Lesson Plan in Physical Education

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I. Objective: Understand the benefits of

in different physical activities





II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Lesson 1 Fun to be Fit
B. Reference: Smart 2 pages 199-205
C. Materials: picture of famous athletes or players, flash cards, things we
use in cleaning

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities

Warm Up Exercise

1. Show the pictures of our Famous Athletes and Players such as

B. Lesson Proper

Manny Pacquiao
2. Ask the students: What can you say about the people in the
pictures? What can you say about their body? Are they physically
fit? What is good in becoming physically fit?

Demonstrate to the class the use of the cleaning materials you have
with you. Ask them what you are doing and if they also do it in school,
home or community. Explain to them that participating in different
activities is also doing exercises that will help them live longer.


Discuss the benefits of being physically fit through calling students

who can act out the words in flash cards as the teacher explains each
benefit (page 201).

Indoor Activity: Answer page 202.

Outdoor Activity:
Let the students fall in line. Separate the boys and girls. Ask them to
let their arms forward and arms sideward. Then follow the steps on
page 203-204 using a famous song to make the students move to be

IV. Evaluation

Answer on page 205.


Objective: to learn the three fitness elements that we do everyday

II. Subject Matter:

D. Topic: Lesson 2 Three Fitness Elements in Action
E. Reference: Smart 2 pages 206-213
F. Materials:
III. Procedure:
C. Preliminary Activities

Warm Up Exercise

D. Lesson Proper

3. Show the pictures of our Famous Athletes and Players such as
Manny Pacquiao
4. Ask the students: What can you say about the people in the
pictures? What can you say about their body? Are they physically
fit? What is good in becoming physically fit?

Demonstrate to the class the use of the cleaning materials you have
with you. Ask them what you are doing and if they also do it in school,
home or community. Explain to them that participating in different
activities is also doing exercises that will help them live longer.

Discuss the benefits of being physically fit through calling students
who can act out the words in flash cards as the teacher explains each
benefit (page 201).

Indoor Activity: Answer page 202.

Outdoor Activity:
Let the students fall in line. Separate the boys and girls. Ask them to
let their arms forward and arms sideward. Then follow the steps on
page 203-204 using a famous song to make the students move to be

IV. Evaluation
Answer on page 205.

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