Newsletter - 27th August

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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address: [email protected]

Issue 26

27th August, 2015


Friday 4 September
Wednesday 9th September
Saturday 12th September
Tuesday 15th September
Friday 18th September

PA lunch day - Pasta Bolognese

Fathers Day stall
District Athletics
State Schools Spectacular
Art and Culture Festival
Last Day Term Three

Term Four

Monday 5 October
School Concert

First Day Term Four

Date to be announced as soon as available.


For parents with Health Care Cards applications close 15th September.


An outstanding feature of our school is unquestionably the wonderful partnerships we forge with
families each year. This strong collaboration enables students, staff and parents to work closely
together in support of every child. Ongoing communication is very important factor here, with
many formal/scheduled opportunities organised throughout the year, as well as times where
parents will drop in the classroom to quickly touch base on a matter, or maybe phone or contact
their childs teacher. As a school we value and appreciate this ongoing communication, particularly
as circumstances change throughout the year.
When a matter arises whereby an extended period of time may be needed to discuss and address a
matter, we ask that parents make an appointment time with their childs teacher. This enables our
teachers to schedule this meeting into their busy schedules so that the matter can be addressed in a
timely manner. We ask that parents do not drop into the classrooms just prior to the school day to
discuss matters in detail. As you can appreciate, this is valuable planning time for our teachers, who
need to make sure that all of their necessary preparations have been completed for the day ahead.
For any urgent, or potentially serious matters, parents are always welcome to drop by the office
prior to the start of the school day to request to speak to a member of the leadership team.
Thank you in anticipation of your support on this important matter.
Our Prep transition program Leaping Into Learning will commence next term on Thursday
8th October 2.30-3.30pm for children who are enrolled at Tootgarook Primary School for
Prep 2016. The program runs each Thursday for seven weeks with a Parent Information
Meeting to be held during the last session on November 26th. At the moment we have 29
children enrolled for next year if you have not enrolled or know of some-one who has a
child who turns 5 before April 30th 2016 please call at the school office and pick up an
enrolment form thank you!

The Parents Association will be holding a

Fathers Day Stall on Friday 4th September .
Items are all priced at $3.00.
Please bring along a plastic bag on the day to take the gifts home.


Friday 4th September
Pasta Bolognese - $4.00
Notices have been sent home this week

All orders must be returned by Wednesday 2nd September

Sorry No Late Orders Can Be Accepted

Come and view all the students pieces of artwork on display in the Tootgarook P.S.s annual Art
Exhibition. All art will be for sale for $2 and the money will go towards buying prizes for the year level
winners, as chosen by the Junior School Council. Also take the opportunity to cast the Peoples Choice
vote in the box provided. Winners will be announced at the following Assembly.
The art work can be viewed Monday after school, Tuesday before school and of
course at the event.
From 4.00pm all instrumental learners will be performing in small ensembles
or as solo acts. The afternoon will conclude around 5.00pm.
This year for the first time Miss Lee our Indonesian Teacher, will showcase
Indonesia (further details to come closer to the event.)
Amelia Davey, Art Teacher Christine Young, Music Teacher Amanda Lee, Indonesian Teacher

One of our Grade 6 students Max Royle

competed in the Victorian Interschools
Snowsports Championships Division 4
Boys at Mt Buller competing for
Tootgarook PS it was his first attempt
at this event and he came 152 well
done Max Great Achievement.

Last Saturday was Tootgarook Community Market with Prep B rostered on. Thankyou to
following parents who helped on the day : Darren Walker, Michael
Giarrusso, Marama Silvester, Julie Woulfe, Nathan Opie, Ruth
Underwood, Caroline Ling, Carolyn Southall, Ellen Duke, Louise Cass,
Christine Young, Kelly Driver, Kerry Aldred, Cherie Przychodzki, Leanne
McLeod, Mandy Bos, Paige Hocking, John Greenstreet, Elizabeth
Taralaikov, Sophie Lazner and Chelsea Forster.

Prep B - Mrs Bos Sienna Kelly-Arena Congratulations on the great writing you are doing in class. The
extra practice you are doing at school and home is paying off!
Prep R - Mrs. Read Kayla Opie Your art work this week has been amazing! I am very impressed with your
attention to detail.
1H - Mrs Hughes - Destany Watkins for her fantastic self- motivation, thoughtfulness and caring spirit. You
always demonstrate the RICH School Values and are a valued member of our class. Than you Destany.
1P - Miss Perkins Zane Kirk you have been working really hard in the classroom and trying your best to
complete your writing. Well done!
2B Mrs Baird Wayne Orlando for completing a how/why story during Big Write.
2J Mrs Johnstone Joshua Alesci-Bateman Josh is always the quiet achiever who displays great Integrity
towards his learning. A pleasure to have in the class. Well done!
3A Miss Arnold Matthew Jones Your attitude towards learning has improved massively which is great to
see. You always show great sportsmanship and consideration of others during BlueEarth. Keep up the great
3W Ms Walton Joel Clarke Welcome to Tootgarook. We hope you make some wonderful friends and
enjoy our grade.
4S Miss Staley + Miss McGhee Bailei Romeril - for the improvement she has shown in her Big Writes and for
submitting her English homework every single week this year. Congratulations!
5Q Miss Quintin You're such fantastic member of our grade Charlee Russell. You've always got a positive
attitude toward learning and display the RICH school values at ALL times. You light up our grade everyday with
your smile!
6W - Miss Withers Kasadee Johnson - For displaying a positive attitude to school tasks. Kasadee you have a
great work ethic, I can see that you are taking responsibility for your own learning and youre always
completing work to the best of your ability. Well done Kasadee, keep up this effort.
Art / Craft
Music - Mrs Young Nakeeta Buck 3W our newest clarinet player in the school band! Well done for
making it, you have worked hard and now you are in! Well done!
Phys Ed Mr Kitchin
Indonesian Prep Gr 3 Miss Lee
Indonesian Gr 4-5-6 Mrs Clements Well done Luke Mckenzie for listening attentively during Indonesian.
You have worked hard this year to focus and manage your distractions. Keep it up!

The Life Education Van will be coming to our school from Wednesday October 28
Wednesday November 4th. Parents are invited to an information session on Wednesday
28th @ 9.00am.
Please return slip or notify office by Friday 23rd October if you would like to attend.
Name:_______________________ would like to attend the Life Education parent
information session.
Name and year level of children_________________________________________

Concert Helpers needed for prop + costume making each Wednesday - from 2.00pm in the Art Room.

Important Information Offsite Emergency Drill to be held next week!

The children and staff will be evacuated to Capel Sound Foreshore Area F
The Local Excursion Note will cover students leaving the school grounds.
This is a Government required that a practice Offsite Emergency Drill
needs to be carried out at some time during the school year.

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