1 Etymology
2.2 Subspecies
As of 2005, Mammal Species of the World recognizes
22 subspecies.* [36] Four of these subspecies found only
on small Central American and Caribbean islands were
often regarded as distinct species after their discovery.
These are the Bahaman raccoon and Guadeloupe raccoon, which are very similar to each other; the Tres
Marias raccoon, which is larger than average and has an
angular skull; and the extinct Barbados raccoon. Studies
of their morphological and genetic traits in 1999, 2003
and 2005 led all these island raccoons to be listed as
subspecies of the common raccoon in Mammal Species
of the World's third edition. A fth island raccoon population, the Cozumel raccoon, which weighs only 3 to 4 kg
(6.6 to 8.8 lb) and has notably small teeth, is still regarded
as a separate species.* [36]* [37]* [38]* [39]
The four smallest raccoon subspecies, with a typical
weight of 1.8 to 2.7 kg (4.0 to 6.0 lb), are found along the
southern coast of Florida and on the adjacent islands; an
example is the Ten Thousand Island raccoon (Procyon lotor marinus).* [40] Most of the other 15 subspecies dier
only slightly from each other in coat color, size and other
physical characteristics.* [41] The two most widespread
subspecies are the Eastern raccoon (Procyon lotor lotor)
and the Upper Mississippi Valley raccoon (Procyon lotor
hirtus). Both share a comparatively dark coat with long
hairs, but the Upper Mississippi Valley raccoon is larger
than the Eastern raccoon. The Eastern raccoon occurs
in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces to the north of
South Carolina and Tennessee. The adjacent range of the
Upper Mississippi Valley raccoon covers all U.S. states
and Canadian provinces to the north of Louisiana, Texas
and New Mexico.* [42]
Physical characteristics
The taxonomic identity of feral raccoons inhabiting Eura- 28.4 kg (62.6 lb) and measured 140 cm (55 in) in tosia is unknown, as the founding populations consisted of tal length, by far the largest size recorded for a procyuncategorized specimens from zoos and fur farms.* [43] onid.* [72]* [73]
Skull with dentition: 2/2 molars, 4/4 premolars, 1/1 canines, 3/3
Physical characteristics
The raccoon, whose method of locomotion is usually considered to be plantigrade, can stand on its hind legs to
examine objects with its front paws.* [79] As raccoons
have short legs compared to their compact torso, they
are usually not able either to run quickly or jump great
distances.* [80] Their top speed over short distances is
16 to 24 km/h (10 to 15 mph).* [81]* [82] Raccoons can
swim with an average speed of about 5 km/h (3 mph) and
can stay in the water for several hours.* [83] For climbing
down a tree headrstan unusual ability for a mammal of
its sizea raccoon rotates its hind feet so they are pointing backwards.* [84] Raccoons have a dual cooling system
to regulate their temperature; that is, they are able to both
sweat and pant for heat dissipation.* [85]
Raccoon skulls have a short and wide facial region and
a voluminous braincase. The facial length of the skull is
less than the cranial, and their nasal bones are short and
quite broad. The auditory bullae are inated in form, and
the sagittal crest is weakly developed.* [86] The dentition
40 teeth with the dental formula: is
adapted to their omnivorous diet: the carnassials are not
as sharp and pointed as those of a full-time carnivore, but
the molars are not as wide as those of a herbivore.* [87]
The penis bone of males is about 10 cm (4 in) long and
strongly bent at the front end.* [88] Juvenile males are distinguished from mature males by the shape and extrusibility of their penis bones.* [89] Seven of the thirteen identied vocal calls are used in communication between the
mother and her kits, one of these being the birdlike twittering of newborns.* [90]
3.3 Intelligence
4 Behavior
4.1 Social behavior
Studies in the 1990s by the ethologists Stanley D. Gehrt
and Ulf Hohmann indicated raccoons engage in genderspecic social behaviors and are not typically solitary, as
was previously thought.* [106]* [107] Related females often live in a so-called "ssion-fusion society", that is, they
share a common area and occasionally meet at feeding or
resting grounds.* [108] Unrelated males often form loose
male social groups to maintain their position against foreign males during the mating seasonor against other
potential invaders.* [109] Such a group does not usually
consist of more than four individuals.* [110] Since some
males show aggressive behavior towards unrelated kits,
mothers will isolate themselves from other raccoons until their kits are big enough to defend themselves.* [111]
With respect to these three dierent modes of life prevalent among raccoons, Hohmann called their social structure a three class society.* [112] Samuel I. Zevelo,
professor of zoology at Weber State University and author of the book Raccoons: A Natural History, is more
cautious in his interpretation and concludes at least the females are solitary most of the time and, according to Erik
K. Fritzell's study in North Dakota in 1978, males in areas
with low population densities are solitary as well.* [113]
The shape and size of a raccoon's home range varies depending on age, sex, and habitat, with adults claiming areas more than twice as large as juveniles.* [114] While
the size of home ranges in the inhospitable habitat of
North Dakota's prairies lie between 7 and 50 km2 (3
and 20 sq mi) for males and between 2 and 16 km2 (1
and 6 sq mi) for females, the average size in a marsh
at Lake Erie was 0.5 km2 (0.19 sq mi).* [115] Irrespective of whether the home ranges of adjacent groups overlap, they are most likely not actively defended outside
the mating season if food supplies are sucient.* [116]
Odor marks on prominent spots are assumed to establish
home ranges and identify individuals.* [117] Urine and feces left at shared raccoon latrines may provide additional
information about feeding grounds, since raccoons were
observed to meet there later for collective eating, sleeping
and playing.* [118]
Concerning the general behavior patterns of raccoons,
Gehrt points out that typically you'll nd 10 to 15 percent that will do the opposite* [119] of what is expected.
Though usually nocturnal, the raccoon is sometimes active in daylight to take advantage of available food sources.* [120] Its diet consists of about
40% invertebrates, 33% plant material and 27%
vertebrates.* [121] Since its diet consists of such a variety
On an apple tree
4.3 Dousing
One aspect of raccoon behavior is so well known that it
gives the animal part of its scientic name, Procyon lotor; lotoris neo-Latin for washer. In the wild,
raccoons often dabble for underwater food near the shoreline. They then often pick up the food item with their
front paws to examine it and rub the item, sometimes
to remove unwanted parts. This gives the appearance
of the raccoon washingthe food. The tactile sensitivity of raccoons' paws is increased if this rubbing action is performed underwater, since the water softens the
hard layer covering the paws.* [127] However, the behavior observed in captive raccoons in which they carry their
food to water to washor douse it before eating has
not been observed in the wild.* [128] Naturalist GeorgesLouis Leclerc, Comte de Buon, believed that raccoons
do not have adequate saliva production to moisten food
thereby necessitating dousing, but this hypothesis is now
considered to be incorrect.* [129] Captive raccoons douse
their food more frequently when a watering hole with a
layout similar to a stream is not farther away than 3 m
(10 ft).* [130] The widely accepted theory is that dous-
does not become pregnant or if she loses her kits early,
she will sometimes become fertile again 80 to 140 days
later.* [139]
Raccoons usually mate in a period triggered by increasing daylight between late January and mid-March.* [133]
However, there are large regional dierences which are
not completely explicable by solar conditions. For example, while raccoons in southern states typically mate later
than average, the mating season in Manitoba also peaks
later than usual in March and extends until June.* [134]
During the mating season, males restlessly roam their
home ranges in search of females in an attempt to court
them during the three- to four-day period when conception is possible. These encounters will often occur at
central meeting places.* [135] Copulation, including foreplay, can last over an hour and is repeated over several nights.* [136] The weaker members of a male social
group also are assumed to get the opportunity to mate,
since the stronger ones cannot mate with all available females.* [137] In a study in southern Texas during the mating seasons from 1990 to 1992, about one third of all females mated with more than one male.* [138] If a female
After usually 63 to 65 days of gestation (although anywhere from 54 to 70 days is possible), a litter of typically two to ve young is born.* [140] The average litter size varies widely with habitat, ranging from 2.5 in
Alabama to 4.8 in North Dakota.* [141] Larger litters are
more common in areas with a high mortality rate, due, for
example, to hunting or severe winters.* [142] While male
yearlings usually reach their sexual maturity only after
the main mating season, female yearlings can compensate
for high mortality rates and may be responsible for about
50% of all young born in a year.* [143] Males have no
part in raising young.* [144] The kits (also calledcubs
) are blind and deaf at birth, but their mask is already
visible against their light fur.* [145] The birth weight of
the about 10 cm (4 in)-long kits is between 60 and 75 g
(2.1 and 2.6 oz).* [146] Their ear canals open after around
18 to 23 days, a few days before their eyes open for the
rst time.* [147] Once the kits weigh about 1 kg (2 lb),
they begin to explore outside the den, consuming solid
food for the rst time after six to nine weeks.* [148] After this point, their mother suckles them with decreasing
frequency; they are usually weaned by 16 weeks.* [149] In
the fall, after their mother has shown them dens and feeding grounds, the juvenile group splits up.* [150] While
many females will stay close to the home range of their
mother, males can sometimes move more than 20 km (12
mi) away.* [151] This is considered an instinctive behavior, preventing inbreeding.* [152] However, mother and
ospring may share a den during the rst winter in cold
areas.* [153]
to climb when they feel threatened.* [163] Therefore, they
avoid open terrain and areas with high concentrations of
beech trees, as beech bark is too smooth to climb.* [164]
Tree hollows in old oaks or other trees and rock crevices
are preferred by raccoons as sleeping, winter and litter
dens. If such dens are unavailable or accessing them is inconvenient, raccoons use burrows dug by other mammals,
dense undergrowth or tree crotches.* [165] In a study in
the Solling range of hills in Germany, more than 60% of
all sleeping places were used only once, but those used at
least ten times accounted for about 70% of all uses.* [166]
Since amphibians, crustaceans, and other animals found
around the shore of lakes and rivers are an important part
of the raccoon's diet, lowland deciduous or mixed forests
abundant with water and marshes sustain the highest population densities.* [167] While population densities range
from 0.5 to 3.2 animals per square kilometer (1.3 to 8.3
animals per square mile) in prairies and do not usually
exceed 6 animals per square kilometer (15.5 animals per
square mile) in upland hardwood forests, more than 20
raccoons per square kilometer (51.8 animals per square
mile) can live in lowland forests and marshes.* [168]
An albino Florida raccoon (P. l. elucus) in Virginia Key, Florida
Distribution in Japan
Experiments in acclimatising raccoons into the USSR began in 1936, and were repeated a further 25 times until
1962. Overall, 1,222 individuals were released, 64 of
which came from zoos and fur farms (38 of them having been imports from western Europe). The remainder originated from a population previously established in
Transcaucasia. The range of Soviet raccoons was never
single or continuous, as they were often introduced to different locations far from each other. All introductions
into the Russian Far East failed; melanistic raccoons were
released on Petrov Island near Vladivostok and some areas of southern Primorsky Krai, but died. In Middle
Asia, raccoons were released in Kyrgyzstan's Jalal-Abad
Province, though they were later recorded aspractically
absentthere in January 1963. A large and stable raccoon
population (yielding 10001500 catches a year) was established in Azerbaijan after an introduction to the area
in 1937. Raccoons apparently survived an introduction
near Terek, along the Sulak River into the Dagestani lowlands. Attempts to settle raccoons on the Kuban River's
left tributary and Kabardino-Balkaria were unsuccessful.
A successful acclimatization occurred in Belarus, where
three introductions (consisting of 52, 37 and 38 individuals in 1954 and 1958) took place. By January 1, 1963,
700 individuals were recorded in the country.* [195]
Urban raccoons
6 Health
Some of the most important bacterial diseases which affect raccoons are leptospirosis, listeriosis, tetanus, and
tularemia. Although internal parasites weaken their
immune systems, well-fed individuals can carry a great
many roundworms in their digestive tracts without showing symptoms.* [213] The larvae of the Baylisascaris procyonis roundworm, which can be contained in the feces
and seldom causes a severe illness in humans, can be ingested when cleaning raccoon latrines without wearing
breathing protection.* [214]
While not endemic, the Trichinella worm does infect
racoons,* [215] and undercooked racoon meat has caused A Florida raccoon (P. l. elucus) in the Florida Everglades aptrichinosis in humans.* [216]
proaches a group of humans, hoping to be fed.
computer-animated lm Over the Hedge, the live action
lm Guardians of the Galaxy and the video game series
Sly Cooper.
Coonskin cap
rare in the 1930s, at least 388,000 were killed during the ican settlers.* [253] According to Ernest Thompson Sehunting season of 1934/35.* [247]
ton, young specimens killed without a ght are palatable,
whereas old raccoons caught after a lengthy battle are
inedible.* [254] Raccoon meat was extensively eaten during the early years of California, where it was sold in the
San Francisco market for $13 apiece.* [255] American
slaves occasionally ate raccoon at Christmas, but it was
not necessarily a dish of the poor or rural. The rst
edition of The Joy of Cooking, released in 1931, contained a recipe for preparing raccoon, and US President Calvin Coolidge's pet raccoon Rebecca was originally sent to be served at the White House Thanksgiving
Dinner.* [256]* [257]* [258] Although the idea of eating
raccoons seems repulsive to most mainstream consumers
since they see them as endearing, cute, and/or varmints,
several thousand raccoons are still eaten each year in the
United States.* [259]* [260]* [261]* [262]
Raccoons are sometimes kept as pets, which is discouraged by many experts because the raccoon is not a
domesticated species. Raccoons may act unpredictably
and aggressively and it is usually impossible to teach them
to obey commands.* [263] In places where keeping raccoons as pets is not forbidden, such as in Wisconsin
and other U.S. states, an exotic pet permit may be required.* [264]* [265]
with cat food over a long time period, raccoons can develop gout.* [269] With respect to the research results regarding their social behavior, it is now required by law
in Austria and Germany to keep at least two individuals
to prevent loneliness.* [270]* [271] Raccoons are usually
kept in a pen (indoor or outdoor), also a legal requirement in Austria and Germany, rather than in the apartment where their natural curiosity may result in damage
to property.* [270]* [271]* [272]
When orphaned, it is possible for kits to be rehabilitated [15] Radio Talk Show Host Fired for Racial Slur Against
Condoleezza Rice Politics | Republican Party | Demoand reintroduced to the wild. However, it is uncertain
cratic Party | Political Spectrum. FOXNews.com.
whether they readapt well to life in the wild. [273] FeedMarch 22, 2006. Retrieved March 19, 2010.
ing unweaned kits with cow's milk rather than a kitten
replacement milk or a similar product can be dangerous [16] Seton 1909, pp. 1010
to their health.* [274]
See also
Cozumel raccoon
Crab-eating raccoon
Rascal the Raccoon
[18] Crawford, J. M. (1989). Cocopa Dictionary. p. 497. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-09749-1
[19] Martin, J. P. & Mauldin, M. M. (2004). A Dictionary of
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[21] Neundorf, A. (1983). A Navajo/English Bilingual Dictionary: chn Bi Naaltsoostsoh. p. 615. UNM Press.
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[22] Aoki, Haruo (1994). Nez Perc dictionary. p.268. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-09763-7
[24] Pitkin, H. (1985). Wintu Dictionary. University of California Press. pp. 890. ISBN 0-520-09613-4
[4] Zevelo, p. 42
[5] Zevelo, p. 1
[6] Larivire, Serge (2004). Range expansion of raccoons in the Canadian prairies: review of hypotheses. Wildlife Society Bulletin (Lawrence, Kansas:
Allen Press) 32 (3): 955963. doi:10.2193/00917648(2004)032[0955:REORIT]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 00917648.
[29] Zevelo, p. 19
[7] Zevelo, p. 2
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[39] Helgen, Kristofer M.; Wilson, Don E. (2005). A Systematic and Zoogeographic Overview of the Raccoons of
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[77] Zevelo, p. 60
[68] Lagoni-Hansen, p. 16
[69] Zevelo, pp. 5859
[70] Lagoni-Hansen, p. 18
[81] MacClintock, p. 28
[82] Saunders, Andrew D. (March 1989). Raccoon.
Adirondack Mammals. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse
University Press. p. 256. ISBN 978-0-8156-8115-1.
[83] MacClintock, p. 33; Zevelo, p. 72
[84] MacClintock, p. 30; Zevelo, p. 72
[85] MacClintock, p. 29; Zevelo, p. 73
[87] Zevelo, p. 64
[92] Hohmann, p. 55
[121] Hohmann, p. 82
[94] Zevelo, p. 69
[95] Hohmann, p. 56
[124] Hohmann, p. 83
[125] MacClintock, p. 44
[100] Hohmann, pp. 6365; MacClintock, pp. 1821; Zevel- [129] Holmgren, p. 70; Lagoni-Hansen, p. 41; MacClintock, p.
o, pp. 6667
57; Zevelo, p. 7
[101] Hohmann, pp. 6770; MacClintock, p. 17; Zevelo, pp. [130] MacClintock, p. 57
[131] Hohmann, pp. 4445; Lagoni-Hansen, pp. 4142; Mac[102] Hohmann, pp. 66, 72; Zevelo, p. 68
Clintock, p. 57; Zevelo, p. 7
[103] Merriam, C. H. (1884), The mammals of the Adirondack [132] Holmgren, p. 22 (pro); Lagoni-Hansen, p. 41 (contra);
region, northeastern New York : with an introductory chapMacClintock, p. 57 (contra)
ter treating of the location and boundaries of the region, its
geological history, topography, climate, general features, [133] Hohmann, p. 150; MacClintock, p. 81; Zevelo, p. 122
botany, and faunal position, New York : Published by the
[134] Zevelo, p. 122
author, pp. 91-95
[104] Davis, H. B. (October 1907). The Raccoon: A Study in [135] Hohmann, pp. 148150; Lagoni-Hansen, p. 47; MacClintock, pp. 8182
Animal Intelligence. The American Journal of Psychology (Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press) 18
[136] Hohmann, pp. 150151
(4): 447489. doi:10.2307/1412576. JSTOR 1412576.
[137] Hohmann, pp. 153154
[105] Dehaene, Stanislas (1997). The number sense. New York:
Oxford University Press. p. 12. ISBN 0-19-511004-8.
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[108] Bartussek, pp. 1012; Hohmann, pp. 141142
[109] Hohmann, pp. 152154
[114] MacClintock, p. 61
[119] Riddell, Jill (2002). The City Raccoon and the Coun- [149] Zevelo, p. 129
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[158] MacClintock, p. 73
[188] Hohmann, p. 10
[189] Hohmann, p. 11; Lagoni-Hansen, p. 84
[190] Hohmann, p. 182
[170] Holmgren, p. 58
[196] Michler, Frank-Uwe (June 25, 2003). Untersuchungen zur Raumnutzung des Waschbren (Procyon lotor, L.
1758) im urbanen Lebensraum am Beispiel der Stadt Kassel (Nordhessen)" (PDF) (in German). p. 7. Retrieved
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[176] Zevelo, p. 76
[177] Zevelo, pp. 7576
[178] Zevelo, pp. 7678
[179] Lagoni-Hansen, pp. 8990
[180] Hohmann, p. 13
[199] Bartussek, p. 20
[200] Bartussek, p. 21
[201] Bartussek, p. 20; Hohmann, p. 108
[181] Burger, Stephen (July 22, 2013). Madrid declares war [202] Zevelo, p. 113
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[204] National Rabies Management Program Overview. Ani- [221] Bartussek, p. 24; Hohmann, p. 182
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P.; Lopes, M. B.; Farr, B. M.; Jenkins, S. R.; Sockwell,
D. C.; Marr, J. S.; Miller, G. B. (November 14, 2003).
First Human Death Associated with Raccoon Rabies [227]
. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (Atlanta, Georgia: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 52 (45): [228]
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[208] Rosatte, Rick; Sobey, Kirk; Donovan, Dennis; Bruce,
Laura; Allan, Mike; Silver, Andrew; Bennett, Kim; Gibson, Mark; Simpson, Holly; ; Davies, Chris; Wandeler,
Alex; Muldoon, Frances (July 1, 2006). Behavior,
Movements, and Demographics of Rabid Raccoons in
Ontario, Canada: Management Implications. Journal of Wildlife Diseases (USA: The Wildlife Disease Association) 42 (3): 589605. doi:10.7589/0090-355842.3.589. ISSN 0090-3558. PMID 17092890. Retrieved
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[209] The RaccoonFriend or Foe?". Northeastern Area State
& Private Forestry USDA Forest Service. Retrieved De- [234]
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[210] Link, Russell. Raccoons. Living with Wildlife. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Archived from
the original on March 24, 2008. Retrieved December 7,
[211] MacClintock, p. 72; Zevelo, p. 114
[212] Zevelo, p. 112
Bartussek, p. 40
[241] Holmgren, p. 18
[218] Bartussek, p. 34
[220] Harris, Stephen; Baker, Phil (2001). Urban Foxes. Suf- [243] Holmgren, p. 74; Zevelo, p. 160
folk: Whittet Books. pp. 7879. ISBN 978-1-87358051-6.
[244] Holmgren, p. 77
[246] Schmidt, Fritz (1970). Das Buch von den Pelztieren und [267] Hohmann, p. 186
Pelzen (in German). Munich: F. C. Mayer Verlag. pp.
[268] Hohmann, p. 185
[247] Holmgren, p. 77; Zevelo, pp. 75, 160, 173
[251] The Red Panda, Olingos, Coatis, Raccoons, and Their [272] Bartussek, p. 44; Hohmann, pp. 184, 187; MacClintock,
Relatives: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for
p. 130131
Procyonids and Ailurids By A. R. Glatston, IUCN/SSC
Mustelid, Viverrid & Procyonid Specialist Group Pub- [273] MacClintock, p. 130
lished by IUCN, 1994, p. 9
[274] Bartussek, p. 44; Hohmann, pp. 175176
[252] Zevelo, pp. 160161
[253] Holmgren, pp. 1819, Zevelo, p. 165
10 References
Holmgren, Virginia C. (1990). Raccoons in Folklore, History and Today's Backyards. Santa Barbara,
California: Capra Press. ISBN 978-0-88496-312-7.
Seton, Ernest Thompson (1909). Life-histories of
northern animals : an account of the mammals of
Manitoba. New York City : Scribner.
Zevelo, Samuel I. (2002). Raccoons: A Natural
History. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books.
ISBN 978-1-58834-033-7.
External links
Raccoon Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon?oldid=675086925 Contributors: Jeronimo, Andre Engels, Karen Johnson, Zadcat,
Hephaestos, Kchishol1970, Llywrch, Shyamal, Collabi, Menchi, Tannin, Pcb21, Jimfbleak, Docu, Muriel Gottrop~enwiki, Julesd, Csernica,
The Tom, Andrewman327, Tpbradbury, Polyglot, Grendelkhan, Phoebe, Robbot, Mazin07, Korath, Moncrief, Baldhur, Altenmann, Psychonaut, Postdlf, Chris5369, Tallus, Sunray, Hadal, UtherSRG, Wikibot, Kent Wang, JerryFriedman, Dd42, Alerante, DocWatson42, Andries, Abigail-II, Tom harrison, Lupin, Alison, Michael Devore, Home Row Keysplurge, Juanwillis, Niteowlneils, Ezhiki, Proslaes, Mikerock, Utcursch, Pgan002, Sca, SarekOfVulcan, Yath, MistToys, PDH, P9277, DragonySixtyseven, Karl-Henner, Gscshoyru, B.d.mills,
Neutrality, Joyous!, Ukexpat, Liberlogos, Mike Rosoft, Brianhe, Rich Farmbrough, Silence, Liblamb, Mwng, Bender235, Sum0, Swid, Violetriga, Rick MILLER~enwiki, El C, Greenmoss, Kwamikagami, Mwanner, Aude, RoyBoy, Jpgordon, Adambro, Bobo192, Enric Naval,
Kevin Myers, Larsie, Zetawoof, John Fader, Mpulier, Alansohn, Polarscribe, Sabine's Sunbird, Hydriotaphia, Rd232, DrBat, KrazeIke,
MattWade, Snowolf, Aranae, Jm51, Wtmitchell, Djlayton4, Yuckfoo, Ubermonkey, Sciurin, Mikeo, John11235813, Yurivict, Feezo,
Stemonitis, Angr, Woohookitty, Bellhalla, LOL, Consequencefree, Mazca, Qaddosh, JeremyA, Tabletop, Bold Italic, Karam.Anthony.K,
Greenmars, Dysepsion, Graham87, BD2412, Vegso~enwiki, Chun-hian, Drbogdan, Rjwilmsi, Funnyhat, Nneonneo, Nordelch, AshyRaccoon, Yamamoto Ichiro, Rui Silva, RobertG, JRice, Latka, Nihiltres, Saaws, Chobot, Mordicai, DVdm, Gdrbot, Ahpook, Aykroyd,
Vmenkov, Measure, Wavelength, Sceptre, Jimp, Kafziel, Peter G Werner, Kymacpherson, RussBot, Snillet, Splash, Ytrottier, Yllosubmarine, Hydrargyrum, FSO-, NawlinWiki, Wiki alf, Snek01, NickBush24, Virek, Merman, Howcheng, Waterguy, Brian Crawford, Reward,
KatzMotel, TDogg310, Apeman, Gadget850, Olleicua, DeadEyeArrow, Karl Andrews, Mistercow, Wknight94, Dan Harkless, Ageekgal, Icydesign, Closedmouth, Ray Chason, Saukkomies, Junglecat, SmackBot, Pwt898, Cubs Fan, KnowledgeOfSelf, Hydrogen Iodide,
David.Mestel, C.Fred, Yuriy75, Garric, EncycloPetey, Jrockley, Delldot, Athaler, HornetMike, Kintetsubualo, Jpvinall, CPatisaul, HalfShadow, IstvanWolf, PeterSymonds, Peter Isotalo, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Carl.bunderson, Durova, Thumperward, SchftyThree,
Hgrosser, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Onorem, OOODDD, Rrburke, VMS Mosaic, HBow3, Addshore, Cybercobra, Tapered, Trbdavies, Lcarscad, Adrigon, FelisLeo, Blockader, Ace ETP, Mersperto, L337p4wn, Weeksy, Valfontis, Johanna-Hypatia, NJZombie, Accurizer, Minna Sora no Shita, IronGargoyle, Dysmachus, A. Parrot, Nanodeath, BillFlis, Korovio, SandyGeorgia, Flipperinu, Dr.K., Peter
Horn, Caiaa, Iridescent, Mikael V, LeyteWolfer, Wjejskenewr, Igoldste, Soapthgr8, DavidOaks, Courcelles, Billy Hathorn, JayHenry,
Tawkerbot2, Dlohcierekim, Piepie, Eastlaw, Wikidragon~enwiki, Roxi2, Fvasconcellos, JForget, Wafulz, Paulc206, The ed17, Drinibot, DeLarge, ShelfSkewed, CastleBu, Pewwer42, Nauticashades, Beastie Bot, Oksanasgems, Metanoid, Thebookpolice, Gogo Dodo,
Amandajm, DumbBOT, Gnfnrf, The 80s chick, Altaileopard, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Barticus88, Vigimael, Elanthiel, Kablammo, Marek69,
John254, Ufwuct, Horologium, Notmyrealname, Grayshi, Drdaveng, Escarbot, AntiVandalBot, WinBot, Luna Santin, Seaphoto, Aprogressivist, AaronY, David136a, Tjmayerinsf, Madlee, Ashleyy osaurus, Parande, Deective, DuncanHill, Bundas, BlindEagle, Ericoides,
Instinct, Sophie means wisdom, Awien, Xeno, Hut 8.5, Okiefromokla (old), LittleOldMe, Acroterion, Mewtwowimmer, WolfmanSF, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Carlwev, JNW, JamesBWatson, Appraiser, Ling.Nut, Jespinos, Steven Walling, Nyttend, Avicennasis, Indon, Animum,
Allstarecho, Gerry D, Chris G, DerHexer, Black Stripe, Hdt83, Quaker24, Paracel63, Juansidious, Anaxial, Mschel, AlexiusHoratius,
J.delanoy, DrKiernan, Trusilver, Bellagio99, Bogey97, Richiekim, Uncle Dick, Eliz81, Jerry, Acalamari, Dispenser, Laconic913, Katalaveno, Nemo bis, AnarchMonarch, Gurchzilla, Dmz5, Ybk33, GhostPirate, Vanished User 4517, NewEnglandYankee, Lloydic, TeePee20.7, Scoterican, Sunderland06, Mrbilal1987, Juliancolton, Cometstyles, Prot D, Pdcook, Ja 62, TheNewPhobia, Vkt183, Idioma-bot,
Speciate, Deor, VolkovBot, RingtailedFox, Je G., Kevinkor2, VasilievVV, Flavio.brandani, Newyowker, Dom Kaos, Philip Trueman,
Eugenian, Hoopscity, TXiKiBoT, GimmeBot, Jdalen, Hqb, Wikipedia changer12, Sturunner, CoriolisSTORM, JayC, Lradrama, Corvus
cornix, Sandhillcrane, Jackfork, Modal Jig, Sexecutioner, BotKung, Brainchasm, S2grand, Zs314, Krushia, Lerdthenerd, Falcon8765,
Insanity Incarnate, Logan, IndulgentReader, EJF, SieBot, Tresiden, Rlendog, Tiddly Tom, Graham Beards, Euryalus, BotMultichill, Jauerback, Caltas, Til Eulenspiegel, Keilana, Happysailor, Radon210, The Evil Spartan, JD554, Oda Mari, Arbor to SJ, Rks117, Enti342,
Kfd0691, Bob98133, Anniika, Oxymoron83, Steven Crossin, Polbot, Sherseydc, Alex.muller, Dino246, Nancy, 9eyedeel, Hamiltondaniel,
Book dummy, IvanTortuga, Runner5k, Dabomb87, Kinkyturnip, Loren.wilton, DonPevsner, ClueBot, LAX, Surfeited, Binksternet, Artichoker, The Thing That Should Not Be, TableManners, Ithunn, Rjd0060, Dean Wormer, Palats, Arakunem, 666ph666, Mild Bill Hiccup,
CounterVandalismBot, Kroyw, Jestersinthemoon, Blanchardb, Dylan620, Piledhigheranddeeper, Cirt, Shakes77, Jeremiestrother, Coolpatj,
Lobojo, Realteeth123, Starcraft88, Factman00, Excirial, Womblewombat, Someone another, Naerii, Alexbot, Jusdafax, Awsomepossum
ricky, Deathdeathdeathd, Shuriwa, Abrech, Gwguey, Novil Ariandis, ChesterTheWorm, Colbeck1, Grey Matter, Talislanta, NuclearWarfare, Cenarium, Terra Xin, Ninja housewife, Vikings80, MuzikalNotes, Berrymoore, Eastcote, Saebjorn, Polly, BOTarate, Thehelpfulone, Yomangan, Thingg, Aitias, Steelerfan-94, Esoxid, Gopats5481, Crazyperson324, Versus22, The Baconator, Dana boomer, GeeAlice,
SoxBot III, Egmontaz, DumZiBoT, Heironymous Rowe, XLinkBot, Emilycervantvant, PseudoOne, Rror, Thorongil CVI, Dthomsen8, Irulelots, Bridger165, Rreagan007, SilvonenBot, NellieBly, Greateggs, WikiDao, Vianello, Dillpickleak, Marchije, RyanCross, Kfd0699,
Fangusu, Addbot, Man with one red shoe, CurtisSwain, Willking1979, Tigerbreath13, Twaz, Guoguo12, Vejvanick, Aaronjhill, Barnacles phd, Older and ... well older, Ronhjones, Fieldday-sunday, Hybrid.evolution, CanadianLinuxUser, Kristinsj, Jim10701, Pkyuedusux,
Ccacsmss, Egyinmotion, CarTick, LinkFA-Bot, Jhous014, Nathan Luiting, Tide rolls, Nicholas Crestone, Voivod616, , Gail, First
Light, Jarble, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Gyro Copter, Mystery6666, Totodu74, AnomieBOT, Jim1138, Accuruss, WereSpellCheckers, Materialscientist, Hunnjazal, The High Fin Sperm Whale, Citation bot, Bob Burkhardt, ArthurBot, Analphabot, Xqbot, Zad68, Mariomassone,
Plumpurple, Nicholson1989, TracyMcClark, Gigemag76, Shpiglet, Oleg Morgan, DSisyphBot, Ingii, Abce2, Normanb1, Frosted14, Kyng,
Bayern100, Sergey Yarmolyuk, Wentro, BoomerAB, Captain-n00dle, Legobot III, Gumaerd, Edgars2007, Liquidluck, Merc22, The Emirr,
Wearsunscreen, VOR1994, Dger, HJ Mitchell, Citation bot 1, SL93, DigbyDalton, Pinethicket, Jonesey95, Marawe, RedBot, Ongar the
World-Weary, Just a guy from the KP, Fumitol, Jeppiz, December21st2012Freak, Kgrad, TobeBot, Cerkit, Fama Clamosa, TheGrimReaper NS, Billiebeige, Sungjin13, Tbhotch, Hmmwhatsthisdo, DylanBannan, Whisky drinker, Mean as custard, Football82ryan, Underseaker, RjwilmsiBot, DexDor, TPillz, Heather+Tobin, Noommos, TVower, Balph Eubank, Salvio giuliano, DASHBot, Kmcnana2323,
EmausBot, WikitanvirBot, Immunize, Dewritech, RA0808, Wesley J M, Abby 94, Infernapeking, Tommy2010, P. S. F. Freitas, Djembayz,
A RAcOoN, Acemasterx, ZroBot, Susfele, F, Shannonring, Everard Proudfoot, Trimutius, H3llBot, Lkingscott, SporkBot, Ihateracoons,
Drlongshlong, WikiMan225, Sir plasma, Elementrider77, Set.tennis, Lenbottie, Donkeydick11, Pericles Xanthippou, M3ssinaround, Stefan Milosevski, Bigshooter780, ChuispastonBot, ILOVEPICAS, ClueBot NG, , Yjfstorehouse, Mjanja, Despatche, Dickbag410,
Tpunk628, McFlannigan, Yoyojedijcf, DrChrissy, Helpful Pixie Bot, KLBot2, SchroCat, MatGTAM, AvocatoBot, Zyxwv99, Winfredtheforth, Amolbot, FutureTrillionaire, Altar, AAClub, Fascinating Universe, Cburdick1, THEJUDGE24, Jakebarrington, Tkbx, Gilborrego,
Khazar2, Dexbot, Kuksuldom, Unicyde, Webclient101, Ronan is safe, Awesomehippo, Bethabet, BDE1982, Dcbryant15, Smohammed2,
Paxson Woelber, Nocoons, Egullikson2012, Emwizzy, Panther341, Hanamanteo, Meiam69, ElHef, Eagle3399, Makkachin, Acalycine,
Micah9826398263, Merlin the 2nd, Monkbot, Papyrus-winged ninja Akil, TheRaccoonRascal, J4xh4x123, VeenM64, KasparBot and
Anonymous: 777
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._l._insularis.png Source:
commons/a/a6/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._insularis.png License: Public domain Contributors:
RACCOONS OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._l._litoreus.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/
d/d1/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._litoreus.png License: Public domain Contributors: RACCOONS
OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._l._lotor.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/
76/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._lotor.png License: Public domain Contributors: RACCOONS OF
NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._l._maynardi.png Source:
commons/9/99/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._maynardi.png License: Public domain Contributors:
RACCOONS OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._l._psora.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/
3a/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._psora.png License: Public domain Contributors: RACCOONS OF
NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
commons/4/40/Raccoons_of_North_%26_Middle_America_%281950%29_P._l._pumilus.png License: Public domain Contributors:
RACCOONS OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Raccoons_of_North_&_Middle_America_(1950)_P._lotor_&_P._cancrivorus.png Source:
Public domain Contributors: RACCOONS OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H.
T. Jackson
procyon_%26_euprocyon.png License: Public domain Contributors: RACCOONS OF NORTH AND MIDDLE AMERICA Original
artist: Edward A. Goldman and Hartley H. T. Jackson
File:Racoon_crossing_road.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Racoon_crossing_road.JPG License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Korall
File:S.E.C.C._hero_twins_3_HRoe_2007.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/S.E.C.C._hero_twins_
3_HRoe_2007.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work (Original text: I created this work entirely by myself.) Original artist:
Herb Roe, www.chromesun.com
File:Speakerlink-new.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Speakerlink-new.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kelvinsong
File:Three_raccoons_in_a_tree.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Three_raccoons_in_a_tree.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: ickr Original artist: photo taken by ickr user garyjwood
File:Urban_raccoon_and_skunk.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Urban_raccoon_and_skunk.
JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Urban_raccoon_and_skunk.JPG Original artist: User:
Piepie Modied by:GeeAlice
File:Waschbaer-verbreitung.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Waschbaer-verbreitung.png License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Landkreise.svg Original artist:
derivative work: Novil Ariandis (talk)
File:Waschbaer_auf_dem_Dach.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Waschbaer_auf_dem_Dach.jpg
License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Bild selbst erstellt (English: Picture created by myself) Original artist: Carsten Volkwein
File:Wikispecies-logo.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Wikispecies-logo.svg License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Image:Wikispecies-logo.jpg Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Wiktionary-logo-en.svg License: Public
domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs),
based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber
Content license