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Enter Ob Acter
Enter Ob Acter
Little is known of the presence of Salmonella in Brazilian cocoa, which justifies the present work that had the aim
of checking the presence of total Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella in semi-processed
cocoa products. A total of 150 samples of cocoa products from two different cocoa-processing manufacturers
were analyzed (30 samples of nibs, 30 of liquor, 30 of cocoa cake, 30 of cocoa butter and 30 of cocoa powder).
The samples of processed cocoa products had pH values between 5.31 and 7.35, and water activity ranging
from 0.29 to 0.52. E. coli and Salmonella were not detected in any of the samples analyzed. Regarding the other
analyzed microorganisms, 17% of the nibs contained total Enterobacteriaceae, 20 % showed total coliforms,
while thermotolerant coliforms were detected in one sample (0.6 log MPN/g). Seven percent of liquor and cocoa
powder samples showed total coliforms. In cocoa cake, the same percentage in regard to total Enterobacteriaceae
was observed. Total Enterobacteriaceae and total coliforms were detected in one sample of cocoa butter. Despite
the low contamination observed, these results indicate failure in quality programs of the manufactures studied,
since these bacteria are easily inactivated by thermal and sanitizer process.
Keywords. cocoa, Salmonella, coliform, Escherichia coli, chocolate.
Pouco se sabe sobre a presena de Salmonella no cacau brasileiro, o que justifica o presente trabalho cujo
objetivo foi verificar a presena de enterobactrias totais, coliformes, Escherichia coli e Salmonella em derivados
processados do cacau. Foram analisadas 150 amostras de produtos derivados do cacau provenientes de duas
indstrias processadoras (30 amostras de nibs, 30 de liquor, 30 de torta, 30 de manteiga de cacau e 30 de
cacau em p). As amostras apresentaram valores de pH entre 5,31 e 7,35 e atividade de gua entre 0,29 e 0,52.
No foi detectada E. coli e Salmonella em nenhuma amostra analisada. Com relao aos demais grupos de
microrganismos analisados, 17% das amostras de nibs apresentaram enterobactrias totais, 20% apresentaram
coliformes totais e em uma amostra foram detectados coliformes termotolerantes (0,6 log NMP/g). Sete por
cento das amostras de liquor e cacau em p apresentaram coliformes totais. Nas amostras de torta foi observada
a mesma porcentagem para enterobactrias totais. Em uma amostra de manteiga de cacau foram detectados
enterobactrias totais e coliformes totais. Apesar da baixa contaminao observada, esses resultados indicam
falhas no programa de qualidade das indstrias avaliadas, j que essas bactrias so facilmente inativadas por
processo trmico e sanitizante.
Palavras-chave. Salmonella, coliforme, Escherichia coli, cacau, chocolate.
Nascimento MS, Reolon EM, Santos ARB, Moreira VE, Silva IF, Silva N. Enterobacteriaceae in processed cocoa products.
Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. So Paulo, 2011; 70(1):81-85.
The first step in conventional cocoa processing
consists of roasting the cleaned, whole beans in their shells
at a temperature between 120 and 150 C, for 5 to 120
minutes. During roasting, a series of chemical reactions
critical to the development of aroma, taste and color of the
chocolate take place. The time/temperature combination
will depend on several factors, including the origin and
harvesting time within the year, pre-roasting treatments,
the moisture level, the size of the beans and the desired
flavor characteristics. Upon completion of roasting, the
beans are cooled and cracked. Next, the shell and germ
are removed (winnowing) to obtain the nibs1.
The nibs are ground to a fine particle size, called
cocoa mass or cocoa liquor. Cocoa mass is subjected
to hydraulic pressing, which separates some of the
cocoa butter from the solid cocoa mass, resulting in
compressed cocoa cake. Cocoa butter is the most valuable
by-product of the pressing process. Cocoa cake is normally
submitted to one more grinding process to obtain a fine
powder of different particle sizes. Cocoa powder can be
used in the manufacture of chocolate-flavored beverages,
confectionery and bakery fillings and ice cream1.
From a public health standpoint, the
microorganisms most likely to adversely affect the
quality of chocolate are enteropathogens like Salmonella.
With regard to Salmonella, the European Union2 lists
chocolate among the products associated with major
salmonellosis outbreaks in humans that spread across
several countries and affected large numbers of people.
Although cocoa products are not the only ingredients
that may introduce Salmonella into chocolate, they
have been implicated as the most prominent potential
source of some outbreaks (dried cocoa beans, cocoa
powder). Cordier3 points out cocoa beans as a major
source of Salmonella contamination throughout the
manufacturing of chocolate and cocoa-based ingredients.
Consequently, it is imperative that in-process products
be routinely screened for the presence of Salmonella as
part of an integrated control process that begins with
the selection of reliable suppliers4.
Indicator microorganisms are generally used
to measure the quality of the practices used to ensure
proper processing. Total Enterobacteriaceae are used as
an indicator of hygiene practices since they are easily
inactivated by sanitizers, and are able to colonize several
niches of food processing plants5.
Nascimento MS, Reolon EM, Santos ARB, Moreira VE, Silva IF, Silva N. Enterobacteriaceae in processed cocoa products.
Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. So Paulo, 2011; 70(1):81-85.
Water activity
4.98 to 5.67
0.42 to 0.57
5.54 to 7.12
0.22 to 0.80
Cocoa cake
5.40 to 8.48
0.24 to 0.48
Cocoa butter
5.51 to 7.87
0.41 to 0.56
Cocoa powder
5.57 to 8.24
0.28 to 0.58
Tables 1 and 2 show the results for water activity,
pH and microbiological analyses of 150 samples of
Table 2. Results of microbiological analyses of processed cocoa products
Cocoa nibs
Cocoa liquor
Cocoa butter
Cocoa cake
Cocoa powder
Total Enterobacteriaceae
(Log CFU/g)*
Total coliforms
(Log MPN/g)**
(Log MPN/g)**
05 (17%)
06 (20%)
01 (3%)
Counts in positive
samples (mean)
02 (7%)
Counts in positive
samples (mean)
01 (3%)
01 (3%)
Counts in positive
samples (mean)
02 (7%)
Counts in positive
samples (mean)
02 (7%)
Counts in positive
samples (mean)
*Colony forming units, detection limit 1.0 Log CFU/g. **Most probable number, detection limit 0.5 Log MPN/g
Nascimento MS, Reolon EM, Santos ARB, Moreira VE, Silva IF, Silva N. Enterobacteriaceae in processed cocoa products.
Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. So Paulo, 2011; 70(1):81-85.
Nascimento MS, Reolon EM, Santos ARB, Moreira VE, Silva IF, Silva N. Enterobacteriaceae in processed cocoa products.
Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. So Paulo, 2011; 70(1):81-85.
Instituto Adolfo Lutz (So Paulo Brasil). Mtodos FsicoQumicos para Anlise de Alimentos: Normas Analticas do
Instituto Adolfo Lutz. 4th ed. Braslia (DF): ANVISA; 2005.