Austria Info: Culture 2010

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Sonorous Spirited
The cultural high- A land filled with The magic of
lights of the year music dance

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd U1 09.11.2009 12:33:19 Uhr



The world capital of music. The Vienna Museum takes you to the original locations. Like the Haydn House, with its newly designed ex-
hibition, these dwellings still exude the spirit and the creativity of the world-renowned musicians who once lived here.
Pay a visit to the homes of these legendary personalities and experience the “genius loci” that is present there.


With the Brahms
Döblinger Hauptstraße 92
1010 Wien, Mölker Bastei 8 1060 Wien, Haydngasse 19
1190 Wien, Probusgasse 6


With the Stifter Memorial Rooms
1040 Wien, Kettenbrückengasse 6
1020 Wien, Praterstraße 54 1010 Wien, Domgasse 5
1090 Wien, Nußdorfer Straße 54
©Mozarthaus Vienna/David M Peters


Beethoven Apartment Heiligenstadt View of the Mozart Apartment Franz Schubert’s eyeglasses, Johann Strauss Apartment
around 1820

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd U2 02.11.2009 13:15:46 Uhr

Petra Stolba, Austrian National Tourist Office

H olidays in Austria – in the very country whose name has the reputation all over the world as being synonymous with culture. Indeed, culture blooms and flourishes
spectacularly here every summer and in every corner of the land. Each evening in almost every village there is a theatre or small performing arts venue staging an
event, and as for Austria’s cities: the playbills of these theatres, put end to end, would probably reach all the way around the world. But it’s not only theatre that lends
the country a festive air during the summer, but also the many music recitals and exhibitions, the dance performances and poetry readings. The atmosphere here is by
no means stuffily “high-brow”; the emphasis is on cheerful pleasure, like the interplay between artistic quality and good food and drink, which is something uniquely
Austrian. And in order to give young and very young guests the chance to “get their feet wet” in culture and arts, many museums and other cultural institutions have
special programmes for kids. So holidays in Austria become more than romping around in deep grass or wading barefoot in a stream (although these are also delightful
pursuits) – they are the first encounter with a world that lends wings to the spirit. Welcome! I wish you splendid holidays in Austria!
Sincerely, Petra Stolba

02 Tradition and modernity

From Gustav Mahler’s 150th birthday to “regionale10”

06 Soundscapes
Whether in an Alpine pasture or in a church, Austria is one big
concert stage

08 Calendar
An overview of the country’s major festivals

11 Music
The land rings with music from Bregenz to Vienna

24 Body languages
Ballet, flamenco, avant-garde: dance festivals are booming like
never before

26 Theatre and dance

What’s playing on provincial stages

28 Worlds of astonishment
Be ready for anything in Austria’s museums

30 Calendar
An overview of the most important exhibitions

32 Museums and exhibitions

Austria’s most interesting art locations

48 Important addresses
Vienna’s Albertina, one of the world’s largest collections of graphic art

Editor Österreich Werbung, A-1040 Wien, Margaretenstraße 1,

DVRNr. 0962635, ZVR: 075857630 Publisher Falter Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Repro Reprozwölf Ges.m.b.H. & Co KG Print Grasl Druck & Neue Medien GmbH
Effective September 2009.
All information subject to change. 1

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 1 16.11.2009 12:13:12 Uhr

Cultural highlights 2010


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 2 30.10.2009 11:38:08 Uhr


1 At the Wiener Festwochen, theatre productions

like “The Trial”, based on Kafka’s novel, set new

2 Sir Simon Rattle, Artistic Director of the Salzburg

Easter Festival

The best of
traditional and modern
The cultural year 2010 spans an arc all the way from Gustav Mahler’s 150th
birthday to “regionale10”

T he little “composing cottage” on Attersee still Gustav Mahler would certainly have enjoyed this very

stands. It is a plain wooden hut that he had built modern approach to his music. His philosophy of life,
on the large field at the edge of this Upper Austrian after all, was: “Tradition is not the worship of ashes,
lake, and to which he retreated for several summers: but the preservation of fire”.
Gustav Mahler, director of the Vienna Court Opera, This motto seems appropriate for the entire 2010
composer, conductor and musical genius. In this cultural year in Austria. It begins, as tradition would
little house he composed parts of his Symphony No. have it, with the world-famous New Year’s Concert,
2 and the entire Symphony No. 3. performed by the Vienna Philharmonic and
The year 2010 marks Mahler’s 150th birthday, conducted this year by the French maestro Georges
which will be duly celebrated with a major exhibition Prêtre. In the spring, however, the Wiener Fest-
at the Austrian Theatre Museum (“Gustav Mahler wochen ushers the modern age into the Austrian
and Vienna”) and performances in Vienna’s capital. The 2010 edition of this annual festival will
Konzerthaus. The Theater an der Wien will com- culminate with the appearance of Hollywood star and
memorate the musician with a very special produc- Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett in Botho
tion in March: the renowned Belgian choreographer Strauss’s play “Gross und klein” (“Big and Little”),
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker will perform with her staged by Luc Bondy, the Wiener Festwochen’s
troupe the ballet “3adieux”, with music by Mahler. artistic director. > 3

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 3 30.10.2009 11:38:13 Uhr

Cultural highlights 2010

By Order of the Emperor to a creature from another planet. In autumn the exhibitions is presented at the Leopold Museum and
At the Albertina the first exhibition of the year is de- Albertina features an exhibition on Michelangelo, dis- focuses on the builder of the Secession, Joseph Maria

© P H I L I P P H O R A K , F E S T S P I E L E E R L / R U P E RT L A R L , P E T E R M A N N I N G E R
voted to Jakob and Rudolf von Alt. In 1833 Emperor playing 100 of his finest drawings, while at the Wien Olbrich. In summer, the Kunsthalle shows the work of
Ferdinand I commissioned them to create for him a Museum visitors can check out the latest in modern the painter Jean-Michel Basquiat, with pop art taking
“picture book” of the most beautiful areas in the Aus- Viennese design. The numerous courtyards of the over beginning in October.

trian Empire. In June painter Walton Ford presents an MuseumsQuartier, one of the ten largest cultural cen-
innovative symbiosis between the traditional and the tres in the world, are transformed in summer into the “Schrammel sounds” in the woods
modern. Ford, one of the art world’s most important “living room of the city”, where one can lounge on Anyone who thinks that the Austrian capital has a
discoveries in recent years, creates large-scale wa- one of the many block-like “sofas”. Several museums monopoly on culture could not be more wrong, as is
tercolours of animals based on engravings from the located in the complex, as well as the Architekturzen- anyone who thinks that arts events outside Vienna are
17th century. He adds bizarre and often comical de- trum and the Tanzquartier, enrich Vienna with a nev- limited to the Salzburg Festival. There is, in fact, an
tails to his subjects, transforming a familiar animal in- er-ending stream of events. One of the year’s largest astounding array of cultural highlights to be found out


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 4 30.10.2009 11:38:21 Uhr

The highlights
* Springfestival. In May, Austria’s lar-
gest festival for electronic art and music
transforms the city of Graz into a vibrant
centre of pop culture, with five days and
four nights of DJ and club culture.

* Glatt&Verkehrt. For an entire week

the Göttweig Abbey and the courtyard of
the Winzer Krems Winery ring with the
sounds of yodels, polkas, csárdás and
tangos: world music in a dialogue with
Austria. Also on offer are the region’s
finest wines and culinary delicacies.

* styriarte. In 2010 the annual summer
festival in the province of Styria celebrates
its 25th anniversary. The spotlight this year
is on the Styrian baroque composer Johann
Joseph Fux, with Nikolaus Harnoncourt
conducting eight concerts.

* Klangspuren. The silver-mining town

of Schwaz in Tirol serves as the backdrop
for an outstanding festival of contemporary
music in September. And at this event you
can not only hear innovative and daring
music, but also get to know the performers
and composers on hikes, while hunting for
mushrooms and during “listening walks”.

* Salzburg JazzHerbst. A jazz highlight

with a tradition: since 1996 international
stars have gathered here in late autumn
to jam with Austrian musicians on large
and small stages throughout the city of
1 3 4

1 Giuseppe Verdi’s monumental “Aida” at in the Austrian countryside in 2010. In Litschau am regional exhibition held in 2010 at several venues
the Bregenz Festival
Herrensee, in Lower Austria’s Waldviertel region, the along the Danube in Lower and Upper Austria will
© P H I L I P P H O R A K , F E S T S P I E L E E R L / R U P E RT L A R L , P E T E R M A N N I N G E R

2 The “cloud pillar” in the Grafenegg Castle Schrammel.Klang.Festival presents outstanding look at this river in terms of innovation, landscape and
Park is the atmospheric venue for a world-
class music festival Viennese folk music in a spectacular natural setting. cultural history. Numerous projects, symposia and
In the month of July, this town will host concerts, conferences will accompany this show.
3 The Tirolean Festival Erl’s focus is on the

titans of the opera repertoire, particularly readings and Schrammel jam sessions in the sur- And one should not miss the many opportunities
on the works of Richard Wagner rounding forests. The geographical centre of Austria for combining cultural and culinary pleasures. At
4 The steirischer herbst presents positions will enter the spotlight when “regionale10” comes to Salzburg’s Museum der Moderne, visitors can book
of contemporary art, from theatre to dance
the Styrian district of Liezen. This innovative provincial an “art breakfast” when they buy their admission
and from music to literature
exhibition, held from June to August in various loca- ticket, and at Vienna’s Belvedere Palace one can
tions, will examine how art, culture and everyday life enjoy a brunch in the Baroque Garden, followed by
intertwine. “Danube – Curse and Blessing”, an inter- a guided tour of the current exhibition. • 5

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Music festivals

their manifold facets are the theme of the Internation-
al Accordion Festival, which is held in February and
features renowned musical guests from all over the


From the alpine pasture to the church: Austria is one big concert stage world. Every bit as imaginative and colourful as the
programme itself are the performance venues, which

W hen summer comes to the countryside, not

only do the temperatures rise, but spirits as
well. Then it can happen that even in places where
name only, the organisers in Saalfelden still under-
stand the word “jazz” as a synonym for artistic daring
and musical nonconformity and rule-breaking. Conse-
range from traditional inns and classic jazz clubs to
cinemas, where silent movies are accompanied by
live accordion music.
one normally hears only the ringing of cowbells, sud- quently, no one is surprised when, for example,
denly the air is filled with the sounds of jazz bands Christian Muthspiel’s “Yodel Group” launches into a Gamba and lute
and jam sessions: aside from performances in con- jazzed-up version of this alpine vocal artistry at one of In age, the accordion is a mere youngster compared
ventional concert venues, the Jazz Festival Saalfelden the “pasture concerts” … with most of the instruments one hears at Carinthia’s

also features the legendary “pasture concerts”, held “Trigonale”, such as baroque lutes, viola da gambas
in the midst of the spectacular Alpine scenery of the High spirits at the push of a button and harpsichords. The festival is completely dedicated
Pinzgau region. The top-tier artists appearing in Saal- Alpine pastures are also home to the traditional but- to the “ancient music” of the Middle Ages, Baroque
felden make it Central Europe’s most important jazz ton accordion, whose “family” is the centrepiece of an and Renaissance. Interestingly enough, it is this very
festival. While many similar festivals are jazz events in especially popular Viennese festival: accordions and music that stimulates the musicians to research, ex-


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 6 30.10.2009 11:38:42 Uhr

Listen & look
* INNtöne Festival. On Paul Zauner’s
legendary farm, diverse musical worlds
blend together to create a unique festival
in Upper Austria’s picturesque Sauwald

* Loisiarte. A successful combination of

music by contemporary Austrian compo-
sers, compelling readings and one piece
in each programme by one of the great old

* KlezMORE Festival. For five years

now, Vienna’s KlezMORE Festival has
focused on the traditional klezmer music
while at the same time creating fascinating
2 3 synergies between a wide variety of musical
styles, with performers including both
Jewish and non-Jewish artists.

* Brucknerfest. At its inception purely a

music festival devoted to the oeuvre of
Anton Bruckner, the Brucknerfest – thanks
to the addition of the Ars Electronica and
the Linz Cloud of Sound – has now become
an internationally acclaimed, visionary
bridge between the traditional and the

* Wean hean. From September to Octo-

ber 2010, typically Viennese music such as
the traditional “Wienerlied” is presented in
both conventional and modern settings, but
always with feeling.
1 4

1 The opening concert on Graz’s Hauptplatz periment and interpret the music in a creative man- mentation – it is no coincidence that this is the very
kicks off the styriarte
ner. The result is a lively dialogue between old and city that gave birth to the innovative steirischer
2 Franz Lehár’s immortal operetta melodies new, whose charm is only enhanced by the venerable herbst, the first “festival of new art” in Europe – and

fill the air at the Lehár Festival, held in the

spa town of Bad Ischl ambience of the performance venues, such as the the “Serenata” is no exception: the most disparate
cathedral at Maria Saal and other historic Carinthian styles and tonal colours are combined at this festi-
3 The donaufestival Krems provides new
performance art and music with an churches. The Trigonale 2010 will feature luminaries val, from Bach played on the saxophone and dance
international platform of the early-music scene like the Münchner Barock- melodies performed entirely with percussion instru-
4 Each year the Saalfelden International solisten, the French ensemble Café Zimmermann and ments to Verdi’s works arranged for brass ensem-
Jazz Festival brings both legends and
Hopkinson Smith, the virtuoso of the baroque lute. ble. If one is searching for even more daring experi-
newcomers onto the stage
mentation, try the donaufestival in Krems, which is
Bach meets sax geared primarily toward a younger audience. This is
The Mediterranean flair of Graz makes the city the a musical mixture of electronics, rock, pop and

ideal setting for enjoying the sounds of classical mu- avant-garde, presented by musicians rarely heard
sic on balmy summer evenings. One of the most en- anywhere else in Austria. In its ambitious program-
chanting festivals the Styrian capital has to offer is ming, the festival organisers place great emphasis
the “Serenata” concert series. It must be said that on keeping the genre borders fluid. And, as the say-
Graz artists in general have a propensity for experi- ing goes, one cannot argue with success. • 7

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Vienna The opening of the ImPulsTanz dance International Haydn Days. 9–19 Sept., Eisenstadt: the
festival in Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier world’s top ensembles and conductors appear together
Resonanzen. 16–24 Jan.: music between the Middle under the title “Haydn & the Jubilarians”.
Ages and the Baroque in Vienna’s Konzerthaus. ImPulsTanz. Mid-July to mid-August: international dance Tel. +43 (0)2682/618 66,
Tel. +43 (0)1/24 20 02, festival with dance and choreography workshops as well as
Kobersdorf Castle Festival. 6–31 Jul., Kobersdorf: thea-
International Accordion Festival. 20 Feb.–21 Mar.: performances. Tel. +43 (0)1/523 55 58,
tre performances in the arcade court of Kobersdorf Castle.
the accordion in all its facets. Tel. +43 (0)676/512 91 04, wean hean. The “Wienerlied” festival. Sept. to Oct.: typical Tel. +43 (0)2682/662 11,

© H E R B E R T M Ö B I U S / W E L L E N K L A E N G E L U N Z A M S E E , W W W . F O T O S C H U S T E R . C O M , S TA D T L I N Z , L U K A S B E C K , U L R I C H S C H WA R Z Viennese songs in traditional and modern interpretations.
Lockenhaus International Chamber Music Festival.
Vienna’s Sound of Easter. 27 Mar.–4 Apr.: Tel. +43 (01)4162366,
8–18 July: virtuoso violinist Gidon Kremer’s festival of clas-
opening with the Vienna Philharmonic in the Musikverein. Viennale. Vienna International Film Festival. October: sical music. Tel. +43 (0)2626/63 12 15,
Tel. +43 (0)1/588 85, Austria’s most important international film event.
sound:frame 2010. March–April: festival of the visuali- Tel. +43 (0)1/526 59-470,
St. Margarethen Opera Festival. 14 Jul.–29 Aug., St.
sation of electronic music. Tel. +43 (0)1/587 96 63-27, KlezMORE Festival Vienna. 6–21 Nov.: klezmer-music Margarethen: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s sublime sing- festival with an extensive supporting programme. spiel “The Magic Flute” performed in the impressive Roman
Spring Festival. 28 Mar.–6 May: concerts programmed Tel. +43 (0)676/512 91 04, quarry. Tel. +43 (0)2680/21 00,
by international artists in Vienna’s Musikverein. New Year’s Concert in the Musikverein. 1 Jan. 2011: Mörbisch Festival on the Lake. 15 Jul.–29 Aug.: the
Tel. +43 (0)1/505 81 90, traditional concert by the Vienna Philharmonic in the operetta “Der Zarewitsch” performed on the floating stage
Wiener Festwochen. 14 May–20 June: a diverse world-famous Golden Hall of Vienna’s Musikverein. in Mörbisch on Lake Neusiedl. Tel. +43 (0)2682/662 10,
programme of music and theatre at a variety of venues in Tel. +43 (0)1/505 81 90,
Vienna, tel. +43 (0)1/589 22-0, Jazz Fest Wiesen. July: festival with a great tradition and
Sommernachtskonzert. 20 May: in the gorgeous setting
Burgenland international jazz greats. Tel. +43 (0)2626/816 48,
of the Schönbrunn Palace Park, the Vienna Philharmonic
Liszt Festival Raiding. 19–21 Mar., 23–27 Jun. and
offer the epitome of open-air listening pleasure. 21–24 Oct.: concert series centring on the composer Franz J:opera. 5–15 Aug., Jennersdorf: summer opera featuring Liszt. Tel. +43 (0)2619/510 47, Smetana’s “The Bartered Bride”. Tel. +43 (0)3329/430 37,
Music-Film Festival. 3 Jul.–5 Sept.: music on the screen
klangfrühling at Schlaining Castle. 7–15 May: music fes-
and culinary delicacies in front of Vienna’s City Hall. tival under the direction of the pianists Eduard and Johannes pictureon festival. August: young music festival in the

Tel. +43 (0)1/319 82 00, Kutrowatz. Tel. +43 (0)1/597 30 37, town of Bildein, tel. +43 (0)3323/219 99,
Jazz Fest Vienna. Beginning of July: rhythmic jazz sounds Weinklang Festival. 12–16 May, Lackenbach Castle: Kittsee Summer Festival. 22 Jul.–8 Aug.: “Franz
with artists from all over the world in summery Vienna. music ranging from medieval to contemporary. Schubert’s Dreimäderlhaus”. Tel. +43 (0)1/203 63 57,
Tel. +43 (0)1/712 42 24, Tel. +43 (0)2619/200 12,


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 8 30.10.2009 11:39:04 Uhr

Lower Austria INNtöne Festival. 21–23 May, Diersbach: jazz festival fo-
cusing on the Austrian jazz scene and music from Harlem,
Loisiarte. 18–21 Mar., Langenlois: festival with music by NY. Tel. +43 (0)676/904 68 22,
contemporary composers and selected readings.
Salzkammergut Mozart Festival. 10 Jul.–22 Aug.: a
Tel. +43 (0)2734/322 40-0,
“mostly Mozart” music festival in the beautiful lake-district
donaufestival. April: avant-garde pop festival with music, villages of Hallstatt and Bad Goisern.
performances and installations. Tel. +43 (0)664/596 69 11,
Tel. +43 (0)2732/90 80 70,
Lehár Festival. 17 Jul.–5 Sept., Bad Ischl: operetta
Literature & Wine. 16–18 Apr., Benedictine Abbey festival featuring Emmerich Kálmán’s “Die Csárdásfürstin”
Göttweig: festival of international culture. and Leo Fall’s “Der Fidele Bauer”.
Tel. +43 (0)2732/728 84, Tel. +43 (0)6132/238 39,
fabelhaft. 16–26 May, St. Pölten and vicinity: international wellenklaenge in Lunz am See Festwochen Gmunden. Mid-July to beginning of Sept.:
storytelling festival. Tel. +43 (0)3183/74 23, classical and jazz concerts, theatre and readings. Tel. +43 (0)7612/706 30,
Melk International Baroque Music Festival. 21–24 Linzer Pflasterspektakel. 22–24 July: 24th International
May: with Monteverdi’s “Marian Vespers” commemorating Festival of Street Artists,
the 400th anniversary of the work’s first performance.
Tel. +43 (0)2752/540 60, Music Festival Steyr. 23 Jul.–14 Aug.: Lamberg Castle,
open-air performances of “Don Giovanni”.
Haydn Days at Rohrau Castle. 25–27 June: music, Tel. +43 (0)7252/53 22 90,
readings and dance centring on Joseph Haydn.
Tel. +43 (0)2164/22 53-16, Danube Festival in Strudengau. 30 Jul.–15 Aug.:
ancient and modern music at historic locations.
aufhOHRchen. June, Pöggstall: folk music festival. Tel. +43 (0)7268/268 57,
Tel. +43 (0)2275/466 00,
Attersee Klassik. End of July to the end of August: broad
Festival Retz. 1–11 Jul., Retz: music and literature repertoire of music at venues around lovely Lake Atter.
Sommernachtskonzert in Schönbrunn
transcending all borders. Tel. +43 (0)2942/22 23-52, Tel. +43 (0)1/585 45 31-2,
Bruckner Days, St. Florian. 15–21 Aug.: music events
Rachlin presents. 2–4 Jul., Pernegg Monastery: Julian focusing on the native Upper Austrian composer Anton
Rachlin plays chamber music with world-class musician Bruckner in the St. Florian Abbey.
friends. Tel. +43 (0)1/534 62 87, Tel. +43 (0)7224/200 73,
wellenklaenge. 2–24 July: festival for contemporary ARS ELECTRONICA 2010. Festival for art, technology and
art in Lunz am See with concerts and readings. society. 2–7 Sept., Linz: avant-garde media-arts festival.
Tel. +43 (0)664/33 33 30, Tel. +43 (0)732/72 72-0,
Shakespeare at Rosenburg Castle. 2 Jul.–8 Aug.: Visualised Cloud of Sound. 4 Sept., Linz: sound and
summer theatre with works by William Shakespeare. visualisation spectacle on the banks of the River Danube.
Tel. +43 (0)664/163 05 43, The Classical Cloud of Sound takes place on 12 Sept.
Nestroy Spiele Schwechat. Summer, Rothmühle Palace Tel. +43 (0)732/76 12 21 20,
Schwechat/Rannersdorf: plays by Johann Nestroy. Classical music in Linz’s Brucknerhaus
Brucknerfest Linz. 12 Sept.–3 Oct.: longstanding music
Tel. +43 (0)1/707 82 72-14, festival in the Upper Austrian capital.
© H E R B E R T M Ö B I U S / W E L L E N K L A E N G E L U N Z A M S E E , W W W . F O T O S C H U S T E R . C O M , S TA D T L I N Z , L U K A S B E C K , U L R I C H S C H WA R Z

Schrammel.Klang.Festival. 9–11 Jul., Litschau: Tel. +43 (0)732/76 12 21 24,

“Schrammel” music in the pristine Waldviertel region.
Tel. +43 (0)720/40 77 04, Salzburger Land
Glatt & Verkehrt. July: summer festival in Krems for Mozart Week. 22–31 Jan., Salzburg: composers
traditional and contemporary world music. include Mozart and Haydn, Marc Minkowski and Nikolaus
Tel. +43 (0)2732/90 80 30, Harnoncourt conduct. Tel. +43 (0)662/87 31 54,
Allegro Vivo. Aug. to Sept.: international chamber music
festival with concerts, workshops and seminars. Snow Jazz Festival Gastein. 12–21 March, Gastein
Tel. +43 (0)2982/43 19, Valley: various jazz styles performed in concert halls and
Grafenegg Music Festival. August: concerts by ski huts. Tel. +43 (0)6432/339 30,
international orchestras and the Lower Austrian Tonkünstler Glatt & Verkehrt festival in Krems Easter Festival. 27 Mar.–5 Apr., Salzburg: the Berlin
Orchestra. Tel. +43 (0)2742/90 80 70, Philharmonic conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.
projekt:natur – an autumn festival. Aug. to Nov., Tel. +43 (0)662/80 45-361,
Waidhofen, Mostviertel: theatre, music and literature.
Tel. +43 (0)7442/51 12 55, Salzburg Whitsun Festival. 21–24 May, Salzburg:
concert programme under the artistic direction of Riccardo
Upper Austria Muti. Tel. +43 (0)662/804 55 00,
International Music Summer Bad Schallerbach. Aspekte Festival. 26–30 May, Salzburg: spotlight on the
April–December, Tel. +43 (0)7249/42 07 10, works of composer Sofia Gubaidulina.
© MIRIAM RANEBURGER Tel. +43 (0)699/11 54 55 17,

Brass Festival Linz. 26–28 Apr., Brucknerhaus Linz: Sommerszene. June/July, Salzburg: dance performances
festival for brass and percussion instruments. as “brain pacemaker”. Tel. +43 (0)662/84 34 48,
Tel. +43 (0)732/77 52 30, The Franz Liszt Concert Hall in Raiding 9

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 9 30.10.2009 11:39:12 Uhr

Salzburg Festival. 24 July–31 August: opera and theatre Easter Festival Tirol. 22 March–4 April: orchestra
performances, orchestral, solo and chamber-music con- concerts, theatre and dance in Innsbruck and Hall.
certs. Tel. +43 (0)662/80 45-500, Tel. +43 (0)5223/538 08-0,
Little Festival at Golling Castle. July to August: concerts Tirolean Festival Erl. 8 Jul.–1 Aug.: masterpieces like
and readings with international soloists and famous ensem- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Magic Flute” and Richard
bles. Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman”.
Tel. +43 (0)5372/622 07,
Jazz Festival Saalfelden. Summer: concerts in front of City
Hall and in Alpine pastures, with free admission. World pre- Outreach Festival. End of July to beginning of August:
mieres. Tel. +43 (0)6582/70 66-0, Schwaz gets jazzy with concerts and workshops.
Tel. +43 (0)676/623 30 38,
Salzburg JazzHerbst. 28 Oct.–7 Nov., Salzburg: the 15th
edition of this event with international and Austrian jazz stars. Klangspuren Schwaz. 9–26 Sept.: festival of
Tel. +43 (0)1/504 85 00, Trigonale pays a visit to the St. Veit City Hall contemporary music with orchestra and chamber music.
Tel. +43 (0)5242/735 82,
Carinthia Innsbruck Festival of Early Music. August: music from
Millstatt Music Weeks. May to October 2010: choral and the Renaissance and Baroque. Tel. +43 (0)512/57 10 32,
orchestral works in atmospheric Millstatt Abbey.
Tel. +43 (0)4766/20 23 35, Beethoven Festival. 15–22 May, Kufstein: works by
Wörthersee Classics. 11–14 Jun., Klagenfurt: Birthday Ludwig v. Beethoven presented at various venues.
Gala for Gustav Mahler on 10 July in the Konzerthaus. Tel. Tel. +43 (0)5372/622 07,
+43 (0)664/918 14 41, Innsbruck International Film Festival. 1–6 June:
Finkenstein Castle Arena. Summer: varied programme in focuses on Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
front of a magnificent backdrop. Tel. +43 (0)512/57 85 00-14,
Tel. +43 (0)4254/51 05 11, International Tanzsommer Innsbruck. Mid-June to
Carinthian Summer. 8 Jul.–28 Aug.: festival in Ossiach Joyce DiDonato at the Salzburg Festival mid-July: renowned dance companies from all over the
and Villach, programme ranging from church opera to world. Tel. +43 (0)512 577 677,
contemporary music with artists from all over the world. International Street-Theatre Festival Olala.
Tel. +43 (0)1/596 81 98, 27–31 Jul., Lienz: broad spectrum of street theatre
Comedy Theatre Porcia. July to August, Spittal an der from installations and circus to comedy.
Drau: held in the arcade court of Porcia Castle. Tel. +43 Tel. +43 (0)699/12 26 42 00,
(0)4762/420 20-10, Operetta Summer Kufstein. 31 Jul.–14 Aug.:
Trigonale. 10–19 Sept., St. Veit, Maria Saal and other J. Strauss’s “Wiener Blut” in the Kufstein Castle.
locations: festival of early music. Tel. +43 (0)5372/622 07,
Tel. +43 (0)664/341 31 45, Ambras Castle Concerts, Innsbruck. 13 July–

© S T E FA N S C H W E I G E R , W O L F G A N G L I E N B A C H E R , B R E G E N Z E R F E S T S P I E L E / K A R L F O R S T E R , G R A Z T O U R I S M U S / H A R RY S C H I F F E R , T O P C I T Y : P R O . M E D I A
29 August: early-music concert series with works from
Styria the 15th to the 18th century, held in Ambras Castle.
Tel. +43 (0)512/57 10 32,
Diagonale. 16–21 March, Graz: annual festival of Austrian “Aida” on the floating stage in Bregenz
film. Tel. +43 (0)316/82 28 18, Vorarlberg
springten. 2–6 June: Austrian festival of electronic art and
Feldkirch Festival. 2–13 June: wide-ranging programme
music at various locations in Graz.
with choral, orchestral and jazz concerts.
styriarte 2010. 25 Jun.–25 July: 25th anniversary of the Tel. +43 (0)5522/829 43,
Styrian classical-music festival, led by Nikolaus Harnon-
Bregenz Spring Festival. March to May: international

court. Tel. +43 (0)316/82 50 00,
festival with modern dance performed by ensembles from
future icons. End of June/beginning of July: the festival all over Europe. Tel. +43 (0)5574/410 15 11,
for young culture presents projects relating to music, film,
media, dance and much more. Tel. +43 650/831 12 43,
Poolbar Festival. 2 Jul.–15 Aug., Feldkirch: music and
culture from niche music to pop in Feldkirch’s old indoor
Jazz Summer Graz. 8–31 July: festival in the Styrian capi- swimming pool.
tal with international stars and newcomers of the jazz scene.
Concert at the Jazz Summer Graz Schubertiade Schwarzenberg and Hohenems. 18–27
Tel. +43 (0)3117/279 96-0,
Jul. and 2–12 Sept.: concerts and readings at this festival
La Strada. 30 July–7 August: international festival for are devoted to the music of Schubert and his contemporar-
street and puppet theatre in Graz. ies. Tel. +43 (0)5576/754 50,
Tel. +43 (0)316/69 55 80,
Bregenz Festival. 21 Jul.–22 Aug.: Giuseppe Verdi’s
steirischer herbst. 23 Sept.–17 Oct., Graz: festival of “Aida” on the floating stage. Tel. +43 (0)5574/407-6,
production and processes, of enabling and initiating, with
theatre, dance, music and literature.
Bregenz Festival in the Snow. 18 and 31 January: the
Tel. +43 (0)316 81 60 70,
Bregenz Festival makes a guest appearance on Arlberg
Tirol with “Aida” – in front of a backdrop of snow and ice.
Tel. +43 (0)5583/21 61,
musik+. January to June, Hall: classical-music concerts in
“Tanz ist” festival. 11–19 Jun., Dornbirn: dance is art –
Hall and Innsbruck. Tel. +43 (0)5223/538 08,
follow your instinct Tel. +43 (0)5572/219 33, Operetta melodies in the Kufstein Castle


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 10 30.10.2009 11:40:30 Uhr

Adolf Loos (1870–1933) was one of the most important figures of modern European Vienna
architecture. He became famous with his essay “Ornament and Crime” and buildings like
the American Bar and the “Looshaus” in Vienna. During his entire career he repudiated
decoration. He preferred clear forms, high-quality materials and straight lines.
© S T E FA N S C H W E I G E R , W O L F G A N G L I E N B A C H E R , B R E G E N Z E R F E S T S P I E L E / K A R L F O R S T E R , G R A Z T O U R I S M U S / H A R RY S C H I F F E R , T O P C I T Y : P R O . M E D I A


Volksoper Vienna
T he Volksoper is Vienna’s largest venue for operetta, opera, musicals
and ballet offering sophisticated musical entertainment. Colourful, mul-
tifaceted and fun-loving, it is the only venue in Vienna that devotes itself to
performance here, and world-famous singers like Maria Jeritza and Richard
Tauber appeared here while still in the early stages of their careers. This
fascinating opera past forms the foundation for an exciting future.
the genre of operetta. The performance schedule also includes operas from
the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, as well as classic musicals and ballet. In September 2007 the very popular actor Robert Meyer took over the
Between September and June nearly 300 performances of some 30 pro- direction of the Volksoper, and his multifaceted repertoire has become a
ductions are staged in this 1,300-seat theatre, with the repertoire ranging great success with the critics as well as with the public.
from Mozart’s “Magic Flute” to the beloved operetta “Die Fledermaus” and
from the musical “My Fair Lady” to the classic ballet “The Nutcracker”. Information & bookings. Volksoper
Wien, A-1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 78
The Volksoper was opened in 1898 as the “Kaiser-Jubiläums-Stadtthea- Information: tel. +43 (0)1/514 44-3670
ter”. Important works such as “Tosca” and “Salome” had their first Vienna Tickets (with credit card):
Tel. +43 (0)1/513 1 513
operette oper musical ballett
[email protected], 11

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 11 30.10.2009 11:41:03 Uhr

Vienna Gustav Mahler (1860–1911). Following his motto “Tradition is not the worship of
ashes, but the preservation of fire”, Gustav Mahler paved the way for the modern era. The
conductor and opera director usually did his composing on summer holidays in the seclusion
of his “composing cottages” on Attersee and Wörthersee. Among his most important works

Wiener Residenzorchester
T he Wiener Resi-
a Viennese chamber
orchestra with a long
tradition, was found-
ed by the pianist and
conductor Paul Moser
in order to present
the Viennese classics
Strauss & Mozart concerts
in their full glory. The
group’s many concert D aily in Vienna’s Kursalon. The Kursalon is among Vienna’s most
splendid buildings. Here, at the very place where the Strauss brothers
once played to enthralled audiences, the “Salonorchester Alt Wien” ignites
series in the past
decades have been a veritable firework of the most beautiful works by “Waltz King” Johann
presented in Vienna’s most beautiful palaces. The orchestra plays works Strauss and the immortal Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Virtuoso instrumen-

by composers ranging from Mozart to Johann Strauss, and performed by talists, top opera singers and entrancing ballet soloists present a delightful
between 10 and 40 musicians. In 1991 the Wiener Residenzorchester was evening full of Viennese charm with lively waltzes, polkas and operetta
the official Austrian representative at Mozart’s anniversary celebrations melodies. The popular “Concert & Dinner” packages combine music with
and played numerous concerts at Vienna’s “Wiener Klangbogen” festival. fine dining in the Kursalon’s own restaurant.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Wiener Residenzorchester Sound of Vienna im Kursalon Wien
A-1080 Wien, Auerspergstraße 1 A-1010 Wien, Johannesgasse 33
Tel. +43 (0)1/817 21 78, fax: 813 28 65 Tel. +43 (0)1/512 57-90, fax: ext. 91
[email protected] [email protected],

Musical voyages of discovery

V ienna’s Haus der Musik devotes a total of 5,000 square metres to
the presentation of the fascinating world of music. Test your musical
talent on the virtual conductor’s podium, compose your own waltz and
experiment with sounds and instruments in an interactive museum of
discovery unique in the entire world.

Opening times: daily from 10am to 10pm

Mozart like in the old days Recipient of the Austrian Museum Prize

C lassical music performed in Schönbrunn’s Orangery reflects the very

special relationship between Schönbrunn and Mozart: the young


Wolfgang performed here with his sister Nannerl, to the great delight
of Empress Maria Theresa. And the spirit of Mozart is present in the
palace’s Orangery as well: it was in this gem of baroque architecture that
he conducted the first performance of his “Der Schauspieldirektor” in
1786. Today the Orangery Schönbrunn is the venue for the world-famous
“Schönbrunn Palace Concerts”. At these events the renowned Schön-
brunn Palace Orchestra takes the audience back in time to the golden
age of Mozart and Strauss, garnished with singing and dancing.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Schönbrunner Schlosskonzerte Haus der Musik – das Klangmuseum
Orangerie Schönbrunn, A-1130 Wien A-1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 30
Tel. +43 (0)1/812 50 04, fax: 812 54 24 Tel. +43 (0)1/516 48-0
[email protected] Fax: +43 (0)1/512 03 15 [email protected],


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 12 30.10.2009 11:41:07 Uhr

are his ten symphonies, the “Lied von der Erde” (“The Song of the Earth”) and the “Kindertotenlieder” (“Songs Vienna / Styria
on the Death of Children”). Mahler was passionate about women as well as music: his love for one of the
great femme fatales of the 20th century, Alma Schindler, with whom he was married until his death, is the
stuff of legends. In 2010 the music world celebrates Gustav Mahler’s 150th birthday.

Direct connection to the city centre Brahms Festival Mürzzuschlag

O nly 16 minutes from the
Vienna Airport to the city
centre’s Wien-Mitte station:
S ome 125 years ago Johannes
Brahms composed his 4th Sympho-
ny and over 30 songs in Mürzzuschlag.
this makes the City Airport Today, his former residence houses
Train (CAT) the fastest way to Austria’s only Brahms Museum. In 2010
get from the plane to downtown the works of the master will again be
Vienna. The CAT runs daily celebrated here with world-class musi-
every half hour. The jet-like atmosphere of the air-conditioned CAT double- cians. The programme includes works
decker cars and the “first-class” seats guarantee a relaxed journey. Wide by Brahms’ teacher from his early years
aisles and spacious luggage racks make it easy to stow your baggage. in Hamburg, Eduard Marxsen, and
Train attendants see to the comfort of the passengers, and monitors in the pieces by Viennese composers of the
train provide information about the city of Vienna (travelling to Vienna) and 1890s. At the concerts in the Kunst-
flight departures (travelling to the airport). In addition, air passengers can haus, audiences will hear examples of Brahms’ chamber music as well as
check their luggage and obtain their boarding pass right at the CAT Ter- compositions by friends such as Goldmark, Bargiel and Schumann. The

minal at Wien-Mitte. NEW: CAT-CAB – the shuttle to and from the Wien- festival guarantees five days of fabulous music, compelling lectures and
Mitte station. For a total of € 24, up to four persons can travel comfortably excursions in the beautiful surroundings of Mürzzuschlag am Semmering.
and in an environmentally friendly manner from the airport to their hotel. International Brahms Festival Mürzzuschlag:
The total price includes the trip with the CAT for four persons. “Companions”, 8–12 September 2010

Information & Information & bookings.

bookings. Brahms-Museum A-8680 Mürzzuschlag, Wiener Straße 4
Tel. +43 (0)3852/34 34
Fax: +43 (0)3852/23 76 20
[email protected],

regionale10 – Festival for Contemporary Art

T he “regionale” is the new Styrian festival for contemporary art,
exploring the interface between culture and everyday life. In
keeping with the festival’s motto “In the middle on the edge”, the
regionale10 takes the apparent incongruousness of the various
regions of the sprawling Liezen district and uses it as a point of
departure for the entire event. The festival examines the great di-
versity of this habitat and its social and cultural impact: a monas-
tery turns out to be a playground, a border is crossed, work turns
into wellness, and nerve-wracking mountain climbing becomes a
fashionable pastime. This is all culture, and this is all part of the

Liezen district. The regionale10 presents a total of 30 projects,

concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions, celebrations, kitchen
adventures and other cultural border-crossing events.

Kultur:Bezirk:Liezen – three of over 30 productions

Festival from 2 Jun. to 14 Aug. 2010

2 Jun. 2010 Festival opening in Trieben

3 Jun. to 7 Nov. 2010 “Play Admont”, an exhibition in
cooperation with the
Benedictine Abbey of Admont Information & bookings. regionale10
Festivalzentrum im Hotel Karow
3 Jun. to 31 Oct. 2010 “Knoten Trautenfels”, an exhibition A-8940 Liezen, Bahnhofstraße 3
in cooperation with the Info/tickets: tel. +43 (0)676/848 119 119
Universal Museum Joanneum [email protected] 13

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 13 30.10.2009 11:41:29 Uhr

Tirol Angelika Kirchschlager. If she hadn’t been blessed with such a stunning
voice, Angelika Kirchschlager (born 1965) might today be playing timpani with the Vienna
Philharmonic. Most people do not know that the native of Salzburg studied percussion for
three years before she began her vocal training. Today Kirchschlager is one of the world’s

Cultural Fireworks in the Holiday Region Kufstein
B eing a guest in the Holiday Region Kufstein means not only discovering
the beauty of nature, the crystal-clear lakes and the numerous activi-
ties that are available. It also means enjoying the many cultural festivities. A
Operetta melodies in August: the Operetta Summer in Kufstein Castle
begins its fourth year on 30 July (31 Jul.; 1/6 /7/13 +14 Aug. 2010) and
is a must for scores of operetta lovers. Johann Strauss’s “Wiener Blut”


veritable firework of exciting events explodes in the summer months. promises to be another enchanting listening experience full of wonderful
waltz melodies. The venue for the Operetta Summer is Kufstein Castle, one
Musical pleasures at the Beethoven Festival: the annual festival
of Tirol’s most imposing medieval structures, and which offers a modern
(15–22 May 2010) is kicked off by the “Tiroler Beethoven-Tage”,
covered arena for performances.
with the acclaimed conductor and producer Matthias G. Kendlinger
as artistic director. Known, among other things, as the founder of the View of the Passion: Tirol’s two Passion-play venues, Erl and Thiersee,
“K&K Philharmoniker”, Kendlinger is an avowed advocate of Ludwig are both located in the Holiday Region Kufstein. Miracle plays are
van Beethoven’s works. For an entire week, audiences will be treated to performed here in six-year cycles. The next production will be in 2011 in
musical treasures from Beethoven’s oeuvre, performed at various venues. Thiersee, where enormous organisational effort and a huge amount of
human resources are required to bring the suffering of Christ to the stage
Summer means the Tirolean Festival Erl: every year in July music
(29 May–2 Oct. 2011).
lovers from all over the world pay a visit to the Tirolean village of Erl (8
Jul.–1 Aug. 2010). Under the artistic direction of maestro Gustav Kuhn, More information available at:
the greatest names in the music world take the stage. The 2010 event
Information & bookings.
schedule spotlights Richard Wagner, but includes classical masterpieces
Ferienland Kufstein
by other composers as well. Two of the festival highlights will certainly be A-6330 Kufstein, Unterer Stadtplatz 8
Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” and Richard Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman”, Tel. +43 (0)5372/622 07
staged by Gustav Kuhn. Fax: +43 (0)5372/614 55
[email protected],


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 14 30.10.2009 11:41:48 Uhr

most sought-after mezzo-sopranos. Due to her lyric range, she often plays “trouser roles” such as Idamante in Salzburger Land
Mozart’s “Idomeneo” and Octavian in Strauss’s “Rosenkavalier”. In 2007 Kirchschlager received the honorary
title of “Kammersängerin” from the Vienna State Opera and was awarded a professorship at Salzburg’s
Mozarteum. While she lives in Vienna, she is equally at home in all the great opera houses of the world.

Salzburg – the world’s stage

S alzburg owes its international fame to the natural beauty of its
surrounding area, its charming town centre and the happy act of * Salzburg Culture Days: 9–31 Oct.
* Jazz-Herbst: 28 Oct.–7 Nov.
Advent events, Salzburg Advent and Christmas Markets: 18 Nov.–26 Dec. *
providence that the most-performed composer of all time, Wolfgang
* New Year’s Eve in Salzburg, and dinner, chamber and orchestra con-
Amadeus Mozart, should be born here. The gorgeous baroque city, with its certs throughout the year
*New! Every Saturday from March to October

world-famous landmarks, offers visitors a wide array of outstanding cultural 2010: “Mozart Symphony Concerts”
events throughout the entire year. With the Salzburg Card you can enjoy
one-time free admission to all important sights and free travel on the city’s
public transport system for 24, 48 or 72 hours.

Event highlights in 2010: Mozart Week 22–31 Jan. Easter Festival

27 Mar.–5 Apr. Festival Begegnung “Silence” 14–16 May

* Salzburg Whitsun Festival 21–24 May.

Salzburg City Hotels

B e right where the ac-
tion is in Salzburg:
beneath the towering
Hohensalzburg Fortress,
an astounding number of SALZBURG FESTIVAL
splendid sights, chic shops
and charming pubs and
25 JULY-30 AUGUST 2010

restaurants are waiting to

be discovered.
Would you like to enjoy
this exciting atmosphere
around the clock and
completely immerse yourself in the breathtaking flair of this World Herit- INFORMATION AND TICKETS:
age Site? Then by all means book a hotel right in the historic city centre KARTENBÜRO DER SALZBURGER FESTSPIELE
for your stay in Salzburg. With your accommodations situated only a Postfach 140 . 5010 Salzburg · Austria
few minutes from the city’s world-famous squares, you can experience Tel: + 43-662-8045-500 · Fax: + 43-662-8045-555
the remarkable ambience of this fairytale city first-hand and up-close. [email protected] ·

Information. Information & bookings.

Tourismusverband Salzburger Altstadt Salzburg Information
A-5020 Salzburg, Münzgasse 1/II A-5020 Salzburg, Auerspergstraße 6
Tel. +43 (0)662/84 54 53-19 Tel. +43 (0)662/889 87-0, fax: ext. 32
Fax: +43 (0)662/84 54 53-22 [email protected] 15

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 15 11.11.2009 9:13:17 Uhr

Burgenland At the age of five, Rudolf Buchbinder (born 1946) became the youngest student ever
to be accepted at Vienna’s Music Academy. Today the pianist performs around the globe as
soloist with all the major orchestras and conductors, and appears in the world’s most important
concert halls and at the most prestigious festivals. A matter that Rudolf Buchbinder has

Haydn Festival in Eisenstadt

T he name Joseph Haydn is inseparably linked with Eisenstadt. He was
active for more than 40 years as “Kapellmeister” at the Esterházy
Court and performed a great number of his masterpieces there. Many of
the places he worked at that time – such as Esterházy Palace’s Haydn
Hall, famous for its outstanding acoustics – have been preserved in their
original state and now serve as the elegant setting for music events in

Since 1986 the Haydn Festival has offered stimulating concerts

performed at the original venues. Every year the world’s top ensembles
and conductors appear in Eisenstadt, and 2010 is no exception:
Adam Fischer, the Austro-Hungarian Haydn Orchestra, Sol Gabetta,
Kammerorchester Basel, Giovanni Antonini and Julian Rachlin are just
some of the names on the event schedule.

International Haydn Festival, 9–19 Sept. 2010, “Haydn & the

Mörbisch Festival on the Lake
Jubilarians”. All concert dates at:
“I t is the unparalleled setting directly on Lake Neusiedl National Park”,
say some. “It is the classic productions of traditional operettas”, say
others. But what is it really that makes the Mörbisch Festival on the Lake
so special? It is the total experience … A visit to the Mörbisch Festival
on the Lake is a feast for all the senses!
The Festival’s 3,500m2 stage blends harmoniously into Burgenland’s
Pannonian landscape. The countryside surrounding the typical
Burgenland wine village of Mörbisch and the lake setting create the
perfect atmosphere for the cultivation of classic Viennese operetta.
2010 will mark a premiere at the Mörbisch Festival on the Lake: its
first-ever staging of Franz Lehár’s “Der Zarewitsch” (The Tsarevich).
Young, fearful and shy Alexei has been named successor to the throne
of Russia, the “Tsarevich”. As he cannot bear having women around
him, his father, the Grand Duke, decides to prepare him for marriage
by providing him with a lover, the dancer Sonja, dressed as a page.
Alexei, furious at first to discover that his father has deceived him by
sending him a girl, is pacified by Sonja,
who suggests that they merely pretend
to be lovers. Eventually, of course,
they actually do fall in love. But since

© B A S TA , H AY D N F E S T S P I E L E E I S E N S TA D T, S E E F E S T S P I E L E M Ö R B I S C H / L I C H T S TA R K . C O M
Sonja, as a commoner, is not suitable
for marriage, she is banned from the
court, paving the way for Alexei to wed


a princess. Instead, the couple flees
to Naples, accompanied only by their
faithful servants Ivan and Mascha.
Will the love between Alexei and Sonja
endure, or will the Tsarevich’s sense
of duty prevail? Find out from 15 July
to 29 August 2010 at the Mörbisch
Festival on the Lake.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Haydn Festspiele Eisenstadt, Intendanz Seefestspiele Mörbisch
Dr. Walter Reicher, A-7000 Eisenstadt A-7000 Eisenstadt, Joseph-Haydn-Gasse 40/1
Tel. +43 (0)2682/618 66, fax: 618 05 Tel. +43 (0)2682/662 10-0, fax: ext. 14
[email protected] [email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 16 30.10.2009 11:42:02 Uhr

completely devoted himself to is the performance of the “New Testament” of the piano literature: the 32 Beethoven sonatas. Upper Austria
Over a hundred records and CDs document the size and diversity of his repertoire, which ranges from the early classical to the
modern. In 1976, for his outstanding recording of Joseph Haydn’s complete works for piano, he received the “Grand Prix du
disque”. Since 2007 Rudolf Buchbinder has been the artistic director of the Grafenegg Music Festival.

Festivals & music – a festival guide for Upper Austria

U pper Austria is a land of festivals and
music. Whether it is concerts, recitals or
opera, you will find it all in Upper Austria.

Our festival guide, available at,

is your own personal advisor on Upper Austria’s
most melodious festivals, the place to find
out what is going on in Upper Austria when it
comes to music and culture. A festival guide
with the most exciting cultural events between
Linz and Bad Ischl. Treat your ears to a feast
of exceptional music and enjoy the unique
atmosphere of the festivals in Upper Austria.

From festivals and music to theatre and

literature to exhibitions and museums: you
will find all of this and more in the schedule of
Upper Austrian cultural events.

Complete information on culture in Upper

Austria and attractive package deals is Information & bookings.
available at: OÖ Tourismus Information
A-4041 Linz, Freistädter Straße 119 Tel. +43 (0)732/22 10 22
[email protected]


© B A S TA , H AY D N F E S T S P I E L E E I S E N S TA D T, S E E F E S T S P I E L E M Ö R B I S C H / L I C H T S TA R K . C O M


The successful new production of “Lohengrin”, created by the stage-

Richard Wagner Festival Wels direction team for the festival’s 20th anniversary celebration in 2009, will

F or 20 years this singular festival in Wels has attracted enthusiastic

Wagnerians from Europe as well as abroad. Following splendid gala
concerts featuring prominent singers in the first years, in 1995, at the
be presented again with a new cast: Hans Sotin, Clemens Bieber, Marion
Ammann, Yumi Koyama and Gerd Grochowski.
Ralf Weikert will conduct two acclaimed Austrian orchestras: the
initiative of the famous stage designer Günther Schneider-Siemssen, the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg (“Lohengrin”) and the Bruckner Orchestra
festival presented its first stage performance of “Tristan und Isolde”– Linz (“Tristan und Isolde”).
130 years after the premiere of the work in Munich.
Detlev Eisinger will hold an introductory lecture on each performance day.
Fifteen years later, in May 2010, a new production of the opera will be
staged, featuring renowned singers such as John Charles Pierce and
Information & Ticket hotline.
Iréne Theorin in the title roles, joined by Hans Sotin (Marke), Hermine May Richard Wagner Festival Wels
(Brangäne) and Wolfgang Brendel (Kurwenal). Tel. +43 (0)7242/239-111
The festival is also famed for its effective scenery and costumes (Dietmar Fax : +43 (0)7242/239-915
[email protected]
Solt ) and the non-alienating staging (Herbert Adler). 17

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 17 30.10.2009 11:42:16 Uhr

Upper Austria / Carinthia Udo Jürgens. The composer and singer (born 1934) is a native of Carinthia. He has
written over 900 songs and sold more than 100 million records. His breakthrough came in
1966 with “Merci Cherie”, the first and to date only Austrian winner of the Eurovision Song
Contest. This success sent Udo Jürgens’ career skyrocketing. With his songs, which often

Culture has a home here

T he holiday region of Villach-Warmbad / Faak Lake / Ossiach Lake not only lies at the geo-
graphical intersection of three cultures. It is also where some of the country’s most extra-
ordinary cultural events take place. Whether it’s the top-flight music offerings of the Carinthian
Summer in the Abbey Church of Ossiach and in the modern Congress Center Villach, open-air
events in Finkenstein’s castle arena, perched high above Faak Lake, or at the Villach “Kirchtag”
fair, a visit to one of the many interesting cultural sights and exhibitions, or active participation in
art classes – here in the south of Austria there are cultural highlights waiting to be experienced
every day. A delightful and varied programme of events, 365 days a year.

Information & bookings. Villach-Warmbad /

Faaker See / Ossiacher See Tourismus
A-9523 Villach-Landskron, Töbringer Straße 1
Tel. +43 (0)4242/420 00, fax: ext. 42
[email protected]

Steyr Music Festival Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

S teyr Music Festival – 23 July to 14 August 2010: The picturesque
ambience of Lamberg Castle is this year the setting for Wolfgang
A. Mozart’s opera “Don
K lagenfurt am
Wörthersee’s cul-
tural offerings always

Giovanni”. Artistic Director make it worth a trip.
Karl-Michael Ebner has In addition to its top-
assembled an outstanding notch events and its
line-up of singers for this location right on Lake
musical drama about the Wörth, Klagenfurt
famous womaniser. An scores points with


Ope®n Air story of love, numerous museums
hate and jealousy. and galleries of inter-
national repute as well
Package offers for Ope®n as its picturesque historic city centre. It is for good reason that the Carinthian
Air “Don Giovanni” with capital is known as the “Renaissance Gem”. Here, visitors marvel at the mag-
two nights in a hotel, nificent renaissance buildings and historic houses and castles, many of which
one opera ticket… are open to the public. In the summer the guided tours of the city’s historic
from € 145 district are popular. With the brochures “Old Town Walks”, “Church Walks”
and “Castle Walks”, the visitor can also explore Klagenfurt on his own.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings. Klagenfurt

Tourismusverband Steyr Tourismus, A-9010 Klagenfurt am
A-4402 Steyr, Stadtplatz 27 Wörthersee, Neuer Platz 1
Tel. +43 (0)7252/532 29-0 Tel. +43 (0)463/537-2223, fax: ext. 6218
[email protected] [email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 18 30.10.2009 11:42:22 Uhr

addressed problems of German society, he soon went beyond the scope of conventional pop music. He was Carinthia
even honoured by the Greek Prime Minister in appreciation for Jürgens’ song “Griechischer Wein”, which
dealt with the problems of Greek guest workers in Germany in the 1970s. Udo Jürgens, now 76, continues to
sell out concert venues and is not even thinking about slowing down. “The tour goes on”, he says.

Carinthian Summer 2010

F estival in Ossiach – Villach: 8 July to 28 August 2010. Each year the
very special atmosphere of the Carinthian Summer attracts acclaimed
artists and thousands of music lovers from all around the globe. The 11th-
century Ossiach Abbey lies directly on the edge of idyllic Ossiach Lake and
was furnished in a magnificent style in the Baroque period. Since 1969
it has been the home of the Carinthian Summer, with venues such as the
Congress Center Villach and the world-famous Steinhaus by architect
Günther Domenig added later.

The roster of artists who have long-standing ties to the Carinthian Summer
reads like a who’s who of the music world: Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Arvo
Pärt, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Mehta, Riccardo Muti, Sir Roger Norrington,
Valery Gergiev, Paul Badura-Skoda, Rudolf Buchbinder, Hilary Hahn,
Gidon Kremer, as well the most renowned international ensembles and
orchestras. The festival’s trademark is the annual church opera. In 2010
a work by the young Finnish composer Jyrki Linjama will see its world

Carinthian music summer

T he Carinthian music summer is something of a musical stronghold in
the south of Austria. The multifaceted offerings and the great diversity
of events around the Carinthian lakes and in the most beautiful palaces,
castles and churches are a delight for young and old alike. The breath-
taking Mediterranean flair and the cultural highlights are a dream-come-

true for anyone with an appreciation for the finer things in life.

This musical kaleidoscope gives the visitor insights into the world of clas-
sical music at the Wörthersee Classics, the Millstatt Music Weeks
and the Trigonale, as well as a look at the world of pop and rock in
Finkenstein’s castle arena. And a journey into the realm of Carinthian
theatre is always worthwhile: the Stadttheater Klagenfurt, the Comedy

Theatre in Porcia Castle, the neuebühnevillach and the k.l.a.s Heun-

burg are just some of the institutions offering exciting stage productions.

Summer cultural events like the Wörthersee Festival, Carinthian Sum-

mer, the St. Paul Cultural Summer and the Musica:Sacra festival make
the Carinthian cultural summer a bright place to be.

Order the Carinthian “KULTURMagazin – Kärntens schönste Seiten”

(in German), with many valuable tips.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Kärnten Information Festival Carinthischer Sommer
A-9220 Velden, Casinoplatz 1 A-1060 Wien, Gumpendorfer Straße 76
Tel. +43 (0)463/30 00 Tel. +43 (0)1/596 81 98, fax: +43 (0)1/597 12 36
[email protected] [email protected] 19

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 19 30.10.2009 11:42:49 Uhr

Vorarlberg Sofa Surfers. When “Transit”, the Sofa Surfers’ debut album, appeared in 1997,
Europe’s dub and techno scene sat up and took notice. Simultaneous with the group’s
first concerts, the track “Sofa Rockers” came out on the legendary double CD “The K&D
Sessions”, on Kruder & Dorfmeister’s G-Stone label. The four-record vinyl edition of this

A lot to like on the lake

T he scenery enchants, the cultural scene pulsates, the modern
architecture fascinates. The Bodensee-Vorarlberg region, on
the Austrian section of Lake Constance, combines the beauty of its
landscape with urban energy. The summer highlight is the Bregenz
Festival, with spectacular performances on the floating stage. Old and
new music are the focus of the Feldkirch Festival, in June, while the
Bregenz Spring Festival, from March to May, is one of the country’s most
prominent modern-dance events. Contemporary art is shown at the
Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB), with the emphasis on solo exhibitions, which
the artists design especially for the space. The KUB, a cube of etched
glass shingles, was designed by Peter Zumthor. In 2009 Zumthor was
awarded the Pritzker Prize, “architecture’s Nobel”.
Tailor-made culture: package deals for all cultural events can be
booked thorough Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus. Especially convenient
are the “tailor-made festivals”: you can book your travel to the Bregenz
Festival online at and tailor all
arrangements according to your individual wishes.

Back to the roots
T he regions where rural customs originated, and where one’s traditional
dress revealed what village one was from, were also the birthplaces of
Austria’s traditional folk music. In some places this aspect of rural culture
is today being revived, in others it has never been lost, and in still others
it is now being given a fresh interpretation – as a piece of Alpine lifestyle
and identity. The winter season, when there was no work to be done in
the fields, was the time when attention was turned to folk music. The farm
families played music, composed and perhaps even purchased or built a
musical instrument or two. Austria’s treasure trove of folk music cannot
be clearly delineated, since it partly transcends the borders to Bavarian
and Swiss regions. And since the various genres are virtually impossible to
categorise, they are often referred to simply by their region of origin: one
speaks of a “Carinthian song” or “Tirolean song”, a “Styrian Landler” or


“Innviertel Landler”, or a “Pongau Yodel”. The way this music is performed
also varies from region to region: while Carinthian music is very often
vocal – generally sung in a very heartfelt manner in four-part harmony –
Styrian folk music is frequently played on the hammer dulcimer or button
accordion, and in Tirol the harp is the instrument of choice. A completely
different genre of folk music evolved in 19th-century Vienna: the slightly
saccharine “Schrammel music”, along with its subgenre, the “Wienerlied”.
The often macabre lyrics usually have one of three themes: the dark soul
of this city and its inhabitants, wine and death. The favourite venues for
the performance of this music are – as might be expected – the typical
Viennese wine taverns, the “Heurigen”. By the mid-1980s elements of
Austrian folk music were surfacing in the country’s pop music. The pioneer
of this new approach to folk music was the group “Attwenger” (see above
Information & bookings.
picture), with its monosyllabically titled albums (“Most”, “Pflug”, “Luft”, Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus
“Song”). Since then, the “new folk music” has found an audience that A-6901 Bregenz, PF 16
includes fans of traditional folk as well as more contemporary-oriented Tel. +43 (0)5574/434 43-0, fax: ext. 4
listeners and classical-music enthusiasts. [email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 20 30.10.2009 11:44:52 Uhr

recording is still one of the most sought-after records in the country. The Sofa Surfers also contributed the
soundtracks for all the screen adaptations of the mystery novels by Austrian writer Wolf Haas. And another
major contribution by the Sofa Surfers should not go unmentioned: the young Austrian band has added an
important, modern facet to the already outstanding image of Vienna as the city of music.


KUB – an extraordinary work of Vorarlberg art

T he Kunsthaus Bregenz was designed in 1997 by the Swiss architect
Peter Zumthor, who in 2009 was the recipient of the Pritzker Prize, the
world’s most prestigious architecture award, given each year to a living
It is the mutually fructifying blend of architecture, programming, curatorial
practice, communication, education and publications that has made KUB a
distinctive model in the art world.
architect for significant achievement. The KUB, which has been honoured Opening times: Tu.–Sun. 10am–6pm, Thur. 10am–9pm.
with numerous architecture awards, is regarded as one of the world’s Special opening hours for the summer exhibition:
most important contemporary museum buildings. Conceived as a natural- from about mid-June – mid-September: daily 10am–8pm.
light museum, the building is striking for its remarkable façade and the
uncompromising execution of its space design. Information & bookings.
Kunsthaus Bregenz
With its long-term basic idea of work oriented to the core of art, the A-6900 Bregenz, Karl-Tizian-Platz
Kunsthaus Bregenz has achieved an unmistakable profile and a solid place Tel. +43 (0)5574/485 94-0, fax: ext. 408
amongst the leading exhibition spaces in Europe. [email protected] 21

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 21 30.10.2009 11:45:06 Uhr

Vorarlberg Martin Grubinger. The multi-percussionist, born in Salzburg in 1983, first grabbed
the attention of the music world when, at the age of sixteen, he became the youngest-ever
finalist at the World Marimbaphone Competition in Japan. With the physical fitness of a
triathlete, this exceptional musician can make an entire stage full of percussion instruments

Feldkirch Festival 2010

O nce each year the Feldkirch Festival transforms the small city of
Feldkirch into an international centre for music of the 20th and
21st centuries. The wide-ranging event programme offers choral and
orchestral concerts, nights full of jazz and dance recitals, as well as
a stage work created especially for the festival, and directed by the
internationally renowned Philippe Arlaud, the artistic director of the

Focus on Russia
In 2010 the guest country of Russia will guarantee a stimulating and
varied festival with Russian, international and regional artists. The
“Young Talents” concert series presents gifted up-and-coming musicians,
the family concert offers musical delights for young and old, and inter-
disciplinary collaborations take audiences to unusual event venues.

Feldkirch Festival 2010, 2 – 13 June 2010

Artistic director: Philippe Arlaud

Bregenz Spring Festival 2010

T op-rate international dance companies make guest appearances
beginning in March 2010 as part of the International Bregenz Spring
Festival of Dance in the Festspielhaus Bregenz and present their latest
productions. Under the artistic direction of Wolfgang Fetz, the festival will
feature both world premieres and Austrian premieres of internationally
known works. The spectrum of dance performances is astounding. One
of the highlights of the event will certainly be the appearance of the
celebrated Nederlands Dans Theater II.

© H O L G E R J A C O B Y, B R E G E N Z E R F R Ü H L I N G , F E L D K I R C H F E S T I V A L / F L O R E N C E G R A N D I D I E R
All dance lovers can again take advantage of the ballet subscription
pass offered by the Bregenzer Kunstverein. If you purchase your
ballet subscription pass before 24 December 2009, you will receive
a 25% discount! After 27 December 2009 you will receive a 20%
discount. With this pass you have the unique opportunity to experience
a wide variety of dance styles and masterly fusions of dance, music,
architecture, video art and spirituality. Don’t miss these great moments
of contemporary dance!
March to May, artistic direction: Wolfgang Fetz
Detailed information as of November 2009 at:

Advance ticket sales through: Information & bookings.

Bregenz Tourismus & Stadtmarketing Feldkirch Festival
A-6900 Bregenz, Rathausstraße 35a A-6800 Feldkirch, Schlossergasse 8
Tel. +43 (0)5574/40 80-0 Tel. +43 (0)5522/829 43
[email protected] Fax: +43 (0)5522/829 43-3449 [email protected],


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 22 30.10.2009 11:45:11 Uhr

sing. Martin Grubinger is constantly trying to expand the expressive possibilities of percussion instruments, and he Vorarlberg
loves challenges. He amply demonstrated this in 2006, when he performed six percussion concertos, including two
premiere performances, in one evening at Vienna’s Musikverein. Despite his young age, Grubinger is already seen as
a once-in-a-century musician, and one who embodies a symbiosis between elemental force and artistic precision.

Bregenz Festival 2010: the cultural experience on Lake Constance

S ince its beginnings in 1946, when the festival’s first performance took
place on two barges moored by the lakeshore, the Bregenz Festival
has evolved into a fixture of the international festival scene. Each year in
Opera on the lake means spectacular productions in a matchless
atmosphere, while in the Festspielhaus old wines of the opera repertoire
are presented in new bottles. In addition, the summer festival offers four
July and August, over 200,000 visitors from all over the world come to weeks of orchestral concerts with the Vienna Symphony and the Symphony
Lake Constance to experience the incomparable atmosphere of open-air Orchestra of Vorarlberg, guest appearances by theatre groups as well as
© H O L G E R J A C O B Y, B R E G E N Z E R F R Ü H L I N G , F E L D K I R C H F E S T I V A L / F L O R E N C E G R A N D I D I E R

music theatre. The breathtaking synergy between the extraordinary natural contemporary works on the Workshop Stage and in the Kunsthaus Bregenz.
surroundings and the imposing stage set, and between a mild summer
evening on the water and top-quality opera, makes a night out at the A “desert opera” on the water:
Bregenz Festival an experience never to be forgotten. Giuseppe Verdi’s monumental opera “Aida” will be presented again in the
2010 summer season on Bregenz’s floating stage. The tragic love story of
Situated in the very heart of Europe, on the shores of Lake Constance, the Ethiopian princess Aida – kidnapped and enslaved on the Nile – and

and surrounded by an impressive mountain panorama – both the Alpine the Egyptian warrior Rhadames has enthralled audiences right from the
foothills and high-Alpine terrain are just outside the city – Bregenz and the premiere performance in Cairo in 1871 and has become one of the most
Bregenz Festival offer an unrivalled combination of nature and culture, of popular and frequently performed works of the opera repertoire.
entertainment and recreation.
The Bregenz Festival takes place from 21 July to 22 August 2010.

Information & bookings.

Bregenzer Festspiele GmbH,
A-6900 Bregenz, Platz der Wiener Symphoniker 1
Tel. +43 (0)5574/407-6, fax: +43 (0)5574/407-400
[email protected] 23

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 23 30.10.2009 11:45:17 Uhr


Body languages ballet with elements of contemporary dance.

Austria dances
Ballet, flamenco, avant-garde: dance festivals are booming like never before Anyone preferring modern dance is spoilt for choice
in this country, for there are dance events every-
where one looks. Vienna’s ImPulsTanz Festival has
A ustrians seem to have been born with a knack
for dancing. Not only did they invent the
world’s most famous dance, the Viennese waltz; for
are also the names of all the dancers and
choreographers who have since then graced the
Vienna State Opera with their talents, from Grethe
long since established itself as the most important
event for contemporary dance in all of Europe. And

centuries the ensemble of the Vienna State Opera Wiesenthal and Rudolf Nureyev to Jorma Elo. “Österreich tanzt”, in the Festspielhaus St. Pölten, in
also occupied a leading position in the world of Finnish-born Elo will stage a new, full-length “ballet Lower Austria, devotes itself to the many stylistic
classical ballet. By the way: at Vienna’s first ballet d’action” at the State Opera in 2010: “A Midsummer forms of modern-day dance, presenting examples of
performance, in 1622, the aristocratic troupe – at Night’s Dream” is the ballet version of William every genre from folk dance and ballet to contempo-
that time ballet dancing was reserved for the nobility Shakespeare’s comedy, set to music by rary dance. The exceptional thing about this festival
– was led by the Emperor himself. Very prominent Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and combining classical is that the audience members are encouraged to


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 24 30.10.2009 11:45:34 Uhr

Beautiful balls
The word “ball” comes from the Latin
“ballare”, “to dance”. And at Austrian balls,
the dancing truly does go on into the wee
hours of the morning.

* Opera Ball. The high celebrity quota

at this exclusive Austrian ball is reflected in
the ticket prices. But for the approximately
12,000 illustrious guests from all over the
world, all the seeing and being seen makes
it worth every cent. Tickets at

* Life Ball. The dress code at Europe’s

largest benefit event is different each year,
but it is always revealing, glamorous and
2 provocative. The glam-and-glitter spectacle
is accompanied by an international fashion
show in front of Vienna’s City Hall.

* Styrian “Bauernbundball”. This ball,

put on in Graz by the Farmer’s League of
Styria, combines rural traditions, a rustic
atmosphere and modern lifestyle. The
concept works, as is evidenced by the
some 10,000 guests who attend the event
each year.

* Multi-Kulti-Ball. As the name

suggests, this ball celebrates Graz’s
multicultural character: people from some
140 nations make their home in the Styrian
capital. In 2010, as always, it will close out
the ball season in April.

* Ball schedule. A comprehensive

calendar of all balls in Austria is available
1 3

1 The beauty of human bodies, brought to stop merely watching and start dancing themselves: trends of international stage art. Even farther to the
the stage of the Bregenz Spring Festival by
as at the ImPulsTanz Festival, they can attend dance west in Austria, a dance event centres on the off-

Wayne McGregor in “Entity”

workshops and perhaps even take to the stage. beat combination of contemporary dance and fiery
2 The Vienna State Opera Ballet dances “Die
Fledermaus” flamenco: at “Tanz ist”, held in the Vorarlberg city of
Dance meets Everyman Dornbirn, true rarities of this Spanish dance style
3 The Kibbutz Dance Company thrills the
audience at the Innsbruck Tanzsommer with In Salzburg, dance events challenge even the have been staged in recent years with top-flight
“Upon Reaching the Sun” famous “Jedermann” performances in terms of performers. Even at many festivals in which dance
public popularity: the avant-garde “Sommerszene” does not play a central role, such as the Wiener

festival offers a genuine contrast to the traditional Festwochen, the Bregenz Festival and the steirischer
Salzburg Festival, which in 2010 celebrates its 90th herbst, this dynamic, expressive art form is given a

anniversary. Known for transcending borders, great deal of time and space. How could it be
artistic risk-taking and innovative presentation otherwise, with the Austrians’ fabled penchant for
forms, the “Sommerszene” strives to connect with dance? •
its audiences by presenting the most important 25

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 25 30.10.2009 11:45:48 Uhr

Theatre Romy Schneider (1938–1982). The Vienna-born actress attained world-wide
fame in the mid-1950s for her role of Empress Elisabeth in the “Sisi” film trilogy. But she
Upper Austria soon felt confined by the “sweet young girl” roles and tried to break out of her Sisi image.
Subsequently, she made films with such legendary directors as Orson Welles and Luchino

Theatre & literature in Upper Austria

T he hottest tips in Upper Austria when it
comes to theatre and literature. In the very
region in which Adalbert Stifter and Thomas
Bernhard lived, theatre and literature are held
in especially high esteem.
At you can find the most
interesting and exciting theatre and literature
events. Whether it’s amusing and entertaining
comedies or a more thought-provoking evening
devoted to serious topics – theatre and
literature in Upper Austria are always moving
experiences, from the Bohemian Forest to the
Salzkammergut and from the River Enns to the
River Inn.
From festivals and music to theatre and
literature to exhibitions and museums: Upper
Austria has an incredibly wide array of cultural
events to offer.
Find out everything you need to know about Information & bookings.
culture and the corresponding package deals OÖ Tourismus Information
at: A-4041 Linz, Freistädter Straße 119 Tel. +43 (0)732/22 10 22
[email protected]

From the inside out in terms of energy as well as culture – after all, the body knows no
national frontiers. Austria has a number of internationally recognised dance
An interview with the choreographer and dancer Georg Blaschke institutions, such as the ImPulsTanz Festival and the Tanzquartier in Vienna.
And how do you see Austria’s audiences?
What developments do you observe in the Austrian dance scene? Audiences in Austria have become more open-minded in the past few years.


I think that the artistic level has risen significantly in recent years. There is They have always been generally enthusiastic, but now they also respond
an up-and-coming generation that is very strong and versatile, and both positively to challenging works. I saw that again at last year’s ImPulsTanz
Linz and Salzburg now have outstanding training centres for contemporary Festival. However, for me, as an artist, it is important that the art of dance is
dance. The students come from many different countries, which is positive not steered by the art market and the dynamics of festivals. I think that the
power of art lies in being contrary, or oppositional. About 25 years ago, we
began emerging from a position of isolation in Austria. And in the process
some very individualistic, aesthetic and innovative approaches were found.
What, personally, is your primary area of interest?
It is the choreographic composition, which should be paired with a constant
self-awareness of the body. Techniques like yoga and Feldenkrais play an
important role in this regard. In this way we can break out of ingrained
movement patterns, and by acting from the inside out, we are able to
discover new possibilities for the movement of a body in space.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
It is in the nature of dance to be mobile and to look for resources beyond
your horizon. But my roots are in Vienna, and it is important to me always to
return to my roots.

Georg Blaschke was born in Vienna in 1965 and is internationally

recognised for his success in the area of contemporary performing arts.


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 26 30.10.2009 11:45:59 Uhr

Visconti. In the 1970s, playing opposite the likes of Michel Piccoli and Yves Montand, she established herself as
one of the most successful actresses in French film. In contrast to her fabulous acting career, Romy Schneider’s
private life was overshadowed by a number of personal tragedies. The Austrian actress died in 1982, shortly after the
premiere of her final movie, “La Passante du Sans-Souci” (The Passerby), but she lives on forever in her films.

Easter Festival Tirol

F or more than two decades the Easter Festival Tirol has been one of
Austria’s cultural highlights in the Easter season. From 20 March to
4 April, Passion music, orchestral concerts, traditional and contemporary
music from various continents, dance, theatre and discussions all unfold to
create an unforgettable experience.
In 2010 the Easter Festival Tirol will devote itself first and foremost to the
topic of communication and the various forms of language. Highlights of the
22nd Easter Festival Tirol include Gérard Grisey’s “Le Noir de l’Etoile”, for
six percussionists (Les Percussions de Strasbourg) and two pulsars, Bach’s
“St. Matthew Passion”, under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe, and
mourning music by Gesualdo and composers of our time.
Additional information at
Ticket hotline: +43 (0)5223/538 08

Tanzsommer Innsbruck
T op-flight dance companies from all over the world will return to
the Tirolean capital in 2010 for the 16th International Tanzsommer
Innsbruck, featuring dance, rhythm and outstanding performances
from mid-June to mid-July. In addition to the peerless stage events,
appearances by the new up-and-coming generation of dancers – the
“Stars of Tomorrow” – will take place all over the province of Tirol. Various
projects for children and youth as well as the popular Tanzsommer
workshops for children and adults will again be offered.

More information at

Ticket orders: +43 (0)512/561 561

or [email protected]

34th Innsbruck Festival


T wo operas by Italian composers of the Late Baroque. Cantatas,

intermezzi, madrigals, concerti, sonatas and masses. Works by
composers from Bach to Vivaldi and from the 16th to the 18th century.

Concerts in Ambras Castle, in the Giant’s Hall of the Hofburg and in

churches. A new generation of leading singers, instrumentalists and
ensembles for early music. Young singers perform baroque opera. Open
air, open mind, improvisation, midday with music, fanfares.
34th Innsbruck Festival of Early Music
13 July – 29 August 2010
Artistic direction: Alessandro De Marchi
More information at
Ticket hotline: +43 (0)188088,
or, Burggraben 3, A-6020 Innsbruck

Information. Information. Information and tickets be- Information.

Innsbruck Tourismus Tanzsommer Innsbruck ginning Nov. 2009. Innsbrucker Osterfestival Tirol
A-6021 Innsbruck, Burggraben 3 A-6020 Innsbruck, Burggraben 3 Festwochen, A-6020 Innsbruck A-6060 Hall, Schmiedg. 5
Tel. +43 (0)512/598 50, fax: ext. 107 Tel. +43 (0)512/57 76 77, fax: ext. 30 Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 21 Tel. +43 (0)5223/538 08
[email protected] [email protected] Tel. +43 (0)512/56 15 61 [email protected] 27

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 27 30.10.2009 11:46:07 Uhr

Museums & exhibitions

Worlds of astonishment
Be ready for anything in Austria’s museums
merge themselves in the fascinating world of tech-
nology: over 40 interactive stations in six “Science
Zones” emphasise the “fun factor” in introducing
the visitor to physical, technical and mechanical
phenomenon. Anyone who has visited this museum

T he world’s largest Brueghel collection, the

world’s largest Klimt collection... The list of su-
perlatives applying to Austria’s museums could go
come downright adventurous. When, for example,
you step over a threshold and suddenly find yourself
in the middle of a primeval sea … Dornbirn’s inatu-
knows why it has been awarded the European Mu-
seum Prize.

on and on. But aside from famous titans like the ra, one of the most modern natural history museums The art of slowness
Kunsthistorisches Museum and Belvedere Palace, a in Europe, uses live projectors, virtual travel and Nostalgia instead of high-tech awaits the visitor at
multitude of lesser-known but no less fascinating al- other spectacular ideas in order to bring to life the the Dorfmuseum Mönchhof, in Burgenland, where
ternatives is also waiting to be discovered. There are fauna and flora of the Bregenzerwald, from the past fascinating exhibits depict how life was in the past
over 100 museums in Vienna alone, and if one to the present. Visitors to this one-of-a-kind facility, for the inhabitants of this region on the shores of
leaves the capital city, things can sometimes be- located in the province of Vorarlberg, can also sub- Lake Neusiedl. An entire village in the style of the


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 28 30.10.2009 11:46:17 Uhr

A little guide
to museums
* Haus der Musik. This modern,
interactive museum takes the visitor on a
voyage of discovery into the world of music.
All 67 of the museum’s new inventions can
be viewed here.

* Arnulf Rainer Museum. Not every

artist has a museum devoted to him in
his own lifetime. This one presents the
works of the internationally known Austrian
“paint-over” artist Arnulf Rainer.

2 3
* Hittisau Women’s Museum. The
world from the female perspective, the
conflict between women and their societal
environment and the culture that developed
as a result: these are some of the fascinat-
ing themes addressed by this Vorarlberg

* Carinthian Museum of Modern Art.

From Maria Lassnig to Kiki Kogelnik: works
by young as well as established regional,
national and international artists are pre-
sented in a 1,000m2 exhibition area.

* Lentos Art Museum. With its entire

design oriented toward the optimal
presentation of art, this museum, situated
on the banks of the Danube in Linz, offers
an exciting juxtaposition of works from the
Lentos collection – works from the 19th
century as well as pop art and photography
– with contemporary art.

1 4

1 Please touch!: a visit to Dornbirn’s 1950s and ‘60s has been reconstructed here: from Worth a look from the outside as well
inatura natural history museum is an
the church, the doctor’s surgery and the school to Many of the modern Austrian museums are worth a
unforgettable adventure for all the senses
the workshops and wine cellars. One can leisurely visit just to see the building itself, in particular
2 Surrounded by art: objects by Bruno
Gironcoli in the Liaunig Museum stroll through the streets, soak up the atmosphere of Graz’s extraordinary Kunsthaus, the shimmering,
the old buildings (which are authentically furnished bladder-shaped structure in the middle of the

3 The Ars Electronica Center in Linz invites

visitors both young and old to experiment as well), enjoy a glass of wine in a former inn, historic city centre known affectionately among the
with the exhibits and with every passing minute one is better able locals as the “Friendly Alien”. Carinthia’s Liaunig
4 World-famous works by Peter Paul to understand how the people at that time worked, Museum, which contains an extensive collection of

Rubens at Vienna’s Albertina

lived and celebrated. Very similar is the atmosphere contemporary art, is not exactly humdrum, either:
in the Open-Air Museum Stübing, in Styria, where this building is almost entirely integrated into the
visitors can even try their hand at the old crafts. The landscape. The only part of the structure visible from
wonderful thing about these museums is: one not the outside is the long gallery section; the rest is
only learns something about rural life in the olden underground. •
days, but also about the art of slowness. 29

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 29 30.10.2009 11:46:25 Uhr

Vienna Lower Austria
Albertina. Andy Warhol. Cars, 22 Jan.–16 May; By Order Archaeological Park Carnuntum 2010. Summer,
of the Emperor: Jakob and Rudolf von Alt, 12 Feb.– 24 May; Open-air Museum Petronell. Tel. +43 (0)2163/337 70,
Picasso: Peace and Freedom, 17 Sept.–25 Jan. 2011;
Michelangelo as a Draughtsman. Focus exhibition with some
Ardagger. Danube – Curse and Blessing, an interregional
100 of the master’s finest drawings, 8 Oct.–9 Jan. 2011.
exhibition about the significance of the Danube. 5 May –7
Tel. +43 (0)1/534 83-0,
Nov. Tel. +43 (0)7479/64 00,
Bank Austria Kunstforum. Frida Kahlo. Paintings and
Arnulf Rainer Museum. The Beginning is Always the
drawings by the Mexican artist, in the autumn.
Hardest. Early Works 1949–1961, to the end of March,
Tel. +43 (0)1/537 33 26,
Baden. Tel. +43 (0)2252/209 196 10,
Jewish Museum Vienna. Fritz Schwarz-Waldegg. Travels
into the Self and the World, until 25 Apr. Burgenland’s Forchtenstein Castle
Art/Brut Center Gugging. duo.! Anton Dobay – Oswald
Tel. +43 (0)1/535 04 31,
Tschirtner, to 14 Mar.; liberty.! – African- American artists,
Kunsthalle Vienna. 1989. End of History or Beginning of the to 14 Mar., Maria Gugging. Tel. +43 (0)676/841 18 12 00,
Future? Comments on a Paradigm Shift, to 7 Feb.
Tel. +43 (0)1/521 89-33,
Essl Museum – Present-Day Art. Max Weiler
Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vermeer. Major works of the (1910–2001). The Nature of Painting, 26 Feb.–22 Aug.,
painter Jan Vermeer, 26 Jan.–25 Apr. Klosterneuburg. Tel. +43 (0)2243/370 50-150,
Tel. +43 (0)1/525 24-4025,
Leopold Museum. Edvard Munch and the Uncanny. Works Lower Austrian Provincial Museum. Helga Philipp. The
by Munch, Ensor, Schiele and Kubin, until 18 Jan.; Joseph Poetry of Logic, to 24 May, St. Pölten.
Maria Olbrich. Some 300 exhibits by the architect of Vienna’s Tel. +43 (0)2742/90 80 90,
Secession, 10 June–27 Sept.
MZM Museumszentrum Mistelbach. Museum of the
Tel. +43 (0)1/525 70,
The new south wing of the Linz Castle Museum Weinviertel region. Special exhibition beginning of April;
Liechtenstein Museum. Radiance and colour. Glass and Hermann Nitsch Museum. Special exhibition in June,
porcelain from two private Viennese collections, to 12 Jan. Mistelbach. Tel. +43 (0)2572/207 19,

© H U B E R T S A T T L E R / S A L Z B U R G M U S E U M , K Ü N S T L E R S TA D T G M Ü N D , E D U A R D O M A RT I N E Z / K U N S T H A U S G R A Z , H A U S D E R V Ö L K E R S C H WA Z , R O L A N D S T E C H E R / J Ü D I S C H E S M U S E U M H O H E N E M S
Tel. +43 (0)1/319 57 67-251,
Schallaburg Castle. The 60s. Beatles, the Pill and
Revolts. Upheaval, provocation and technical sensations,
MUMOK. Interstices. La Colección Jumex, Mexico, to 7 Mar.; 1 May–1 Nov. Tel. +43 (0)2754/63 17,
Zoe Leonard. Photographs, to 7 Mar.

© B U R G E N L A N D T O U R I S M U S / S T E F A N O L U N A R D I , O B E R Ö S T E R R E I C H I S C H E L A N D E S M U S E E N , K U N S T H A L L E K R E M S , L E O P O L D M U S E U M , B R U N O E N G E L B R E C H T / A L B E RT I N A
Tel. +43 (0)1/525 00,
Austrian Galerie Belvedere. Herbert Boeckl. Retrospective Upper Austria
of one of the important representatives of Austrian Modernism,
ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER – Museum of the Future.
to 31 Jan.; Prince Eugene of Savoy. The cultural significance
The “New Views of Mankind” exhibition places the life
of the Austrian field marshal and his time, 12 Feb.–1 June.
sciences in the foreground and examines how we perceive
Tel. +43 (0)1/795 57,
the world around us, to 2011, Linz.
Austrian Theatre Museum. Gustav Mahler and Vienna. The Säulenhalle of the Kunsthalle Krems
Tel. +43 (0)732/72 72-0,
Special exhibition marking Gustav Mahler’s 150th birthday, 11
Mar.–3 Oct. Tel. +43 (0)1/525 24-3460, Ennshafen. Danube – Curse and Blessing, an interregional
exhibition (see also Lower Austria/Ardagger)
Vienna Museum. Conflict and the City – Politics, the Arts
and Everyday Life in Vienna Around 1930, to 28 Mar. Provincial Exhibition 2010. Renaissance and Reforma-
Tel. +43 (0)1/505 87 47-0, tion, 27 Apr.–7 Nov., Parz Castle in Grieskirchen. Tel. +43
(0)7248/622 55 60,
Burgenland The Other Toy. Special
Forchtenstein Castle. Princely Mort. Exhibition on exhibition, 30 Apr.–17 Dec., Wels.
the hunting tradition of the Esterházys, 1 Apr.–31 Oct., Tel. +43 (0)7242/706 49,
Forchtenstein. Tel. +43 (0)2626/812 12, Lentos. Asta Gröting. Solo exhibition of the artist with works from sculptures to video films, 25 Feb.–9 May, Linz.
Dorfmuseum Mönchhof. Open-air museum, Tel. +43 (0)732 7070 3600,
The Leopold Museum in Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier
cultural-historical collection, Mönchhof. OK Offenes Kulturhaus Upper Austria. Oscar Munoz.
Tel. +43 (0)2173/806 42, The first major solo exhibition of the South American artist
Esterházy Palace. Haydn explosive. The exhibition in the German-speaking region, to 17 Jan., Linz.
commemorating the Haydn Year can still be experienced in Tel. +43 (0)732/78 41 78-0,
2010, Eisenstadt. Tel. +43 (0)2682/630 04-36, Linz Castle Museum. Golden Horizon. The golden handcrafts of the nomads of the Ukraine, 22 Mar.–22 Aug.,
Halbturn Castle. Fashion. From mammoth fur to the Linz. Tel. +43 (0)732/77 44 19-0,
miniskirt, April to October‚ Halbturn.
Tel. +43 (0)2172/85 77, Salzburger Land
Cathedral Museum of Salzburg. Faith and Superstition.
Lackenbach Castle. Interactive nature museum examines Amulets, Medals and Pilgrimage Souvenirs, 14 May–26
the habitats of forests, fields, rivers and lakes, Lackenbach. Oct. Tel. +43 (0)662/80 47-1860,
Tel. +43 (0)2619/200 12, The Albertina in Vienna


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 30 30.10.2009 11:51:30 Uhr

Haus der Natur – Museum for Nature and Neue Galerie Graz. Universal Museum Joanneum.
Technology. The Neanderthals in Europe, and How We Tel. +43 (0)316/82 91 55,
Humans Evolved, to November, Salzburg.
Austrian Sculpture Park. Sculptures in nature, 25
Tel. +43 (0)662/84 26 53,
Apr.; Spring Opening Fest, 12 Sept.; Late-Summer Fest,
Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg. Arnulf Rainer. Unterpremstätten. Tel. +43 (0)316/80 17-9704,
Female. From the artist’s early over-drawings of
photographs to over-painted digital prints, to 7 Feb.;
Eggenberg Castle. Exemplary – Archduke Johann. The
Summit Meetings of Modernism. The Winterthur, Museum
Medals and Decorations of Archduke Johann, to 11 Apr.,
of Art, 27 Feb.–30 May, Salzburg.
Eggenberg Castle. Tel. +43 (0)316/58 32 64-9532;
Tel. +43 (0)662/84 22 20,
Museum der Moderne Rupertinum. Circus. A Children’s
Admont Abbey. Play Admont. An exhibition of the
Exhibition, 23 Jan.–2 May; Wilhelm Thöny. 30 Jan.–9 May,
Cosmoramas in the Panorama Museum Salzburg regionale10. Visitors become explorers, discoverers and
Salzburg. Tel. +43 (0)662/84 22 20,
game partners of art, from 3 June–7 Nov., Admont.
Tel. +43 (0)3613/23 12-601,
Residenzgalerie Salzburg. The Full Splendour. Paintings
Folk Life Museum. Universal Museum Joanneum.
in the Residenzgalerie in Salzburg, to 7 Feb.; Alpine
Human Conditions, May to October, Graz.
Landscapes. From the cultural-historical perspective to the
Tel. +43 (0)316/80 17-9899,
interplay between art and tourism, in summer.
Tel. +43 (0)662/84 04 51-0, Tirol
Salzburg Museum. Josef Stoitzner (1884–1951).
Ehrenberg European Castle Museum. On the trail of the
Landscapes – Still Lifes – Interiors, 30 Jan.–30 May,
knights – the newly renovated Castle Museum with four
Kunsthalle | Neue Residenz; The Festival turns 90. An
castles and ruins is one big hands-on medieval museum,
exhibition in cooperation with the Salzburg Festival, 17
Reutte. Tel. +43 (0)5672/620 07,
Jul.–3 Oct. Tel. +43 (0)662/62 08 08-700, Galerie im Taxispalais. Kristine Roepstorff. Collages by
Fritz Russ Hausgalerie in the Artist Town of Gmünd the Danish artist with objects from the Haus der Völker in
Carinthia Schwaz, 7 Feb.–4 Apr., Innsbruck. Tel. +43 (0)512/508-
© H U B E R T S A T T L E R / S A L Z B U R G M U S E U M , K Ü N S T L E R S TA D T G M Ü N D , E D U A R D O M A RT I N E Z / K U N S T H A U S G R A Z , H A U S D E R V Ö L K E R S C H WA Z , R O L A N D S T E C H E R / J Ü D I S C H E S M U S E U M H O H E N E M S

Heinrich-Harrer-Museum. Cultures, Discoveries,

Haus der Völker. China’s Heritage, 10 Jan.–20 May,
Encounters. Hüttenberg. Tel. +43 (0)4263/81 08,
Schwaz. Tel. +43 (0)5242/660 90,
Bruck Castle Museum. Bats – The Secret Hunters of the
Carinthian Provincial Museum. Bats – Hunters of the
Castle Pond, 22 May–24. Oct. Tel. +43 (0)4852/625 80,
© B U R G E N L A N D T O U R I S M U S / S T E F A N O L U N A R D I , O B E R Ö S T E R R E I C H I S C H E L A N D E S M U S E E N , K U N S T H A L L E K R E M S , L E O P O L D M U S E U M , B R U N O E N G E L B R E C H T / A L B E RT I N A

Night. Special exhibition, to 31 Dec.; Berber – Morocco’s
Woven Carpets, March to June, Klagenfurt.
Tel. +43 (0)50 536/305 99, Ambras Castle. Nozze italiane. Austrian archduchesses in
Museum Liaunig. Collection of contemporary art and gold 16th-century Italy, summer, Innsbruck. Tel. +43 (0)1/525
objects of the Akans. Special exhibition: Austrian Art 1945– 24-4802,
1980. Beginning of May to end of October, Neuhaus. Swarovski Crystal Worlds. Sankalpa. Film and
Tel. +43 (0)4356/211 15, The Iron House and Kunsthaus Graz architecture merge in this light show installation created by
Carinthian Museum of Modern Art. Contemporary Shekhar Kapur and David Adjaye, until autumn, Wattens.
Photography. New Positions from Austria, to 31 Jan., Tel. +43 (0)5224/510 80,
Klagenfurt. Tel. +43 (0)50/53 63 05 42, Tirolean Folk Art Museum. Exhibition on the subject of
Werner Berg Museum. Werner Berg & Kiki Kogelnik, pain, starts in May, Innsbruck. Tel. +43 (0)512/594 89-
May, Bleiburg. Tel. +43 (0)4235/21 10-27, 510, Tirol Provincial Museum Ferdinandeum. Rudi Wach:
works from 1997, 29 Jan.–25 Apr.; Peter Willburger – solo
Styria exhibition, 19 Mar.–23 May; Brenner Archive’s 100th birth-
day, 11 June–19 Sept.; Max Weiler – The Public Works,
regionale10. “In the middle on the edge.” Festival of 18 June–24 Oct., Innsbruck. Tel. +43 (0)512/594 89,
contemporary art and culture presented at various venues,
examining the many ways in which culture and everyday
life connect with and permeate each other, from June to Vorarlberg
Voodoo ship in the Haus der Völker, Schwaz in Tirol
mid-August, Liezen district. Tel. +43 (0)676/848 119 119, Kunsthaus Bregenz. Antony Gormley. Horizon Field. A
solo exhibition and landscape project are planned.
Open-Air Museum Stübing. Rural Austrian traditions,
Tel. +43 (0)5574/ 48594-0
exhibition of farm buildings, adventure day on 26 Sept.
Tel. +43 (0)3124/537 00, Angelika Kauffmann Museum. Schwarzenberg,
Angelika Kauffmann and Music. Tel. +43 (0)5512/264 55,
Kunsthaus Graz. Universal Museum Joanneum. Robot
Dreams, 11 Sept.–9 Jan. 2011; Franz West, 24 Sept.–9
Jan. 2011. Tel. +43 (0)316/80 17-9200, werkraum depot. Thursday 5–7:30pm, Schwarzenberg, exhibition of handmade furniture and other objects from the
Bregenzerwald region, from tables and chairs to shoes and
MuseumsCenter Kunsthalle Leoben. Robert Potutsch-
chests. Tel. +43 (0)5512/263 86,
nig. The watercolourist frequently bases his works on
historic postcards, 12 Mar.–9 Apr., Leoben. Jewish Museum Hohenems. Tel. +43 (0)5576/73 98
Tel. +43 (0)3842/406-408, Exhibition in the Jewish Museum in Hohenems 90, 31

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 31 30.10.2009 11:51:51 Uhr


Exhibitions Egon Schiele (1890–1918). The Expressionist painter Egon Schiele, along with Gustav
Klimt and Oskar Kokoschka, is one of the most important artists of the “Wiener Moderne”
Vienna school. His talent was discovered at an early age, and when he was only 16 he was accepted
at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts. Aside from his self-portraits, Schiele was famous primarily

The Imperial Collections of the Habsburgs

Kunsthistorisches Museum: The Kunsthistorisches
Museum, with its breathtaking art treasures, counts among
the world’s most important museums. Peerless major works
by great masters from Rubens to Dürer as well as the largest
Brueghel collection in the entire world make a visit to this
museum an unforgettable experience.
Imperial Treasury: In the oldest part of the Hofburg you will
find the extraordinary treasures of the Habsburgs, such as the
Austrian Imperial Crown, the crown of the Holy Roman Empire,
and some of Empress Elisabeth’s original jewellery.
Combined ticket “The Treasures of the Habsburgs”, valid
for the Kunsthistorisches Museum, incl. the Neue Burg and
Imperial Treasury
Adults € 18 / groups of 10 or more € 14 per person
Kunsthistorisches Museum and Neue Burg. A-1010 Wien,
Maria-Theresien-Platz, daily except Mo. 10am–6pm, Thur. 10am–9pm
Imperial treasury. A-1010 Wien, Hofburg, Schweizerhof,
daily except Tue. 10am–6pm

Information & bookings.

Tel. +43 (0)1/525 24-4031
[email protected]


T he baroque palace in the heart of Vienna, once the summer residence of the
famed field marshal and art enthusiast Prince Eugene of Savoy, is one of the
world’s most important museums.
Upper Belvedere
This world-famous gallery boasts the world’s largest Gustav Klimt
collection, including famous pictures such as “The Kiss” and “Judith I”.
Gold and rich ornamentation make these paintings the epitome of the Viennese
“Jugendstil” and a magnet for all Klimt devotees.
Lower Belvedere and Orangery
Here you can view the splendid state apartments of Prince Eugene as well as
outstanding special exhibitions with works by international artists.
Combined ticket: adults € 13.50 (Groups of 10 or more: per person € 10.50)
(Upper Belvedere, Lower Belvedere, Orangery, Palace Stables, Augarten
Exhibition highlight 2010: Prince Eugene of Savoy.
Lower Belvedere, 12 February to 6 June 2010

Information. Belvedere, A-1030 Wien

Oberes Belvedere: Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
daily 10am–6pm, Unteres Belvedere: Renn-
weg 6, daily 10am–6pm, Wed. 10am–9pm
Tel. +43 (0)1/795 57-134, [email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 32 30.10.2009 11:52:02 Uhr


for his nudes, which depicted almost exclusively women and children. His works fetched very high prices
at international auctions. Schiele’s pictures hang in the world’s most important museums, with the largest
collection of his works found in the Leopold Museum, in Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier.

The Natural History Museum

T he Natural History Museum is one of the most magnificent buildings
on Vienna’s Ringstrasse and contains one of the world’s largest
natural history collections. The historic architecture with its timeless
elegance provides the ideal setting for the presentation of valuable
minerals and precious stones, dinosaur skeletons, rare stuffed animals
and even living animals. For anyone wanting to experience Vienna from a
unique perspective, the guided tours of the collection’s history and of the
museum’s rooftop are a must. Historic rooftop tours in German: Wed. at
5pm and 6:30pm, Sun. at 2pm and 4pm. English tour: Sun at 3pm.

Information & bookings.

Naturhistorisches Museum
A-1010 Wien, Burgring 7
Tel. + 43 (0)1/521 77, fax: ext. 395
[email protected]
The Albertina
S ituated in the very heart of Vienna, the Albertina combines imperial
flair with great art masterpieces. In addition to the 21 Habsburg
Staterooms, outstanding special exhibitions and impressive art works

from the “Masterworks of Modern Art” collection are presented.

Until 10 Jan. 2010
Impressionism. Painting Light
This exhibition provides a spectacular look at the world of French
Impressionism, with some 130 paintings by 45 artists, including Courbet,
Caillebotte, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Pissarro, Signac, Van Gogh,
Degas and Lautrec.
MAK – Tradition & Experiment 12 Feb. – 24 May 2010

A t the MAK – Vienna’s Museum for Applied Art – applied and

contemporary art are brought into a dialogue with each other in
an inimitable way and presented between the poles of tradition and
By Order of the Emperor. Jakob and Rudolf von Alt
22 Jan. – 16 May 2010: Andy Warhol
experimentation. The study collection displays highlights of the applied 8 Oct. 2010 – 9 Jan. 2011: Michelangelo as a Draughtsman
arts from the Middle Ages to the present day, architecture projects of the Some 100 of Michelangelo’s finest drawings can be seen in this focus
20th /21st centuries and examples of contemporary art. The MAK also exhibition.
offers a superb exhibition programme that has made it one of Europe’s
Daily: 10am–6pm, Wednesday 10am–9pm
most innovative art institutions. Tuesday is MAK NITE © 10am–midnight,
Wed.–Sun. 10am–6pm, closed Mon. Free admission every Saturday! Combined ticket (exhibition & Staterooms): € 9.50

Information. Information & bookings.

MAK – Österreichisches Museum für Albertina
angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst A-1010 Wien, Albertinaplatz 1
A-1010 Wien, Stubenring 5 Tel. +43 (0)1/534 83-555
Tel. +43 (0)1/711 36-0 [email protected]
[email protected], 33

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 33 30.10.2009 11:52:26 Uhr

ARE ra ry ar t an d ar ch ite ct ur e in Vi en na ’s pu ls at in g
cu ltu ra l
et ” en tit le s yo u

En jo y co nt em po ju st on e tic ke t. Th e “a rti ck W ), in th e
w ay : w ith ru m W ie n (A z
ce nt re th e ea sy e Ar ch ite kt ur ze nt
ex hi bi tio ns in th (M U M O K) .
ad m is si on to al l e M us eu m of M od er n Ar t
W ie n an d in th
Ku ns th al le

f c o n te m porary art
A triple se rv in g o n,
3 institutions, 1 tic
inester, 2002
© Gregor Schwe

Richard Mc. Lea
Rustler Charger,
© VBK Wie n 20 09

© Pez Hejduk K
Az W, a_schau, Kunst, © MUMO
Museum Moderner

Thomas Draschan.
ror, 2008,
Film still from: Ter
© the artist
um Wien,
© Pez Hejduk
d the place to go
pr em ie r ar ch ite cture museum an nt ur ie s” , to ur s to
ia’s 20th and 21st Ce
The Az W is Austr
rz entrum Wien. strian Arch ite ctu re in th e
e world of ar ch ite cture.
Az W – Architektu
t ar ch ite ctu re an d building: pe rm an en t
ex hib
itio ns
ition “a_show: Au
on ex citing topics an d ou tst an di ng
– 18
rsonalities from th
. 2010 | Work Gr
oup 4. Bu ild ing in th e
learn abou mporary ex rope. 22 Oct. 20 09 Sept. 2010
ng architecture, te ban Phenomena in Southeast Eu he Award 2009.
2009. 24 Jun.– 13
examples of striki ctu re an d Ur . M ie s va n de r Ro
w Archite of Europe the history of
Balkanology. Ne y 2010 ı Best Gain insights into e MUMOK
Fore gr ou nd (19 50 – 1970). 04 Mar. – 31 Ma
r Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Vienna. modern and cont
empo ra ry ar t. Th
useum Moderne
ombly. Until
gest museum for rre nt trends. Cy Tw
MUMOK – M Au str ia’ s lar we ll as cu Zoe
st centurie s in and pop ar t as – 14 Feb. 2010 |
er na tio na l ar t of the 20th and 21 m, Viennese Actionism, Fluxus, 10 | Ge nd er Check. 13 Nov. 2009 Oct. 2010
local and int al Modernis Oct. 2009 – 07 Ma r. 20
Kowanz. 25 Jun. –
nt works of Classic Jumex, Mexico. 16 2010 | Brigitte
presents importa es. Works from the La Colección d Te le vis io n. 05 Mar. – 06 Jun.
terstic Channels. Art an ocative
26 Oct. 2009 | In 2010 | Changing ry art shows prov
ar d. 04 De c. 2009 – 07 Mar. ha ll fo r in te rn at ional contempora ia. Ot he r pr og ramme
ro qu e fa ca de the exhibition an d in sta lla tio ns to new med
t af te r 19 45.
ien. Behind its ba video, film, Austrian ar
KUNSTHALLE w esent day, with hi
ghlig ht s ra ng in g fro m photography,
nt contemporary
artists an d sig ni fic an t contributions in
Art Clips. 6 Nov. 20
09 – 10 Ja n. 20 10 ı Tr op icalia.
works from the pr ted to retrospectives of importa 10 ı Vi de orama. Austrian as a St ud io . 25 Jun. – 10 Oct. 20
en ts ar e de di ca Fu tu re ? Un til 07 Fe b. 20
ui at . Th e St re et
elem the 10 ı Basq
ry or Beginning of Mar. – 30 May 20
1989. End of Histo Lives and Works in Vienna III. 05 at
y 2010 ı w.kunsthallewien.
28 Jan. – 02 Ma
–1 0p m , Tl f.: +4 3 1 521 89-33, ww
pm, Thurs. 10am ,
en Daily 10am–7 , Tlf.: +43 1 525-00
KUNSTHALLE wi Th ur s. 10 am –9 pm
am–6pm, 15,
MUMOK Daily 10 , Tlf.: +43 1 522 31
Da ily 10 am –7 pm
Az W

€ 19.50
+ = the vienna con

artickets available at the museum ticket offices and at selected Vienna hotels. Museumsplatz 1, im MuseumsQuartier, A-1070 Wien.

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 34 03.11.2009 9:36:06 Uhr

VALIE EXPORT. The Linz-born artist works primarily with the media film and
photography, frequently using her own body as the focal point. With her works, Valie Export
has made a significant contribution to present-day feminist art, and she is represented in
major museums and collections all over the world.

Leopold Museum
T he Leopold Museum is a unique trove of treasures from
the Viennese “Jugendstil” period, the Wiener Werkstät-
te and Expressionism.

As the most frequently visited museum in the city’s most

popular cultural centre, the MuseumsQuartier, it houses
the world’s largest and most important Egon Schiele
collection as well as masterworks by the founder of
Vienna’s Secession, Gustav Klimt.

The Leopold Museum also displays one-of-a-kind objects


from the Wiener Werkstätte by artists such as Josef Hof-

mann and Koloman Moser, works that are regarded as
some of the most remarkable in the history of design.

Baroque meets the modern age: The architecture of the

museum forms a fantastic contrast to the former imperial
stables that surround it, with its cube-like form and façade
of white shell limestone.

Tip: The museum’s panorama windows afford a tremen-

Information & bookings.
dous view of Vienna’s city centre, including the Maria
Leopold Museum im MuseumsQuartier
Theresien Platz and the Hofburg. A-1070 Wien, Museumsplatz 1
Tel. + 43 (0)1/525 70-1529
Opening times: daily except Tuesday 10am–6pm
[email protected]
Thursday 10am–9pm, closed on Tuesday.

Austrian Museum of Military History Frida Kahlo

M ilitary and war
history, tech-
nology and science,
I n autumn 2010 the Bank Austria Kunstforum presents the first
comprehensive exhibition of Frida Kahlo’s works in Austria. Kahlo’s art
is inseparable from her life
art and architecture story. Paintings and drawings
blend together in are the reflection of a life
Vienna’s Museum shaped by politics and physical
of Military History to and emotional suffering. The
create an exceptional bulk of Frida Kahlo’s artistic
experience. In this legacy is found in Mexico and
building, the city’s the US, and it is from these
oldest museum struc- countries that most of the
ture, one can trace the history of the Habsburg Monarchy from the end of major works come to Vienna
the 16th century to 1918 and the fate of Austria on up to 1945. This de- for this show. In view of the
piction of Austrian history spotlights the role of the army and the country’s dearth of Kahlo’s oeuvre in
military past on the high seas. European collections, this
exhibition can be regarded as
The museum is open daily von 9am to 5pm. Admission is free on the first nothing less than a sensation
Sunday of each month. for Vienna.

Information & bookings. Heeresge- Information & bookings.

schichtliches Museum, A-1030 Wien, Bank Austria Kunstforum, A-1010
Arsenal, Tel. +43 (0)1/795 61-0
Fax: +43 (0)1/795 61-1017707
Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien, Freyung 8, Tel. +43 (0)1/537
33 26, fax: +43 (0)1/537 33 18
[email protected] [email protected] 35

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 35 30.10.2009 11:52:54 Uhr

Exhibitions Michael Haneke. With films like “The Piano Teacher”, “Code Unknown”, “Time of the
Wolf” and “The White Ribbon”, the Austrian film director and screenwriter Michael Haneke
Vienna / Styria (born 1942) has received international acclaim and innumerable awards. Haneke, who teaches
directing at Vienna’s Institute for Film and Television, orients his films toward “provocation

Künstlerhaus Vienna
V ienna’s
Künstlerhaus is
an exhibition space
rich in tradition. It
was built in 1868
directly on Karlsplatz
as the centre for
exhibitions and social
Universal Museum Joanneum
life for Austria’s
oldest and largest
M agnificent castles and splendid works of art, time travels and
outings in the countryside, traditional Styrian customs and faraway
lifeworlds: in Austria’s largest universal museum, over four million
artists’ association. Today the Vienna Künstlerhaus pursues an exhibition
objects at locations all over the province of Styria invite guests to embark
programme that focuses on architecture, fashion, interdisciplinary
on a fascinating voyage of discovery!
theme exhibitions, international collaborations as well as exhibitions by
* Kunsthaus Graz
* Eggenberg Castle with the Alte Galerie,
The Künstlerhaus Vienna is a platform for contemporary art and Coin Cabinet and Archaeology Museum
**Provincial Armoury
culture in Austria. It is Vienna’s exhibition space for discourse and
* Folklife Museum
* Trautenfels Castle Hunting Museum and
experimentation. Agricultural Museum at Stainz Castle
*Austrian Sculpture Park
Opening times: daily 10am–6pm, Thurs. until 9pm
* Roman Museum Flavia Solva

Information. Information & bookings.

Künstlerhaus Universalmuseum Joanneum
A-1010 Wien, Karlsplatz 5 Tel. +43 (0)316/80 17-9200
Tel. +43 (0)1/587 96 63 for groups: ext. 9251, fax: ext. 9253
Fax: +43 (0)1/587 87 36 [email protected]
[email protected],


Welcome to the valley of history
T he Austrian Open-Air Museum in Stübing, located near the
Styrian city of Graz, is among the ten largest open-air museums
in Europe and one of a kind in Austria, displaying some 100 original
rural residential and farm buildings from all over Austria. These
historic structures, arranged according to province and integrated
harmoniously into the surrounding nature reserve, have many


enthralling stories to tell about the life of our rural ancestors over
the past six centuries. Following a burbling brook, one strolls past
a fascinating variety of examples of Austrian rural architecture,
with their farm gardens, animals and fields. Along the way you can
also watch people doing traditional chores like making thatched
roofs, splitting shingles, tying fences, harvesting the crops, and
much more. Craftspeople make regular visits here, and they are
happy to let visitors look over their shoulders while they work. A
visit to the Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing is not only a relaxing
experience for the entire family; it also offers exciting opportunities
for rediscovering old skills and knowledge about farm traditions that
have been all but forgotten.

Information & bookings. Österreichisches Freilicht-

museum Stübing, A-8114 Stübing
Tel. +43 (0)3124/537 00, fax: ext. 18
[email protected],
Opening times: 1 Apr. to 31 Oct., Tue.–Sun. 9am–5pm
(admission until 4pm). Mon. from 1 May to 15 Sept.!


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 36 30.10.2009 11:53:17 Uhr

and dialogue instead of consumption and consensus”. His focus as a film director is providing his actors
with guidance and ensuring realistic and emotional credibility in every scene he shoots. Although Michael
Haneke has a strong affinity for classical music, he uses music very sparingly in his films. Utilising music as
Lower Austria
background accompaniment, as he explains, would contradict his realistic concept of filmmaking.

5e Museum in Rothschild Castle Waidhofen/Ybbs

L ower Austria’s interactive family museum: in a remarkably
harmonious balance, the five elements of fire, water, earth, wood
and metal have throughout history determined the life of the inhabit-
ants of the Eisenwurzen region. The history of the city of Waidhofen/
Ybbs reflects this heritage and presents it to visitors in Rothschild
Castle’s 5e Museum. The exhibition is provided with a playful element
with fifty experiments that give both young and old the opportunity to
deepen their knowledge in a fun, interactive manner.

Waidhofen an der Ybbs – The city of towers

The charm and flair of the historic centre of Waidhofen an der Ybbs
make a visit to this small city very worthwhile. This picturesque area
is ideal for strolling, shopping and, of course, for enjoying a very
special museum experience.

Opening times 5e Museum

May to October, Tue. to Sun., 9am–6pm (admission until 5pm)
Open November to April for groups by appointment

Information & brochures. Tourismusbüro

A-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs, Schlossweg 2
Tel. +43 (0)7442/51 12 55
Fax: +43 (0)7442/51 12 59
[email protected]

Schmidatal’s journey through time

S chmidatal, a valley in the western part of Lower
Austria’s Weinviertel region, has been shaped by a
millennia-old history. Fascinating examples of this legacy
include the mysterious circle ditches, the imposing
Radetzky Memorial, and historic architectural gems such
as the Konzerthaus Weinviertel and the town square of


The Oldtimer Museum Heldenberg and the summer

home of the Spanish Riding School complement the
programme perfectly.
An extensive network of cycling, hiking and riding paths
gives visitors a close-up view of the region and its
Look for your Tree of Life in Schmidatal’s Tree Circle,
explore winding lanes lined with wine cellars, enjoy a
guided walk through a reedy marsh or experience the
traditional Schmidatal Körndlfest.
Let yourself be pampered by the hospitality of the
Schmidatal! Comfortable rooms, culinary delights of the Information & bookings.
region and outstanding local wines are only a few of the Landschaftspark Schmidatal
A-3704 Kleinwetzdorf, Wimpffen-Gasse 5
good reasons to linger in Schmidatal! Tel. +43 (0)2956/812 40, fax: ext. 20
[email protected] 37

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 37 30.10.2009 11:53:32 Uhr

Exhibitions Franz Wiegele. The Carinthian painter Franz Wiegele (1887–1944), along with
Sebastian Isepp, Anton Kolig and Anton Mahringer, founded the so-called “Nötsch Circle”.
Upper Austria This group of artists championed the principle of colourism, thus making an important
contribution to the emergence of an independent Austrian Expressionism. In 1907 Wiegele

Ars Electronica Center Lentos Art Museum Linz

T he Ars Electronica
Center – The “Museum
of the Future”, located in
T he Lentos Art Museum
Linz is today one of
Austria’s most important
the provincial capital, Linz, museums for modern and
offers extraordinary journeys contemporary art. With its
of discovery for all ages. The seductively austere exposed
“New Views of Mankind” concrete elements, and
exhibition focuses on the glass surfaces that bend the
science and technology of life, examining how we perceive the world city skyline, it has establis-
around us and raising questions concerning biotechnology and robotics. hed itself as a city landmark.
“Artists, Creators, Engineers” takes a look at our modern media-based The internationally renowned
society. In “Deep Space” you can experience far-away, unknown and art collection contains works by Klimt, Scheele, Corinth, Modersohn-
historical places and objects relating to cultural heritage and art history, Becker, as well as representatives of the most current art trends.
projected onto mammoth 16x9-metre displays and accompanied by 2D
and 3D sound. Guided highlights tours: 60 to 90 minutes. With presentations of new additions to its collection and special
Price: admission € 7/€ 4; tours € 3/€ 2 exhibitions focusing on prominent personalities from Asta Gröting and
Opening times: Tue., Wed., Fri. 9am–5pm, Thurs. 9am–9pm, Sa. and Valie Export to Siegfried Anzinger, the Lentos Art Museum Linz promises
Sun. 10am–6pm challenging and stimulating encounters with art again in 2010.

Information. Ars Electronica Information. Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

Center Linz, A-4040 Linz A-4020 Linz
Ars-Electronica-Straße 1 Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1
Tel. +43 (0)732/72 72-0 Tel. +43 (0)732/70 70-3600 or 3614
[email protected] Fax: +43 (0)732/70 70-3604 [email protected],

Art, culture and cyberspace in Linz

I f you are not familiar with Linz, now is the best time to
discover Upper Austria’s capital city. Linz was not only
Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2009; it has also developed
from a grey, drab industrial city into a colourful, vibrant


cultural centre. Linz is now a modern, dynamic city with a
high quality of life. The entire city is a stage for theatre, film,
music, cabaret and much more. Experience a modern and
cosmopolitan city that enchants guests with its diversity,
design and creativity. Visit one of the many museums and
discover contemporary art, history or nature. Experience
the exciting digital worlds of the famous Ars Electronica
Center, and then slow the pace down with a boat ride on the
Danube, a stroll through the historic city centre, or enjoy a
piece of delectable Linzer Torte in one of Linz’s outstanding

Event highlights for 2010:

21–24 January 2010 European Handball Championships
11 April 2010 OMV Linz Danube Marathon
22–24 May 2010 LinzFest Information and bookings.
22–24 July 2010 24th Internat. Pflasterspektakel Linz Tourist Information Linz
A-4020 Linz, Hauptplatz
4/12 Sept. 2010 Visualised / Classical Cloud of Sound
Tel. +43 (0)732/70 70-2009
[email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 38 30.10.2009 11:54:01 Uhr

went to Vienna to attend the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1912 he and Anton Kolig travelled together to Paris, and
then on to Holland, Morocco and Algeria. The turmoil of the First World War ultimately took him to Switzerland,
where he created his most important work, “Die Grüne” (“The Green”). In 1925 Franz Wiegele returned to the
Carinthian town of Nötsch, where he continued painting his light-saturated and passionate pictures.

The fine arts of Carinthia

C arinthia’s southern light, the charming landscape with its mountains
and lakes, and the influence of three cultures have since time
immemorial influenced and inspired artists such as Kiki Kogelnik,
Werner Berg and Maria Lassnig. Numerous exhibition spaces, including
the Werner Berg Museum, the Museum of the Nötsch Circle, the
Carinthian Museum of Modern Art and the lively artist town of
Gmünd, present exhibitions by Austrian and international artists in historic
buildings, public spaces and artists’ studios.
In lovely sculpture gardens, nature is adorned with exquisite art works, like
in the Galerie Judith Walker and in the renaissance castle of Ebenau
im Rosental. The Noric Art Region Klein St. Paul is now the home of
the “Museum für Quellenkultur”, where artist Werner Hofmeister goes
“back to the roots”, creating his sculptures using materials from the region,
such as iron and concrete.
In the Austrian province of Carinthia, a number of different aspects come
together in a “picturesque” manner: the lovely Carinthian landscape, the
region’s southern flair and the fine arts. All of these things make Carinthia a
wonderful place for visitors to explore, linger and enjoy.
Order the Carinthian “KULTURMagazin – Kärntens schönste Seiten” (in
German), with many valuable tips.
Carinthian Museum of Modern Art
T he Carinthian Museum of Modern Art, located in the middle of the
provincial capital, Klagenfurt, is one of the leading centres for modern
and contemporary art in the entire Alpine-Adriatic region. Housed in
Klagenfurt’s “castle”, the museum’s exhibition area of approximately
1,000m² provides space for solo and theme exhibits of works by young
as well as established regional, national and international artists. The
“Blickwechsel” series offers a glimpse into the museum’s extensive art
collection, which features works by Anton Kolig, Herbert Boeckl, Maria
Lassnig, Arnulf Rainer, Hans Staudacher, Hans Bischoffshausen, Kiki
Kogelnik, Bruno Gironcoli and, representing the younger generation, Hans
Schabus, Heimo Zobernig and Zenita Komad. The “Burgkapelle” art space

is available to young artists for projects, while the arcade on the upper floor

houses a permanent exhibition of objects and sculptures. The museum

places great emphasis on the communication of art, offering a varied
education and event programme for all age groups and giving visitors the
opportunity for an informative and creative encounter with modern art.
After Work – Evening Museum: each Thursday (except holidays)
admission to the museum is free from 6–8pm, including a guided tour of
the current exhibition at 6:30pm!
Cre.Art.iv-programmes for the entire family even during the holidays!
New: 5+ Workshops for kids five and older
12+ Workshops for youth 12 and older
All dates at:
Opening times: Tue.–Sun. 10am–6pm, Thurs. 10am–8pm, holidays until 6pm

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Kärnten Information MMKK – Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten
A-9220 Velden, Casinoplatz 1 A-9020 Klagenfurt, Burggasse 8/Domgasse
Tel. +43 (0)463/30 00 Tel. +43 (0)50/53 63 05 42
[email protected] [email protected] 39

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 39 30.10.2009 11:54:11 Uhr

Exhibitions Birgit Minichmayr. She is currently the most highly praised actress in Austria. The
impulsive Upper Austrian (born 1977) is a brilliant and compelling presence, be it on the
Burgenland stage in Karl Schönherr’s “Weibsteufel”, in films such as Wolfgang Murnberger’s 2009
thriller “Der Knochenmann”, or as a singer joining in on a duet with Campino, the lead singer

Esterházy Palace
E sterházy Palace is Burgenland’s most important cultural monument and
served as the main residence of the noble Esterházy family for over 300
years. The magnificent rooms, with their splendid furnishings, make the
princely past come alive and give visitors insights into life at the Esterházy

In 2010 an exhibition about the family history of the Esterházy’s will be

presented. A tour of the palace shows highlights like the famous Haydn Hall
– not only acoustically one of the best concert halls in the world, but also the
place where Joseph Haydn performed many of his works for the first time –
as well as the rooms of the main floor and the Empire Hall, the former dining
room of the noble family.

“Haydn explosive”
This multi-media exhibition, which opened in the Sala terrena of Esterházy
Palace on the occasion of the Haydn Year 2009, can still be experienced in
2010. This show makes it clear that the story of Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
is by no means a dull and musty one; it is more like the life of a musical
Information & brochures. Schloss Visitors to this exhibition can experience Joseph Haydn and his time as an
Esterházy, Esterházy Privatstiftung overall work of art. Imposing sound and video animation, contemporary art
A-7000 Eisenstadt, Esterházyplatz 5 and never-before-seen objects from the Esterházy Collection make the world
Tel. +43 (0)2682/630 04-36
of the princely family and the musical life of Joseph Haydn come alive.
[email protected]

Lackenbach Castle
T his renaissance structure is one of the oldest seats of the Esterházy
family. Expanded in recent years to include a modern building
complex, Lackenbach Castle has developed into a cultural hub of Central
Burgenland and is one of the performance venues of the Weinklang
Festival. The music presented at “Weinklang” ranges from medieval


songs to contemporary sounds. The musical pleasures are rounded off

Forchtenstein Castle by fine wines and culinary delights from the province of Burgenland as


well as exhibitions of local artists.

O n one of the foothills of the Rosaliengebirge mountain range looms

mighty Forchtenstein Castle. Never captured during the Ottoman
Wars, this castle served as a safe for the priceless family treasures of the
A building adjoining the castle complex houses an interactive nature
museum that examines the habitats of forests, fields, rivers and lakes
from various perspectives.
Esterházys, which can now be viewed by visitors. Highlights include the Opening times: Sept. to Jun., 9am–4pm and July to August, 9am–5pm
mysterious Treasury, the Ancestral Halls – a fascinating journey through
the history of the princely family – and the “Princely Mort” exhibition,
which explores the centuries-old hunting tradition of the Esterházys.
Also open to visitors is Austria’s largest private armoury and weapon
collection, the former Zeughaus.
Opening times: 1 April to 31 October, daily 10am–6pm

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Burg Forchtenstein Schloss Lackenbach
A-7212 Forchtenstein A-7322 Lackenbach
Tel. +43 (0)2626/812 12 Tel. +43 (0)2619/200 12
[email protected] [email protected]


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 40 30.10.2009 11:54:40 Uhr

of the legendary German band Die Toten Hosen. Birgit Minichmayr was awarded the Silver Bear at the 2009
Berlinale as Best Actress for her leading role in the film “Alle Anderen”. 2010 will mark Minichmayr’s debut
as the Paramour in the Salzburg Festival’s perennial production of “Everyman”.

Swarovski Crystal Worlds

A water-spouting giant that magically lures visitors
into its interior, where Chambers of Wonder
ignite beacons of imagination, has been successful in
becoming a globally recognised work of art in just a few
years while attracting more than eight million visitors to
date. The uniqueness of Swarovski Crystal Worlds is the
dream dreamt – the material avowal of a corporation to
the diversity of ideas that are unleashed by their material
of creation, ultra-brilliant crystal.

Originally a gift to the company’s employees, collectors,

customers and partners in honour of the 100th
anniversary of the founding of Swarovski in 1995,
Swarovski Crystal Worlds, conceived by acclaimed
Austrian artist André Heller, have become a place where
people from different backgrounds take pleasure in
their astonishment that is every bit as multi-faceted,
spontaneous and unadulterated as crystal itself.

Information & bookings.

Swarovski Kristallwelten
A-6112 Wattens
Tel. +43 (0)5224/510 80, fax: ext. 3831
[email protected]

Nature Park Region Reutte

C rystal-clear Alpine lakes, craggy mountain peaks, challenging high-elevation hiking
paths, demanding mountain-bike trails, knights’ tournaments and royal palaces: Tirol’s
Nature Park Region Reutte impresses with its great variety of cultural and recreational
attractions directly on the border to Bavaria.

The Ehrenberg Historical Sound and Vision can be experienced every Tue. and Thur.
from 5pm. Follow in the footsteps of the knights, and experience hands-on history in the

Ehrenberg European Castle Museum. The new adventure playground makes the medieval
experience exciting even for children. Bavaria’s royal castles of Neuschwanstein and
Hohenschwangau are only about 15 km away, and Reutte’s historic town centre is a great
place for a leisurely stroll. Hikers and mountaineers will enjoy the splendid 1,700 m-high
hiking area served by Reutte’s cableways, featuring an Alpine flower garden and an Alpine
barefoot hiking path.

23–25 July 2010: “Ehrenberg – the journey through time” * Roman Games and Knights’
Tournaments – a fantastic trip back in time
3 Jul.–21 Aug. 2010: The musical “Knight Rüdiger in the Starry Grotto”
17 –19 Sept. 2010: Fall roundup in Lechaschau – some 1000 sheep are herded down to the valley

Information & bookings.

Naturparkregion Reutte
A-6600 Reutte, Untermarkt 34
Tel. +43 (0)5672/623 36, fax: ext. 40
[email protected] 41

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 41 30.10.2009 11:54:52 Uhr

Cultural institutions Alfred Hrdlicka. The Viennese sculptor (born 1928) attracted international attention
in 1964 when he, along with Herbert Boeckl, represented Austria at the Biennale in Venice.
Tirol / Upper Austria / Hrdlicka, whose political views were shaped at an early age by his communist father, uses
Salzburger Land his medium to reflect the balance of power in the world. In his works – such as the Memorial

KHM Ambras Castle Exciting encounters

Ferdinand II
(1529–95), one of
M any Austrian cities and villages have succeeded in creating an
intriguing dialogue between historic structures and contemporary
architecture. An example is the Lower Austrian city of Krems. The medi-
the most important eval town centre faces the modern Kunsthalle, whose structural shell is
art patrons of the artfully integrated into a former tobacco factory from the 19th century.
Habsburg family, The astounding thing is: the building fits in perfectly with the overall look
founded the Ambras of the surroundings. The city of Wels provides another example of a suc-
collections in the cessful symbiosis between old and new: the former Minorite Monastery
renaissance Ambras (see picture below) was revitalised in such a way that the building com-
Castle. Open to plex reflects the structure’s history from the Roman times to the modern
visitors year-round era. And in the process a unique event venue was created: concerts,
are the three Chambers of Armour, the Chamber of Art and Curiosities readings and conferences are now held in this former Gothic church.
and the Spanish Hall. Between 1 Apr.–1 Nov. the Portrait Gallery of
the Habsburgs and the collection of Gothic altar wings can also be
viewed. Special exhibition in summer 2010: “Nozze italiane. Austrian
archduchesses in 16th-century Italy.”
Opening times:
daily 10am–5pm, in August until 6pm, closed from 2 to 30 November

Information & appointments for

guided tours. KHM Schloss Ambras
A-6020 Innsbruck, Schlossstraße 20

© R O L A N D S C H L A G E R / A PA / P I C T U R E D E S K . C O M , K H M S C H L O S S A M B R A S , T O U R I S M U S B R A U N A U A M I N N , S A L Z B U R G M U S E U M , T O U R I S M U S V E R B A N D W E L S / H O F L E H N E R
Tel. +43 (0)1/525 24-4802
[email protected]

Salzburg Museum
S ince 2007, the Salzburg
Museum has been housed
in the magnificent Neue Re-
sidenz and outfitted with an
entirely new concept, which in
2009 earned it the “European
Experience Braunau am Inn Museum of the Year Award”.
Precious art objects, aesthetic
T here is great diversity in the attractive offerings of this 750-year-old city
on the Inn River. Narrow, winding streets, and age-old squares, imposing
buildings, historic art treasures and the “Vorderbad”, the medieval bathhouse
presentation and an exciting
conceptual approach combine
that now serves as a museum, all shape the Gothic cityscape and spark the to make a harmonious whole.
visitors’ interest to learn more about the area’s turbulent history. The city’s Permanent exhibitions:
landmark is the parish church of St. Stephan, boasting one of Austria’s
tallest steeples. The “Gugg”, the Culture Centre of the city of Braunau, is the ** Salzburg Personalities
The Salzburg Myth
supraregional meeting place of the cultural scene.
2010: Braunau am Inn 750-Year Celebration * Treasury, Archaeology and
Middle Ages

2012: Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition “Wittelsbachs and Temporary special exhibitions
Habsburgs” The World of Children with “Wolf Dietrich”

Information & bookings. Information. Salzburg Museum | Neue

Tourismus Braunau am Inn Residenz, A-5010 Salzburg, Mozartplatz 1
A-5280 Braunau am Inn, Stadtplatz 2
Tel. +43 (0)7722/626 44, fax: -14 Tue.–Sun. 9am–5pm, Thurs. 9am–
[email protected] 8pm, July, August and December also Mon. 9am–5pm


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 42 30.10.2009 11:55:04 Uhr

Cultural institutions
against War and Fascism on Vienna’s Albertinaplatz and the unfinished antiwar memorial in Hamburg – Styria
Alfred Hrdlicka deals with the dark sides of human behaviour, including war, violence and fascism. The artist
adheres to a pictorial-expressive style in his sculptures, paintings and works of graphic art, and has always
resisted abstract elements.
© R O L A N D S C H L A G E R / A PA / P I C T U R E D E S K . C O M , K H M S C H L O S S A M B R A S , T O U R I S M U S B R A U N A U A M I N N , S A L Z B U R G M U S E U M , T O U R I S M U S V E R B A N D W E L S / H O F L E H N E R

Graz. Cultural Capital

T he large arena in which the people of Graz stage their lives is the
historic town centre with its renaissance core, which has been declared * springfestival, Austria’s largest festival for electronic art and music,
now in its 10th year, again transforms Graz into a pulsating metropolis
a World Cultural Heritage Site. This delectable titbit of medieval urban flair, of lively pop culture at the end of May.
with its unmistakable Italian influence, is artfully spiced with contemporary
architecture, which fits in a wonderfully natural way into the historic * The best and most creative chefs will descend on Graz in late spring
for the GourmetReise Festival. They come from all parts of the world
surroundings. The Kunsthaus and floating Mur Island, opened in 2003, and have one thing in common: they are the crème de la crème of the
when Graz was named Cultural Capital of Europe, are exemplary of a large international cooking elite and will transform Graz and all of Styria into
number of other structures in the city. the culinary hub of the world. From 29 May–5 June

This environment has proven to be fertile soil for the growth of a very busy
and high-quality cultural life: in addition to festivals such as the styriarte,
* The styriarte festival explores new approaches to old music – which is
very much in the spirit of its artistic director Nikolaus Harnoncourt. 25
June–25 July
Jazz Summer, Serenata, steirischer herbst, La Strada and Elevate, Graz
also has an active design scene. * Jazz also reigns supreme in the Styrian capital. This is evidenced by a
variety of high-quality events, first and foremost the Jazz Summer:
The city’s music and theatre offerings are also world-class: the Graz Opera all-star jazz in large venues at small prices. From 8–31 July
and the Schauspielhaus are recognised and admired all over the country for
their high quality, while at the same time serving as a friendly competitor to * At the annual La Strada festival of street and puppet theatre, held in
July, street artistry takes centre stage, aiming to make the entire city of
the large number of free experimental theatres and music groups. Graz laugh, wonder and reflect. 30 Jul.–7 Aug.

A special tip for our guests who want to sample not only the cultural
delights of the Styrian capital but also the culinary pleasures: there is
* Each year the steirischer herbst brings the latest art trends to the
city. 23 Sept.–17 Oct.

plenty to discover and try here – after all, in August 2008 Graz became the This selection of festivals represents only a few of the outstanding cultural

first city to be awarded the title of “Austrian Capital of Delight”! events scheduled for 2010.

* On 30 January the annual Graz Opera Ball will prove to be a sensual

feast for all visitors who enjoy sophisticated entertainment in an elegant Information & bookings.
Graz Tourismus
atmosphere. And what could serve as a more appropriate setting than
Tel. +43 (0)316/80 75-0
one of Europe’s loveliest opera houses? [email protected] 43

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 43 30.10.2009 11:55:17 Uhr

Vienna Wendy & Jim.
Wendy & Jim. The fashion team of Helga Schania and Hermann Fankhauser launched its own
fashion label in 1997, calling it Wendy & Jim. By 1999, these two former students of Helmut
Lang were attracting international attention with their designs at the Hyères fashion and

Elegant – traditional – personal

Experience the art and joie de vivre of Vienna!:
T he Best Western Premier Kaiserhof is situated in a quiet location in the
historic centre of Vienna. A large number of Vienna’s most important
sights are only a few minutes’ walk away: the State Opera, the Hofburg, * Two nights in one of our Superior double rooms

the Theater an der Wien, the Konzerthaus, the magnificent Ringstrasse, * Imperial buffet breakfast with sparkling wine

the Naschmarkt and two of the city’s most elegant shopping areas: the
* A fruit basket and bottle of frizzante in your room
Kärntnerstrasse and the Ringstrassen-Galerien.
* Tickets for a one-day Vienna Sightseeing Tour (“hop-on, hop-off”)
The 76 stylish rooms and suites represent a sympathetic combination
* Tickets for the Hofburg. Visit the Imperial Apartments, the Silver Collec-


of turn-of-the-century architecture and state-of-the-art amenities. tion and the impressive Sisi Museum
The comfortable, air-conditioned rooms are equipped with WLAN and
broadband Internet and furnished with the finest of decorative fabrics, * Coffee and pastry in the famed Café Sacher

exquisite furniture and high-quality Kaiserhof beds. * A candlelight dinner (4-course set menu incl. aperitif)

* A Kaiserhof CD with “Vienna Classics”


Our excellent Kaiserhof breakfast buffet is known for its generous selection
and first-rate quality. The Hotel Bar and the Wintergarten offer comfortable
chairs for relaxing after a day of sightseeing, and in the evening you can Special Package Price:
enjoy a glass of fine wine or a small snack here, accompanied by soothing € 499 for two persons staying two nights in a Superior double room
piano music, before retiring to your room. € 699 for two persons staying two nights in one of our beautiful suites
Recharge your batteries in the Fitness Room, enjoy a steam bath or delight
in the warmth of the sauna and Sanarium, complete with coloured-light
therapy. Information & bookings.
Experience the art and culture of Vienna just as in the imperial days. Best Western Premier Kaiserhof Wien
A-1040 Wien
Explore the town and allow yourself to be inspired by the music capital of
Frankenberggasse 10
the world. In a word: enjoy your stay in our charming Hotel Kaiserhof in the [email protected]
enchanting city of Vienna.


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 44 30.10.2009 11:55:27 Uhr

photography festival in the south of France. Since 2004 they have presented their collections during the ready-to-wear Vienna / Styria
fashion weeks in Paris. Their avant-garde clothes are now sold in shops all over the globe, from Tokyo to New York to
Stockholm. With their fashion, Wendy & Jim strive for radical changes. Each garment is part of an overall theme, which
in itself answers solely to an aesthetic concept. Helga Schania and Hermann Fankhauser live and work in Vienna.

Hotel Ambassador **** Palais Erzherzog Johann

M usic, art and pleasure
– the luxurious Hotel
Ambassador has been an
T he Palais-Hotel Erzherzog Johann, situated in the heart of Graz,
directly on the city’s Hauptplatz, has always been known for its style,
cosiness and comfort. The flair of the former baroque palace is evident
inherent part of Viennese everywhere in its 60 premium
culture for over 100 year. rooms and suites, all individually
The hotel lies in the city’s styled while equipped with all
historic centre, surrounded the amenities one expects from
by innumerable historic and an upscale four-star hotel. A
cultural sights. The 86 rooms unique feature of the hotel is
are characterised by classic the theme rooms, such as the
style and modern luxury, Emperor Maximilian Room, the
providing hotel guests with the Sacher Masoch “Wanda” Suite
highest standards of comfort. and the Morocco Room. Also
In addition to selected antiques available to our guests are the
and 100-year-old parquet sauna with a sun terrace, an
floors, the Hotel Ambassador offers all the modern conveniences one infrared sauna, a fitness room,
expects of a modern deluxe hotel, from WLAN to cable/pay TV. and rooms for conferences and
The place to be – The place to live. events.

Information & bookings. Information & bookings.

Hotel Ambassador Palais-Hotel Erzherzog Johann
A-1010 Wien, Kärntnerstraße 22 / Neuer Markt 5 A-8010 Graz, Sackstraße 3–5
Tel. +43 (0)1/961 61-0 Tel. +43 (0)316/81 16 16, fax: 81 15 15
Fax: +43 (0)1/513 29 99 [email protected]
[email protected],

Rogner Bad Blumau

“O ne feels completely at home in this
landscape of hills and meadows: safe
and secure, contented, stimulated, curious and
charged with positive energy.”
(Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1997)

The colours of the rainbow, roofs planted with

grass and trees, round shapes and golden

domes invite visitors to enter a fairytale world in

which everything flows, supported by the power
of the hot springs, such as the extraordinary
Vulkania mineral spring. The natural brine con-
tent of this primeval sea elevates you and makes

you weightless. Guests will find innumerable

spots in and by the water offering solitude and
privacy, and can even enjoy an Ayurveda tradi-
tional Indian all-over oil massage. A bit of luxury,
in the middle of Styria. Pleasantly touching.

Information & brochures.

Rogner Bad Blumau
A-8283 Bad Blumau 100
Tel. +43 (0)3383/51 00-0
[email protected] 45

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 45 30.10.2009 11:55:44 Uhr

Austria at a glance
Hamburg Motorway
London Amsterdam
Motorway under construction
Berlin Motorroad

209 Warszawa
Bruxelles/Brussel Köln Motorroad under construction


International trunk road


Luxembourg 202 Praha Main connecting road




Strasbourg Nürnberg Regional trunk road Wernstein am Inn

29 233


358 7
147 Road numbering Schärding
356 München

126 Linz Wien Bratislava

175 St.
122 Pölten 52 252 Railroad

Bregenz Salzburg
Zürich Eisenstadt Obernberg am Inn Reicher
Genève Innsbruck Budapest Car ferry
Graz 423 Geinberg


158 International airport Ried


Lyon Braunau am Inn


154 Verona 141 Innk

Milano 26
9 53
10 Ljubljana 3 National border Inn
4 Zagreb Aspach Haag

Venezia 156 Maria Schmolln Lohnsburg

Genova Regional boundary Geretsberg a. K.

416 196 Eggelsberg



Narbonne Michael- Munderfing Frankenbu


Nice Beograd
St. Felix beuern Perwang
Firenze St. Pantaleon Lamprechts- a. G.
Lochen Vöcklamarkt
St. Georgen Mattsee Straß walchen
Sarajevo bei Salzburg hausen Berndorf

Oberndorf Seeham Neumarkt Oberhofen a. I.

Obertrum a. W.
Wallersee Henndorf Zell Atterse
Anthering am Moos
Roma Seekirchen/W. Straß
Bergheim HallwangThalgau A1 Ober-
Wals-Siezenheim Hof b. S. Mondsee wang
158 Mondsee
Anif/N. Ebenau Fuschl St. Gilgen
Großgmain Grödig Thurnberg a. S. St
Adnet Wolfgangs
Erl Puch b. H. Hintersee
Hallein Krispl-Gaißau Stro
172 Bad Vigaun
Niederndorf-Niederndorfberg Kössen Unken Bad Dürrnberg
Hinter- Ebbs Schwendt Kuchl St. Koloman B
Hörbranz thiersee
Bodensee Lochau Sulzberg Jungholz Vils Landl Kufstein Erpfendorf Waidring 178 Lofer Golling/ G
Salzach Scheffau
Riefensberg Tannheim schau
181 Steinberg Langkampfen Bad Scheffau Kirchdorf St. Martin b. Lofer
Wängle Lecha

Hard Lauterach Krumbach Reutte und Umgebung Achenkirch am Rofan Mariastein Häring a. W. K. Going St. Johann St. Ulrich a. P. Abtenau
Höchst Grän-Haldensee Branden- Kirchbichl i. T. St. Jakob i. H. Weißbach b. Lofer A10Werfen-
Hittisau Nesselwängle Höfen berg Ellmau Werfen
A14 Dornbirn
Lingenau Heiterwang
Achensee A12 Itter Söll Oberndorf Fieberbrunn 311 weng Lungötz
Weißenbach Kramsach n
Lustenau Schwarzenberg Egg Sibratsgfäll am Lech Bichlbach Pertisau In Kundl Wörgl Hopfgarten i. B.
Brixen i. T. a. W. K. 164 Hochfilzen Saalfelden Pfarrwerfen St. Martin/
Andelsbuch Maurach Rattenberg-Radfeld Kitzbühel Saalbach- Leogang Maria Alm Mühlbach/ Hüttau
Altach Bezau (Kleinwalsertal) Lermoos Jenbach Wiesing Brixlegg Filzmo
Hohenems Bizau Riezlern Vorder-/Hinter- Berwang Ehrwald Leutasch Wildschönau Westen- Kirch- Aurach Hochkönig
Koblach Götzis Mellau Bad Schnepfau hornbach Stanzach
Scharnitz Stans Buch 169
Alpbach dorf bg i. T. Viehhofen 164
Dienten Bischofs- Eben Radsta
Hirschegg 177 Vomp Kelchsau Hinterglemm Maishofen
Klaus Reuthe Au Mittelberg
Häselgehr Bschlabs Nassereith
Seefeld Schwaz- Schlitters Jochberg St. Johann i. P. hofen
Uttendorf- Piesen-Zell am See
189 Mieming Telfs-M.
Schoppernau Elbigenalp Reith Gnadenwald Pill Fügen-Fügenberg Goldegg
Rankweil Laterns Damüls-Faschina 200 INNS- Thaur Absam Terfens-Vomperb. Uderns
Wagrain Flachau Zauc
Fontanella Schröcken Holzgau Tarrenz Obsteig Mötz Hatting b. S. Stuhlfelden Weißsee dorf Taxenbach 311
Feldkirch Satteins Blons 198
Imst Rietz Zirl BRUCK Hall i. T. Weer-Kolsaß Ried i. Z. Wald- Bramberg Schwarzach i. P. -
Sonntag- Warth Bach
Silz Stams Inzing Götzens Rum Wattens/ Kalten- Stumm Königsleiten Niedernsill 168 Bruck a. d. G St. Veit i. P Kleinarl
Frastanz St. Gerold Ludesch Buchboden Steeg i. Lechtal Karrösten Haiming Kühtai Perfuss RinnVolders Wattenb. bach Aschau i. Z. Hollersbach Mittersill Embach Dorfgastein
Nüziders Bludenz Lech Igls Zell am Ziller Hippach Gerlos 165 Neukirchen Kaprun
Pettneu Flirsch Schönwies Arzl i. P. Roppen Oetz Axams Mutters Lans Aldrans Großarl
Nenzing St. Sigmund- Krimml a. G. Fusch a. d. G. Rauris
Braz Langen Zürs Schwendau 167
Bürserberg Bürs Stuben a. A. a. A. Pians Zams Wenns-Piller Haggen Gries SellrainMieders Schönberg Lanersbach Hainzenberg
S16 St. Anton- Landeck Jerzens 186 Nieder- i. Sellrain Mayrhofen Zederh
St. Anton i. M. Klösterle Fulpmes Bad Hofgastein Hüttschlag
Dalaas-Wald St. Christoph Strengen Fließ Praxmar Neustift Matrei-Mühl- Navis Finkenberg
Brand Vandans
am Arlberg Kauns- Umhausen thai 107 Muhr
Schruns See i. P. Ladis-Obladis bach-Pfons Bad Gastein
Tschagguns Fiss n Prutz Kaunerberg- Längenfeld Hintertux Sportgastein
Kappl 183 Steinach a. B.
St. Gallenkirch/ Serfaus In Gries im Trins A13 108
Gortipohl Innerpitztal Gries am Brenner Kolm- Böckstein
Ischgl 180 Ried im Oetztal Prägraten
Gargellen Spiss (St. Leonhard) Saigurn
188 Oberinntal Sölden -Hochsölden Virgen Matrei Heiligenblut
Gaschurn/ Pfunds (Feichten) Kals am
Partenen Galtür St. Veit i. O. Großglockner Großkirchheim Mallnitz
Kaunertal Flattach
i. D. M
Huben Obervellach
Nauders Hopf- Mörtschach 106
Vent St.Jakob Stall Kolbnitz-
garten i. D. Penk
in Defereggen Ainet Winklern Rangersdorf
Lienzer Mühldorf
Hochgurgl Dolomiten/ Lienz Iselsberg-Stronach A1
Innervillgraten Leisach-Burgfrieden Dölsach Möllbrücke
Außervillgraten Amlach Nikolsdorf Lendorf M
100 Thal-Assling Irschen Berg i. D. Steinfeld 100
Dellach i. D. Greifenburg WeißenseeSpittal/
Sillian Lind
Kartitsch 111 St. Lorenzen 110
Obertilliach Stocken
Lower Austria Lesachtal Kötschach- Dellach i. G. Weißbriach/
St. Gitschtal S
Mauthen Daniel Jenig
Kirchbach Hermagor/
Upper Austria Vienna Presseggersee

Austrian provinces
East Tirol


OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 46 30.10.2009 11:55:54 Uhr

Litschau Dobersberg
Raabs an der Thaya
Heidenreichstein 30 Drosendorf -
5 Zissersdorf Hardegg
an der Thaya Geras
Gmünd Hoheneich Retz Poysbrunn
Pernegg Seefeld-
41 Pulkau Kadolz
Schwarzenberg Klaffer a. Hochficht Moorbad Harbach 2 Laa an der Thaya Poysdorf
Weitra Horn 45 Haugsdorf
a. Böhmerwald Ulrichsberg Allentsteig Altenburg Eggenburg 46
Julbach Aigen Bad Großpertholz Rosenburg
Vordernebelberg Schlägl Leopoldschlag Rosenau Zwettl Krumau Gars am Kamp
Haslach a. d. Mühl a. Kamp Ravelsbach Mistelbach 49
Peilstein Rainbach Sandl Groß Gerungs 34 Hollabrunn
Oberkappel St. Stefan a. Walde Liebenau Rastenfeld
Rohrbach 36 Schönberg Kleinwetzdorf S3 6 Bad Pirawarth
Freinberg Vichtenstein Lembach 38 Bad Leonfelden Rapottenstein am Kamp
i. Mühlkr. Altenfelden Freistadt Langenlois
Wernstein am Inn Engelhartszell/ Weitersfelden 124 Arbesbach Albrechtsberg Senftenberg 7
Neufelden St. Johann Hirschbach Hadersdorf -Kammern 4
Engelszell Hofkirchen i. M. 127 a. Wimberg Sallingberg Matzen-
Kefermarkt Dürnstein Stein Schloss Grafenegg Stockerau Wolkersdorf Raggendorf
Schärding Waldkirchen-Wesenufer Kirchberg Unterweißenbach Weißenkirchen S5
Hellmonsödt Reichenau Neumarkt
Diersbach Haibach o. d. D. i. Mühlkr. Königswiesen i. d. Wachau Krems an der Donau D
130 Aschach a. d. D. i. Mühlkr.
Schönau St. Georgen Mühldorf Stift Göttweig onau 19 A22 Korneuburg Gänserndorf
Natternbach St. Agatha Feldkirchen/D.-Bad Mühllacken 310 Spitz a. d. Donau Traismauer Bisamberg Strasshof
Bad Zell St. Thomas am Pöggstall Tulln Gugging 8
Obernberg am Inn Reichersberg
129 Prambach- Pupping 3
S33 S1 Deutsch Wagram
Peuerbach kirchen Ottensheim A7 Gallneukirchen Blasenstein Yspertal Weiten Schönbühel- Herzogenburg Sieghartskirchen Klosterneuburg
Windhaag Aggsbach Gutenbrunn 49
Geinberg 137 Eferding Mauthausen Waldhausen Maria Taferl Gablitz Purkers-
m Inn
Ried im A8 Grieskirchen
Wallern a. d. T.
Bad Kreuzen
3 Grein
Nöchling Marbach/D. Melk ST. PÖLTEN
Böheimkirchen Neulengbach
dorf WIEN Groß-Enzersdorf Niederweiden
141 Innkreis Bad 1 St. Pressbaum
Enns Nikola a. d. D. Ybbs/D. Pöchlarn Loosdorf Orth a. d. Donau Bad Deutsch an der Donau
Gallspach Schallerbach A25 Eichgraben A1 Wolfsgraben
A23 Altenburg
Aspach Haag am Hausruck
Wels St. Florian Wallsee Ardagger Schallaburg Pyhra Perchtoldsdorf Schwechat
47 Geboltskirchen Strengberg Markt Blinden- Wieselburg St. Leonhard a. F. S1 Petronell
Maria Schmolln Lohnsburg Amstetten Wilhelmsburg Brand- Breitenfurt Brunn am Gebirge Prellenkirchen Kittsee
Waldzell Wolfsegg markt Laxenburg Rohrau
g a. K. Ampflwang Lambach Haag Stadt A1
Laaben A21 Mödling A4
Mattighofen Wolfsegg Steyr Weistrach Aschbach Mkt. Neuhofen
Neuhofen/Y. Oberndorf Kilb Rabenstein Gumpoldskirchen
Sattledt Sierning Hainfeld Alland Bruck/L. A6
Munderfing Frankenburg Zell a. P. Bad Wimsbach- Bad 122 Steinakirchen Purgstall/Erlauf Kirchberg a. d. P. Traiskirchen Bruckneudorf Gattendorf
erwang 18 Altenmarkt/ 60
Vöcklamarkt Vöcklabruck Neydharting Kremsmünster Hall St. Ulrich b. St. St. Peter a. d. P. Baden Jois
Seitenstetten Ramsau Triesting
a. G. Lochen Randegg Lilienfeld Leitha- Winden/S. Neusiedl am See
Steinbach 121 Scheibbs Bad Vöslau Breitenbrunn
Waidhofen a. d. Ybbs Gresten Reinsberg Kleinzell
Mattsee Straß walchen 1
Seewalchen Laakirchen Gmös
a. d. St. Ternberg
Frankenfels 20
Hohen- Berndorf Leobersdorf
prodersdorf Weiden a. S. Nickelsdorf
Neumarkt Oberhofen a. I. Puchenstuben Rohr im Purbach
Schörfling Schlierbach 140
berg A3 Donners- 50
am N. Gols
a. W. St. Georgen i. A.
Gmunden Losenstein Ybbsitz Gaming Türnitz Gebirge Markt Piesting
A2 Hornstein kirchen Neusiedler Mönchhof
ersee Henndorf Zell Attersee Kirchdorf a. d. Kr. Großraming Gösing Neufeld/L.
am Moos Weyregg Altmünster Scharnstein 25 21
EISENSTADT Podersdorf Halbturn
hen/W. Straß Nußdorf a. A. a. Trauns. Molln 115 Opponitz Annaberg St. Aegyd Gutenstein Wöllersdorf Wiener Steinbrunn St. Mar- Oggau a. See Frauenkirchen
Reichraming Lunz Lackenhof Mitterbach Bad Fischau/Brunn Neustadt Trausdorf garethen See
HallwangThalgau A1 Ober-
Traunsee Micheldorf Weyer-Markt am See a. E.
am Neuwalde
Hirm St. Andrä a. Z.
Hof b. S. Mondsee wang Steinbach a. A. Traun- Grünau Klaus St. Sebastian Grünbach/S. Würflach S4 Siegendorf Rust Andau
158 Mondsee kirchen im Almtal Göstling Bad Pöttelsdorf Klingenbach Mörbisch Tadten
G Unterach Ebensee a.
Hollenstein a. d. Ybbs Mariazell Puchberg/
Neunkirchen Sauerbrunn a. See Apetlon Wallern
Ebenau Fuschl St. Gilgen a. Attersee Traunsee a. d. Ybbs Schneeberg Mattersburg
Thurnberg a. S. Windischgarsten Rosenau Gußwerk Reichenau Wiesen Pamhagen
St. Wolfgang Laussa
Adnet Wolfgangsee Vorderstoder Palfau an der Rax Payerbach Pitten Forchtenstein Loipersbach i. B.
Hintersee 24 Gloggnitz Enzenreith Sieggraben
Krispl-Gaißau Strobl Bad Ischl Roßleithen Mürzsteg 23
Seebenstein Lacken-
Bad Vigaun Hinterstoder Gams b. Wildalpen Neuberg/M. Semmering S31
Altaussee Spital am Pyhrn St. Gallen 20 S6 Kirchberg a. W. bach
Grundlsee Landl Hieflau Mürzzuschlag Deutschkreutz
chl St. Koloman Bad Goisern Kobersdorf
s Hieflau Veitsch Feistritz a. W. Edlitz Raiding Horitschon
ing/ Tauplitz- Enn Aflenz Langenwang Großwarasdorf
Gosau Bad Aussee
Tauplitzalm Wörschach Liezen 146
Eisenerz St. Corona a. W. Krumbach Nikitsch
zach Scheffau Hallstätter See Kurort
Turnau Mitterdorf Krieglach Rettenegg Kirchschlag Stoob
Stainach Weißenbach bei Liezen Admont Tragöß Oberpullendorf

Abtenau Hallstatt Bad Mitterndorf Etmißl Kindberg S6 Markt Bad i. d. B. W.

A10Werfen- Obertraun Pürgg-Trautenfels Radmer 115 Alpl Mönichkirchen Lutzmannsburg
Aigen im Ennstal A9 Treglwang Allerheiligen Stanz i. M. St. Kathrein a. H. Schönau Piringsdorf Manners-
Werfen weng Lungötz St. Martin am Grimming Mönichwald Frankenau-
Irdning Vordernberg i. M. Ratten
Mitterberg Wald am Fischbach Friedberg dorf/R. Unterpullendorf
werfen St. Martin/Tennengeb. Ramsau a.
Gröbming Öblarn Donnersbach Kapfenberg Wenigzell Vorau Bernstein Locken-
Hüttau Dachstein Schoberpass Trofaiach haus. Klostermarienberg
lbach/ Filzmoos Pichl- Pruggern u r 72 Pinkafeld
hkönig M Bruck a. d. Mur Strallegg Neustift 50
Bischofs- Eben Radstadt Aich-Assach
320 Haus im Ennstal
Hohentauern Mautern St. Peter- a. d. L. Bad Tatzmannsdorf
Mandling Birkfeld Loipersdorf-
114 i. d. S. Freienstein Leoben Stadtschlaining
ann i. P. hofen Altenmarkt - Schladming Donnersbachwald
St. Johann
Grafendorf Kitzladen
Zauchensee Rohrmoos St. Michael St. Kathrein a. O. Pöllau Oberwart Rechnitz
Wagrain Flachau am Tauern St. Stefan Hartberg
Passail Anger Markt Allhau 63
Schwarzach i. P. - Seckau ob Leoben Stubenberg
St. Veit i. P Kleinarl
S36 Frohnleiten
Oberzeiring Fladnitz Weiz Puch a. See Kaindorf Großpetersdorf
rfgastein Litzelsdorf
Obertauern Pöls Spielberg S35
Semriach Maria St.
Großarl Oberwölz Knittelfeld Preding St. Johann Fieberbründl Magdalena Stegersbach Kohfidisch Deutsch Schützen-
167 Lessach Krakauebene Schöder Schönberg-
Weißpriach Fohnsdorf Pischelsdorf Bad Eisenberg
Zederhaus St. Peter am Lachtal Zeltweg Großlobming Gers- Waltersdorf
Burgau 57 St. Michael Bildein
n Hüttschlag Mariapfarr
Göriach Krakaudorf Kammersberg Kleinlobming Stübing St. Radegund St. Ruprecht 54 i. B.
St. Andrä i. L. St. Georgen- Judenburg dorf Bad Blumau Eberau
Bad Gastein Muhr Mauterndorf 96 77 a. d. Raab
Kukmirn Güssing
St. Michael Tamsweg St. Lorenzen Murau Mariahof St. Wolfgang-Kienberg Köflach Bärnbach Laßnitzhöhe Großwilfersdorf
i. L. Unternberg 97
ob Murau Neumarkt Obdach GRAZ Fürstenfeld Rudersdorf
Böckstein St. Lambrecht St. Marein Edelschrott 70 Voitsberg A2 Söchau 319 Eltendorf Heiligenbrunn
Margarethen i. L. Kreischberg Zeutschach 78 St. Peter Markt Hartmannsdorf
Thomatal- Ramingstein St. Johann o. H. Mantscha Kaag Loipersdorf
Rennweg/ Schönfeld Reichenfels Heiligenkreuz i. L.
Metnitz Dürnstein Ligist Riegersburg
Mallnitz Katschberg Pack 68
ttach Malta Innerkrems Turrach- Bad St. Leonhard Unterpremstätten Jennersdorf
Turracherhöhe Friesach Feldbach
Kremsbrücke Straßburg
317 Hüttenberg St. Stefan o. S. Lannach Bad Gleichenberg Fehring Minihof-Liebau
Penk Kolbnitz- Gmünd Turracherhöhe Micheldorf Bad Gams Stainz A9
Reißeck Althofen Guttaring St. Margarethen Wildon Neuhaus am Klausenbach
Ebene Reichenau Weitensfeld - 93 Gurk 76
Trebesing Bad 92 St. Nikolai im Sausal
Mühldorf A10 Flattnitz Kappel am Klein St. Paul Wolfsberg Trahütten Frauental 66
Möllbrücke Seeboden Kleinkirchheim Falkert- St. Andrä im Sausal-Höch
Sirnitz-Hochrindl Krappfeld Eberstein Klöch
Lendorf MillstätterMillstatt/See Patergassen
St. Veit/ St. Georgen am Längsee A2 St. Andrä
St. Martin i. S. Leibnitz
Berg i. D. Steinfeld 100 Feld am See 95 Gnesau St. Urban Schwanberg Kitzeck i. S. Ehrenhausen Gosdorf
See Glan Brückl im Lavanttal
FerndorfDDöbriach-Radenthein Launs-
D. Greifenburg WeißenseeSpittal/D.
Lind St. Peter i. Sulmtal Großklein
ra Arriach Feldkirchen 94 Liebenfels dorf Diex St. Paul Gamlitz
u Afritz Griffen Wies Mureck Bad Radkersburg
ach i. G. Weißbriach/
Stockenboi Fresach Bodensdorf Oss.i. See K. Glanegg im Lavanttal 69
Paternion Treffen a. O. Moosburg i. K. Maria Saal Völkermarkt Eibiswald Arnfels
Gitschtal Techelsberg Lavamünd Leutschach
Jenig St. Stefan Weißenstein Ossiach KLAGENFURT 70 80 N
rchbach Hermagor/ i. Gailtal Bad Bleiberg Landskron Velden/W. Pörtschach/W. Krumpendorf St. Kanzian a. K. Neuhaus Magdalensberg
Lantschach Villach A2 See Maria Wörth Eberndorf Bleiburg
Nötsch Warmbad Villach Rosegg Ebental
Nassfeld Schiefling Keutschach Gallizien 82
111 Drobollach Faaker Frög a. S.
91 Maria Rain
Arnoldstein See A11 Ludmannsdorf
Finken- Faak 85 St. Margareten Globasnitz Feistritz ob Bleiburg W O
stein am See St. Jakob Ferlach im Rosental
im Rosental Feistritz
im Rosental Bad Eisenkappel
Bad Vellach

1:1 400 000

0 10 20 30 40 50 km

© Ed. Hölzel, Wien 47

OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 47 30.10.2009 11:55:55 Uhr

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OEW_KULTUR_2010.indd 48 11.11.2009 10:34:14 Uhr

22 MAY – 20 JUNE 2010
Stunningly beautiful garden and parks in Baden, Bad Vöslau and Laxenburg are
the focus of this year’s Garden Festival. From 22 May to 20 June 2010 everything
revolves around gardens. In the course of these four weeks the three locations
will offer numerous activities and events appropriate to their history and
position. Baden’s theme is “Rose”, Bad Vöslau explores the subject of “Water”,
and Laxenburg looks at “Fun and Games of the Habsburgs”.

Rose Days
Rosarium in Doblhoff Park
Sat. 22 May to Sun. 20 June 2010

Baden Rose Festival

Saturday, 5 June, beginning at 11:30am
in Doblhoff Park Baden - a feast for all the senses

Open-Air Rose Ball

Saturday, 19 June 2010,
beginning at 7pm

Tourist Information Baden, Brusattiplatz 3, 2500 Baden bei Wien

Tel +43/2252/22600-600, fax +43/2252/80733, [email protected],,

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