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Learning Objectives
After completing this activity, participants should be better able to:
Review the mechanisms of action of available oral agents when selecting
treatment regimens for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
Incorporate treatment strategies for patients with T2DM that minimize treatmentrelated side effects while enhancing adherence
Describe the mechanism of action and latest clinical results with sodiumdependent glucose transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors for the treatment of T2DM
as monotherapy and in combination with available oral therapies

The numbers surrounding diabetes can be staggering. Estimates are that 11.3% of Americans
age 20 or older have diabetes, of whom more than 4 in 10 are undiagnosed.1 If current trends
continue unabated, the US population will include as many as 48.3 million people with diagnosed diabetes by 2050.2,3 Individuals with diabetes are at increased risk for a variety of complications, including blindness, kidney disease, and cardiovascular (CV) disease, and have roughly
double the mortality risk of people without diabetes.1 It also is worth noting that medical costs
for individuals with diabetes are 2.3 times higher than those of nondiabetic individuals.1
Over time, key principles in management of diabetes
have been developed based on the goals of early identificaAntidiabetic therapy
tion and treatment, close monitoring, and advancing treatshould be evidencement when necessary to achieve and maintain target goals.
In general close to 59% of diabetes patients are treated with
based, but tailored
oral agents only.4 Eight different classes of oral agents are
for the individual
now available, including 3 classes introduced within the last
5 years. The decisions involved in choosing the appropriate
oral agent or combination of agents for each patient are
important to proper management of hyperglycemia, minimizing the risk of disease- and treatmentrelated complications, and optimizing patients quality of life. Decision making involves not
just the goal, but the means to achieve the goal, and must be undertaken in concert with
patients, factoring in their individual health issues and preferences (Figure 1).

Oral Agents/T2DM

Individualizing Oral Therapy

for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:
Current and Emerging Strategies



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Individualizing Oral Therapy for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:

Current and Emerging Strategies

Mechanism of Action
of therapeutic agent(s)

Importance of early, aggressive therapy

in most patients

Oral Agents/T2DM

Durability of therapy
Impact of therapy on A1C, FPG, and

PPG levels
Safety and Tolerability
Side effect profile, particularly effects

on weight and hypoglycemia risk

Likelihood of patient acceptance/


Individual Patient Factors

Pre-existing complications
Length of time since diagnosis of T2DM
Propensity for hypoglycemia and
awareness of hypoglycemia risk
Current medications

Figure 1. Its not just about A1C level: factors to consider when individualizing T2DM therapy.7
FPG = fasting plasma glucose. PPG = postprandial plasma glucose.

Begin Treatment Early to Limit Disease-Related Complications

Approximately 90% to 95% of diabetes in adults is type 2 diabetes (T2DM), a chronic disease characterized by progressive loss of insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function as well as
other defects in glucoregulation.1,5,6 It has been established that maintaining glycosylated
hemoglobin (A1C) in the target ranges recommended by the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists (AACE) (6.5%) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) (<7%)7,8 is
strongly associated with reductions in risk of microvascular complications in a continuous
wayeach 1% decline in A1C is associated with a significant 37% reduction in risk in newly
diagnosed patients.9 In the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), a significant 25% reduction in risk for microvascular complications was observed in newly diagnosed
patients maintained for 10 years at a median A1C level of 7% versus those with a median A1C
of 7.9%.10 UKPDS also found a trend toward a lower risk for fatal and nonfatal myocardial
infarction (MI), which, while suggestive, did not meet statistical significance (P = .052).10 At
10-year post-trial follow-up, patients enrolled in the UKPDS study who received intensive
therapy shortly after diagnosis of T2DM had a significantly lower risk of MI and death from
any cause, as well as reductions in risk of microvascular disease, despite the fact that tight
glycemic control had not been maintained after the first year following the end of the trial.11
It has been proposed that early exposure to hyperglycemia may predispose the T2DM patient
to development of a metabolic memory resulting in a higher likelihood of complications
from the disease. Conversely, the results from UKPDS suggest early, aggressive intervention to
lower blood glucose may prevent this putative legacy of hyperglycemic memory.

Choose Glycemic Goals Based on Patient-Specific Factors

A decade after the initial publication of the UKPDS findings, 2 studies that pursued aggressive glucose-lowering strategies were published and appeared to contradict the idea that lower
is always better. In the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study,
the intensive therapy group was targeted to achieve an A1C of <6.0% versus 7.0% to 7.9% in



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Oral Agents/T2DM

the standard therapy group. Table 1.

Yet, although nonfatal MI
occurred with greater fre- Goals for Glycemic Control: 20118,15,16
quency in the standard therapy
ADA 2011
AACE 2011
group, the intensive therapy
group had significantly higher A1C (%)
Around or <7%
rates of all-cause and CV
death, leading to discontinua- FPG (mg/dL)
tion of the trial after a mean PPG (mg/dL)
follow-up of 3.5 years.12 In the
Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial Glycemic Parameter
(VADT), the goal was an A1C A1C
Measures glycemic exposure over 3 months
level reduction of 1.5% in the
Snapshot of basal glucose metabolism (ie,
intensive therapy arm com- FPG
hepatic glucose production)
pared with the standard therapy
arm. No significant difference
Dependent on postprandial glucose excursions;
in the time to first occurrence PPG
linked to risk of vascular damage
of a CV event or other CV outcomes was noted at a median
follow-up of 5.6 years.13 In both studies, rates of weight gain and hypoglycemia were higher in the
intensive than in the standard therapy groups.13
Patients in these studies had a long duration of disease, were overweight or obese, and
many had a history of CV disease. In ACCORD, patients had a mean age of 62 years, median
duration of T2DM of 10 years, and median A1C of 8.1% at baseline. About 35% in each
group had a history of CV events, 14% were current smokers, and the mean body mass index
(BMI) was 32.2 kg/m2.12 In VADT, the patient population comprised veterans whose mean
age was 60.4 years and duration of T2DM was 11.5 years. Baseline A1C was 9.4%, mean BMI
was 31.3 kg/m2, and 40% had already had a CV event.13
From ACCORD and VADT, it is possible to conclude that for patients with longer duration T2DM, aggressive glucose-lowering strategies to get A1C below 7% may carry consequences that undermine other aspects of well-being, such as weight gain, hypoglycemia, or
other metabolic changes.14 For patients with a long duration of disease, history of severe hypoglycemia, or advanced micro- or macrovascular disease, treatment guidelines stress that less
stringent A1C goals may be appropriate.7,8,14
Table 1 lists the ADA and AACE glycemic goals for most patients with T2DM, with the
ADA goals being somewhat broader than those from the AACE.8,15,16 Nevertheless, the takeaway messages from UKPDS, ACCORD, and VADT are to tailor therapy using patient factors
of age and comorbidities, pre-existing complications, duration of T2DM, propensity for hypoglycemia and awareness of hypoglycemia risk, weight, lifestyle, and current medications.
Finally, the relative contributions of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and postprandial glucose (PPG) to glycemic load vary at different A1C levels, with FPG predominating at higher
A1C levels (>8.4%) and PPG predominating at lower A1C levels (<7.3%).17 Therefore, consideration of the impact of therapeutic choices on FPG and PPG, as well as A1C level, is
important when planning treatment for the patient with T2DM.7



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Individualizing Oral Therapy for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:

Current and Emerging Strategies

Oral Agents/T2DM

Consider Treatment Efficacy and Durability

The clinician treating the T2DM patient is faced with an array of treatment options, including diet and exercise modifications as well as various pharmacologic interventions. In choosing the right strategy, the clinician must weigh the agents glucose-lowering potential against
side effect profiles, individual patient factors, and the potential for interaction with other
treatments the patient may be receiving.18 Ultimately, the strategy for managing T2DM in a
newly diagnosed 30 year old will most likely be different than the strategy for managing longstanding disease in a patient with multiple comorbidities who may have had a CV event.
There are 8 classes of oral antidiabetic agents (OADs) ranging from the sulfonylurea (SU) class, first available in 1946, to
A variety of oral
the widely used new class, the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4)
agents are available
inhibitors, first approved in 2006 (Table 2).19 A newly added
agent, bromocriptine mesylate, has been used in nondiabetes
to address different
applications and recently received an indication for lowering
glucose in T2DM in a quick-release (QR) formulation.20,21 In
defects in T2DM.
addition, colesevelam is a bile-acid sequestrant that has been
used for lipid-lowering that in 2009 received an additional
indication for lowering glucose in T2DM in combination with other OADs as well as
insulin.22 The glucose-lowering efficacy of these oral agents as monotherapy as measured by
A1C ranges from 0.4% to 1.5% (Table 2).18,21
A comparative analysis of
oral agents as monotherapy Table 2.
supports metformin as firstline oral therapy for most Efficacy of Traditional and Newer T2DM Oral
patients, given its favorable Agents: Experience and Potency19,20,30
benefit-to-risk ratio.23 GuideYear Efficacy: in A1C (%)a
lines recommend metformin as Traditional Oral Agent
a first-line agent, excepting SUs
patients with renal impairment
or tolerability issues. Depending Glinides
on baseline A1C, SUs, thiazo- MET
lidinediones (TZDs), DPP-4
inhibitors, and alpha-glucosi- AGIs
dase inhibitors (AGIs) also are TZDs
options for initial monotherapy
Newer Oral Agent
Year Efficacy: in A1C (%)a
in the AACE guidelines.7
The efficacy of the DPP-4 DPP-4 inhibitors
agents warrants a closer look, Colesevelam
as they are relatively new and
finding wide acceptance. Three Bromocriptine mesylate QR 2009
DPP-4 inhibitors currently are aEfficacy as monotherapy with the exception of colesevelam, which has been
available: sitagliptin, saxagliptin, studied in combination with 1 or more oral antidiabetic agents only; bMET
available in some other countries since 1957; cTroglitazone became availand linagliptin. As monother- able
in the United States in 1997; withdrawn from US market in 2000.
apy, these agents deliver A1C MET = metformin.



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Target Multiple Pathophysiologic Defects When Combining Therapies

Depending on the mechanism of action involved, oral agents generally may be sorted by
whether they preferentially target FPG or PPG, allowing a rational approach to combining
treatments. TZDs, SUs, and metformin primarily act to lower FPG, although other agents,
such as DPP-4 inhibitors can also decrease FPG levels.7,15 Glinides and AGIs primarily impact
postprandial hyperglycemia. DPP-4 inhibitors also target PPG in a glucose-dependent manner.15 Optimizing A1C reduction often requires addressing FPG and PPG glycemic goals.
At diagnosis, T2DM patients have already lost as much as 80% of normal beta cell function, underscoring the need for early intervention.39 However, there are multiple pathophysiologic defects leading to T2DM and more is involved than simple impaired insulin secretion.
Table 3 outlines the mechanisms of action of the OAD
classes.7,20,40 Note that no single class of agents addresses all
Many patients
of these defects; effective therapy often requires multiple
agents used in combination and should not be focused simtreated for T2DM
ply on lowering A1C.39 When choosing an agent to add to
experience sustained
existing therapy, consideration should be given to combinhyperglycemia and
ing agents with complementary mechanisms of action.18
associated detriments
DPP-4 inhibitors offer a unique approach to lowering
glucose. In response to meals, gut-based hormones called
due to clinicians
incretins, primarily glucagon-like protein 1 (GLP-1) and
failure to appropriately
glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), conadvance treatment.
tribute in a glucose-dependent way to normal glucoregulation by enhancing insulin secretion, decreasing glucagon
secretion, and delaying gastric emptying.6 Secretion of these hormones is diminished in
patients with T2DM.6 Once activated, the incretin hormones, such as GLP-1, are rapidly
degraded by the enzyme DPP-4. By blocking the action of the DPP-4 enzyme, DPP-4
inhibitors increase concentrations of endogenous incretin hormones (Figure 2).

Oral Agents/T2DM

reductions ranging from 0.5% to 0.8% (Table 2).24-26 Each of these is approved for use as monotherapy or in combination with other oral agents.27-29 These agents are considered weight-neutral
and have been studied in combination with metformin, SUs, and in some cases TZDs.25,30-37
Unfortunately, because T2DM is progressive, it is common for monotherapies to eventually lose efficacy; with the duration of successful glycemic control being somewhat dependent
on the therapy used.10 On a relative scale, durability of glycemic control appears to be longest
with TZDs and shortest with SUs, with metformin falling in-between.15 At the point when
monotherapy no longer adequately controls hyperglycemia, treatment should be advanced
with additional agents. Therapy should be monitored using A1C every 2 to 3 months and
intensified as necessary to maintain goals.7
Given the accepted principle that achieving durable glycemic control is important to reducing complications,8 it is surprising to learn that despite the introduction of effective new agents
and different classes of therapy over the past decade, as many as 43% of patients with diabetes are
not achieving target A1C goals, including 23% with A1C 8%.4 Patients on monotherapy or
combination therapy often do not have their treatment advanced in a timely manner in response
to poor A1C control, leaving many at an A1C level >8% for years due to clinical inertia.38



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Individualizing Oral Therapy for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:

Current and Emerging Strategies
Table 3.

Oral Agents/T2DM

Mechanisms of Action of Classes of Oral Antidiabetic Drug Classes: No

Single Class of Oral Agents Targets All Key T2DM Pathophysiologies7,20,40

Mechanism of Action

Biguanides (MET)

Inhibit glucose output from the liver


Enhance insulin sensitivity


Decrease carbohydrate absorption in GI tract


Insulin secretagogues; increase basal and/or postprandial insulin levels


Insulin secretagogues; increase basal and/or postprandial insulin levels

DPP-4 inhibitors

Increase endogenous incretin levels to inhibit glucagon release and

increase insulin levels; glucose-dependent


Not known; binds bile acids and alters the enterohepatic metabolism of
bile; may delay glucose absorption after meals to improve whole-body
insulin sensitivity

Bromocriptine, QR

Not known; may act centrally to improve insulin resistance and other
metabolic abnormalities

GI = gastrointestinal.

The AACE algorithm for

management of hyperglycemia
(Figure 3) delineates recommendations based on A1C and specDPP-4 enzyme rapidly
ifies that treatment response
degrades active GLP-1 and GIP
should be assessed no later than
3 months after initiation, with
treatment advanced if the desired
GLP-1 and GIP
released from intestine
A1C has not been achieved.7 In
general, metformin should be
the basis of dual therapy.7 AACE
DPP-4 enzyme inhibitor
recommends using a rational
interferes with the degradation
approach to combining agents,
increase in insulin secretion and
of active GLP-1 and GIP
decrease in glucagon secretion
noting that because metformin
is an insulin sensitizer, the second agent should be a DPP-4
Figure 2. Gut-based incretin hormones and mechanism of
inhibitor or insulin secretaaction of DPP-4 inhibitors.
gogue that targets a different
underlying defect.7 Addition of
a DPP-4 inhibitor to another oral therapy, such as metformin, pioglitazone, or an SU
results in an additive effect, lowering A1C by an additional 0.5% to 0.8% depending on the
initial OAD with which it is combined (Table 2).25,31-37 The AACE guidelines also encourage



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AIC 7.6%-9.0%


Dual Therapy


GLP-1 or DPP-4
MET + or TZD
SU or Glinide

Dual Therapy
GLP-1 or DPP-4

Glinide or SU


+ GLP-1 or DPP-4

Triple Therapy
Glinide or SU

AIC >9.0%
Drug Naive

Under Treatment

No Symptoms

GLP-1 or
DPP-4 + SU

Triple Therapy
GLP-1 or

Oral Agents/T2DM

AIC 6.5%-7.5%

*2 -


GLP-1 or

MET + GLP-1 or
DPP-4 + SU

INSULIN Other Agent(s)

INSULIN Other Agent(s)

*2-3 months if A1C not achieved safely.

Figure 3. AACE/ACE treatment algorithm for T2DM.

Adapted from https://www.aace.com/sites/default/files/GlycemicControlAlgorithmPPT.pdf.
Copyright 2009, with permission from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

consideration of initial combination therapy for patients diagnosed with T2DM characterized
by an A1C level >7.5%.7
In a study comparing combination therapy with sitagliptin or glipizide added to metformin, both drug combinations demonstrated glycemic durability (ie, satisfactory control of
glucose) for more than 2 years on a stable dose.41,42 Although the 2 agents produced similar
reductions in A1C and FPG, the glipizide plus metformin group had weight gain and a 14-fold
greater number of hypoglycemic episodes than the sitagliptin plus metformin group, who also
experienced weight loss over the 2-year study period.40

Factor in Safety and Tolerability When Choosing Agents

Treatment safety profiles should be considered, especially when agents are combined.
Effective patient-centered therapy must minimize the risk of treatment side effects, particularly those that exacerbate T2DM complications, like hypoglycemia and weight gain.8,14,18



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Oral Agents/T2DM

Individualizing Oral Therapy for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:

Current and Emerging Strategies
Elevated hypoglycemia risk is partic- Table 4.
ularly associated with the insulin
secretagoguesSUs and glinides. Safety: Effects of Oral T2DM Agents on
Weight gain is an unwelcome side Weight and Hypoglycemia Risk8,18,21,22
effect of the TZDs, SUs, and glinSevere
ides. In contrast, metformin, the
Weight Change
DPP-4 inhibitors, and AGIs are considered weight-neutral and unlikely
to induce hypoglycemia (Table 4).7,18
Comorbidities should be another
consideration in the choice of therSUs
apy. Pioglitazone (the only TZD curGlinides
rently available in the United States)
is contraindicated in the presence of
congestive heart failure or hepatic
DPP-4 inhibitors
impairment.43 Metformin (immediColesevelam
ate- and extended-release [XR]) is
Bromocriptine QR
contraindicated in the presence of
renal impairment (serum creatinine levels 1.5 and 1.4 mg/dL in
men and women, respectively) because it may increase the risk of lactic acidosis, a rare
(<1/100,000 treated patients) but potentially fatal condition.18,44 Many other oral agents
require dosage adjustment in the presence of renal impairment. Those that do not require dose
adjustment for renal impairment are pioglitazone, nateglinide, and linagliptin.27,43,45
Bromocriptine QR has not been studied in patients with renal impairment, and no overall
differences in the safety and effectiveness of colesevelam were seen in patients with a creatinine
clearance (CrCl) of <50 mL/min compared with patients with a CrCl of 50 mL/min.21,22 As
always, clinicians should familiarize themselves with a drugs most current prescribing information prior to recommending treatment.
In terms of serious side effects, pioglitazone has been associated with an increased risk of congestive heart failure (CHF) as well as increased risk of bone fractures.43 Evidence has recently emerged
of a possible connection between long-term pioglitazone treatment and an increased incidence of
bladder cancer. As of June 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using
pioglitazone with caution in patients with a prior history of bladder cancer, and its use is contraindicated for those with active bladder cancer.46,47
DPP-4 inhibitors generally are well tolerated, but hypersensitivity reactions have been
reported with these agents. Some patients receiving sitagliptin and linagliptin have developed
acute pancreatitis, although whether this is a causative association is under investigation.27-29
In addition, coadministration of strong CYP3A4/5 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole) significantly
increases saxagliptin concentrations, and the efficacy of linagliptin may be reduced by concomitant administration of strong P-glycoprotein or CYP3A4 inducers.27,28
Tolerability refers to factors that affect whether patients will be able to take the medicine
and continue to take it as prescribed. When queried, patients cite a number of factors that lead
to nonadherence with their OAD regimen, including hypoglycemia, gastrointestinal effects,



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Educate the Patient: An Informed Patient Is a Better Partner in

Shared Decision Making
Such a large percentage of diabetes care falls on patients themselves that successful outcomes
depend on their participation in decision making. Patients must be educated about the goals
of treatment, the way their medications work, and the types of tolerability issues to expect
and what can be done to mitigate them. Experience suggests that patients often do not understand their medications: in a survey of 261 T2DM patients, 15% understood the correct
mechanism of action of their treatment, 10% were aware that SUs may cause hypoglycemia,
and 20% were aware that metformin may cause gastrointestinal effects. In the same survey,
62% took their medication as directed in relation to food, 20% forgot to take their medication at least once a week, and only 35% remembered receiving any advice from their clinician
regarding their medication.59 These gaps in knowledge present significant challenges to optimizing care of patients with T2DM using oral agents. Simple solutions, such as written medication descriptions and instructions, are underused (1% in the survey) but represent a
cost-effective way to improve adherence and outcomes.

On the Horizon: A New Target for Intervention

Given the prevalence and challenges of T2DM, research continues for new forms of treatment.
A new class of agents being investigated takes a unique approach to removing excess glucose
from the system by inhibiting renal reabsorption of glucose. A protein called SGLT-2, which

Oral Agents/T2DM

weight gain, headaches, and Table 5.

edema.48 In terms of treatment-limiting side effects, Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy52-58
many patients treated with
metformin experience gas- Tablet Components
Strengths (mg)
trointestinal side effects,
250:1.25; 500:2.5; 500:5
including 53% experiencing MET + glyburide
diarrhea, that are mitigated
MET + glipizide
250:2.5; 500:2.5; 500:5
by using the XR formu500:50; 1000:50
lation.44,49 Gastrointestinal MET + sitagliptin
effects also appear to limit MET + repaglinide
500:1; 500:2
use of AGIs and coleseve500:15; 850:15
lam.15 Weight gain may MET + pioglitazone
limit use of SUs and TZDs. MET XR + pioglitazone
1000:15; 1000:30
Another important fac500:5; 1000:2.5; 1000:5
tor in tolerability is a drugs MET XR + saxagliptin
dosing schedule. Many Pioglitazone + glimepiride
30:4; 45:4
T2DM patients take medications for multiple ailments. Agents that are dosed on a 1-pill, once-daily schedule, like the SUs and
DPP-4 inhibitors, are likely to be better tolerated in this sense than agents requiring multiple daily
doses. Fixed-dose combinations (FDC) of commonly combined OADs can help address this issue
and improve adherence with therapy.50,51 Metformin or metformin XR forms the basis for all but
1 FDC, which combines pioglitazone and glimepiride (Table 5).52-58



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Oral Agents/T2DM

Individualizing Oral Therapy for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes:

Current and Emerging Strategies
is located almost exclusively in the proximal tubules of the kidneys, is involved in reabsorbing
excess glucose delivered to the kidney.60 This new class of agents works by blocking the function of SGLT-2, which in turn inhibits renal glucose reabsorption and leads to urinary glucose
excretion (glucosuria).61 In short, this therapy results in spilling glucose and its associated calories into the urine when blood glucose levels are high, thus regulating hyperglycemia with the
expectation of weight loss and little or no hypoglycemia.
The first agent to enter clinical trials was dapagliflozin. At doses of 2.5 mg to 10 mg
dapagliflozin reduces A1C 0.71% to 0.85% as monotherapy61 and an additional 0.67% to
0.84% in combination with metformin,52 similar to other oral agents. It appears to be well tolerated and is associated with weight losstaken as monotherapy patients lost up to 2 kg of
weight over 12 weeks, and taken in combination with metformin patients lost up to 3 kg over
24 weeks without apparent increase in hypoglycemia risk.61,62 However, dapagliflozin causes
glycosuria and may be associated with an increased rate of genitourinary infections.61,62 A report
presented at the recent ADA 71st Annual Scientific Session revealed that small increases in the
risk of breast cancer in women (0.4% vs 0.1%) and bladder cancer in men (0.3% vs 0.05%)
were seen in the dapagliflozin treatment arms compared with control arms.63 Such findings had
not been seen in preclinical animal trials. The efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin are undergoing evaluation by the FDA to determine if approval will be granted in the near future.

Antidiabetic therapy should be evidence-based but flexible so as to fit the specific needs of the
patient. There are many options for oral therapy of T2DM; choosing the right drug or combination depends on clinicians identifying patient factors that influence treatment; using
agents with the necessary efficacy and complementary activity to get to goal with minimal tolerability issues, particularly hypoglycemia and weight gain; and working with patients on education and treatment choice to optimize outcomes.7 Other key factors to keep in mind are
starting treatment early in the natural history of T2DM to limit disease-related complications,
and to consider the impact of the oral agent(s) on glucose end points, including FPG and
PPG, and the various T2DM pathophysiologic defect(s) to be targeted when selecting
monotherapy or combination therapy.




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Page 11

CASE: 52-Year-Old Male Construction Shift

Worker Diagnosed With T2DM 1 Year Ago


Physical Findings

Height: 5 ft 10 in

BMI: 29.2 kg/m2

BP: 135/83 mm Hg on lisinopril

Laboratory Values
FPG: 135 mg/dL A1C: 7.4%
Serum creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL
Total cholesterol: 225 mg/dL
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C): 115 mg/dL
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C): 40 mg/dL
When told his antidiabetic therapy must be intensified, Jim emphasized that he
does not think he is ready for injectable therapy.

Clinical Decision Point

How would you adjust Jims antidiabetic regimen?
Add glipizide
Add an AGI
Add a TZD
Add incretin-based therapy
Jim requires intensified glycemic control. Because of his night shift work around heavy
machinery, hypoglycemia is a real concern. He also needs to better control his blood
pressure and lipids. Glipizide could increase his hypoglycemia risk and weight. A TZD
is likely to help Jim get his A1C below 7%, and is an option for combination with metformin, although its side effect profile includes weight gain.
The clinician adds pioglitazone 15 mg once daily to Jims metformin, and increases the
doses of his lisinopril (to 20 mg) and simvastatin (to 20 mg) to improve his blood pressure
and lipids. Using pioglitazone addresses insulin resistance without increasing hypoglycemia
risk. However, an agent more specifically targeting PPG may have been a better choice.
3-Month Follow-Up
At his next visit, Jims A1C has decreased to 6.6%. He complains about gaining weight,
which is a common side effect with TZDs. Jim says hes read in the newspapers about the
possible CV effects of TZDs, and wonders if there is another option for him. While Jim has


Oral Agents/T2DM

Jim is a 52-year-old construction shift worker diagnosed 1 year ago with T2DM. He is
married with 3 teenaged boys, stopped smoking 5 years ago, and is a social drinker.
His father, now deceased, also had T2DM. After starting diabetes treatment with immediate-release metformin and experiencing intolerance, he currently is taking maximumdose metformin XR (2 750-mg tablets once daily) as well as lisinopril (10 mg) for
hypertension and simvastatin (10 mg) for lipids.



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Page 12

successfully controlled his glucose, his treatment may be exacerbating other metabolic issues
associated with diabetes, such as weight and CV risk factors. A better therapy choice for Jim
is one that controls glucose with a minimal effect on weight, lipids, and other factors.

Oral Agents/T2DM

Clinical Decision Point

How could Jims OAD regimen be adjusted?
Decrease TZD dose
Discontinue TZD, initiate a DPP-4 inhibitor
Discontinue TZD, initiate AGI
Add a DPP-4 inhibitor to his existing TZD and metformin
Jim and his clinician talked about his treatment goals and side effects, focusing on Jims concerns about weight gain and CV effects. They decide to discontinue the TZD and initiate treatment with saxagliptin (5 mg once daily). Initiating a DPP-4 inhibitor is consistent with published
guidelines and addresses concerns about weight gain and hypoglycemic avoidance.
The decision pays off when Jim returns in another 3 months and reports happily that he
has lost 10 poundslikely a result of discontinuing the TZD. He says hypoglycemia is rare
and minimal on the metformin/saxagliptin combination. Lab results show his A1C remains
well controlled at 6.8% and his lipids and blood pressure are within normal limits.
Jims Next Visit
When Jim returns 3 months later for follow-up, his A1C remains at 6.8% and his lipids
and blood pressure remain well controlled. He is happy with his treatments, but complains that with all his interventions, he is taking too many pills and is afraid hell unintentionally skip a dose of something. He asks what his options are going forward.

Clinical Decision Point

What course of action would you suggest for Jim?
Discontinue saxagliptin and add once-daily glipizide
Discontinue saxagliptin and initiate basal insulin
Consider a fixed-dose combination of metformin and saxagliptin
Jim has expressed a desire to stay on oral therapy and is well controlled on his present regimen. Changing from a DPP-4 to a SU is likely to produce weight gain and increase his
hypoglycemia risk. A FDC of metformin XR plus saxagliptin (1000 mg/2.5 mg) is available
to maintain Jims current, successful regimen while reducing his pill burden. The clinician
recommends Jim switch to metformin XR plus saxagliptin (1000 mg/2.5 mg), taking 2
tablets daily at supper (total dose: 2000 mg/5 mg).




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To view Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Agents/T2DM

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