RECIST Guidelines
RECIST Guidelines
RECIST Guidelines
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available at
National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group, 10 Stuart Street, Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Data Centre, Brussels, Belgium
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
RadPharm, Princeton, NJ, USA
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Schering-Plough, Kenilworth, NJ, USA
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey, UK
National Cancer Research Network, Leeds, UK
Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Article history:
and disease progression are useful endpoints in clinical trials. Since RECIST was published
in 2000, many investigators, cooperative groups, industry and government authorities have
adopted these criteria in the assessment of treatment outcomes. However, a number of
questions and issues have arisen which have led to the development of a revised RECIST
Response criteria
guideline (version 1.1). Evidence for changes, summarised in separate papers in this special
Solid tumours
issue, has come from assessment of a large data warehouse (>6500 patients), simulation
* Corresponding author: Tel.: +1 613 533 6430; fax: +1 613 533 2411.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.A. Eisenhauer).
0959-8049/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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small. Furthermore, there is guidance offered on what constitutes unequivocal progression of non-measurable/non-target disease, a source of confusion in the original RECIST
guideline. Finally, a section on detection of new lesions, including the interpretation of
FDG-PET scan assessment is included. Imaging guidance: the revised RECIST includes a
new imaging appendix with updated recommendations on the optimal anatomical assessment of lesions.
Future work: A key question considered by the RECIST Working Group in developing RECIST
1.1 was whether it was appropriate to move from anatomic unidimensional assessment of
tumour burden to either volumetric anatomical assessment or to functional assessment
with PET or MRI. It was concluded that, at present, there is not sufficient standardisation
or evidence to abandon anatomical assessment of tumour burden. The only exception to
this is in the use of FDG-PET imaging as an adjunct to determination of progression. As
is detailed in the final paper in this special issue, the use of these promising newer
approaches requires appropriate clinical validation studies.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Malignant lymph nodes: To be considered pathologically enlarged and measurable, a lymph node must be P15 mm in
short axis when assessed by CT scan (CT scan slice thickness
recommended to be no greater than 5 mm). At baseline and in
follow-up, only the short axis will be measured and followed
(see Schwartz et al. in this Special Issue15). See also notes below on Baseline documentation of target and non-target lesions for information on lymph node measurement.
Bone lesions:.
Bone scan, PET scan or plain films are not considered adequate imaging techniques to measure bone lesions. However, these techniques can be used to confirm the
presence or disappearance of bone lesions.
Lytic bone lesions or mixed lytic-blastic lesions, with identifiable soft tissue components, that can be evaluated by cross
sectional imaging techniques such as CT or MRI can be considered as measurable lesions if the soft tissue component
meets the definition of measurability described above.
Blastic bone lesions are non-measurable.
Cystic lesions:.
Lesions that meet the criteria for radiographically defined
simple cysts should not be considered as malignant lesions
(neither measurable nor non-measurable) since they are, by
definition, simple cysts.
Cystic lesions thought to represent cystic metastases can
be considered as measurable lesions, if they meet the definition of measurability described above. However, if noncystic lesions are present in the same patient, these are preferred for selection as target lesions.
Measurement of lesions
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Method of assessment
Assessment of overall tumour burden and
measurable disease
To assess objective response or future progression, it is necessary to estimate the overall tumour burden at baseline and
use this as a comparator for subsequent measurements.
Only patients with measurable disease at baseline should
be included in protocols where objective tumour response
is the primary endpoint. Measurable disease is defined by
the presence of at least one measurable lesion (as detailed
above in Section 3). In studies where the primary endpoint
is tumour progression (either time to progression or proportion with progression at a fixed date), the protocol must
specify if entry is restricted to those with measurable disease
or whether patients having non-measurable disease only are
also eligible.
Baseline documentation of target and non-target
When more than one measurable lesion is present at baseline
all lesions up to a maximum of five lesions total (and a maximum of two lesions per organ) representative of all involved
organs should be identified as target lesions and will be recorded and measured at baseline (this means in instances
where patients have only one or two organ sites involved a
maximum of two and four lesions respectively will be recorded). For evidence to support the selection of only five target lesions, see analyses on a large prospective database in
the article by Bogaerts et al.10.
Target lesions should be selected on the basis of their size
(lesions with the longest diameter), be representative of all in-
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Response criteria
Lesions that split or coalesce on treatment. As noted in Appendix II, when non-nodal lesions fragment, the longest diameters of the fragmented portions should be added together to
calculate the target lesion sum. Similarly, as lesions coalesce,
a plane between them may be maintained that would aid in
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obtaining maximal diameter measurements of each individual lesion. If the lesions have truly coalesced such that they
are no longer separable, the vector of the longest diameter
in this instance should be the maximal longest diameter for
the coalesced lesion.
This section provides the definitions of the criteria used to determine the tumour response for the group of non-target lesions.
While some non-target lesions may actually be measurable,
they need not be measured and instead should be assessed only
qualitatively at the time points specified in the protocol.
Complete Response (CR): Disappearance of all non-target lesions and normalisation of tumour marker level. All
lymph nodes must be non-pathological in size
(<10 mm short axis).
Non-CR/Non-PD: Persistence of one or more non-target lesion(s) and/or maintenance of tumour marker level
above the normal limits.
Progressive Disease (PD): Unequivocal progression (see comments below) of existing non-target lesions. (Note:
the appearance of one or more new lesions is also
considered progression).
When the patient has only non-measurable disease. This circumstance arises in some phase III trials when it is not a criterion of
study entry to have measurable disease. The same general concepts apply here as noted above, however, in this instance there
is no measurable disease assessment to factor into the interpretation of an increase in non-measurable disease burden.
Because worsening in non-target disease cannot be easily
quantified (by definition: if all lesions are truly non-measurable) a useful test that can be applied when assessing patients
for unequivocal progression is to consider if the increase in
overall disease burden based on the change in non-measurable
disease is comparable in magnitude to the increase that would
be required to declare PD for measurable disease: i.e. an increase
in tumour burden representing an additional 73% increase in
volume (which is equivalent to a 20% increase diameter in a
measurable lesion). Examples include an increase in a pleural
effusion from trace to large, an increase in lymphangitic
New lesions
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It is assumed that at each protocol specified time point, a response assessment occurs. Table 1 on the next page provides
a summary of the overall response status calculation at each
time point for patients who have measurable disease at
When patients have non-measurable (therefore non-target) disease only, Table 2 is to be used.
The best overall response is determined once all the data for the
patient is known.
Best response determination in trials where confirmation of complete or partial response IS NOT required: Best response in these
trials is defined as the best response across all time points (for
example, a patient who has SD at first assessment, PR at second assessment, and PD on last assessment has a best overall
response of PR). When SD is believed to be best response, it
must also meet the protocol specified minimum time from
baseline. If the minimum time is not met when SD is otherwise the best time point response, the patients best response
depends on the subsequent assessments. For example, a patient who has SD at first assessment, PD at second and does
not meet minimum duration for SD, will have a best response
of PD. The same patient lost to follow-up after the first SD
assessment would be considered inevaluable.
Not evaluated
Non-PD or
not all evaluated
Non-PD or
not all evaluated
Yes or No
Yes or No
New lesions
Overall response
Yes or No
CR = complete
PD = progressive
NE = inevaluable.
a Non-CR/non-PD is preferred over stable disease for non-target
disease since SD is increasingly used as endpoint for assessment
of efficacy in some trials so to assign this category when no
lesions can be measured is not advised.
Best response determination in trials where confirmation of complete or partial response IS required: Complete or partial responses may be claimed only if the criteria for each are met
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at a subsequent time point as specified in the protocol (generally 4 weeks later). In this circumstance, the best overall response can be interpreted as in Table 3.
Overall response
Subsequent time point
CR = complete response, PR = partial response, SD = stable disease, PD = progressive disease, and NE = inevaluable.
a If a CR is truly met at first time point, then any disease seen at a subsequent time point, even disease meeting PR criteria relative to baseline,
makes the disease PD at that point (since disease must have reappeared after CR). Best response would depend on whether minimum duration
for SD was met. However, sometimes CR may be claimed when subsequent scans suggest small lesions were likely still present and in fact the
patient had PR, not CR at the first time point. Under these circumstances, the original CR should be changed to PR and the best response is PR.
In non-randomised trials where response is the primary endpoint, confirmation of PR and CR is required to ensure responses identified are not the result of measurement error.
This will also permit appropriate interpretation of results in
the context of historical data where response has traditionally
required confirmation in such trials (see the paper by Bogaerts
et al. in this Special Issue10). However, in all other circum-
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Phase II trials
This guideline is focused primarily on the use of objective response endpoints for phase II trials. In some circumstances, response rate may not be the optimal method to assess the
potential anticancer activity of new agents/regimens. In such
cases progression-free survival (PFS) or the proportion progression-free at landmark time points, might be considered
appropriate alternatives to provide an initial signal of biologic
effect of new agents. It is clear, however, that in an uncontrolled
trial, these measures are subject to criticism since an apparently promising observation may be related to biological factors
such as patient selection and not the impact of the intervention.
Thus, phase II screening trials utilising these endpoints are best
designed with a randomised control. Exceptions may exist
where the behaviour patterns of certain cancers are so consistent (and usually consistently poor), that a non-randomised
trial is justifiable (see for example van Glabbeke et al.20). However, in these cases it will be essential to document with care
the basis for estimating the expected PFS or proportion progression-free in the absence of a treatment effect.
For trials where objective response (CR + PR) is the primary endpoint, and in particular where key drug development decisions are based on the observation of a minimum number of
responders, it is recommended that all claimed responses be
reviewed by an expert(s) independent of the study. If the study
is a randomised trial, ideally reviewers should be blinded to
treatment assignment. Simultaneous review of the patients
files and radiological images is the best approach.
Independent review of progression presents some more
complex issues: for example, there are statistical problems
with the use of central-review-based progression time in
place of investigator-based progression time due to the potential introduction of informative censoring when the former
precedes the latter. An overview of these factors and other
lessons learned from independent review is provided in an
article by Ford et al. in this special issue.22
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Phase II trials
Complete response
Partial response
Stable disease
Inevaluable for response: specify reasons (for example: early
death, malignant disease; early death, toxicity; tumour
assessments not repeated/incomplete; other (specify)).
CT: 10 mm spiral
20 mm non-spiral
Clinical: 20 mm
Clinical: 10 mm (must be
measurable with calipers)
P15 mm short axis for target
P10<15 mm for non-target
<10 mm is non-pathological
Schwartz et al.15
Bogaerts et al.10
Schwartz et al.15
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Special considerations on
lesion measurability
New lesions
Overall response
Dancey et al.21
Special notes:
How to assess and measure
lymph nodes
CR in face of residual tissue
Discussion of equivocal
Bogaerts et al.10
Progression-free survival
Dancey et al.21
Reporting of response
Imaging appendix
Appendix I
New appendices
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Confirmatory measure
Appendix I: comparison of
RECIST 1.0 and 1.1
Appendix III: frequently asked
The RECIST Working Group would like to thank the following
organisations which made data bases available to us in order
to perform the analyses which informed decisions about
changes to this version of the criteria: Amgen; AstraZeneca;
Breast Cancer International Research Group (BCIRG); BristolMyers Squibb; European Organisation for Research and
Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Breast Cancer Group and Gastrointestinal Group; Erasmus University Medical Center,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Genentech; Pfizer; RadPharm;
Roche; Sanofi Aventis.
We would also like to thank the following individuals from
academic, government, and pharmaceutical organisations for
providing helpful comments on an earlier draft of these revised
guidelines: Ohad Amit, Phil Murphy, Teri Crofts and Janet Begun, GlaxoSmithKline, USA; Laurence H. Baker, Southwest
Oncology Group, USA; Karla Ballman, Mayo Clinic, USA;
Charles Baum, Darrel Cohen, and Mary Ashford Collier, Pfizer,
USA; Gary J. Becker, American Board of Radiology, Tucson,
USA; Jean-Yves Blay, University Claude Pertrand, Lyon France;
Renzo Canetta, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA; David Chang, Amgen Inc., USA; Sandra Chica, Perceptive Informations Inc. (PAREXEL), USA; Martin Edelman, University of Maryland
Greenbaum Cancer Centre, USA; Gwendolyn Fyfe, Genentech,
USA; Bruce Giantonio, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group,
USA; Gary Gordon, Abbott Pharmaceuticals, USA; Ronald Gottlieb, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA; Simon Kao, University
of Iowa College of Medicine, USA; Wasaburo Koizumi, Kitasato
University, Japan; Alessandro Riva, Novartis Pharmaceuticals,
USA; Wayne Rackhoff, Ortho Biotech Oncology Research and
Development, USA; Nagahiro Saijo, President Japanese Society
of Medical Oncology, Japan; Mitchell Schnall American College
of Radiology Imaging Network, USA; Yoshik Shimamura, PAREXEL International Inc., Japan; Rajeshwari Sridhara, Centre
for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, USA; Andrew Stone, Alan Barge, AstraZeneca, United
Kingdom; Orhan Suleiman, Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, USA; Daniel C. Sullivan,
Duke University Medical Centre, USA; Masakazu Toi, Kyoto
University, Japan; Cindy Welsh, Centre for Drug Evaluation
and Research, Food and Drug Administration, USA.
Finally, the RECIST Working Group would like to thank individuals who were not permanent members of the group (which
are all acknowledged as co-authors) but who attended working
group meetings from time to time and made contributions to
the total process over the past 7 years: Richard Pazdur, Food
and Drug Administration, USA; Francesco Pignatti, European
Medicines Agency, London, UK.
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Chest X-ray measurement of lesions surrounded by pulmonary parenchyma is feasible, but not preferable as the
measurement represents a summation of densities. Furthermore, there is poor identification of new lesions within the
chest on X-ray as compared with CT. Therefore, measurements of pulmonary parenchymal lesions as well as mediastinal disease are optimally performed with CT of the chest.
MRI of the chest should only be performed in extenuating circumstances. Even if IV contrast cannot be administered (for
example, in the situation of allergy to contrast), a non-contrast CT of the chest is still preferred over MRI or chest X-ray.
CT scans: CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis should
be contiguous throughout all the anatomic region of interest.
As a general rule, the minimum size of a measurable lesion at
baseline should be no less than double the slice thickness and
also have a minimum size of 10 mm (see below for minimum
size when scanners have a slice thickness more than 5 mm).
While the precise physics of lesion size and partial volume
averaging is complex, lesions smaller than 10 mm may be difficult to accurately and reproducibly measure. While this rule
is applicable to baseline scans, as lesions potentially decrease
in size at follow-up CT studies, they should still be measured.
Lesions which are reported as too small to measure should
be assigned a default measurement of 5 mm if they are still
The most critical CT image acquisition parameters for optimal tumour evaluation using RECIST are anatomic coverage,
contrast administration, slice thickness, and reconstruction interval.
a. Anatomic coverage: Optimal anatomic coverage for most
solid tumours is the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Coverage should encompass all areas of known predilection
for metastases in the disease under evaluation and
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Fig. 2 CT versus MRI of same lesions showing apparent progression due only to differing method of measurement.
performed as part of a PETCT is of identical diagnostic quality to a diagnostic CT (with IV and oral contrast) then the CT
portion of the PETCT can be used for RECIST measurements.
Note, however, that the PET portion of the CT introduces additional data which may bias an investigator if it is not routinely
or serially performed.
Ultrasound examinations should not be used in clinical trials
to measure tumour regression or progression of lesions because the examination is necessarily subjective and operator
dependent. The reasons for this are several: Entire examinations cannot be reproduced for independent review at a later
date, and it must be assumed, whether or not it is the case,
that the hard-copy films available represent a true and accurate reflection of events. Furthermore, if, for example, the
only measurable lesion is in the para-aortic region of the
abdomen and if gas in the bowel overlies the lesion, the lesion
will not be detected because the ultrasound beam cannot
penetrate the gas. Accordingly, the disease staging (or restaging for treatment evaluation) for this patient will not be
While evaluation of lesions by physical examination is also
of limited reproducibility, it is permitted when lesions are
superficial, at least 10 mm size, and can be assessed using
calipers. In general, it is preferred if patients on clinical trials
have at least one lesion that is measurable by CT. Other skin
or palpable lesions may be measured on physical examination and be considered target lesions.
Use of MRI remains a complex issue. MRI has excellent
contrast, spatial and temporal resolution; however, there
are many image acquisition variables involved in MRI, which
greatly impact image quality, lesion conspicuity and measurement. Furthermore, the availability of MRI is variable
globally. As with CT, if an MRI is performed, the technical
specifications of the scanning sequences used should be
optimised for the evaluation of the type and site of disease.
Furthermore, as with CT, the modality used at follow-up
should be the same as was used at baseline and the lesions
should be measured/assessed on the same pulse sequence.
Generally, axial imaging of the abdomen and pelvis with T1
and T2 weighted imaging along with gadolinium enhanced
imaging should be performed. The field of view, matrix,
number of excitations, phase encode steps, use of fat suppression and fast sequences should be optimised for the spe-
Measurement of lesions
The longest diameter of selected lesions should be measured
in the plane in which the images were acquired. For body CT,
this is the axial plane. In the event isotropic reconstructions
are performed, measurements can be made on these reconstructed images; however, it should be cautioned that not
all radiology sites are capable of producing isotropic reconstructions. This could lead to the undesirable situation of
measurements in the axial plane at one assessment point
and in a different plane at a subsequent assessment. There
are some tumours, for instance paraspinal lesions, which
are better measured in the coronal or sagittal plane. It would
be acceptable to measure these lesions in these planes if the
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Fig. 3 Largest lesion may not be most reproducible: most reproducible should be selected as target. In this example, the
primary gastric lesion (circled at baseline and at follow-up in the top two images) may be able to be measured with thin
section volumetric CT with the same degree of gastric distention at baseline and follow-up. However, this is potentially
challenging to reproduce in a multicentre trial and if attempted should be done with careful imaging input and analysis. The
most reproducible lesion is a lymph node (circled at baseline and at follow-up in the bottom two images).
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ded in an organ with a similar contrast such as the liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenal or spleen. Additionally, peritumoural
oedema may surround a lesion and may be difficult to distinguish on certain modalities between this oedema and actual
tumour. In fact, pathologically, the presence of tumour cells
within the oedema region is variable. Therefore, it is most
critical that the measurements be obtained in a reproducible
manner from baseline and all subsequent follow-up timepoints. This is also a strong reason to consistently utilise
the same imaging modality.
When lesions fragment, the individual lesion diameters
should be added together to calculate the target lesion
sum. Similarly, as lesions coalesce, a plane between them
may be maintained that would aid in obtaining maximal
diameter measurements of each individual lesion. If the lesions have truly coalesced such that they are no longer separable, the vector of the longest diameter in this instance
should be the maximal longest diameter for the merged
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Measure the longest diameter of the confluent mass and record to add into the sum of
the longest diameters
Measure the longest diameter of each lesion and add this into the sum
As per the RECIST 1.1 guideline, progression requires a 20% increase in the sum of
diameters of all target lesions AND a minimum absolute increase of 5 mm in the sum
Many cooperative groups and members of pharma were involved in preparing RECIST
1.0 and have adopted them. The FDA was consulted in their development and supports
their use, though they dont require it. The European and Canadian regulatory
authorities also participated and the RECIST criteria are now integrated in the European
note for guidance for the development of anticancer agents. Many pharmaceutical
companies are also using them. RECIST 1.1 was similarly widely distributed before
RECIST 1.1 recommends that CT scans have a maximum slice thickness of 5 mm and the
minimum size for a measurable lesion is twice that: 10 mm (even if slice thickness is
<5 mm). If scanners with slice thickness >5 mm are used, the minimum lesion size must
have a longest diameter twice the actual slice thickness
Unless the sum meets the PD criteria, the reappearance of a lesion in the setting of PR (or
SD) is not PD. The lesion should simply be added into the sum.
If the patients had had a CR, clearly reappearance of an absent lesion would qualify for
The longest diameter of the lesion should always be measured even if the actual axis is
different from the one used to measure the lesion initially (or at different time point
during follow-up)
The only exception to this is lymph nodes: as per RECIST 1.1 the short axis should
always be followed and as in the case of target lesions, the vector of the short axis may
change on follow-up
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It is not infrequent that tumour shrinkage hovers around the 30% mark.
In this case, most would consider PR to have been confirmed looking at
this overall case. Had there been two or three non-PR observations
between the two time point PR responses, the most conservative
approach would be to consider this case SD
MRI may be substituted for contrast enhanced CT for some sites, but not
lung. The minimum size for measurability is the same as for CT (10 mm)
as long as the scans are performed with slice thickness of 5 mm and no
gap. In the event the MRI is performed with thicker slices, the size of a
measurable lesion at baseline should be two times the slice thickness. In
the event there are inter-slice gaps, this also needs to be considered in
determining the size of measurable lesions at baseline
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