The Neonate at 2 Hours To 2 Days of Age

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(Refer to CP: The First Hour of Life.)

Wakeful state may be as little as 2–3 hr first several days.
Infant appears semicomatose while in deep sleep; grimacing or smiling is evident in rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep; averages 20 hr of sleep per day.

Apical pulse averages 120–160 bpm (115 bpm at 4–6 hr, rising to 120 bpm at 12–24 hr after
birth); may fluctuate from 80–100 bpm (sleeping) to 180 bpm (crying).
Peripheral pulses may be weak (bounding pulses suggest patent ductus arteriosus [PDA]);
brachial and radial pulses are more easily palpated than femoral pulses (absence of
femoral and dorsalis pedis pulses suggests coarctation of the aorta).
Heart murmur often present during transition periods.
Blood pressure (BP) ranges from 60–80 mm Hg (systolic)/40–45 mm Hg (diastolic), average
resting pressure approximately 74/46 mm Hg; BP lowest at 3 hr of age.
Umbilical cord clamped securely with no oozing of blood noted; shows signs of drying within 1–
2 hr of birth, shriveled and blackened by day 2 or 3.

Abdomen soft without distension; active bowel sounds present several hours after birth
Urine colorless or pale yellow, with 6–10 wet diapers per 24 hr
Passage of meconium stool within 24–48 hr of birth

Mean weight 2500–4000 g (5 lb 8 oz to 8 lb 13 oz);<2500 g suggests small for gestational age
(SGA) (e.g., prematurity, rubella syndrome, or multiple gestation), greater than 4000 g
suggests large for gestational age (LGA) (e.g., maternal diabetes; or may be associated
with heredity). (Refer to CPs: The Preterm Infant; Newborn: Deviations in Growth Patterns).
Weight loss 5%–10% initially.
Mouth: Scant saliva; Epstein’s pearls (epithelial cysts) and sucking blisters are normal on hard
palate/gum margins, precocious teeth may be present.

Head circumference 32–37 cm; anterior and posterior fontanels are soft and flat.
Caput succedaneum and/or molding may persist for 3–4 days; overriding of cranial sutures
may be noted, slightly obliterating anterior fontanel (2–3 cm in width) and posterior
fontanel (0.5–1.0 cm in width).
Eyes and eyelids may be edematous; subconjunctival or retinal hemorrhage may be noted;
chemical conjunctivitis lasting 1–2 days may develop following instillation of therapeutic
ophthalmic drops.
Strabismus and doll’s eye phenomenon often present.
Top of ear aligns with inner and outer canthi of eye (low-set ears suggest genetic or kidney
Neurological Examination: Presence of Moro, plantar, palmar grasp, and Babinski’s reflexes;
reflex responses are bilateral/equal (unilateral Moro reflex may indicate fractured clavicle
or brachial plexus injury); transient crawling movements may be seen.
Absence of jitteriness, lethargy, hypotonia, and paresis.

Transient tachypnea may be noted, especially following cesarean or breech birth.
Breathing Pattern: Diaphragmatic and abdominal breathing with synchronous movement of
chest and abdomen (inspiratory lag or alternating seesaw movements of the chest and
abdomen reflects respiratory distress); slight or occasional nasal flaring may be noted;
marked nasal flaring, expiratory grunting, or marked retraction of intercostal, substernal,
or subcostal muscles indicates respiratory distress; inspiratory crackles may persist for
first few hours after birth (rhonchi on inspiration or expiration may indicate aspiration).
Chest circumference approximately 30–35 cm (1–2 cm smaller than circumference of head).

Skin Temperature: 96.8°F–97.7°F (36°C–36.5°C), rectal 97.8°F–99°F (36.6°C–37.2°C).
Skin Color: Acrocyanosis may be present for several days during transition period (general
ruddiness may indicate polycythemia); reddened or ecchymotic areas may appear over
cheeks or on lower jaw or parietal areas as a result of forceps application at delivery; facial
bruising may be noted following precipitous delivery.
Cephalhematoma may appear day after delivery, increasing in size by 2–3 days of age, then be
reabsorbed slowly over 1–6 mo.
Extremities: Normal range of motion in all; mild degree of bowing or medial rotation of lower
extremities; good muscle tone.

Female Genitalia: Vaginal labia may be slightly reddened or edematous, vaginal/hymenal tag
may be noted; white mucous discharge (smegma) or slight bloody discharge
(pseudomenstruation) may be present.
Male Genitalia: Testes descended, scrotum covered with rugae, phimosis common (opening of
prepuce narrowed, preventing retraction of foreskin over the glans).

Gestational age between 38 and 42 wk based on Dubowitz criteria

Diagnostic Studies
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count: 18,000/mm3, neutrophils increase to 23,000–24,000/mm3
the 1st day after birth (decline occurs in sepsis).
Hb: 15–20 g/dl (lower levels associated with anemia or excessive hemolysis).
Hct: 43%–61% (elevation to 65% or over indicates polycythemia; decreased levels reflect
anemia or prenatal/perinatal hemorrhage).
Guthrie Inhibition Assay: Tests for presence of phenylalanine metabolites, indicating
phenylketonuria (PKU).
Total Bilirubin: 6 mg/dl on 1st day of life, 8 mg/dl at 1–2 days, and 12 mg/dl at 3–5 days.
Dextrostix: Initial glucose drop during first 4–6 hr after birth averages 40–50 mg/dl, raising to
60–70 mg/dl by day 3.

1. Facilitate adaptation to extrauterine life.
2. Maintain thermoneutrality.
3. Prevent complications.
4. Promote parent-infant attachment.
5. Provide information and anticipatory guidance to parent(s).

1. Newborn adapting effectively to extrauterine life.
2. Free of complications.
3. Parent-infant attachment is initiated and progressing satisfactorily.
4. Parent(s) express confidence regarding infant care.


Risk Factors May Include: Extreme of age (inability to shiver, larger body surface
in relation to mass, limited amounts of insulating
subcutaneous fat, nonrenewable sources of brown fat
and few white fat stores, thin epidermis with close
proximity of blood vessels to the skin)
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
Be free of signs of cold stress or hyperthermia.


Maintain ambient temperature within In response to lower environmental temperature,
established thermoneutral zone (TNZ) full-term infants increase their body temperature
considering neonate’s weight, gestational age, by crying or increasing motor activity, thereby
and usual clothing provided. possibly consuming more energy (stored glucose)
and increasing their oxygen needs. Conversely,
failure to maintain the environmental temperature
within the upper limits of the TNZ may result in
increased oxygen consumption, dehydration,
hypotension, seizures, and apnea associated with
Monitor neonate’s axillary, skin (abdominal), or Temperature stabilization may not occur until 8–12
tympanic and environmental temperature at hr following birth. Rates of oxygen consumption
least every 30–60 min during stabilization period, and metabolism are minimal when skin
or more frequently, per protocol. temperature (a reliable indicator of energy exchanges
between infant and environment) is maintained
above 97.7°F (36.5°C). Skin temperature measured
over the abdomen (away from bony area) is an
earlier, more reliable indicator of cold stress, because
it drops in response to peripheral vasoconstriction.
Axillary temperature readings may be misleading,
because friction in the armpit, where brown fat stores
are located, can cause false elevations. Core body
temperature, as assessed by rectal temperatures, may
remain misleadingly high, especially in the cold-
stressed newborn, as a result of vasoconstriction and
metabolism of brown fat stores. Core temperature
may fall only after the newborn has exhausted
compensatory mechanisms and has markedly
increased oxygen consumption. Note: Rectal
perforation may occur with insertion of rectal
thermometer, and its occurrence is associated with
70% mortality.
Assess respiratory rate; note tachypnea (rate Infant becomes tachypneic in response to
greater than 60/min). increased oxygen needs associated with cold stress
and attempts to eliminate excess carbon dioxide to
reduce respiratory acidosis.
Postpone initial bath until body temperature is Helps prevent further heat losses caused by
stable and reaches 97.7°F (36.5°C). evaporation. Larger appropriate-for-gestational age
(AGA) infants tend to maintain body temperature
more easily than the SGA infant.
Bathe neonate, working rapidly, exposing only a Reduces possible heat loss through evaporation
portion of the body at a time, and drying each and convection; helps conserve energy.
part immediately. Ensure that environment is free
of drafts.

Note secondary signs of cold stress (e.g., Hypothermia, which increases the utilization rate
irritability, pallor, mottling, respiratory distress, of oxygen and glucose, is often accompanied by
tremors, jitteriness, lethargy, and cool skin). hypoglycemia and respiratory distress. Cooling also
results in peripheral vasoconstriction, with a drop in
skin temperature observed as pallor or mottling.
Irritability and apnea may be associated with
hypoxia. Untreated or undetected cold stress may
progress to metabolic acidosis, associated with
anaerobic glycolysis; pulmonary vasoconstriction or
persistent fetal circulation; inhibition of lecithin
formation and increased severity of respiratory
distress; and release of fatty acids into bloodstream,
where they compete for bilirubin-binding sites on
albumin molecules.
Maintain thermoneutral environment through Prevents heat imbalance or losses. Gradual
use of automatically controlled or manually warming of hypothermic infant helps avoid
adjustable heating equipment. Maintain possible apneic spells, hypotension, seizures, or
controlled heat source at 98.6°F (37°C). Position dehydration associated with too-rapid warming
crib or incubator away from heat sources such and hyperthermia.
as sunlight, heaters, or bilirubin lights. Promote
gradual warming of infant as needed
(approximately 1.2°F [1°C] per hr). Adjust
clothing as indicated.

Assess for behavioral signs associated with Heat dissipation occurs through peripheral
hyperthermia (e.g., increased restlessness, vasodilation and through augmentation of cooling
perspiration that begins on head or face and by evaporation and by increase in insensible water
proceeds to chest, apnea, seizure, and loss. Apnea, seizures, and hypotension may be
hypotension activity). related to peripheral vasodilation, which causes
increased evaporative water losses, cerebral ischemia,
and dehydration.

Note signs of dehydration (e.g., poor skin turgor, Axillary temperature>99.5°F (37.5°C) is considered
delayed voiding, dry mucous membranes, hyperthermic and suggests overheated infant.
elevated temperature, sunken fontanels). Dehydration may develop in relation to a threefold to
fourfold increase in insensible water loss.

Initiate early oral feeding. For every 1.8°F (1°C) increase in body temperature,
metabolism and fluid needs increase approximately
10%. Failure to replace fluid losses further
contributes to dehydrated state.

Assess infant for other disease processes, such as Temperature instability or subnormal temperature
infection, if temperature deviates more than 1.8°F may indicate infection. (Refer to ND: Infection, risk
(1°C) from one reading to next. for.) In addition, CNS disorders and dehydration
may cause hyperthermia.

Make arrangements for transfer to NICU, if If temperature remains low regardless of appropriate
indicated. intervention related to thermoregulation, transfer of
neonate may be necessary for closer observation and

Administer seizure-control medication (e.g., Acts directly on cerebrum to quiet excessive motor
phenobarbital), as needed. activity, which can cause hyperthermia.


Risk Factors May Include: Prenatal/intrapartal stressors, excess production of
mucus, and fluctuations of body temperature
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Maintain patent airway with respiratory rate WNL
CRITERIA—NEONATE WILL: (between 30 and 60/min).
Be free of signs of respiratory distress.

Estimate gestational age using Dubowitz criteria. Surfactant system develops as gestation progresses.
Once fetus reaches 35 weeks’ gestation, the presence
of phosphatidyl glycerol (a component of the
surfactant complex, which indicates fetal lung
maturity) markedly decreases the incidence of
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Infants of
diabetic mothers who have been exposed to
prolonged hyperinsulinemia in response to maternal
hyperglycemia may have depressed surfactant
production and greater respiratory distress even
though they are beyond 35 weeks’ gestation at birth.
Review prenatal and intrapartal events, noting Such events contribute to the neonate’s inability to
risk factors that could have contributed to excess clear airway of excess fluid, mucus, and aspirated
lung fluid or aspiration of amniotic fluid (e.g., material, and to the collection of excess fluid in
maternal diabetes, cesarean birth or breech delivery, lungs, resulting in type II RDS, which usually
maternal bleeding, intrapartal asphyxia, maternal resolves within 6 hr.
Assess respiratory rate and effort. Differentiate Normal respiratory rate is 30–60/min. Periodic
periodic breathing patterns from apneic episodes. breathing that is of no physiological significance is
manifested by apneic periods lasting 5–15 sec
occurring during REM sleep and periods of motor
activity. It is easily converted to a normal breathing
pattern by increasing inspired oxygen through tactile
and sensory stimulation. Apneic episodes last longer
than 20–30 sec, may be associated with changes in
heart rate and skin color, and require further
assessment and intervention.
Suction nasopharynx, as needed. Note color, Ensures clearance of airway, which is critical to
amount, and character of regurgitated mucus. neonate, who is an obligatory nose breather and may
not learn to open the mouth in response to nasal
obstruction until 3–4 wk of age. Regurgitation of
mucus associated with an episode of gagging often
occurs in the second period of reactivity (2–6 hr after
Position newborn on side with rolled towel for Facilitates drainage of mucus.
support at back.
Auscultate breath sounds and record equality Breath sounds should be equal bilaterally.
and clarity. Note presence of crackles or rhonchi. Inspiratory crackles may be present in the first few
hours following delivery until lung fluid is absorbed
from distal bronchioles. Persistent crackles may
indicate RDS or pneumonia. Rhonchi heard on
inspiration or expiration, caused by air moving
through passages that have been narrowed by
secretions or swelling, may indicate retained
Review delivery records for presence of When thick meconium is present, deep suctioning
meconium at birth or meconium-stained should take place before the initial breath is taken
amniotic fluid; determine whether appropriate to avoid development of meconium-aspiration
suctioning of oropharynx was performed pneumonia.
while infant’s head was still on perineum.
Observe and record signs of respiratory distress These signs represent compensatory mechanisms
(e.g., grunting, retraction of respiratory muscles, to overcome hypoxia. Expiratory grunting occurs
nasal flaring, and tachypnea). as an attempt to maintain alveolar expansion and to
retain air. Retraction of respiratory muscles increases
tidal volume, nasal flaring increases the diameter of
the nares, and tachypnea occurs in an attempt to
eliminate excess carbon dioxide.
Assess newborn for presence, location, and degree Peripheral cyanosis (acrocyanosis) associated with
of cyanosis and its relationship to activity. vasomotor instability, hypothermia, or local venous
or arterial obstruction may persist through the
transition period. Mild cyanosis and mottling may
occur in second period of reactivity in association
with fluctuations in cardiac and respiratory rates.
Cyanosis that worsens with crying suggests cardiac
problems (unresolved PDA or congenital anomalies)
rather than respiratory problems, in which cyanosis
is usually improved with crying.
Compare neonate’s skin temperature and ambient Oxygen consumption is minimal when the
air temperature. difference between skin temperature and ambient air
temperature is<2.7°F (1.5°C).
Monitor newborn for signs of hypothermia or Hypothermia and hyperthermia increase
hyperthermia. (Refer to ND: Body Temperature, metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, causing a
risk for altered.) possible cycle of metabolic acidosis and hypoxia that
perpetuates fetal circulation, reduces surfactant
levels, and increases respiratory distress. A drop in
skin temperature to 96.6°F (35.9°C) increases oxygen
consumption by 10%. Too-rapid warming of neonate
may lead to hyperthermia, which increases oxygen
consumption by 6%.
Note symmetry of chest movement. Asymmetry may indicate pneumothorax associated
with previous resuscitative measures.
Auscultate heart sounds; note presence of murmurs. Transient cardiac murmurs (usually systolic) may
exist in the early newborn period because of
persistence or reopening of fetal structures in response
to hypoxia and crying. PDA often occurs with
hypoxia, pulmonary vasoconstriction, right-to-left
shunting, and congestive heart failure (CHF), or more
significantly with prenatal or birth asphyxia,
hyperviscosity, polycythemia, aspiration syndrome,
and hypoglycemia. Foramen ovale normally closes at
1–2 hr following delivery; ductus arteriosus closes at
3–4 days of age. Inadequate lung perfusion and
poorly ventilated lung tissue promote airway
constriction and respiratory compromise.

Administer supplemental oxygen, as indicated Persistent uninterrupted oxygen depletion
by newborn’s condition. increases hypoxic state, resulting in metabolic
acidosis secondary to anaerobic metabolism.
Record use and results of mechanical monitoring Unmonitored use of oxygen therapy can result in
of supplemental oxygen. oxygen toxicity. Transcutaneous (pulse oximetry)
monitoring helps prevent hypoxic states and
evaluates therapeutic effectiveness.
Assess Hb and Hct levels. Note results of The neonate whose Hb level is lower than normal
Kleihauer-Betke test. has reduced oxygen-carrying capacity and possibly
severe hypoxia. Hb levels<15 g/dl may be caused by
blood loss, hemolysis, or decreased RBC production.
Clinical signs of cyanosis may not appear until Hb
levels are decreased by slightly more than 3 g/dl in
central arterial blood or 4–6 g/dl in capillary blood.
Kleihauer-Betke test identifies fetal bleeding in utero.
Monitor arterial blood gases (ABGs), if done. Provides accurate measurement of acid-base balance
to clarify respiratory versus metabolic deficits.
Determine Rh factor and ABO blood group of Identifies possible antigen-antibody reaction to Rh
newborn and mother; note results of Coombs’ test. or ABO incompatibility, which contributes to
(Refer to CP: Newborn: Hyperbilirubinemia.) lowered Hb levels and oxygen-carrying capacity.
Review chest x-ray. May be necessary to diagnose pneumothorax.

NURSING DIAGNOSIS: NUTRITION: altered, risk for less than body

Risk Factors May Include: Increased metabolic rate, high caloric requirement,
fatigue, minimal nutritional stores
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Be free of signs of hypoglycemia, with blood
Display weight loss ≤5%–10% of birth weight by time of


Review mother’s prenatal history for possible Full-term neonates who are especially susceptible to
stressors impacting on neonatal glucose stores, hypoglycemia are those who are chronically
such as diabetes, PIH, or cardiac or renal stressed in utero, are exposed to high glucose
disorders. Note results of tests related to fetal levels in utero, are SGA or LGA, or are acutely ill.
growth and placental/fetal well-being. The newborn has unique nutritional needs related to
a rapid metabolic rate, high caloric requirement,
potential loss of fluid and electrolytes caused by
increased insensible water losses through pulmonary
and cutaneous routes, and a potential for inadequate
or depleted glucose stores.
Review intrapartal records for Apgar scores, Birth stressors and cold stress increase metabolic
condition at birth, type/timing of infant rate and rapidly deplete glucose stores, possibly
feeding. Note initial temperature on admission using as many as 200 cal/kg/min in the delivery
to the nursery. room prior to admission to the nursery. First feeding
may occur in delivery room for clients choosing to
breastfeed; bottle-fed infants usually have their first
feeding during the second period of reactivity. Note:
For client receiving mother-infant care (i.e., rooming
in), neonate may be admitted briefly to nursery for
purpose of assessment/medical clearance.
Reduce physical stressors such as cold stress, Hypothermia increases energy consumption and
physical exertion, and excessive exposure to use of nonrenewable brown fat stores. Respiratory
radiant warmers. distress and/or ambient temperatures above TNZ
increase metabolic rate and activity level as well as
insensible water losses. For every 1.2°F (1°C) increase
in body temperature, metabolism and fluid needs
increase approximately 10%.
Weigh newborn on admission to nursery and daily Establishes caloric and fluid needs according to
thereafter. Note presence of postmaturity baseline weight, which normally drops by 5%–10%
syndrome or wasting. within the first 3–4 days of life because of limited oral
intake and loss of excess extracellular fluid. Infant
with postmaturity syndrome has increased metabolic
and caloric needs in early newborn period.
Screen for hypoglycemia using Dextrostix at 1 hr Newborns may maintain maternal glucose level
of age, and more frequently as indicated for for up to 1 hr following birth, but after this time,
high-risk or symptomatic infant. glucose consumption may exceed intake and
production, resulting in hypoglycemia. A history of
intrauterine or postdelivery stress or hypoxia
markedly increases the risk of hypoglycemia.
Observe newborn for tremors, irritability, tachypnea, Indicates hypoglycemia associated with blood
diaphoresis, cyanosis, pallor, and seizure activity. glucose levels<45 mg/dl.
Monitor newborn for ruddiness; note elevated RBCs are high consumers of glucose, predisposing
Hb/Hct levels (Hb>20 g/dl, Hct greater the polycythemic neonate to hypoglycemia.
than 60%).
Auscultate bowel sounds. Note absence of Indicators showing that neonate is hungry/ready
abdominal distension, presence of lusty cry that for feeding.
quiets when oral stimulus is provided, and
rooting/sucking behaviors.
Initiate early oral feeding with 5–15 ml of sterile Initial feeding for breastfed infants usually occurs
water, then dextrose and water, according to in the delivery room. Otherwise, water may be
hospital protocol, progressing to formula for offered in the nursery to assess effectiveness of
bottle-fed infants. sucking, swallowing, gag reflexes, and patency of
esophagus. If aspirated, sterile water is easily
absorbed by pulmonary tissues. Early feedings help
meet caloric and fluid needs, especially in an infant
whose metabolic rate uses 100–120 cal/kg of body
weight every 24 hr. Human milk or formula has a
greater sustained effect on glucose levels and reduces
risk of rebound hypoglycemia associated with bolus
feeding of D5W and D10W.
Note frequency and amount/length of feedings. Hunger and length of time between feedings vary
Encourage demand feedings instead of from feeding to feeding. Six feedings of approximately
“scheduled” feedings. Note frequency, amount, 3 oz (an average of 17 oz of formula in 24 hr) usually
and appearance of regurgitation. (Refer to ND: meet nutritional and fluid requirements of a
Knowledge Deficit [Learning Need]; and CP: 6-lb neonate. Excessive regurgitation contributes to
The Client at 4 Hours to 2 Days Postpartum, fluid loss and dehydration, increasing replacement
ND: Breastfeeding [specify].) needs.
Evaluate neonate/maternal satisfaction following Provides opportunity to answer client questions,
feedings. offer encouragement for efforts, identify needs, and
problem-solve solutions.
Monitor color, concentration, and frequency Fluid requirements range from 140–160 ml/kg per
of voidings. 24 hr because the newborn has proportionately less
fluid reserve and higher water needs than the older
child or adult. Loss of fluid and lack of oral intake
rapidly deplete extracellular fluid and result in
reduced urine output.
Observe newborn for indications of feeding problems These problems may indicate intestinal
(e.g., recurrent or bile-colored regurgitation, obstruction, cystic fibrosis, or tracheoesophageal
abdominal distension, abnormal stools, excessive fistula.
mucus production, choking, or refusal to feed).

Obtain immediate blood glucose if Dextrostix Blood glucose measurement confirms Dextrostix
level is<45 mg/dl. findings and the need for intervention.
Administer glucose immediately, orally or May need supplemental glucose to raise
intravenously. significantly low serum levels.
Follow up glucose administration with Dextrostix Enhances the finding and facilitates the treatment of
every 30 min–2 hr, based on severity of rebound hypoglycemia. Rebound hypoglycemia is
hypoglycemia, newborn’s symptoms, and especially common following bolus feedings or
hospital protocol. bolus infusions of glucose or glucagon that are not
followed by continuous glucose infusions.
Avoid oral feedings for distressed neonates, Polycythemia and hyperviscosity potentially
those with polycythemia and hyperviscosity, diminish circulation and availability of oxygen to
or infants with gastrointestinal (GI) anomalies. digestive structures, so that introducing feedings
Institute IV therapy of D10W, with infusion rate may predispose neonate to development of
of 80–120 ml/kg/day. necrotizing enterocolitis.
Administer glucagon or hydrocortisone if IV D10W Glucagon stimulates liver to break down stored
therapy is not effective in resolving hypoglycemia. glycogen. Steroids stimulate gluconeogenesis in the
liver, thereby increasing blood glucose level.


Risk Factors May Include: Broken skin, traumatized tissue, environmental
exposure, inadequate acquired immunity
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Be free from signs of infection.
CRITERIA—NEONATE WILL: Display timely healing of cord stump and circumcision
site, free of drainage or erythema.


Review maternal risk factors that predispose Maternal fever during the week prior to birth,
infant to infection, which may be acquired prolonged rupture of membranes (>24 hr),
transplacentally, via the ascending route, or prolonged labor, foul-smelling amniotic fluid,
at delivery. (Refer to CPs: Prenatal Infection; and presence of infectious disease, such as
Puerperal Infection.) gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, group B
streptococcal infection, or TORCH group of viruses
(toxoplasmosis, other viruses, rubella,
cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses), all
predispose infant to infection. Note: Use of epidural
anesthesia has been correlated with increased
frequency of fever in mother postpartum
(temperature of 100.4°F or more) without actual
infection. This could result in neonate receiving
unwarranted prophylactic antibiotics.
Determine newborn’s gestational age. Transfer of immunoglobulin E and G (IgE and IgG)
antibodies via the placenta increases significantly in
the last trimester, providing passive immunity to
gram-positive cocci (pneumococci, streptococci, and
meningococci), Haemophilus influenzae, viruses, and
toxins (diphtheria and tetanus bacilli). However, the
newborn is normally deficient in immunoglobulin M
(IgM), which is stimulated by infectious agents
(antibodies to blood group antigens, gram-negative
enteroorganisms, and some viruses), and lacking in
immunoglobulin A (IgA), which possibly provides
protection on the secretory surfaces of the
respiratory, urinary, and gastrointestinal tracts.
Monitor vital signs including skin temperature, Aids in recognizing developing infection.
as appropriate.
Scrub hands and arms with iodophor preparation Proper hand washing is the most important single
prior to entering nursery/neonate’s room, after factor in protecting newborns from infection.
contact with contaminated material, and after Iodophor preparation is effective against both
handling infant. Teach parents and siblings gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.
proper hand washing technique to use before
handling infant.
Monitor (and instruct client to monitor) personnel, Helps prevent spread of infection to newborn.
parents, and visitors for infectious illnesses, skin
lesions, fever, or herpes. Limit contact with
newborn appropriately.
Maintain individual equipment and supplies Prevents cross-contamination of neonate through
for each newborn. direct contact or droplet infection.
Instruct parent(s) to inspect skin daily for rashes Skin is a nonspecific immunity barrier preventing
or interruptions in skin integrity. Recommend invasion of pathogens. The likelihood of infection
use of mild soaps, and gently patting skin dry is increased by a significant number of potential
after bathing; avoiding excessive rubbing. portals of entry for infectious organisms, such as
umbilical vessels, site of circumcision, and skin
breaks associated with forceps or internal scalp
electrode application. Chemicals and perfumes in
soaps may predispose skin to rashes and irritation;
vigorous rubbing may traumatize delicate skin. Note:
In the uncircumcised male, it is not necessary to
retract the foreskin for cleaning; rather, daily external
washing and rinsing is sufficient.
Suggest applying Eucerin Creme to identified Helps prevent skin cracking and breakdown,
dry areas, especially at ankles and wrists. especially in neonate with dry skin caused by
excessive weight loss, dysmaturity, or prolonged
exposure to phototherapy or radiant heat.
Encourage early breastfeeding, as appropriate. Colostrum and breast milk contain high amounts of
secretory IgA, which provides a form of passive
immunity as well as macrophages and lymphocytes
that foster local inflammatory response.
Assess cord and skin area at base of cord daily Promotes drying and healing, enhances normal
for redness, odor, or discharge. Facilitate drying necrosis and sloughing, and eliminates moist
through exposure to air by folding diaper below, medium for bacterial growth.
and T-shirt above, the cord stump.
Inspect newborn’s mouth for white plaque on oral White patches that cannot be removed and that
mucosa, gums, and tongue. Distinguish between tend to bleed when touched are caused by Candida
white patches of thrush and milk curds. albicans, resulting from direct contact with
contaminated birth canal, hands, or breast. Note: Use
of improperly cleaned nipple/breast shields or breast
pump may result in colonization of the breasts.
Note presence of lethargy, poor weight gain, These signs indicate possible infection.
restlessness, lowered temperature, jaundice, Transplacentally acquired infections tend to affect
respiratory symptoms, or visible lesions. liver and CNS function; ascending route infections,
Isolate newborn, as indicated; notify physician. in many cases, result in bacteremia or pneumonia.

Administer recombinant hepatitis B vaccine per Reduces risk of newborn’s contracting hepatitis B
state/agency policy. or becoming a chronic carrier. First dose usually
administered within 12 hr of birth. Note: The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
American Academy of Pediatrics recommend
immunization for all infants, regardless of mother’s
antigen status.
Monitor laboratory studies, as indicated: Deficiency of neutrophils, which participate in the
WBC count; early phagocytic response, and deficiencies of specific
immunoglobulins predispose the full-term infant to
infection, particularly in the first 4–6 wk of life.
Normal WBC count of 18,000/mm3 does not increase
in the newborn in response to infection, and it often
drops during sepsis.
Serum levels of IgE, IgM, and IgA; Elevated IgM levels at birth may occur in response to
an infectious organism in utero. IgE levels are
increased in the third trimester and provide neonate
with passive immunity to some organisms. IgA is
found in colostrum and provides some passive
immunity until the newborn begins to produce IgA
at approximately 4 wk of age.
Cultures of lesions, pustules, or drainage, when Identifies possible pathogens. Vesicles or lesions of
present (distinguish between possible erythema toxicum neonatorum (thought to be a
infectious rashes and erythema toxicum local inflammatory response) contain eosinophils
neonatorum); and are of no clinical significance.
Blood cultures. Diagnoses presence of bacteremia or sepsis and
identifies causative agents.
Administer topical, oral, or parenteral antibiotics Eradicates pathogenic organisms.
as indicated.
Apply nystatin (Mycostatin) to mouth; swab over Eradicates Candida albicans, the causative organism
oral mucosa, gums, and tongue. Wash mouth with for thrush and mycotic stomatitis.
sterile water prior to application.


Risk Factors May Include: Birth trauma, aspiration, abnormal blood profile,
congenital anomalies, drug effects
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Be free of injury or aspiration.
Display bilirubin levels below 15 mg/dL.
PARENT(S) WILL: Identify individual risks.
Demonstrate behaviors to protect newborn from
environmental injury.


Perform thorough newborn assessment for Helps detect possible birth injuries, such as
possible abnormal findings. Note crepitus, fractures of the clavicle, skull, or extremities.
interruption in clavicle, abnormal Moro reflex,
skull depression, or absence of movement
of extremities.
Assess newborn for congenital anomalies, especially Identifies conditions requiring immediate
cleft lip or palate, spina bifida, club foot, congenital intervention. Note: Extra gluteal folds, unequal
hip dislocation, hypospadias, or epispadias. extremities, resistance to abduction, and Ortolani’s
sign (audible click on rotation) indicate congenital
hip dislocation.
Position newborn on abdomen initially, or on side Helps prevent aspiration, especially for neonates
with rolled blanket at back. Monitor infant for with gastric reflux or upper airway anomalies.
difficulty in handling mucus. During second period of reactivity, increased mucus
production and gagging may predispose infant to
airway obstruction, which can lead to asphyxia and
death if it is undetected or untreated. Otherwise,
research suggests positioning on back or side
reduces risk of sudden infant death syndrome
Observe newborn frequently. Necessary to detect possible regurgitation or position
changes, which may compromise respiratory effort.
Never leave newborn on unenclosed surface. Reduces risk of injury caused by falls.
Assess newborn for evidence of jaundice; note Increasing jaundice may indicate Rh or ABO
progression on body, color of skin/sclera/oral incompatibility or breast milk–induced jaundice,
mucosa and stool, behavior changes, and with possible outcome of kernicterus if condition
CNS signs associated with kernicterus. is left untreated. Up to 50% of full-term neonates
(Refer to CP: Newborn: Hyperbilirubinemia.) display some degree of jaundice on day 2 or 3.
Assess newborn for CNS, gastric, vasomotor, and Onset of withdrawal often occurs 24 hr after
respiratory signs of drug effect/withdrawal. delivery. Note: As many as one third of neonates
(Refer to CP: The Infant of an Addicted Mother.) who have withdrawal signs can be managed without
additional medical treatment.

Administer vitamin K (AquaMEPHYTON) Because the newborn’s intestinal tract is sterile at
intramuscularly. birth, and because feedings may be delayed,
infant does not have the intestinal flora needed to
promote coagulation by activation of factors II,
VII, IX, and X.
Obtain/monitor direct and indirect bilirubin Helpful in determining need for/degree of
levels, as appropriate. therapeutic intervention based on specific serum
bilirubin levels.
Schedule heel-stick testing for PKU, preferably Identifies elevated serum levels of phenylpyruvic
within 72 hr after initiating intake of normal acid, which occur when phenylalanine is not
amounts of protein. converted to tyrosine because of absence of the liver
enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Excessive levels
of the acid can result in CNS involvement, mental
retardation, seizure activity, growth retardation, and
absence of melanin.
Monitor x-ray studies; assist with diagnostic Confirms presence of congenital abnormalities,
testing, as indicated. such as hip dysplasia.


Risk Factors May Include: Delayed feedings, limited oral intake, excessive
regurgitation, increased insensible water losses
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Void 2–6 times daily with output of 15–60
CRITERIA—NEONATE WILL: ml/kg/day by the second day of life.
Produce urine free of uric acid crystals and urates.


Record initial and subsequent voidings. Following birth, vascular resistance within renal
vessels lessens and blood flow increases, but normal
functioning may not be established until 24 hr
following delivery. Urine output is usually limited
and voiding scanty until fluid intake is adequate.
During the first 2 days of life, the newborn usually
voids 2–6 times daily. Thereafter, newborn usually
voids 6–10 times daily, with output of 15–60 ml/kg
per 24 hr.

Initiate oral feedings; note amount ingested Oral fluid requirements range from 140–160
and regurgitated. ml/kg/day by the 3rd to 4th day of life (average is
105 ml/kg/day, or 5 oz/kg/day). Appropriate fluid
ingestion helps promote hydration and offset
kidney’s inability to concentrate urine and to
conserve fluid during periods of high insensible
losses and fluid and electrolytic stress.

Monitor fluid intake and output. Note color and Bladder usually empties when it contains between
concentration of urine and the presence of 15 and 40 ml of urine. Excessive drooling and mucus
peach-colored crystals on diaper. production, regurgitation, and poor fluid intake
contribute to dehydration and scanty urine output.
Urates and uric acid crystals reflect the need for
prompt increase in fluid intake.

Note presence of blood in urine. Bloody urine usually suggests pseudomenstruation

in female infant or circumcision-related problems in
male infant, but may also indicate renal injury,
possibly associated with birth asphyxia, renal vein
thrombosis, or infection.

Note presence of edema; assess hydration Edematous or well-hydrated neonate voids earlier
level (e.g., indicated by skin turgor and presence after birth than dehydrated neonate and has
of mucus). increased urine output.

Reduce cold stressors; optimize respiratory effort Limited tubular reabsorption and low renal
and thermoregulation. threshold reduce reabsorption of bicarbonate (HCO3),
predisposing infant to metabolic acidosis associated
with reduced buffering capacity to offset respiratory

Palpate for bladder distension, restlessness, Helps in determining presence of urine; may
discomfort, or bladder pressure if infant fails to suggest problem related to bladder or anomalies of
void within 24 hr after birth. urethra that may prevent voiding.
Assist with suprapubic bladder aspiration if May be used to ascertain the presence or absence of
indicated. urine, if voiding has not occurred.


Risk Factors May Include: Inadequate fluid intake, intestinal obstruction
Possibly Evidenced By: [Not applicable; presence of signs/symptoms
establishes an actual diagnosis]
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Pass meconium stool within 48 hr after birth.


Review intrapartal record for indications of Relaxation of anal sphincter may occur in response
passage of meconium. to vagal stimulation related to hypoxia, causing
meconium passage in utero or at delivery.
Note maternal complications negatively affecting Stressors such as cesarean delivery or PIH delay
meconium passage. initial meconium passage and possibly contribute to
development of hyperbilirubinemia.
Auscultate bowel sounds. Air ingestion into the GI tract normally stimulates
onset of bowel sounds within 1–2 hr after delivery.
Take rectal temperature or insert soft rubber Easy passage indicates patency of anus (rules out
catheter into anus with caution. imperforate anus).
Monitor frequency and amount/length of feeding, Inadequate oral intake, as evidenced by decreased
frequency of voiding, skin turgor and status of urine output, changes in skin turgor, sunken
fontanels, and weight. Encourage early feeding; fontanels, and excessive weight loss, can lead to
provide extra water as indicated. (Refer to ND: constipation.
Fluid Volume, risk for deficit).
Note passage of first meconium: Once the newborn wakens and the first feeding is
initiated, passage of meconium usually follows,
establishing patency of lower GI tract.
Approximately 6% of healthy newborns do not
defecate by 24 hr after birth. Failure to pass stool by
48 hr usually indicates intestinal obstruction.
Record frequency, color, consistency, and odor Number, consistency, and color of stools vary,
of stools; depending on ingestion of breast milk or formula.
Note deviations from normal stool cycle (meconium Thick, puttylike meconium suggests meconium
stools for 3–4 days; they will be followed by ileus or possible cystic fibrosis; a small, puttylike
transitional stools, which are greenish-brown stool may indicate bowel stenosis or atresia. Loose
and may last for 3–6 days, followed by formed green or diarrheal stool may indicate infection or
or loose-yellow stools). gastroenteritis, or may be a normal result of high
bilirubin content associated with phototherapy.
Assess abdomen for constant or intermittent Abdominal distension and persistent vomiting
distension. Note persistent vomiting and presence suggest obstruction. Obstruction that is high or
of bile in vomitus. complete is associated with vomiting soon after birth;
more distal lesions are associated with later vomiting.
Bile-stained gastric contents suggest duodenal
obstruction. Paralytic ileus or partial obstruction is
characterized by intermittent distension. Intestinal
obstruction is the most frequent GI emergency
requiring surgery in the neonatal period.
Observe for motility disturbance associated with These signs may indicate aganglionic megacolon
constipation, vomiting, and fluid and electrolytic (Hirschsprung’s disease), whereby absence of
imbalances. parasympathetic nerve cells in both the muscles and
submucosa of the rectosigmoid colon inhibits passage
of fecal material.
Note cluster of GI signs such as abdominal These signs may indicate necrotizing enterocolitis,
distension and tenderness, poor feeding, the onset of which ranges from the 1st day to the
vomiting, presenceof blood in stool (positive 1st mo of life. Necrotizing enterocolitis is
result on Hematest), or presence of reducing associated with ischemia of intestines precipitated by
substances in blood. hypoxia and systemic shock.

Assist with diagnostic studies (e.g., abdominal Helps in determining degree and location of
x-rays, contrast studies, and upper GI barium obstruction and in diagnosing possible
series or enema). malrotation.
Transfer infant to acute care setting (NICU), if May be needed for intermittent gastric suctioning,
indicated. surgical repair, or initiation of total parenteral

NURSING DIAGNOSIS: KNOWLEDGE deficit [Learning Need], regarding

growth/development and infant care
May Be Related To: Lack of exposure, misinterpretation, unfamiliarity with
information resources
Possibly Evidenced By: Verbalization of questions/misconceptions, hesitancy to
perform care activities, inaccurate follow-through of
DESIRED OUTCOMES/EVALUATION Verbalize understanding of newborn’s individual
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors to meet
physiological and emotional needs of newborn.
Identify signs/symptoms requiring medical
Demonstrate proper technique for obtaining infant
temperature, administering oral medication.

Appraise level of parent’s understanding of Identifies areas of concern/need requiring
infant’s physiological needs and adaptation to additional information and/or demonstration of
extrauterine life associated with maintenance care activities.
of body temperature, nutrition, respiratory
needs, and bowel and bladder functioning.
Provide information and correct misconceptions, Promotes understanding of newborn behaviors, need
as appropriate; encourage discussion and for specific actions/interventions.
Discuss newborn behaviors after the first and After first period of reactivity, newborn usually falls
during the second periods of reactivity. into a deep sleep, followed by the second period of
reactivity, which involves wakefulness, mucus
regurgitation, gagging, and often passage of first
meconium stool.
Perform newborn physical assessment in presence Helps parents to recognize normal variations, and
of parent(s) as appropriate. Provide information may reduce anxiety.
about normal variations and characteristics, such
as pseudomenstruation, breast enlargement,
physiological jaundice, caput succedaneum,
cephalhematoma, and milia.
Discuss and demonstrate normal newborn reflexes; Encourages early detection of CNS abnormalities
review ages at which each reflex disappears. associated with prolonged presence of reflexes.
Provide information about newborn interactional Helps parents recognize and respond to infant
capabilities, states of consciousness, and means of cues during interactional process; fosters optimal
stimulating cognitive development. (Refer to CP: interaction, attachment behaviors, and cognitive
The Client at 4 Hours to 2 Days Postpartum; ND: development in infant. The state of consciousness
Parent/Infant Attachment; Parenting, risk can be divided into the sleep and wake states,
for altered.) involving separate and predictable behavioral
Discuss different types of cries that the neonate Crying does not necessarily indicate hunger. Other
may use in communication and the means to causes include the need to be held, burped, or
assess significance of each. Demonstrate changed, or just a need to express irritability,
consoling measures. because all babies tend to have a particular part of the
day (often suppertime) when irritability increases.
Parents’ success or failure at consoling the newborn
has a tremendous impact on their feelings of
competence. Crying episodes usually vary in length
from 3–7 min after initiation of consoling measures.
Provide information related to thermoregulatory Reduces risk of possible complications associated
mechanisms of the newborn, types of heat loss, with hypothermia and hyperthermia.
and ways to minimize or prevent excessive heat
loss or overheating.
Discuss newborn’s usual sleep patterns and ways of Usually requires at least 17 hr of sleep per day for
promoting sleep. normal growth.
Demonstrate and supervise infant care activities Promotes understanding of principles and
related to feeding and holding; bathing, diapering, techniques of newborn care; fosters parents’ skills
and clothing; care of circumcised male infant; as caregivers.
and care of umbilical cord stump. Provide written/
pictorial information for parents to refer to
after discharge.
Discuss infant’s nutritional needs, variability in Alleviates potential concern that may result if
infant appetite from one feeding to the next, and intake varies from feeding to feeding. Helps to
means of assessing adequate hydration and ensure adequate nutritional and fluid intake.
Discuss infant feeding methods, types of formula Clarifies options, helps ensure appropriateness
preparations available, economics of formula use and safety of infant feeding.
versus breastfeeding, and necessary preparation
and storage of formula/expressed breast milk.
Identify dangers associated with bottle propping. Bottle propping robs infant of needed skin-to-skin
contact with parents and may cause blockage of air
passage if nipple lodges against back of infant’s
throat, or aspiration if infant regurgitates. Bottle
propping may also cause otitis media associated with
drainage of nasal mucus or occlusion of duct when
eustachian tube orifice opens during swallowing.
Instruct parents regarding positioning of newborn Weak gag reflex predisposes newborn to
after feedings and demonstrate use of bulb syringe. aspiration. Positioning newborn on the abdomen
Note infant’s gag reflex. or side with rolled towel at back allows external
drainage of mucus or vomitus, reducing risk of
aspiration. When infant is placed on back in carrier
seat or carriage, head should be elevated 30–45
degrees. Syringe removes secretions from
nasopharynx, clearing air passages.
Instruct parents regarding special care of diapers. Promotes good hygiene, reduces risk/severity of
Discuss use of cloth versus disposable diapers, diaper rash.
recognition of rashes, and appropriate treatment.
Discuss nail care in newborn, including peeling of Prevents infant’s scratching with long nails and
soft nails or nail trimming with manicure scissors injury associated with movement during the
or special infant nail scissors during infant’s cutting process.
sound sleep.
Reinforce necessity of not leaving infant Initially, neonate is at risk for regurgitation or
unattended unless in crib with siderails up. aspiration. Over time, as infant matures, new
concerns are associated with increasing mobility and
dexterity (e.g., rolling off surface, falling down stairs,
inserting inappropriate objects into mouth, which
may be aspirated/swallowed, getting head caught).
Discuss requirement of federally approved car Accidents are the leading cause of childhood
seat tailored to infant’s size. Have family bring mortality, with auto accidents causing the most
care seat to unit and demonstrate proper deaths. All states require use of approved restraint
positioning, of infant in seat, and how seat is to systems to protect children while passengers in
be placed in car. automobiles. Note: There is currently ongoing
discussion as to whether this requirement should be
extended to include travel on airplanes.
Emphasize newborn’s need for follow-up Ongoing evaluation is important for monitoring
evaluation by healthcare provider and need for growth and development. Immunizations are
timely immunizations. necessary to protect the infant from childhood
diseases with associated serious complications. Note:
Most day-care and school systems require completed
immunizations, including hepatitis B series, before
Provide information about routine laboratory Increases likelihood of parents following through
testing, as indicated. with urine and blood testing for genetic disorders,
such as PKU and congenital hypothyroidism, which
if undetected can cause mental and physical
Identify signs of jaundice and when healthcare If newborn develops yellow coloring in the face,
provider should be contacted. trunk, sclera that progresses to groin, arm/legs,
evaluation and treatment are indicated to prevent
serious complications. Note: If neonate feeds poorly
or is lethargic, prompt intervention is required.
Discuss manifestations of illness and infection and Early recognition of illness and prompt use of
the times at which a healthcare provider should be healthcare facilitate treatment and positive
contacted. Demonstrate proper technique for outcome. To obtain an axillary temperature
taking temperature and administering oral appropriately, thermometer should be held in
medications as required. place in the center of the axilla. Use of a
rectal/tympanic thermometer is not recommended
until infant is older. Improper administration of
medication increases risk of aspiration and ineffective

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