Preparing Your Business Plan

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Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

Business Plan Template


Preparing your Business plan

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 2

The Objective ........................................................................................................................... 2
Keys to success ........................................................................................................................ 3
The Mission .............................................................................................................................. 3
Business Summary ................................................................................................................... 3
Start up phase .......................................................................................................................... 4
Business Location and equipment ............................................................................................ 4
Services.................................................................................................................................... 5
Competition Comparison .......................................................................................................... 5
Marketing collateral................................................................................................................... 6
Technology ............................................................................................................................... 6
Market Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 7
Market segments ...................................................................................................................... 7
Target market segment strategy ............................................................................................... 7
Market Needs ........................................................................................................................... 8
Market Trends .......................................................................................................................... 8
Market Growth .......................................................................................................................... 8
Main Competitors ..................................................................................................................... 9
Strategy and Implementation .................................................................................................... 9
Value & competitive edge ....................................................................................................... 10
Marketing Strategy ................................................................................................................. 10
Position Statement ................................................................................................................. 10
Pricing Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 10
Promotion Strategy ................................................................................................................. 11
Marketing Program ................................................................................................................. 11
Sales Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 11
Sales Forecast ........................................................................................................................ 12
Strategic Alliances .................................................................................................................. 12
Milestones .............................................................................................................................. 13
Financial Plan ......................................................................................................................... 13
Budget .................................................................................................................................... 13
Cash Flow .............................................................................................................................. 14

2014 Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

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Preparing your Business plan

Executive Summary
This plan is to assist you as a guide for starting your business along its new path. To be
successful in business you must plan for success. Success is the result of planning and you plan
to succeed.
As a service based business your time is your most valuable commodity and one which cannot be
easily manipulated. Where most service based business fail is that they continue to work IN the
business and not ON the business. This plan will assist you in taking those first steps to plan how
you run your business and grow it. It will incorporate a marketing and financial plan.
Modify the items below to suit your business. Outline what they are.
The Objective
The objective of this business plan is to develop a frame work and guild to assist in setting up the
management tools and requirements to run a successful business.
The scope of this plan is to provide you with a frame work for the first 2 years of your business
plan. To assist in how to:1. Generate profit
To generate profit through more billable time and better utilising tools and resources
available with the aim of a 30% profit after the first year
2. To maintain a life style
Are you working over 50hrs per week?
Your objective should be to plan on how to better utilise your time
3. To grow the business
What are your current billable hours per week and at what rate?
The objective is to increase your billable hrs per week. Or to outsource those hours
which you can charge little for and work on billable hours which you can charge a
higher rate for
Maintain excellent customer service
Increase my client base and have sufficient that there is a strong need for the
services of my business which will allow me to expand and grow the business

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Preparing your Business plan

Keys to success
The keys to success should reflect the strengths of you and your business. Below are some

Provide quality service to clients

Provide a prompt and responsive knowledgeable service
Generate repeat business
Market my business by maintaining quality clients who can provide quality referrals.
Promote my business by networking
Understand the business problems of my clients and how to solve them or make them
less of a problem
Understand the market place, the needs of my clients
Utilise the strengths in my knowledge of particular industry segments
Be responsive to the needs of my clients and develop a strong relationship
Affiliate with organisations to improve my profile in the industry

The Mission
Provide reliable, accurate and informative assistance to my clients. Strive to provide consistently
high quality support, solutions and expertise to my clients.
Develop your mission statement. Use the above as an example but remember that your Mission
must have Purpose and Vision
What is your slogan?
Example: We provide high quality support, Your problems are my problems.

Business Summary
What is the current status of your business? Are you a sole proprietor, partnership or company?
This section should reflect your current situation.
For example:
I am a sole proprietor in my business operating from the study of my home. The goal is to build the
business as inexpensively as possible with as little debt as possible.

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Preparing your Business plan

Start-up phase
A consulting business provides a great opportunity to start up a business with very little capital and
avoid the heavy burden of debt. If your aim of the business is to operate with little or minimal debt
then this should be the philosophy of the business.
Outline the start up expenses and whether these are financed or through the owners investment
or other means.
Start up requirements
Total Assets


Expenses first monthly

Marketing material
Mobile phone
Vehicle costs
Vehicle Insurance
Home Office
Total expenses


Owners Investment


Business Location and equipment

Outline your office location whether it is the study at your home or in a rented office. If you are
based in your home do you require an additional phone / fax line / data line? If you are renting or
need to rent a premise what are the rental fees.
Do you have the facilities to receive clients?

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Preparing your Business plan

You are a small consulting business operating from your home and offering high quality,
responsive and knowledgeable service.
These services are: Bookkeeping
BAS preparation
Software support
IT Support
Software sales
Hardware purchase assistance
Outline your services, who will be delivering these services and how they will be kept up to date
with current trends and technology. This is extremely important. Dealing in a business whos basis
is technology it is important not only for your clients but for your competitiveness in the future.
Develop a framework for charging of the above services. Consider the following:Hourly A standard rate charged by the hour for work done on or off site of the client. (Include a
travel time component)
Prepaid A prepayment of xx hours given the client access to telephone support
Maintenance An agreed monthly amount payable in advance which incorporates sites visits,
regular health checks, reporting etc.

Competition Comparison
Outline your competitors, who they are, what services they provide and if possible their fees.
Divide them into different categories as this will most likely be the case. For example:Individuals These will be much like you. Identify your points of difference to these. E.g. you are
a MYOB Certified Consultant
Consulting firms Evaluate the resources within these, are they as skilled as you.
Larger organisation Can they give the personal touch; do they loose sight of the client and the
needs of those clients?
Part of a competitor analysis is determining your area of business and the competitors within that
area. Review the potential available clients in that area versus the number of competitors.

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Preparing your Business plan

Marketing collateral
You need to start your business with collateral which will assist in not only promoting your
business but keeping your current clients aware of your services.
Brochures Detailing your business and the service it provides.
Sales catalogues Detailing the software and hardware available
Stationery Develop a letter head / logo. Incorporate any affiliated bodies or qualifications
Newsletter These provide a great means in maintaining contact with your clients. They can also
serve as a useful sales tool if used in the right way.
Web Site Although this might not be completed when starting this venture it should be in the
plan to have a web site detailing your services as soon as possible
Templates - These would be how to do documents (Support notes) which will assist your clients
in dealing with there day to day issues or problems. Although not considered a marketing / sales
tool they do promote your business and strengthens your relationship with your client
Company Profile This document is a summary of what your business is all about. It should
contain your products and services, your mission statement and several referrals from your
existing clients.
Give away items- Pens etc. Anything that has your business name and can remind people about
your business

This is vital to your business and it is important that you and your staff plan to keep up to date with
the trends and technology of the industry.
You should allow a reasonable amount of time and expenditure to both updating your knowledge
and infrastructure. Technology can and will form a large part of your service and the way you
service your clients.

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Preparing your Business plan

Market Analysis
Break the market down into logical segments for your business. Taking into consideration your
competitors and the size of the market breaking it down in to segments will assist in developing
your strategy to promote your business within the market.
In this analysis highlight your existing competitors along with the expected market share that they
have. Also when analysing the market in your area also allow for the expected growth over say the
next 10 years.

Market segments
Below are some examples of the segmentation of the market. It might be better to break the
market down into client business types rather than size.

Small / home office business

Medium business
Large business

Small / home
Medium business
Large business

Target market segment strategy

Industry Entrepreneurs suggest six market segments as a starting point:
Below are some suggestions 1.

Businesses not using accounting software

Small business using software but lacking knowledge
Businesses needing data entry assistance
Medium business needing to expand their IT infrastructure
Medium business needing consulting support and problem solving service
Large businesses requiring experience support

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Preparing your Business plan

Market Needs
Once you have segmented the market the next step is to determine what the needs are of the
market place. What are the specific skills that you can provide to your clients?
Below are some examples:
System setup
Reporting requirements
End of period reconciliations
Network Admin
Disaster Recovery
Additional backup service

Market Trends
Identify the trends that are occurring in the market place about your industry.
For example:
1. Businesses utilising more consulting/ outsourcing services
2. Small / medium business struggling to keep up with legislation
3. Greater reliance on computers for the day to day operations of small /medium businesses
Dont rely on your gut feel, get evidence from industry experts.

Market Growth
In reviewing the market segment thought should also be given to the growth of the market. Does
your business plan rely on the growth of your market? In growing your business your clientele will
Will this be as a result of?
New growth in the market place?
Clients now requiring your services?
Or are you relying on taking the business from others?
Obtain information from the relevant authorities as to the growth of business in your area. Also
look at the possibility of widening your service area through the use of technology.

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Preparing your Business plan

Main Competitors
Complete an analysis of your main competitors:
Competitor 1
What are their strengths?
Their primary weakness
Competitor 2
What are their strengths?
Their primary weakness
Competitor 3
What are their strengths?
Their primary weakness
Upon identification of the strength and weaknesses of your competitors, analyse these against
your own. Determine the best strategy to combat these strengths or on the case of their weakness
leverage off.

Strategy and Implementation

Develop 4 main promotion strategies.

Media advertising
Direct marketing
Web based

Strategy 1 Referrals develop a method whereby your existing clients can refer your services
to others. This might be in the way of a discount voucher, or a free consultant. Also incorporate a
means whereby your clients can benefit from the referral as well.
Strategy 2 Media advertising Identify the specific industry segments that you are experienced
in and have clients in. Contact these clients to find out if they are affiliated with an association etc
with the view to advertising in these areas.
Strategy 3 Direct marketing Now that you have identified those industries which you can claim
to be experienced. Utilise the services of list agencies, yellow pages, google etc to locate
businesses within your area that are part of these industries with the view to target them directly.
Strategy 4 Web presence The web is an excellent place to provide valuable information to
your clients about your services. If designed in the right way you can also provide ongoing
information for your clients on your sight which encourages them to visit the site frequently.
As part of your strategy you need to incorporate a guarantee which will add value to your

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Preparing your Business plan

Value and competitive edge

What is the value that you can bring to your clients?
For example you could offer a 100% guarantee on your services. You provide experienced and
knowledgeable solution in a time effect manner.
What is your competitive edge over your competition? How can you market your service by being
competitive and unique? For example you might have several clients within the same industry
therefore you can state that you specialise and understand this industry sector.

Marketing Strategy
Now that you have identified the service that you can offer and have identified the market segment
that you are targeting we now need to look at how you are going to market to these segments.

Position Statement
What is to be your position statement?
This should reflect who your target market is and would incorporate your value statement.
[Your business name] specialises in the .. Industry sector offering bookkeeping, consultancy
etc. we offer a 100% guarantee on all our work.

Pricing Strategy
It is imperative that before you go out to market that you have developed a firm pricing strategy.
Your business will most likely consist of different streams and it is expected that you will charge for
these different stream accordingly. For example:
Bookkeeping =
Consulting =
Phone Support =

$xx.xx per hour

$xx.xx per hour
$xx.xx per hour

One of the hardest problems that people in business face is knowing what to charge and when to
charge it. So it is important that when you are checking your competitors that you can compare
your prices to theirs. Also dont fall into the trap of not increasing prices for you early clients as
they are loyal to you.
Offering a discount only devalues your product or service.

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Preparing your Business plan

Promotion Strategy
Based on your 4 point strategies stated previously develop how you are going to promote your
business. If you have existing clients then the first would be to work on networking and leveraging
of them. Utilise the referral program that you would have established. The best publicity a
business can have is happy and satisfied customers who will referral you.

Marketing Program
Developing a program of how you are going to market is something you should plan to do and set
time aside each month. How are you going to get the word out that your services are available.

Send out brochures to the potential customer

Include a newsletter to show the information that your clients are provided with
Media releases
Articles in industry newsletter of which you are associated with
Conduct seminars

Sales Strategy
Outline what your strategy is. For example when selling software is your aim to make your money
on the sale or on the services that you can provide after that?
A large portion of your sales will be driven by customer demand. When they need help they will
call. In your sales strategy you need to incorporate ways in which you can leverage of this
demand to grow your business.
Remember the aim in a service industry is to maintain a positive client relationship which inturn
will lead to repeat business.

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Preparing your Business plan

Sales Forecast
Prepare a projected sales forecast for the first 2 years.
Below is a simplistic example:
1st Year

2nd Year

Hourly Rate




$ 6,000



$ 23,000

$ 24,000


$ 16,000

$ 22,000


$ 8,000

$ 18,000





Strategic Alliances
Outline potential strategic alliances that you can develop which will assist you in growing your
Whether you are a bookkeeper or Certified Consultant an excellent alliance would be local
Accounting firm. Affiliate with associations or program such as the MYOB Professional Partner
program. These alliances can help not only from a knowledge and information perspective but
also in building your clients base.
Some examples:
Bookkeeping Associations
Professional Partner program
Local Accounting firms
Industry Associations

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Preparing your Business plan

Outline the task needed to develop and grow this business plan.
For example:
Identify Keys to Success
Competitor Analysis
Develop marketing collateral
Market Analysis
Pricing Structure
Promotion Strategy
Sales Strategy

Start Date Completed Date



Financial Plan
The business plan will assist you in not only growing your business but also if the right financial
plan is in place making it a viable business. Your financial plan underpins your business plan and
gives you the viability to run and grow the business.
There are 3 main components of the financial plan Budget, Cash flow and Profit & Loss. The
success of a business is not necessarily measured by the wealth or Profit of the business but by
its cash flow which inturn will provide wealth and profit.

The budget assists you in controlling and measuring 2 key financial aspects of your business:
Income and Expenses. The purpose of the budget is 2 fold:
Measure and control expenses
Provide targets







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Preparing your Business plan

Cash Flow
Profitability of a business is necessary but Cash Flow is essential to a business. A businesses
ability to pay its debts without running out of cash will lead to a profitable business.
Once you have identified all the income and expenditure of the business in the budget you can
now use this as the template for your cash flow forecast.







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