rates of SCFA absorption
are influenced by rumen pH, however, since undissociated forms of the
acids are absorbed more rapidly than fatty acid anions. At pH 6.0, for
example, which is at the lower end of the normal range of rumen pH,
only about 5% of acetic acid in the rumen is undissociated, but this value
rises to about 25% at pH 5.0. Another factor that influences SCFA
absorption is their metabolism by the rumen epithelium. Although only
a small amount of absorbed acetate is lost, a considerable proportion of
butyrate and significant amounts of propionate are metabolized during
passage from the rumen. These metabolic activities, which help to main-
Fig. 5.2. The pathways by which plant constituents are fermented by anaerobic
microorganisms in the rumen and converted to short-chain fatty acids and gases (CO2, CH4
and H2). ATP and NADH are generated within the microbial cells by this fermentation process.
The ATP is used for cell maintenance and formation of new polymers (cell growth); the reducing
power of NADH is used in the formation of propionate and methane, thereby regenerating
NAD+, which enables the continued conversion of hexose to pyruvate by the glycolytic pathway.
CHO, carbohydrate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate.
tain concentration gradients between rumen fluid and the portal system,
inevitably influence rates of SCFA absorption. The conversion of
absorbed butyrate to 3-hydroxybutyrate in the rumen epithelium is
largely completed in the liver, and little butyrate enters the general
circulation. In a similar fashion, propionate entering the portal system is
almost completely removed by the liver to constitute the major contributor to hepatic gluconeogenesis.
in the mitochondria and nuclei of the cells. Free AA are present in plant
cells as intermediates in protein synthesis, as agents in translocation and as
the immediate products of assimilation of organic nitrogen by roots. At
times, nitrate may be an important non-protein, non-AA N constituent,
especially when its rate of reduction to ammonia in plant cells is less than
its rate of uptake by the roots (Mangan, 1982).
In general, as plants mature, their fibre content increases and crudeprotein content decreases. Moreover, when plants are dried naturally or
during haymaking, their proteins tend to be denatured and their solubility
and degradability in the rumen reduced. The proportion of UDP in the
total crude protein increases accordingly. Heating and solvents used to
extract oil from the seeds of cotton, sunflower, canola, coconut and oilpalm also alter the structure of naturally occurring proteins and affect the
value of the resulting meals as protein supplements for ruminants, by
altering the degradability of these proteins in the rumen. Naturally, in
addition to its intrinsic degradability, the time for which any feed protein is
subject to attack by plant or microbial enzymes (proteases and peptidases)
will also be a major determinant of the extent to which that protein is
degraded in the rumen. The turnover rate of feed materials in the rumen,
which usually ranges from 2 to 8% h1, is affected by feed intake, type of
feed and other factors.
When formulating diets for sheep or other ruminants, it is helpful to
have information about the degradability of dietary protein sources, i.e.
the UDP status of the diet. In vitro techniques based on protein solubility in
rumen fluid or in solutions of commercial enzyme preparations or the socalled in sacco technique have been used, despite their limitations, to rank
different protein sources. With the in sacco technique, test protein sources
are placed in bags made of standardized nylon mesh and their disappearance over time is recorded when the bags are placed in the rumen. The
results are usually then linked with putative rumen retention times to
enable prediction of the proportion of the protein degraded.
After an animal ingests a protein-rich diet, rumen digesta may contain
up to 4 g N l1. Initially, for the reasons given above, the majority of this N
is often present as true protein. Degradation of proteins is initiated by
plant proteases. Once in the rumen, protein may be adsorbed on to the
surface of microbes. Proteolytic enzymes released in the vicinity of the
adsorption site then degrade the proteins to peptides. Smaller peptides
may appear in rumen fluid or be assimilated locally by the bacteria and
further degraded by intracellular deaminases to SCFA and ammonia.
These end-products of protein fermentation may be reused within the bacterium in which they were formed or released into the rumen fluid.
During periods of rapid degradation of feed protein, rumen peptide and
ammonia concentrations tend to increase in the 24 h after feeding, with
peak concentrations of ammonia rising above 0.4 g N l1. However, during
these periods, peptides and ammonia may also be assimilated by other
microbes for growth and protein synthesis, which occur most rapidly when
the microbes are simultaneously well supplied with energy-yielding sub-
strates, essential minerals and other growth factors. Trevaskis et al. (2001)
have stressed the benefits, for synthesis, of synchronizing the availability of
fermentable carbohydrate with the N sources. Mean values for the
amounts of microbial protein synthesized and available to the animal as
digestible true protein are shown in Table 5.2. Assimilation counteracts the
build-up in concentrations of peptides and ammonia and lowers the potential peak value after feeding, with the exact nature of the concentration vs.
time curve being dependent on the feed protein degradability and the
microbial growth conditions.
Some of the ammonia in rumen fluid that is not assimilated by
microbes is absorbed via the rumen wall into the bloodstream, at a rate
that is determined by its un-ionized concentration in rumen fluid, while a
smaller fraction passes out of the rumen in digesta moving to the lower
digestive tract. In practical circumstances, when there is rapid production
of ammonia in the rumen, e.g. if animals ingest excessive amounts of ureacontaining supplements, and especially when pH is relatively high, uptake
of ammonia can cause severe ammonia intoxication and deaths of large
numbers of animals.
The majority of rumen bacteria have the capacity to assimilate and
utilize ammonia as the sole N source when peptides or AA are present in
negligible concentrations, although some of the faster-growing species
appear to gain a competitive advantage in the rumen when they have
access to preformed peptides or AA. Thus, when the natural diet is Ndeficient and microbial growth in the rumen is limited only by N availability,
supplementation with any source of ammonia may improve rumen microbial
activity and growth. In these situations, urea is an effective supplement, provided animals do not ingest excessive amounts (see above). Urea formed in
the liver, which enters the rumen in saliva or by diffusion across the rumen
wall, is also available to support microbial growth in the rumen in the same
way. So-called urea recycling and reuse of N in the rumen for protein synthesis (protein conservation) enable ruminant animals to survive on diets of
relatively low protein content.
herbage diets, these values vary with time of year, being directly
related to propionate production resulting from the WSC
concentration (Dove and Milne, 1994).
Methane production
Methane produced by anaerobic fermentation in the rumen represents an
appreciable energy loss, particularly when low-quality roughages are fed
(see Kirchgessner et al., 1995). Methane production by ruminants is of considerable current interest in view of the contribution of atmospheric
methane to global warming. Attempts to channel the energy normally associated with methanogenesis into assimilable nutrients by the use of additives have been largely unsuccessful. Ionophores, such as monensin, which
are widely used in ruminant diets to improve the efficiency of feed utilization, channel the hydrogen involved in methanogenesis into propionate
production for the first few days of treatment, but the effects are not sustained (Kirchgessner et al., 1995).
Some 85% of the lipids entering the SI is in the form of largely saturated
LCFA adsorbed on to small feed particles, a consequence of the lipolysis of
dietary fats and extensive biohydrogenation of liberated LCFA in the
rumen (p. 102). The remaining 15% or so of lipids reaching the SI consist
mainly of phospholipids derived from microbial cell membranes. These
phospholipids contain a range of odd-numbered carbon-chain fatty acids,
mainly C15 and C17, and branched-chain fatty acids. The formation of
these LCFA, and of the wide range of isomers of octadecenoic acid during
biohydrogenation in the rumen, account for the extraordinarily complex
mixture of LCFA present at low levels in ruminant carcass and milk fat.
As in non-ruminants, the key feature of fat absorption from the SI is
micelle formation, which depends on the presence of bile salts and an
amphiphilic material. In non-ruminants, monoacylglycerides, derived
from the partial hydrolysis of dietary TAG, meet this requirement. In the
virtual absence of glycerides in ruminant digesta, the role of amphiphile in
micelle formation is provided by lysolecithin, derived from the phospholipase-catalysed hydrolysis of lecithin, which enters the SI in bile and pancreatic juice. The latter secretion is the main source of phospholipase.
Micellar fat interacts with the brush border of the intestinal epithelium, with the diffusion of fatty acids and lysolecithin into intestinal cells.
The third component of micellar fat, the bile salts, return to the SI where
they continue to form micelles before absorption from the ileum, transport
to the liver and reincorporation into bile. Absorbed fatty acids are re-esterified to glycerol-3-phosphate to form TAG within small-intestinal cells.
These TAG become associated with apolipoproteins, cholesterol and phospholipids to form lipoprotein particles that are secreted from the cells into
lymph, which enters the peripheral circulation. These lipoprotein particles
are analogous to chylomicrons, but are much smaller and more appropriately classified as very low-density lipoproteins (Drackley, 2000). Fatty acid
digestibility in ruminants, which is somewhat lower than in non-ruminants,
is similar for C16 and C18 fatty acids (average 79 and 77%, respectively)
and is slightly higher for unsaturated than for saturated fatty acids
(Doreau and Chilliard, 1997).
As a generalization, protein-bound AA entering the SI will be efficiently
absorbed as digesta pass through the SI. However, AA N is also secreted
into the gut lumen in the form of digestive enzymes and mucus and in
sloughed intestinal cells and the net (or apparent) absorption coefficient is
lower than 90%. Moreover, the materials with which AA are associated
(including lignin and plant cell-wall materials) and the processing or treatment of feeds before they are ingested can affect the overall availability of
AA for absorption. A method referred to as the mobile nylon bag method
has been used to compare the relative intestinal digestibilities of concentrate (e.g. cereal grains) and roughage materials (grass and silage), and
coefficients vary from about 90 to 60% (Tamminga et al., 1990).
Absorption of free AA has long been considered to be the main mode
of uptake of AA from the gut, but it is now accepted that uptake of small
peptides may often be the predominant mode of AA uptake (Webb and
Matthews, 1998).
Microbial protein and UDP are not absorbed intact (except in the
neonate when immunoglobular proteins from milk are taken up and provide passive immunity). Rather, they must first be cleaved to di- or tripeptides or hydrolysed further to individual AA before they can be absorbed.
Protein digestion begins in the abomasum through the action of gastric
proteases, including pepsin and lysozymes. The latter catalyse the hydrolysis of specific glycosidic bonds in mucopolysaccharides found in some bacterial cell walls. In sheep and other ruminants, bacteria usually represent
the animals major source of dietary protein and they should therefore be
efficiently digested. Ruminants seem to have evolved with special
lysozymes that exhibit activity in the abomasum against the mucopolysaccharides in bacterial cell walls. These lysozymes have lower pH optima and
are more resistant to pepsin than lysozymes of other species.
Microbial protein and UDP are partially degraded to medium-length
and small peptides in the abomasum and SI by pancreatic proteases. A
family of peptidases that are integral membrane proteins is present in the
brush border of the small intestine. These continue the hydrolysis of
oligopeptides to di- and tripeptides and free AA on the outside surface of
the enterocyte, where they become available for absorption.
Di- and tripeptides are taken up by enterocytes via a transporter,
which is energized by a transmembrane H+ gradient via a single H+-peptide cotransport system (Webb and Matthews, 1998). A transporter
(PEPT1) has recently been cloned and its primary structure elucidated.
The characteristic of H+ coupling makes PEPT1 (and a related transporter,
PEPT2) unique among the transporters thus far identified in mammalian
cells. PEPT1 is expressed only in the brush-border membrane. It displays
broader substrate specificity and accepts most charged and neutral di- and
tripeptides, but has little affinity for tetra- or higher peptides.
Regulation of AA and ditripeptide transport depends on the substrate concentration at the mucosal membrane: higher substrate concentrations lead to higher absorption rates. Di- and tripeptides are more
efficiently absorbed than free AA, whereas the latter are better absorbed
than oligopeptides.
Absorption of free AA requires energy and depends on a transepithelial
electrochemical gradient. Absorptive enterocytes have sodium-dependent
transporters for acidic, basic and neutral AA. These transporters first bind
sodium, which alters their configuration, enabling them to bind AA. The
loaded transporters then change orientation, so that the bound AA and
sodium ions are carried into and released within the cell cytosol. The transporter is then reorientated, resiting its sodium receptor on the cell surface.
Carbohydrate metabolism
Glucose formation
Although glucose is normally absorbed from the gut of ruminants in negligible amounts, glucose entry rate into the circulation is quite comparable
to that of other animals. There is a linear relation between entry rate and
ME intake, such that the entry rate increases by about 10 g glucose day1
MJ1 of ME whether the sheep are dry, pregnant or lactating. This result
implies that about 16% of ME appears as glucose.
Almost all the glucose is derived by gluconeogenesis in the liver and, to
a much lesser extent, the kidneys. The precursors are: ruminal propionate, whose absorption accounts for about 1315% of ME; lactate, isobutyrate, valerate and glycerol, whose total is probably around 57% ME; and
glycogenic AA. Only for alanine and glutamine is there evidence from isotopic studies of significant contribution from AA. For AA, lactate and glycerol, there are significant endogenous contributions, which make it
difficult to assess quantitatively their (dietary) contribution to gluconeogenesis in fed animals. However, it seems that, normally, propionate accounts
for most (6070%) of the glucose produced by gluconeogenesis.
While the main fate of propionate is conversion to glucose, significant
amounts of ruminal propionate are lost by oxidation in the rumen and,
after passage to the omasum and abomasum, oxidation in the mucosal
cells. Smaller amounts are also utilized by conversion to lactate in rumen
epithelium. In addition, small amounts of propionate may be used in the
formation of odd-chain-numbered fatty acids. On some diets, when large
amounts of propionate are available, this may produce undesirable
amounts of soft fat. The liver efficiently extracts propionate (> 70%), so
that peripheral propionate concentrations are always very low and there is
negligible utilization by muscle or, probably, by adipose tissue.
Glucose utilization
After accounting for the contribution of glucose to respiratory CO2 and
the synthesis of glycerol, the fate of between 13 and 50% of the glucose
flux is not established. The most likely use is to supply carbon for non-
Lipid metabolism
Short-chain fatty acid metabolism
The non-glycogenic components are acetic, butyric and isovaleric acids. In
sheep, some 1518% of ME intake is absorbed as acetate, some of which is
oxidized in the gut wall; there are indications that this might be as much as
30% of the acetate absorbed. In addition, there is limited conversion of
acetate to ketones in rumen epithelium less than 5% of the rate for
butyrate. Little absorbed acetate is then removed by the liver, which is
more usually a net producer of acetate. Acetate is produced by a number
of tissues, but the liver is perhaps quantitatively the most important source
of endogenous acetate. The major fate of acetate is immediate oxidation by
peripheral tissues, especially muscle, where oxidation is linearly related to
blood acetate concentration. Overall, about 80% of the acetate plasma flux
can be accounted for as CO2; since there is no means of storage of acetate,
this means that oxidation occurs during or immediately after feeding.
However, appreciable amounts of acetate may be used for the synthesis of
LCFA. This does not occur to any appreciable extent in the liver the
major site seems to be adipose tissue. Isotope studies have indicated that
around 512% of the acetate entry rate is utilized in this way (equivalent to
510 g fat deposited 24 h1). Small amounts may also be used for the synthesis of cholesterol. This occurs predominantly in adipose tissue. A major
nutritional problem has been that on poor-quality diets, acetate is used less
efficiently. This has been explained as due to a need for adequate glycogenic components particularly glucose to make available adequate
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), which is required
for the synthesis of fat but is only available in an adequate amount via the
pentose phosphate pathway for the oxidation of glucose. In view of the
extensive oxidation of acetate, however, it seems also possible that carbohydrate may be needed to meet the need for an adequate supply of intermediates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Such intermediates can be met from
either glucose or glycogenic AA; but perhaps, when protein synthesis is
stimulated, such supply may become limiting.
Butyrate, the other significant non-glycogenic SCFA produced in
rumen fermentation, is extensively metabolized in the rumen wall. In
sheep, about 2% ME is absorbed as butyrate and about 7% ME as acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate predominantly as the latter. Control of ketogenesis in rumen epithelium is not fully understood. In contrast to events
in the liver, glucose stimulates ketogenesis, in part, at least, by providing
reducing power, which keeps the ratio of 3-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate
high. It has been suggested that ruminal ketogenesis is to some extent a
detoxification, since butyrate has potent effects on cells, including inhibition of DNA synthesis and of cell division. Isovalerates, which are present
and absorbed from the rumen in much smaller amounts than butyrate, are
also partly converted to ketones, although the proportion produced as acetoacetate is much higher.
In sheep generally, and especially in ewes, there is also a significant
hepatic production of 3-hydroxybutyrate (although usually an uptake of
acetoacetate). However, in fasting and particularly in undernourished
pregnant ewes, the rate of 3-hydroxybutyrate production in the liver may
be doubled, with an appreciable output of acetoacetate. The blood concentration may increase much more (five- to tenfold, implying a limit to
peripheral utilization), with a resultant acidosis. Hepatic ketones can be
produced from butyrate, but the main sources are non-esterified longchain fatty acids (NEFA) taken up by the liver. Ketone production is then
determined by the rate at which the fatty acids enter mitochondria and the
rate of their subsequent oxidation. These processes are inhibited if fatty
acid synthesis is stimulated and also by the use of propionate for gluconeogenesis. The biochemical basis of these processes is now fairly well understood (Zammit, 1990).
Fig. 5.3. A model of acetate, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and triacylglycerol (TAG)
metabolism in a sheep (45 kg) given enough roughage to allow it to just maintain live weight.
*The acetate compartment shown includes only that acetate involved in NEFA synthesis; the
values assigned to acetate influxes from the gut and liver are arbitrary. LCFA, long-chain fatty
while the other AA will be present in amounts that are in excess of current
requirements but cannot be stored for later use. The concept of firstlimiting nutrient is an important one in metabolism and can be applied to
most biosyntheses.
The excess AA are catabolized but, although the carbon backbones can
be oxidized within the cell and used to generate ATP, the amino groups are
potentially a source of ammonia, which is potentially toxic to cells. Toxicity is
avoided because the amino groups are transferred within the cells of peripheral organs on to pyruvate (to form alanine) or on to glutamate (to form glutamine). The alanine and glutamine are exported into the bloodstream and
act as carriers, delivering the amino-N to the liver, where it is used in the formation of urea. Most of this urea is normally excreted via the kidney, but at
times it may be returned to the gut and reused by microorganisms to the
animals advantage, as discussed above. It is appropriate to note at this point
that ammonia absorbed from the rumen or lower digestive tract is also
potentially toxic, but toxicity is usually averted because this ammonia is
removed from the portal blood by the liver and converted to urea.
As well as being substrates for protein formation in cells, some AA (e.g.
glycine and glutamate the so-called glucogenic AA) can be degraded intracellularly, in organs such as the liver, to materials that can be used in gluconeogenesis; others (e.g. leucine and lysine, the ketogenic AA) are converted to
materials that can give rise to acetyl-CoA and ketone bodies; and several (e.g.
threonine, isoleucine) can contribute to both functions. All AA carbon skeletons
can enter the central metabolic pathways and contribute to ATP generation or,
if not used in this role, can contribute to fatty acid synthesis and storage.
Partitioning of amino acids
While all organs in the body can be regarded as dependent on the plasma or
blood cells as sources of AA, some organs may extract certain AA more
efficiently than others, and the drain of AA to the muscle or mammary gland
or skin will vary with stage of maturity or physiological state of the animal.
Moreover, there may be interactions within some organs for the competing
requirements of the biochemical processes for AA to be used to meet the
demands for protein synthesis, as compared with glucose or fat synthesis,
which will depend on the relative amounts of digestible energy substrates
and nutrients. Thus the utilization efficiencies of individual AA for use in
feeding systems such as those recommended by the Standing Committee on
Agriculture (SCA, 1990) or the Agricultural and Food Research Council
(AFRC, 1993) will most probably differ according to the prevailing conditions and therefore will be difficult to quantify with confidence.
Quantitative data on both the digestibility of feedstuffs and the metabolic
fate of absorbed nutrients are needed to underpin systems of feeding standards (e.g. SCA, 1990) or computer-based models designed to predict pro-
duction responses to defined diets. The most important tool in the measurement of digestibility is an appropriate dietary marker (see Faichney,
1986). A major advance in the difficult task of measuring the digestibility of
herbage in grazing animals has been the clever use of endogenous indigestible plant alkanes as marker substances (see Coleman and Henry,
Chapter 1, this volume).
Isotopically labelled nutrients have proved invaluable in delineating
metabolic pathways and in providing data on the rates of turnover and
oxidation of the major energy sources both in whole animals and in
defined tissues (Annison, 1991). A most exciting advance in sheep metabolism, however, is genetic modification to modulate existing metabolic pathways or, indeed, to introduce new pathways to increase the efficiency of
growth and wool production (Ward, 2001).
AFRC (1993) Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants: an Advisory Manual
Prepared by the AFRC Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients. CAB
International, Wallingford, UK, 159 pp.
Annison, E.F. (1991) Measurement of metabolism in whole animals and their tissues
overview. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 16, 146153.
Backwell, F.R.C., Bequette, B.J., Wilson, D., Calder, A.G., Metcalf, J.A., WrayCahen, D., MacRae, J.C., Beever, D.E. and Lobley, G.E. (1994) The utilization
of dipeptides by the caprine mammary gland for milk protein synthesis.
American Journal of Physiology 276, R1-R6.
Bauchart, D.F., Legay-Carmier, F., Doreau, M. and Gaillard, B. (1990) Lipid metabolism of liquid-associated and solid-adherent bacteria in rumen contents of dairy
cows offered lipid supplemented diets. British Journal of Nutrition 63, 563578.
Corbett, J.L. (1987) Energy and protein utilization by grazing animals. In: Wheeler,
J.L., Pearson, C.J. and Robards, G.E. (eds) Temperate Pastures. Australian Wool
Corporation/CSIRO, Melbourne, pp. 341355.
Doreau, M. and Chilliard, Y. (1997) Digestion and metabolism of dietary fat in farm
animals. British Journal of Nutrition 78 (Suppl. 1), S15-S35.
Dove, H. and Milne, J.A. (1994) Digesta flow and rumen microbial protein production in ewes grazing perennial ryegrass. Australian Journal of Agricultural
Research 45, 12291245.
Drackley, J.K. (2000) Lipid metabolism. In: DMello, J.P.F. (ed.) Farm Animal
Metabolism and Nutrition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 97120.
Dunshea, F.R. and Ostrowska, E. (1999) Conjugated linoleic acid snake oil or wonder fat? In: Corbett, J.L. (ed.) Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia,
Vol. 12. University of New England, Armidale, Australia, pp. 159166.
Faichney, G.J. (1986) The kinetics of particulate matter in the rumen. In: Milligan,
L.P., Grovum, W.L. and Dobson, A. (eds) Control of Digestion and Metabolism in
Ruminants (International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology 6). Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 173195.
Flint, H.J. and Forsberg, C.W. (1995) Polysaccharide degradation in the rumen:
biochemistry and genetics. In: Englehardt, W.V., Leonard-Marek, S., Breves,
G. and Giesecke, D. (eds) Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and
Reproduction. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 4363.
France, J. and Siddons, R.C. (1993) Volatile fatty acid production. In: Forbes, J.M.
and France, J. (eds) Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism.
CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 107121.
Freetly, H.C. and Ferrell, C.L. (2000) Net flux of non-esterified fatty acids, cholesterol, triacylglycerol and glycerol across the portal-drained viscera and liver of
pregnant ewes. Journal of Animal Science 78, 13801385.
Huntington, G.B. (1997) Starch utilization by ruminants: from basics to the bunk.
Journal of Animal Science 75, 852867.
Kirchgessner, M., Windisch, W. and Muller, H.L. (1995) Nutritional factors for the
quantification of methane production. In: Englehardt, W.V., Leonard-Marek,
S., Breves, G. and Giesecke, D. (eds) Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism,
Growth and Reproduction. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 333345.
Lobley, G.E., Milne, V., Lovie, J.M., Reeds, P.J. and Pennie, K. (1980) Whole body
and tissue protein synthesis in cattle. British Journal of Nutrition 43, 491502.
Mackle, T.R., Dwyer, D.A., Ingvartsep, K.L., Chouinard, P.Y., Ross, D.A. and
Bauman, D.E. (2000) Evaluation of whole blood and plasma in the interorgan
supply of free amino acids for the mammary gland of lactating dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science 83, 13001309.
Mangan, J.L. (1982) The nitrogenous constituents of fresh forage. In: Thomson,
D.J., Beever, D.E. and Gunn, R.G. (eds) Forage Protein in Animal Production.
Occasional Publication No. 6, British Society of Animal Production, Thames
Ditton, pp. 2540.
Pethick, D.W. and Dunshea, F.R. (1993) Fat metabolism and turnover. In: Forbes,
J.M. and France, J. (eds) Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism. CAB International,
Wallingford, UK, pp. 291312.
Pierzynowski, S.G., Puchala, R. and Sahlu, T. (1997) Effects of dipeptides administered to a perfused area of the skin in Angora goats. Journal of Animal Science
75, 30523056.
Preston, T.R. and Leng, R.A. (1987) Matching Ruminant Production in the Tropics and
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Rowe, J.B. and Pethick, D.W. (1994) Starch digestion in ruminants problems,
solutions and opportunities. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 18,
Russell, J.B. and Wilson, D.B. (1988) Potential opportunities and problems for
genetically altered rumen microorganisms. Journal of Nutrition 118, 271279.
SCA (1990) Feeding Standards for Australian Livestock. Ruminants. Standing Committee
on Agriculture, CSIRO, Melbourne, 266 pp.
Scott, T.W., Cook, L.J., Ferguson, K.A., McDonald, I.W., Buchanan, R.A. and
Loftus Hills, G. (1970) Production of poly-unsaturated milk fat in domestic
ruminants. Australian Journal of Science 32, 291293.
Shipley, R.A., Gibbons, A.P. and Chudzik, E.B. (1974) In vivo disposal kinetics of
blood glucose carbon to hepatic and non-hepatic products in normal and diabetic rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 52, 798807.
Shirazi-Beechey, S.P., Wood, I.S., Dyer, J., Scott, D. and King, T.P. (1995) Intestinal
sugar transport in ruminants. In: Englehardt, W.V., Leonard-Marek, S.,
Breves, G. and Giesecke, D. (eds) Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism,
Growth and Reproduction. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 117134.
Tamminga, S., van Vuuren, A.M., van der Koelen, C.J., Ketelaar, R.S. and van der
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cows. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 38, 513526.
Principles of Supplementary
Feeding in Sheep-grazing Systems
CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory, Australia
In sheep-grazing systems in both temperate and rangeland environments,
there are times of the year when animals will require supplementation
because the nutrient supply from grazing does not meet their demands for
nutrients. The particular needs of sheep grazing in rangelands are discussed by OReagain and McMeniman in Chapter 12, this volume; the present chapter will deal mainly with supplementation in more temperate
environments. Even under these more favoured conditions, climatic variability or the requirements for profitable sheep production (for example,
the overall stocking rate) are such that at least some classes of animal will
often need supplements (Plate 6.1).
Supplementary feeds used in the various grazing industries include
not only feed purchased off-farm, but also feed grown on-farm (e.g.
wheat) or formulated on-farm from a mixture of grown and purchased
commodities. As a result, it is difficult to obtain accurate data about the
amount of supplementary feed actually used in the grazing industries and
especially the sheep industry. If the Australian situation is taken as an
example, there are minimal imports of feed grains and pulses for livestock
use, so that the availability of domestically produced feed can be approximated to feed usage in the animal industries (see Hafi and Rodriguez,
2000). On this basis, the estimated annual usage of feed grains within the
Australian sheep industry is of the order of 400,000450,000 t. To this
must be added an approximately equal quantity of roughage supplement
(hay, chaff), since this represents about 45% of the total domestic feed
usage (Hafi and Rodriguez, 2000). At a weighted average price of A$130 t1
across all supplements (Hafi and Rodriguez, 2000), this translates to an
annual supplementary feed bill of A$100120 million in the Australian
sheep industry.
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
H. Dove
Plate 6.1. Border Leicester Merino ewes and their Dorset Horn-sired lambs consuming a
supplement of pelleted sunflower meal in early spring near Canberra, Australia. The pasture
is based on phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum).
H. Dove
Negate effects of a
substance in diet
Polyethylene glycol to
overcome tannin effects
Usually increased
Overcome a frank
Deficiency of vitamin,
mineral, rumen-degradable N
Intake increased
Contribute to energy,
protein supplies
H. Dove
There is an extensive scientific literature, dating back over half a century,
indicating that when ruminants consume energy-rich supplements, they
are likely to reduce their intake of the herbage component of the diet;
early studies in this area are well summarized by Allden (1981). The fact
that research in this area still continues indicates, first, the complexity of
the processes involved and, secondly, the difficulty of extending results
from pen studies to the grazing situation, in which it is much more difficult
to quantify both herbage and supplement intakes.
In general terms, the extent of substitution between supplement
and herbage will depend on the following factors, though it is still not
easy to use these generalized responses to quantify the expected
response to the supplement.
1. Substitution is likely to be greater when more pasture is available. For
example, in early work Langlands (1969) fed five levels of wheat supplements to sheep grazing herbage ranging in availability from 760 to 4788 kg
DM ha1. Relationships were estimated between herbage intakes (relative
to unsupplemented sheep) and supplement intake, from which it is possible to calculate the levels of substitution occurring at the different herbage
availabilities (Table 6.1). When only 760 kg DM ha1 of herbage was available, the calculated level of substitution was 38.0%, but this rose markedly
until, at a herbage availability of 4788 kg DM ha1, calculated substitution
between herbage and supplement was 66.7%. An important point to note is
Green pasturea
Substitution (total)
that substitution can occur even when pastures are sparse; even at the lowest pasture availability, substitution was still 38%. This may be an effect of
grazing behaviour, with the sheep showing a disinclination to graze when
supplement is freely available. Freer et al. (1985) postulated a similar mechanism to explain the difference in substitution between weaned lambs grazing mature pasture or consuming hay in yards.
2. The quality of the pasture on offer affects the degree of substitution,
which appears to be greater when herbage quality is high (see Allden,
1981). Milne et al. (1981) reported effects of herbage availability on the
level of substitution between herbage and grain supplement in grazing
ewes, which were similar to the earlier results of Langlands (1969), except
that substitution levels were much higher (e.g. 88% at a herbage availability
of 750 kg organic matter (OM) ha1). This can probably be related to the
difference in the digestibility of the herbage on offer in the two studies
(5875% in Langlands (1969); 83% in Milne et al. (1981)). However, the
interaction between the nature of the supplement and the quality of the
herbage is not simple. Supplements that contain high levels of starch (e.g.
wheat or barley) can depress the rate of digestion of cell-wall material in
the rumen. This has been described as the associative effect; the mechanisms involved have been reviewed recently by Dixon and Stockdale
(1999). The provision of large quantities of starch perturbs rumen microbial ecology in the direction of amylolytic organisms rather than cellulolytic
organisms and, if the perturbation is sufficient, the rate of digestion of cellwall constituents will be decreased. As a consequence, rumen outflow will
slow and intake of the roughage component will decrease. However, Dixon
and Stockdale (1999) have stressed two further points. First, the reduction
in whole-tract digestibility may not be as great as the reduction in cell-wall
digestibility in the rumen, indicating that there are compensating increases
in digestibility elsewhere in the tract. Secondly, the degree of substitution
occurring with high-starch supplements is frequently larger than the
H. Dove
Table 6.2. Intakes of low-quality hay, supplement, metabolizable energy (ME) and nitrogen (N) of lambs
in yards, together with estimated rates of substitution and liveweight gain (adapted from tabulated data
in Freer et al., 1988).
Weight of air-dry supplement offered (g day1)
Supplement (g day1)
Hay (g day1)
Total (g day1)
ME (MJ day1)
N (g day1)
Substitution (%, total)b
Substitution (%, incremental)
Weight change (g day1)
Ad libitum
growing weaners and lactating ewes, will show a lower degree of substitution than, say, wethers or ewes in early pregnancy. The results shown in
Fig. 6.2, calculated from Dove et al. (2000), show the level of substitution
that resulted when ewes grazing green pastures based on Phalaris aquatica
were offered 400 g OM day1 of a pelleted supplement (1 : 1 milled oatgrain : sunflower meal). At both high (30.8 ewes ha1) and medium (17.1
ewes ha1) grazing pressures, there was a marked decline in substitution
rate between late pregnancy, early lactation and mid-lactation. This decline
occurred despite the fact that both the amount and the quality of the pasture improved over this period, which would be expected to result in
increased, rather than decreased, substitution (see above).
6. The method and particularly the frequency of feeding may influence the
rate of substitution, though this may only be observed with certain classes of
sheep. For example, McCrabb et al. (1990) reported that, when lean ewes in
late pregnancy were given lupin-grain supplements at rates of either 250 g
day1 or 875 g twice weekly, substitution was greater in the latter case.
Compared with concentrate supplements, it is much more difficult to
obtain data about substitution rates between pasture and hay supplements.
Again, this is related in part to the difficulty in obtaining field estimates of
the intake of both. Birrell (1984) examined the interaction between hay
intake and pasture availability in grazing sheep given hay every 2 days in
self-feeders. For sheep grazing winter pastures in year 1, a sigmoidal relationship was established between hay intake and pasture availability (Fig.
6.3). Hay intake was highest when pasture availabilities were around 0.7 t
DM ha1 and then decreased as the amount of pasture on offer increased.
Nevertheless, even at pasture availabilities above 5 t DM ha1, small
amounts of hay were eaten (Fig. 6.3). Substitution rates between hay and
Fig. 6.2. Effect of stage of pregnancy/lactation on the estimated substitution rate between
green pasture (based on Phalaris aquatica) and pelleted supplement (1 : 1 milled oatgrain : sunflower meal), at two grazing pressures (calculated from Dove et al., 2000).
, 31 ewes ha1; 17 ewes ha1.
H. Dove
Fig. 6.3. Influence of the amount of pasture on offer on the intake of hay from self-feeders
by grazing sheep (adapted from Birrell, 1984). , Winter, year 1; winter, year 2;
, summer, year 2.
Assuming that there are no deficiencies of essential minerals or vitamins, the
phenomenon of complementation is most likely to occur when sheep consuming poor-quality, low-N roughages are given supplements that increase
the supply of N required for microbial fermentation of fibre in the rumen.
Increased soluble-N supply to the rumen increases the rate of digestion of
the roughage component of the diet, which in turn increases rumen outflow
rate and thus intake. Two examples of complementation are shown in Fig.
6.4. In the first (Fig. 6.4a; see Freer et al., 1988), lambs grazing mature pasture
(OM digestibility 5052%, N content 1.2%) were supplemented with increasing quantities of a supplement consisting (2 : 1) of oat-grain (1.3% N) : sunflower meal (6.5% N). Consumption of 160 g DM day1 of this supplement
increased pasture intake by 49% and total intake by 78%. A doubling of supplement intake resulted in further, though smaller, increases in both pasture
and total intakes. Note that, as supplement intake was doubled from 324 to
640 g DM day1, the relationship between supplement and pasture intake
became substitution rather than complementation, and at the rate of 110%.
Supplement intake (g DM day1)
Intake of glyricidia (g DM day1)
H. Dove
This very high rate of substitution following a period of complementation has been observed in several other studies (e.g. Freer et al., 1985;
Doyle et al., 1988). The switch from complementation to substitution suggests that rumen requirements for soluble N had been met and that other
constraints on intake were operating. This emphasizes the point that substitution and complementation must be regarded as parts of the same continuum, rather than as separate effects. Despite the fact that
complementation gave way to substitution, total intake was not decreased
(Fig. 6.4a) and ME intake was actually increased (Freer et al., 1988). As a
result, animal performance continued to improve with each successive
increase in supplement intake.
In the second example (Fig. 6.4b; see Orskov, 1999), sheep consuming
rice straw were supplemented with fresh leaves from the fodder legume
gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium). As the level of supplementation increased from
zero to 150 g DM day1, the intake of rice straw increased markedly, but
then, with further supplementation, declined in the same manner as that
observed by Freer et al. (1988). Despite this, total intake was maintained
even at the highest level of supplementation. Some of the effect of gliricidia
supplementation on rice straw intake was related to the provision of
rumen-soluble N, since the inclusion of 2% urea (a source of rumen-soluble N) in the rice straw resulted in an increase in intake of about 20%,
which was similar to the response observed with 50 g DM day1 of gliricidia.
However, the fact that there was also an intake response to gliricidia in
sheep given the rice straw with urea suggests either that 2% urea was not
sufficient to provide the soluble-N needs of the rumen or that intake was
stimulated by other nutrients provided by the gliricidia.
Energy/high-carbohydrate supplements
Cereal grains, such as barley, wheat, oats, sorghum and maize, typify the
energy or high-carbohydrate supplements. These contain large amounts
of readily digestible carbohydrate, primarily as starch. It follows that an
understanding of the differences in starch content and degradability between
grains and the factors that influence these will lead to better understanding
of the differences in nutritive value of different grains for different classes
of livestock. However, recent research has also indicated that more attention
needs to be paid to the non-starch polysaccharide, fibre and protein con-
Hay, silage
Protein or N supplements
Conserved forage
Forage crops
Table 6.3. General classification of supplementary feeds for use in sheep grazing systems, with their advantages and disadvantages.
H. Dove
Protein supplements
Protein supplements are fed either to increase the supply of RDP in the
rumen and thereby improve the efficiency of fibre digestion (e.g. protein
supplements for sheep grazing low-quality roughages) or to effect an
increase in the amount of MP leaving the rumen for digestion in and
absorption from the small intestine. Increased MP supply can itself result
from either increased microbial protein production in the rumen or an
increase in the rumen outflow of UDP or, more commonly, from a combination of these.
The most widely used of the non-protein N supplements is urea, which
is rapidly degraded to ammonia in the rumen. Provided there is a source
of readily available carbohydrate (e.g. molasses), the ammonia can then be
incorporated into the protein of rumen microbes. The main issues in relation to urea supplementation of sheep are discussed by OReagain and
McMeniman (Chapter 12, this volume). Positive responses to urea supplements are more erratic in grazing sheep than in cattle, partly because the
greater grazing selectivity of the former can result in their consuming a
higher-quality diet, containing sufficient RDP to support rumen fermentation. Another feature of urea supplementation is large between-sheep variability in intake from the block or lick. This has two consequences. First,
some animals might consume enough of the mix to receive a toxic dose of
urea. Secondly, large variability in intake results in only some animals
responding, so that the mean response is low and the cost of supplementation may be higher than might have been the case with a true protein supplement (e.g. lupins; see Rowe and Ferguson, 1986).
The true protein supplements include plant protein sources, such as
grain legumes (e.g. lupins, vetches), pulses (e.g. peas, faba beans), oilseeds
and oilseed meals (e.g. whole cottonseeds, cottonseed meal, soybean meal,
sunflower meal), plus animal protein sources, such as fish meal. It is likely
that the importance of plant protein sources will increase, with increasing
worldwide concern about transfer of disease into human populations
through the feeding of animal proteins to animals. This is already banned
in several sheep-producing countries.
Plant protein supplements, such as those listed in Table 6.3, differ in
their protein, starch, non-starch polysaccharide and lipid contents, depending on species and degree of processing (see van Barneveld, 1999), but all
have much higher protein contents than the cereal grains (3040% CP, cf.
714% CP in cereal grains). The rumen degradability of the protein varies
with the extent of processing, particularly degree of grinding and of heat
treatment. Fish meal usually has a higher protein content (6070% CP) than
the plant protein supplements and considerably lower protein degradability
in the rumen. The lipid and protein contents of the oilseed meals depend
on whether oil has been removed by mechanical expellers or by solvent
extraction and on the extent to which the seeds have been dehulled.
All of these protein sources thus provide ME, RDP and UDP; the
extent of animal response will depend on the animals requirement for
these and their interaction with nutrients provided by the rest of the
intake. These supplements are usually more expensive than cereal grains
but may be cheaper per kg CP. If their protein content is judged to be too
high for the purpose, they are readily mixed and fed together with cereal
grains, which reduces costs. The storage carbohydrate of the plant protein
supplements is either starch at a lower concentration than in cereal grains
H. Dove
Conserved forages
There is an extensive literature on the production and feeding of hay and
silage, especially the former, in sheep production systems. As a generalization, it is very difficult to make a hay or silage that has a nutritive value
equivalent to the pasture from which it is made. This means that, while
conserved fodder may not be regarded as expensive per tonne of DM, the
cost per MJ of ME or per kg of CP may be much higher and may compare
unfavourably with the energy or protein supplements. In addition, substitution effects with hay can sometimes be very large, depending on the
relative digestibilities of the hay and pasture (see Fig. 6.3). The use of
silage in the various sheep-production systems of the world is highly variable. For example, it is often used in feeding systems in the UK, but is relatively unimportant in grazing systems in Australia.
Forage crops
These are not strictly supplements, because they are not fed to animals
that are grazing some other source of fodder. Rather, the forage crops are
the principal source of fodder. However, they will be discussed here as supplements, since their role is to provide a fodder resource at a time when
pasture supplies would be expected to be reduced (e.g. a winter or a summer feed gap). They thus obviate the need to buy and feed other supplements, though fodder crops themselves may need supplementation (see
below). The general place of forage crops in grazing systems and early
research on their role as supplements have been discussed by Wheeler
(1981) and by Nicol and Barry (1986).
Forage crops are sown annually for use in a specific season and fall into
several categories: cereal crops grazed in their vegetative stage; forage
brassicas, root crops or special-purpose species, such as chicory (Cichorium
intybus); and summer-growing species, such as maize, sorghum and its
hybrids, and Japanese millet.
Cereal crops can be used in sheep-grazing systems as a source of forage. In Australian grazing systems, for example, forage oats are used as a
feed bank for winter grazing or perhaps for hay production, with the possibility of grain production being of lesser importance. More recently, with
the successful breeding of winter wheats suitable for southern Australia,
there has been considerable interest in using these as a dual-purpose crop
that is, as a source of both grazing and feed grain. Theoretically, the
grain crop that is ultimately harvested pays for the costs associated with the
crop, so that the grazing value of the crop can be regarded as pure profit.
Forage brassicas and related root crops are used extensively in
European and New Zealand sheep-grazing systems, but to a lesser extent
in Australia. They are high-yielding crops, producing material of high
digestibility (7590%) (see Armstrong et al., 1993) but low DM content
(1020%), which are grown and held for later use by animals with a high
demand for nutrients (e.g. finishing lambs). They offer the added advantage that fodder quality does not alter significantly over a period of
months, which confers flexibility in their management. A more detailed
description of the role of brassica forage and root crops is given by Nicol
and Barry (1986).
Forage crops for use in springsummer include forage maize, sorghum
and millet. These grass species exhibit the C4 pathway of photosynthesis,
which can produce large quantities of high-quality herbage. Given the structure of the crop they produce, they may be more suited to grazing by cattle
than by sheep. Interest in chicory is more recent and the species has potential as a springsummer fodder crop for sheep (e.g. Hume et al., 1995).
All forage crops that are sown specifically for grazing involve a cropping penalty, in that setting aside part of the farm to grow the fodder crop
increases the grazing pressure on the rest of the property, for a period
which may be as long as 46 months for winter cereals or forage brassicas.
The extent of any cropping penalty must therefore be a component of any
evaluation of the role of forage crops, and the improved performance of
sheep while grazing the crop must also offset the reduced production that
arises from increased grazing pressure prior to grazing the forage crop.
The extent of any cropping penalty will be closely related to the stocking
rate and the proportion of the farm that is sown to forage crop. If the latter
is very small, then the penalty will be small, but so will the potential benefit.
A frequent observation with forage brassicas is that liveweight gains are
less than might have been expected from pasture of the same quality. This
can be related to effects on intake, to possible nutrient deficiencies and to the
effects of secondary compounds in the plant tissues, especially leaf laminae.
The intake of brassica forage crops can be reduced both by their high
water content and by their content of glucosinolates, which affect both preference (Sarwar et al., 1997) and total intake (e.g. Armstrong et al., 1993). The glucosinolates, via their conversion to isothiocyanates during chewing, can disrupt
thyroid function and cause both clinical (goitre) and subclinical symptoms that
reduce growth rate. Forage brassicas also contain S-methylcysteine sulphoxide
(SMCO). This is converted in the rumen to the secondary toxin dimethyl
disulphide, which is responsible for the haemolytic anaemia that can develop
in animals grazing forage brassicas, especially kale. The adverse effects on animals of secondary compounds in forage brassicas are discussed in more detail
by Prache (1994). Forage brassicas can also disturb mineral metabolism, especially copper and selenium metabolism (Nicol and Barry, 1986; Prache, 1994).
These can be addressed by appropriate supplementation.
H. Dove
Table 6.4. Influence of type of forage rape crop (leafy, stemmy) and supplementary feeding on weight
gains and carcass characteristics of weaned lambs (adapted from unpublished data of J.A. Milne and
H. Dove).
Leafy crop supplement
Leafy and stemmy crops obtained using 28 kg Scottish Blackface lambs in a leaderfollower grazing
system. Herbage availabilities were 45 t DM ha1 (leafy) and 12 t DM ha1 (stemmy).
RB, rolled barley offered at the rate of 275 g DM day1 per lamb; RB/FSBM, rolled barley at the same rate
plus 50 g DM day1 per lamb of formaldehyde-treated soybean meal.
Table 6.5. Influence of energy and protein supplements on digesta flow, milk
yield and liveweight change of grazing ewes, and the weight gains of their lambs
(adapted from data in Dove et al., 1985).
Rumen ammonia (mM)
DM flow (g day1)b
CP flowc
Milk yield (g day1)
Lamb weight gain (g day1)
Ewe weight change (kg)d
276 (0.934)
344 (0.851)
431 (0.772)
the energy and the protein supplements increased digesta flow at the abomasum by about 21 and 26%, respectively. Given the extent of digestion of
the supplements in the rumen, both these values imply that substitution
between supplement and herbage was low. The protein supplement
resulted in a large increase in CP flow in digesta (56%), of which significantly less was of microbial origin, as might be expected from a supplement
that had been treated to resist rumen degradation. However, the energy
supplement also resulted in increased digesta CP flow, which may be related
in part to increased capture of rumen ammonia and conversion into
microbial protein. Both supplements improved milk yield and lamb liveweight gains. This was especially so with the protein supplement, on which
ewes lost weight slightly over the lactation. In contrast, ewes given the
energy supplement gained substantially. While some of these observations
are consistent with the description of the supplements as energy or protein
supplements, note that the energy supplement influenced N transactions in
the rumen and the protein supplement influenced the mobilization of body
energy reserves.
H. Dove
Relative intake
Relative intake
Day of testing
Fig. 6.5. Effect of prior exposure to supplements on their later acceptability to Merino lambs
(Green et al., 1984). , Lambs exposed before weaning, in the presence of their mothers; ,
lambs exposed before weaning, in the absence of their mothers; , control lambs, no prior
experience of the supplement. (a) Intakes, relative to the amount consumed by when
tested at 34 months of age. (b) Intakes, relative to the amount consumed by on the fifth
day of testing (mean across all ages of testing).
those exposed with their mothers. In newly weaned crossbred lambs with no
prior experience of lupin grain, Mulholland (1986) reported that the presence of 5% of trainer ewes (ewes previously exposed to lupins) was sufficient
to ensure that lambs rapidly accepted the supplement under grazing conditions. These results strongly suggest that there would be economic value in
exposing young sheep to supplements in the presence of experienced older
animals, as a means of ensuring later rapid acceptance of the supplement.
In sheep that have not been exposed to supplements, there can be substantial variability in supplement intake between animals. Low supplement
intakes in some sheep (shy feeders) then result in a lower mean response
and a more variable response to the supplement. The impact of shy feeders on the response to the supplement can be reduced by the training
described above and also by less frequent feeding of supplements (e.g.
every third day rather than daily) or by offering supplements in self-feeders. There is usually little penalty incurred in supplement response by
feeding supplements less frequently than daily (though see McCrabb et al.,
1990), and there may be some advantage, especially for wool growth and
particularly with cereal grains. For example, Fredericks et al. (1986)
demonstrated a small extra response in the liveweight gain of Merino
weaners when supplemented at the equivalent of 150 g day1 every third
day rather than daily. Supplements of oat or triticale grain that did not significantly increase wool growth when fed daily increased it by 25% when
fed every third day. Responses to supplements of lupins, sunflower meal or
formaldehyde-treated sunflower meal were greater than to the cereal
grains, but were unaffected by feeding frequency.
Supplementary feeding is a deceptively simple concept but, in practice,
requires the assessment of information concerning the current state of the
animals and their body reserves, the amount and nutritive value of the
herbage on offer and the nutritive value and amount of the supplement that
is to be fed. As the discussion in this chapter has indicated, there are usually
marked interactions, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, between supplement and herbage intakes. This means that the ultimate mix of nutrients
absorbed from the gut of the animal is not easy to predict. Absorbed nutrients also interact with energy from the body reserves of the animal.
The sheep producer is also faced with questions concerning the supplement and labour costs of supplementary feeding (cost kg1 DM vs. cost
MJ1 ME vs. cost g1 CP; daily vs. infrequent feeding) and must also consider the target market. For example, in finishing lambs, should the aim be
rapid weight gain to dispose of animals early, or slower weight gain to target a later, higher-priced market? Similarly, if supplementation for wool
growth increases wool-fibre diameter, how does the price penalty of
increased diameter compare with the extra income from more wool and
the possible price premium of increased wool strength?
H. Dove
Given the complexity of the decisions involved in supplementary feeding, it is perhaps not surprising that responses to supplements can be variable in either physical or financial terms. One approach to assisting the
decision making involved has been to incorporate current knowledge
about supplementary feeding into computer-based decision support tools
(e.g. Freer et al., 1997). Such tools can then be used by farmers or their
advisers to simplify the process of establishing a supplementary feeding
programme. The use of such tools for supplementary feeding decisions
and for addressing wider questions of the nutritional management of
sheep is the subject of the final chapter of this volume (Freer, Chapter 16).
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wool growth. Animal Production in Australia 16, 207210.
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Responses to supplements by weaned lambs grazing mature pasture or eating
hay in yards. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 25, 289297.
Freer, M., Dove, H., Axelsen, A. and Donnelly, J.R. (1988) Responses to supplements by weaned lambs when grazing mature pasture or eating hay cut from
the same pasture. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 110, 661667.
Freer, M., Moore, A.D. and Donnelly, J.R. (1997) GRAZPLAN: decision support
systems for Australian grazing enterprises. II. The animal biology model for
feed intake, production and reproduction and the GrazFeed DSS. Agricultural
Systems 54, 77126.
Green, G.C., Elwin, R.L., Mottershead, B.E., Keogh, R.G. and Lynch, J.J. (1984)
Long term effects of early experience to supplementary feeding in sheep.
Animal Production in Australia 15, 373375.
Hafi, A. and Rodriguez, A. (2000) Projection of Regional Feed Demand and Supply in
Australia. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and
Grains Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, 62 pp.
Hume, D.E., Lyons, T.B. and Hay, R.J.M. (1995) Evaluation of Grasslands Puna
chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) in various grass mixtures under sheep grazing.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 38, 317328.
Kahn, L.P. (1994) The use of lithium chloride for estimating supplement intake in
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Langlands, J.P. (1969) The feed intake of sheep supplemented with varying quantities of wheat while grazing pastures differing in herbage availability. Australian
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McCrabb, G.J., Egan, A.R. and Hosking, B.J. (1990) The relationship between feed
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Milne, J.A., Maxwell, T.J. and Souter, W. (1981) Effect of supplementary feeding
and herbage mass on the intake and performance of grazing ewes in early lactation. Animal Production 32, 185195.
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Nicol, A.M. and Barry, T.N. (1986) The feeding of forage crops. In: Drew, K.R. and
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Sarwar, M., Kirkegaard, J., Gowers, S. and Garrett, B.C. (1997) Glucosinolate content and animal acceptability of forage brassicas. Cruciferae Newsletter 19, 1314.
H. Dove
van Barneveld, S.L. (1999) Chemical and physical characteristics of grains related
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Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50, 651666.
Vipond, J.E., Hunter, E.A. and King, M.E. (1982) Effects of cereal and protein supplements to swedes (Brassica napus) on intake and performance of pregnant
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Wheeler, J.L. (1981) Complementing grassland with forage crops. In: Morley,
F.H.W. (ed.) World Animal Science B1 Grazing Animals. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.
The state of maintenance is often thought of as the preservation of constant live weight by animals. In practice, feeding sheep for this condition is
sensible only for those that are mature, such as adult wethers (castrates)
kept for wool production, that are non-breeding or in early pregnancy, or
in the special circumstances of feed scarcity, such as in drought. At the
maintenance level of feeding, rigorously defined, the basal requirements of
the animal for the following are met:
1. Maintenance of homothermy and the normal continuance of vital
processes within the body.
2. Replacement of obligatory losses in faeces and urine and from the skin.
3. Essential physical activities.
Thus the net gain or loss of energy and nutrients from the tissues of the
animal as a whole is zero.
There is no single, universal index of maintenance. Constant live
weight does not imply zero net change in the energy of the body tissues,
nor does the latter mean that there is a constant content of protein, fat or
any other constituent in the body. While any of these conditions and
growth are mutually exclusive, in practice a part of the diet of an animal
fed for the production of meat and wool or for reproduction is seen as
being required to meet the demands for energy and nutrients of maintenance. These demands are the overhead costs of the production, the costs
of the supporting metabolism.
Effective nutritional management of animals requires definition of
those costs, whether to identify how much of a known feed intake is
required to meet them and thus assess if the remainder of the intake will
provide for the desired production, or to formulate a ration that will provide for maintenance plus the production. In practical feeding, the primary concern is the energy cost of maintenance.
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
In 1839 Sarrus and Rameaux, in France, proposed that there was a relationship between the metabolic rate of animals (H) (heat production per
unit time) and their surface area. Bodies of similar dimensions have surface areas (S) proportional to the squares of their linear dimensions and so
to the two-thirds power of their volumes. In order to establish a relationship between H and S, various formulae have been proposed for the estimation of S from live weight (W) to the power 0.66 (or thereabouts,
because animals are not spheres); these are unreliable because measurement of S is highly uncertain, and the relationship with H has no sound
theoretical base (Kleiber, 1961).
An alternative approach is to use regression analysis to relate metabolic
rate and live weight. A regression equation of the form
ln H = b0+ b1(ln W)
yields a value, b1, for the exponent of W that best relates the two variables.
For resting mature animals of many species differing widely in W, Kleiber
(1961) estimated b1 as 0.75 (i.e. W0.75), which is now taken to represent
metabolic body size (MW), superseding the W0.73 proposed by Brody (1935).
Metabolizable energy (ME) (see Table 7.1; Fig. 1.1 in Coleman and Henry,
Chapter 1, this volume) is used by the body tissues with an efficiency (k) of
less than 1.0, resulting in the production of heat (H). The energy balance
(EB) of the animal, its net energy (NE) gain, is then given by:
EB = (ME H)
At maintenance, EB is zero and so the maintenance intake (MEm) equals H,
the energy loss by the animal as heat.
With intakes below maintenance, the efficiency with which ME is used
to spare body tissues from catabolism (km) is the change in EB from more
negative to less negative that is promoted by the intake of a given amount
of ME (i.e. EB/ME) (see Fig. 7.1). Similarly, above the MEm, with animals
growing, lactating, etc., the efficiencies with which ME is used for growth
and fattening or for the production of milk are identified as kg and kl
respectively; their values, like those for km, vary directly with the feed ME
(metabolizable energy of dry matter (M/D), MJ kg1 dry matter (DM)) (see
Table 1.1 in Coleman and Henry, Chapter 1, this volume).
The US National Research Council (NRC) matches the requirements
of livestock for maintenance, growth and lactation, expressed as net energy
(NE = ME H), with feed NE values, rather than ME as in the British
(ARC, 1980) and Australian (SCA, 1990) systems. Their determination
(NEm, NEg, NEl, respectively) requires measurement of EB at two or more
levels of feed intake: feed NE value per unit intake = EB = ME H.
The three main methods for the measurement of animal requirements for maintenance, expressed as MEm and/or NEm, are feeding
trials, estimation of EB by the comparative slaughter (CS) technique
and calorimetry.
kg (calor.) = 0.43
kg (CS) = 0.38
ME intake
Energy 0
ME intake
AFRC (1993)
ME intake
Fig. 7.1. Effect of method of measurement on the estimate of the efficiency of use of
metabolizable energy (ME) for growth and fattening (kg): (a) kg determined by calorimetry (kg
calor.) and by comparative slaughter (kg CS) for a feed with 10 MJ ME kg1 DM and a value
of 0.7 for the efficiency of use of ME for maintenance (km); (b) the same kg in calorimetric and
CS (broken line) situations, the difference in (a), taken to be methodological in origin, implies
an increase in the maintenance metabolism in animals fed for production that is detectable
(see text) in measurements of ME for maintenance and of fasting heat production (FHP); (c)
kg (calor.) adjusted for level of feeding (AFRC, 1993) on the assumption that MEm is invariant.
Feeding trials
Feeding trials to assess maintenance needs are usually made in practical or
near-practical conditions; their simplest form is exemplified by the studies
made to establish the minimum amounts of feeds required to maintain
non-breeding sheep during drought (CSIRO, 1958). Estimates can be
obtained from the regression of live weight (W), change in live weight (W)
and milk production (M), if any, on intake (I) of digestible organic matter
(DOM) or a related measure:
DOMI = bW0.75 + cM + d W
The values of the coefficients c and d are taken to be, respectively, the
quantities of DOM used for the milk production and change in W, and
coefficient b (DOMI per unit MW) is taken to indicate the maintenance
cost. While such relationships can be used to obtain estimates of MEm, they
frequently involve correlated errors (e.g. inaccurate measurements of W
will cause incorrect W), so that the regression coefficients, though mathematically valid, do not provide reliable estimates.
Comparative slaughter
In the CS technique, representative animals from a group are slaughtered at
the beginning of an experiment and the composition of their whole empty bodies, including blood but excluding gut contents, is determined. The initial composition of the remaining animals is estimated with regression equations
derived from the slaughter results that relate carcass weight and total body
energy, protein, fat, etc., to, usually, fasted W. At the end of a feeding period,
usually of 3 months or more, the animals or a representative sample are slaughtered. Body composition is determined and the values are compared with the
corresponding initial estimates to obtain values for their gains of energy, etc.
In some studies changes with time in the composition of the bodies of
live animals have been estimated from serial measurements of their water
content by marker dilution techniques. An injected dose of water labelled
with deuterium (D2O) or tritium (TOH) becomes distributed throughout
the body water; the concentration of the marker in a sample, often
obtained from blood, relative to the amount administered yields an estimate of D2O or TOH space (l). Because there is virtually no water in body
fat, the space in a fat animal is a smaller proportion of fasted W than in one
which is less fat. This relationship enables establishment of equations for
the prediction from the space of the quantities of fat and protein in the
body and body gross energy. Other, more recent, techniques to estimate
composition in vivo include computerized tomography (Perry et al., 1998).
With determined ME intakes and body energy gains (EB), a relationship can be established of the form:
EB = a + bME
Maintenance requirement can then be estimated as MEm = a/b; the coefficient b is an estimate of kg.
The standard procedure for measuring the fasting metabolism (FM) (Table
7.1) of ruminants (a direct measure of NEm) requires that feed but not water
be withheld for 4 days. Heat production is usually measured during the third
and fourth days of fast and this fasting heat production (FHP) plus the gross
energy of the urine excreted is the FM. Animals should be trained and well
accustomed to the calorimeter so that, though they will not be at rest, as
required for the determination of basal metabolic rate in human subjects
(BMR), they are reasonably at ease. They must be kept in a thermoneutral
environment. During the measurement the respiratory quotient (CO2 produced/O2 consumed) should have decreased to about 0.7 and a sheep should
be producing no more than about 0.5 l day1 of methane. Strictly speaking, a
postabsorptive state is required for the determination of BMR, but this cannot
be achieved with ruminants and low methane production indicates that the
nearest practical approach to this condition has been achieved. The value of
FHP varies directly with the level of feeding before fast (see below); to obtain
results repeatable over time, feeding for the 3 weeks immediately before
measurement has been standardized at approximately the maintenance level.
For practical use, the FM values have to be adjusted for the difference
between the fasted weight (FW) of an animal and its live weight when it is
fed. The relationship for sheep assumed by the Agricultural Research
Council (ARC, 1980) that FW0.75 = (W/1.08)0.75 is commonly used.
Table 7.1. Energy requirements: definitions of terms.
Energy balance
EB = 0 thus ME = H
NEm/MEm = km
Variation in requirement
There is much evidence of variation in FHP between and within breeds of
cattle but not for sheep, perhaps because there is not the range in genotypes represented in cattle by the extreme dairy and beef types that have
resulted from selective breeding. Blaxter (1962) found no difference
between the values for ewes and wethers (MJ day1 per 50 kg W) obtained
for Scottish Blackface, Cheviot and Down crosses and those reported from
the USA for Durham and Hampshire and for Merinos from Australia.
Freetly et al. (1995) found that, at a common W, Texel ewes had a lower FHP
than Suffolk ewes, but not when the values were related to W0.75 or when the
ewes were compared at common proportions of their mature weights.
The Merino is distinguished from other breeds by having a much
higher rate of wool growth and the energy cost of that growth, which
continues even in sheep that are severely undernourished, is an often
unacknowledged contributor to FHP. The daily additional energy cost of
the extra few grams of wool grown by a Merino would, however, be
towards the limits of measurement by calorimetry, though it might be
detected in determinations of MEm by longer-term feeding trials that
used many animals.
There is undoubtedly variation between individuals to be exploited for
increasing efficiency of conversion of feed to gain. Blaxter (1962) found
that there were large differences in FM between individual sheep and that
these differences persisted through repeated measurements made over
several years. A study by Graham (1968) indicated that a low FM might not
be advantageous for wool production because Merino rams bred for high
wool production had a higher FM per unit MW and per kg fat-free W than
rams with a production 4050% lower.
Age and physiological state
A single value for H per unit MW derived from measurements at various
ages underpredicts the maintenance requirement of young sheep and
overpredicts for adults, and there is evidence that for growing animals, an
exponent of 0.450.60 is more appropriate (Graham et al., 1974; Freetly et
al., 1995). Published data suggest a fall of 38% per year in FHP (Blaxter,
1962; Graham et al., 1974).
Activity of Na+K+-ATPase in both liver and skeletal muscle decreases
with age and increases during lactation (Kelly and McBride, 1990). During
pregnancy and lactation there are increases in the size of the visceral
organs and in the blood flow through and the oxygen uptake by the liver
and portal-drained viscera (PDV) (e.g. Freetly and Ferrell, 1997). Cristian
et al. (1980) reported that, compared with early pregnancy, the MEm per unit
MW for ewes just before parturition was greater by 46% and, during the
first 2 months of lactation, was greater by 17%. Estimates by Corbett et al.
(1980) indicated no significant differences in MEm between grazing Merino
ewes 54 and 100 days pregnant and those non-pregnant, but a significant
increase of 14% at 130 days. In a later experiment with unshorn Border
Leicester ewes at a similar stage of gestation (Corbett et al., 1982), the
increase was 18%, but was 40% for pregnant ewes that had been shorn and
were in ambient temperatures below their lower critical temperature.
During the sixth week of subsequent lactation, MEm was 33% greater than
that of non-lactating ewes.
gained 510 kg during the same period. This difference indicates a substantially greater energy cost for maintenance in the parasitized sheep,
their maintenance involving two identifiable energy-costly processes: the
cost of repair of the gastrointestinal tissue damage caused by the helminths
and the cost of mounting an immune response and so limiting or preventing further tissue damage (Sykes, 2000).
Level of feeding
The relationship EB/ME is curvilinear, the proportion of feed energy
retained by the animal decreasing with increasing intake, but by convention it is represented by two straight lines (Fig. 7.1a). The slopes of the
lines below and above maintenance intake are estimates of the efficiencies
of use of ME for maintenance (km) and growth (kg), respectively. In this
example, 0.7 and 0.43 for km and kg (calorimetry (calor.)), respectively, are
predicted for a feed with M/D = 10 using the equations km = 0.02 M/D +
0.5 and kg = 0.043 M/D, derived from ARC (1980) by the Standing
Committee on Agriculture (SCA, 1990). At the same M/D, the NRC (1985)
value for kg (CS) derived by CS is 0.38; CS values are usually lower than
those obtained by calorimetry (e.g. Thomson and Cammell, 1979).
Despite this difference, estimates of MEm obtained by the two techniques
are similar, because those obtained by CS reflect the performance of the
group of animals that, as for determinations of FM, are fed at about the
maintenance level. However, the fact that the performance of the CS animals
at a higher level of feeding implies a lower kg does not mean that the metabolic processes in their tissues are less efficient. Rather, it implies that the
proportion of the ME intake being used by those animals to satisfy overhead
energy costs is greater than the maintenance cost measured when EB is
approximately zero; that is, there is an effect of level of feeding on the maintenance requirement. This is illustrated in Fig. 7.1b, with kg (CS) parallel to
kg (calor.) on the basis that the efficiency of ME use does not differ between
feedlot and calorimeter. This also implies that, if the FHP of the full-fed animals were to be determined without an intervening period of MEm, then its
value would be substantially greater (x intercept, Fig. 7.1b) than that which
would have been obtained under the standardized conditions for measurement of FHP. There is extensive evidence that MEm and FHP do increase
with intake, and of the corollary that both are reduced by undernourishment
(e.g. Lines and Peirce, 1931; CSIRO, 1958; Graham and Searle, 1979).
This variation reflects identifiable physiological responses. Ferrell et al.
(1986) found that, with increasing level of feeding (L), along with increasing
FHP, there were significant increases in the weights of liver, kidney, stomach
and small and large intestines, both in absolute terms and as percentages of
empty body weight. There is unequivocal evidence that thermogenesis by
the organs varies directly with L, as indicated by the reports of positive relationships with portal and hepatic blood flows and oxygen uptake by liver
and PDV (e.g. Ortigues and Durand, 1995) and with Na+K+-ATPasedependent respiration in duodenal tissue (McBride and Milligan, 1985).
Predicted MEgraze is consistent with the results of calorimetric measurements of the energy expenditures of freely grazing animals (e.g. Young
and Corbett, 1972; Corbett et al., 1980, 1982), which showed that, in the
absence of cold stress, the value of MEm at pasture would not be more than
4050% greater than the MEm for a similar housed animal, even in the
most severe grazing conditions. With abundant and highly digestible pasturage, the difference might be as little as 10% (Langlands et al., 1963).
There is a range in ambient temperature (Ta), the zone of thermoneutrality, within which a sheep loses heat by evaporation, conduction, convection and radiation at a rate consistent with maintaining body temperature
at about 39C. The lower end of that variable range is the lower critical
temperature (LCT), below which its heat production from metabolism in
its tissues and from fermentation in its rumen is less than the rate of loss.
Unless additional feed is provided, the sheep must then generate additional heat, which can to a limited extent be by shivering (i.e. muscular
work) but is mainly from the catabolism of body fat; any contribution from
protein breakdown is small. Additional ME is taken to be used with an
efficiency of 1.0 for the alleviation of cold stress.
There is an inevitable evaporative heat loss via the lungs, expired gas
being saturated with water vapour, and this loss decreases with Ta to a minimum at about the LCT. The rate of heat loss from the body other than via
the lungs depends on the sheeps thermal insulation provided, first, by the
cutaneous tissues (It), secondly, by its fleece (If) and, thirdly, by the boundary layer of air at the fleece surface (Ia). Some of the heat conducted
through the cutaneous tissues is lost by evaporation at the skin surface and
the remainder by conduction and convection through the fleece to its surface, where it is dissipated by conduction and radiation.
The equations and the numerical values for the several variables
required for the calculation of LCT are given in SCA (1990), from which
are taken the values in Table 7.2 for a 5 kg lamb and a 50 kg adult sheep.
Wind reduces Ia, and when rain wets the fleece it reduces If, increasing its
thermal conductivity and the rate of heat loss by the animal. Clearly, young
lambs are very susceptible to cold stress (Table 7.2), as are newly shorn
adult sheep, which respond with a persistent increase in heat production
(Farrell and Corbett, 1970); both should be provided with shelter in
adverse weather. An ME intake of less than maintenance results in an
increase in LCT that is, cold stress will occur at a higher ambient temperature, because of reduced heat production by the animal; if undernourishment is prolonged, then skin thickness and thus It can be reduced.
Conversely, LCT becomes lower as ME intake increases.
When the other limit of the thermoneutral zone, the upper critical temperature, is exceeded, the animal cannot lose heat by conduction, convection or radiation. Cutaneous and respiratory (panting) evaporative heat loss
increase to the extent allowed by the relative humidity (RH) of the air (nil if
30 mm
Wind 30 km h1
30 mm
RH = 100). Long-term hyperthermia is fatal, but over the short term some
heat can be stored in the body, during a hot daytime, and later dissipated.
An increased body temperature increases metabolic rate and therefore
energy expenditure. The NRC (1996) suggests that the type and intensity of
panting are an index of the increase in maintenance requirement consequent on hyperthermia, proposing an increase of 7% when there is rapid
shallow breathing and 1125% when there is deep open-mouth panting.
The immediate need is an intake of degradable protein or non-protein
nitrogen sufficient to maintain active microbial fermentation in the rumen.
The minimum dietary nitrogen (N) concentration required is approximately 10 g kg1 DM, about 62.5 g kg1 crude protein (CP); lower concentrations will increasingly impair microbial breakdown of ruminal digesta
and retard its onward passage, so that feed intake will be severely reduced.
Endogenous losses
The protein requirement for maintenance is the amount that will make
good the endogenous losses in urine and faeces and from the skin.
Methods for determination are similar to those used for the measurement
of maintenance energy. The minimum dietary N supply that results in N
equilibrium can be established from feeding trials; endoparasitism, even
subclinical infections, will inflate the result (Sykes, 2000). With a second
method, analogous to the measurement of FHP, the N loss by the animal
when fed an N-free diet is measured and, as with FHP, the results are
affected by prior nutrition.
Dermal loss
With cattle, dermal loss (D) is as scurf and brushings (shed hair). Dermal
loss by sheep is determined by the rate of wool growth, which continues
even during severe underfeeding.
Practical definition
The maintenance need, expressed as [6.25(F + U + D)] or as [6.25(BEN + D)]
in the AFRC (1993) system, is the amount of true protein that has to be
digested in and absorbed from the small intestine. In practical feeding, it is
the metabolizable protein (MP) to be supplied from the feed that is, the
amounts of truly digestible microbial true protein plus undegraded dietary
protein. With true digestibility = 0.85, the efficiency with which MP is used
to meet the requirement for BEN, knb, is taken to be 1.0 by the AFRC (1993);
in its system, the efficiency value for D as scurf and hair, knd, is also taken to
be 1.0, but with sheep its value for wool growth, knw = 0.26, would be appropriate. With the requirement as the sum of F, U and D, the knm = 0.8 of ARC
(1984) allows for possible inefficiencies. The MP requirement for D, the wool
growth, is discussed by Hynd and Masters (Chapter 8, this volume).
There would be major difficulties in expressing N requirements for
maintenance in terms of individual amino acids and the proportions of the
acids in MP and most body proteins are broadly similar. The exception is
wool protein, which has a content of sulphur amino acids three to four
times that in, for example, muscle and meat proteins. Liu and Masters
(2000) have estimated that the requirement for absorbed methionine of the
Merino sheep at maintenance is, depending on W, 0.450.75 g day1 and
for absorbed cysteine is 0.520.63 g day1.
During starvation, an animal can lose almost all of the fat and about half of
the protein in its body and yet still survive, but the loss of one-tenth of its
body water is probably fatal. Water has four main functions in the body: (i)
elimination of waste products from digestion and metabolism; (ii) regulation of blood osmotic pressure; (iii) production of secretions (e.g. saliva and
other digestive fluids); and (iv) thermoregulation, involving evaporative
losses from the lungs and skin surface.
Water is gained by drinking, as water in feed and on feed as dew and
rainfall, and as metabolic water formed during oxidation of dietary nutrients and catabolism of body tissues. Lynch et al. (1972) reported that, when
grazing ewes in a temperate climate were deprived of drinking-water for
12 months, they survived and even bore lambs. In practice, deprivation
would be folly. Within the thermoneutral zone, the sensible heat losses by
the animal are less than the evaporative losses and for each MJ lost by that
means the animal loses from its body about 0.42 l of water. The water loss
increases greatly at temperatures above the higher critical value for
example, a three- to fourfold increase with a change from 15 to 3540C.
Minimum water requirements can be calculated by summation of
evaporative losses and minimal losses in excreta, but, unlike other nutrients, recommended values for requirements are generally based on observations of voluntary intakes, which show that total water intake (drunk
and in feed) is positively related to DM intake. The SCA (1990) recommended total water intakes (l per kg DMI) for weaned sheep, not pregnant or lactating, of 2.0 at 15C, 2.5 at 20C, 3.5 at 25C, 5.0 at 30C and
7.0 at 35C. These allowances are for drinking-water containing not more
than 2000 mg total soluble salts (TSS) l1 and for feed containing not
more than 100 g ash (other than soil ash) kg1 DM. For each 1000 mg TSS
in excess, allowances should be increased by 3% and, for each 10 g ash in
excess, by 5%.
Greater understanding of the maintenance metabolism from more knowledge of metabolism in tissues associated with normal body function and of
those directly involved in growth, particularly associated variations in protein turnover, will facilitate identification of intrinsic differences in maintenance requirements between animals. There will be consequent
improvements in models of energy utilization and opportunities for
increasing productivity by selection of animals that are more efficient
because of lower maintenance needs.
AFRC (1993) Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants. An Advisory Manual
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ARC (1984) Report of the Protein Group of the Agricultural Research Council Working
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Ball, A.J., Thompson, J.M., Alston, C.L., Blakely, A.R. and Hinch, G.N. (1998)
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The impact of nutrition on the wool growth of grazing sheep has long
been appreciated, with periods of poor pasture growth or quality reflected
in a reduction in total fleece growth per animal and per unit area of grazed
land. As for all other forms of animal production, this relationship between
nutrient intake and product output reflects changes in the supply of substrates in this case, substrates essential for fibre synthesis in the wool follicle, the skins fibre-producing factory. This chapter examines the relative
importance of amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins for wool
production and quality. The nutritional processes involved in fibre production within the follicle are outlined, along with the relationship between
nutrient supply from the gastrointestinal tract and fibre growth rate, fibre
diameter, fibre length, staple strength, clean fibre yield and wool colour.
secondary follicles and therefore produce fibres that are longer and coarser.
Similarly, original secondary follicles and fibres are usually larger than
derived secondary follicles and fibres. Regardless of the type of follicle, the
processes involved in fibre production described below are identical, even
though the rate of processes may differ, depending on follicle size.
Telogen follicle
Anagen follicle
Pilary canal
Zone of sloughing
Sebaceous glands
Zone of final hardening
Zone of keratinization
Dermal papillae
Fig. 8.1. Photomicrograph of sheep wool follicles from the face of a Merino sheep showing a
follicle in the resting (telogen) phase of the fibre growth cycle (left-hand side) and the growing
(anagen) phase of the fibre growth cycle (right-hand side). The telogen follicle is
characterized by the presence of a fibre with a brush end, a dermal papilla that is condensed
and circular in shape, and a shrunken and distorted outer root sheath and dermal sheath.
(Photomicrograph courtesy of Dr Michelle Nancarrow.)
Connective-tissue sheath
Dermal fibroblasts
Henle's layer
Huxley's layer
IRS cuticle
fibre cuticle
Outer root-sheath cells
Fig. 8.2. Schematic diagram (top) and photomicrograph (bottom) of a transverse section of a
wool follicle, showing the major regions of the follicle and fibre.
Fibre production commences with rapid division of the cells in the germinative region of the follicle bulb, defined as the area surrounding and
extending to the tip of the dermal papilla (Fig. 8.1). The total volume of
fibre produced depends partly on the total number of cells present in the
follicle bulb and their turnover rate; together, these determine the total
number of dividing cells per unit time. It also depends on the final volume
of the cells after keratinization, the proportion of the dividing cells that
enter the fibre versus the inner root sheath and the volume of the intercellular cement (Orwin, 1971). These processes are discussed briefly below.
Cell migration
Cell migration in wool follicles is a well-ordered procedure, discussed in
detail by Chapman et al. (1980). Cells destined to enter the inner root
sheath and fibre are produced in the follicle bulb, while outer root-sheath
cells replicate themselves along the length of the follicle (Fig. 8.1). The
inner root-sheath precursor cells move out of the bulb ahead of the contemporaneously formed fibre cells (Chapman et al., 1980). The inner root
sheath is thought to play a role in the shaping of the newly formed fibre.
Bulb cell
Bulb cell
(no. h1)
cell volume
time (h)
Dividing bulb
cells entering
fibre (%)
animal only.
References: 1, Wilson and Short (1979); 2, Fraser (1965); 3, Short et al. (1965); 4, Hynd (1989); 5, Hocking Edwards and Hynd (1992).
MW, medium wool; SW, strong wool; FW, fine wool; n.d., not determined.
Merino MW
Merino SW
Merino FWa
(105 m3)
Table 8.1. Effect of nutrition and genotype on follicle dimensions, cell volumes and cell kinetics.
cells (Powell et al., 1991). These proteins belong to two groups: the intermediate filament (IF) proteins and the intermediate filament-associated
proteins (IFAP). The IF group comprises two families, IF type I and IF
type II, with five genes in each encoding relatively low-sulphur (S) proteins. The IFAP group contains approximately 22 high-S genes, 16 ultrahigh-S genes and 12 high-glycine/tyrosine genes. The production of a
fibre is the result of a complex and well-coordinated expression of these
keratin gene families, which have overlapping as well as discrete patterns
of expression (Powell et al., 1991). The large variation in the composition
of the proteins encoded by the keratin genes provides a mechanism for
nutrition to alter fibre composition through altered expression of the
genes (see below).
The proportion of dividing bulb cells that produce fibre and inner root sheath
The proportion of the dividing bulb cells that enter the wool fibre is low.
Of all the cells produced by cell division in the follicle bulb, only about
1040% end up in the fibre cortex and cuticle (Short et al., 1965).
Presumably the other cells produce the three cell layers of the inner root
sheath, which are ultimately resorbed or sloughed into the pilary canal of
the follicle (Fig. 8.1).
10 MJ day1
8 MJ day1
6 MJ day1
4 MJ day1
Fig. 8.3. Wool-growth response to digestible protein leaving the stomach (DPLS) at four
levels of metabolizable energy intake (MEI): 4, 6, 8 and 10 MJ day1, assuming that the
DPLS is used for wool growth with an efficiency of 11.6% (Hogan et al., 1979) and that wool
growth is determined by DPLS until DPLS/MEI exceeds 12 g MJ1 (Kempton, 1979).
fibre diameter in the absence of any change in feed intake (Hynd and
Nancarrow, 1996). The composition of the fibres, the proportion of paracortical cells in the fibre and the expression of a cysteine-rich family of keratin genes are also altered, suggesting that polyamines are involved in both
cell division and gene expression. Methionine is also a precursor for Sadenosylmethionine, the major donor of methyl groups in the body.
Methylation of cytosine may regulate gene activity and DNA repair. There
are also many other key metabolites produced from methyl reactions
involving methionine. A role for methionine in follicle metabolism, other
than as a precursor of cysteine, is therefore highly likely.
Vitamins and wool growth
A deficiency of a vitamin may reduce or completely inhibit fibre growth, by
reducing the feed intake of the animal and hence the supply of substrate to
the follicle, by inhibiting the activity of enzymes involved in protein or
energy metabolism, by reducing the production of nucleic acids required
in the follicle for cell division and protein synthesis or by directly inhibiting
keratinization (see review by Hynd, 2000).
Several of the vitamins play vital roles in protein synthesis, S-amino acid
metabolism, nucleic acid synthesis or gene expression and keratinization.
Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a cofactor for the transketolase enzyme required
for the pentose phosphate pathway. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is required for
amino acid metabolism in general and in the trans-sulphuration reaction in
which methionine is converted to cysteine. Pyridoxine is also essential for
polyamine synthesis and is involved in glycogen metabolism. Biotin may be
involved in follicle function, because it is required for nucleic acid synthesis.
Folic acid is essential for transferring one-carbon fragments from serine,
glycine and histidine to other amino acids, purines and thymidine, thereby
contributing to cell division and protein synthesis. Vitamin B12 is a cofactor
in methionine synthetase, involved in methionine conservation and the provision of methyl groups for a range of molecules. Vitamin B12 is also essential for the activity of methylmalonyl coenzyme A (CoA) isomerase, a key
enzyme in the production of glucose from propionate.
The only direct demonstration of a vitamin deficiency affecting wool
growth occurred in preruminant lambs supplied with diets deficient in
folic acid (Chapman and Black, 1981). The wool lacked crimp and in several cases fibre growth ceased completely, despite the fact that the animals
were gaining weight. Provision of folic acid alleviated the condition, supporting the notion that this vitamin is essential for wool growth.
While microbial synthesis of the B-group vitamins in the rumen means
that adult ruminants are unlikely to suffer deficiencies of these vitamins,
perturbations to rumen function may reduce microbial supply. The presence of antivitamin compounds in feeds (e.g. antithiaminase in bracken
fern) may also induce a deficiency.
The fat-soluble vitamins A and D3 probably have direct effects on follicle function, as both have specific receptors in various parts of the follicle.
Vitamin A affects keratin gene expression as well as cell division in the follicle bulb (Hynd, 2000). Vitamin E may play a role with selenium in maintaining the redox potential of the follicle cells, but there is no evidence of
direct effects of vitamin E on fibre growth. Similarly, vitamin K has not
been directly implicated in follicle function.
Minerals and wool growth
Minerals can influence wool growth by affecting feed intake (sodium, potassium, S, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt and zinc), by altering rumen function and hence the supply of nutrients flowing from the rumen (S, sodium,
potassium and cobalt) or by directly disrupting metabolism within the sheep
(zinc, copper, selenium, iodine and cobalt). The wool matrix contains significant quantities of calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese,
iron and selenium (Lee and Grace, 1988), but only copper, zinc, iodine and
possibly selenium alter follicle function and wool growth directly. Cobalt has
no direct role, but, as part of the vitamin B12 molecule, may alter fibre
COPPER. A deficiency of copper, either in the ration of sheep or induced by
high levels of S and molybdenum in the diet, results in depigmentation of
the wool of black sheep and the production of wool that lacks crimp and
has low mechanical strength and a lustrous appearance. Depigmentation of
black wool is due to low activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which catalyses
the hydroxylation of tyrosine to L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) and
the subsequent oxidation of dopa to dopaquinone, the latter being
essential for melanin synthesis (see review by Hynd, 2000). The production
of weak and lustrous wool lacking crimp is a consequence of improper
keratinization. Copper is thought to be essential for the oxidation
of thiol groups to form the disulphide linkages required for keratin
ZINC. Zinc deficiency in sheep results in a marked reduction in wool growth,
over and above that associated with the reduced feed intake induced by the
deficiency (White et al., 1994). Some fibres are shed, and the fibres that are
produced lack crimp and are lustrous and brittle. Cell division in the follicle bulb is marginally reduced by zinc deficiency, but the major effect
appears to be on the keratinization of the fibre.
respectively, under high nutrition. In this case the L/D ratio increases
slightly (from 18.2 to 18.7) with increased nutrition.
Despite the relative constancy of the L/D ratio for an individual animal,
there are situations in which L/D can change markedly. For example, the
postruminal provision of the lysine-deficient protein zein, from maize, results
in a dramatic change in L/D, with D decreasing and L increasing. The increase
in L/D can be as much as 100%, resulting from large relative changes in the cellular events discussed above. It remains to be determined whether manipulation of amino acid supply can be used in practical situations (e.g. with shedded
sheep producing ultrafine wool) to produce favourable changes in fibre L and
D without detrimental effects on staple strength or other important traits.
Fig. 8.4. Changes in the mean fibre diameter along a staple of Merino wool from sheep
grazing pastures in a Mediterranean environment. Note that the diameter at any point
represents the diameter of wool grown on that particular day. Staples break close to the point
of minimum diameter, which occurs in autumn in these environments due to a trough in the
quantity and quality of feed available.
in the proportion of cells entering the inner root sheath (see above), with
a consequent reduction in cell debris in the non-fibre component.
Alternatively, there may have been a reduction in wax or suint production. Similar changes have been observed when additional S-amino acids
are provided as methionine (G. Mata, 1995, unpublished results) or
through feeding rumen-protected canola meal (Masters et al., 1996). In
the latter case, a decrease in wax production and an increase in fibre production caused the increase in yield.
First month of lactation
DPLS (g day1)
Fig. 8.5. The relationship between digestible protein leaving the stomach (DPLS) and wool
growth at different stages of pregnancy and lactation (derived from Oddy, 1985). The
efficiency of wool growth is reduced during late pregnancy and lactation.
Allden, W.G. (1979) Feed intake, diet composition and wool growth. In: Black, J.L.
and Reis, P.J. (eds) Physiological and Environmental Limitations to Wool Growth.
University of New England, Armidale, Australia, pp. 6178.
Hogan, J.P., Elliott, N.M. and Hughes, A.D. (1979) Maximum wool growth rates
expected from Australian Merino genotypes. In: Black, J.L. and Reis, P.J. (eds)
Physiological and Environmental Limitations to Wool Growth. University of New
England, Armidale, Australia, pp. 4359.
Hynd, P.I. (1989) Effects of nutrition on wool follicle cell kinetics in sheep differing
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of nutrition. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 45, 11371147.
Hynd, P.I. (1994b) Follicular determinants of the length and diameter of wool
fibres. II. Comparison of sheep differing in thyroid hormone status. Australian
Journal of Agricultural Research 45, 11491157.
Hynd, P.I. (2000) The nutritional biochemistry of wool and hair follicles. Animal
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Hynd, P.I. and Nancarrow, M.J. (1996) Inhibition of polyamine synthesis alters hair
follicle function and fiber composition. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 106,
Hynd, P.I., Hughes, A., Earl, C.R. and Penno, N.M. (1997) Seasonal changes in the
morphology and activity of wool follicles in Finewool and Strongwool Merino
strains at different stocking rates in southern Australia. Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 49, 10891097.
Jackson, N. and Downes, A.M. (1979) The fibre diameter profile of wool staples
from individual sheep. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 30, 163171.
Kealey, T., Williams, R. and Philpott, M.P. (1991) Intermediary metabolism of the
human hair follicle. In: Stenn, K.S., Messenger, A.G. and Baden, H.P. (eds) The
Molecular and Structural Biology of Hair. Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences, New York, pp. 301307.
Kempton, T.J. (1979) Protein to energy ratio of absorbed nutrients in relation to
wool growth. In: Black, J.L. and Reis, P.J. (eds) Physiological and Environmental
Limitations to Wool Growth. University of New England, Armidale, Australia, pp.
Langlands, J.P. and Sutherland, H.A.M. (1968) An estimate of the nutrients utilized
for pregnancy by Merino sheep. British Journal of Nutrition 22, 217227.
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Oldham, C.M., Martin, G.B. and Purvis, I.W. (eds) Reproductive Physiology of
Merino Sheep. Concepts and Consequences. University of Western Australia, Perth,
pp. 265274.
Masters, D.G., Stewart, C.A., Mata, G. and Adams, N.R. (1996) Responses in wool
and live-weight when different sources of dietary protein are given to pregnant and lactating ewes. Animal Science 62, 497506.
Min, B.R., Barry, T.N., McNabb, W.C. and Kemp, P.D. (1988) Effect of condensed
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ewes milk. Journal of Dairy Research 43, 325329.
Wilson, P.A. and Short, B.F. (1979) Cell proliferation and cortical cell production in
relation to wool growth. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 32, 317327.
Current knowledge of nutrition for conception and pregnancy in the ewe
is based on the results of production trials involving different feeding
strategies and of mechanistic studies designed to unravel the underlying
control systems and their responses to nutrients. Central to the mechanistic studies is the acquisition of information on how dietary nutrients
facilitate the programming and expression of those metabolic pathways
that enable ewes to approach their genetic potential for reproduction. In
this context nutrition acts directly by providing glucose, amino acids, vitamins and essential chemical elements. It also acts indirectly by modifying the expression of hormonal functions, which, in turn, influence
oocyte maturation, ovulation, embryo development, fetal growth and the
viability and vigour of the newborn lamb.
This chapter brings together recent observations from the wide range
of scientific disciplines that now contribute to our understanding of when
and how nutrition affects reproduction. A central theme is the identification of critical windows in development, during which the supply of nutrients to the whole animal, its tissues, organs and cells plays pivotal roles in
the expression of immediate and subsequent responses that affect the
reproductive processes. There are still many gaps in our knowledge, but
new opportunities for developing a more holistic approach to the subject
will emerge from the acceptance that, in addition to its fairly immediate
effects on adult reproduction, nutrition at earlier stages indeed, as early
as the first trimester of fetal life may have consequences for lifetime
reproductive competence.
Stage of development
nancy, with the combined periods of food restriction impairing the expression of genetic potential for lamb production. There is very little information on the effect of early postnatal nutrition alone on adult reproductive
performance. One study reviewed by Robinson (1990) showed that undernutrition, characterized by a cessation in weight gain for an 8-week period
from 6 weeks of age, reduced ovulation rates in ewes for up to 3 years;
another by Rhind et al. (1998) indicated that a preweaning restriction in
growth rate, leading to weaning weights of 23.0 vs. 26.2 kg, significantly
reduced lifetime reproductive performance.
In general, studies of postnatal effects of undernutrition on subsequent
reproductive performance have concentrated on puberty as an end-point.
Across a wide range of domestic species, including sheep, puberty is
delayed by feed intakes that restrict growth rates to 50% of an animals
potential. The effects are more pronounced when feed restriction is
applied in the early postnatal rather than in the immediately prepubertal
phase (Robinson, 1990).
Many sheep are seasonally polyoestrous short-day breeders. Thus
spring-born lambs that are well nourished achieve puberty in their first
autumn and at younger ages and heavier weights than their poorly nourished contemporaries. An extended period of food restriction during rearing can prevent the occurrence of puberty in the first autumn, with the
result that first oestrus is delayed until its induction by the shortening day
lengths of the following autumn. This interdependence of nutrition and
season in the hormonal control of puberty leads to very wide ranges in
pubertal age and size (Adam and Robinson, 1994). Among animals destined for breeding in their first autumn, those reaching puberty at either
extreme of the size range are a cause for concern. At the lower end of the
range, significant numbers of animals are likely to fall short of the minimum 60% of estimated mature body weight required for satisfactory reproductive performance in their first pregnancy (Meat and Livestock
Commission, 1983); for these animals, mating should be delayed until the
target weight is achieved. In contrast, pubertal ewe lambs at the upper end
of the weight range encountered in practice are likely to display impaired
mammogenesis and a reduced lactation potential as a result of rapid
growth during the immediate prepubertal phase. These limitations are
probably mediated via reduced circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). There is evidence, however, that they may be avoided by
alterations in diet composition. For example, McFadden et al. (1990) found
that inclusion of rumen-protected polyunsaturated fat in the diet stimulated mammary growth in prepubertal lambs.
Delayed germ-cell maturation
and meiotic arrest
Committed follicles
Gonadotrophin-responsive follicles
6 months
Primordial follicles
Leptin (?)
Fig. 9.1. Stages of development during which undernutrition impairs the expression of
genetic potential for ovulation rate and the suggested pathways and hormones that are
involved at the hypothalamic, pituitary and ovarian levels. IGF, insulin-like growth factor;
IGFBP, insulin-like growth factor-binding protein; GH, growth hormone; TGF, transforming
growth factor; EGF, epidermal growth factor; GnRH, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; FSH,
follicle-stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone.
0.07 0.09
Weighta on day 10 pre-ovulation 51
Direction of weight change
before lupin feeding
No change
Lupin supplement
No. of ewes
Ovulation rate
No change
(1.63 vs. 1.06) compared with their previously restricted but unflushed
contemporaries. The practical importance of this observation relates to the
fact that, 6 months prior to the next seasons matings, many adult ewes are
in early lactation and experiencing an associated substantial negative
energy balance. Thus, in order to overcome the adverse effect of this
period of undernutrition on ovulation rate in the following breeding season, it is advisable to make preovulatory flushing an integral part of the
ewes pre-mating management.
Reduced ovulation rates arising from undernutrition that occurs 2
months before ovulation are less amenable to correction by short-term preovulatory flushing (1.38 vs. 1.22: Table 9.2, Experiment 2). This, no doubt,
is linked to the reduced body weight and condition of the late-restricted
ewes and the inability of the 10-day flushing regimen to return these ewes
to a level of body condition more in keeping with the expression of their
genetic potential for ovulation rate.
The central role that body condition at mating plays in determining
ovulation rate is evident across breeds and management systems and is also
apparent in the results presented in Table 9.2. Here the control ewes in
Experiment 2 were about 12% heavier (equivalent to approximately 1
extra unit of body condition, using the 5-point scale described by Russel et
al., 1969) than their restricted counterparts and, in the absence of flushing, their mean ovulation rate was 1.67 compared with 1.22 for those that
had been restricted. Such a difference in ovulation rate (0.45) is broadly in
line with that anticipated, across a range of genotypes, for a 1 unit difference in body-condition score. Another feature of the data in Table 9.2 that
characterizes the consensus view from the scientific literature is the failure
of the control ewes in Experiment 2 to respond to flushing (1.64 vs. 1.67).
These ewes were already gaining weight and were in good body condition
prior to flushing. Thus their current nutrition and their nutritional history
would be expected to minimize follicle atresia and maximize ovulation
rate, provided no abrupt reduction in nutrition occurred following follicle
antrum (cavity) formation, corresponding to the gonadotrophin-responsive and gonadotrophin-dependent stages (Fig. 9.1).
For ewes in suboptimal body condition, increases in ovulation rate
have been achieved with an immediate preovulatory period of lupin-grain
feeding as short as 4 days. In applying this feeding strategy, however, care
must be exercised to ensure that the abrupt increase in feed intake close to
ovulation does not become counterproductive through the creation of a
metabolic acidosis. For this reason, and despite the fact that lupin-grain
feeding for a brief period (6 days) beginning on either day 3 or day 7 of
the oestrous cycle has been shown to increase the ovulation rate of Merino
ewes by 40%, a longer period of flushing (1014 days preovulation) is
generally recommended (reviewed by Robinson et al., 1999a). On a flock
basis, the natural spread in the timing of ovulation also makes this a more
relevant practical option.
The preceding description of the ovulatory response to feeding
clearly demonstrates the importance of short-term nutritional inputs. For
the most part, however, benefits accrue only because of earlier inadequacies when ovarian follicles were leaving the primordial pool or because
later undernutrition led to suboptimal body condition at ovulation.
Following the lactational depletion of body reserves, achieving the target
condition score (33.5 on the 5-point scale described by Russel et al., 1969)
for maximum ovulation rate can be a slow process. It often requires, in
the first instance, repletion of body protein, followed by a gain of up to
1.5 units of body condition. For a 70 kg ewe, this equates to c. 8 kg of
body fat. At energy intakes equivalent to twice maintenance, replacing this
amount of fat requires realimentation periods of c. 90 and 65 days in ewes
consuming forages with 8 and 12 MJ of metabolizable energy (ME) kg1
dry matter (DM), respectively. In view of the importance of body condition to ovulation rate, the overall aim should be to achieve a uniform level
of body condition on a flock basis that is as close as possible to the optimum. This may mean grouping ewes after weaning according to their
body condition and allocating forage and, if necessary, supplementary
feed according to needs. It may even require feed restriction of overfat
ewes (condition score 4) in order to bring them into the 33.5 condition-score range, thereby minimizing the adverse effect of overfatness on
early embryo survival (Rhind et al., 1984).
Throughout the period of nutritional control for optimum ovulation
and immediately thereafter, care must also be taken to ensure that other
dietary factors do not impair normal ovarian function. Most notable
among these are the phyto-oestrogens, which, in the Great Southern
region of Western Australia alone, are estimated to cause permanent subclinical infertility in c. 4 million ewes (Adams, 1995). Phyto-oestrogens
occur in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), red clover (Trifolium
pratense), Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) and birds-foot trefoil
(Lotus corniculatus) and in legumes such as Vicia americana and Astragalus
serotinus (see Waghorn et al., Chapter 15, this volume). Factors that accentuate their adverse effects on various components of fertility (ovulation,
sperm transport, fertilization and embryo survival) are in situ fungal attack,
resulting in the production of the oestrogenic compounds coumestrol and
sativol, and conservation of forage in the form of hay or silage. For example, the conservation process increases concentrations of the oestrogen
precursor formononetin, which is converted in the rumen into the phytooestrogen equol (7,4-dihydroxyisoflavin).
lambs of
they suppress
Parity 1
Parity 2
Parity 3 et seq.
Fig. 9.2. Live weight and body condition score targets for optimum lifetime reproductive
performance (P, pregnancy; L, lactation; PW, postweaning), with summary information on the
effects of plane of nutrition on placental and fetal growth.
Change in body
Protein intake (g day1)
Apparently digestible protein reaching small intestine
Fig. 9.3. Lamb birth weights and the changes between days 110 and 140 of gestation in the
amounts of protein and fat in the carcasses (shaded columns) and maternal organs (open
columns) of twin-bearing pregnant ewes (c. 62 kg) receiving different levels of dietary
protein, and the SCA (1990) requirements for energy (based on data presented by McNeill
et al., 1997b).
Fig. 9.4. Pregnancy-induced metabolic adaptations in maternal tissues. FFAs, free fatty
acids; mRNA, messenger RNA.
data for a much wider range of diet types are needed before these observations can be used, with confidence, to modify existing feeding standards for
protein. Information is also required to verify or refute the suggestion
(Ngongoni et al., 1987) that the pregnancy-induced increase in rumen outflow is, in common with similar increases in outflow rate that occur following cold exposure or winter shearing of pregnant ewes, the result of a
change in maternal thyroid function. If further investigation reveals that
the phenomenon occurs widely in practical production systems, it could signal an opportunity for nutritionists to exploit further the beneficial effects
of the rumen-undegraded dietary protein (UDP) fraction by increasing the
inclusion rate of highly digestible UDP supplements in the diet. This is particularly relevant in many extensive systems, where low energy intakes
inevitably lead to low yields of microbial protein, which fail to meet the
amino acid requirements for normal fetal growth and the production of the
amount of colostrum required to maximize neonatal viability.
high concentrations of which occur in the leukotrienes, which play a central role in the acquisition of cell-mediated immunity, which typifies the
development of resistance to intestinal parasitism.
In addition to its possible involvement in the development of maternal
immunity, cysteine becomes one of the first limiting amino acids for fetal
growth during late pregnancy (Robinson et al., 1999a) in ewes that are not
receiving supplements of high-quality UDP and are therefore dependent
on microbial protein for most of their amino acids. The reason for this is
the high concentration of cysteine, present as cystine, in the lambs birth
coat, the normal development of which is important for thermoregulation
and survival. The priority of the fetus for amino acids is such that, if necessary, maternal wool growth is impaired in order to sustain fetal needs.
However, undernutrition during the last trimester of pregnancy in Merino
ewes can also impair the development of secondary wool follicles in the
fetus, leading to subsequent depressions in the quantity and quality of their
wool as adults (Kelly et al., 1996). While there is the potential to meet some
of the cysteine requirements in late pregnancy through interconversion
from microbial methionine, methionine itself becomes limiting when its
microbial production is constrained by low intakes of rumen-fermentable
energy; so too does the essential amino acid histidine. This reinforces the
importance of providing twin- and triplet-bearing ewes with undegradable
protein supplements rich in the sulphur-containing amino acids and histidine during the last 34 weeks of their pregnancies.
Of the amino acids once regarded as non-essential, glycine is particularly interesting in that it is a precursor in the synthesis of a range of compounds of physiological importance and is now regarded as a conditionally
essential amino acid. It has a high rate of accretion in the fetus, making its
supply from microbial protein during late pregnancy marginal to requirements (Robinson et al., 1999a). Its production via interconversion from serine within the placenta helps to alleviate its microbial protein deficit, with the
added benefit of providing active carbon units for purine synthesis, DNA
methylation and the control of gene expression. In terms of diet formulation, the fact that fish meal is rich in glycine, in addition to its high content of
sulphur-containing amino acids, may further contribute to its high nutritional value as a dietary protein supplement during late pregnancy.
The limitation of tabulated nutrient requirements is not restricted to
protein but extends to energy and the mineral elements, notably calcium.
In the case of energy, Hutchings (1997) points out that in the AFRC (1993)
calculation of ME requirements for pregnancy, greater clarity is required
in defining the value to use for ewe weight. To illustrate the relevance of
this point, Hutchings (1997) carried out simulations of the total energy
demands during pregnancy for a ewe with a fasted non-pregnant weight of
37.6 kg, carrying a single lamb. Graphical presentation by Hutchings of
these demands provides estimates of 830 and 740 MJ for diets with ME
concentrations (M/D) of 7.5 and 13 MJ kg1 DM, respectively. Simulations
for the same ewe, but allowing for conceptus gain by using fasted pregnant
weight, gave corresponding estimates of 890 and 795 MJ (i.e. c. 7%
higher). Going beyond AFRC (1993) by making an allowance for the effect
of the ME content of the diet on the efficiency of ME utilization for fetal
growth (0.11 for M/D = 7.5, rising to 0.18 for M/D = 13) in the simulations
that used the non-pregnant ewe weight, the total ME requirement
increased from 830 to 865 MJ at M/D = 7.5 and decreased from 740 to
705 MJ at M/D = 13. While this increase and decrease in energy requirements at low and high metabolizabilities, respectively, are fairly minor in
single-bearing ewes, they are significantly accentuated as litter size
increases and thus the energy costs of conceptus growth comprise an
increasing proportion of the total ME demands for pregnancy.
For calcium (Ca), the limitation of tabulated requirements is different
from that for either protein or energy. Here, a deficiency in late pregnancy,
expressed by overt symptoms of hypocalcaemia, is almost always the result
of a failure in the endocrine mechanism that promotes Ca absorption and
its skeletal mobilization, rather than an inadequate dietary intake of the
element (Sykes and Russel, 2000). Central to the endocrine control of Ca
absorption is parathyroid hormone (PTH), which promotes the conversion
of vitamin D-derived 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. The latter stimulates the active intestinal Ca absorption system that
is required to meet the increased Ca demands for fetal growth, by promoting the production of a Ca-binding protein in the alimentary tract; it also
stimulates Ca resorption from bone. The stimulus for the rise in PTH is a
fall in extracellular fluid Ca. The prevention of clinical symptoms of
hypocalcaemia therefore involves the controlled awakening of these
homoeostatic control mechanisms by creating a small deficit in extracellular-fluid Ca that is sufficient to increase PTH and yet avoids a metabolic
crisis. In practice, this can be achieved by feeding a diet that is relatively
low in Ca well before the rapid increase in demand for Ca in late pregnancy, and then following up with an increase in dietary concentration as
parturition approaches (Sykes and Russel, 2000). Low dietary cationanion
(Na + K)(Cl + S) balances also help to maintain Ca homoeostasis by stimulating bone Ca resorption. There also appears to be an intermediate optimum concentration of magnesium in plasma (c. 0.9 mM) for stimulating
the activities of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol and PTH and therefore maximizing the efficiency of Ca resorption from bone (Sykes and Russel, 2000).
operate in the lipid membranes and cytosol of the cell, respectively, to prevent oxidative damage and cell dysfunction and to enhance immune function. Selenium crosses the placenta into the fetus and also the mammary
barrier, particularly during the colostrum-production phase. Thus the selenium status of both the newborn lamb and its colostrum supply reflect that
of the ewe. In contrast, vitamin E does not cross the placenta in significant
amounts; rather, it is concentrated in the colostrum, on which the newborn
lamb is dependent for its supply. Thus, newborn lambs with presuckling
serum vitamin E (-tocopherol) concentrations of approximately 0.4 g
ml1 exhibited increases to 1.4, 1.8, 2.4 and 4.5 g ml1 at 3 days of age
when they were suckled by ewes supplemented during the final 28 days of
pregnancy with 0, 15, 30 and 60 mg day1, respectively, of -tocopheryl
acetate (McDowell et al., 1996). In view of the variable and sometimes suboptimal intakes of colostrum and the importance of the vitamin E status of
the lamb in the development of immune function, 100 mg per head day1
of supplementary -tocopheryl acetate is commonly advocated in the UK
for ewes during their last 4 weeks of pregnancy.
The importance of the antioxidant roles of vitamin E and selenium is
accentuated in ewes grazing spring grass rich in polyunsaturated fatty
acids or where the energy density of late-pregnancy concentrate supplements is boosted by polyunsaturated fatty acid-enriched supplements.
Alkali treatment of cereal grains to reduce their fermentation rate in the
rumen causes a deterioration in their vitamin E status. So too does cerealgrain storage at high moisture contents without or with propionic acid as a
preservative. Failure to correct such deficiencies when cereals treated in
these ways are included in concentrate supplements for pregnant ewes
leads to the birth of lambs of low vigour and viability.
Selenium also interacts with iodine to influence thyroid function via a
membrane-bound selenoprotein, type I iodothyronine deiodinase, which
converts thyroxine (T4) to the active thyroid hormone, tri-iodothyronine
(T3), in extrathyroidal tissues, including the brown adipose tissue of the
newborn lamb. Thus selenium deficiency in the newborn lamb is characterized by high T4 and low T3 concentrations. The low T3 results in a failure of transcription of the uncoupling protein gene required to induce the
heat-generation capacity of brown adipocyte mitochondria that is essential
for maintaining prefeeding body temperature and viability in cold environments. An overview of the preceding interrelationships between vitamin E, selenium and iodine, augmented with additional information
relating to their important physiological roles and their relevance to feeding practice, is presented in Fig. 9.5.
(from maternal diet, adipose
tissue, liver, muscle)
(from maternal diet
and body stores)
via the stimulation of the
synthesis of prostaglandins,
thromboxanes and leukotrienes
(e.g. from forage brassicas
or rapeseed meal)
Fig. 9.5. Interrelationships between vitamin E, selenium and iodine in the metabolism and
viability of newborn lambs (from data reviewed by McDowell et al., 1996; Robinson et al.,
1999a, b; Underwood and Suttle, 1999).
Undernutrition delays the late-pregnancy fall in the ewes systemic progesterone concentrations, probably as a result of reduced hepatic clearance by
those enzymes (cytochromes b5 and P450) involved in the oxidative metabolism of steroids. This delays the late-pregnancy increase in blood flow to
the udder, depriving it of important metabolic substrates for colostrum
production. With an immediate requirement at birth for 50 ml of
colostrum per kg lamb birth weight, it is important that the maternal nutrient supply meets this target. At present, there are insufficient data in the
literature to quantify the separate effects of dietary energy and protein per
se during late pregnancy on colostrum yields. None the less, the data in Fig.
9.6 for a range of basal feeds given ad libitum, either alone or with a protein
supplement in the form of soybean meal, provide a basis on which to build.
In addition to the clear relationship between the ewes ME intake over the
Colostrum (g) at 1 h post-lambing
Grass silage
Grass silage + soybean
Beet-pulp silage
Beet-pulp silage + soybean
Grass silage + beet pulp
Grass silage + beet pulp + soybean
Grass silage + barley + soybean
Fig. 9.6. Mean colostrum yields at 1 h post-lambing by twin-bearing crossbred ewes (c. 75
kg live weight) in relation to mean daily ME intake during the last 3 weeks of pregnancy;
values in parentheses are daily intakes of crude protein (g) (plotted from data of ODoherty
and Crosby, 1997).
last 3 weeks of pregnancy and colostrum yield (Fig. 9.6), ODoherty and
Crosby (1997) found that pre-lambing protein supplementation significantly increased the efficiency of absorption of colostral IgG by lambs,
reflecting a similar observation in cattle.
An important feature of the data in Fig. 9.6 is the stimulatory effect of
a protein supplement (215 g of soybean DM; equivalent to c. 2.5 MJ of
ME) on total energy intake. For the grass-silage diet the increase in mean
daily ME intake as a result of including the protein supplement was 4.6 MJ
and for the beet-pulp silage and grass silage + beet pulp diets the
increases were each 3.2 MJ, a clear demonstration of the enhancing effect
of the protein on forage intake.
In interpreting the data in Fig. 9.6 in relation to feeding standards for
energy and protein provision during late pregnancy, it is important to note
that ewes were in excellent body condition (mean score 3.24) on day 91 of
their pregnancies, but, by lambing, those on the lowest energy intake had
lost almost a complete unit of condition score, a loss that could not have
been tolerated by ewes in body-condition score of 2.5 or less at day 91. In
contrast, those on the three highest levels of ME intake had acceptable
body-condition score losses, ranging from zero for those producing the
largest amount of colostrum (grass silage + beet pulp + soybean diet) to
means of c. 0.33 units for the other two.
The role of nutrition in the expression of the reproductive potential of
sheep involves long-term programming, as well as contemporary effects.
Improvements in energy and protein nutrition enhance reproductive
efficiency, but care is required lest they expose the oocyte, embryo and
fetus to deficiencies of specific minerals and vitamins that would otherwise be supplied by the catabolism of maternal tissues.
Current recommendations for protein during late pregnancy may
require upward revision in the light of recent findings on the beneficial
effects of higher protein levels in the acquisition of immunity to gastrointestinal parasites.
Fetal amino acid requirements are still a matter of speculation and yet,
with more information regarding their metabolic and functional roles,
greater precision could be brought to supplementary feeding regimens.
Major improvements in nutrition will come from enhanced understanding of how dietary nutrients alter hormone concentrations and facilitate
the programming and expression of the biochemical pathways involved
in oocyte maturation, the development of the embryo and fetus, the viability of the newborn lamb and the secretion of colostrum. An example
is the recent advance in understanding the interactions among vitamin
E, selenium and iodine, which is proving beneficial in the formulation of
diets for improved lamb survival. (See Plate 9.1.)
Plate 9.1. A cross-bred British Milksheep ewe with her Suffolk-sired lambs. Multiple births of
this size place great nutritional demands on the ewe during late pregnancy and throughout
lactation (see Chapter 10).
The authors express their gratitude to research colleagues for helpful discussions in the preparation of this chapter. Original research from our laboratory referred to in this review was funded by the Scottish Executive
Environment and Rural Affairs Department and by the UK Department
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
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Rhind, S.M., Gunn, R.G., Doney, J.M. and Leslie, I.D. (1984) A note on the reproductive performance of Greyface ewes in moderately fat and very fat condition
at mating. Animal Production 38, 305307.
Rhind, S.M., Elston, D.A., Jones, C.R., Rees, M.E., McMillan, S.R. and Gunn, R.G.
(1998) Effects of restriction of growth and development of Brecon Cheviot ewe
lambs on subsequent lifetime reproductive performance. Small Ruminant
Research 30, 121126.
Robinson, J.J. (1990) Nutrition in the reproduction of farm animals. Nutrition
Research Reviews 3, 253276.
Robinson, J.J., Sinclair, K.D., Randel, R.D. and Sykes, A.R. (1999a) Nutritional
management of the female ruminant: mechanistic approaches and predictive
models. In: Jung, H.-J.G. and Fahey, G.C. (eds) Nutritional Ecology of Herbivores.
Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores. American
Society of Animal Science, Savoy, Illinois, pp. 550608.
Robinson, J.J., McEvoy, T.G. and Sinclair, K.D. (1999b) Nutritional effects on foetal
growth. Animal Science 68, 315331.
Robinson, J.J., McEvoy, T.G. and Sinclair, K.D. (1999c) Maternal nutrition and
foetal growth. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Suppl. 6, 1419.
Rosenquist, T.H. and Finnell, R.H. (2001) Genes, folate and homocysteine in
embryonic development. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60, 5361.
Russel, A.J.F., Doney, J.M. and Gunn, R.G. (1969) Subjective assessment of body fat
in live sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 72, 451454.
SCA (1990) Feeding Standards for Australian Livestock. Ruminants. Standing Committee
on Agriculture, CSIRO Publications, Melbourne, 266 pp.
Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2000) Feeding systems for sheep. In:
Theodorou, M.K. and France, J. (eds) Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation
Models. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 155180.
Sykes, A.R. and Russel, A.J.F. (2000) Deficiency of mineral macro-elements. In:
Martin, W.B. and Aitken, I.D. (eds) Diseases of Sheep, 3rd edn. Blackwell
Science, Oxford, pp. 318331.
Underwood, E.J. and Suttle, N.F. (1999) The Mineral Nutrition of Livestock, 3rd edn.
CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 614 pp.
Wallace, J.M., Bourke, D.A. and Aitken, R.P. (1999) Nutrition and fetal growth:
paradoxical effects in overnourished adolescent sheep. Journal of Reproduction
and Fertility, Suppl. 54, 385399.
Young, L.E., Fernandes, K., McEvoy, T.G., Butterwith, S.C., Gutierrez, C.G.,
Carolan, C., Broadbent, P.J., Robinson, J.J., Wilmut, I. and Sinclair, K.D.
(2001) Epigenetic change in IGF2R is associated with fetal overgrowth after
embryo culture. Nature Genetics 27, 153154.
In the majority of sheep production systems, sheep are kept for meat or wool
production and ewes rear their lambs until weaning, at 3 or 4 months of age.
During this period, lamb growth is largely determined by milk intake. Early
lactation is the period of highest nutrient requirements in the ewes whole
productive cycle, and failure of management at this time has a major impact
on lamb growth. This generally affects the profitability of the system and, in
lambs retained as flock replacements, can reduce lifetime performance.
In a number of countries, mainly in Asia and Europe, ewes milk is an
important direct source of animal protein in the human diet. In
Afghanistan, Greece, Iraq, Somalia and Syria, more than 30% of the total
production of milk, from cows, buffalo, sheep and goats, comes from ewes.
In France, Greece, Italy and Spain, large numbers of dairy sheep are kept
to produce milk for high-quality, expensive cheeses. In dairy systems, ewes
generally rear their lambs before milking is started. The length of both
suckling and milking periods varies widely, from 1 month of suckling and
5 or 6 months of milking, in the traditional Mediterranean system, to 3
months suckling and a month of milking in, for example, central Europe.
The various dairy systems are discussed in Treacher (1987).
amount of lactose synthesized determines milk yield. The negative relationship between yield and the contents of fat and protein is more general and
applies also when differences in yield arise from genotype, individual variation or selection within a breed (see review by Bencini and Pulina, 1997).
Change in composition during lactation has a large effect on the gross energy
of milk, which may vary from 3.8 to 5.5 MJ kg1 (Brett et al., 1972). Equation
(1) (Brett et al., 1972), based on data from 92 samples taken from Merino
(mean fat 72 g kg1) and Border Leicester (mean fat 105 g kg1) ewes, predicts gross energy, E (MJ kg1), from fat, F (g kg1), and day of lactation, D:
E = 0.0328F + 0.0025D + 2.20
RSD = 0.14
Milk fat consists almost entirely of triglycerides, with most of the fatty
acids being monounsaturated and containing even numbers of carbon
atoms in the range 14 to 18. However, about 22% of the lipid consists of
fatty acids in the C4 to C10 range (Yousef and Ashton, 1967). The major
constituent of milk protein is casein in a number of variant forms, all of
which are characterized by a high content of proline and are present in
complexes with calcium and phosphate. In addition, milk protein contains
-lactoglobulin and -lactalbumin and traces of immunoglobulins.
Colostrum, secreted in the first day or two of lactation, contains high concentrations of lipid and protein in particular, immunoglobulins. These
are absorbed directly through the gut of the young lamb and are crucial to
its survival, giving it passive immunity to diseases to which the ewe has
immunity. They also provide protection against gut infections.
The mean metabolizability of the gross energy (GE) in ewes milk is
0.94 and the efficiency of use of the resultant metabolizable energy (ME)
is 0.85 for the maintenance of the lamb and 0.7 for growth (ARC, 1980).
If the GE of the milk were 4.5 MJ kg1, then a daily intake of 1 kg in
excess of the lambs maintenance requirement would sustain a daily
growth rate of between 330 g and 270 g as the energy value of the live
weight gain increased, with the lambs growth, from 9 MJ kg1 to 11 MJ
rition. The milk is ejected from the alveoli when the myoepithelial cells contract in response to the release into the bloodstream of oxytocin from the
posterior pituitary gland. At weaning, the secretory tissue undergoes involution through cell death, leaving only the myoepithelial layer.
Synthesis of Milk
The main pathway for the synthesis of the fatty acids in milk fat is through
the condensation of 2-carbon units (molecules of malonyl-coenzyme A
(CoA)) originating from the microbial breakdown of carbohydrate to
acetate in the rumen. Fatty acids are also derived directly from the diet or
from the breakdown of adipose tissue. The esters of the fatty acids are
incorporated into triglycerides, the glycerol being derived either from the
hydrolysis of plasma lipids or by glycolysis. The milk fat is released from
the epithelial cells as globules, each enclosed in a membrane.
Lactose, a carbohydrate found only in milk, is synthesized from glucose, via galactose. The secondary stage, the combination of glucose and
galactose to form the disaccharide, is facilitated by the milk protein
-lactalbumin. -Lactoglobulin, -lactalbumin and the milk caseins are
synthesized from circulating amino acids, whereas the immunoglobulins
are transferred directly into the epithelial cells from the bloodstream. Milk
protein and lactose move together through the secretory cells in micelles
and the osmotic pressure exerted by lactose draws water into the secretion,
which, at the surface of the cell, is discharged into the duct, together with
the mineral components of the milk. For greater detail on the synthesis of
milk in the ewe, refer to Thomas and Rook (1983).
Tracer-based methods
The third approach to measuring milk intake is to estimate the dilution, by
a component of the milk consumed by the lamb, of a marker or tracer
introduced into a known body pool. Most commonly, the body-water pool
is labelled by the administration to the lamb of either tritiated water (TOH)
(Dove and Freer, 1979) or deuterium oxide (D2O) (Dove, 1988). The
turnover of the tracer is monitored in water extracted from blood samples
taken 47 days apart, during which period the animals are left undisturbed. The procedure is based on two assumptions: that milk is the only
source of water for the lamb and that the amount of water in the lamb does
not change over the period of measurement. Before peak lactation in the
ewe, lambs consume negligible amounts of drinking water and solid food
and single markers have been used successfully to estimate milk intake
(e.g. Dove and Freer, 1979). The second assumption is clearly not met,
because weight gain in the lamb contains at least 65% water and estimates
Nutrition earlier in pregnancy (see Robinson et al., Chapter 9, this volume), before the period of mammary development, may affect milk production via placental size and secretion of placental lactogen. Growth of the
placenta, which is completed by 90 days of pregnancy, can be affected by
severe underfeeding. If nutrition in late pregnancy is good, this does not lead
to a reduction in lamb birth weight, but Davis et al. (1980) and Dove et al.
(1988) found effects of mid-pregnancy feeding on milk yield and lamb growth,
even when birth weight was not reduced. This may be related to nutritional
effects on placental size and hence placental lactogen concentrations. In sheep,
plasma lactogen concentrations increase until close to the end of pregnancy
and are affected by placenta size and by the number of fetuses carried.
If there is underfeeding in early lactation, milk production may be
affected by the amount of body reserves available for utilization after lambing. Although undernutrition in pregnancy increases the utilization of
body reserves before lambing, the level of reserves is also affected by deposition and utilization of fat occurring before mating and in early and midpregnancy. The effects of body reserves at lambing on feed intake and on
the level and efficiency of milk production are discussed below.
Lactation (weeks)
Effect of milking
In dairy systems, the start of milking at the end of approximately 1
month of suckling results in a dramatic reduction in milk yield, which
Fig. 10.2. Effects of extent of access by lambs to the ewe: , unrestricted access; , access
restricted to two 15 min periods per day, on the milk yield of Manchega ewes during suckling
and subsequent machine milking (adapted from Gargouri et al., 1993).
Plate 10.1. Border Leicester Scottish Blackface ewes and their lambs grazing perennial
ryegrass pastures in Lanarkshire, central Scotland. The ewe on the left is carrying equipment
that allows the estimation of the intake and nutritive value of the pasture in relation to the
nutrient requirements for lactation.
Penning et al. (1991) and Morris et al. (1994) found that lactating ewes
grazing swards with surface height in the optimum range (4.512 cm)
for maintaining near-maximal intakes reached peak intakes of 2.63.0 kg
OM (3846 g kg1 LW) in week 4 of lactation, approximately 20% higher
than the intake in the first week of lactation. On shorter swards, the
patterns of intake varied from a peak at 8 weeks to an almost constant
intake over this period.
Body condition at lambing does not have a major effect on absolute
intake by lactating ewes. Peart (1970), Foot and Russel (1979) and Gibb
and Treacher (1980) found that non-significant differences in intake
occurred in ewes differing in live weight at lambing by 1015 kg or by
1.02.0 units of body-condition score (on a scale of 15).
Requirements in Lactation
Responses to intake of energy and protein
The model described by Robinson (1980) provides a useful starting-point
for considering responses in milk production by the ewe to intake of energy
and protein and hence nutrient requirements of the ewe during early lactation. Figure 10.3 demonstrates three important principles relating to the
response to variation in intake of ME and metabolizable protein (MP):
1. For a particular level of ME intake there is a critical protein intake,
below which milk yield will decrease.
2. The minimum ratio of crude protein (CP) to ME increases with increasing level of milk yield.
Minimum CP: ME
ratio (g MJ1)
CP intake (g day1)
Milk yield (kg day1)
Fig. 10.3. Response in milk yield to alterations in dietary CP and ME for 70 kg ewes suckling
twin lambs (reproduced with permission from Treacher, 1983).
28.3 MJ day1
25.0 MJ day1
22.5 MJ day1
Crude protein intake (g day1)
Fig. 10.4. The effect of metabolizable energy intake (18.3, 22.5, 25.0 and 28.3 MJ day1) and
protein sources on the milk yield of Finn Dorset ewes in early lactation: , basal diet of hay and
barley; , basal diet with different proportions of barley replaced by soybean meal; , basal
diet with different proportions of barley replaced by fish meal. (Adapted from Robinson, 1990.)
C = 1 + 0.018((MEmp/MEm) 1)
Em = 0.23(W/1.08)0.75 + Ea
km = 0.35qm + 0.503
El = VY
kl = 0.35qm + 0.420
for weight gain
Eg =
(26.0G/1.09)0.84 for weight loss
kg = 0.95kl
Metabolizable protein
In a similar way, the requirement for MP (Table 10.1) is calculated as the
sum of the requirements for maintenance (MPm), wool growth (MPw), lactation (MPl) and weight change (MPg). The efficiency of utilization of
absorbed amino acids for these four purposes is 1.0, 0.26, 0.68 and 1.0,
respectively, so the total requirement for a ewe of weight W kg, producing
F g wool and Y kg milk (containing 48.9 g true protein kg1) and retaining
P kg protein as body tissue is as shown in Equation (3).
MP = 2.1875W 0.75 + F/0.26 + 48.9Y/0.68 + P
Table 10.2. The supply of metabolizable protein (AFRC, 1993) from a diet with an energy concentration
of 11.5 MJ ME kg1 DM and a crude protein content of 200 g kg1, at two levels of protein degradability
in the rumen, when used to maintain the weight of a 70 kg housed lactating ewe that is producing 5 g
wool and 2 kg milk day1 and is estimated to require 228 g MP day1 (see Table 10.1).
Intake of dry matter (DMI) (kg)
Intake of ME (MJ)
Intake of crude protein (CPI) (g)
Fermentable ME (FME)a (MJ)
Microbial crude protein (MCP) (g)
Effective rumen degradability of protein (ERDP)b
Undegraded dietary protein (UDP) (g)
Digested undegraded protein (DUP)c (g)
Metabolizable protein (g)
0.6375MCP + DUP
= ME intake (MEI) (ME in fat and silage acids; here assumed to total 0.7 MJ kg1 DM).
is a measure, expressed as a decimal proportion, of rumen degradability weighted for the speed
of degradation and adjusted for rumen outflow rate (AFRC, 1993).
cDigestibility of the undegraded protein is predicted from the content of acid-detergent insoluble protein
and is here assumed to be 70%.
Fig. 10.5. The effect on milk production in twin-suckling ewes of 70 kg body weight of
metabolizable energy (ME) intake (20, 25 or 30 MJ day1) and body fatness (5, 10, 15 or 20
kg of body fat equal to body-condition scores ranging from 1 to 3.5). The values in each
histogram are the rates of fat loss (g day1) from the body. (Reproduced with permission from
Robinson, 1990.)
taining weight (20 g day1 loss). At lower intakes, yield was reduced to a
greater extent in the ewes with lower reserves, as ewes with larger reserves
mobilized more fat and produced more milk, although they were unable to
compensate in full for the reduction in energy intake. Ewes with 20 kg of fat
reserves and daily intakes of 20 and 25 MJ ME produced 2.9 and 3.0 kg of
milk day1 and lost 360 and 190 g LW, respectively. At the same intakes, the
thinnest ewes, with 5 kg of fat, produced 2.1 and 2.8 kg of milk and lost 105
and 60 g LW, respectively. This model demonstrates that intakes below
requirements inevitably lead to some reduction in milk yield. In the case of
ewes in good body condition, however, the reduction is small.
Protein requirements and periparturient rise in faecal egg counts
Recent work in New Zealand suggests that protein requirements derived by
the factorial method outlined above may underestimate the requirements
for lactating ewes exposed to nematode parasite infection. This is because
the immune system has a relatively low priority for nutrients, compared
with other physiological requirements, and may need additional protein.
The periparturient rise in worm burdens and faecal egg counts is attributed
to a temporary relaxation of the immune response of the ewe to nematode
parasites (see Coop and Sykes, Chapter 14, this volume). Donaldson et al.
(2001) showed that, in lactating ewes fed just below their full requirements
for ME, worm burdens were inversely related to protein intake in the range
85145% of AFRC (1993) requirements for MP. The reduction in the parasite burden was caused by an increase in the ability of the ewes to reject
ingested larvae. The authors suggest that a daily intake of MP of approximately 350 g, 20% above the AFRC (1993) requirement, is necessary to
maintain maximum immunity against nematode parasites in ewes with milk
yields of more than 3.0 kg day1 rearing rapidly growing twins.
Effects of poor nutrition in early lactation
Restricted nutrition for periods of 714 days in early lactation has little lasting effect on milk yield, which returns to a normal level within a few days of
feeding being increased. If, however, low-plane feeding is continued for 28
days, there is either no response to an increase in feeding (Peart, 1970) or
only a slow return to a normal level of yield over a period of 2 weeks.
Mineral nutrition
The most important mineral disorders in lactating ewes are hypomagnesaemia and, to a lesser extent, hypocalcaemia.
The incidence of hypomagnesaemia (grass tetany or staggers) is generally
low in sheep, but can be a problem in individual flocks at pasture at the
peak of lactation, in the first 46 weeks after lambing. It is more common
in older ewes rearing twin lambs, particularly if the ewes are underfed, as
is the case with grass tetany in beef cattle. It is most likely to occur in spring
on heavily fertilized, improved pastures, especially where fertilizers containing high levels of potassium have been applied in early spring. High
levels of potassium in herbage reduce the absorption and utilization of
magnesium by the animal.
Onset of hypomagnesaemia is generally very rapid and will result in
death unless treated. An outbreak usually starts with the death of a ewe
that appeared normal a few hours earlier. Before tetany occurs, ewes
appear nervous or excited, with trembling, particularly in the facial muscles. These symptoms may be induced by transportation, exercise, rapid
diet change or the presence of strange dogs or people.
Underwood and Suttle (1999) suggest that a mean serum magnesium
concentration below 0.60 mmol l1 indicates that a flock will probably
respond to supplementation with magnesium. Response to supplementation may possibly occur at serum levels in the range 0.600.75 mmol l1.
The disorder can be diagnosed in dead animals by analysing the vitreous
humour of the eye, where values below 0.75 mmol l1 indicate hypomagnesaemia. Dietary requirements for magnesium specified by Underwood and
Suttle (1999) for lactating ewes are given in Table 10.3.
Ewes in the early stages of hypomagnesaemia can be treated by intravenous injection with magnesium hypophosphite. This is always given with
calcium, as 50 ml of a 250 g l1 solution of calcium borogluconate contain-
Dry-matter intakea
(kg day1)
Dietary requirement
(g kg1 DM)
At pasture
Physiological state
End of pregnancy
(kg day1)
(g kg1 DM)
In the early stages of hypocalcaemia, treatment by intravenous injection of calcium borogluconate is generally effective and ewes will stand and
eat within about an hour of treatment. Calcium intake in late pregnancy
should be restricted to a level close to requirement, as high intake of Ca
reduces the ability of the ewe to maintain Ca levels in the blood by mobilizing bone Ca in early lactation.
Diet composition
Concentrate : forage ratio
A low proportion of long forage in the diet of lactating ewes results in a
reduction in the fat content of the milk, as it does in dairy cows. Goodchild
et al. (1999) found that, from day 60 to 120 of lactation, when milk yields
were low (c. 420 g day1), feeding a diet with a concentrate to straw ratio of
92 : 8 and an acid-detergent fibre (ADF) content of 170 g kg1 DM, compared with a diet with a ratio of 47 : 53 and 385 g ADF kg1 DM, decreased
the fat content (73 vs. 65 g kg1) but did not affect the milk yield. This
problem of low fat is common in some intensive dairy systems in
Mediterranean countries, where forages are expensive and it is economic
to feed high levels of concentrates. It can be overcome, at least partially, by
feeding buffers in high-concentrate diets to correct the rumen pH.
Protected fat
In experiments with dairy ewes, the inclusion in the diet of calcium soaps
of long-chain fatty acids (CSFA), which are protected from hydrolysis in the
rumen, did not affect milk yield or weight change of the ewes (e.g. Casals et
al., 1999). Fat content, however, increased, particularly in early lactation,
while protein content declined throughout lactation. The few experiments
on suckling ewes generally show that, although milk composition was
altered, lamb growth rates did not increase.
The increase in milk fat is accompanied by changes in the proportions
of fatty acids, which could potentially affect the organoleptic characteristics of cheese made from the milk. In general, the proportion of shortand medium-chain fatty acids (C4:0C14:1) is reduced and that of
palmitic (C16:0) and oleic (C18:1) acids is increased, but initial studies in
Spain have shown little difference in the quality of cheese at the end of
the maturation period. These results suggest that supplementation with
concentrates containing CSFA may be used to increase milk fat in early
lactation, where penalties are imposed by cheese manufacturers for milk
with a low fat content.
for protein
Fig. 10.6. The effect of supplementing a basal diet (BD) of hay and barley with: urea (U);
groundnut meal (); soybean meal (); meat and bone meal (); linseed meal (); fish meal
() or blood meal (), together with the degradability coefficient for each protein source.
(Reproduced with permission from Robinson, 1983.)
grazing short pasture with an energy source, with or without formaldehydetreated soybean meal, and the presence of the protected protein increased
milk yield by 33%. Bocquier et al. (1994) increased the protein content of
milk by feeding 3 or 6 g day1 of protected methionine to dairy ewes
already fed more than their energy and protein requirements. Lynch et al.
(1991) and Baldwin et al. (1993), however, found no significant response in
either yield or protein content to feeding protected lysine and/or methionine.
These and other similar results must be seen within the context of the
overall protein requirements of the ewe; a partially protected protein supplement may be satisfying a need for ERDP. For example, Wilkinson et al.
(2000) found that supplements differing in digestible undegradable protein content had no effect on the yield of dairy ewes at pasture. The ratio
of ERDP to fermentable ME (FME) was, however, below the optimum for
rumen function and milk yield increased in response to an increased
intake of ERDP resulting from feeding urea.
Ewe milk production has a major impact on the performance and profitability of many sheep systems. The slow increase in voluntary intake in
early lactation, when nutrient requirements are at their peak, means that
ewes are invariably in negative balance for a few weeks after lambing,
although weight change may conceal the energy loss, due to tissue hydration. In the absence of supplementary feeding, this will result in a reduction
in milk yield unless the ewe had sufficient body reserves at lambing. The
main areas of doubt with current recommendations on nutrient requirements are the energy value of body reserves utilized during lactation and
the minimum energy intakes required in early lactation to prevent reduction in milk production throughout the remainder of the lactation.
AFRC (1991) A reappraisal of the calcium and phosphorus requirements of sheep
and cattle. Technical Committee on Responses to Nutrients, Report Number 6.
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (Series B) 61, 573612.
AFRC (1993) Energy and Protein Requirements of Ruminants. An Advisory Manual
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International, Wallingford, UK.
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and lactation on feed intake, milk production, body composition and energy utilisation of ewes at pasture. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 106, 351367.
Gibb, M.J. and Treacher, T.T. (1980) The effect of ewe body condition at lambing
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Loerch, S.C., McClure, K.E. and Parker, C.F. (1985) Effects of number of lambs
suckled and supplemental protein source on lactating ewe performance.
Journal of Animal Science 60, 713.
Lynch, G.P., Elsasser, T.H., Jackson, C., Rumsey, T.S. and Camp, M.J. (1991)
Nitrogen metabolism of lactating ewes fed rumen-protected methionine and
lysine. Journal of Dairy Science 74, 22682276.
Moore, R.W. (1966) Genetic factors affecting the milk intake of lambs. Australian
Journal of Agricultural Science 17, 191199.
Morris, S.T., McCutcheon, S.N., Parker, W.J. and Blair, H.T. (1994) Effect of sward
surface height on herbage intake and performance of lactating ewes lambed in
winter and continuously stocked on pasture. Journal of Agricultural Science,
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Peart, J.N. (1970) The influence of liveweight and body condition on the subsequent milk production of Blackface ewes following a period of undernutrition
in early lactation. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 75, 459469.
Peart, J.N., Edwards, R.A. and Donaldson, E. (1975) The yield and composition of
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In most developed countries, food production exceeds the demand.
Affluent consumers become more selective about their purchase and consumption choices, and these depend as much on ethical and emotional
considerations as on strict nutritional grounds. The perception that dietary
fat, in general, and saturated fat, in particular, are linked to obesity, circulating cholesterol and cardiovascular disease is common. This perception
has dramatically affected the demand for animal products, especially for
red meat. This trend is expected to continue, so that the challenge facing
the sheep-meat industry is to produce lean, healthy meat under humane,
ecologically sound conditions. This will require a solid scientific and technical foundation in the biology underlying animal production.
In response to consumer preferences, processors require lambs that
meet criteria for age, carcass weight, carcass fat cover and meat-quality
attributes. Processors traditionally achieve these specifications by purchasing lambs produced in a diverse range of extensive-production environments. Increasingly, producers are attempting to achieve specifications
within the constraints of their production environments, mainly by combining improved genotypes with a practical knowledge of grazing management, animal nutrition and parasite control. The supply of nutrients is
most readily affected by management practices and has arguably the greatest effect on the supply of lambs that meet market specifications.
Management of the production system depends on an understanding of
the relationships between intake of pastures and their nutrient yield, animal genotype and product (meat) output and quality. Here we describe
and discuss how some of these factors affect efficiency of feed use by lambs,
their body composition in terms of lean and fat content and aspects of carcass quality (principally fat content and meat yield).
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
Growth pattern
The pattern of development of the major chemical (and industrially valuable) components of the lamb (protein and fat) has been described elsewhere. For example, in his comprehensive review, Black (1983) noted the
Weight (kg)
Weight (kg)
Age (days)
Fig. 11.1. The relationship between weight of protein and fat in lambs and (a) age and (b)
fleece-free fasted body weight (FFFBW) (diagram from Black, 1983). Note the lack of
relationship between chemical composition of the body and age, particularly after 100 days,
and the comparatively close relationship between protein content and FFFBW.
general lack of relationship between the age of the lamb and its protein
and fat content, but noted a substantially closer relationship between protein and fat content and the fleece-free fasted weight of lambs (Fig. 11.1).
This apparently simple relationship masks a more complex pattern of
development when viewed at the level of individual organs. Butterfield
(1988) has detailed the pattern of development of the organs (including
individual muscle and fat depots) of lambs and sheep. Where feed intake is
unrestricted, the proportion of growth in early postnatal life is greater for
the brain, intestine, liver, heart and muscle than for body weight and the
fat depots contribute a lesser proportion of body-weight gain (Black, 1983;
Butterfield, 1988; Fig. 11.2).
Where feed intake is restricted, particularly in the period before
about 30% maturity, the proportion of organs change, relative to the
unrestricted case shown in Fig. 11.2. The response is complex. The
weights of very early-maturing organs, such as the brain and eyes, are
not affected by feed restriction, and their proportion of body weight may
be greater than shown in Fig. 11.2 (Palsson and Verges, 1952). Organs
that are particularly sensitive to feed intake, such as the intestine and
liver, may have proportional weights somewhat less than those indicated
Body weight
Fig. 11.2. Pattern of postnatal growth of organs of Merino sheep relative to their live weight
as a percentage of their weight at maturity (adapted from Black, 1983, and Butterfield, 1988).
by Fig. 11.2. The proportion of fat in the body will be reduced at low
degrees of maturity, but may increase at high degrees of maturity. This
comes about because of a lower proportion of feed energy intake available for deposition in adipose tissue, and also because low levels of nutrition early in life may reduce the capacity of muscles to reach their
mature size (Tulloh et al., 1986).
maintenance (km defined as in Fig. 7.1) lies in the range 0.650.72, when
calculated from calorimetric measurements of heat production, or in the
range 0.540.60, when calculated from comparative slaughter studies.
The reasons for the difference are discussed by Corbett and Ball
(Chapter 7, this volume). One method for calculating the efficiency of
energy use for maintenance from M/D is that used by the Agricultural
Research Council (ARC, 1980):
km = 0.55 + 0.016M/D
However, as noted below, there is also considerable other variation, possibly
genetic, in the efficiency of feed use for maintenance (Herd et al., 1993).
The difficulty of defining maintenance in growing sheep has long
been recognized. Lines and Pierce (1931) described the effects of previous level of feeding on fasting heat production, and recommended a
standard procedure for time without feed and amount of feed before
such measurements. Such an approach to the problem of defining a
dynamic biological variable has been used to great effect in the development of practical feeding systems (Corbett et al., 1987). In the future, it is
likely that attempts will be made to add further factors (perhaps for differences between breeds, effects of internal and external parasites) to
generalized maintenance equations (SCA, 1990). However, the problem
remains that these factors are contributors to an arbitrary separation of
energy expenditure for maintenance from that for growth and other
bodily functions, whereas, in reality, energy expenditure at zero energy
retention (i.e. maintenance) is dynamic. Current attempts to develop
mathematical frameworks that can accommodate variable energy cost at
energy balance are discussed below.
He = endogenous heat energy (i.e. fasting heat production or basal
Hd = heat of digestion, absorption and assimilation
Hr = heat produced during growth (cost of product synthesis)
kg = efficiency of energy retention = 1 Hr/MEg
From a nutritional perspective, the variation in kg is influenced mainly
by the ME density of the feed. An empirical relationship often used to calculate efficiency of gain (ARC, 1980) is:
kg = 0.0435M/D
Given the expected range in M/D, predicted values of kg would vary
from 0.30 to 0.57. In reality the range of efficiency of gain is greater. As
with maintenance, estimates of efficiency of energy use calculated from
studies in which energy deposition in the body was measured directly
tend to be lower compared with measurement of heat production in a
calorimeter. For example, Rattray et al. (1974) report an estimate of kg of
0.41 in young growing sheep compared with 0.48 calculated by the
above equation. Sainz et al. (1990) report, for a diet with M/D 10.6, values for kg of 0.420.44 for wethers and 0.390.42 for ewes and, for a diet
of M/D 8.7, kg values of 0.250.27 for wethers and 0.170.21 for ewes.
These compare with predicted values from the ARC equation of 0.46
and 0.38, respectively. Similarly, it can be calculated from Hegarty et al.
(1999), who fed castrated male lambs a diet with M/D of 10, that kg was
0.37 if maintenance was derived from the EB of the control group or
0.43 if maintenance was adjusted for additional MEI (SCA, 1990). These
data highlight the difficulty in determining maintenance and the consequences of incorrect estimation.
Estimates of kg are amalgamated estimates of rate of gain of different
tissues, each with different rates of gain of chemical components. These are
mainly protein and fat, each with its own efficiency of energy accretion. The
energetic efficiency of protein deposition in ruminants is reported to be 0.2
(Owens et al., 1995), compared with 0.45 in pigs (Kielanowski, 1965), and
the efficiency of deposition of energy in fat is 0.75. However, fat and protein
accretion are so highly correlated that it is difficult to estimate efficiency of
energy retention in both protein and fat with precision from data collected
in serial slaughter studies (Bernier et al., 1987). We therefore need alternative methods for estimating energetic efficiency of fat and protein deposition. One of these methods involves direct measures of protein deposition
and energy expenditure in lambs eating different amounts of the same feed
(Oddy, 1999). Such studies suggest that, at least in muscle, the efficiency of
Fig. 11.3. Effects of feed intake (expressed as multiples of calculated maintenance energy
requirement) on hind-limb protein synthesis (solid line) and degradation (dashed line) in
sheep (data from Thomson et al., 1997). Protein synthesis and degradation were measured
using an arteriovenous difference technique; the units refer to flux of the marker amino acid,
phenylalanine, across the hind limb.
Efficiency of protein
deposition (J J1)
It has been recognized for some time that heat production is closely
related to whole-body protein mass (Waterlow et al., 1978) and to the
rate of protein synthesis (for a summary, see Webster, 1984). Why does
this occur?
The key determinant of efficiency of protein deposition is the rate of
protein synthesis relative to the rate of protein gain. Since protein gain =
protein synthesis protein degradation, it follows that, when protein gain
= 0, protein synthesis = protein degradation. At low rates of protein
accretion, it would be expected that the energetic efficiency of protein
gain would approach 0. The theoretical maximum energetic efficiency of
protein gain (0.94, calculated as described in Fig. 11.4) occurs when protein synthesis equals protein gain, i.e. protein degradation = 0.
Protein degradation is an important process for remodelling cell
structure and recycling of amino acids within and between cells. Protein
degradation always occurs, so the theoretical maximal efficiency of protein gain is never attained. Because of temporal differences in the rates
of protein synthesis and degradation within and between organs, such as
those related to the pattern of feed intake, stage of animal development,
disease state and genotype, the relative rate of protein accretion is very
much less than the rate of protein synthesis. Accordingly, the theoretical
energetic efficiency of protein accretion, kp, depends upon the rate of
protein synthesis relative to accretion, and the relationship is not linear
(Fig. 11.4). The calculated value of kp in growing non-ruminants (0.44)
Fig. 11.4. Theoretical efficiency of energy use for protein gain as affected by the rate of
protein synthesis relative to the rate of protein gain.* Calculated efficiency based on energy
cost of protein synthesis of 4.5 kJ g1 protein deposited (Buttery and Annison, 1973) and
protein energy content of 23.8 kJ g1.
*Consider the following equality:
Protein gain = protein synthesis protein degradation
For each 1 g of protein gain, then it is possible to have n g of protein synthesis and (n 1) g
of protein degradation. The diagram considers the energetic consequences of increasing n,
the number of g of protein synthesis per g of protein gained.
30 40 50
Age (days)
Protein gain (g day1)
Fig. 11.5. Relationship between protein synthesis/protein gain in the whole body of milk-fed
lambs and (a) age and (b) rate of protein gain in the whole body (data from Oddy, 1986).
Fat metabolism
Fat deposition is the balance between the relative rates of anabolism (i.e. lipogenesis) and catabolism (i.e. lipolysis) (Vernon, 1986). Most body fat is laid
down as triacylglycerols (TAG), through the processes of lipogenesis from
acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) (derived from acetate) and esterification of fattyacyl-CoA (FA-CoA) to -glycerol phosphate (derived from glucose). Lipolysis
is carried out mainly by hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), yielding free (nonesterified) fatty acids (NEFA) and glycerol. NEFA may be reactivated to FACoA and re-esterified to form TAG, or they may enter the circulation. Since
released glycerol cannot be reutilized in adipose tissue, it is released into the
bloodstream and taken up by the liver for gluconeogenesis.
Fat metabolism and deposition are controlled by hormonal and nutritional factors, and depend to a large extent on the age of the animal and its
energy status. The rate of fat deposition is more clearly related to the
amount of energy available in excess of requirements for maintenance and
lean growth than to specific metabolic changes in adipose tissue (Sainz and
Wolff, 1990).
Effects of Genotype
We now understand (in broad terms) that both the pattern and extent of
growth are regulated through expression of specific genes. The principal
determinant of the timing and extent of gene expression is an innate programme within the genome itself. However, the extent and timing of
expression of specific genes that regulate development are also controlled by
nutrient supply. The pattern of nutrient supply, and thus gene expression, is
influenced by what Dawkins (1983) describes as the extended phenotype
that is, the inherited relationship between the genome and the environment
in which it is expressed. For example, a lamb is affected by maternal factors
that influence uterine and preweaning nutritional environment and which,
from a nutritional perspective, represent effects of the mothers genome. In
crossbred lambs, this (maternal) half of the genome has both direct (additive
genetic) and indirect (maternal) effects. Maternal effects may include effects
on fetal development of the lamb due to placental insufficiency or lactational
capability less than the intake potential of the progeny. The dominant perinatal nutritional influence is the capability of lambs to maximize their mothers lactational capacity and hence the relative contribution of milk to the
ingested nutrient supply. After weaning, nutrient supply is provided by
ingestion and digestion of predominantly cellulose-based feeds. The ability
of the lamb to ingest and to digest these feeds are both significantly influenced by inherited characters (genes). As a lamb becomes older, and in particular after weaning, feed intake is often constrained by the quality and
quantity of available pasture or supplement. Accordingly, knowledge about
the nutritional response of sheep of different genotypes will almost certainly
be required in future feeding systems.
Protein metabolism
Growth rate may be improved by a reduction in the rate of protein degradation. For example, fast-growing genetic lines of sheep have lower rates of
muscle-protein breakdown than slow-growing lines (Oddy et al., 1989).
Similar results have been observed with other species. At least in cattle and
sheep, there appears to be a genotype nutrition interaction in the response
of protein turnover (Oddy, 1999). In comparing sheep from lines selected
for high or low growth rates, Oddy et al. (1995) found that low-growth-line
sheep displayed the expected response to different levels of feeding (Fig.
11.6a). On the other hand, sheep from the high-growth line exhibited a
qualitatively different response to nutrition (Fig. 11.6b). In those animals,
protein synthesis did not increase with feeding level and protein degradation
showed a marked decrease in response to improved nutrition. This genotypespecific response confirms the importance of protein degradation in genetic
growth potential, but is inconsistent with the current view of nutritional control of protein accretion.
Intake (g
Intake (g
Fig. 11.6. Effects of feed intake on hind-limb protein synthesis (solid line) and degradation
(dashed line) in sheep selected for low weaning weight (W) (a) and high weaning weight
(W+) (b ) (data from Oddy et al., 1995). Protein synthesis and degradation were measured
using an arteriovenous difference technique; the units refer to flux of the marker amino acid,
phenylalanine, across the hind limb.
RE (kJ day1)
ME intake (M)
REfat > 0, REprotein > 0
REprotein < 0
Fig. 11.7. The general pattern of energy retained in fat and protein in lambs as affected by
feed intake (shown as multiples of maintenance, M).
energy-yielding nutrients in the ruminant lamb. If energy intake is sufficient to permit growth and the rumen is provided with sufficient nitrogenous substrate to maximize microbial protein production, then the
response to additional amino acid supply is variable (Sainz et al., 1994;
Hegarty et al., 1999). At MEI close to or below maintenance, where fat
accretion is unlikely, an increase in postruminal amino acid supply has
been shown to stimulate protein accretion (albeit to low levels) relative to
fat accretion (Vipond et al., 1989). However, even when substantial oversupply of amino acid is provided at low energy intake, the dominant fate
of those amino acids is transamination, followed by conversion to energyyielding substrates, including glucose (Oddy et al., 1997).
In the free-ranging ruminant, supply of additional amino acid postruminally may lead to increased feed intake. If this occurs with low-quality (i.e.
M/D < 8) roughages, feed intake will increase until rumen fill provides a ceiling on intake. Although there may be a small increase in body-protein deposition, most of the observed live-weight gain is rumen and intestine contents
and associated increase in visceral weight (see Edwards et al., 1989a, b).
Intestinal tissues (portal-drained viscera) and liver have higher specific-energy
expenditure (expressed as mol oxygen (kgmin)1) than peripheral tissues
and skeletal muscle (Koong et al., 1982). Accordingly, where the nutrient
density of a feed is lower and internal organ weights are relatively greater,
maintenance costs are higher and body gains are lower relative to animals
consuming the same energy and amino acid supply in a more digestible
Compensatory Growth
Most of the scientific literature on quantitative growth of animals is concerned
with continuous growth. However, animals frequently undergo periods of
nutrient restriction, followed by times of plenty. Growth is impaired during
times of low feed quantity or quality, or both, and then improves when feed
becomes abundant and of higher quality (realimentation). In some sheepproduction systems, there are also significant effects of parasitic disease on
lamb growth. Growth in the realimentation phase is often faster and more
efficient than normal; this is called compensatory growth (Fig. 11.8). Animals
undergoing compensatory growth may or may not recover the weight lost
during the period of restriction. Where growth restriction occurs early in an
animals life or when it occurs for a prolonged period of time, animals may
never achieve the same weight (Table 11.2) or body composition as unrestricted controls (Table 11.3). Growth restriction due to inadequate nutrition
or disease is a regular occurrence in extensive situations, and compensatory
growth is accepted as part of the production system. In many environments,
producers depend upon compensatory growth to allow catch-up, and animals
are generally not supplemented when feed supply restricts growth. Prediction
of subsequent growth and body composition of lambs affected by previous
growth retardation is a challenge to current feeding systems.
Weight (kg)
Compensatory gain:
faster and
more efficient
Age (months)
Table 11.3. Effect of growth impairment relative to maturity on subsequent growth and body
composition and potential effects on composition of nutrient supply (from P.L. Greenwood and V.H.
Oddy, 1999, unpublished lecture notes).
Growth check before 40% maturity
ME intake (MJ
Fig. 11.9. The relationship between proportion of retained energy stored as protein and total
metabolizable energy intake (MJ day1) in lambs with uninterrupted growth (open circles) and
lambs exhibiting compensatory growth (closed circles). The values combine data from Hegarty
et al. (1999) and from R.S. Hegarty, S.A. Neutze and V.H. Oddy (unpublished results).
Table 11.4. Effect on lambsa of previous nutrient restriction (Compensating)b compared to lack of
restriction (Normal)c and the effect of dietd M/D (MJ kg1) on liveweight gain (LWG), protein gain and fat
gain. Mean daily values are shown for ME intake and estimated ME available for production (MEp), and
the ratio of energy retained in protein to total energy retention after adjustment for MEp per kg live
weight0.75 (ProtE/E). (From Hegarty et al., 1999, and unpublished results by these authors.)
ME intake
(MJ day1)
(MJ day1)
(g day1)
Protein gain
(g day1)
Fat gain
(g day1)
12.9 0.3
14.8 0.3
5.7 0.2
6.4 0.2
219 6
154 6
21.2 0.7
15.5 0.7
65.4 2.3
62 2.3
0.18 0.01
0.15 0.01
M/D of diet
10.0 0.3
13.4 0.4
18.0 0.4
2.5 0.2
5.8 0.3
9.8 0.3
149 6
174 7
237 7
13.7 0.8
17.7 0.9
23.8 0.9
31.3 2.6
61.6 3.0
98.1 2.9
0.23 0.02
0.15 0.01
0.11 0.02
were second-cross Dorset Horn (Merino Border Leicester) desexed males, 20 weeks of age
at the start.
bCompensating lambs weighed 27.7 0.3 kg at the start and 47.5 0.6 kg at the end of the 90-day
feeding period.
cNormal lambs were 39.6 0.3 kg at the start and 53.5 0.6 kg at the end of the feeding period.
dThe diets were pelleted and contained soluble protein in excess of that calculated to meet expected
rumen microbial protein production, plus, on average, 45 g day1 of formaldehyde-treated casein.
earlier models, which were very largely built on data from whole-animal
studies. These problems include variance in apparent maintenance
requirements, the effect of differences in the proportions of fat and protein
on the efficiency of tissue accretion, the effects of age and previous plane of
nutrition on current and future performance and the optimization of protein availability to producing animals.
Resolution of these problems will require greater use in our models of
concepts derived from studies conducted at the tissue, cellular and subcellular levels. Significant progress towards this end has been achieved in
recent years and it appears that a progressive increase in the mechanistic
elements in the various feeding-system models will improve their accuracy
of prediction and general applicability.
The components to be included and the principles upon which our
current methods mechanistically model sheep growth were enunciated by
Baldwin and Black (1979), as set out below.
1. The primary genetic determinant of organ size is the final number of
cells, i.e. amount of DNA. It follows that a difference in organ size between
species or between strains within a species is due largely to the amount of
DNA observed in that organ in normally grown adults.
2. Each unit of DNA specifies, on a genetically defined basis for each tissue
and each species, information required for the ultimate formation of a specific amount of cell material. Whether information specified by a unit of
DNA leads to the formation of cell material depends on the nutritional and
physiological status of the animal.
3. The specific activities, expressed as units per gram of tissue, of enzymes
or groups of enzymes responsible for tissue growth and general metabolism vary as an exponential function of organ size.
In practice, the measurements required to implement models based
on these principles cannot be made directly for groups of animals and for
groups of feeds and it cannot be assumed that the nutrient supply from
the digestion of a specific feed is the same across different animal genotypes. Accordingly, simpler dynamic approaches have been sought. For
example, in the model developed by Oltjen et al. (1986a) for steers, body
protein gain (P) was represented as the difference between protein
synthesis and degradation, with synthesis depending on the amount of
DNA present at the time (see Equation (5) below). The daily increase (D)
in DNA is predicted as a function (Equation (4)) of the difference between
the DNA mass at maturity (Dmax) and the current DNA (D) and is
modified by the level of nutrition. The nutritional factors (N1 and N2) that
affect synthesis of protein and D have a value of 1.0 if feed is offered ad
libitum. At lower intakes, N1 and N2 are predicted from the ratio (R) of
MEI to the ceiling intake (Equations (6) and (7)), based on data of Oltjen
et al. (1986b). The rate constants (k1, k2 and k3) are adjusted for mature
body size, according to the scaling factor proposed by Taylor (1980) and
k2 can be modified if the rate of protein gain is increased by hormonal
growth promotants.
D = k1(Dmax D)N1
P = k2D0.73N2 k3P0.73
N1 = 0.7 + 1.7R
N2 = 0.83 + 0.2R/(0.15 + R)
Finally, daily gain (kg) in fat (F) (energy content 39.27 MJ kg1) in the
empty body is calculated in Equation (8) as the net energy, retained with an
efficiency kg, after the intake of ME (MJ) is used for maintenance (MEm)
and protein gain (23.18 MJ kg1).
F = ((MEI MEm)kg 23.18P)/39.27
Fig. 11.10. Predicted pattern of change in heat production at maintenance in growing ram
lambs eating less than maintenance energy intake for 40 days and then approximately twice
maintenance thereafter. Values are simulated by the model of Soboleva et al. (1999) from
data of Ferrell et al. (1986).
Hm = atEBW0.75 + 0.09MEI
at = a0(1 + b(MEIt/MEI0 1)(1 exp(t/)))
where b and are constants and a0 and at are the maintenance parameters
at time 0 and t, respectively.
It is possible to reformulate the model to calculate heat production
from protein metabolism so that the requirement for an independent estimate of maintenance and assumptions about a fixed efficiency of protein
gain are removed. This approach was used by Knapp and Scharma (1996)
to calculate heat production in various tissues of the pig. There are too few
data to use this method directly with lambs; there are few experiments
with adequate measurements of M and V, and their rates of accretion and
heat production in response to nutrition. However, Ferrell et al. (1986)
published data on 72 growing ram lambs that were used to estimate the
relative contribution of M, V, dM/dt and dV/dt to heat production by multiple regression. The calculated regression coefficients for the four variables
were, respectively, 1.017 ( 0.335), 10.54 ( 3.39), 61.1 ( 13.8) and 282.8
( 91.6), with r2 = 0.987.
It follows that heat production per kg V is much greater than for each
kg M and is also much higher per unit gain of M or V than for the gross
weights. This is consistent with direct observations of oxygen uptake per kg
of viscera and muscle (Eisemann et al., 1996). In the lamb growth model, V
responds more than M to changing energy intake, with the result that
maintenance requirement is a dynamic variable depending on nutritional
history as well as current energy intake.
Advances in the nutritional management of growing lambs for meat production will require a better understanding of the biology of growth and
nutrient utilization. Meeting market specifications for weight, composition
and quality involves achieving desired growth trajectories. Producers must
optimize animal genotypes and their own feed resources in accordance
with the demands of their markets. The number and complexity of these
interactions is best accommodated using dynamic, mechanistic models that
incorporate some degree of biological realism to aid decision making.
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Palsson, H. and Verges, J.B. (1952) Effects of plane of nutrition on growth and the
development of carcass quality in lambs. Part 1. The effects of high and low planes
of nutrition at different ages. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 42, 192.
Rattray, P.V., Garrett, W.N. and Hinman, N. (1974) Energy cost of protein and fat
deposition in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 33, 378382.
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Sainz, R.D., Wolff, J.E. and Upsdell, M.P. (1990) Effects of cimaterol on energy utilization for maintenance and for protein and fat depostion by wether and ewe
lambs given chopped lucerne hay or lucernebarley pellets. Animal Production
50, 129139.
Sainz, R.D., Hosking, B.J., Hart, F.J. and Schricker, B.R. (1994) Exogenous growth
hormone releasing factors and cottonseed meal improve growth performance
and composition of gain in lambs fed lucerne chaff ad libitum. Australian Journal
of Agricultural Research 45, 11111123.
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Soboleva, T.K., Oddy, V.H., Pleasants, A.B., Oltjen, J.W., Ball, A.J. and McCall, D.G.
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reduce carcass fatness. Animal Production 48, 131138.
Rangelands support a significant proportion of the worlds sheep population and play a vital role in supporting low-cost, low-input, wool- and
meat-production systems. The definition of what constitutes a rangeland is
somewhat subjective, but for present purposes rangelands are broadly
defined as any extensive, uncultivated and/or unfertilized area that supports production by large herbivores. This definition thus excludes deserts
or forests and any cultivated or intensively managed pastures.
The worlds rangelands are extremely diverse and may vary from
semiarid shrublands, such as the chenopod shrublands of South
Australia, to cool, temperate grasslands, such as those that occur in
Mongolia, tropical savannahs, such as those that occur in Africa, or semiarid shrub steppe, such as those of Patagonia. Despite this diversity, most
rangelands have a number of unifying characteristics that have important
consequences for sheep nutrition and production in these environments
and distinguish these systems from the more intensive systems based on
cultivated pastures.
First, most rangelands are extensive and have limited infrastructure,
such as fences and handling facilities. Further, carrying capacity and animal performance on most rangelands is relatively low when compared with
that on cultivated pastures. This is due to basic biophysical constraints,
such as rainfall and soil conditions, on productivity. Consequently, any
management inputs, ranging from nutrient supplementation to land management, need to be cheap, easy to deliver and as simple as possible.
Secondly, all rangelands display marked spatial and temporal variability in both forage quality and supply. This variability occurs at a
range of levels that vary from the plant part upwards to the plant,
patch and landscape scales and over time-scales ranging from seasons
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
Table 12.1. Examples of nitrogen concentration in the dry matter (N) and dry matter digestibility (DMD)
of some common forage species in the wet and dry seasons on different rangelands (G, grass; S, shrub;
F, forb).
Tropical savannaa
Mitchell grasslandsb
South Africa
Sour grasslandc
Karoo shrublandd
North America
Temperate shrublande
Subtropical shrublandf
Astrebla spp.
Mixed grasses
Stipagrostis obtusa
Pentzia incana
Mixed grasses
Mixed shrubs
Mixed grasses
Mixed shrubs
Mixed grasses
Mixed grasses
(1981); bWeston and Moir (1969); cOReagain et al. (1996); dLouw (1969); eHuston et al. (1981)
et al. (1984), both cited in Holechek et al. (1989).
grasslands in South Africa select short, non-stemmy species with highquality leaves of low tensile strength. In contrast, tall, stemmy grass
species with tough, low-quality leaves are avoided (OReagain, 1993). For
forbs and shrubs, secondary chemicals are also likely to be important in
species selection (Cooper et al., 1988). Physical structures, such as thorns
and spines, that reduce bite size and intake rates are also likely to be
important and may strongly modify selection for forb and browse species.
With sheep, as with other grazing and browsing ungulates, this selection
appears to be based on the balance between nutrient content and the
physical and metabolic costs of harvesting a particular plant species
(OReagain, 2001).
On any rangeland, the different plant species encountered vary
widely in their ability to support animal production, as would be
expected from the large differences in ingestion rate and nutrient content recorded between species. Simulation of the potential animal production available from nine different African grasses indicated that a
very large range in potential weight gains could be expected from different grasses (OReagain, 1996a). For example, while sheep in summer
(the local growing season) could be expected to gain about 25 g day1
grazing Themeda triandra, they would lose about 5 g day1 grazing
Eragrostis plana. Interestingly, the study also indicated that in winter
none of the grass species compared were capable of providing maintenance energy or protein requirements for sheep, emphasizing the low
quality of these grasslands.
Patch level
Most rangelands comprise a complex mosaic of patches that vary widely
in sward structure or species composition, or both, and hence in the
quality and availability of herbage to the grazing animal. In general,
most patchiness arises from underlying variation in soil properties, such
as fertility, texture or soil depth. This variability is compounded by various biotic processes, of which the most important is grazing. Selective
grazing of certain areas, e.g. patches of high fertility, creates a mosaic of
grazed and ungrazed patches of varying sizes. Once initiated, such
patches are maintained by grazing, with preferred patches remaining
short while avoided patches become rank and stemmy (Bakker et al.,
1983). Patches, varying in size from a few centimetres to many hectares
in extent, may also arise due to urine deposition, fire, the presence of
trees or the actions of other animals, such as termites or prairie dogs
(Jaramillo and Detling, 1992).
Sheep on rangelands consistently select high-quality, productive
patches but strongly avoid low-quality, unproductive patches. With increasing patch biomass, bite size and hence the instantaneous rate of DM intake
(IIR) increase until an asymptote is reached, beyond which IIR can
increase no further, due to the constraints set by the size of the animals
mouth (Fig. 12.1). For example, research conducted in South African
Sward height
Fig. 12.1. Generalized depiction of the change in instantaneous intake rate (IIR) (dashed
line), dietary in vitro digestibility (dotted line) and animal daily gain (solid line) with increasing
sward height. A and B are the sward heights at which animal gain and IIR are maximized,
respectively. (Adapted from OReagain, 1996a.)
grasslands indicates that sheep IIR increases with increasing patch height
or biomass to reach an asymptote at a height of about 10 cm (OReagain,
1996b). However, on most pastures, herbage quality tends to decline with
increasing biomass, resulting in a trade-off between IIR and the rate at
which the material can be digested in the rumen. There should therefore
be an optimum biomass or sward height on patches where the intake of
digestible nutrients is maximized, given the opposing constraints of intake
rate and herbage quality. Thus, on the sour grasslands mentioned previously, simulation results suggest that sheep production should be maximized at sward heights considerably lower than the height at which IIR
would be maximized (Fig. 12.1).
Landscape level
Most areas grazed by sheep in rangelands are extensive and may vary in
size from a few hundred to many thousands of hectares. Spatial variability
in feed quality and supply will thus also occur at the landscape level as well
as at the plant and patch level. Landscapes are composed of landscape
units, which may be defined as areas that differ in plant-species composition, soil fertility, depth, texture, rockiness or vegetation structure. As an
example, a paddock may contain a combination of well-grassed, fertile
alluvial plains, rocky slopes with low plant cover, ridge tops with shallow
soil and mid-slopes of intermediate fertility and soil depth supporting
open scrubland.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Day in paddock
Fig. 12.2. Percentage of grass tillers of preferred species grazed either once () or twice
(), species of intermediate acceptability grazed once () and avoided species grazed once
(), by sheep grazing a mesic grassland. (Adapted from OReagain and Grau, 1995.)
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Fig. 12.3. Generalized depiction of the changes in forage quality (solid line) and availability
(dashed line) encountered by sheep through the seasonal cycle on rangelands. Note that the
overall changes in quality and availability, as well as phase length, are likely to vary
significantly between different rangelands (see text for details).
Water Availability
Water is a critical nutrient, essential for animal life, irrespective of the production system involved. In more intensive, cultivated pasture systems,
water is generally readily available and is unlikely to limit animal production. In contrast, water on rangelands is often scarce, poorly distributed
and of low quality and therefore the provision of adequate drinking water
assumes major significance in these environments.
The water requirement of sheep on rangelands is determined by a
number of factors, including the physiological status of the animal, ambient temperature, water quality and the moisture and salt content of the
feed on offer (e.g. Squires and Wilson, 1971; Squires, 1976, 1981). Sheep
on fresh, green pasture can obtain a significant proportion of their water
requirement from their feed and may only need to drink every few days
(Lynch, 1974). In contrast, sheep grazing dry pasture have a greater water
requirement and may need to drink once every 2 days or daily. Sheep
grazing forage species such as saltbush (Atriplex spp.) with a high salt content are under particular stress and may even need to drink twice daily
(Squires, 1981). For example, daily water intakes of wethers in Australia
have been shown to vary from 0.6 to 3.1 l while on grassland, compared
with 2.3 to 9.3 l while on saltbush (Squires, 1976).
Water quality is also an issue on some rangelands, with, for example,
sheep having to contend with saline water in many paddocks in the
Australian arid zone. Ironically, animals drinking saline water have to
increase water intake in order to excrete the excess salt (Squires, 1981),
further increasing their need to drink and the time and energy expended
in walking to and from water.
Apart from its obvious role in basic physiological processes, water
affects nutrient intake and hence animal production on rangelands in a
number of different ways. Thus, where water is in short supply, DM intake
is directly reduced, with obvious consequences for animal production.
Further, in large paddocks where watering points are far apart, sheep may
Resource Management
Sustainable resource management is an essential and integral part of the
management of both cultivated pasture and rangeland systems. This is
especially so on rangelands, as these areas are generally far more fragile
and less resilient to misuse than the better-watered and more fertile cultivated pastures. Rangelands are particularly vulnerable to poor management under sheep, as compared with cattle grazing (OReagain and
Turner, 1992), due to the highly selective nature and short grazing habits
of the former animals (OReagain and Grau, 1995).
In rangelands, poor resource management may precipitate vegetation
change, with profound effects on the quality and availability of feed avail-
able to the grazing animal and hence on animal production. This generally
arises through the replacement of the more palatable perennial plant
species with annuals or unpalatable perennials, the loss of plant vigour and
ground cover and an overall decline in resource productivity.
In brief, three basic rules need to be followed to achieve good resource
management under sheep grazing (see also Harrington et al., 1984; Stuth,
1991). First, stocking rate is the most important determinant of animal
production and range condition (OReagain and Turner, 1992) and is
probably the single most important variable under direct control of the
manager (Danckwerts et al., 1993). In general, stocking rates should be
conservative and should not exceed the long-term carrying capacity of the
land. Alternatively, in environments with a large inter-annual variation in
rainfall and hence herbage production, flexible stocking rates may be
employed, where animal numbers are varied according to forage availability (Holechek et al., 1989). Whatever strategy is applied, stocking rates
should be drastically reduced in drought years, in order to minimize animal loss and prevent overgrazing.
A second important rule is that different land types should be fenced
to prevent selection and overutilization of the better areas in a paddock.
Evidence from hill farms in Britain indicates that overuse of favoured land
types by sheep occurs even at low stocking rates (Hunter, 1962), so that
other management options, such as fencing, are necessary to prevent
degradation of such sites. Fencing also allows different vegetation communities to be managed and stocked according to individual requirements
and consequently prevents degradation of more sensitive areas. In some
extensive situations, however, fencing of separate land types is impractical
and uneconomic, due to the scale of operation involved and the relatively
low levels of economic return possible from such areas. In such cases, animals can sometimes be moved around different areas by varying the placement of supplements, patch burning or even closing off different watering
points at different times of the year.
Thirdly, it is important that all rangelands receive periodic resting or
spelling, in order to allow vital plant processes, such as seed production or
seedling recruitment, to proceed and so maintain a viable population of
desirable plants. Spelling is also necessary for plants to maintain vigour
under grazing and thus maintain productivity. Periodic spelling also allows
the accumulation of a fodder reserve, which, in some situations, can
smooth out the year-to-year variation in herbage availability and considerably reduce the risk of a feed deficit in years of below-average rainfall
(Danckwerts et al., 1993).
For sheep on rangelands, additional benefit may also be obtained by
grazing them in conjunction with cattle, at a replacement ratio of about six to
ten sheep to one cattle unit. This not only reduces the detrimental effect of
sheep by evening out the grazing, but may also increase sheep production
through cattle-induced grazing facilitation (OReagain and Turner, 1992).
However, this is not an option on all rangelands and, in some situations, may
be precluded by economics or the vegetation under consideration.
In conclusion, good resource management is an essential part of managing rangelands and ensuring an adequate supply of nutrients to grazing
sheep. In general, this can be achieved by following the three basic rules of
maintaining the correct stocking rate, separating land types and regular
spelling. In some situations, the application of fire may also be necessary.
Although more intensive grazing systems, such as cell grazing, are sometimes claimed to give superior animal production and result in better
range condition, the evidence in support of such systems is equivocal and
largely anecdotal (OReagain and Turner, 1992).
RDP supplements
In summer-rainfall rangelands regions, spring lambing is the preferred
management option. As a result, autumn-joined ewes that are in the later
stages of pregnancy or are lactating frequently graze RDP-deficient pastures. Under these conditions, it has been shown that an RDP supplement
in the form of urea is both cheap and effective. In sheep-grazing systems,
8 g urea per head per day can improve ewe survival rates, lamb birth
weights, milk production by ewes and, as a consequence, lamb growth rates
and survival (Stephenson et al., 1981). Urea supplementation of non-reproducing sheep that are consuming similar pastures has also been shown to
reduce or prevent liveweight loss. When urea is being used, it is advisable
to also provide a sulphur source, so that the N : S ratio in the supplement
is between 10 : 1 and 13 : 1, in order that the requirements of the rumen
microorganisms be met. Ammonium sulphate has been found to be a suitable sulphur source.
When the only water available to grazing sheep is in troughs, an effective method of providing urea is to dissolve it in the drinking water, ensuring that all sheep receive the urea supplement. Reliable commercial
devices that deliver predetermined amounts of urea into water lines and
troughs are now available. Urea can also be provided as a dry lick by mixing it with salt and feeding it out in troughs. A feeding regimen that has
been recommended is to give sheep free access to salt for 2 weeks to satisfy
any salt hunger they may have and then to add urea to the salt in the
ratio of one part urea to four parts salt. After a further 4 weeks, the ureato-salt ratio is increased to 1 : 3 and 5% ammonium sulphate is added to
the mix. Adult sheep should consume 2430 g of this mix per day. Troughs
should have drain holes to prevent accumulation of rainwater, which might
dissolve high concentrations of urea. Alternatively, troughs can be covered
to prevent rain from wetting the mix (see Miller, 1998).
Producers and advisers have formulated numerous home-made blocks
containing urea and an example would be the mix shown in Table 12.2
(Miller, 1998). The ingredients are mixed with a cement mixer before being
poured into containers and allowed to set over a number of days. An adult
sheep would need to consume approximately 50 g of this block per day to
receive the required 78 g urea per day. Disadvantages of making blocks on
the property include timely supply of ingredients and the time and effort
involved in the mixing. A number of proprietary blocks containing urea are
available but they have varying compositions. For example some are based
on molasses, others have high concentrations of salt and most contain added
minerals and/or vitamins. It is usually more convenient to purchase rather
than produce blocks on farm, but purchased blocks will usually be more
expensive than farm-produced blocks. Care should be taken when feeding
proprietary blocks to ensure that they do not contain nutrients that could be
toxic to the sheep. For example, some blocks with high inclusion rates of
copper are designed for use in copper-deficient areas, but, if they are fed to
sheep in areas that are not copper-deficient, copper toxicity could result.
of mixing
Final mix
UDP supplements
Weaners, ewes in late pregnancy and lactating ewes may have protein
requirements in excess of that provided by microbial protein (ARC, 1980).
Therefore, if these animals are grazing dry pastures with low protein concentrations, they may respond to UDP as well as RDP supplementation.
Protein supplementation is usually expensive, so careful consideration
should be given to the cost : benefit ratio of a supplementation programme
before it is implemented. Several experiments have shown that supple-
Table 12.3. Programme for introducing urea roller-drum mix (from Miller, 1998).
Starter mix:
days 13
days 47
Water (l)
Molasses (l)
Urea (kg)
% urea
days 814
Final mix:
day 14 onwards
mentation of ewes during the last trimester of pregnancy and during lactation with protein sources such as cottonseed meal, copra meal, whole cottonseeds and lupins can increase the birth weight of lambs, milk
production of ewes and growth rate and survival of lambs (McMeniman et
al., 1982; Bird et al., 1990; Cajas and Hinch, 1998). However, the responses
obtained to protein supplementation may not be entirely due to their UDP
content. Proteins also provide RDP that may be more slowly released in the
rumen than RDP from urea and so be used more efficiently by the rumen
microbes. Proteins are also a source of digestible organic matter (OM),
which would provide metabolizable energy (ME) and promote synthesis of
additional microbial protein. The recommended level of protein supplementation for late-pregnant and lactating sheep is 50 and 75 g per head
per day, respectively. Whole cottonseeds and lupins can be fed on the
ground, while meals should be fed out in troughs. It may be necessary to
entice sheep to accept some protein sources by mixing them with small
quantities of molasses or salt until the required level of intake is reached.
Energy supplements
Energy supplements are not usually an option in extensive grazing, due to
the high cost. The usual procedure is to utilize standing dry paddock feed
as efficiently as possible, with strategic use of urea or protein supplements,
which usually stimulate intake of dry roughage and hence improve the ME
intake by animals. The necessity to use energy supplements to maintain
live weight or support pregnancy and lactation usually indicates the beginning of drought conditions, and it is not the intention to discuss drought
feeding in this section. Strategic energy supplementation of sheep in more
intensive regions, particularly in the winter-rainfall areas, is discussed by
Dove (Chapter 6, this volume).
If the decision is made to provide an energy supplement, then
molasses has been shown to be useful in extensive grazing conditions.
Molasses contains approximately 11 MJ ME kg1 DM. Molasses plus either
3% urea (M3U) or 8% urea (M8U) have been successfully used for sheep,
with the mixture provided ad libitum in open troughs. Three per cent urea
provides the RDP required by rumen microbes to digest the OM in
molasses, but it has been found, especially with cattle, that overconsumption of M3U can occur, with the inherent danger of molasses toxicity.
Increasing the urea concentration to 8% makes the mixture somewhat
unpalatable and restricts intake. With both M3U and M8U, the urea must
be thoroughly and evenly dissolved into the molasses to prevent potential
urea toxicity. Liveweight maintenance of dry sheep would be all that could
be expected with a dry grass diet supplemented with urea and molasses. If
a higher level of response was required for example, growth of weaners
or maintenance of pregnant or lactating ewes then up to 10% protein
meal (for example, cottonseed meal) could be mixed into molasses (see
Wythes and Ernst, 1984).
Hay supplements
Pasture hay in large bales is made in some extensive areas following periods of
good pasture growth. This hay can be fed back to sheep when standing dry
pastures become scarce. However, the protein content and digestibility of some
pasture hays are low, especially if they have been harvested after pastures have
flowered (Stephenson et al., 1986). It is possible to improve the RDP content of
such hay by injecting a solution of urea and molasses into the bales 34 days
before they are fed out (Stephenson et al., 1984; see also Annison et al.,
Chapter 5, this volume). A suggested solution is 20 kg urea, 50 kg molasses
and 4 kg ammonium sulphate dissolved in 70 l water. This solution is injected
into the bales under pressure at the rate of 100 l per t of hay (Miller, 1998).
Forage supplements
Mulga (A. aneura) is a tree legume that is distributed over a wide area of
semiarid and arid Australia (see Plate 12.1). Mulga leaves are readily eaten
by sheep, constituting up to 10% of the diet in normal seasons and up to
Plate 12.1. Merino wethers near Louth, New South Wales, Australia, grazing in rangeland
dominated by mulga trees (Acacia aneura) and the native perennial grasses woollybutt
(Eragrostis eriopoda), bandicoot grass (Monachather paradoxa) and mulga grass
(Thyridolepis mitchelliana). (Photo courtesy of K.C. Hodgkinson, CSIRO Sustainable
Ecosystems, Canberra, Australia.)
100% of the diet when fed under drought conditions. Sheep offered a diet
containing only mulga maintain or slowly lose live weight. Although mulga
has a DM digestibility (DMD) of 50% and a CP content of 1014%, the
digestibility of the protein is low (3540%), because high concentrations of
condensed tannins bind the protein during rumen digestion. The low protein digestibility results in mulga-fed sheep being sulphur- and sometimes
RDP-deficient. Mulga also has a low phosphorus concentration, but sheep
do not respond to phosphorus supplementation unless the first limiting
nutrients, sulphur and possibly RDP, are provided (McMeniman, 1976).
Goodchild and McMeniman (1994) found that supplementing a low-quality
forage diet with mulga at up to 42% of the diet resulted in a progressive
reduction in the intake of the low-quality roughage but an increase in overall digestible OM intake.
The digestibility of mulga protein can be improved by dosing sheep
daily with the polymer polyethylene glycol (8 g per head), which displaces
tannins from tanninprotein complexes in the gut. However, because of
the cost of the chemical and labour, this is not an economical approach
(Pritchard et al., 1988).
A dry lick containing (per head per day) RDP (612 g), sulphur (11.5 g),
phosphorus (12 g) and sodium (12 g) is recommended for dry sheep
consuming diets of dry grass and mulga. Pregnant or lactating sheep consuming similar diets would require protein supplementation as well
(Miller, 1998).
Saltbushes (Atriplex spp.) and bluebushes (Kochia spp.) dominate a large
area of the Australian semiarid and arid rangelands. These species contain
relatively high levels of CP (approximately 18%), which are maintained
during periods when native pastures are dry. Although this suggests a role
for these plants as supplements for grazing sheep, published reports indicate that the performance of sheep consuming diets containing these
shrubs and dry pasture was little better than that of sheep consuming dry
pasture alone (Leigh et al., 1970; Warren et al., 1990). The shrubs do, however, have a place as a drought reserve.
Tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis) is a leguminous perennial shrub that
grows in winter-rainfall areas with well-drained soils. Tagasaste leaves have
a reasonable nutritive value (1518% CP and an in vitro digestibility of
6870%) and could be expected to have a place as a supplement to dry
summer pastures (see Norton et al., 1996).
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sheep grazing South African sourveld. Journal of Rangeland Management 48,
OReagain, P.J. and Schwartz, H.J. (1995) Dietary selection and foraging strategies
of animals on rangelands. Coping with spatial and temporal variability. In:
Journet, M., Grenet, E., Farce, M.-H., Theriez, M. and Demarquilly, C. (eds)
Proceedings IV International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. INRA, Paris,
pp. 407423.
OReagain, P.J. and Turner, J.R. (1992) An evaluation of the empirical basis for
grazing management recommendations for rangeland in southern Africa.
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 9, 3849.
Trace elements and vitamins, here defined collectively as micronutrients,
occur in living tissues at low concentrations and are the reaction catalysts of
biological systems. Their presence is essential in maintaining normal cellular metabolism in animals. Together with adequate supplies of energy and
protein, they are required for optimal health of the well-fed sheep. Hence
the study of micronutrients has immense practical importance, as inadequate or excessive supply of any one trace element or vitamin can impair
the health and productivity of the animal. This chapter examines the
essentiality of micronutrients in sheep metabolism and nutrition. Principles
underpinning recommendations for optimal supply are discussed, along
with dietary factors that affect availability, transport, absorption and utilization factors that will vary for each micronutrient. Furthermore, function
may be influenced by interactions with other nutrients, which may be additive, synergistic or antagonistic. In this chapter, we shall discuss the utilization of copper (Cu), selenium (Se) and vitamin B12 as case-studies of those
principles many of which are applicable to other micronutrients.
Supplementation strategies are briefly summarized and also the effect of
micronutrients on end-product quality.
All elements must be obtained from diet, whether required at trace, microor macroconcentrations. As many as 19 elements are metabolically essential
and, for sheep at pasture, deficiencies and excesses of many, but not all,
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
J. Lee et al.
Toxic risks
All essential micronutrients have a therapeutic range that covers the amount
necessary to meet the animals minimal requirements, but which is less than
a toxic overdose. Chronic toxic accumulation of micronutrients rarely occurs
in grazing sheep; exceptions include Cu, which readily accumulates in the
liver, and fluorine (F) from excessive fertilizer application, artesian water for
stock use or volcanic activity (Cronin et al., 2000). Although high concentrations of some trace elements and heavy metals, notably Cu, As, Cd, mercury
(Hg) and lead (Pb), can affect marketability of sheep products, they usually
have little impact on sheep health. Producers will come under increasing
pressure to meet market specifications for residues of these elements.
Example enzymes
and cofactors
Vitamin A
Glutathione peroxidases,
thioredoxin reductase,
iodothyronine deiodinase
Flexible coordination bonds
Many metalloenzymes,
(maintaining protein spatial and
zinc-finger motifc for
configurational relationships)
DNA binding
Coordination bonds in a porphyrin-like Cyanocobalamin
(vitamin B12) corrin ringd (methyl transfer)
Mn superoxide
dismutase, pyruvate
carboxylase, arginase
Xanthine oxidases,
sulphite oxidases
cytochrome c oxidase,
lysyl oxidase, CuZn
superoxide dismutase
Coordination bonds forming porphyrin Ferrochetalase substrate,
ring or FeS cluster (oxygen
cytochromes, aconitase
transport or electron transfer)
Covalently bound as T4 and T3b
Iodinase substrate
forming CuO and CuS centres
(electron transfer)
Chemical form
Micronutrient and mechanism
Gluconeogenesis (propionate
metabolism) and methionine
synthesis (methionine synthase)
Metabolic functions
Table 13.1. Examples of trace-element and vitamin function and essentiality in sheep.
Cardiomyopathy, white-muscle
disease, reduced fertility, poor
Wool deterioration, slow wound
healing, reduced appetite, delayed
Poor growth, reduced wool,
watery eyes, phalaris toxicity
staggers, anaemia
Vitamin B1
Vitamin D
Example enzymes
and cofactors
Protects PUFA in membrane and
plasma phospholipids, as -tocopherol is located in unsaturated
subcellular fractions of cell
Metabolism of carbohydrate via
citric acid and pentose phosphate
Role in nervous tissue
Maintenance of plasma Ca and P
concentrations required for normal
Metabolic functions
compounds or complexes, in which a central atom or ion chemically unites or binds with one or more ligands, are of particular importance in
the chemistry of the transition elements (e.g. Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn).
bThyroxine (L-3,5,3,5-tetraiodothyronine or T ) and tri-iodothyronine (L-3,5,3-tri-iodothyronine or T ).
cDNA-binding domain in which eight cysteine residues provide binding sites for two Zn2+ ions; important in gene regulation.
dCoenzyme B , the cofactor form of vitamin B , consists of Co (as Co3+) coordinatively bound to four nitrogen atoms in a corrin ring system (chemically
related to the porphyrin ring system of haem proteins).
eThe mechanism by which peroxidation of membrane lipids leads to cellular damage is not clear.
fAction of 1,25-dihydroxy-D is mediated by the nuclear vit. D receptor, a phosphoprotein that binds the hormone and regulates expression of genes. Vit. D
receptors are found in various organs, including the parathyroid gland, skin, immune system, pancreas and ovary.
PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Vitamin E
Chemical form
Micronutrient and mechanism
J. Lee et al.
Identification of needs
Early studies (in a number of countries) identified those micronutrient
deficiencies that had a major impact on animal productivity (Underwood,
1977). This work quickly led to recognition of trace elements as necessary
for successful farming of sheep and other livestock, but accurate benchmarking of requirements for improved productivity and the development
of strategies to ensure adequacy under a range of environmental conditions is ongoing (SCA, 1990). Severe deficiencies are clinically recognizable
and hence treated through supplementation (Grace, 1983a; SCA, 1990;
Grace and Clark, 1991; Masters and White, 1996; Underwood and Suttle,
1999). Identifying the more common and widespread marginal deficiencies is often problematic, as marginal deficiencies are frequently exacerbated by interactions among micronutrients or are confounded by
variations in protein and energy supply (Underwood and Suttle, 1999).
Benchmarks for the vitamins are not so well defined, particularly for the B
vitamins and vitamins D and K, because of the difficulty of accounting for
endogenous and intestinal synthesis of these vitamins. Establishing vitamin
E requirements is difficult because they depend on dietary levels of
polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, sulphur amino acids and Se.
Similarly, for sheep at pasture, vitamin A requirements are met from
carotenes, with -carotene having the highest provitamin A activity. Data
on the bioavailability of -carotene are limited and it probably varies with
pasture and with the quantity of carotenoids ingested. Further, carotenoids
have been shown to have biological actions independent of vitamin A.
Recent evidence indicates a beneficial role for supplemental vitamin E and
carotene above physiological levels for enhanced immunocompetence and
for vitamin E for the preservation of meat products (McDowell, 2000b).
Minimum levels of vitamin E and carotene to produce these desired effects
have not been established.
Consequences of deficiency
Underwood and Suttle (1999) have described a model of the physiological events occurring during dietary insufficiency of a micronutrient,
which spells out the progression of depletion, deficiency, dysfunction and
disease. Chronic marginal dietary deficiency, which gradually reduces tissue storage pools, ultimately leads to dysfunction, and each micronutrient has a characteristic response. Figure 13.1 presents a diagram of this
model generalized for micronutrients pertinent to sheep nutrition. The
early stage of micronutrient deficiency, frequently exacerbated by complex interactions, is one of the most challenging themes of micronutrient
science. An understanding at the molecular level of the biological behaviour of each micronutrient is a prerequisite for practical solutions to
identifying and ameliorating the causes of marginal deficiencies common
in sheep husbandry.
J. Lee et al.
Cu as metallothionein, Fe as ferritin, Se as GSHPx
Red cells: Fe as haem, Se as GSHPx, Zn as carbonic anhydrase
Thyroid: I
Plasma: Cu as caeruloplasmin, Se as
GSHPx, Fe as transferrin, I as thyroxine
Relative micronutrient
concentration or pool size
See disease
in Table 13.1
productivity and availability of the nutrient over a broad range of conditions. Desirably, the recommended requirement will meet the need for
functions, such as the immune system, that may have a higher requirement
than those traits (growth rate, reproduction) that are normally measured
when determining minimum requirements of the animal.
In general, there is no recommended dietary requirement for the
water-soluble vitamins in sheep with a functioning rumen. Endogenous
synthesis of ascorbic acid is usually sufficient to meet the vitamin C requirements of sheep and their requirements for vitamin K and the B vitamins
are usually met from microbial synthesis. Suckled lambs meet their needs
for the water-soluble vitamins from tissue stores but primarily from milk.
However, deficiencies of a number of these vitamins have been reported
and, for sheep at pasture, deficiencies of vitamin B12 and occasionally thiamine are of concern. The minimum daily vitamin B12 requirement of
sheep is about 0.3 g kg1 body weight (Marston, 1970).
It is difficult to assess nutrient intake from pasture analysis because of
selective grazing, adventitious intake of soil and interaction of ingested
nutrients; hence regular monitoring of a productivity trait and/or testing
blood or tissues for an indication of nutrient status is desirable. In intensive
sheep-production systems, supplementary-feeding options are more readily available. For further reading on micronutrient recommendations for
sheep, the reader is directed to publications by Grace and Clark (1991),
Masters and White (1996) and Underwood and Suttle (1999).
Figure 13.2 draws on data from all these sources to compare generally
accepted standard reference ranges (lowhigh) for sheep dietary requirements of key micronutrients with concentrations often found in grazed
pastures (Ballet et al., 2000; MacPherson, 2000). Globally, forage samples
vary widely in range and quantity of micronutrient provided and in factors
affecting their utilization. For instance, vitamin E concentrations in dry
summer and autumn pastures in southern Australia may be as low as 13
mg kg1 dry matter (DM). Seleniferous areas throughout the world support plants that accumulate high concentrations of Se, which may be toxic
to grazing animals. Sheep grazing pastures growing on peat soils are frequently at risk of Cu deficiency, as plant uptake of Cu is restricted, while
Mo uptake is high.
Micronutrient absorption, together with transport, storage and excretion,
are components of the dynamic system, which, across a range of normal
dietary intakes and conditions, will result in homoeostasis (Buckley, 2000).
Estimation of dietary requirements depends on knowledge of the absorption coefficient of the micronutrient and on various production parameters
for growth (including that for wool), pregnancy and lactation. Estimates of
trace-element requirements for sheep (e.g. ARC, 1980) have often been
based on the factorial model, the principles of which have been discussed
J. Lee et al.
soil contamination
Vitamin D
as International
= pasture range
= range adequate for pasture growth (if required by plants)
= range optimal for sheep nutrition
Fig. 13.2. Optimum ranges for some micronutrients to meet sheep requirements relative to
typical ranges found in grazed pastures. Not all micronutrients necessary for sheep nutrition
are required for pasture growth.
by Grace and Clark (1991) and its strengths and limitations by Underwood
and Suttle (1999). The model uses data from nutritional balances, wholeanimal compositional analyses and radioisotope-tracer studies. The latter
serve to quantify the fraction of a trace element that is consumed,
absorbed, retained by tissue pools or excreted.
Newer approaches, based on the use of stable isotope tracers and
advanced measurement technologies, are now available, which will enable
better estimates of these parameters (Buckley, 1991; Knowles et al., 2000).
Typical absorption coefficients for a range of trace elements and vitamin
B12 in sheep are summarized in Table 13.2. The feature of this table is the
variation in absorption for many micronutrients. This variation is partly a
function of animal need, age and physiological state, but environmental and
dietary factors also contribute. For several of the essential transition metals
(e.g. Cu, Fe), absorption may be very low, partly as a result of low solubility
Table 13.2. Absorption, distribution and excretion of key trace elements by grass-fed sheep.
Absorption Absorption
coefficientb site
Whole body
0.8 0.3d
> 0.9
small intestine
Small intestine
small intestine
0.030.05 Small intestine
(vitamin B12)
Endogenous loss from
abomasum, with resorption from small intestine
Eighty per cent of whole-body I
found in thyroid
45 2
Absorption varies
according to need and dietary
intake, but is typically low in
grazing sheep and high in milkfed lambs
Red cells contain 40% of
whole-body Fe
0.5 0.03
Requirements higher for
testicular growth in sheep
(Masters et al., 1988)
0.028 0.005f Urine,
High absorption is
(0.0051.5) faeces
curtailed by presence of Cu and
S, when excretion via faeces
Highest concentrations in liver
0.03 0.008 Urine,
Incorporated into rumen
(0.020.35) faeces,
microbial fraction
exhalation Readily resorbed from bile
26 1.6
Pancreatic Absorption varies
secretions, according to need and
dietary intake, declining as
intake exceeds requirement
Absorption by ruminants high,
as rumen degrades potentially
chelating plant phytates
J. Lee et al.
in the anaerobic environment of the rumen. Sheep are particularly vulnerable to both Cu deficiency and toxicity deficiency as a result of digestive
processes in the rumen forming poorly absorbed Cu sulphides (exacerbated by interactions with Mo see below) or toxicity from excessive Cu
accumulation in the liver. A balance of dietary intake and Cu excretion in
bile maintains Cu homoeostasis in animals.
By way of example, a generalized factorial model for the metabolism
of Cu for a 50 kg Romney ewe at maintenance is illustrated in Fig. 13.3.
The model depicts the movement of pasture Cu through the body.
Irretrievable loss occurs via the fetus and milk outputs of the pregnant
and lactating ewe, respectively, and also via wool, although this is comparatively small. In this model, total daily output by excretion or secretion of Cu is about 1 mg day1 (endogenous loss + milk (or fetus) + urine
+ wool) for the lactating or pregnant ewe. For simplicity, steady state
has been imposed on the tissue compartments, as the animal is neither
gaining nor losing weight and the transfer of Cu between pools follows
first-order kinetics. In reality, both compartment sizes and fluxes will be
continuously changing over time. Movement of Cu from the liver into
the blood pool is assumed to be similar to that from biliary excretion
(Buckley, 1991), although in the sheep the movement of Cu from the
liver into plasma may be greater than that leaving via bile. Total salivary
output is about 0.2 mg day1 and, together with output in pancreatic
Cu intake
from diet
0.4 mg
1.5 mg
Soft tissue
45 mg
red cells 1.3 mg
plasma 2.4 mg
true absorption
19.5 mg Cu
Cu loss
in excreta
and products
106 mg
18.9 mg Cu
Fig. 13.3. An example of a factorial model, in this case for Cu absorption and utilization,
showing whole-body distribution and movement of Cu between pools in a mature lactating
ewe (pool sizes, mg; fluxes, as mg day1).
juice (0.06 mg Cu day1) and bile (0.3 mg Cu day1) (Grace and Gooden,
1980), combined secretions exceed endogenous loss, with no allowance
made for erosion of intestinal cells. The extent to which Cu in some of
these secretions is resorbed is not known, although resorption of Cu in bile
is thought to be low. Urinary Cu output for sheep (as in cattle (Buckley,
1991)) is generally less than 2% of the daily flux leaving the liver. Few
tracer studies have been conducted to measure endogenous loss in sheep
or cattle, so there is uncertainty on the magnitude of this loss from the
body. In the present model, Cu requirements are met, and therefore any
decrease in the absorption coefficient and/or dietary intake will require
mobilization of Cu from the liver to meet the Cu demands of the tissues.
This must be sustained until further absorption of Cu. In the sections
below, we summarize some of the factors and interactions that affect Cu
J. Lee et al.
Rumen microflora
The availability and metabolic utilization of micronutrients depends on
their passage through the rumen, as interactions with the microbial pool
may affect their subsequent release and transformation. The rumen
microflora of sheep has first call on ingested micronutrients but, for the
most part, microbial growth and synthesis are not limited by supply of
essential trace elements in normal grazing situations. Rumen microbes
respond rapidly and efficiently to changes in dietary Co to synthesize vitamin B12 (cobalamin), although efficiency of conversion decreases as dietary
Co increases. One form of cobalamin (methylcobalamin) is required by
microbes for methane, acetate and methionine synthesis, and deficiency
leads to succinate accumulation in rumen liquor as a result of inhibition of
propionate metabolism (for review, see Underwood and Suttle, 1999). It
appears that some species of rumen microorganisms (propionate-producing
bacteria) are cobalamin-dependent, with in vitro studies using Co-deficient
substrates demonstrating shifts in microbial populations of some cultures
(McDonald and Suttle, 1986).
Micronutrient interactions
Micronutrient absorption, availability and utilization are sensitive to inorganic and organic interactions among dietary components. The sparing of
Se by vitamin E is a rare example of synergistic interaction, but more commonly the interactions are antagonistic, with marginal deficiencies of trace
elements frequently exacerbated. The utilization of dietary Cu is sensitive
to inhibition by co-consumed antagonists (notably Fe, Mo and S), and provides a good example of how dietary factors affect trace-element bioavailability, absorption and accumulation (see Fig. 13.4). The effect of
increasing pasture Mo concentration, in the presence of dietary S, on
absorption and storage of Cu by grazing sheep remains an important problem, as Mo concentrations as low as 1 mg Mo kg1 DM in pasture have a
significant impact on Cu absorption in sheep (Knowles et al., 2000). The
formation in the rumen of poorly absorbed Cuthiomolybdate complexes
results in an induced Cu deficiency or low Cu status, which in turn is
linked with bone and nervous disorders, poor liveweight gain and
impaired reproductive performance (Mason, 1981; Gooneratne et al.,
1989). Interestingly, this interaction is used beneficially in treating chronic
Cu poisoning in sheep (van Ryssen, 1994).
Predictive regression equations derived from pasture concentrations of
Cu, Mo and S and from Cu concentrations in liver show pasture Mo as the
main factor linked to Cu deficiency (Suttle, 1996; Underwood and Suttle,
1999; Knowles et al., 2000), but Cu absorption is also impaired through
interactions with Fe and Zn (Fig. 13.5). Increasing dietary Fe intake of
lambs reduces Cu concentration in the liver (Wang and Masters, 1990),
perhaps via the formation of insoluble mixed Fe and Cu sulphides in the
gastrointestinal tract. The form of Fe may be important, as intake of Fe
oxides from soil ingestion does not affect either Fe or Cu concentrations in
the liver (Grace et al., 1996). Excess dietary Zn reduces absorption of Cu
and decreases Cu concentrations in plasma and liver. This effect is related
to the extent of metallothionein (MT) protein expression, initial Cu pool
size in the liver, duration of the Zn dose, level of DM intake and age of animal (Lee et al., 1994). High dietary Zn increases the output of Cd in faeces
J. Lee et al.
Cu, Mo and
S intakes
from diet
Cu loss
Metabolic interactions
MoO2S22 and MoOS32 + Cu form slowly
mobilized [proteinCuMoS3] complexes
di- and
are absorbed
Cu2+ + e
2Cu + S
MoO42 + S2
pH 7
S-amino acids
Sheep gut
insoluble Cu
{Cu S2 Mo S2 Cu} thiomolybdates
are excreted
[CuMoO S ]n
n 4n
pH 3
pH 68
[Cu Mo S4]
and other
insoluble Cu
Fig. 13.4. The biochemical association of dietary Mo with Cu in the presence of S at rumen
and abomasum pH results in the formation of unabsorbable Cu-tetrathiomolybdates and
other insoluble Cu species.
Induction and
protein expression
Vit E
and T4
Thyroxine metabolism
MT protein
MT proteinbinding
MT proteinMT
Reduced Cu absorption
Heavy-metal accumulation
Reduced Cu absorption
and hepatic Cu uptake
Reduced Fe absorption
rumen S
Reduced Cu solubility,
Cu absorption and tissue utilization
Fig. 13.5. Multiple interactions among elements may be synergistic or antagonistic, with
mutual interactions not always of equal strength. A complex three-way interaction among Cu,
Zn and Cd is mediated by metallothionein (MT).
J. Lee et al.
Breed effects
Genetic variation accounts for some differences in trace-element metabolism within and between sheep breeds (Suttle, 1996). Judson et al. (1994)
reported genetic heritability estimates and phenotypic correlations for
several elements in liver from Merino sheep, with high heritability for
liver Cu, Se and Zn. Phenotypic differences in liver concentrations of Cu
and Mo and in erythrocyte Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase activity have
been observed between flocks of Romney sheep (Knowles et al., 1998).
Susceptibility to Cu toxicity varies within and between breeds of sheep
(Wiener et al., 1985), and Wiener and others suggest that genetic selection
could be used to select animals that would be better suited to specific Cu
intakes. Recent developments in genetic techniques and bioinformatics
will allow important micronutrient traits to be mapped, with the identification of quantitative trait loci ultimately enabling marker-assisted selection for animals better able to meet requirements.
Physiological state
An animals requirement for micronutrients varies during its lifetime, due
to changes in the metabolic demands of individual tissues brought on by
physiological and environmental stressors. For instance, additional inputs
are required to support pregnancy and lactation over and above requirements for maintenance and growth (Grace, 1983a; Masters and White,
1996). This additive effect necessitates increased dietary intake, changes to
homoeostatic mechanisms (such as increased absorption or reduced excretion) or the mobilization of trace elements from maternal pools (such as
Zn from bone or Cu, Se and vitamin B12 from liver). Less clear are the
adaptations needed to meet conditions of stress involving infection with
parasites, bacteria or viruses, or diseases caused by toxins from plants and
fungi. Interesting and important future work on this theme will include
evaluation of micronutrient roles in maintaining a fully competent
immune system.
Efficiency of absorption changes with age and this affects the nominal
requirement of many micronutrients. The largest differences are observed
for the preruminant lamb. Provision for the neonate is made through
reserves built up in the fetal liver during the latter stages of gestation,
when an adequate supply of micronutrients is critical. Although the concentrations of many trace elements in milk are quite low (and, for Cu, Fe
and Zn, not responsive to supplementation), the suckling lamb is able to
absorb more than 70% of that ingested. For Cu, this compares with less
than 10% in the weaned lamb. The growing lamb is more susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency than mature animals (Grace, 1983a).
Iodine deficiency in sheep is indicated by an enlarged thyroid (goitre)
and, in newborn lambs, low serum T4 concentrations, with the latter
declining with age (Andrewartha et al., 1980). Iodine supplementation and
cold temperatures may raise serum T4 concentrations in sheep. Variation
in T4 concentrations may also occur because Se inadequacy decreases the
conversion of T4 to T3 and this can result in significant depression of
plasma T3 and an increase in T4, even in ewes and lambs consuming adequate I (Donald et al., 1994).
J. Lee et al.
Copper in organic
Copper oxide
Barium selenate in
oil carrier
26% I2 in oil
10 g pellet to
weaned lambs
or sheep
390 mg I to
2 g to weaners
10 g pellet to
weaned sheep
0.25 mg kg1 to
lambs or ewes
1 mg Se kg1
to all ages
> 1 year
8 months
> 1 year
> 1 year
s.c., subcutaneously; i.m., intramuscularly; EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid; MMA, methylmalonic acid.
Aqueous emulsion
of -tocopherol
Elements in
(Co, Cu, Se, Zn) soluble PO4 glass
(Co, Cu, I, Mn, compressed and
Se, Zn, vit. A, coated for
vit. D, vit. E)
controlled release
(vitamin E)
Oral drench
or injectable
Oral rumen 16 g pellet to
lambs, 33 g
pellet to sheep
Oral rumen 30 g pellet to
(vitamin B12)
(vitamin B12)
s.c. or i.m.
Oral needle
or particles
s.c. or i.m. at
anterior neck
5% elemental Se
Oral rumen
in Fe matrix
Microencapsulated Injectable
B12 in oil carrier
Chemical form
Table 13.3. Examples of trace-element and vitamin supplement strategies for sheep (see also Judson (1996) and Lee et al. (1999)).
J. Lee et al.
Plate 13.1. Housed cross-bred lambs showing the results of different nutritional histories with
respect to vitamin B12. At 6 weeks of age, the lambs were the same weight; the lamb on the
right was given an injection of vitamin B12. As a result, it was heavier than its age-mate when
this photo was taken 20 weeks later.
J. Lee et al.
The micronutrient deficiencies most commonly encountered in the field are
of a marginal nature, often with non-specific ill thrift as the only sign of a
disorder. Therefore, tests of blood and tissue are relied on to identify which
micronutrient might be limiting productivity. For many of the micronutrients, biochemical changes in blood precede dysfunction, so monitoring of
these changes provides early warning. Although some production responses
are unambiguous, the complex interrelationships between micronutrients,
immune function and disease are only beginning to be unravelled.
In spite of a proliferation of tabled values, the concept of requirements
or dietary allowances remains poorly defined for micronutrients. For practical purposes, however, intakes should permit best productivity and health
(including immune competency) and provide for adequate body reserves
of the micronutrient over a range of environmental conditions. Improving
productivity through smarter nutritional application brings with it
increased demands for micronutrients. Considerable progress has been
made in methods of supplying additional micronutrients to the grazing
animal, particularly with the development of sustained-release devices that
reside in the rumen or implants that are subcutaneous. There is an
increasing trend for commercial suppliers to incorporate micronutrients in
products such as anthelmintic drenches and vaccines.
Research continues to discover new roles and describe novel involvement of micronutrients in structural and catalytic functions within the cell
and in gene expression in particular. Such progress improves our understanding of tissue requirements and permits more sophisticated manipulation of the micronutrient content of wool and meat to meet future
specifications for these products.
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Interactions between
Gastrointestinal Parasites and
Grazing sheep are invariably infected with a range of nematode species,
which are the most important parasites of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
(Table 14.1) and which frequently lead to significant impairment of productivity (Sykes, 1994). Control of GI nematodes in ruminants is currently achieved through prophylactic or therapeutic use of
anthelmintics, combined, where farm practice allows, with grazingmanagement strategies that are aimed at reducing contact between the
host and the infective stages of the parasite on pasture. The continued
use of suppressive anthelmintic strategies is unsustainable, as nematode
resistance to the three main classes of broad-spectrum anthelmintics is
now widespread in small ruminants throughout many areas of the world
(Waller, 1997). In many parts of the southern hemisphere, anthelmintic
resistance is one of the main threats to sustainable livestock production.
The ability of nematodes to rapidly develop resistance to new drug families and formulations is of paramount importance, as it is unlikely that
many new drugs with novel modes of action will be licensed for future
veterinary use in small ruminants, due to the high cost of development
for a limited market. A further issue arising from extensive use of
anthelmintics is the increasing public awareness of potential drug
residues in meat and milk products and also concern about the possible
ecotoxicological effects of excretion of certain anthelmintics on the environment, especially beneficial microfauna. These issues have led to a
drive to find alternative sustainable control strategies for helminth infections, which are less reliant on chemotherapy (Waller, 1999). One
approach has been to investigate the role of dietary supplementation in
enhancing the resistance and resilience of livestock that are susceptible
to GI parasitism.
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
Small intestine
Trichostrongylus vitrinusa
Trichostrongylus colubriformisa
Nematodirus battusa
Nematodirus filicollis
Nematodirus spathiger
Cooperia curticei
Strongyloides papillosus
Bunostomum trigonocephalum
Moniezia expansa
Large intestine
Chabertia ovina
Oesophagostomum venulosum
Oesophagostomum columbianuma
Trichuris ovis
al., 1986; Bown et al., 1991a). Even when the majority of the endogenous
protein is reabsorbed as amino acid, experiments with pair-fed animals have
shown that there is poor protein deposition in the body, probably because
energy is directed to protein synthesis for the preferential repair of GI tissue
and to maintain homoeostasis and replacement of endogenous secretions.
Recently, the increased protein turnover of the parasitized ovine GI tract has
been quantified, using trans-organ catheterization and mass isotope tracer
kinetics, with leucine as the marker amino acid (Yu et al., 2000). These
authors showed that sequestration of amino acid by the total GI tract from
arterial pools was increased by 24% and also that the GI-tract oxidative losses
of leucine were increased by 2241% in sheep infected subclinically with T.
colubriformis. A reduction in the availability of absorbed amino acids for
metabolism in peripheral tissues is in agreement with the observation of
reduced rates of protein synthesis in wool and muscle of sheep infected with
T. colubriformis (Jones and Symons, 1982) and also with recent data
(Bermingham et al., 2000), which showed that experimental T. colubriformis
infection reduced liveweight gain of sheep but had no effect on the wholebody irreversible loss rate of valine or cysteine, implying repartitioning of
amino acid utilization between tissues. Scarce resources, such as essential
amino acids, are diverted from productive processes (growth and reproductive effort) into those areas which are essential to maintain homoeostasis,
such as repair of the GI tract, maintenance of blood proteins and components of the immune response and mucus production (Fig. 14.1). These
effects will be exacerbated in those infections where the overall nutrient
availability is further limited by reductions in voluntary feed intake.
Epithelial cell turnover for
tissue repair
Gut mucosa
proteins to
in the
Peripheral inflammatory
response: precursor-cell
Fig. 14.1. Effects of gastrointestinal nematode infection on protein metabolism in sheep. The
net effects are that amino acids from metabolizable protein (MP) are diverted from production
(skeleton, muscle, wool and milk) to maintain integrity of the GI tract and to mount an
effective local immune response. There is a concomitant diversion of metabolizable energy
(ME) to the maintenance of the gut.
Energy retention
Metabolizable energy intake
Fig. 14.2. Change in efficiency of use of metabolizable energy (ME) as a result of infection with
parasites. This can occur as a result of reduction of feed intake (C), reduction in efficiency of
use of energy for bodyweight gain (A) or a combination of the two (B). Abomasal infections with
T. circumcincta tend to be due to changes dominated by route C and those in the intestine with
T. colubriformis by route A, particularly in the initial stages of infection. MEm, maintenance ME.
Plate 14.1. Scanning electron micrograph of the lining of the small intestine of a sheep infected
with Trichostrongylus spp. nematodes. The area colonized by the worms shows marked villous
atrophy compared with the normal villi in the surrounding area. (Photo reproduced from
Henderson (1990), The Veterinary Book for Farmers, Farming Press, Ipswich, UK.)
Following continuous exposure to GI nematodes, sheep gradually acquire
a degree of immunity that will protect them from subsequent challenge
infections. However, expression of an adequate immune response is only
partial in animals under about 6 months of age, so young growing lambs
are susceptible to GI nematode infections. Many factors, such as age, sex,
breed, productive state and nutritional status of the host, influence this
expression of immunity to a nematode infection.
The detailed mechanisms involved are not fully understood (Balic et al.,
2000). However, although a general peripheral eosinophilia and humoral
immune response can be observed, it is becoming clear, not unexpectedly,
that a cell-mediated immune response at the parasitemucosal interface is
important. Following infection, a rapid influx of eosinophils is observed
within the mucosal lamina propria and, during the development of immunity,
the numbers of mucosal mast cells increase dramatically. These latter cells
contain numerous highly potent biological mediators, including histamine,
leukotrienes and proteases, and these are secreted following the cross-linking
of surface immunoglobulin E (IgE) by worm allergens. Whether these mastcell products affect worms directly or indirectly remains unclear.
Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that the immune response is
directed via the T-helper 2 (Th2) cell system and involves local IgA and IgE
responses and recruitment of mucosal mast cells and their secretory products.
At issue still is the extent to which variation in immune responses occurs
through variation in the competition for nutrients between the productive
requirements and the requirements of the immune system of the animal.
For example, the demand for MP, compared with ME is at its highest in the
young growing animal and will be greater in the male than the female
because of the greater growth potential of male livestock. This is normally
provided for in the high protein-to-energy ratio in milk and the fact that
milk protein passes directly to the abomasum via the reticular groove.
Demand for MP relative to ME declines rapidly as the young lamb grows,
and only when the lamb achieves a weight of about 3035 kg does it receive
an optimum protein : energy ratio from pasture alone. The breakdown of
established immunity in the ewe in the peripartum period is associated with
a rapid increase in demand for protein relative to energy at levels only seen
in the young lamb and which are not attainable from pasture alone
(Robinson, 1990).
Evidence in the literature supports the view that protein supplementation has little or no effect on the innate ability of young growing livestock
to prevent the early establishment of a parasite infection (Coop and
Holmes, 1996; van Houtert and Sykes, 1996). The major effect of protein
appears to be on the speed or degree to which the animal can acquire or
express immunity against a parasitic challenge. The MP supply can influence the extent of expression of immunity to GI nematodes in ruminants
(van Houtert and Sykes, 1996), which is manifest as reduced establishment
or inhibited development of incoming larvae and reduced survival and/or
A pivotal study was undertaken by Bown et al. (1991b) to investigate which
dietary components had a major influence on the resilience and resistance
of the host to parasitic infection. In sheep trickle-infected with the intestinal nematode T. colubriformis, they attempted to replace the protein estimated to be lost by the host in GI secretions, by infusing either casein or
isoenergetic amounts of glucose into the abomasum. These authors showed
that, primarily, infection induced a protein deficiency and that the
resilience of the animals to a defined larval intake could be improved by
protein, but not by energy, infusion. Subsequent studies have investigated
the effects of supplementation of diets with rumen-undegradable protein
(Kyriazakis et al., 1996; van Houtert and Sykes, 1996; Datta et al., 1998) or
urea (Wallace et al., 1998; Knox and Steel, 1999) on the productivity of
ruminants. The data showed that depressions in growth rate and wool production and the pathophysiological consequences of infection could be
alleviated by the provision of additional MP. The response to urea supplementation was partly attributable to stimulation of feed intake, presumably
as a result of increased ruminal cellulose digestion, but also via increased
microbial protein synthesis in the rumen.
Relevant to these findings is the observation that individually penned
sheep infected with T. colubriformis and offered a choice between isoenergetic
foods with a high (206 g kg1 DM) or a low (86 g kg1 DM) protein concentration, consumed a higher proportion of the high-protein diet than uninfected controls (Kyriazakis et al., 1994, 1996). Presumably this enabled the
sheep to adjust their protein intake to partially offset the parasite-induced
increase in protein requirements. However, there are examples where
increased dietary protein intake has not improved the resilience of sheep to
GI nematode infection. Calculations of likely rumen degradation of food
protein and likely microbial protein production suggest that, in some
experiments, the difference in MP supply to tissues between supplemented
and unsupplemented sheep was probably too small to affect resilience. In
other studies, there is insufficient nutritional information available to make
Common name
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Deleterious Substances in
Grazed Pastures
animals. In some instances, plants may have evolved with fungi to reduce
the impact of insect damage. For example, Neotyphodium lolii infection of
perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) affords protection against the Argentine
stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis) and other insects, but has tremorgenic
effects (staggering) on sheep (Easton, 1999). Likewise, the presence of condensed tannins in some legumes (e.g. Lotus spp.) protects against consumption, but, given a choice, sheep prefer leaves containing high concentrations
of tannin to stems containing more structural fibre but less tannin.
Some innocuous plant components can become toxic following exposure to the rumen microflora, e.g. the production of equol from formononetin present in red clover (Trifolium pratense), with consequent
reduced fertility. More often rumen microflora deactivate potentially toxic
plant compounds.
clinical conditions, indicated only by diminished appetite and poor productivity (e.g. endophyte toxicity). Other toxicoses are apparent only
through diminished fertility in apparently healthy animals.
A diverse range of deleterious substances is found in pastures (Table
15.1). Alkaloids and glycosides account for many deleterious effects but
even fundamental compounds, such as chlorophyll and protein, can be
toxic. Alkaloids are of fungal or plant origin and are classified on the basis
of heterocyclic ring structures; many are used in human medicine.
Glycosides are derived from plants, and the active (aglycone) portion is
released by enzyme action following cell damage; their effects can be exacerbated by trampling, frost or chewing.
St Johns wort
Condensed tannin
Oxalic acid
Metabolite of chlorophyll
Plant cytoplasm
Cytoplasmic protein
High concentrations impair rumen microbial activity and amino acid absorption
Haemolytic anaemia
Plant metabolites
G.C. Waghorn et al.
Photosensitization can be broadly categorized into primary and secondary
types. Primary photosensitization is due to the ingestion and absorption of
photodynamic agents that reach the skin through the systemic circulation.
Examples of plants in this category include St Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum), found in many roadside pastures and waste areas, and buckwheat
(Fagopyrum esculentum), grown as either a grain or a forage crop. Other
examples include celery (Apium spp.) and spring parsley (Petroselinum
crispum), grazed in rangelands (Cheeke, 1998).
Photosensitivity symptoms are most severe in light (non-pigmented)
skin, typical of sheep. Absorption of light photons excites photodynamic
agents in the skin (e.g. phylloerythrin (also known as phytoporphyrin)) to
yield free radicals, which react with dermal proteins and cell membranes.
This results in extreme sensitivity of the affected skin, which is alleviated
by avoidance of sunlight, but secondary effects include reddening, serous
oozing and thickening, sloughing and necrosis of the skin. Animals may
refuse to feed and ewes may prevent lambs from sucking sensitive teats.
Ruminants are most commonly affected by secondary photosensitization. This is associated with liver damage, so that photodynamic compounds are not detoxified in sufficient quantity by the liver and pass into
the systemic circulation. The most common situation is probably due to
phylloerythrin, which is a ruminal degradation product of chlorophyll,
usually removed by the liver and excreted in the bile. When liver function
or biliary flow is compromised, the phylloerythrin initiates photodynamic
reactions in the skin. The effects may be immediate, if the forage contains
sufficient chlorophyll, or delayed until animals are grazing lush green pasture. Toxins capable of causing liver damage include sporodesmin from
the fungus Pithomyces chartarum, which can be very common in New
Zealand improved pastures in warm humid weather, or the Phomopsis leptustromiformis parasite common to Lupinus species.
Other forms of photosensitization, not necessarily associated with liver
disease but of an unknown aetiology, include photosensitization in lambs
fed lucerne (Medicago sativa), either fresh or as hay, burr medic (Medicago
polymorpha), birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), clovers (Trifolium spp.) and
cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer) (Parton et al., 2001). Photosensitization
without liver damage is well known with lambs grazing rape, with oedema
of the ears and neck and sometimes necrosis of the ears.
Clinical or subclinical photosensitization represents an important cost
to the sheep industry. Liver damage will reduce potential productivity of
the flock, even after regeneration, and render these animals more susceptible to mild challenges in the future. It is essential to provide shade and
remove the flock from the source of photosensitization. Prevention
through avoidance of photosensitizing agents or hepatotoxins is paramount but may be difficult when the feed and toxin are inseparable.
Many legumes contain compounds that bind weakly to the mammalian
oestrogen receptor. These compounds impair the fertility of ewes and, to a
lesser extent, cattle, but have little effect on male animals. Very high concentrations of phyto-oestrogens in subterranean clover can cause classical clover
disease in ewes, with dramatic signs, including prolapse of the uterus, dystocia, mammary development in ewes and wethers, enlarged bulbourethral
glands of wethers (Plate 15.1) and very low lambing rates. Such obvious clinical problems are now rare, but low-level infertility appears to be widespread.
Two types of infertility have been described in sheep. Ewes grazing
oestrogenic pasture have suppressed ovarian function, so that twinning
rate and even ovulation itself are suppressed. The ability to conceive may
be reduced through impaired sperm transport through the cervix and
sometimes increased embryonic mortality is reported. However, the most
significant effect is reduced twinning rate. Smith et al. (1979) reported that
feeding ewes material containing 25 mg kg1 coumestans reduced their
ovulation rate by 25%. Indeed, the only effect of phyto-oestrogens may be
a reduced number of twins born 5 months after grazing the oestrogenic
pasture. Since twinning rate also depends on nutritional status, such losses
would not be observed unless the phyto-oestrogenic content was being
monitored. This form of infertility is temporary, resolving within 46 weeks
after the ewes are removed from the oestrogenic pasture.
Plate 15.1. Enlarged bulbo-urethral gland in a wether sheep as a result of grazing pasture
containing a highly oestrogenic variety of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum). The
enlargement was sufficient to cause some pressure necrosis on the skin overlying the gland.
The second form of infertility in ewes occurs after grazing oestrogenic pastures for periods of at least 4 months. This infertility is both
permanent and cumulative, becoming worse with each year of exposure.
The major clinical sign is failure to conceive; ovulation and twinning
rates are normal but damage to the cervix prevents normal sperm transport in permanently infertile ewes. A low level of this infertility is widespread in Western Australia (Adams et al., 1988), but has not been
described elsewhere. The highly seasonal rainfall in Western Australia
has resulted in strong dependence on subterranean clover as the pasture
legume, and many of the original subterranean clover varieties had high
formononetin concentrations.
Diagnosis of infertility due to phyto-oestrogens is not difficult; however, most cases of reproductive loss due to phyto-oestrogens are not
diagnosed. Relationships between oestrogenicity and reproductive loss
are reasonably well established, so it is possible to estimate the degree of
reproductive loss due to phyto-oestrogens by measuring the oestrogenic
activity in the feed (Adams, 1995). The most reliable means of estimating
oestrogenicity is through bioassay, because phyto-oestrogens may
undergo extensive metabolism. The metabolic pathways vary between
ruminants and non-ruminants, so it is better to assess oestrogenicity in
the species of interest. For sheep, measuring the increase in teat length of
wethers over a 710-day period provides a quick, cheap and sensitive
bioassay, although it is not very precise. However, the chemical identity
and metabolism of the common phyto-oestrogens have now been
described, so chemical assay is a useful guide to diagnosis. These diagnostic methods are suitable for temporary infertility, but permanent
infertility may occur even years after the sheep have been exposed to
oestrogenic pasture, so measurement of pasture oestrogenicity is only
useful as supporting evidence. Accurate diagnosis of permanent oestrogenic infertility in ewes depends on identification of histopathological
changes in the cervix (Adams, 1990).
Oestrogenic compounds appear to increase the resistance of the plant
against disease. The significant oestrogenic compounds involved in infertility are isoflavones and coumestans. Concentrations of the oestrogenic
isoflavones are under genetic control, as indicated in Table 15.2, so that
their concentration depends primarily on the clover variety. Environmental conditions, such as temperature and nutrient supply, have a lesser
effect on isoflavone concentrations. Varieties of subterranean clover and
red clover have been developed that contain sufficient genistein or
biochanin A to maintain competitiveness in the sward, but are low in formononetin so as to minimize reproductive problems (Rumball et al., 1997).
Chemical compound
Biochanin A
Genetic control
Subterranean clover
Red clover
Berseem clover
Response to disease
White clover
Fungal oestrogens
Fusarium fungi
Cyanogens are ubiquitous in plants, but are only considered to be
cyanogenic if the concentration exceeds 10 mg kg1 fresh weight (Davis,
1991). Common cyanogenic forages include sorghum (Sorghum vulgare),
Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense), their hybrid Sudax, cynodon grasses (e.g.
Bermuda grass) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Some weed species also
contain very high cyanogenic glycoside concentrations (Parton et al., 2001).
Cyanide is released from the glycosides by hydrolysis subsequent to
rupture of cellular vacuoles (containing the glycosides) in the presence of
cytosolar hydrolytic enzymes. Hence foliar damage caused by wilting, trampling, chewing or freezing will enhance the release of cyanide. The nearneutral pH of the rumen is optimal for enzyme activity, so ruminants are
more sensitive to cyanide than non-ruminants. However, cyanide is readily
detoxified, so toxicity occurs only when intake is rapid and excessive.
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is readily transported into animal cells,
where it inactivates the respiratory cytochrome oxidase system. This effectively halts oxygen utilization, resulting in anoxia in all tissues, with brain
and heart failure the primary causes of death. Signs of cyanide poisoning
are dyspnoea (laboured breathing), excitement, staggering, convulsions
and coma. These symptoms occur only when the cyanide absorption is
very high and exceeds the tissue capacity for detoxification through conversion to thiocyanate, which is excreted in the urine. The lethal level is
about 2 mg HCN kg1 body weight (BW) in ruminants.
Methods for minimizing the risk of cyanide poisoning vary with the
type of forage on offer. Avoidance of cyanogenic weeds (such as Poa aquatica) is obvious, while the toxicity of Sudan grass and sorghum is lower after
flowering. White clovers with reduced cyanide levels are available. Cyanide
concentrations in grasses tend to be highest in new foliage and are
increased by nitrogenous fertilizers and some herbicides. Frosting and wilting increase the cyanide content and the rate of ingestion has a major
impact on the likelihood of toxicosis. Hungry animals should not be given
free access to these forages, and treatment usually removal from toxic
pastures must be initiated very rapidly to prevent deaths of affected animals (Parton et al., 2001).
Condensed tannins
Detrimental effects of condensed tannins in temperate improved swards are
rare, except under poor growing conditions, which result in high tannin
concentrations in the DM and reduced choice for the grazing animal.
Condensed tannins occur mainly in dicotyledonous plants, especially Lotus
spp., sulla (Hedysarum coronarium), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), dock (Rumex
obtusifolius), lespedeza (Serecia lespedeza) and leucaena (L. leucocephala). They
comprise up to 100 g kg1 of DM in temperate forages but may reach 300 g
kg1 of DM in tropical forages and shrubs (Jackson et al., 1996). They are
often present in succulent portions of plants (leaves), which are sought after
by grazing ruminants, especially when grasses are of poor quality.
When dietary concentrations exceed about 4080 g kg1 of DM, animal
growth can be impaired due to low intake, but deaths occur only after prolonged grazing of forage having concentrations in excess of 100 g kg1 of DM.
The hydroxyl moieties in condensed tannins bind with plant, microbial and
animal proteins, reducing the efficiency of microbial digestion in the rumen
and also reducing absorption of amino acids from the intestine. Effects are
more serious in non-ruminants than in ruminants (Waghorn et al., 1999).
Distinct from condensed tannins are the hydrolysable tannins. These
are readily hydrolysed to yield potentially toxic compounds (e.g. gallic
acid), but they are not present in pastures, only in tree leaves and browse.
Recent studies have demonstrated the beneficial attributes of low concentrations of dietary condensed tannins for sheep (Waghorn et al., 1999).
Tannins are able to reduce excess losses of protein to microbial degradation in the rumen by reducing proteolysis, so a higher proportion of plant
protein reaches the intestine and increases net amino acid absorption relative to equivalent diets without tannin. Low levels of condensed tannins
will also reduce the incidence of bloat by preventing the production of a
stable foam in the rumen following the rapid ingestion of high-quality forage, particularly legumes.
Oxalates in species such as sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), buffel grass
(Cenchrus ciliaris), setaria (Setaria sphacelata) and sour sob (Oxalis pes-caprae)
have caused poisoning and deaths in sheep (Seawright, 1982). Oxalates
occur as oxalic acid or as salts in these plants and are largely degraded to
carbonate and formate in the rumen, or precipitated as the calcium salt.
However, when ingested in sufficient quantity, oxalates may be absorbed
and reduce plasma calcium concentration. Absorbed oxalates also damage
capillaries, leading to pulmonary oedema and oxalate-crystal precipitation
in the kidneys. Symptoms of toxicity resemble hypocalcaemia, with staggering and recumbence.
Tissue damage and death occur after prolonged feeding on forages
containing oxalate, or feeding diets containing an excess of 20 g kg1
oxalate in the DM (McKenzie et al., 1988). Death usually results from
kidney damage.
Nitratenitrite toxicity is a common and often lethal consequence of forage
having high concentrations of nitrate (NO3) in the DM (510 g kg1). This
is usually associated with highly fertilized soils, especially when moisture
causes rapid plant growth following a dry period. Nitrates accumulate in
stems of rapidly growing plants, especially in overcast conditions (which
favour nitrogen uptake but not photosynthesis). Nitrite poisoning has been
associated with ryegrass species, brassicas (rape, turnip, choumoellier), as
well as lucerne, barley, wheat and maize. Water containing over 200 mg
kg1 NO3 is also potentially hazardous. Toxicosis is brought about by
intraruminal conversion of NO3 to NO2, which is usually further reduced
to ammonia, unless concentrations are very high, in which case absorbed
NO2 associates with haemoglobin to form methaemoglobin, resulting in
death through tissue anoxia. Horses and other non-ruminants are less
susceptible to NO3 poisoning, because they do not convert NO3 to NO2 in
the digestive tract. Nitrate poisoning can be very rapid or take several
hours, depending on the source of NO3. Pregnant animals may abort.
Treatment is to limit access to high-NO3 feeds.
Species-specific toxicoses
Phalaris toxicoses are a significant problem in Australia, where sheep graze
phalaris (Phalaris aquatica, formerly Phalaris tuberosa)-dominant pastures,
and on Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass) pastures in the USA. The
three unrelated toxicoses associated with P. aquatica include staggers, car-
Annual ryegrass
Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) toxicity is a significant problem in South
Australia and Western Australia and in South Africa. This neurological
disease of sheep can be responsible for hundreds of deaths when grazing
toxic pasture. The symptoms are superficially similar to ryegrass staggers
(see below), with neurological disturbances, high-stepping gait and convulsions, but annual-ryegrass toxicity is lethal, involving damage to the
brain (especially the cerebellum) from 2 days to 12 weeks after grazing
toxic pasture (Chapman, 1989). Lesions are brought about by highly toxic
glycolipids (corynetoxins), which inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible
for N-glycosylation of glycoproteins (Jago and Culvenor, 1987).
Annual-ryegrass toxicity requires interaction between a plant nematode (Anguina agrostis or Anguina funesta) and a pathogenic bacterium
(Clavibacter toxicus), possibly in association with a bacteriophage. When
annual-ryegrass seedlings become infected with A. agrostis, the larvae are
carried on the growing tip and burrow into the developing flower to form
a gall, in which the adult nematode lays eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae,
which can remain dormant for several years. The nematode is non-toxic
and the galls are brown or black, unless the nematodes are infected with
Clavibacter (possibly in association with a bacteriophage (Ophel et al.,
1993)), which produces corynetoxins. The presence of these bacteria is
indicated by a yellow slime on the seed heads, which gives a yellowness to
ryegrass fields and indicates a potentially toxic situation. Corynetoxins are
not detoxified by rumen fermentation and there is no treatment for sheep
suffering from annual-ryegrass toxicity.
No practical methods exist for controlling Clavibacter, and the best way
to prevent annual-ryegrass toxicity is by breaking the nematode life cycle,
either by eradicating annual ryegrass by cropping or by preventing flowering. The risk of toxicity in a sward is reduced when galls are shed late in
the season and, provided stocking rates are low, it is possible to graze previously toxic pastures late in the season (Chapman, 1989).
Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) is a widely grown tropical forage, which may
contain a variety of deleterious substances, including oxalates, saponins
and nitrates (Pienaar et al., 1993). Outbreaks of kikuyu poisoning in sheep
(and other animals) have been reported in New Zealand, Australia and
South Africa. The aetiology is not understood and, although some evidence suggests mycotoxins may be responsible, other evidence suggests
this is unlikely (Cheeke, 1998). Invasions of army worm have also been
Although not strictly pastures, brassica species, such as turnips, kale and
rape, are sown with grass or used in grazing systems. All of these contain
two sulphur-containing compounds (the amino acid S-methylcysteine
sulphoxide (SMCO) and glucosinolates). The presence of these compounds, and especially their degradation products, can lower growth rates
and lead to haemolytic anaemia (SMCO) and goitre or goitrogenic effects
The SMCO can account for as much as 4060 g kg1 of the DM and is
metabolized in the rumen to release dimethyldisulphide, which is absorbed
and reduced to an inactive form by glutathione peroxidase. When excess
dimethyldisulphide is absorbed, haemolytic anaemia develops, with
reduced haemoglobin concentrations and the appearance of precipitated,
oxidized haemoglobin granules in the erythrocytes (Heinz bodies).
Symptoms of haemolytic anaemia may not develop until animals have
grazed brassicas for 34 weeks, and include poor performance, loss of
appetite, diarrhoea and jaundice. Extended exposure to high concentrations of SMCO will result in death and in liver and kidney damage in surviving sheep. Surviving animals will make a complete recovery 34 weeks
after removal from brassica pasture.
The SMCO content of brassicas increases during winter and is exacerbated by nitrogenous fertilizers. Growth on low-sulphur soils has been
reported to lower the SMCO content of brassicas (McDonald et al., 1981);
both a gradual introduction and supplementation with pasture are likely to
minimize the toxic effects.
The glucosinolates are hydrolysed by plant or microbial enzymes in the
rumen to yield glucose, as well as isothiocyanate, nitrile or thiocyanate,
depending upon the structure of the aglycone portion of the molecule.
These compounds may interfere with thyroid function through a range of
reactions, and are exacerbated by low dietary iodine concentration, leading
to goitre. Interference with thyroid function is manifest by reducing iodine
uptake by the thyroid gland or interference with iodination of tyrosine and
reducing thyroxine secretion.
Symptoms of glucosinolate toxicity are primarily those of iodine
insufficiency; clinical signs include enlargement of the thyroid gland, and
up to 60% of newborn lambs have died when their dams have been grazing kale (Sinclair and Andrews, 1958). Prolonged exposure to glucosinolates will reduce productivity, but exposures of several weeks may not be
apparent in ewes, although newborn lambs may suffer from goitre
(Grace, 1994).
Mycotoxicoses in Forages
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi associated with
vegetative herbage and dead litter. Active research into mycotoxins in forages grew from frequent widespread outbreaks of photosensitization due
to facial eczema in sheep in New Zealand and led to the realization of the
benefits to pastures as well as detrimental effects on animal production.
For example, the ryegrass endophyte N. lolii provides protection for the
plant from insect attack, improves drought tolerance and may also contribute to improved persistence by deterring excessive grazing. The endophyte is also responsible for ryegrass staggers, requiring researchers to
select fungal strains that are able to protect the host plant without impairing animal performance. The extensive and ongoing research effort given
to modifying and understanding the perennial-ryegrass endophyte
(Woodfield and Matthew, 1999) indicates the complex associations between
fungi and forage; simple elimination of fungi may be more detrimental to
farming than the risks of toxicoses on animal performance.
Mycotoxins include a wide range of compounds but are usually aromatic,
non-immunogenic hydrocarbons of relatively low molecular weight. The
principal genera responsible for toxicoses in sheep grazing pasture (Table
15.3) are Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium but also include Claviceps,
Stachybotrys, Alternaria, Myrothecium and Pithomyces. Toxins must survive rumen
degradation to be absorbed and affect a range of organs, including the liver,
kidneys and nervous system, but also cardiac function, gastrointestinal function and reproduction. Some are carcinogenic or immunosuppressive.
Facial eczema
Facial eczema (pithomycotoxicosis) is the most important mycotoxicosis in
New Zealand, where outbreaks affect both sheep and cattle (Smith, 1989).
Facial eczema has also been reported from both coasts of the USA,
Australia, southern areas of South Africa and parts of South America,
France and the UK. The disease occurs in warm moist situations, which
favour the growth of Pithomyces chartarum in pasture litter. Ingestion of
these fungal spores results in rapid absorption of sporodesmin, often leading to severe photosensitization.
Sporodesmin is concentrated in the liver and bile. A series of glutathione-linked oxidation and reduction reactions of sporodesmin generate
superoxide and other free radicals, leading to liver damage and secondary
photosensitization. This damage prevents excretion of phylloerythin (from
chlorophyll), leading to photosensitivity, and endogenous porphyrins accumulate, leading to jaundice. Even severe liver damage rarely leads to
deaths and partial regeneration is common, but appetite is greatly reduced
and animals become extremely sensitive to sunlight, seeking shade wherever possible. Symptoms of photosensitization include swelling and burning of the ears and head, skin sloughing and inappetence.
Pithomyces chartarum
Neotyphodium lolii
Neotyphodium coenophialum
Fusarium spp.
Claviceps paspali
Claviceps purpurea
Phomopsis leptostromiformis
Facial eczema
Ryegrass staggers
Tall-fescue toxicosis
Fusarium infertility
Kikuyu poisoning
Pasture litter
Pasture litter
Lupin stubble
testicular atrophy
Tremorgen, gangrene,
internal bleeding
Hepatotoxin, secondary
Neurotoxin, tremorgen
Ergovaline, ergopeptides,
clavine alkaloids
Lolitrem B, ergovaline
Principal toxin
Table 15.3. Common mycotoxicoses affecting sheep grazing improved temperate pastures.
Staggers, loss of
Depression, drooling,
Inappetence, secondary
infections, deaths
G.C. Waghorn et al.
The severity of the problem in New Zealand has led to a good understanding of conditions likely to trigger an outbreak of facial eczema, as well
as procedures for reducing the impact of the toxin. Spores are produced
most freely when relative humidity approaches 100%, day temperatures
are between 20 and 24C and night temperatures are over 14C. These
conditions favour rapid development of spores within a 48 h period, so
that pasture spore counts are used to indicate danger periods. Counts in
excess of 100,000 spores per g of fresh grass are considered dangerous.
The severity is affected by a range of factors, including stocking rate, closeness of grazing, previous exposure and sheep breed.
The effects of facial eczema can be controlled by reducing the intake of
spores or by treating animals with zinc to reduce liver injury.
Administration of zinc must be 2030 times the nutritional requirements
and be given before the sporodesmin challenge. Treatment in New
Zealand is now by slow-release intraruminal bullet, although drenching
with a zinc oxide slurry is also effective. A daily dose of 25 mg Zn kg1 BW
(usually as ZnO) for sheep provides protection without inducing toxicity or
residue problems in the animal product or pasture. Spraying pastures with
benzimidazole fungicides will render them safe for grazing for 6 weeks,
provided rainfall does not occur within 3 days of spraying. Lax grazing, to
reduce intake of spores from dead material, may also alleviate the impact
of toxicity, but administration of zinc salts has been the most effective
means for providing protection for animals.
There are genetic differences between breeds and between individuals
in their susceptibility to facial eczema. Merinos appear more resistant to
sporodesmin than British sheep breeds (Smith et al., 1980) and heritability
of resistance to facial eczema has been calculated as 0.42, so that selection
for improved resistance to facial eczema is a possible means for reducing
the costs of this problem (Smith, 1989).
Ryegrass staggers
Ryegrass staggers affects animals grazing perennial-ryegrass (L. perenne)dominant pastures and should not be confused with grass staggers (hypomagnesaemia) or annual-ryegrass toxicity. It is a significant problem in
New Zealand and parts of Australia where perennial ryegrass is a dominant pasture species. Outbreaks of ryegrass staggers occur mainly in summer and autumn and the neurological impact on coordination, resulting in
staggering, head shaking and collapse when sheep become excited, can
result in significant mortality from misadventure. Wild-type N. lolii produces a range of alkaloids, including lolitrem B and ergovaline, which are
responsible for tremorgenic reactions in sheep. Further, it is increasingly
apparent that the tremorgens responsible for staggering are also associated
with poor animal performance, health and well-being, previously
described as ill thrift.
Spring grazing
LW gain (g day1)
Dags (05 scale)
Respiration rate (min1)
Body temperature (C)
Plasma prolactin (ng ml1)
Summer/autumn grazing
LW gain (g day1)
Staggers (05)
Dags (05)
Fly strike (%)
Respiration rate (min1)
Body temperature (C)
Plasma prolactin (ng ml1)
LW, live weight; *, significant at 5% probability; **, significant at 1% probability; n.s., not significant.
Tall-fescue toxicoses
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) also has an association with an endophyte
fungus, Neotyphodium coenophialum, leading to a wide range of deleterious
effects in grazing animals. These include dry gangrene of lower extremities, reduced feed intakes, low weight gains and milk production and very
low plasma prolactin concentrations in sheep and cattle.
There are over 15 million ha of endophyte-infected pastures in North
America, and fescue toxicity is also important in Australasia and Argentina.
The endophyte benefits the plant through pest and drought resistance and
better tolerance of adverse soil and environmental conditions and results in
a greener, more vigorous plant than endophyte-free fescue. The endophyte
is located primarily in the sheath and inflorescence, rather than the leaf. It
has no reproductive phase and, like N. lolii, is transmitted via infected seeds.
Although ergovaline and clavine alkaloids are important toxins, the
fungus produces a range of modified ergopeptides, as well as loline alkaloids (pyrrolizidine alkaloids). This diversity may account for the greater
toxicity of fescue endophyte compared with ryegrass endophyte (Lane et
al., 1999) and effects on thermoregulation, reproduction and lipid metabolism (Cheeke, 1998). The vasoconstriction leads to tissue anoxia (dry gangrene) and hyperthermia, due to insufficient capacity for heat loss. Sheep
appear less affected by fescue toxicosis than cattle, perhaps because their
principal route for heat loss is respiratory rather than through the skin.
Nevertheless, hyperthermia is common, with reduced intakes, lameness
and loss of extremities under severe conditions.
Fescue toxicity can be prevented by either reducing intake of toxic fescue or feeding non-toxic fescue. Avoidance of seed heads (containing the
highest concentrations of alkaloid) can reduce toxicity, as will dilution of
fescue with non-toxic forages. Hay made before seed development and
treatment of hay by ammoniation have been shown to reduce toxicity.
Ensiling tall-fescue forage does not affect its ergovaline content.
Paspalum staggers
Paspalum staggers has been reported in Australia, New Zealand, South
Africa, the USA and parts of Europe where Paspalum dilatatum (dallis grass)
is grown. Paspalum seed heads are frequently infected by Claviceps paspali,
which produces tremorgens, leading to incoordination, head tremors and
collapse when disturbed (Botha et al., 1996). These symptoms are similar to
those of ryegrass staggers. Paspalum may also be infected with Claviceps
purpurea, which grows on several grains and grasses and also forms sclerotinia (ergot bodies) in the seed heads. When sheep consume C. purpurea,
they develop breathing difficulties, excessive salivation, diarrhoea and
bleeding within the digestive tract (Cheeke, 1998), but the avoidance of
seed heads, more typical of sheep than cattle, reduces the incidence of
ergot poisoning, provided adequate leafy foliage is available.
Symptoms due to the tremorgenic paspalinine are more common than the
gangrenous condition in sheep, and removal of sheep from infected pastures
will enable complete recovery. This condition also resembles ryegrass staggers,
in that rapid movement will induce collapse, but the condition is not lethal.
The gangrenous syndrome arises from derivatives of lysergic and isolysergic acids, including ergotamine (a central nervous system stimulant and
depressor), ergometrine and ergotoxine, all of which are powerful arteriolar smooth-muscle constrictors. Arteriolar and capillary constriction results
in bleeding and gangrene of the affected part, with clinical signs similar to
those of fescue toxicity.
Forage lupins
Lupins can cause toxicity in sheep through either alkaloid poisoning or mycotoxicosis associated with grazing mature lupin stems or stubble. The quinolizidine alkaloid poisoning affects sheep to a greater extent than goats or
cattle and can be a major cause of mortality in sheep in western USA. Toxicity
increases after flowering, with seeds being especially toxic. Symptoms of toxicity include laboured breathing, with death by respiratory paralysis.
Lupin mycotoxicosis is caused by ingestion of toxins from P. leptostromiformis. The fungi reside mainly in lupin stems and become toxic after seed
harvest, so sheep grazing lupin stubble are at the greatest risk of toxicity.
The fungus has been reported in both wild, high-alkaloid lupin (Lupinus
cosentinii) and commercially available sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius).
Fungal growth is facilitated by warm, overcast, moist conditions. Stubble
may remain toxic for several months, with peak toxicity at the end of summer. Lupinosis has been reported in sheep in Europe, South Africa, the
USA, Australia and New Zealand and is an important toxicosis in Australia,
where lupins are used extensively as a fodder crop.
Symptoms of lupinosis include lack of appetite, loss of condition and
lethargy. Deaths may occur within 24 days of sheep being introduced to
toxic stubble. Chronic or subacute lupinosis, resulting from liver damage
and consumption of lesser amounts of toxin over a long period, can result
in a high proportion of a flock having poor performance, with increased
susceptibility to disease and other toxins (e.g. photosensitivity). With acute
toxicity, the liver is enlarged, fatty and yellow or orange in colour, in contrast to the small, hardened copper- or tan-coloured livers in sheep
exposed to chronic toxicity. Liver copper concentrations are elevated,
while zinc concentrations are depressed.
Lupinosis can be minimized by grazing stubble soon after seed harvest,
before extensive fungal growth occurs. Grazing intensity should be low so
that sheep are not forced to eat excessive stem, and animals should be
removed from stubble in the event of rain, which increases fungal growth.
Treatment should focus on improving appetite, while zinc administration
will lower liver copper concentrations and help overcome inappetence.
Although this review has identified wide-ranging toxicoses that affect sheep
grazing temperate forages, the advantages provided by yield, quality,
palatability and persistence of these forages under a range of growing conditions far outweigh the occasional (and sometimes severe) health problems. These problems are nevertheless important and can affect
reproduction and productivity and influence product quality for human
usage. Future solutions need to focus on causes and prevention rather
than treatment of toxicoses.
Improved communication and cooperation between animal and plant
researchers, together with chemists, mycologists and molecular biologists,
are essential for the development of improved forage varieties for animal
production. Recent research involving teams with such expertise has identified causes of ill thrift, and breeders are producing varieties well suited to
high-performance ruminants. However, producers may have to move away
from pastures based on only one or two forage species if animal health and
productivity are to be sustained with minimal veterinary intervention.
High stocking rates and minimum choice force sheep to eat lower pasture strata and increase the likelihood of toxicoses in flocks grazing intensive pastures. This emphasizes the difficulties faced by farmers attempting
to maximize profitability in the face of the vagaries of climate and commodity prices. However, there is an increasing need to achieve this goal in
a sustainable manner with good animal welfare, with the implication that
toxicoses must be minimized in a consumer-driven market.
Adams, N.R. (1990) Permanent infertility in ewes exposed to plant estrogens.
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Botha, C.J., Kellerman, T.S. and Fourie, N. (1996) A tremorgenic mycotoxicosis in
cattle caused by Paspalum distichum (L.) infected by Claviceps paspali. Journal of
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Bourke, C.A. (1992) Toxins in pasture plants phalaris toxicity. Animal Production in
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Bourke, C.A. (1998a) Factors affecting the incidence of the PE sudden death form
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Chapman, H.M. (1989) Annual ryegrass toxicity. In: Second International Congress for
Sheep Veterinarians. Sheep and Beef Cattle Society of New Zealand, Massey
University, Palmerston North, pp. 268276.
Cheeke, P.R. (1998) Natural Toxicants in Feeds, Forages and Poisonous Plants. Interstate
Publishers, Danville, Illinois, 479 pp.
Cox, R.I. and Braden, A.W.H. (1974) The metabolism and physiological effects of
phyto-oestrogens in livestock. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal
Production 10, 122129.
Davis, R.H. (1991) Cyanogens. In: DeMello, J.P., DeMello, F., Duffus, C.M. and
Duffus, J.M. (eds) Toxic Substances in Crop Plants. Royal Society of Chemistry,
Cambridge, pp. 202225.
Di Menna, M.E., Mortimer, P.H., Prestidge, R.A., Hawkes, A.D. and Sprosen, J.M.
(1992) Lolitrem B concentrations, counts of Acremonium lolii hyphae and the
incidence of ryegrass staggers in lambs on plots of A. lolii-infected ryegrass.
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 35, 211217.
Easton, H.S. (1999) Endophyte in New Zealand pastures, an overview. In:
Woodfield, D.R. and Matthew, C. (eds) Ryegrass Endophyte: an Essential New
Zealand Symbiosis. Grasslands Research and Practice Series No. 7, New Zealand
Grassland Association, Palmerston North, pp. 110.
Fletcher, L.R., Sutherland, B.L. and Fletcher, G.C. (1999) The impact of endophyte
on the health and productivity of sheep grazing ryegrass-based pastures. In:
Woodfield, D.R. and Matthew, C. (eds) Ryegrass Endophyte: an Essential New
Zealand Symbiosis. Grasslands Research and Practice Series No. 7, New Zealand
Grassland Association, Palmerston North, pp. 1119.
Grace, N.D. (1994) Managing Trace Element Deficiencies. New Zealand Pastoral
Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, 70 pp.
Hall, D.G. (1984) Coumestrol content of lucerne in New South Wales. Animal
Production in Australia 15, 689.
Hume, D.E. (1999) Establishing and maintaining a toxin-free pasture: a review. In:
Woodfield, D.R. and Matthew, C. (eds) Ryegrass Endophyte: an Essential New
Zealand Symbiosis. Grasslands Research and Practice Series No. 7, New Zealand
Grassland Association, Palmerston North, pp. 123132.
Jackson, F.S., Barry, T.N., Lascano, C. and Palmer, B. (1996) The extractable and
bound condensed tannin content of leaves from tropical tree, shrub and forage
legumes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 71, 103110.
Jago, M.V. and Culvenor, C.C.J. (1987) Tunicamycin and corymetoxin poisoning in
sheep. Australian Veterinary Journal 64, 232235.
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In: Woodfield, D.R. and Matthew, C. (eds) Ryegrass Endophyte: an Essential New
Zealand Symbiosis. Grasslands Research and Practice Series No. 7, New Zealand
Grassland Association, Palmerston North, pp. 95100.
McDonald, R.C., Manley, T.R., Barry, T.N., Forss, D.A. and Sinclair, A.G. (1981)
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Australian Bureau of Animal Health, Australian Government Publishing
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CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory, Australia
When sheep managers or their advisers attempt to apply the wealth of
nutritional information reviewed in the earlier chapters of this book, they
face a number of difficulties. These spring largely from the highly variable
feeding environment of grazing animals and the relatively low level of control on nutrient intake that can be exercised by the manager. This chapter
will discuss the problems in applying the results of research on grazing
sheep to nutritional management and describe some of the tools that are
being developed to overcome these problems.
For example, although nutritional management must start with knowledge of the intake of nutrients, both the quantity and quality of the
herbage diet selected are virtually impossible to measure directly and slow
and expensive to estimate indirectly. Coleman and Henry (Chapter 1),
Weston (Chapter 2) and Forbes and Mayes (Chapter 3, this volume) have
analysed the numerous pasture and animal interactions that affect nutrient
intake, but the manager has to attempt to apply this information to a continually changing scene of pasture attributes and animal requirements.
Within this scene, the manager seeks the stocking rate that will strike the
best balance between optimum nutrient intake per animal and the efficient
and sustainable use of the pasture resource. At this stocking rate, the supply
of pasture nutrients will usually be inadequate for sheep requirements for
some part of the year and the manager must decide whether to provide supplements or to tolerate a weight loss that may be regained later. When supplements are offered, there is a degree of substitution for pasture (see Dove,
Chapter 6, this volume), which is difficult to predict but important in its
effects on nutrient intake and the economics of supplementary feeding.
Decisions on the composition of the supplement, particularly in respect of
protein, will depend not only on the selected pasture diet but also on the
CAB International 2002. Sheep Nutrition (eds M. Freer and H. Dove)
M. Freer
Grazing Models
A decision-support tool based on a model of the grazing animal can be
designed to help either with tactical problems in the day-to-day feeding
management of grazing sheep or with strategic problems that concern the
efficient long-term meshing of animal requirements and feed supply at a
specific location, through adjustments to stocking rate, mating date, fodder
conservation, etc. Both types of tool have at their core a model of the grazing sheep responding to its feed supply; this chapter will discuss the simulation procedures that have been developed to predict these responses.
Although this discussion will not be directly concerned with research models, whose proper place is within the earlier chapters in this volume (see, for
example, Oddy and Sainz, Chapter 11), research models will always have an
important role as the source of increased complexity in management models, but only where this is found to be essential. The major constraint is that
increased complexity within the model will usually be matched by a requirement for greater detail in the inputs, so the process cannot usefully advance
beyond the ability of the user to quantify these inputs.
This constraint is less severe in a strategic tool built round a dynamic model
in which many of the variables related to herbage composition and sward structure are generated day by day by a pasture growth module, rather than being
estimated by the user. In the same way, it follows that, in the dynamic model,
many of the current values for animal variables, e.g. milk production and wool
growth, flow from the simulation of the animals earlier nutritional history.
But, for tactical tools, where the same inputs rely on the users estimates of the
current state of the grazing system, progress in model development must
depend to a large degree on finding ways of improving these estimates.
M. Freer
ther quantity nor quality (i.e. dry matter (DM) digestibility (DMD) of a grass
diet at least 0.8), and the relative intake (or proportion of the potential
intake) that the particular feed source offers the animal. The predicted
intake of nutrients is then partitioned between the estimated requirements
for maintenance and productive purposes. Only a few of the predictive
equations are displayed in this chapter, but a spreadsheet program
(SheepExplorer) is freely available from the following website to enable the
interested reader to explore the effect of a range of inputs on all the major
Potential intake
To enable the model to be used generally for all genotypes, all stages of
maturity and all body conditions, the prediction of potential intake, as with
several other predicted attributes, is scaled to: (i) the mature weight (SRW)
of the sheep when in average body condition; (ii) its relative size (RS) (i.e.
stage of development); and (iii) its relative condition (RC). Relative size,
which has a maximum value of 1.0 at maturity, is defined as the ratio of
normal weight (NW) to SRW, where NW is the lesser of the following two
variables: (i) the weight for age of a well-grown animal of SRW (Brody,
1945); and (ii) the highest weight reached by the sheep so far. Relative condition is defined as the ratio of current weight (CW) to NW and it follows
that CW is the product of SRW, RC and RS.
For a sheep with a specified SRW, a quadratic function relates potential
intake to RS, with a peak at 85% maturity. For mature sheep in better than
average condition, potential intake continues to decline with falling energy
demand, as a function of RC rather than RS. Immature sheep that lose
weight fall in RC but not RS and hence potential intake does not decline.
As their maintenance requirement depends on CW, compensatory growth
will occur when feeding conditions improve. During lactation, potential
intake by the ewe increases according to a function that follows the lactation curve but lags behind it by some 14 days. For single- or twin-rearing
ewes, respectively, potential intake may reach peak values of 1.65 or 1.9
times the level appropriate for the same ewe when not lactating. The specification of potential intake as a function of the sheeps current nutrient
demand is comparable to the concept of Weston (Chapter 2, this volume)
for a constraint set by the animals capacity to use energy.
In hot weather that persists day and night, potential intake is reduced,
but it is increased when ambient temperature is below the sheeps lower
critical temperature. If, on low-quality pasture, later computations indicate
that the intake of rumen-degradable protein is less than the estimated
requirements for microbial growth, potential intake is reduced by the ratio
of the two and feed intake is recalculated. It is assumed that recycling of
urea to the rumen will satisfy microbial needs at the lower intake level, but
quantitative information on the recycling process under grazing conditions
is still sketchy. Providing a supplement containing sufficient urea or
degradable protein will restore potential intake to its original level.
Relative intake
Where herbage is abundant, intake will be limited mainly by quality factors
that determine its rate of disappearance from the reticulorumen (see
Weston, Chapter 2, this volume) and are negatively related to structural
carbohydrate levels and shear strength. Selective grazing of the youngest
plant material will tend to maximize the quality of the diet and hence the
amount eaten. As the weight or height of herbage falls, however, both the
harvesting ability of the animal and its scope for selection decline, leading
to a decline in feed intake. Prediction of relative intake must, therefore,
account for the effects of the accessibility of the herbage (relative availability), its quality (relative ingestibility) and those interactions between the two
that determine diet selection.
In the GrazFeed model, relative availability, on a scale of 01, is the
product of the predicted relative rate of grazing (g h1) and the predicted
relative time spent grazing (min day1), each related exponentially to
herbage weight (t DM ha1). Both components of the computation are
modified by mean herbage height if this differs from the standard of 3 cm
for each t DM ha1. Relative ingestibility is linearly related to DMD; at
DMD = 0.8 it has a value of 1.0 for temperate grasses and 1.17 for
legumes, since, at the same DMD, sheep consume about 17% more
legume (Freer and Jones, 1984). The mean value for relative ingestibility
will thus depend on the specified proportions of grass and legume in the
available herbage.
The problem, in designing a tactical tool, is to find the best compromise between research-based knowledge of the constraints to relative
intake and the trained users ability to relate them to the visual appearance or the rapidly assessable status of the sward. For example, the
GrazFeed program asks the user for a relatively simple description of the
pasture: the weight, height and digestibility of the green and dead fractions of the herbage, and the proportion of legume. The model then
attempts to convert these inputs into a profile of the pasture that matches
the way that the herbage may be perceived by the selectively grazing animal. Using arbitrary polynomial functions, the specified green and dead
herbage is distributed between six pools, each with a characteristic DMD
from 0.8 down to 0.3 (for examples, see Table 16.1), the herbage in each
digestibility pool ranging from 0.05 above to 0.05 below the mean. In a
strategic tool such as GrassGro, this distribution is generated through the
pasture-growth and maturation module, rather than depending on the
users assessment of the pasture.
Conceptually, the sheep first attempts to satisfy its potential intake
from the most digestible pool available. The extent to which it is able do
this, i.e. the relative intake (R), offered by this pool is determined by the
relative availability (F) of the pool multiplied by the relative ingestibility (Q)
of the herbage in it. The relative intake offered by the second pool again
depends on the availability and ingestibility of this material but applies
M. Freer
Table 16.1. Estimation of daily feed intake by a Merino castrate weaner of 36 kg (with a
potential intake of 1.6 kg DM) and the digestibility of its selected diet from a pasture with
estimated weights of 500 kg DM ha1 of green herbage and 200 kg DM ha1 dead herbage, of
mean digestibilities 0.72 and 0.45, respectively, with 10% legume.
Herbage pool
Mean dry matter digestibility
Relative ingestibility
Weight of herbage (kg DM ha1)
Relative availabilityb
Relative intake
Cumulative relative intake
Intake of herbage (kg DM)
Digestibility of dietc
only to the proportion of the potential intake that was not satisfied by the
first pool. This process continues until all pools have contributed to the
cumulative value of the relative intake or until the potential intake, modified by the mean ingestibility of the selected diet, has been reached. The
general computation of relative intake, Rd, from digestibility pool d uses
the following function.
Rd = FdQd
Fd = 1
Td = 1 + 0.6exp((1 + 0.35d)(0.0012HdBd)2)
Gd = 1 exp((1 + 0.35d)0.0012HdBd)
Bd, d = weight of herbage (kg DM ha1) and proportion, in pool d
Hd = mean height of herbage/standard height for weight, in pool d
Qd = 1 1.7min(1,(0.8 (1 P)S) DMDd) + 0.17P
P = proportion of legume in the herbage
S = 0.0 and 0.16 for C3 and C4 grasses, respectively
Figure 16.1 shows the predicted values of T, G and F for the first
digestibility pool, in relation to the weight of herbage in the pool. The
effect of an increase in the relative height (H) of the herbage would be to
move the asymptotic values for each variable to the left and thereby
increase relative availability; conversely, a reduction in relative height
would reduce relative availability.
Fig. 16.1. Relative availability and its component attributes (calculated for the first
digestibility pool, where the unsatisfied capacity of the sheep has a relative value of 1.0) in
relation to the weight of herbage dry matter. The upper line is the relative time spent grazing
(T), the lowest line is the relative rate of eating (G) and the middle line is the relative
availability (F).
The diet selected as a result of this process has a mean digestibility and
crude protein concentration that are almost invariably higher than those of
the available herbage (see Table 16.1) and the degree of selection increases
with the weight of herbage. It is virtually impossible to test experimentally
the algorithms used for distributing herbage between the digestibility
pools, because of the technical difficulty of sorting herbage on this basis.
However, these functions generate degrees of diet selection on temperate
pastures that are similar to those in published results (Hamilton et al.,
1973; Wales et al., 1998).
A more flexible system may be needed for tropical (C4) grasses, which
appear to vary more widely in the scope they offer for selective grazing.
In Paspalum dilatatum, for example, Stockdale (1999) found little difference between green plant parts in their content of metabolizable energy
(ME). On the other hand, in Cenchrus ciliaris (buffel grass), S.R. McLennan
(Moorooka, Queensland, 1997, personal communication) found differences in digestibility between green leaf and green stem (at least 30 percentage units) that were much wider than would be expected in a C3
grass. Structural differences between temperate swards and some tropical
pastures (Stobbs, 1973) may also need to be recognized through adjustment to the specified height of the herbage. In some cases, relatively small
amounts of green leaf may be readily available through their attachment
to tall stems.
Although, as mentioned above, relative ingestibility is directly related
to the proportion of legume in the pasture, it is assumed that the proportion of legume in the selected diet will be the same as that in the available
herbage (Newman et al., 1992). More quantitative information on the question of whether or not grazing sheep actively select for legume may come
from the alkane-based techniques described by Forbes and Mayes (Chapter
3, this volume).
M. Freer
quantity and quality of the pasture (see Dove, Chapter 6, this volume). The
procedure adopted in GrazFeed for predicting the effect of a supplement
on the relative intake of pasture is based on the assumption that the animals will select the supplement before herbage of the same or poorer quality, i.e. relative ingestibility (Q). In other words, the supplement is inserted
as an additional pool at the appropriate point in the hierarchy of digestibility pools before relative intake is computed. For example, a supplement
with Q = 0.9 (calculated in a similar way to herbage, with a maximum
value of 1.0), will be selected after 0.09 of the herbage in the second pool
(which, in the absence of legume, has Q of mean 0.83, covering a range
from 0.745 to 0.915), but before the remaining 0.91 of that pool.
In the calculation of relative intake set out in Equation (1), the contribution of the herbage in each digestibility pool depends on the proportion, UCd,
of the potential intake that has not been satisfied by higher-quality pools,
where UCd = 1.0 kd=11 Fk. The way in which the contribution of the supplement (Fs) to the total relative intake is computed is crucial to the prediction of
the substitution rate, because it affects UCd and hence the intake from the
next lower pool of herbage. This contribution is under four constraints: (i)
the value of UCd remaining; (ii) the ingestibility (Q s) of the supplement; (iii)
the amount offered (Os) as a proportion of the animals potential intake (Imax);
and (iv) the ME concentration of the supplement. The contribution (and
hence the substitution rate) is reduced for milking ewes, depending on the
day of lactation (A), and for an increase in the ratio of protein concentration
(CPs) to organic-matter digestibility (OMDs) in the supplement.
d d1 1
UCd =
max 00,1
F Fk Fs s
k =k 1= 1
O Os
where FsF=
M /M/D
Ds s
M. Freer
Table 16.2. Estimation of daily feed intake by a Merino castrate weaner of 36 kg (with a potential intake
of 1.6 kg DM) with the same pasture conditions as in Table 16.1, but with the inclusion of a supplement
of 300 g day1 of a mixture (80 : 20) of wheat and lupins.
Feed pool
in this pool (with 10% legume) has a mean relative ingestibility of 1.02 (see Equation (1)), with
a range from 0.932 to 1.017.
bAfter adjusting for the proportion of appetite already satisfied by more-digestible pools.
cWeighted average of the herbage eaten from all pools.
dDepression in herbage intake (0.12 kg DM)/intake of supplement (0.27 kg DM).
Substitution rate
Weight of herbage (t
Fig. 16.2. Predicted substitution rate when a supplement of 300 g wheat is offered to a nonlactating ewe (solid line) or a ewe in early lactation (dotted line) grazing a pasture with a
mean dry matter digestibility (DMD) of 0.72, compared with a non-lactating ewe (dashed line)
grazing a pasture of mean DMD 0.52.
M. Freer
The condition of the mature sheep therefore affects the amount of protein
mobilized during a period of negative energy balance. For sustaining milk
production or wool growth, this protein is indistinguishable from the metabolizable protein (MP) absorbed from the gut, its efficiency of use depending
on the suitability of its amino acid composition for the particular end-product.
Revell et al. (1999), for example, showed that the efficiency of use of recycled
protein for wool synthesis is closely related to the N : S ratio in the mobilized
tissue and hence its content of sulphur-containing amino acids.
For a mature ewe in average condition, with a predicted energy value
for empty bodyweight loss of 27 MJ kg1, the estimated value for liveweight loss is 24.8 MJ kg1 (assuming that gut contents account for 0.09 of
liveweight change). These predictions appear to break down in early lactation when the expected loss of body tissue may be accompanied by an
increased retention of water, both in the empty body and in the gut contents. As discussed by Treacher and Caja (Chapter 10, this volume), highly
variable estimates, up to 100 MJ kg1 liveweight loss, have been recorded
in early lactation. As values of this order must indicate that water is replacing body tissue, it is clear that liveweight change is a poor guide to energy
change. There is inadequate information at present to predict the extent
and duration of this anomaly and it is not known whether it is a feature of
lactating animals only or of any animals losing tissue rapidly.
able feature of many extensive grazing systems that ewes lamb on to pastures offering only a restricted intake of energy, this problem is likely to
have a severe effect on the ewes milk production unless the ewe is in good
body condition (Robinson et al., 1999). The simulation of milk production
in the GrazFeed model attempts to account for the changing pattern of
energy partition as lactation progresses, in relation to the ewes potential
production, energy intake and body condition.
The potential production of milk on a particular day of lactation,
expressed as the ME value of the milk for the young, MYmax, is predicted
from Equation (5), which is based on that of Wood (1969). Woods equation
has been rewritten to relate MYmax to stage of lactation, A (days), expressed
as a proportion of the time to peak lactation. The predicted MYmax is scaled
for the mothers mature weight (SRW) and relative size (RS) and the
number of young and is related to her body condition at parturition (RCb),
in accord with results from Grainger et al. (1982).
MYmax = 0.486 SRW0.75 RS RCb LB M exp(1 M)
M = (A + 2)/22
For ewes with twins, 0.486 is replaced by 0.778. These parameters are
appropriate for a ewe of a prime-lamb breed; for Merino ewes, they are
replaced by 0.389 and 0.622, respectively.
After the time of peak lactation, MYmax is reduced if current milk production consistently fails to reach the potential. In the dynamic version of
the model in the GrassGro package, this adjustment, LB, is recalculated
daily as a function of the 10-day running mean of the ratio of actual to
potential milk production. The same factor is used to make a corresponding adjustment to the potential intake of feed. It is one of the limitations of
a 1-day tactical model that GrazFeed holds no direct information on earlier
milk production, so the adjustment is computed from the estimated loss of
energy reserves since parturition.
Milk production may fall below the potential either because it exceeds
the lambs ability to consume it, as predicted from Dove (1988), or because
the ewes intake of ME is insufficient to achieve the potential. From the
intake of ME that is in excess of the ewes maintenance requirement
(MExs), expressed as a proportion (MR) of the ME needed to achieve
MYmax, Equation (6) computes the milk production (MY) that can be sustained at any stage of lactation, A (days). This logistic function reproduces
a diminishing response to energy inputs at high levels of production
(Hulme et al., 1986) when body reserves are being restored. On the other
hand, it recognizes that a relatively high level of milk production may be
maintained even in severely underfed animals in early lactation, through
the mobilization of body reserves. The degree to which this is achieved is
determined by the animals current RC (Robinson et al., 1999). Figure 16.3
shows how the predicted value of MY, as a proportion of potential milk
yield, is directly related to the condition of the ewe and inversely related to
M. Freer
0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
ME available/ME for potential yield
0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
ME available/ME for potential yield
Fig. 16.3. Predicted milk yield as a proportion of potential yield, in relation to the available
ME (after deducting the maintenance requirement) as a proportion of the ME required for the
potential yield (a) on day 15 of lactation and (b) on day 90 of lactation, for ewes with relative
body condition of 1.1 (solid line), 1.0 (dotdash line) or 0.9 (dashed line), compared with the
1 : 1 relationship (dotted line).
the time since parturition. The value of MY represents the actual yield of
milk (as ME for the young), unless a lower ceiling is set by the lambs voluntary intake or by a deficiency of MP, derived either from the diet or from
the possible mobilization of body tissue.
MY =
1.17 MYmax
1.0 + exp((1.6 + 4.0MR + 0.008AD(MR 0.012AD) 3.0RC(MR 0.6RC)))
AD = max(A,MR/44)
tion proceed at a faster than normal pace during the early stages of recovery from underfeeding. As a result, the regained tissue has a lower than
normal energy value, although the efficiency of energy retention is not
depressed. Similarly, the authors of Chapter 11 have reviewed work suggesting that the composition of weight gain in animals close to maintenance may contain an unusually high proportion of protein to fat if the
postruminal supply of amino acids is increased. At present, the scale and
duration of these changes in composition are not well enough defined for
incorporation in the grazing model.
Future Development
The current grazing model performs a reasonably satisfactory simulation
of sheep performance in a conventionally managed grazing system on
temperate pastures, in terms of the gross outputs of weight gains by adults
and young and their growth of wool (see, e.g. Stuth et al., 1999).
Improvements will come, in particular, from better data for the prediction
of intake from different pasture species, substitution rates for supplements and the partition of nutrients in sheep with low levels of intake relative to their nutrient requirements.
New technologies are directing attention to possibilities for increasing
productivity or the quality (i.e. value) of the product through manipulation
of the diet, either through genetic manipulation of the feed base or
through the provision of specifically targeted nutrients as supplements.
These changes are aimed, in particular, at remedying the low levels of MP
absorbed, relative to the CP concentration in high-quality herbage. This
protein is highly degraded in the rumen and at too rapid a rate in relation
to the availability of energy sources to be efficiently incorporated into
microbial protein, most being lost to the sheep as urinary urea. Moreover,
the digestible fraction of the microbial CP (MCP) has an amino acid profile
not best suited to the synthesis of wool, meat or milk.
The superiority of legumes over grasses and of spring over autumn
herbage in the energy : protein synchrony achieved in the rumen, resulting in more efficient use of ME for weight gain, is already recognized in
the functions for predicting kg and the synthesis of MCP. Evidence for a
similar effect on kl is still rather sketchy. Pasture breeding aimed at
increasing the concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates may lead to
cultivar-specific values for kg. Work on increasing the content of specific
amino acids in undegraded dietary protein shows most potential for wool
growth (see below) but could possibly be extended to meat and milk production. However, Oddy and Sainz (Chapter 11, this volume) indicate
that responses in weight gain in ruminant lambs have, so far, been variable. They suggest that improvements to the efficiency of conversion of
nutrients to commercial meat, particularly meat of a more acceptable
composition, depend on a better understanding of the mechanisms of
animal growth.
M. Freer
Most of these possibilities are still at the stage of experimental exploration and, even when perfected, will probably have relatively little
impact on the many flocks that graze extensively on native pastures,
with minimal supplementary feeding. However, in more intensive systems, competitive advantage will increasingly lie with meeting specifications for product quality and can be expected to involve achieving
higher yields of finer wool with greater staple strength, lean lamb meat
and ewe milk of specified composition. To the extent that these targets
can be met through nutritional changes rather than improvements to
the animal genotype, the nature of the changes may suggest a need for
increased complexity in the animal model, so as to follow the path of
individual nutrients, rather than just ME and MP. Simulation at this
level, aimed at predicting the effects of feed composition and treatment
on the absorption and metabolism of individual amino acids and shortchain fatty acids, is an active field of research (Nagorcka et al., 2000).
While the practical implementation of such a model would be relatively
straightforward for housed sheep on feed of known composition, there
is no way, at present, of specifying in sufficient detail the composition of
that part of the diet of grazing sheep that is selected from the pasture.
Given this major constraint, we need to ask how well current grazing
models could simulate effects of nutritional management on product
quality and what improvements are feasible. At present, most of the possible approaches discussed in earlier chapters are still the subject of
experimental study, but wool quality provides some examples of
changes that can be made.
The three main nutritional options for improving the growth and
quality of wool are: increasing the absorption of sulphur-containing
amino acids, increasing the ratio of length to diameter in the growing
fibre and increasing staple strength (see Hynd and Masters, Chapter 8,
this volume). In grazing sheep, most of the absorbed protein is of microbial origin and the GrazFeed model predicts the gross efficiency of conversion to wool as 1.16 times the ratio of the average weight of the shorn
fleece to the mature weight of the sheep (typically c. 0.1 for a Merino), up
to a ceiling set by the ME intake, as shown in Fig. 8.3 (see Chapter 8, this
volume). If the intake of slowly degradable high-sulphur amino acids is
increased, either by genetic modification of pasture plants (McNabb et al.,
1993) or supplementary feeds (White et al., 2000a) or by treatment of the
supplements, then the estimate of efficiency can be adjusted by increasing the specified fleece weight. This will increase the slope and the
plateau levels of the lines in Fig. 8.3. There are few data at present to
guide the extent of the adjustment, but White et al. (2000b) found that
the daily addition of 2 g of protected methionine to a variety of diets
increased gross efficiency of wool growth by 0.020.04.
Fibre diameter is predicted when the animal model is used in the
dynamic GrassGro tool, as a function of the user-specified mean diameter
for the genotype, assuming a constant relationship between fibre length
and diameter (see Hynd and Masters, Chapter 8, this volume). If a sup-
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Bacteria 7678
effect of diet 77
genetic diversity 78
see also Rumen ecosystem
Bacteriophages 8384
effect of diet 84
see also Rumen ecosystem
Bloat 333, 336, 342
Body composition
during compensation 251, 370
Cereal grains continued
processing 73, 99, 132
utilization 99
see also Lactic acidosis
effect on maintenance needs 155156
Clover infertility 195, 338341
absorption 293
embryo survival 196197
intake constraint 40
optimum range 292
synthesis of vitamin B12 296
see also Micronutrients
energy and protein needs 202, 205207
Compensatory growth 152, 251253
simulation 360, 370371
see also Growth
absorption 293, 294
interactions with Mo and S 297299
metabolism 294
optimum range 292
in parasite infections 301, 325
role in wool growth 174
see also Micronutrients
Cyanogens 341
requirements: definitions of terms 147
see also Metabolizable energy
mineral metabolism 318, 324
protein utilization 316317, 321
immune response 321324
partitioning of nutrients 323
periparturient relaxation of immunity 322
problems with anthelmintics 313
protein supplementation 202, 321, 325,
Genetic modification 9091, 98, 116, 372
Glucose in metabolism 110111
effect on diet selection 57
effect on maintenance needs 154
models 358
compensatory 251
composition of gain 252
effect of maturity 251
protein and energy needs 253, 254
composition of tissue 247
effect of diet 249251
effect of genotype 246
efficiency of use of ME 241243
fat metabolism 246
growth pattern 238240
effect of feed restriction 239, 250, 253
modelling 253258, 368
protein pools 256
protein accretion 243
protein metabolism 247
digestion 99
in herbage 7, 98
analytical methods 2, 17
availability of nutrients 2
composition 2, 6
carbohydrates 6, 7, 9799
lipid 2, 6, 102
protein 6, 37, 103
degradability of crude protein 4, 104
digestibility 3, 13
intake 5
see also Intake of herbage
partition of gross energy 3
Hypocalcaemia 229
Hypomagnesaemia 228
Intake of herbage 5, 28
C3 vs. C4 grasses 363, 364
climatic constraints 4042, 360
effect of lactation 31
energy constraints 2830
estimation 58
grasses vs. legumes 79, 36, 46, 362
grazing conditions 4346, 361
bite size 44
grazing time 4446
sward structure 44
herbage constraints 32, 361
acquisition 4344
mineral deficiencies 36, 3940
need for water 46, 159, 273
nematode infection 315
palatability 4243
pattern during lactation 220221
prediction 359367
animal factors 360
herbage factors 361364
on rangelands 366367
shear strength 21
substitution 364366
protein deficiency 3739, 129, 360
regulation 28
conceptual model 2830
relation to water content 43
rumen clearance rate 3237
chewing of particles 3436
digestion of particles 3637
particle characteristics 34
resistance to removal 32
time of year 31
Intake of supplementary feeds
complementation 129130
estimation 123
substitution 124128, 364366
voluntary intake during lactation 221, 360
Intake of water 159160, 273
In vitro digestibility 1718
Iodine 287
absorption 293
needs in pregnancy 204205, 206
optimum range 292
role in wool growth 174, 175
in young lambs 301
see also Micronutrients
Ionophores 74, 89, 106
Iron 287
absorption 293
effect on meat colour 305
optimum range 292
see also Micronutrients
Lactose, synthesis in milk 215
Large intestine
digestion and metabolism 109
Lignin 2, 7, 9, 11, 21, 36, 37, 73, 97
absorption from small intestine 107
depression of fibre digestion 102103
digestion in rumen 95, 102
feeding protected fat 103, 191, 196,
in herbage 2, 6, 102
metabolism in growth 246
synthesis in milk 215
see also Metabolism, lipid
Liver 239
acetate production 111
detoxification 335, 337, 344
glucose synthesis 109, 110
ketone synthesis 112
micronutrient interactions 297298, 300
oxygen consumption 148, 151
urea production 105, 109, 115
Lower critical temperature 155, 360
Lupins 133, 134, 279
toxicity (lupinosis) 302, 352353
use for flushing 193194
needs for milk production 228229
in pregnancy 204
role in microbial digestion 40
components of energy costs 148
definition 143, 147, 240
efficiency of use of ME 144145, 151,
energy needs 144156
measurement 144148
calorimetry 147, 151
comparative slaughter 146
feeding trials 146
mineral and vitamin needs 158159
oxygen consumption 148
prediction of energy costs 152156
cold stress 155156
heat stress 155156
nutritional history 153
physical activity 154155
protein needs 156158
dermal loss 157158
endogenous losses 156157
metabolic faecal nitrogen 157
nematode infection 318
prediction 158
variation in energy needs 148
age and physiological state 149
animal genotype 148, 248
disease and parasitism 150
feeding management 152
level of feeding 151
season 150
water requirements 159160
Mammary gland 214215
absorption 293
optimum range 292
see also Micronutrients
amino acid and protein 96, 114115,
243245, 247
carbohydrate 96, 110111
during growth 237238
in large intestine 109
lipid 111113, 246
in rumen 97
in rumen wall 101
in small intestine 106
in whole animal 109
amino acid and peptide 114115, 247
carbohydrate 110111
lipid 111113, 246
Metabolizable energy
definition 3, 4
efficiency of use
fat and protein deposition 242
maintenance 144145, 151, 240241
milk production 144, 224
weight gain 144, 151, 241243, 318, 319,
growth responses 249
maintenance 144, 153
milk production 224225
pregnancy 203204
weight gain 254, 368
wool growth 171, 177
Metabolizable protein 4, 158, 177, 225, 227
see also Protein, metabolizable
methanogens 78
production 73, 75, 78, 106, 109
Microbial protein 103, 104105, 371
digestion 108
see also Protein, microbial
Micronutrients 285
bioavailability 295
feed and soil 295
nematode infections 301
physiological state 300
rumen microflora 296297
deficiencies: model of consequences
effect on product quality 305
embryo survival 196197, 204
function 287288
interactions 297
Cu/Fe/Zn 297, 299
I/Se 298, 299
Mo/S/Cu 291, 297, 299
Se/vitamin E 204205, 297, 299
with plant toxins 301
optimum ranges 292
requirements and availability 290
absorption 291
intake and diet 290
supplementation 302304
toxic risks 286
Milk production
dairy ewe production 213, 220, 231
feed intake during lactation 221
prediction 360
level of production 217
effect of body condition 222, 369370
effect of milking 220
estimation 216217
ewe genotype 217
mobilization of body reserves 223, 226
number of lambs 218219
nutrition in pregnancy 217218
prediction 368370
mammary gland structure 214
milk composition 213214, 231
mineral nutrition 228
calcium 229230
magnesium 228229
nutritional management 230
diet composition 231
during grazing 230
requirements 224
during nematode infection 227228
metabolizable energy 224
metabolizable protein 225, 227
minerals 228230
tissue mobilization 226
responses to energy and protein
protected protein 232
synthesis 215
Mimosine detoxification 8687
Modelling see Simulation
Molybdenum 287
absorption 293
interactions with Cu and S 297298
nematode resistance 324
optimum range 292
role in rumen 297
Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
evaluation of regression equations 15
use in predicting nutritive value 1416,
Nematode infections 227, 313
see also Gastrointestinal nematode
Net energy 2, 3, 144, 147, 152
Nitratenitrite toxicity 343
Non-protein nitrogen 104, 105, 131, 276278, 326
Nutritive value 5
definition 12
environmental variation 9
light 10
rain damage 10
temperature 910, 11
in forbs and shrubs 264266
genetic variation 7
C3 vs. C4 plants 7, 8, 910, 364
legumes vs. grasses 79, 361362, 371
management 10, 12
measurement 1213
marker techniques 13
total faecal collection 13
plant maturity 57
carbohydrates 67
protein 6
prediction 13
calibration database 14
chemical methods 1617
development of prediction equations
in situ procedures 1819
in vitro methods using enzymes 18
in vitro methods using rumen fluid 1718
NIR spectroscopy 1920
using tensile or shear strength 2022
validation of prediction equations 1516
see also Herbage
Palatability 51
effects on diet selection 54
of herbage 4243, 58
sensory perception of food 5253
water-soluble carbohydrates 43
see also Selection of diet
Partition of nutrients
during lactation 226227
prediction 368370
Partition of nutrients continued
in nematode infection 323
during pregnancy 199202
Paspalum staggers 348, 352
Pasture see Herbage
Pectins 99
Phalaris toxicity 343345
nematode resistance 324
recycling to rumen 110
role in diet selection 60
Photosensitization 334, 336, 337338, 347
Photosynthesis mechanisms
C3 vs. C4 plants 7
Phyto-oestrogens 195, 338341
Placenta size and function 197199
insoluble structural 9798
soluble structural 98, 99
storage 98, 99100
Pregnancy see Reproductive performance
crude, in forbs and shrubs 264265
crude, in herbage 4, 103
degradability in rumen 4, 95, 103
in sacco technique 1819, 104
rumen-degraded 4, 103
undegraded 4, 103
degradability in rumen 4, 104, 136
degradation in tissue 244245
digested protein leaving stomach
definition 177
use in wool growth 171, 182
see also Protein, metabolizable
digestion in rumen 96, 103105
synchrony with carbohydrate 97, 105
digestion in small intestine 107108
intake constraint 37, 129
maintenance needs 156158
metabolism in growth 243245, 247248
definition 4, 158
efficiency of use 158
limiting amino acids 4
use for milk production 225, 227
use for wool production 171, 177, 182
microbial 103
metabolizability 108
synchrony with carbohydrate 39, 97, 105,
synthesis 96, 104
nematode infection
resilience 325326
resistance 227, 316318
protected protein 103, 177, 181, 232,
for compensatory growth 252
requirements for growth 250
requirements for milk production 225
requirements in pregnancy 201203
requirements for wool growth 171, 172,
rumen degraded protein (RDP) 4, 103,
132, 276
on pastures 129
on rangelands 276279, 280281
turnover: synthesis vs. degradation
undegraded dietary protein (UDP) 4, 103,
108, 133, 202, 278
urea recycling 96, 105, 157
Protozoa 7981
see also Rumen ecosystem, microbiota
animal productivity 267, 269
availability of water 273274
definition 263
drought 272
forage trees 129130, 272, 280281
landscape units 267268
patch formation 266267
resource management 274
fencing of land types 275
periodic resting 275
stocking rate 275
species selection 265267, 268269
seasonal variation 270
supplementary feeding 276
energy 279
forage 280281
hay 280
non-protein nitrogen 277
protein 276, 278
variability in feed quality and intake 264
spatial 264268
temporal 268273
Recombinant rumen microorganisms 9091,
Reproductive performance
calcium requirements 204
colostrum production 205
effect of protein 206207
effect of fetal nutrition 190
embryo survival 195197
feeding level 196
role of micronutrients 196197
role of progesterone 196
energy needs 203204
macronutrient needs 204
neonatal viability 204207
ovulation rate 191
body condition 192, 194195
flushing 193
follicle atresia 192, 194
phyto-oestrogens 195, 338341
partition of nutrients 199
body condition targets 199
muscle proteolysis 200201
redistribution of protein 200
UDP supplements 202
placental size and function 197
body condition 198, 199
ewe maturity 198
role of progesterone 197
protein needs 202203
immunity to internal parasites 203, 322
limiting amino acids 203
puberty 191
role of post-natal nutrition 190191
Rumen digestion
carbohydrates 96, 97102
lipid 96, 102103
protein 96, 103105
rate of disappearance of digesta 3334
estimation 1819
resistance of herbage to removal 3233
degradation by chewing 3436
degradation by digestion 3637
particle size constraints 3334
synchrony of nutrient supply 97, 105,
turnover rate 104, 123
increase in late pregnancy 201
Rumen ecosystem
dietary factors 73
carbohydrate 73
host factors 7273
microbiota 74, 75
archaea (methanogens) 76, 78
bacteria 7678
bacteriophages 8384, 85
fungi 36, 76, 8183
interactions 7475
metabolic activities 76
protozoa 76, 7981
stability 84
adaptation to plant toxins 8687
detoxification mechanisms 8889
ionophore feeding 74, 89, 106
lactic acidosis 8486
recombinant microorganisms 9091
rumen inoculation 8991
Ryegrass staggers 348, 349351
Selection of diet 6, 54
choice experiments 54
external factors 59, 6162
minimum total discomfort 6465
application to grazing sheep 6567
relative discomfort 66
preference ratios 55
in relation to nutrient requirements 5455,
56, 58, 65
learned associations 5657
role of buffers 56
role of smell 5253
role of taste 53
role of vision 52
selection of fibre 5556
species selection 59, 62
under controlled conditions 54
under grazing 57
ease of harvesting herbage 6162
estimation with alkanes 13, 58
heterogeneity of herbage 62
prediction 362
role of learning 59
role of phosphorus 60
social behaviour 63
spatial heterogeneity 62, 63
tannins 61, 64
water-soluble carbohydrates 6, 60
absorption 293
in meat 305
needs in pregnancy 196197, 204206
optimum range 292
role in wool growth 174175
synergy with vitamin E 204205, 297, 299
see also Micronutrients
Shear strength see Tensile or shear strength
Short-chain fatty acids 100
absorption through rumen wall 101
formation in rumen 76, 100
metabolism in body 111
see also Fatty acids, short-chain
compensatory gain 360, 370371
feed intake and diet selection 359367
grazing sheep production 358
growth and body composition 253258,
partition of absorbed nutrients 367
during lactation 368370
Small intestine
digestion and absorption 106109
Starch 2, 85, 98, 99, 130, 132
depression of fibre digestion 73, 125
digestion in rumen 76, 77, 99
digestion in small intestine 106
see also Lactic acidosis
Substitution 123128
prediction 364366
rate 123, 125, 127, 364
see also Supplementary feeding
Sugars see Cell contents, water-soluble
in amino acids see Amino acids, sulphur-rich
maintenance needs 158
in microbial protein 103
role in diet choice 54
role in fibre degradation 36, 40
wool growth 172
Supplementary feeding
adaptation to feeding 137139
complementation 129130
effect of early experience 138139
effect on ovulation rate 193194
estimation of supplement intake 123
extent 119
frequency of feeding 127139
interactions with herbage 123
depression of digestibility 125
micronutrients 302304
on rangelands 276
degradable protein and urea 276279
energy supplements 279
forage trees 280281
hay 280
low-degradable protein 278
molasses 279
reasons for feeding 121122
substitution 123, 124
amount of supplement 126
feeding method 127
pasture availability 124, 127128
pasture quality 125126, 128
prediction 364366
rate 123, 125, 127, 364
state of the animal 126127
supplement quality 126
types of feed 130
cereal grains 132
conserved forages 134
effects on digesta flow 137
energy supplements 130132
forage crops 134136
grain legumes 133134
grain processing 132
lupins 133, 134, 193, 279
oilseed meals 133, 223
see also Oilseed meals
protein and NPN supplements 129130,
131, 132134, 202, 203, 223, 232233,
276279, 326
types of response 121
Tall fescue toxicoses 348, 351352
Tannins, condensed 37, 88
beneficial effects 326, 342
detrimental effects 342
effect on herbage selection 61, 64
hydrolysable 342
Tensile or shear strength 2022, 36
measurement methods 21
relation to time spent chewing 35
relation to voluntary intake 21
Toxins in forage 333
aetiology and metabolism 335
common toxins 336
condensed tannins 88, 342
beneficial effects 326, 342
cyanogens 341342
detoxification mechanisms 8687, 88, 335,
fluoroacetate 90
interactions with micronutrients 302
mimosine 8687
mineral toxicities 286, 292, 305
mycotoxicoses 89, 347
common mycotoxicoses 348
facial eczema 347349
forage lupins 302, 352353
paspalum staggers 348, 352
ryegrass staggers 348, 349351
tall fescue toxicoses 348, 351352
nitratenitrite toxicity 88, 343
oxalates 88, 343
photosensitization 334, 336, 337338, 347
liver damage 338
phyto-oestrogens 88, 195, 338341
diagnosis of infertility 340
permanent infertility 339
temporary infertility 338
species-specific toxicoses 343
annual ryegrass 345
brassicas 346
kikuyu 345346
phalaris 343345
veterinary indications 334335
optimum ranges 292
thiamine 286, 288, 302
vitamins A & E 159, 173, 174, 287, 288,
289, 291, 296, 299, 302, 303
in pregnancy 196, 197, 204205, 206
vitamin B12 173, 287, 291, 293, 296, 300,
303, 304, 305
needs in rumen 296
see also Cobalt
vitamin D 159, 286, 288, 289, 292, 296, 303
vitamin K 285, 289
see also Micronutrients
availability and quality 273274
requirements 159160, 273
Water-soluble carbohydrates see Cell contents
Weight change
composition 249251, 368
during compensation 251253, 370371
effect of diet 249251
effect of maturity 239, 250, 368
during lactation 226, 368369
Wool follicles
bulb dimensions 168
cell proliferation and migration 168
effects of nutrition 169, 175
on composition of fibre 176
on follicle cell numbers 175
on keratinization 176
initiation in the fetus 165
keratin synthesis 168, 170
nutritional biochemistry 170
energy metabolism 170171
mineral needs 174175
protein metabolism 172173
vitamin needs 173174
role in fibre synthesis 166
types 165166
Wool growth
effects of nutrition 177181
in breeding ewes 181183
on diameter and length 177178
on diameter variations 178, 179
on fibre shedding 180
on growth rate 177
on intrinsic strength 179180
prediction 171, 372
protein vs. energy supply 171, 177,
S-amino acid supply 172, 179, 180
on staple strength 178180
on wool colour 181
on wool yield 180181
Zinc 287
absorption 293
in meat 305
optimum range 292
role in wool growth 174, 180
see also Micronutrients