CHN Outline

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Overview of Community Health Nursing

1. Community Health Nursing as a Field of Nursing Practice
a. The Hallmark of community health nursing is that it is population or aggregate focused
b. CHN is a synthesis of nursing and public health practice
emphasis on the importance of the greatest good for the greatest number
assessing health needs planning, implementing and evaluating the impact of health
services on population groups
priority of health-promotive and disease preventive strategies over curative interventions
tools for measuring and analyzing community health problems; and
application of principles of management and organization in the delivery of health services
to the community
c. Basic concepts and principles of community health nursing
The family is the unit of care; the community is the patient and there are four levels of
clientele in the community health nursing
The goal of improving community health is realized through multidisciplinary effort
The community health nurse works with and not for the individual patient, family, group or
community. The latter are active partners, not passive recipients of care
The practice of community health nursing is affected by changes in society in general and
by developments in the health field in particular
Community health nursing is part of the community health system, which in turn is part of
the larger human services system
d. Roles of the nurse in caring for communities and population groups
e. Brief history of community health / public health nursing practice in the Philippines
Community health and Development Concepts, Principles and Strategies
a. Primary Health Care Approach
Definition, PHC as a philosophy, approach, structure and services
Legal Basis of PHC in the Philippines
Components of PHC
b. Health Promotion
Concept of health promotion (as embodied in the Ottawa Charter, November 1986)
Health Promotion strategies:
1. Build healthy public policy
2. Create supportive environments
3. Strengthen community action
4. Develop personal skills
5. Reorient health services
c. Examples of Theories / Models of Health promotion: Pender, Bandura, Green
Definition of Community Organizing:
1. CO characteristics
2. Process

3. Phases
4. Goal
Community participation in health: levels of community participation, factors affecting
community participation
d. Capacity-building for sustainable community health development towards community
Concepts of a sustainable community health development: integrated, community-based,
Capacity-building strategies: health education, competency-based training for community
health workers, supervision of lower level health workers
e. Partnership building and collaboration
Multi-sectoral collaboration
Inrterdisciplinary collaboration

The Community Health Nursing Process

a. Assessment of Community Health Needs
Components of Community needs assessment
1. health status
2. health resources
3. health action potential
Community diagnosis
1. Definition
2. Types of Community diagnosis: comprehensive, problem-oriented or focused
3. Steps in conducting the community diagnosis
Tools used in community diagnosis: demography, vital and health statistics, epidemiology
1. Demography
a. Definition and uses of demography
b. Components of demography
> Describing population size
> Describing population composition
> Describing spatial distribution
c. Sources of demographic data
2. Vital and health statistics
a. Definition and uses of vital and health statistics
b. Common vital and health statistical indicators
> Fertility rates
> Mortality rates
> Morbidity rates
3. Epidemiology
a. Definition and uses of epidemiology
b. Epidemiologic concepts and principles

> Multiple causation Theory or Ecologic Concept of Disease

1. Agent-Host-Environment
2. Models: web, wheel and triad
> Natural history of diseases
> Levels of disease prevention
> Concept of causality and association
c. Epidemiologic approach focusing on:
> Descriptive epidemiology
> Analytical epidemiology
b. Planning of Community health nursing services
Principles in community health planning
Bases for developing a community health plan
1. health status
2. health resources
3. health action potential
Steps in making a plan: the planning cycle
Context in developing the community health plan
1. Philippine health care delivery system
a. Executive Order 102 (The department of Health)
b. RA 7160 (Local Health Systems)
c. Levels of Health Care and Referral System
2. Global health situation (Millennium Development Goals)
3. National Health situation (FOURmula One)
4. Primary health care as an approach to health care delivery system

Implementing the community health nursing services

a. Components of program implementation
Coordinating the health programs
Monitoring health programs
Supervising the program staff
b. National Health Programs of the DOH
Family Health services
1. Maternal Health
2. Family planning
3. Child Health
a. Infant and young child feeding
b. Expected program on immunization
c. Integrated management of childhood illness
4. Nutrition program
5. Oral health program
6. Essential health packages for the adolescent, adult men and women and other
Control of non-communicable diseases
1. Integrated community-based non-communicable disease prevention program
2. Programs for the prevention of other non-communicable diseases




a. National prevention of blindness

b. Mental health and mental disorders
c. Renal disease control program
d. Community-based rehabilitation program
Control of communicable diseases
1. National TB Program Directly Observed Treatment, short course (NTP DOTS)
2. National Leprosy Control Program
3. Schistosomiasis Control Program
4. Filariasis Control Program
5. Malaria Control Program
6. Rabies Control Program
7. Dengue Control Program
8. Sexuality Transmitted Infections and AIDS Control Program
Environmental Health
1. Water supply sanitation
2. Proper excess disposal
3. Solid waste management
4. Vector control
5. Food sanitation
6. Air pollution
7. Proper housing
c. Specialized Fields of community health nursing
School health nursing
Occupational health nursing
Community mental health nursing
Evaluating community health nursing services
a. Definition of evaluation
Types of evaluation: quantitative, qualitative
Aspects of evaluation: process, impact and outcome
Methods and tools of evaluation
Evaluation indicators
b. Quality of assurance: Sentrong Sigla Movement
Recording and reporting
a. Family Health Service Information System
b. Components of FSHIS
Family Treatment record
Target client lists
Reporting forms
Output reports

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