Soft Skills Manual

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BIM Implementation Manual

by The Architecture Company


0. Intro
1. Leadership
2. Team Building
3. Motivation
4. Communication
5. Influencing
6. Decision Making
7. Negotiation
8. Conflict Management
9. Coaching


Yes Sir!! ..........

Aye Aye Captain. .....

What is leadership? Is it managing a group of people, or is it a formal posit, or is it even a visiting

professor who is admired and followed by the graduating class of management? What is it? And if
leadership is not a position or a successful persons innate quality, who can become a leader? It is just
too difficult to understand leadership as a singular construct.
One of the first formal studies referred leadership to Hereditary Genius (Galton, 1962) , showing that
leaders have inborn qualities. However, in recent times , more importance has been given to Authentic
Leadership (Shankar Sankaran 2011) a person who truly wants to serve people becomes a leader.
However I believe as much as Leadership as a quality is needed to lead in a group or a company, it is
as also a very important social characteristic needed in household chores and daily day to day life.
Leadership is not about knowing a particular trade or excelling in it , it is about the people in that trade,
it is about relations. A good leader may not know the trade well , but his leadership will not be effective
if he cannot understand the sentiments of the people working with him. It is about the way a leader
communicates with his subordinates.
So what characteristics and qualities should you do to become a better leader, a transformational
leader? A transformational leader must commit to accomplishing nine major qualities and skills.
A transformational leader must first and fore most serve as a positive role model this is extremely
important for the leader must be a beacon of exemplary behaviour. A transformational leader must
have a positive attitude, motivate your followers offer rewards and recognition, listen and communicate
effectively, encourage people to make contributions. A transformational leader as well encourages
creativity, keeps trying new things, and is passionate.
We can identify three fundamental elements of life in relation to our predisposed need for leadershipSurvival: Avoiding Threats
The most fundamental need for all humans is survival. In adulthood we find us in new and challenging
situations which we have never encountered before. This results in us feeling threatened, not for our life
but more for our pride, integrity and future success.
Purpose: Why am I here?
We seek leaders to provide an answer to this question. For religious people they will typically follow a
religious leader but for general day to day activities we turn to our colleagues and superiors.
Achievement: Success and Rewards
Everyone wants to grow and develop in order to live a successful life. This often becomes more
significant once threats have been minimised and purpose has been clarified as a sound platform will
have been established.



I wish I had a


TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More. In its simplest form- A team is a group of people working
towards a common goal.
Team experts like Jon Katzenbach1 and Richard Hackman have distinguished between groups and
teams (Annex, Table 1). Whenever a number of people come together for a purpose, they becomes
a group. However, teams are a subset of groups, with a more specific set of criteria to be identified as
a team. By understanding the differences between the two, it helps us determine the conditions and
environment that help make the team or group effective.
Here are some suggestions on what makes a real team:
Team members are committed to working interdependently toward a common goal.2
Teams have clear boundaries to distinguish between members and non-members.3
Teams have a low membership turnover rate, which gives members time and opportunity to learn how
to work together well.4
How can one build a better team? This question can only be answered if the person answering it is
well aware of the task or the project to be completed. It is vital for a leader to understand the purpose
of his team. Only when the leader has a sound understanding of the task, he can divide the task into
numerous stages or sections, which further can be assigned to individuals according to their respective
capabilities. If only it were so simple, every project that we know of would have been successful.
Some academic studies have shown that there is an ideal size of for a team varying from 5-9 with the
ideal number being 6. (Principles of Team Building , FME ). Building a better team doesnt just mean
knowing the tasks, and giving orders for its completion (like an autocratic system), it is more about
the interactions in the team. A team member shall only give out his best if he/she feels part of the
team, they share emotions. This is a very crucial part for a leader, to enhance social interactions and
participation of team members, so that team members can understand and communicate well each
other well and boost their productivity.
Members in a healthy team will not want to let their team members down so they will be motivated
to impressing their colleagues. Along with the communication and sharing of ideas a strong team
member will feel comfortable and willing to speak their minds and share what they feel. the opening of
communication also creates and develops strategies of problem solving, because members are sharing
their ideas and put forth a commitment, skills and strategies can be built to help the team create
problem solving.

Facilitates better communication

Motivates employees

Promotes creativity


Members in a healthy team will not want to let their team members down so they will be motivated
to impressing their colleagues. Along with the communication and sharing of ideas a strong team
member will feel comfortable and willing to speak their minds and share what they feel. the opening
of communication also creates and develops strategies of problem solving, because members are
sharing their ideas and put forth a commitment, skills and strategies can be built to help the team
create problem solving.

Facilitates better communication

Motivates employees

Promotes creativity

Develops problem skills

Breaks the barrier
Very often we see videos of CEOs giving keynote lectures in management schools or giving company
addresses, now this forms an effective way of sharing the ideology of the leader. Communication can
be done in several forms, from sharing data at the roots level or understanding subordinates problems,
or even a leader sharing his vision as discussed above. But eventually it all depends how a person does
it. According to a study, very often people either dont communicate, overcommunicate, communicate
inappropriately through outbursts, anger, or blaming, or simply dont communicate clearly (Blanchard
K). Also communication is not one sided, it goes both ways, the speaker and the listener. It is very
vital for a person to be good at both skills in order to communicate effectively. In order to be a better
speaker a person should be considerate of his listeners, he should make sure, he does not sound
dominating. He should be focused on the conversation and most importantly should read the listeners
feelings. In order to be a better communicator, he should examine the situation, purpose and method
of his communication before communicating.
It is simple. Communication shares and connects. Communication teaches and explains.
Communicating prevents misunderstandings, strengthens relationships, and increases confidence.
Communicating helps you understand others and yourself, it helps you solve problems, and learn
new things. Having this skill allows us to share ideas, concepts, feelings, opinions, and knowledge.
This soft skill connects the listener and the speaker joining them at the apex of understanding. This
understanding through effective communication explains our thoughts our motives our intentions
and our purpose or goal of communicating in the first place. Once the explanation is clear based on
the success of the message then we can begin to learn. Learning to communicate effectively allows the
message to resonate with ourselves thus allowing us to better understand and learn. Once we have
learned the message, the risks of misunderstanding greatly diminish. Having a solid understanding of
the message allows us to build a relationship with the messenger.



Influencing can be defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or
behavior of someone or something (Google Search). Influencing forms an important construct in
decision making process in a team, and or driving the vision of the company through the influencers
thought process. Influence has three elements:
The COMMUNICATOR- this is the person who wants to influence someone.
The MESSAGE this is what the communicator wants the audience to do or believe.
The AUDIENCE the recipient (or recipients) of the message.
In other words the communicator wants the recipients to understand and accept the message being
Establishing a Climate for Influence
The process of team influence begins with the formation of the team.
Doing the Homework
Some or all of the following steps will be necessary in order to gain team support for an important, yet
controversial proposal.
Identifying the members who will be the opinion leaders regarding team leaders proposal. Who will
people look to for guidance as to whether to accept, reject, or modify his/her ideas?
Meeting with each of the opinion leaders and learn what their issues and decision criteria will be.
Use inquiring and listening behavior to get as much information as one can before committing to an
influence approach. This is especially important when we expect opposition from a person who is
influential with others
Actively Influence
Letting the team know how we plan to proceed, what decision process we expect to follow, and what
you are asking of them
Being brief, clear, and succinct.
Beginning by showing how our idea or proposal supports the vision of team success.
In a meeting, when individuals do not agree, a leader can use several means of influencing, affecting
the outcome of the meeting to the required agenda. Influencing is not needed for getting a job done;
it also comes with a hidden agenda, like affecting a persons ability. A leader may be able motivate
his team members to perform better, thereby increasing their own abilities by influencing. There are
numerous ways of influencing an individual, but only a good influence in the right time can affect a
person to even resolve disputes. A leader may be able to delegate tasks to the people he can influence.
A good leader needs influencing techniques to establish good work relationship with and between
his subordinates. To categorize the need one can say, influencing is needed for a) building respect for
oneself; b) selling a point or an idea; c) getting a job done; or d) being assertive, etc.





Decision Making is a simple word meaning to make a decision. In psychology, decision-making is regarded
as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative
possibilities. (Google Search) In leadership, decision making can make or break a team, depending on the
decision made.
In our everyday lives, we evaluate different things, but then decide on one. And there is a time when a
person cannot decide on something, and is stuck in a conundrum of what to choose or decide on. Decision
making is an average household phenomenon, ranging from what choosing what dress to wear to which
job offer to accept. If a person decides to wear a costume dress at a formal event, it might not be called a
good decision and at the end may spoil his day. Decision making is an essential part of planning(Decision
Making, Economia). Like planning for what to wear during the day may help you to make your day, planning
and decision making in a team can help in smooth transition through rough phases. Deciding on an option
comes with a dichotomy of yes and no, the process to decide such a case is known as decision making.
A project manager can reach a decision in many number of ways but that doesnt guarantee they have or
will make the right decision. A good project manager will have a process that will define how to arrive at the
correct decision. There are ways a project manager can help them come to the best conclusion or choice
these are the seven steps a PM can take to arrive at that choice.
1 Identify a problem or opportunity
2 Gather information
3 Analyze the situation
4 Develop options
5 Evaluate alternatives
6 Select a preferred alternative
7 Act on the decision
The following points describes the significance of decision making in any project with an organizational
1. Pervasive Function
Top level management makes strategic decisions such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling
2. Indispensable Component
Without decision making different managerial function such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling,
staffing cant be conducted.
3. Evaluation of Managerial Performance
The quality of decision serves as the yardstick for evaluating managerial performance
4. Selection of Best Alternatives
It is the process of selecting a best course of action from among many alternatives.
5. Establishment of Plans and Policies
The establishment of plans and policies is the initial part of decision making.
6. Successful Operation and execution of the Project
In course of operation and execution, many risks and issues may arise at different situations and times.


Negotiations as some say a way of getting things your own way. Negotiation can be defined as "To
communicate with the objective of reaching an agreement by means, where appropriate, of compromise."
(Negotiation,CIPS) It is a very important construct in leadership. An effective leader will have to master
negotiation skills in order to be and remain effective.
In our everyday lives, we negotiate every bit. On the slightest of things, we all negotiate like who will sit on
the front seat of the car with our sibling. In a study at the Cambridge University, negotiation is defined as a
process where two parties with differences which they need to resolve are trying to reach agreement through
exploring for options and exchanging offers and an agreement. Any definition that we may read, will define
negotiation as a back and fro process between multiple parties, which will involve a great deal of effective
communication in order for it to resolve an issue. It will involve methodology to reach a state beneficial to
both(or at least seem like it is beneficial to both) in discussion or a project.
1. Share information.
We often approach negotiation being very guarded and wary of showing our cards. Yet, while we believe this
is a smart approach, it has a negative impact on our outcomes and inhibits trust.
2. Rank order your priorities.
Typically when we negotiate, we know what our key issues are, and we sequence them.
3. Go in knowing your target price and your walkaway terms.
Galinsky calls your walkaway price (or terms) your reservation price. Your target price is what youre hoping
4. Make the first offer.
This is one piece of advice that clearly defies conventional wisdom. In negotiations, information is often
equated with power.
5. Dont counter too low.
If you arent able to make the first offer, then you need to also protect yourself against the anchoring effect.
6. Counter offers make both parties more satisfied.
Every buyer wants to feel that they got a good deal; every seller wants to feel as if they drove a hard bargain.
In the process of gathering resources, the manager may be required to contact suppliers, contractors,
customers, and other stakeholders who may influence the outcome of a project. The time spent on each of
these stakeholders should be reasonable or sufficient to ensure that the project manager has enough time to
spend on the other sub units of the project (Englund et al. 2003, p. 60)2. Employing strategic negotiation
techniques will enable the project controller to manage time allocated for each party properly (Van der
Heijden 2005, p. 73)3. Moreover, it will enable the manager to create projections on the time required for
each stage.

A Conflict in simple terms means a state wherein two parties involved disagree on any term. In the
construction world, there isnt a scenario where there is no conflict. I wish there was such a world, but sadly
no, not only there are conflicts, at most times nobody wants to manage it.
Conflict management is the process by which two or more parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute or
debate reach an agreement resolving it. Conflict management is also the process of limiting the negative
aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to
enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in an organizational setting. It
is important to have someone or in this case as project managers be capable at resolving conflicts efficiently,
sensibly and fairly whilst gathering and documenting information that will allow the learning and prevention
of further similar or other kinds of conflicts.
Diagnosis is the starting point - determining the nature of the conflict.
Is the issue a value conflict? It is extremely difficult to negotiate when the conflict is regarding a
personal value. An example: a dispute over whether alcohol should be prohibited at a fundraising dance.
Is the issue a difference of expectations of each other?
Initiation is the second step.
The most effective way to confront another in a conflict situation is to state the tangible effect the
conflict has on Project.
Active Listening is the third step - negotiators must be capable of hearing the other's point of view.
While listening, not to think about what to reply in order to persuade.
Argument-provoking replies should be avoided.
Active listening involves paraphrasing or restating what the other says. Idea or content should be
considered as well as feeling.
Problem Solving is the final step.
Clarifying the problem. After the above steps, each party should have a clear idea about what is the
tangible issue.Planning the implementation of the solution. Making assignments of who, what, where, when
and how. Planning an evaluation or review of the solution after a specified period.
Having said that, there would also be a lot of people who may be willing to manage a conflict, but they
are unable to; hence so many conflicts. I wish I could say conflicts are inevitable and move forward, but
again that is not the case. Conflicts may arise due to numerous reasons but they end up in hampering the
product or project at hand. So yes we need to manage the conflicts well in time to avoid failure of the project.
Conflicts may arise due to any reason, a good leader / manager should take care of the conflict in an early
stage; as the conflict ages it only increases its power to harm the project. Conflicts increase risks.


"Coaching is like having a personal trainer for your life."

Coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools and strategies that successful people are using in
order to enhance their lives further and allow them to lead extraordinary lives.
What is a coach?
A coach was originally a form of transport and first used around 1556.
It was defined as..."A coach transports a valued person from where they are to where they want to be."
(Old Webster Dictionary) In other words, coaching unlocks a person's potential to maximise his/her own
performance. It helps them learn rather than teaching them (Centre for Creative Leadership).
A coach therefore is a "trusted role model, advisor, wise person, friend, Mensch, steward or guide - a person
who works with emerging human and organizational forces to tap new energy and purpose, to shape new
visions and plans, and to generate desired results. A coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others
into increased competence, commitment and confidence." (F. Hudson, Handbook of Coaching, 1999)
Coaching can be effective just if coaches have the capacity to talk about every part of an issue or test with
their mentor. The mentor may need to listen to individual issues or private data that must be kept secret.
(Unless, obviously, it includes criminal movement or exercises hurtful to the group, its customers or the
association; or influences the security and welfare of other individuals.)The Solution to the Coachee's Issue
Lies Within the Coachee.This may sound abnormal, yet it implies that the foundation of an issue and the
alternatives accessible are for the most part known not to the coachee. The mentor's employment is to
request that the right inquiries help coachees touch base at their own decisions. As we've said some time
recently, this is a capable method for helping individuals to change.
Have a game-plan (Walters, J): A reasonable vision and activity arrangement guarantee that all " players" are
centered around the same final result. As the mentor, this will help you all the more rapidly see when the
gathering is off kilter and needs to re-balance its endeavors.
It is already a great advantage to the organization that coaching and mentoring benefits both the coach/
mentor and the individuals. Good working relationships are also developed since the supervisor usually
takes the role of a coach to the staff. At the same time, the employees also see their superiors as their
mentors who are willing to guide and help them develop their full potentials. It touches both the personal
and professional aspects of the individuals.
When the focus is on improving performance, the person will realize that there are personal issues that need
to be addressed. The implementation of coaching and mentoring in the workplace is a great contribution
to the overall development of the individual and organizational level. That is why these programs are
incorporated as a regular practice in the organizational sy

thank you

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