Handbook 2012

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This handbook for parents and students enables you to know and understand the policies and regulations

of St. Theresa School as mandated by the

Archdiocesan Catholic School Office.
We encourage you to read this handbook carefully, discuss its contents with your children, and make note particularly of the following topics:
* Absences
* Acceptable Use Policy
* Celebration of the Eucharist


Discipline Policy
Tuition and Supply Fee

After reading the Parent-Student Handbook, you and your children are asked to indicate your awareness of the rules and regulation by signing and
returning the lower portion of this page to us. You signature will be kept on file.
Please keep this Handbook for future reference

We have read the Parent-Student Handbook, including the policies for St. Theresa School. We have discussed them and will comply with the
policies and regulations contained herein.
Family Name ____________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________

Student Signature __________________________________________________

Grade ____________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________________

Date _____________________________________

Room ____________

We have read the Acceptable Use Policy use of the Internet at St. Theresa School. We have discussed them and will comply with the policies and
regulations contained herein.
Family Name ____________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________

Student Signature __________________________________________________

Grade ____________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________________

Date _____________________________________


Room ____________


St. Theresa School strives towards academic excellence. We provide a Christ-Centered nurturing environment that fosters
each students spiritual, moral, social emotional creative and academic development.

The Philosophy of Saint Theresa School

As a member of the system of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston, St. Theresa school fosters the practice of
tolerance, social justice and charity for all within the framework of traditional Catholic values. To further these practices
the school community pledges to keep the premises a Christ-Centered, violence-free zone in which respect for self provides
the basis for respect for each other. This leads to a caring, loving, respectful school community that promotes and
protects the dignity and worth of each individual.
St. Theresa School recognizes that the student now more that ever before, is a citizen of the world. Each student engages
in mastering the academic as well as social skills that will permit her/him to contribute to, survive in and grow in the
global neighborhood.


Purposes and Objectives

In line with fulfilling its mission as well as remaining faithful to its philosophy, St. Theresa School delineates the following
purposes and objectives:

Goal 1 :

To create an educational environment that fosters the spiritual development.

Goal 2 :

To direct and motivate students to reach their potential through active participation in an academically
challenging, diverse, and current curriculum.

Goal 3 :

To enhance responsible student performance in order to maintain and surpass high academic standards.

Goal 4 :

To provide opportunities for students to engage in community service activities that confirm the concept that
the school community lives its Faith.

Goal 5 :

To encourage participation in extra-curricular activities that recognize the unique talents of individual
students as they develop greater self-esteem.



Goal 6 :

To create and promote opportunities for families/parish members/and the local community to become aware
of and actively involved in
St. Theresa School.


According to the Archdiocesan Policy Book; frequent or prolonged absence must be reported to the attendance officer of the
Boston Public School district. In the event that your child will be absent from school, you must notify the school in the
morning between 6:45 - 8:15. A written explanation of a childs absence is then required upon his/her return to school. A
parent or guardian must sign the note. For prolonged absences, the time allotment for makeup work will be left to the
during the night or early morning must not be sent to school.
IN COMPLIANCE WITH MASSACHUSETTS STATE LAW, it is mandatory that a student be in attendance at school 85% of the
school year (approx. 155 days). Failure to meet this requirement may result in retention. Truancy (absence from school
without knowledge and permission of Parent/Guardian) is a serious infraction and is considered grounds for suspension. The
Boston Public School Attendance Officer will be contacted for excessive absences.
If a student is to be absent from school, parents must contact the School Office (617-323-1050) between 6:45 - 8:15 a.m EACH
morning of an absence. A note from the parent must accompany the student on his/her return to school.
Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of making technology available is to enhance teaching and educational discovery. Acceptable use is an extension
of St. Theresas code of conduct. Students are responsible for appropriate behavior while using computers throughout the
school and when on the network. Appropriate network etiquette will be expected. Any infraction of network/computer use
rules may lead to discipline as well as suspension of the use of the network/computer.
The following are considered unacceptable use of the computer/network:

Using the network for non-school related activities.

Plagiarism/Violating copyright laws.
Destroying or vandalizing computer equipment.
Depleting resources intentionally, such as paper.
Violating the privacy of others, revealing passwords.
Using someone elses account.




Abusive language or profanity.

Spreading computer viruses.
Posting others material.
Sending or retrieving inappropriate material.
Posting personal information that would jeopardize your safety or someone elses.
Illegal use of software, freeware, or shareware or use of any software without the approval of the school.
Failure to obtain permission prior to use of the computer/computer network. Permission must be granted by a teacher or
authorized adult supervisor each time the network is used.
Visiting internet sites not authorized by the school.
Using the Internet or Intranet (in school network) without permission.
Bringing hardware of any type to school.
Reproducing software or shareware.

Accessing the Internet

One of the major components of the network will be availability of the Internet. St. Theresa School will provide the following
precautions to protect students from illegal, obscene, offensive and inaccurate material:
1. Educating the students in the proper use of the Internet.
2. Appropriate supervision and monitoring of student use.
3. Filtering software designed to restrict access to unsuitable Internet sites.
Our goal is for the students to become independent and responsible Internet users who are able to discern topics and
material. Parental consent will be required before a student will be allowed to access the Internet (see attached consent
Students will use the Internet with their instructor/teacher in the Computer Lab/classroom and After School Program.
Internet Security and Safety
Rules for on-line safety
1. I will not give out personal information, which includes any personal identity, my address, telephone number,
parents work address or telephone number or the name and location of my school without teacher or parent permission.
2. While I am on-line, if I encounter any information or person that upsets me, I will let my teacher know immediately so that
they can contact the on-line service.

3. I will never agree to get together with someone that I meet on-line without first checking with my parents.
4. I will follow the rules set up by my teachers for going on-line and I will not break these rules.
Admissions Policy
Students admitted to St. Theresa School must meet the following requirements:
1. Children entering the Early Childhood Program must be three (3) years of age before September 1 of the year they begin the
program and must be completely toilet trained and no pull-ups allowed.

2. Students entering St. Theresa School Kindergarten I program must be four (4) years of age before September 1 of the year they begin the
program. The Kindergarten II program requires that the student is five (5) years of age before September 1.
3. Students entering St. Theresa School Grades 1-6 must show evidence of successful completion of the previous grade.
Parents need to provide all relevant documents from the previous schools. Parents and student will meet with the principal
before the admission process is completed.
4. Students are accepted into St. Theresa School in the following priority: (1) siblings of students presently enrolled at St.
Theresa School, (2) registered and participating members of the geographical St. Theresa Parish, (3) registered and
participating members of other Catholic parishes, and (4) Non-Catholics.

It is our policy that all students participate in religion classes. During those classes, opportunities become available for all
students to share their religious beliefs with their peers. All students will attend and participate respectfully in school liturgies
and prayer services.
Doctor and dentist appointments shall not be made during school time except in extreme emergencies. If it is necessary for a
student to leave school early, a written note must be presented to the homeroom teacher stating the reason for the dismissal.
Book Bags
Due to the cost of books, special care must be taken of them to keep books in good condition. Books must be covered and
carried to and from school in a school bag. If a book is damaged or lost, it must be either replaced or paid for by the parent.



All students will file with the classroom teacher in quiet lines.
conversations should be kept in low conversational tones.

While eating lunch and enjoying each others company,

Celebration of The Eucharist

Pupils are instructed regarding their obligation to attend and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist on Saturday or
Sunday and on Holydays. It is the parents responsibility to see that it is fulfilled.
A CORI form must be completed by any parent, guardian or volunteer that will be entering the school to participate in any
school activity, i.e. yard duty, lunch monitors, etc. No one will be allowed to participate in school activities without this
completed form on file with the Archdiocesan Office of Child Advocacy. A CORI is required to be updated every year and is
extremely important for the safety of the children in our school. Upon completion, all CORI forms must be brought in to school
with a picture ID to be signed by the principal. Volunteers must also participate in Protecting Gods Children program, given
at parishes at various times. Each parish provides a certificate as proof of participation.
Custodial Issues
St. Theresa School abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In
the absence of a court order to the contrary, the school will provide the non-custodial parent with access to academic records
and other school information regarding his or her child. A 24-hour written request is required to view records in the presence
of the administrator or designated representative. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it
is the custodial parents responsibility to provide the school with a court-certified copy of the court order.
The school should have a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce decree held confidentially in the
principals office.
For repeated infractions of general school rules (e.g. excessive tardiness, inappropriate behavior, out of school/gym uniform,

gum chewing, etc.)

Detention slips in grade 4-5 are sent home stating offense and date of detention, signed by
parent/guardian and returned to school the next day.
Discipline Policy
St. Theresa School is a very special and unique school where students learn and live as Christians with one another. Basic to
all this is respect for persons and things.
The support and assistance of parents/guardians in regards to our disciplinary policy is absolutely essential to students
safety. The three levels of consequences listed will be instituted as common and consistent ground rules for all classes and
grades. Teachers will reinforce the disciplinary policy in their classrooms.
We require all parents/guardians to read our discipline policy, discuss it with their child/children, agree to the terms and sign
a contract, which establishes their responsibility for each step of the disciplinary procedure. If a student has threatened
another student with physical assault, with or without weapons, the police will be called immediately. Parent/guardian must
meet with the principal/counselor and teacher at school before their child is readmitted to class.
Included in our policy is the schools authority to suspend a student for certain offenses, some of which are classified
on the pages following in the list of behaviors that result in disciplinary action. It is our belief that only through a partnership
between the school and parents can we have a safe school, minimize discipline problems and deliver the kind of
education you want for your children.

Behaviors/Consequences, i.e.
A. In-Class Detention/Parental Notification
1. Failure to do homework
2. Failure to adhere to uniform code (haircuts included)
3. Play fighting

4. Disrupting class
5. Throwing snowballs
6. Misbehavior

B. In-School Suspension/Required Parental Conference at School

1. Throwing things not considered dangerous
2. Leaving class without permission

3. Truancy

C. Suspension/Required accompaniment by Parent or Guardian to School Upon Students Return/Probation


Disrespectful/Foul Language used toward peers

Refusing to obey; failure to report for detention
Aggressive acts, e.g. fighting with or physical abuse of peers or adults
Throwing something dangerous
Stealing, extorting or de-facing of school property
Possession of a toy weapon or the like
Continued truancy
Assault of students or verbally threatening with bodily harm with or without weapons. Police will be called.

Bullying/Harassment Policy
We as faculty and staff have instituted a program for the prevention of bullying. There will be rules and consequences for
childrens actions. Also, harassment of any nature (word, deed, or gesture) is unacceptable and is considered grounds for
suspension. Children need to be reminded that any careless or thoughtless word, deed or gesture of a sexual nature has
serious consequences, and will be taken seriously.
To be dismissed prior to the close of a school day, a pupil shall have written permission from his/her parent. Parents should
report to the office to pick up a child who is being dismissed. No pupil shall be dismissed unless a parent or guardian is
For the safety of all, please do not bring dogs onto school property at anytime.
Driving Children To and From School

(See Arrival/Dismissal Procedure with Map sent with August letter)

Electronic Devices
Any devices or articles used for communication, entertainment or to disrupt learning and/or the school routine (i.e. cell
phones, pages, talking watches, sound activated devices, CD players, radios, laser pointers, toys, etc.) should not be brought to
school. Students may be suspended for being in violation of this policy. St Theresa School is not responsible for any
electronic devices brought to school.
First Friday
On the first Friday of each month, students attend and lead in the celebration of the 8:45 A.M. Mass. Parents and friends are
encouraged to join the students at these monthly Masses. These liturgies are meaningful celebrations in the lives of our
Due to many food allergies, no food is allowed other than snacks for snack time and/or lunch. This includes holidays,
birthday parties and other occasions. Students must not share snacks or lunches.
Floor Plan
Floor plan was sent home in the summer mailing.
Gum Chewing
The chewing of gum is not permitted anywhere/anytime in the school building or on the grounds.
Each grade has one period of physical education each week. During this period gym uniform and sneakers must
be worn. (See uniforms)


All haircuts should be clean, neat, and respectable and age appropriate for school. Haircuts for boys must be a boys regular
(short on sides and blends in back), above collar and trimmed over the ears, no hockey hair or any fad style hair cut. Hair is
to be natural color, no streaking. chunking. etc Girls hair must be neat, out of their eyes and off the face. Parents will be
called to take student and rectify any offending hairstyle before returning to school. We look for parents cooperation.
Health Reminder
The Department of Public Health mandates that all prescription and over the counter medications may only be administered
by the school nurse with a physicians order for said medication. If your child requires medication, the school nurses require
that you provide the nurses office with the required medication, as well as the physicians order. All prescription medications
must in their original pharmacy container, and all over the counter medications must be in the original container. The safety
of the students is foremost; therefore, it is imperative that you comply with all of the nurses requests for prescribed epipens,
inhalers, etc.
Rules for Returning Child to School After Communicable Disease

Students must be fever free and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school
Strep Throat 24 hours after treatment is begun
Flu-like illness fever over 100 and cough/sore throat/body aches specific amount of time as specified by the
Department of Public Health
Impetigo excluded until under treatment and wounds are dry
Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye may return to school after treatment has begun
Ringworm may return to school after treatment has begun
Chicken Pox may return to school 7 days from day of breakout, if lesions are dry
Lice we have a no nit policy

Illegal Substances
No cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal substances are permitted on the school premises.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, all children are required to be up to date on their
immunizations. If your child does not have the appropriate immunizations, they will be excluded from school.

Homework Schedule (Teachers will specify to parents at Open House)

Parents are asked to have their children in:
KI activities projects will be sent home periodically
K II practice printing letters, both upper and lower case-assign nightly homework (Oct.-May). Review sight words and
read each night.
Grade 1.... practice vocabulary words, practice number facts 1-20, read each night, practice spelling words, and do
any other teacher-directed activity.
Grade 2... study religion, math, and spelling and other assignments according to each teachers request, and read each night.
Grade 3... complete daily assignments, study religion, complete math, spelling, and any other assignments school assignments
according to each teachers request and read each night.
Grades 4 & 5...spend one to one and one-half hours on homework assignments. Please read each night.
Grades 6...spend one and one-half to two and one-half hours on homework assignments. Please read each night.
Students in Grades 2 through 6 will use assignment notebooks.
Procedure for School Dismissal (Walkers)
Parents are requested to contact the school office by 2:15 p.m.at 617-323-1050 should they become unavailable and cannot
meet their child/children at the end of the school day. The children will be sent to Aftercare until parents pick them up.
We presume that children in the walking lines are walking home. If, for any reason, a parent or guardian plans to
meet a child at the point when the teacher leaves them and you are late, the teacher will immediately accompany the
child back to the school.


The following lines indicate the direction of the students in leaving at dismissal time.
Line 1....from St. Theresa School to the corner of St. Theresa Avenue and Centre Street.
Line 3....for car pickup.
A traffic officer will cross students at Line 1.
Cars should not exit via Landseer Terrace during arrival or dismissal time.
Children/Parents must be personally responsible to pay for their daily lunch and/or milk. Children are not allowed to make
phone calls for forgotten lunches. They will be provided with a cheese sandwich from the cafeteria.

Relaying messages to the students is an interruption of the educational routine. Therefore, only true emergency messages
should be called in to the secretary.It is the responsibility of parent and child to discuss and make all arrangements for
transportation and after school activities prior to arrival at school. Students are not permitted to use any school phone to
make non-emergency calls during the school day.
No School Policy
St. Theresa School shall follow the Boston Public Schools regarding no school announcements due to inclement
weather. Parents are asked to listen to radio stations WBZ, WHDH or WEEI, for these announcements. Please do not
call the Rectory on these mornings.
Parent/Teacher Appointments
A parent wishing to confer with a teacher outside of the regular report card conference time may make an appointment at a

time convenient for both teacher and parent. Regular classes must not be disturbed for such conferences.
No invitations are to be given out at school unless ALL children (either all boys, all girls, or the entire classroom) in the
individual classroom receive one. Excluding some children is a very hurtful experience, both for those excluded and those
invited. The best approach is to mail invitations.
Recess Regulations
The following rules apply to recess time in the schoolyard. Students are asked:

No rough play.
No running.
Students Return to the school building only when the bell rings and their teacher meets them.
Students may organize games among themselves.
Students are to stay away from cars and garages.

Any child who does not follow the above regulations will be deprived of his/her recess at the discretion of the teacher on duty.
Volunteer parents may assist the teachers in the schoolyard at noontime.
See Tuition 2012-2013.
Report Cards/Marking System
Report cards will be issued three (3) times during the school year: December, April and June. K II report cards will be
distributed in January and June. Warning notices will be sent home prior to report card distribution if a curriculum criterion
is not being fulfilled.


Marking System if as follows:

A Excellent grasp of material and skills that have been presented.
B Above average consistently does work of high quality, does all required work.
C Average average marks.
D Below average Having difficulty in meeting expectations and requirements.
F Grasp of materials and required skills is unacceptable, failing, frequently fails tests, no homework.
A+ = 97-100
B+ = 87-89
C+ = 77-79
D+ = 67-69

A = 94-96
B = 84-86
C = 74-76
D = 64-66

A- = 90-93
B- = 80-83
C- = 70-73
D- = 60-63
F = Failure

School Hours

Filing Time

*Classes Begin*

Closing Time/Filing

Early Childhood Program

Through Grade 6

7:45 a.m.

7:55 a.m.

2:25 p.m.


Students must not be in the schoolyard before 7:30 a.m. If need be, they will go to Before School Program
located in the cafeteria.


A Before School Program is available in the cafeteria each morning beginning at 7:00 a.m. Please enter through
the after care door at the back of the school building. The fee is $7.00 per day.

School Rules
Students at St. Theresa School are expected to conduct themselves as courteous, Christian young people. These behavioral
expectations and rules have been established to maintain order, create a positive educational atmosphere, and promote pride.
These rules apply to all programs and activities in the school and parish buildings and grounds.


Students and parents are to exhibit respect toward all members of the school/parish community, including faculty,
school personnel, parent supervisors, volunteers, coaches, bus drivers, other students, and visitors. Students are to
follow the example of Jesus and treat others as they would like to be treated. They are to respect the rights of others to
attain an education and to participate in programs and activities.


Students are to follow the directions of the teacher or adult supervisor at all times.


Students are to walk and maintain moderate voice levels while in building.


Students are to respect and care for all school and parish material, equipment, and property as well as the possessions
of teachers and students.


Students are expected to abide by the School Dress Code and Classroom Rules.

School Visitors/Volunteers
According to the Archdiocesan Policy Book all visitors/volunteers, parents included, must enter the school only by the main
door and report to the school secretarys office. All visitors/volunteers must sign in and sign out in the secretarys office .
Neither parents nor visitors may go directly to a classroom without reporting to the office first . It is imperative for the
safety and security of all, that we know who is in the building at all times.
tardiness, (5 times) parents will be contacted to meet with the teacher to discuss and rectify the problem. If the problem is not
rectified, detention will be given for every tardy over the limit to make up class time. Grades 1-3 @ 10:00 recess, grade 4-6
2:30- 3:00p.m.

Teacher Requests
We cannot accommodate requests for specific teachers.



Family trips taken during the regular school year are not encouraged. School vacations are provided for that purpose. Every
parent receives a copy of the school calendar at the beginning of the school year. This will advise you of the dates of vacation
periods. We highly discourage students from taking time off from school for vacation. Teachers will not prepare special
assignments for those students or to give the work beforehand. It will be the responsibility of the child to make up
class work at the discretion of the teacher.
Tuition 2012-2013
Early Childhood
Early Childhood Program $6,050.00
Early Childhood Flex Program/part time $10.00 per hour
KI Full Day Program . 6,050.00
Supply Fee: Each Child ..
The above tuitions are not included in the family plan.
Kindergarten II Grade 6
First Child $ 4,525.00
Second Child ..
Third Child ..
Out of Parish: Each Child ..
Supply Fee: Each Child .

A non-refundable deposit of $100 and Supply fee of $300 are due for each child in Early Childhood through Grade 5 by February 15, 2013, to reregister for the following school year. This registration will be accepted only if tuition payments are up to date. Tuition payments can be made by
check, pay by phone, credit/debit card or auto deduction. All payments are to be made directly to Smart Tuition.
We have partnered with Smart Tuition to accommodate the changing needs of our families. We have created a tuition payment plan that we
hope will fit everyones budget and lifestyle:
Plan A One payment in full due on or before July 2012.
Plan B Three payments, due July 2012, November 2012 and March 2013.
Plan C Ten payments to be paid from July 2012 through April 2013.
Delinquent Payments: If payments are delinquent, your child may be suspended from classes until payments are brought up
to date. All tuition accounts must be up to date before your child begins school in September. Tuition accounts must be

If payments are consistently delinquent, Plan A

may be the only plan available or registration for the following school year may be denied.
This policy also applies to Aftercare, Cafeteria, and other activities in the school building.
current in December or students may not return in January.

Tuition Refunds: Tuition will be pro-rated on a monthly basis if a family moves from the local area prior to January 1. No
other refunds will be made.
Due to our limited seating, and to assure us that newly registered children will definitely attend St. Theresa School in
September, we require a non-refundable payment of $200, which is credited toward a childs tuition.
If a child is withdrawn within the school year, and re-enrolls the same school year, there will be an administrative fee of $100.
Please Note:
We do not allow a tuition balance to remain after April 1, 2013. We will withhold report cards and transfer records until your
tuition obligation has been fulfilled. Grade eight students with outstanding tuition will not receive their diploma with their
A poor history of tuition payment will require that you pay in full before the new school year begins.
Unauthorized Use of School Name
No student, or students parent or guardian, without the express prior written authorization of the schools principal
(administrative head), may utilize the schools name, or identifying logo, for any inappropriate purpose, including, but not
limited to the use of the school name:


open up any bank account

solicit funds on behalf of the school
collect money on behalf of the school
sell products on behalf of the school

o to schedule any field trip, vacation or other accommodations

o to post on any website for any purpose including, but not limited to support of a particular social or political
Any such unauthorized use of the schools name or identifying logo, if committed by a student may subject the student to
disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Any such unauthorized use of the schools name or identifying logo, may
result in legal action.

We feel strongly that the way a child is dressed influences his/her attitude and performance. Therefore, complete uniforms
must be worn every day. Uniforms should be in good repair. Girls uniforms should come to the top of their knees.
Early Childhood Program Kindergarten I
Navy blue gym suit (4 pieces) All with appropriate logo
- long/short sleeve tee shirt
- sweat shirt
- sweat pants
- shorts
- shoes (Velcro only), no shoe lacings
Girls (Grades KII - 6)
Maroon and gray jumper
Short sleeve white blouse (Peter Pan collar)
Maroon knee socks or tights no non-uniform pants can be worn in the building
Maroon V-Neck cardigan sweater
Long sleeve white turtleneck (optional from Nov. 15 - March 15)
Gray twill pants (optional from Nov. 15 - March 15)

Girls (Grades 6)
Maroon and gray skirt
Short sleeve white oxford blouse (button down collar)
Gray V-Neck pull over sweater or gray v-neck vest
Maroon knee socks
Gray twill pants (optional from Nov. 15 - March 15)
Boys (Grades KII - 6)
White dress shirt (long or short sleeves)
Maroon tie
Gray pants
Maroon V-Neck cardigan sweater
Gray socks
School fleece jackets or vests only may be worn during the school day, if needed.
Black athletic shoes will be worn on regular school days. No logos and no high tops will be allowed. Rubber soled
athletic shoes are safer and more practical for school. There have been several accidents where children have been
injured on the stairs because of various heel heights and untied shoes. Also, boots are not permitted to be worn in
school all day long. Girls mary jane type shoes, without heels, are permitted, i.e. Lands End, L.L.Bean. All straps
must be fastened, and NO BALLET OR FLATS WILL BE WORN.
Uniforms (Gym)
The official St. Theresas School gym uniform consists of a maroon crew neck sweatshirt and maroon sweat pants, a gray or
maroon T-shirt, maroon shorts and white/gray athletic socks. Sneakers must worn on gym days. All of these items are
printed with the St. Theresas School logo. This gym uniform is required for all students in KII through 6. Early Childhood
and KI will wear their navy blue uniforms.
All items for both girls and boys should be purchased at
J.B. Edward Uniform--ParStuHandbook[1]

745 South Street---Roslindale, MA 02132--- Telephones 617-323-8832


Please Note:

For safety reasons, dangling earrings are not allowed. Only small stud earrings (one per lobe) are acceptable. Boys
are not allowed to wear earrings.
Any other kind of body-piercing jewelry is not acceptable.
Fashion choker necklaces, heavy chain necklaces, or other fashion jewelry is not acceptable.
Tattoos of any kind are not acceptable.
No makeup, body paint, body glitter, colored nail polish, hair paint or hair coloring are not allowed.
Girls hair accessories must coordinate with uniforms. Jeweled, glittery or princess type accessories are not
No scarves/hats/caps are to be worn inside the building.
Heelies are not allowed in school.
Hooded sweatshirts cannot be worn in the school building or at recess.
No toys of any kind are to be brought to school, including those attached to bags.

Students are not allowed to use nor have in their possession on school campus this white-out product. Whiteout could be
misused as an inhalant, and for this reason, schools both public and private have instituted this policy.

The Principal reserves the right to make amendments to this handbook,


depending upon the circumstances and the individual child.

Absence Notice
My Child, _______________________________________________________________________________________
was absent on __________________________________________________________________________________
due to __________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature

Please feel free to make copies of this form for future use. We hope this will not be necessary.



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