Chronic Cough Due To Chronic Bronchitis: ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Chronic Cough Due To Chronic Bronchitis: ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Chronic Cough Due To Chronic Bronchitis: ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Sidney S. Braman, MD, FCCP
Background: Chronic bronchitis is a disease of the bronchi that is manifested by cough and sputum
expectoration occurring on most days for at least 3 months of the year and for at least 2 consecutive
years when other respiratory or cardiac causes for the chronic productive cough are excluded. The
disease is caused by an interaction between noxious inhaled agents (eg, cigarette smoke, industrial
pollutants, and other environmental pollutants) and host factors (eg, genetic and respiratory
infections) that results in chronic inflammation in the walls and lumen of the airways. As the disease
advances, progressive airflow limitation occurs, usually in association with pathologic changes of
emphysema. This condition is called COPD. When a stable patient experiences a sudden clinical
deterioration with increased sputum volume, sputum purulence, and/or worsening of shortness of
breath, this is referred to as an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis as long as conditions other
than acute tracheobronchitis are ruled out. The purpose of this review is to present the evidence for
the diagnosis and treatment of cough due to chronic bronchitis, and to make recommendations that
will be useful for clinical practice.
Methods: Recommendations for this section of the review were obtained from data using a National
Library of Medicine (PubMed) search dating back to 1950, performed in August 2004, of the
literature published in the English language. The search was limited to human studies, using the
search terms cough, chronic bronchitis, and COPD.
Results: The most effective way to reduce or eliminate cough in patients with chronic bronchitis and
persistent exposure to respiratory irritants, such as personal tobacco use, passive smoke exposure, and
workplace hazards is avoidance. Therapy with a short-acting inhaled -agonist, inhaled ipratropium
bromide, and oral theophylline, and a combined regimen of inhaled long-acting -agonist and an
inhaled corticosteroid may improve cough in patients with chronic bronchitis, but there is no proven
benefit for the use of prophylactic antibiotics, oral corticosteroids, expectorants, postural drainage, or
chest physiotherapy. For the treatment of an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, there is
evidence that inhaled bronchodilators, oral antibiotics, and oral corticosteroids (or in severe cases IV
corticosteroids) are useful, but their effects on cough have not been systematically evaluated. Therapy
with expectorants, postural drainage, chest physiotherapy, and theophylline is not recommended.
Central cough suppressants such as codeine and dextromethorphan are recommended for short-term
symptomatic relief of coughing.
Conclusions: Chronic bronchitis due to cigarette smoking or other exposures to inhaled noxious
agents is one of the most common causes of chronic cough in the general population. The most
effective way to eliminate cough is the avoidance of all respiratory irritants. When cough persists
despite the removal of these inciting agents, there are effective agents to reduce or eliminate cough.
(CHEST 2006; 129:104S115S)
Key words: acute exacerbation of COPD; chronic bronchitis; chronic cough; cigarette cough; COPD; cough phlegm
syndrome; mucous hypersecretion
Abbreviations: GOLD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; IL interleukin
ment of the British Medical Research Council Respiratory Questionnaire on Respiratory Symptoms.
Based on responses to epidemiologic surveys, the
term chronic bronchitis was defined as a disease of
the bronchi that manifested by cough and sputum
expectoration occurring on most days for at least 3
months of the year and for at least 2 consecutive
years when other pulmonary or cardiac causes for
the chronic productive cough are excluded.2 4 In
1958, a group of international experts participating in
the Ciba Foundation Guest Symposium, proposed a
definition of chronic bronchitis as a condition of
subjects with chronic or recurrent excessive mucous
secretion in the bronchial tree.4 Because earlier
studies suggested that chronic mucous hypersecretion did not cause airflow obstruction, evidence of
airflow limitation was not incorporated into these
earlier definitions. In 1986, chronic bronchitis and
emphysema were acknowledged in an American
Thoracic Society statement5 as the two main components of COPD, which became a preferred term for
both diagnoses. Evidence of expiratory flow limitation that did not change markedly over time was
included in the definition of COPD.
The recently published Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines,6 sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, Blood
Institute and the World Health Organization, provides a definition of COPD that differs from previous consensus statements. It does not incorporate
the terms chronic bronchitis and emphysema into
the definition, as does the American Thoracic Society statement. Instead, it defines COPD as a disease
state that is characterized by airflow obstruction that
is no longer fully reversible and is usually progressive. The disease is caused by an interaction between
noxious inhaled agents (eg, cigarette smoke, industrial pollutants, and other environmental pollutants)
and host factors (eg, genetic factors and respiratory
infections) that results in chronic inflammation in the
walls and lumen of the airways. The pathology of
COPD, as well as the symptoms, the pulmonary
function abnormalities, and complications all can be
explained on the basis of the underlying inflammation. While the GOLD document6 does not specifically include chronic bronchitis and emphysema in
the definition of COPD, it is clear that they are
considered to be the predominant causes. For instance, GOLD defines the earliest stage of COPD,
stage 0, by evidence of chronic cough and sputum
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission
from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal.
Correspondence to: Sidney S. Braman, MD, FCCP, Division of
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, 595
Eddy St, Providence, RI 02903; e-mail: [email protected]
1. Adults who have a history of chronic cough
and sputum expectoration occurring on most
days for at least 3 months and for at least 2
consecutive years should be given a diagnosis of
chronic bronchitis when other respiratory or
cardiac causes of chronic productive cough are
ruled out. Level of evidence, low; net benefit,
substantial; grade of recommendation, B
2. The evaluation of patients with chronic
cough should include a complete history regarding exposures to respiratory irritants including cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoke; passive smoke exposures; and hazardous
environments in the home and workplace. All
are predisposing factors of chronic bronchitis.
Level of evidence, low; net benefit, substantial;
grade of recommendation, B
Over the past decade there has been increasing
interest in the pathogenesis and management of
COPD as it has been recognized that the disease is
having a major worldwide impact.6 In the United
States, estimates from national interviews taken by
the National Center for Health Statistics,7 have
shown that 16 million people are afflicted with
COPD; about 14 million are thought to have chronic
bronchitis, while 2 million have emphysema.7 It has
been suggested that these statistics underestimate
the prevalence of COPD by as much as 50%, as
many patients underreport their symptoms and their
conditions remain undiagnosed. On the other hand,
the accuracy of a self-reported diagnosis of chronic
bronchitis and a physician-confirmed diagnosis of
In developed countries, cigarette smoking is responsible for 85 to 90% of cases of chronic bronchitis
and COPD. Cigarette smoke is composed of a
complex mixture of 400 particles and gases; the
specific etiologic role of each of these constituents
has not been established. Many studies10,1214 have
confirmed the association of cigarette smoking,
chronic cough, and low lung function. The incidence
of chronic bronchitis is directly proportional to the
number of cigarettes smoked. Other risk factors for
chronic mucus hypersecretion that have been identified are increasing age, male gender, childhood
respiratory infections, frequent lower respiratory
tract infections, occupational exposures, and asthma.
Pipe and cigar smoking are also risk factors for both
complications even in the absence of former cigarette smoking.10 The prevalence of chronic cough in
the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was reported15 in subjects without airflow obstruction and in those with undiagnosed
airway obstruction. Cough was found in 9.3% of
subjects and sputum production was found in 8.3%
of subjects without airflow obstruction. The study
also confirmed the observation that these symptoms
are more common in subjects with more severe
airflow obstruction. In those subjects with mild
airflow obstruction, cough was found in 16.0% of
3. Smoke-free workplace and public place
laws should be enacted in all communities.
Diagnosis and Management of Cough: ACCP Guidelines
Level of evidence, expert opinion; net benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, E/A
4. Stable patients with chronic bronchitis
who have a sudden deterioration of symptoms
with increased cough, sputum production, sputum purulence, and/or shortness of breath,
which are often preceded by symptoms of an
upper respiratory tract infection, should be
considered to have an acute exacerbation of
chronic bronchitis, as long as conditions other
than acute tracheobronchitis are ruled out or
are considered unlikely. Level of evidence, expert
opinion; net benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, E/A
Comorbid Illnesses
It should always be kept in mind that when the
character of the cough changes for prolonged periods in a patient with chronic bronchitis, the possibility of bronchogenic carcinoma or another complication should be considered. Prospective studies54 of
middle-aged cigarette smokers have shown that the
incidence of lung cancer in this group is very high.
While the most effective treatment of chronic
cough due to chronic bronchitis is the avoidance of
Diagnosis and Management of Cough: ACCP Guidelines
as personal tobacco use, passive smoke exposure, and workplace hazards, avoidance should
always be recommended. It is the most effective
means to improve or eliminate the cough of
chronic bronchitis. Ninety percent of patients
will have resolution of their cough after smoking cessation. Level of evidence, good; net benefit,
substantial; grade of recommendation, A
The use of antibiotics for treatment of an acute
exacerbation of chronic bronchitis is recommended
as it has been shown to shorten the course of the
illness. The use of antibiotics is most effective in
patients with purulent sputum and in those with a
greater severity of illness that includes all three of
the cardinal symptoms (ie, increased cough; increased sputum volume; and increased dyspnea55,58,59) and in those with more severe airflow
obstruction at baseline.60 An opinion expressed by
the US Food and Drug Administration61 in November 2002 suggested that the randomized placebocontrolled trials of antibiotic therapy for the acute
exacerbation of chronic bronchitis that have been
conducted over the past 40 years have been methodologically flawed and that a definitive decision
regarding antibiotic use cannot be reached. However, based on a metaanalysis of nine studies,58
which included randomized controlled trials, therapy
with antibiotics is recommended, especially in those
patients with more severe illness. The effect that
antibiotics have on cough during an acute exacerbation of COPD has been investigated. There is no
significant effect on cough clearance or cough frequency when compared to therapy with a placebo.60
On the other hand, older trials62 studying the usefulness of prophylactic therapy with antibiotics to
reduce the frequency and/or severity of attacks have
shown a small but statistically significant effect in
reducing the number of days of illness during an
acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. However,
therapy with antibiotics is currently not recommended for stable patients with chronic bronchitis
because of concerns about antibiotic resistance and
the potential side effects of the drugs.
6. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis,
there is no role for long-term prophylactic therapy with antibiotics. Level of evidence, low; benefit, none; grade of recommendation, I
7. In patients with acute exacerbations of
chronic bronchitis, the use of antibiotics is recommended; patients with severe exacerbations
and those with more severe airflow obstruction
at baseline are the most likely to benefit. Level
of evidence, fair; net benefit, substantial; grade of
recommendation, A
Bronchopulmonary Hygiene
The use of bronchopulmonary hygiene physical
therapy for chronic bronchitis recently has been the
subject of review.63 The clinical benefits of postural
drainage and chest percussion have not been proven,
and their use in stable patients with chronic disease63
or during an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis55 cannot be recommended.
8. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis,
the clinical benefits of postural drainage and
chest percussion have not been proven, and
they are not recommended. Level of evidence,
fair; net benefit, conflicting; grade of recommendation, I
9. In patients with an acute exacerbation of
chronic bronchitis, the clinical benefits of postural drainage and chest percussion have not
been proven, and they are not recommended.
Level of evidence, fair; net benefit, conflicting; grade
of recommendation, I
The effects of therapy with short-acting inhaled
-agonists in patients with chronic bronchitis have
been extensively studied,64 and have been shown to
improve pulmonary function, breathlessness, and
exercise tolerance. There is some evidence that
chronic cough improves with the regular use of a
short-acting inhaled -agonist,65 but the results in
the literature are not consistent.66,67 There is no
significant improvement in sputum production with
this therapy.67,68 The long-term effects of ipratropium bromide therapy have been evaluated in stable
patients with chronic bronchitis. With this agent,
patients coughed fewer times, and their cough was
less severe. In addition, the volume of sputum
expectorated decreased significantly.69 On the other
hand, trials70 of a once-daily regimen of inhaled
anticholinergic tiotropium in patients with COPD
showed significant bronchodilatation and relief of
dyspnea when compared to placebo, but no effect on
cough using diaries to assess daily symptom scores.
10a. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis, therapy with short-acting -agonists should
be used to control bronchospasm and relieve
dyspnea; in some patients, it may also reduce
chronic cough. Level of evidence, good; net benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, A
10b. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis, therapy with ipratropium bromide should
be offered to improve cough. Level of evidence,
fair; net benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, A
10c. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis, treatment with theophylline should be considered to control chronic cough; careful monitoring for complications is necessary. Level of
evidence, fair; net benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, A
11. For patients with an acute exacerbation
of chronic bronchitis, therapy with short-acting
-agonists or anticholinergic bronchodilators
should be administered during the acute exacerbation. If the patient does not show a prompt
response, the other agent should be added after
the first is administered at the maximal dose.
Level of evidence, good; net benefit, substantial;
grade of recommendation, A
12. For patients with an acute exacerbation
of chronic bronchitis, theophylline should not
be used for treatment. Level of evidence, good;
net benefit, none; grade of recommendation, D
Antitussive Agents
Occasionally, the cough of chronic bronchitis is so
troublesome that temporary cough suppression is
required. When needed, codeine and dextromethorphan (but not pipazethate) are effective for treating
cough in patients with chronic bronchitis. While
studies7779 have shown that they suppress cough
counts by 40 to 60%, these studies were conducted
with very small patient populations.
13. For stable patients with chronic bronchitis, there is no evidence that the currently
available expectorants are effective and therefore they should not be used. Level of evidence,
low; net benefit, none; grade of recommendation, I
14. In stable patients with chronic bronchitis,
treatment with a long-acting -agonist when
coupled with an inhaled corticosteroid should
be offered to control chronic cough. Level of
evidence, good; net benefit, substantial; grade of
recommendation, A
15. For stable patients with chronic bronchitis and an FEV1 of < 50% predicted or for those
patients with frequent exacerbations of chronic
bronchitis, inhaled corticosteroid therapy
should be offered. Level of evidence, good; net
benefit, substantial; grade of recommendation, A
16. For stable patients with chronic bronchitis, long-term maintenance therapy with oral
corticosteroids such as prednisone should not
be used; there is no evidence that it improves
cough and sputum production, and the risks of
19. In patients with chronic bronchitis, central cough suppressants such as codeine and
dextromethorphan are recommended for shortterm symptomatic relief of coughing. Level of
evidence, fair; benefit, intermediate; grade of evidence, B
Summary of Recommendations
1. Adults who have a history of chronic
cough and sputum expectoration occurring
on most days for at least 3 months and for at
least 2 consecutive years should be given a
diagnosis of chronic bronchitis when other
respiratory or cardiac causes of chronic
productive cough are ruled out. Level of
evidence, low; net benefit, substantial; grade of
recommendation, B
2. The evaluation of patients with chronic
cough should include a complete history
regarding exposures to respiratory irritants
including cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoke;
1 Badham C. Observations on the inflammatory affections of
the mucous membranes of the bronchaie. London, England:
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2 Oswald N, Harold J, Martin W. Clinical pattern of chronic
bronchitis. Lancet 1953; 265:639 643
3 Fletcher C, Elmes P, Fairbairn A, et al. The significance of
respiratory symptoms and the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis
in a working population. BMJ 1959; 2:257266
4 Terminology, definitions, and classification of chronic pulmonary emphysema and related conditions: Ciba Guest Symposium Report. Thorax 1959; 14:286 299
5 American Thoracic Society. Standards for the diagnosis and
care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152:S77S121
6 Pauwels R, Buist A, Calvery P, et al. Global strategy for the
diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: NHLBI/WHO Global Initiative for
Chronic Obstruction Lung Disease (GOLD) Workshop summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 163:1256 1276
7 Adams P, Hendershoot G, Ma M. Current estimates from the
National Health Interview Survey, 1996. Hyattsville, MD:
National Center for Health Statistics; US Department of
Health Statistics, 1999